LORD’S LECTURES BEACON LIGHTS OF HISTORY, VOLUME XIV THE NEW ERA A Supplementary Volume, by Recent Writers, as Set Forth in the Preface and Table of Contents. BY JOHN LORD, LL.D., AUTHOR OF “THE OLD ROMAN WORLD,” “MODERN EUROPE,” ETC., ETC. PUBLISHERS’ PREFACE. In preparing the new edition of Dr. Lord’s great work, it has
Beacon Lights of History Volume 13 by John Lord
LORD’S LECTURES BEACON LIGHTS OF HISTORY, VOLUME XIII GREAT WRITERS. Dr Lord’s Uncompleted Plan, Supplemented with Essays by Emerson, Macaulay, Hedge, And Mercer Adam BY JOHN LORD, LL.D., AUTHOR OF “THE OLD ROMAN WORLD,” “MODERN EUROPE,” ETC., ETC. PUBLISHERS’ PREFACE. This being the last possible volume in the series of “Beacon Lights of History” from
Beacon Lights of History Volume 12 by John Lord
LORD’S LECTURES BEACON LIGHTS OF HISTORY, VOLUME XII AMERICAN LEADERS. BY JOHN LORD, LL.D., AUTHOR OF “THE OLD ROMAN WORLD,” “MODERN EUROPE,” ETC., ETC. PUBLISHERS’ PREFACE. The remarks made in the preface to the volume on “American Founders” are applicable also to this volume on “American Leaders.” The lecture on Daniel Webster has been taken
Beacon Lights of History Volume 11 by John Lord
LORD’S LECTURES BEACON LIGHTS OF HISTORY, VOLUME XI AMERICAN FOUNDERS. BY JOHN LORD, LL.D., AUTHOR OF “THE OLD ROMAN WORLD,” “MODERN EUROPE,” ETC., ETC. PUBLISHERS’ PREFACE. Dr. Lord’s volume on “American Statesmen” was written some years after the issue of his volume on “Warriors and Statesmen,” which was Volume IV of his original series of
Beacon Lights of History Volume 10 by John Lord
LORD’S LECTURES BEACON LIGHTS OF HISTORY, VOLUME X EUROPEAN LEADERS. BY JOHN LORD, LL.D., AUTHOR OF “THE OLD ROMAN WORLD,” “MODERN EUROPE,” ETC., ETC. CONTENTS WILLIAM IV. ENGLISH REFORMS. Social evils in England on the accession of William IV. Political agitations. Premiership of Lord Grey. Aristocratic character of the reformers. Lord John Russell. The Reform
Beacon Lights of History Volume 8 by John Lord
LORD’S LECTURES BEACON LIGHTS OF HISTORY, VOLUME VIII GREAT RULERS. BY JOHN LORD, LL.D., AUTHOR OF “THE OLD ROMAN WORLD,” “MODERN EUROPE,” ETC., ETC. CONTENTS. ALFRED THE GREAT. THE SAXONS IN ENGLAND. The early Saxons Their conquest of England Division of England into petty kingdoms Conversion of the Saxons The Saxon bishoprics Early distinguished men
Beacon Lights of History Volume 7 by John Lord
LORD’S LECTURES BEACON LIGHTS OF HISTORY, VOLUME VII GREAT WOMEN. BY JOHN LORD, LL.D., AUTHOR OF “THE OLD ROMAN WORLD,” “MODERN EUROPE,” ETC., ETC. CONTENTS. HELOISE. LOVE. Love, the flower of Eden The two Venuses of Socrates The Venus Urania The memory of Heloise cherished Her birth and education Her extraordinary gifts Her aspirations Peter
Beacon Lights of History Volume 6 by John Lord
The numbering of volumes in the earlier set reflected the order in which the lectures were given. In the current (later) version, volumes were numbered to put the subjects in historical sequence. LORD’S LECTURES BEACON LIGHTS OF HISTORY, VOLUME VI RENAISSANCE AND REFORMATION. BY JOHN LORD, LL.D., AUTHOR OF “THE OLD ROMAN WORLD,” “MODERN EUROPE,”
Beacon Lights of History Volume 5 by John Lord
The numbering of volumes in the earlier set reflected the order in which the lectures were given. In the current (later) version, volumes were numbered to put the subjects in historical sequence. LORD’S LECTURES BEACON LIGHTS OF HISTORY, VOLUME V THE MIDDLE AGES. BY JOHN LORD, LL.D., AUTHOR OF “THE OLD ROMAN WORLD,” “MODERN EUROPE,”
Beacon Lights of History Volume 9 by John Lord
LORD’S LECTURES BEACON LIGHTS OF HISTORY, VOLUME IX EUROPEAN STATESMEN. BY JOHN LORD, LL.D., AUTHOR OF “THE OLD ROMAN WORLD,” “MODERN EUROPE,” ETC., ETC. CONTENTS. MIRABEAU. THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. First act of the Revolution Remote causes Louis XVI Derangement of finances Assembly of notables Mirabeau; his writings and extraordinary eloquence Assembly of States-General Usurpation of
Beacon Lights of History Volume 4 by John Lord
LORD’S LECTURES BEACON LIGHTS OF HISTORY, VOLUME IV IMPERIAL ANTIQUITY. BY JOHN LORD, LL.D., AUTHOR OF “THE OLD ROMAN WORLD,” “MODERN EUROPE,” ETC., ETC. CONTENTS CYRUS THE GREAT. ASIATIC SUPREMACY. The Persian Empire Persia Proper Origin of the Persians The Religion of the Iranians Persian Civilization Persian rulers Youth and education of Cyrus Political Union
Beacon Lights of History Volume 3 by John Lord
LORD’S LECTURES BEACON LIGHTS OF HISTORY, VOLUME III ANCIENT ACHIEVEMENTS. BY JOHN LORD, LL.D., AUTHOR OF “THE OLD ROMAN WORLD,” “MODERN EUROPE,” ETC., ETC. CONTENTS. GOVERNMENTS AND LAWS. GREEK AND ROMAN JURISPRUDENCE. Governments and laws Oriental laws Priestly jurisprudence The laws of Lycurgus The laws of Solon Cleisthenes The Ecclesia at Athens Struggle between patricians