The Tempest by William Shakespear

The Wreck of the Golden Mary by Charles Dickens

This etext was prepared from the 1894 Chapman and Hall “Christmas Stories” edition by David Price, email THE WRECK OF THE GOLDEN MARY THE WRECK I was apprenticed to the Sea when I was twelve years old, and I have encountered a great deal of rough weather, both literal and metaphorical. It has always

The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins

“What shall I see in my dreams to-night?” I thought to myself, as I put out the candle; “the woman in white? or the unknown inhabitants of this Cumberland mansion?”

The Two Destinies by Wilkie Collins

THE TWO DESTINIES by Wilkie Collins The Prelude. THE GUEST WRITES AND TELLS THE STORY OF THE DINNER PARTY. MANY years have passed since my wife and I left the United States to pay our first visit to England. We were provided with letters of introduction, as a matter of course. Among them there was

The Seven Poor Travellers by Charles Dickens

THE SEVEN POOR TRAVELLERS–IN THREE CHAPTERS by Charles Dickens CHAPTER I–IN THE OLD CITY OF ROCHESTER Strictly speaking, there were only six Poor Travellers; but, being a Traveller myself, though an idle one, and being withal as poor as I hope to be, I brought the number up to seven. This word of explanation is

The Queen of Hearts by Wilkie Collins

The Queen of Hearts by Wilkie Collins LETTER OF DEDICATION. ——— TO EMILE FORGUES. —– AT a time when French readers were altogether unaware of the existence of any books of my writing, a critical examination of my novels appeared under your signature in the _Revue des Deux Moudes_. I read that article, at the

The Perils of Certain English Prisoners by Charles Dickens and Wilkie Collins

This etext was prepared from the 1894 Chapman and Hall “Christmas Stories” edition by David Price, email CHAPTER I–THE ISLAND OF SILVER-STORE It was in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty- four, that I, Gill Davis to command, His Mark, having then the honour to be a private in

The New Magdalen by Wilkie Collins

THE NEW MAGDALEN by Wilkie Collins TO THE MEMORY OF CHARLES ALLSTON COLLINS. (9th April, 1873.) FIRST SCENE. The Cottage on the Frontier. PREAMBLE. THE place is France. The time is autumn, in the year eighteen hundred and seventy–the year of the war between France and Germany. The persons are, Captain Arnault, of the French
The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins

The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins

PROLOGUE THE STORMING OF SERINGAPATAM (1799) Extracted from a Family Paper I address these lines–written in India–to my relatives in England. My object is to explain the motive which has induced me to refuse the right hand of friendship to my cousin, John Herncastle. The reserve which I have hitherto maintained in this matter has

The Legacy of Cain by Wilkie Collins

Etext by James Rusk ( Italics are indicated by the underscore character The Legacy of Cain by Wilkie Collins To MRS. HENRY POWELL BARTLEY: Permit me to add your name to my name, in publishing this novel. The pen which has written my books cannot be more agreeably employed than in acknowledging what I owe

The Law and the Lady by Wilkie Collins

The Law and the Lady by Wilkie Collins NOTE: ADDRESSED TO THE READER. IN offering this book to you, I have no Preface to write. I have only to request that you will bear in mind certain established truths, which occasionally escape your memory when you are reading a work of fiction. Be pleased, then,

The Holly-Tree Inn by Charles Dickens

This etext was prepared from the 1894 Chapman and Hall “Christmas Stories” edition by David Price, email THE HOLLY-TREE–THREE BRANCHES FIRST BRANCH–MYSELF I have kept one secret in the course of my life. I am a bashful man. Nobody would suppose it, nobody ever does suppose it, nobody ever did suppose it, but I

The Frozon Deep by Wilkie Collins

THE FROZEN DEEP by Wilkie Collins First Scene–The Ball-room Chapter 1. The date is between twenty and thirty years ago. The place is an English sea-port. The time is night. And the business of the moment is–dancing. The Mayor and Corporation of the town are giving a grand ball, in celebration of the departure of