WORLD*** This Ebook was produced by Les Bowler, St. Ives, Dorset. A WOMAN’S JOURNEY ROUND THE WORLD, from Vienna to Brazil, Chili, Tahiti, China, Hindostan, Persia, and Asia Minor. BY IDA PFEIFFER. An unabridged translation from the German. PREFACE. I have been called, in many of the public journals, a “professed tourist;” but I am
A Visit to the Holy Land, Egypt and Italy by Ida Pfeiffer
This ebook was prepared by Les Bowler, St. Ives, Dorset. VISIT TO THE HOLY LAND, EGYPT, AND ITALY By Madame Ida Pfeiffer. Translated from the German by H. W. Dulcken. PREFACE BY THE VIENNA PUBLISHER For two centuries the princes and nations of the West were accustomed to wander towards the land of the morning.