Quiet Talks with World Winners by S. D. Gordon

Produced by Distributed Proofreaders Quiet Talks with World Winners By S. D. Gordon Author of “Quiet Talks on Power,” “Quiet Talks About Jesus,” “Quiet Talks on Personal Problems,” Etc. Contents I. World-winning 1. The Master Passion 2. The Master’s Plan 3. The Need 4. The Present Opportunity 5. The Pressing Emergency 6. The Past Failure

Quiet Talks on Service by S. D. Gordon

QUIET TALKS ON SERVICE by S. D. GORDON Author of “Quiet Talks on Power” and “Quiet Talks on Prayer” 1906 Contents Personal Contact with Jesus: The Beginning of Service The Triple Life: The Perspective of Service Yokefellows: The Rhythm of Service A Passion for Winning Men: The Motive-power of Service Deep-Sea Fishing: The Ambition of

Quiet Talks on Prayer by S. D. (Samuel Dickey) Gordon

Produced by Distributed Proofreaders Quiet Talks on Prayer by S. D. Gordon Copyright, 1904, by Fleming H. Revell Company Contents I. The Meaning and Mission of Prayer 1. Prayer the Greatest Outlet of Power 2. Prayer the Deciding Factor in a Spirit Conflict 3. The Earth, the Battle-Field in Prayer 4. Does Prayer Influence God?

Quiet Talks about Jesus by S. D. Gordon

Produced by Distributed Proofreaders Quiet Talks about Jesus by S. D. Gordon Author of “Quiet Talks on Power,” and “Quiet Talks on Prayer” Contents A Bit Ahead I. The Purpose of Jesus. 1. The Purpose in Jesus’ Coming 2. The Plan for Jesus’ Coming 3. The Tragic Break in the Plan 4. Some Surprising Results