Produced by Jonathan Ingram, Barbara Tozier and PG Distributed Proofreaders THE MIRROR OF LITERATURE, AMUSEMENT, AND INSTRUCTION. VOL. 17, No. 486.] SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 1831. [PRICE 2d. * * * * * We wish the reader to consider this Engraving as the first of a Series of Illustrations of Windsor Castle, in which it will
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Vol 13 No 366 by Various
Produced by Jonathan Ingram and PG Distributed Proofreaders THE MIRROR OF LITERATURE, AMUSEMENT, AND INSTRUCTION. VOL. XIII, No. 366.] SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 1829. [PRICE 2d. * * * * * HARROW SCHOOL. To lofty HARROW now.–THOMSON. Harrow-on-the-hill was a place of some consideration, even before the foundation of the scholastic establishment which now forms its
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Vol 13 No 358 by Various
Produced by Jonathan Ingram and PG Distributed Proofreaders THE MIRROR OF LITERATURE, AMUSEMENT, AND INSTRUCTION. VOL. XIII, No. 358.] SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1829. [PRICE 2d. * * * * * YORK TERRACE, REGENT’S PARK. If the reader is anxious to illustrate any political position with the “signs of the times,” he has only to start
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Vol 13 No 357 by Various
Produced by Jonathan Ingram and PG Distributed Proofreaders THE MIRROR OF LITERATURE, AMUSEMENT, AND INSTRUCTION. VOL. XIII, No. 357.] SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1829. [PRICE 2d. * * * * * WARWICK CASTLE. The history of a fabric, so intimately connected with some of the most important events recorded in the chronicles of our country, as
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Vol 12 No 323 by Various
THE MIRROR OF LITERATURE, AMUSEMENT, AND INSTRUCTION. VOL. 12, No. 323.] SATURDAY, JULY 19, 1828. [PRICE 2d. * * * * * “It is intended that a large academy be erected, capable of containing nine thousand seven hundred and forty-three persons: which, by modest computation, is reckoned to be pretty near the current number of
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Vol 17 No 485 by Various
Produced by Jonathan Ingram, Barbara Tozier and PG Distributed Proofreaders THE MIRROR OF LITERATURE, AMUSEMENT, AND INSTRUCTION. VOL. 17, No. 485.] SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 1831. [PRICE 2d. * * * * * MOCHA. “_Bon pour la digestion_,” said the young Princess Esterhazy, when sent to bed by her governess without her dinner; we say the
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Vol 17 No 484 by Various
Produced by Jonathan Ingram, Barbara Tozier and PG Distributed Proofreaders THE MIRROR OF LITERATURE, AMUSEMENT, AND INSTRUCTION. VOL. 17, No. 484.] SATURDAY, APRIL 9, 1831. [PRICE 2d. * * * * * CORFE CASTLE. The annexed Engravings are an interesting page in the early history of our country, and deserve all the space we have
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Vol 16 No 474 by Various
Produced by Jonathan Ingram, Allen Siddle and PG Distributed Proofreaders THE MIRROR OF LITERATURE, AMUSEMENT, AND INSTRUCTION. VOL. XVI. No. 474.] SUPPLEMENTARY NUMBER. [PRICE 2d. * * * * * LORD BYRON. LETTERS AND JOURNALS OF LORD BYRON, WITH NOTICES OF HIS LIFE, BY THOMAS MOORE, Vol. ii. HIS SENSIBILITY. With the following melancholy passage
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Vol 17 No 490 by Various
Produced by Jonathan Ingram, David Garcia and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team. THE MIRROR OF LITERATURE, AMUSEMENT, AND INSTRUCTION. VOL. XVII, NO. 490.] SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1831. [PRICE 2d. * * * * * This crazy, but not unpicturesque building, was taken down in the autumn of last year, in forming an approach to the
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Vol 17 No 488 by Various
THE MIRROR OF LITERATURE, AMUSEMENT, AND INSTRUCTION VOL. 17, NO. 488.] SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1831. [PRICE 2d. * * * * * ST. GEORGE’S CHAPEL, WINDSOR. This venerable structure, as we explained in No. 486 of _The Mirror_, is situated in the lower ward or court of Windsor Castle. It stands in the centre, and
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Vol 17 No 483 by Various
Produced by Jonathan Ingram, Barbara Tozier and PG Distributed Proofreaders THE MIRROR OF LITERATURE, AMUSEMENT, AND INSTRUCTION. VOL. 17, No. 483.] SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1831. [PRICE 2d. * * * * * Here is a picturesque contrivance of Art to embellish Nature. We have seen many such labours, but none with more satisfaction than the
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Vol 17 No 489 by Various
Produced by Jonathan Ingram, David Garcia and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team. THE MIRROR OF LITERATURE, AMUSEMENT, AND INSTRUCTION. VOL. XVII, No. 489.] SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1831. [PRICE 2d. * * * * * ST. GEORGE’S HOSPITAL. All who enjoy the luxury of doing good (and who does not, in some way or other?) will