Almost every New York painter of individuality and ability–in oil, water-color and miniature work–was represented adequately and creditably; the exhibit of sculpture was exceptionally fine; etching and engraving were exemplified by the ablest exponents of these branches of art, wood engraving by types of its highest expression; there was an excellent collection of works from the leading American illustrators, and noteworthy examples of the applied arts–of artistic handicrafts–by New York art workers were well in evidence. In architecture, while the exhibit was creditable, it might have been more comprehensive and representative; and the same might be said of the exhibit of mural painting. The latter, however, as readily may be understood, is extremely difficult of representation at an exposition–most of its examples having been executed in place, and only cartoons or photographs of achieved works usually being available for exhibition.
The members of the various Advisory Committees in charge of the organization of the group exhibits were as follows:
For Oil Paintings: Cecilia Beaux, J. Carroll Beckwith, J. G. Brown, Howard Russell Butler, William M. Chase, William A. Coffin, Frederick Dielman, R. Swain Gifford, H. Bolton Jones, John La Farge, Alexander T. Van Laer, Harry W. Watrous.
For Water Colors, Pastels and Lithographs: F.S. Church, Charles C. Curran, Francis C. Jones, Will H. Low, J.C. Nicoll, Will S. Robinson, Henry B. Snell.
For Miniature Painting: William J. Baer, Lucia Fairchild Fuller, Laura C. Hills.
For Sculpture: Daniel C. French, H.A. MacNeil, A. Phimister Proctor, Augustus Saint Gaudens, J.Q.A. Ward.
For Etchings and Engravings (other than wood engravings): Carlton T. Chapman, C.F. Mielatz, J.C. Nicoll, Alexander Schilling, James D. Smillie.
For Wood Engravings: George T. Andrew, Frank French, Henry Wolf.
For Drawings for Illustration: Henry S. Fleming, Charles Dana Gibson, Arthur I. Keller, Louis Loeb, Howard Pyle.
For Architecture: Grosvenor Atterbury, Arnold W. Brunner, Walter Cook, H.J. Hardenberg, John Galen Howard, C. Grant La Farge, Charles F. McKim, Henry Rutgers Marshall, George B. Post.
For Mural Painting: Will H. Low, George W. Maynard, Charles Y. Turner.
For Applied Arts: William Couper, John La Farge, Frederick S. Lamb, Louis C. Tiffany, Stanford White, Douglas Volk.
Harry W. Watrous, Chairman of Executive Committee, Ex-officio member of all committees.
_Exhibits of New York Artists Arranged by Groups, Together with the Number of Works Contributed, and Award, if Any, Received by Each_
_Paintings and Drawings_
_Oil Paintings_
Alexander, John W., 8. Gold medal
Anderson, Karl J., 1
Barse, George R., 1
Baylos, Zellna, 1
Beal, Gifford, 2. Bronze medal
Beaux, Cecilia, 3. Gold medal
Beckwith, Carroll, 3. Silver medal
Bell, Edward A., 1. Silver medal
Birney, W. V., 2. Bronze medal
Blakelock, R. A., 1
Blenner, Carle J., 2. Bronze medal
Blum, Robert F. (deceased), 1
Bogert, George H., 2. Silver medal
Borglum, Gutzon, 1
Brigham, W. Cole, 1
Bristol, J. B., 1
Brown, Ethelbert, 1
Brown, J. Francis, 1
Brown, J. G., 5
Brown, Matilda, 1
Bruce, Patrick Henry, 1
Brush, George de Forest. 1. Gold medal Burroughs, Bryson, 2. Bronze medal
Butler, Howard Russell, 2. Bronze medal Carlsen, Emil, 4. Gold medal
Carr, Lyell, 2. Bronze medal
Chapman, Carlton T., 2
Chase, William M., 7
Child, Edward B., 2
Church, Frederick S., 3. Silver medal Clark, Walter, 2. Silver medal
Coffin, William A., 2. Silver medal Collins, Alfred Q. (deceased), 2
Coman, Charlotte B., 2
Cooper, Colin C., 5
Cooper, Emma Lampert, 1. Bronze medal Cotton, Mrs. Leslie, 1
Couse, E. Irving, 3. Bronze medal
Cox, Kenyon, 1. Gold medal
Cox, Louise, 1. Silver medal
Crane, Bruce, 6. Gold medal
Crane, Frederick, 2. Bronze medal
Curran, Charles C., 4. Silver medal Curtis, Constance, 1
Curtis, Elizabeth, 1
Daingerfield, Elliott, 1
De Forest, Lockwood, 1
De Haven, Frank, 1. Silver medal
Denman, Herbert (deceased), 1
Dewey, Charles Melville, 2. Silver medal Dodge, W. de Leftwich, 2
Dougherty, Paul, 1
Drake, W. H., 1
Dufner, Edward, 3. Silver medal
Du Mond, Frank V., 6. Silver medal
Dustin, Silas S., 1
Eaton, Charles Warren, 4. Silver medal Emmett, Ellen, 2. Silver medal
Emmett, Lydia Field, 1. Silver medal Ericson, David, 1. Silver medal
Field, Edward Loyal, 1
Flagg, Montague, 1. Silver medal
Florian, Walter, 3. Silver medal
Foote, Will Howe, 1. Bronze medal
Foster, Ben, 3. Silver medal
Fournier, Alexis J., 3
Fowler, Frank, 3
Fromkes, Maurice, 1
Gauley, Robert D., 3. Bronze medal
Gay, Edward, 2. Bronze medal
Gifford, R. Swain, 3
Glackens, W. J., 1. Silver medal
Green, Frank Russell, 2. Bronze medal Groll, Albert L., 2. Silver medal
Guy, Seymour J., 4. Gold medal
Harrison, Birge, 5. Silver medal
Hart, Letitia B., 1
Hart, Mary T., 1
Hassam, Childe, 6. Gold medal
Havens, Belle, 1
Hawthorne, C. W., 1
Henri, Robert. 2. Silver medal
Henry, Edward L., 3. Bronze medal
Herzog, Louis, 2. Bronze medal
Hitchcock, Lucius W., 1. Bronze medal Hoeber, Arthur, 1
Homer, Winslow, 2. Gold medal
Howe, W. H., 3
Humphreys, Albert, 1
Huntington, Daniel, 1
Hyde, William H., 1
Inness, George, Jr., 2
Isham, Samuel, 3. Silver medal
Johnson, Eastman, 2. Gold medal
Jones, Francis C., 2. Silver medal
Jones, H. Bolton, 3. Gold medal
Jongers, Alphonse, 2. Silver medal
Kaufman, John F., 1
Kendall, Margaret, 1. Bronze medal
Kendall, W. Sergeant, 5. Gold medal Ketcham, Susan N., 1
Kline, William F., 2. Bronze medal
Kost, Frederick W., 2. Silver medal Lang, Charles M., 1
Lathrop, W. L., 1. Bronze medal
Lawson, Ernest, 2. Silver medal
Lee, Henry C., 1
Lee, Homer, 1
Leigh, W. R., 1
Lie, Jonas, 3. Silver medal
Linson, Corwin K., 2
Lippincott, W. H., 2. Bronze medal
Lockman, De Witt M., 1
Loeb, Louis, 2. Silver medal
Low, Will H., 5
Lucas, Alfred P., 1
Lyman, Joseph, 1. Bronze medal
McChasney, Clara T., 1. Bronze medal McCord, George H., 1. Bronze medal
McIlhenny, C. M. (deceased), 2
McLane, M. Jean, 2. Bronze medal
Marchand, J. N., 1
Marsh, Frederick Dana, 1. Bronze medal Maynard, George W., 2
Metcalf, Willard L., 3. Silver medal Miller, Charles H., 1
Millet, F. D., 1
Minor, Robert C. (deceased), 2
Mora, F. Luis, 1. Bronze medal
Moran, Thomas, 2
Moschowitz, Paul, 2. Silver medal
Mosler, Gustave H., 1. Bronze medal Mosler, Henry, 1
Murphy, J. Francis, 2. Silver medal Myers, Jerome, 2. Bronze medal
Mygatt, R. K., 1. Silver medal
Needham, C. Austin, 3. Bronze medal Newell, G. Glenn, 1
Nicoll, J. C., 3
Norton, W. E., 1
Ochtman, Leonard, 5. Gold medal
Palmer, Walter L., 2. Silver medal
Parton, Arthur, 2. Bronze medal
Perrine, Van Deering, 3
Poore, Henry R., 3. Silver medal
Porter, Benjamin C., 3. Silver medal Post, W. Merritt, 2
Potthast, Edward H., 3. Silver medal Prellwitz, Henry, 1. Silver medal
Questgaard, W., 1
Raught, J. W., 2
Rehn, F. K. M. 3. Silver medal
Reid, Robert, 3. Silver medal
Remington, Frederic, 1
Rice, W. M. J., 1
Robinson, Theodore (deceased), 4
Robinson, Will S., 2
Rook, Edward F., 5. Silver medal
Rouland, Orlando, 1
Sartain, William, 1
Saxton, John Gordon, 1. Bronze medal Schreyvogel, Charles, 1. Bronze medal
Schroeter, Alexander, 1
Schwill, William V., 3. Bronze medal Sears, Taber, 1. Bronze medal
Sewell, Amanda B., 3. Bronze medal
Sewell, Robert V. V., 1. Silver medal Sheppard, Warren, 1
Sherwood, M. C., 1
Shirlaw, Walter, 1. Silver medal
Shurtleff, R. M., 1. Bronze medal
Sieber, E. G., 1
Simmons, Edward E., 1
Smillie, George H., 1. Bronze medal Smith, De Cost, 1
Smith, W. Granville, 1
Snell, Henry B., 3. Silver medal
Steichen, Eduard, 2
Stokes, Frank W., 1
Talcott, Allen B., 4. Silver medal
Thorne, William, 3
Todd, Henry S., 1. Bronze medal
Tryon, D. W., 4. Gold medal
Turcas, Jules, 1. Bronze medal
Twachtman, J. H. (deceased), 3
Van Boskerck, R. W., 3. Silver medal Van der Veer, Mary, 1. Bronze medal
Van Laer, Alexander T., 3
Volk, Douglas, 3. Silver medal
Vonnoh, Robert W., 5
Voorhees, Clark G., 1. Bronze medal Walcott, H.M., 2. Silver medal
Walker, Horatio, 4. Gold medal
Walker, Henry Oliver, 2. Silver medal Watrous, Harry W., 2
Weber, F.W., 1
Weir, J. Alden, 2. Gold medal
Whittemore, W.J., 1
Whittredge, Worthington, 3. Silver medal Weigand, Gustav, 1. Bronze medal
Wiggins, Carleton, 4
Wiles, Irving R., 5. Gold medal
Wiley, Frederick J., 5. Bronze medal Woolf, S.J., 1
Wores, Theodore, 1
Wyant, A.H. (deceased), 3
Yates, Cullen, 1. Bronze medal
Total–Artists, 207; works, 423
_Water Colors and Pastels_
Annan, Alice H., 1
Barse, George R., 1
Beckwith, Carroll, 2. See “Oil Paintings” Bicknell, E.M., 1
Birney, W.V., 1. See “Oil Paintings” Blum, Robert F. (deceased), 2
Bridges, Fidelia, 1
Bristol, J.B., 1
Brown, J.G., 1
Budworth, W.S., 3
Butler, Howard Russell, 2. See “Oil Paintings” Chapman, Carlton T., 1
Chase, William M., 1
Clements, George H., 1
Clinedinst, B.W., 2
Colby, Josephine W., 1
Colman, Samuel, 1
Coman, Charlotte B., 1
Cooper, Colin C., 1
Cooper, Emma Lampert, 4. See “Oil Paintings” Crowninshield, Frederic, 1
Curran, Charles C., 1. See “Oil Paintings” Curtis, Constance, 1
Daingerfield, Elliott, 2
De Luce, Percival, 1
Dewey, Charles Melville, 2. See “Oil Paintings” Dewing, Thomas W., 8. Gold medal
Dielman, Frederick, 2
Drake, Will H., 1
Eaton, Charles Warren, 3. See “Oil Paintings” Edwards, George Wharton, 2
Fenn, Harry, 1
Foss, H. Campbell, 2
Foster, Ben, 1. See “Oil Paintings” Fry, G. T., 2
Gifford, R. Swain, 1
Gilbert, C. Allen, 3
Green, Frank Russell, 1. See “Oil Paintings” Greene, F. Stewart, 1
Guerin, Jules, 2. Silver medal
Hardenbergh, Elizabeth R., 1
Hassam, Childe, 3. See “Oil Paintings” Homer, Winslow, 1. See “Oil Paintings”
Hore, Ethel, 1
Isham, Samuel, 1. See “Oil Paintings” Jones, H. Bolton, 1. See “Oil Paintings” Keith, Dora Wheeler, 1
Keller, Arthur L., 3. Silver medal
Kinsella, James, 3
La Farge, John, 3. See “Commemorative Award” Liebscher, Gustav, 1
Linson, Corwin K., 3
Lippincott, W. H., 1. See “Oil Paintings” McCord, George H., 3. See “Oil Paintings” McIlhenny, C. M. (deceased), 1
McLane, M. Jean, 2. See “Oil Paintings” McChesney, Clara T., 1. See “Oil Paintings” Mora, F. Luis, 1. See “Oil Paintings”
Moran, Percy, 2
Newell, G. Glenn, 2
Nicholls, Rhoda H., 2. Bronze medal Nicoll, J. C., 2
O’Leary, Angela, 1
Ochtman, Leonard, 1. See “Oil Paintings” Of, George F., Jr., 1
Palmer, Walter L., 4. See “Oil Paintings” Platt, Alethea H., 2
Post, W. M., 1
Potthast, Edward H., 1. See “Oil Paintings” Proctor, A. Phimister, 1. Bronze medal
Redmond, Frieda W., 1
Redmond, John J., 2
Rehn, F. K. M., 1. See “Oil Paintings” Ritschel, William, 2
Robinson, Will S., 1. Bronze medal
Rockwood, Catherine C., 2
Rook, Edward F., 1
Rosenmeyer, B. J., 2
Sanders, Bertha D., 2
Schilling, Alexander, 2. Silver medal Schneider, W. G., 1
Scott, Emily M., 2
Sherwood, Rosina E., 5. Silver medal Shirlaw, Walter, 5. See “Oil Paintings”
Shurtleff, R. M., 2. See “Oil Paintings” Smillie, George H., 1. See “Oil Paintings” Smith, F. Hopkinson, 3
Smith, W. Granville, 1
Snell, Florence F., 1
Snell, Henry B., 4. See “Oil Paintings” Soper, James H. Gardner, 1. Bronze medal Spafard, Myra B., 1
Stowell, M. Louise, 1
Tryon, D. W., 15. See “Oil Paintings” Twachtman, J. H. (deceased), 3
Van Laer, Alexander T., 1
Walker, Horatio, 3. See “Oil Paintings” Weir, J. Alden, 3. See “Oil Paintings”
Weldon, C. D., 2
Whittemore, W. J., 2
Yates, Cullen, 2. See “Oil Paintings” Zogbaum, Rufus F., 1
Total–Artists, 102; works, 194
Baer, W. J., 3
Baxter, Martha W., 2
Bayliss, Lillian, 1
Beckington, Alice, 4. Bronze medal
De Haas, Alice P. T., 1
Dix, Eulabee, 1
Emmett, Lydia Field, 1. See “Oil Paintings” Holley, Caroline E., 3
Howard, Clara, 1
Kendall, Margaret, 3. See “Oil Paintings” King, Paul, 1
Nicholls, Rhoda H., 3. See “Water Colors” Searle, Alice A., 1
Shuttleworth, Claire, 1
Siboni, Emma B., 5
Strean, Maria J., 2
Thayer, Theodora W., 3
Turner, Helen M., 3
Underwood, Edith B., 1
Volk, Ellen S., 1
Weidner, Carl, 3
West, Anne Shaw, 1
Wing, Alice B., 1. Bronze medal
Worrall, R., 2
Total–Artists, 24; works, 48
_Mural Paintings and Designs_
Armstrong, Helen M.,
Blashfield, Edwin H., 14. Gold medal Breck, George W., 2. Silver medal
Burgess, Ida J., 1
Burroughs, Bryson, 3. See “Oil Paintings” Cowles, Maud Alice, 1
Cox, Kenyon, 2. See “Oil Paintings” Crawford, Earl S., 1
Curtis, Constance, 1
Dielman, Frederick. 6
Deming, Edward W., 3. Bronze medal
Dodge, W. de Leftwich, 3
Kaufman, J. F., 1
Kline, William F., 1. See “Oil Paintings” Lamb, Ella Condie, 1
Lauber, Joseph, 5
Lichtenauer, J. M., Jr., 2
Low, Will H., 6
Marsh, Frederic Dana, 4. See “Oil Paintings” McLane, M. Jean, 1. See “Oil Paintings”
Mora, F. Luis, 1. See “Oil Paintings” O’Brien, Madeleine, 1
Sears, Taber, 2
Sewell, Robert V. V., 2. See “Oil Paintings” Shean, Charles M., 1. Bronze medal
Shirlaw, Walter, 3. See “Oil Paintings” Turner, C. Y., 5. Silver medal
Vaillant, Louis D., 2
Walker, Henry Oliver, 10. See “Oil Paintings” Wenzell, A. B., 2. Silver medal
Total–Artists, 30; works, 92
_Drawings for Illustrations_
Chapman, Carlton T., 1
Child, Edward B., 3
Clay, John Cecil, 3
Cowles, Genevieve, 1
Cowles, Maud A., 1. Bronze medal
Du Mond, Frank V., 5. See “Oil Paintings” Edwards, George Wharton, 3
Fogarty, Thomas, 5
Gibson, Charles Dana, 3. Silver medal Gillam, Victor, 3
Glackens, W. J., 8. Bronze medal
Hambidge, Jay, 1
Hinton, Charles L., 6
Hitchcock, Lucius W., 4. Silver medal Hutt, Henry, 1
Keller, Arthur I., 6. Gold medal
Lawrence, William H., 1
Leigh, William H., 2
Leyendecker, F. X., 5
Linson, Corwin K., 2
Loeb, Louis, 5. Silver medal
Orson, Lowell, 6
McCarter, Henry, 3. Silver medal
McLane, M. Jean, 2. See “Oil Paintings” Mora, F. Luis, 1. See “Oil Paintings”
Parrish, Maxfield, 2
Penfold, Edward, 5
Reuterdahl, H., 5
Rhead, Louis J., 3
Rosenmeyer, B. J., 1
Sherwood, Rosina E., 4
Shinn, Florence S., 2
Smith, W. Granville, 1
Steele, Frederic Door, 5. Bronze medal Sterner, Albert, 2
Stevens, W. D., 3
Taylor, C. Jay, 3
Van der Veer, Mary, 1. See “Oil Paintings” Walcott, H. M., 1. See “Oil Paintings”
Wenzell, A. B., 4. See “Mural Paintings and Designs” White, C. H., 1
Winslow, Eleanor C., 1
Zogbaum, R. F., 2
Total–Artists, 43; works, 127
The following commemorative award was also conferred in this group:
La Farge, John, commemorating distinguished service in art. Medal of honor
_Engravings and Lithographs_
_Etchings and Engravings_
(Other than Wood Engravings)
Bacher, Otto H., 4. Silver medal
Beckwith, Carroll, 1
Bellows, A. F., 4
Bloodgood, R. F., 2
Blum, Robert F. (deceased), 3
Chapman, Carlton T., 8
Dielman, Frederick, 2
Farrar, Henry (deceased), 1
Guy, Seymour J., 1
Hale, Walter, 6
Hambidge, Jay, 1
Hovenden, Thomas (deceased), 2
Jones, H. Bolton, 1
King, James S., 1
Lathrop, W. L., 4
Laube, Joseph, 7
Lewis, Arthur Allen, 3. Bronze medal Lippincott, W. H., 3
Loewenburg, N., 2
Mielatz, Charles F. W., 21
Moran, Mary Nimmo (deceased), 7
Nicoll, J. C., 9
Osgood, Harry H., 7
Reich, Jacques, 2
Robbins, Horace W. (deceased), 1
Roth, Ernest D., 4
Sandreczki, Otto W., 1
Schilling, Alexander, 10
Schneider, Otto J., 5
Scholl, E., 2
Senseney, George, 1
Shelton, W. H., 1
Smillie, James D., 12
Sterne, Maurice J., 13. Bronze medal Trowbridge, Vaughan, 7
Vondrous, John C., 6
White, Charles H., 3. Bronze medal
Weir, J. Alden, 21. Silver medal
Wood, Thomas W. (deceased), 1
Yale, Leroy M., 7
Yewell, George H., 3
Total–Artists, 41; works, 200
_Wood Engravings_
Bernstrom, Victor, 2. Silver medal
Chadwick, C. W., 4. Bronze medal
Cole, Timothy, 10. Grand prize
Evans, John W., 5
French, Frank, 1. Gold medal
Heineman, E., 2
Klotz, H., 1. Bronze medal
Kruell, Gustav, 8. Gold medal
Merrill, Hiram C., 5. Bronze medal
Northcote, Stafford M., 1. Bronze medal Watt, William G., 1
Wolf, Henry, 29. See “Commemorative Award” Total–Artists, 12; works, 69
The following commemorative award was also conferred in this group:
Wolf, Henry, commemorating distinguished service in art. Medal of honor
Adams, Herbert, 5. Gold medal
Alfano, Vincenzo, 2
Bissell, George E., 1. Silver medal Bitter, Karl T. F., 4. Gold medal
Borglum, Gutzon, 8. Gold medal
Borglum, Solon, 9. Gold medal
Boyle, John J., 5. Silver medal
Brenner, Victor David, 28. Silver medal Bush-Brown, H. K., 7
Carpenter, Margaret S.; 1. Bronze medal Eberle, Mrs. A. V., 1. Bronze medal
Flanaghan, John, 4. Silver medal
French, Daniel Chester, 4
Glenny, Alice R., 1
Goodwin, Mrs. Frederick, 1
Harvey, Eli, 9. Bronze medal
Heber, C. A., 1. Bronze medal
Hyatt, Mrs. A. V., 2. Bronze medal
Jaegers, Albert, 1. Bronze medal
Konti, Isidore, 2. Gold medal
Linder, Henry, 1. Bronze medal
Longman, Evelyn B., 4. Silver medal Lopez, Charles A., 6. Gold medal
Lukeman, Augustus, 1. Bronze medal
MacNeil, Hermon A., 3
Mears, Helen F., 1. Silver medal
Miranda, Fernando, 1
Niehaus, Charles H., 8. Gold medal
Piccirilli, Attilio, 4. Silver medal Piccirilli, Furio, 1. Silver medal
Proctor, A. Phimister, 4. Gold medal Rhind, J. Massey, 1. Bronze medal
Roth, Frederick G. R., 7. Silver medal Saint Gaudens, Augustus, 1. See “Commemorative Award” Salvatore, Victor, 1. Bronze medal
Schwarzott, Maximilian, 1. Bronze medal Scudder, Janet, 1. Bronze medal
Stillman, Effie, 3. Bronze medal
Tonetti, F. M. L., 3. Bronze medal
Triebel, C. E., 1
Usher, Leila, 1
Vonnoh, Bessie Potter, 10. Gold medal Ward, Elsie, 1. Bronze medal
Ward, John Quincy Adams, 1. See “Commemorative Award” Warner, Olin L. (deceased), 2
Weinert, Albert, 1
Weinmann, Adolf A., 5. Silver medal Yandell, Enid, 1. Bronze medal
Zolnay, George Julian, 2
Total–Artists, 49; works, 173
The following commemorative awards were also conferred in this group: Augustus Saint Gaudens, commemorating distinguished service in art. Medal of honor
John Ouincy Adams Ward, commemorating distinguished service in art. Medal of honor
Atterbury, Grosvenor, 3. Silver medal Babb, Cook & Willard, 2
Boring & Tilton, 6. Silver medal Brunner, Arnold W., 4. Gold medal
Carrere, Brunner & Burnham, 6
Carrere & Hastings, 7. Gold medal Coulter, W. L., 2
Flagg, Ernest, 14
Friedlander, J. H., 3
Gilbert, Cass, 3. Gold medal
Green & Wicks, 1
Hardenbergh, H. J., 1
Heins & La Farge, 4. Silver medal Langton, D. W., 1
Lord & Hewlett, 4
Total–Architects, 15; works, 61
The following commemorative award was also conferred:
John M. Carrere. Gold medal
_Original Objects of Art Workmanship_
_Applied Arts_
Adams, Ralph R., 2
Archer, Annie M., 1
Bell, Peter, 1
Binns, Charles F., 5. Silver medal
Burdick, Bessie, 2
Crosbee, Mrs. W. G., 2
Farnham, Paulding, 15. Gold medal
Foote, Florence, 4. Bronze medal
Fry, Marshall, 7
Hicks, Amy M., 2
Hoagland, Jane, 3
Lamb, Frederick S., 1
Lawrence, F. Walter, 27
Leonard, Anna B., 7. Silver medal
MacNeil, Mrs. Carol B., 5. Bronze medal Perkins, Mrs. Annie F., 2
Perkins, Lucy F.4. Bronze medal
Pond, T. H., 1
Randolph, Isabella, 2
Robineau, Mrs. A. A., 7
Sanders, Bertha D., 1
Solon, L. M., 1
Tiffany, Louis C. (designer), 79. Silver medal Volk, Mrs. Douglas, 2. Silver medal
Volk, Wendell D., 1
Volkmar, Charles, 9. Bronze medal
Von Rydingsvaard, Karl, 1
Wolrath, Frederic E., 2. Bronze medal Yandell, Charles R., 9
Total–Artists, 29; works, 205
The following special commemorative awards were also conferred in the Department of Art:
Harry W. Watrous, for valuable assistance in the formation of the exhibit of the United States section. Gold medal
Charles M. Kurtz, for service in connection with the Department of Art, direction of installation, etc. Gold medal
George Julian Zolnay, for service in connection with the Department of Art, direction of installation, etc. Gold medal
_Showing the Relative Importance of the Participation of the State of New York in the United States Section of the Department of Art of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904_
New York’s Participation compared with that of the entire United States including New York.
—–|——-|——-|——-|——–|——-|——-|——|——|——|—— | | | | Draw- | Etch- | | | | | | Water | | | ings | ings | | | | | Oil | Color | | Mural | for | and | Wood | | Archi| Ap- | Paint| and | Minia-| Paint | Illus- | Engrav| Engrav| Sculp| -tec-| plied| -ing | Pastel| tures | -ings | tration| -ings | -ings | -ture| ture | Arts |Totals —–|——-|——-|——-|——–|——-|——-|——|——|——|—— [*]Total number of artists represented in the United States Section. 472 | 185 | 52 | 41 | 54 | 59 | 14 | 92 | 74 | 200 | 1,243 —–|——-|——-|——-|——–|——-|——-|——|——|——|—— [*]N. Y. artists represented
207 | 102 | 24 | 30 | 43 | 41 | 12 | 49 | 15 | 29 | 552 —–|——-|——-|——-|——–|——-|——-|——|——|——|—— Total number of works in the United States Section 904 | 314 | 90 | 114 | 178 | 269 | 82 | 354 | 290 | 946 | 3,541 —–|——-|——-|——-|——–|——-|——-|——|——|——|—— Works by New York artists
413 | 194 | 48 | 92 | 127 | 200 | 69 | 173 | 61 | 205 | 1,592 —–|——-|——-|——-|——–|——-|——-|——|——|——|——
[Footnote *: Where an artist has exhibited in more than one class, his name has been counted more than once.]
1=Oil Painting
2=Water Color and Pastel
4=Mural Paintings
5=Drawings for Illustration
6=Etchings and engravings
7=Wood Engravings
10=Applied Arts
——————————————————————————- New York’s Participation
compared with that of
the entire United States
including New York 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Totals —————————————————————————— [1]SALES EFFECTED
For all United States
artists…………… 87 34 26 10 14 375 546 For New York artists.. 54 22 20 10 13 10 129 —————————————————————————– AWARDS |—————–|———–| Comm. { To all U.S.
Gold { artists 1 1 2 – – 4 Medals { To New York
of Honor { artists 1 1 2 – – 4 ——————————————————————————- { To all U.S.
Grand { artists 1 1 1 – 3 6 Prizes { To New York
{ artists
——————————————————————————- { To all U.S.
Gold { artists 36 4 12 7 8 67 Medals { To New York
{ artists 19 3 9 4 1 36 ——————————————————————————- { To all U.S.
Silver { artists 99 12 19 11 15 156 Medals { To New York
{ artists 58 7 10 3 4 82 ——————————————————————————- { To all U.S.
Bronze { artists 103 17 29 4 22 175 Medals { To New York
{ artists 52 10 16 – 5 83 ——————————————————————————- TOTALS
To all United States
artists 240 35 63 22 48 408 To New York artists 130 21 37 7 10 205 —————————————————————————– Special {Total to
Comm. { U.S. 7 415 Gold { To New
Medals { Yorkers 3 208 —————————————————————————–
[Footnote 1: In the report of the Superintendent of the Bureau of Sales, the Paintings sold approximated in value $70,000; the Engravings, $900; the Sculpture, $2,000, and the works of Applied Art, $7,500.
Out of the 904 oil paintings, 241 were owned by private parties (many being portraits) and were not for sale. Of the 662 works for sale, the 87 sold constituted nearly 13% of the whole number. The oil paintings contributed by New York artists which were not for sale numbered 138, leaving 281 for sale. The 54 works sold constituted approximately 20% of the New York pictures offered for sale.
Of the 314 water colors, 73 were not for sale. There were 241 for sale. The 34 works sold were approximately 13% of the entire number offered. Of the 194 water colors by New York artists, 46 were not for sale. Of the 148 works for sale, the 22 sold is nearly 15% of the number of works offered by New York artists in this medium.]
The International Jury in the Department of Art was composed of the following members
_United States_.–Thomas Allen, E. A. Batchelder, S. S. Beman, Hugh H. Breckenridge, Richard E. Brooks, Carlton T. Chapman (New York), William M. Chase (New York), Ralph Clarkson, Walter Cook (New York), Conlin Campbell Cooper (New York), Charles Percy Davis, Frank Miles Day, Lockwood de Forest (New York), Frederick Dielman (New York), Frank Duveneck, Daniel Chester French (New York), Mrs. Eugene Field, R. Swain Gifford (New York), Charles Grafly, Will H. Low (New York), Hermon A. MacNeil (New York), Elizabeth St. John Mathews, J. L. Mauran, C. F. W. Mielatz (New York), James Craig Nicoll (New York), Joseph Pennell, Mary Solari, Theodore C. Steele, Alice Barber Stevens, Edmund C. Tarbell, S. Seymour Thomas, Alexander T. Van Laer (New York), Bessie Potter Vonnoh (New York), Robert W. Vonnoh (New York), C. Howard Walker, H. Langford Warren, Rose Weld, Frederic Allen Whiting, Carleton Wiggins (New York), Henry Wolf (New York), Edmund H. Wuerpel
_Argentia_.–Eduardo Schiaffino, George Julian Zolnay (New York)
_Austria_.–Dr. Paul Cohn, Adolph Kraus, Gustav Niederlein, Nicolaus Staits, William J. King
_Belgium_.–Guillaume de Groot, Ernest Verlant
_Brazil_.—J. Americo dos Santos
_Bulgaria_.–Charles M. Kurtz (New York)
_Canada_.–Paul Harney
_Cuba_.–Gonzalo de Quesada
_Germany_.–William J. Baer (New York), Erich Hoesel, Richard Mueller, Hans von Petersen, Max Schlichting, Fr. von Thiersch
_Holland_.–William H. Howe (New York), Willy Martens, John C. Schueller, Herbert Vos
_Hungary_.–Bertelon Karlovsky, George Julian Zolnay (New York)
_Italy_.–Professor Pepoti Cantalamessa, Il Marchese Majnoni d’Itagnano, Ugo Ojetti
_Japan_.–Tooru Iwamura, Heromich Shugio
_Mexico_.–Isidoro Aldasoro
_Portugal_.–Marcel Horteloup
_Russia_.–William H. Fox, J. M. Godberg, Emil Vautier
_Sweden_.–Anshelm Schultzberg, Dr. Eugene Wagner
From the above jurors the juries for the several groups of the classification were made up–each group jury being international in character.
A prominent feature of the United States section of the Department of Art was a loan collection composed of especially noteworthy paintings from some of the most noted private collections of the United States. This collection was organized by Mr. Will H. Low, of New York. It contained 122 paintings representing many schools and periods. Of these works forty-three were lent by New York owners, as follows:
_George J. Gould_.–Domenico Ghirlandajo, Rembrandt van Ryn (“The Standard Bearer”), Frans Hals, Aert van der Neer, Gerard Don, Jean Marc Nattier, Sir Joshua Reynolds (“The Duchess of Marlborough”), Thomas Gainsborough; John Constable, J. M. W. Turner, Eugene Fromentin, Constant Troyon, Theodore Rosseau (“The Charcoal Burners’ Hut” and “Le Cure, Evening”), J.B.C. Corot (“Le Dance des Amours”), N.V. Diaz, Mariano Fortuny and J.L. Gerome
_Helen Miller Gould_.–Jean Francois Millet (“Washerwomen”), J. L. E. Meissonier (“The Smoker”), Rosa Bonheur, Alfred Stevens and Ludwig Knaus (“The Children’s Party”)
_Estate of Jay Gould_.–J.B.C. Corot (“Antique Dance”) and Emile van Marcke
_Duraud-Ruel_.–Alexandre Gabriel Decamps, Eugene Delacroix, Gustave Courbet, Eugene Fromentin, Francois Bonvin (two examples), J.B.C. Corot, and Jules Dupre
_Charles Fairchild_.–William Morris Hunt and Elihu Vedder
_Lockwood de Forest_.–Frederick E. Church
_National Academy of Design_.–Octave Tassaert and R. Caton Woodville
_Cottier & Co_.–Sir John Everett Millais
_Charles M. Kurtz_.–Anton Mauve (“Sheep on the Dunes”)
_Julia Wilder Kurtz_.–Thomas Couture
Agriculture and Live Stock Exhibit and Schedule of Awards
The New York State Commission, in July, 1903, appointed J. H. Durkee, of Sandy Hill, N. Y., superintendent of agriculture, live stock and dairy products, with John McCann, of Elmira, Howard Moon, of Cobleskill, Theodore Horton, of Elmira, and W. A. Smith as assistants in the department of agriculture, W. W. Smallwood, of Warsaw, and W. A. McCoduck, of Sandy Hill, having direct supervision of live stock and dairy products respectively. George A. Smith, of Geneva, was superintendent for collecting dairy products. These gentlemen did the work assigned them faithfully and well, which is fully attested by the number of grand prizes and medals won in these departments.
New York State has no distinctive agricultural product as has many of the other, especially some of the western, States but grows nearly everything in larger or smaller quantities that is grown in the north temperate zone.
In collecting and installing this exhibit, the aim was to gather these varied products and arrange them so as to show the real grain or vegetable to the best advantage rather than to show a fancifully arranged display of such products as would be of little or no value to those interested in practical agriculture. With this end in view, each section of the State was drawn upon for the best samples of the staple crops of that section. These samples were carefully inspected by competent judges, and only those of real merit were placed in the collection for exhibit. So thoroughly was this work of selection done that a large proportion of the samples received an award.
That the exhibit might be of the greatest value to those most interested in agricultural pursuits, on each sample was placed a card giving the name and variety of the sample, also the name and post office address of the grower. Every day men could be seen with pencil and paper in hand taking names and addresses for future correspondence.
New York was one of the few States that had its exhibit complete at the opening of the Exposition, and was the only State that made a large and continuous display of fresh vegetables. Its display was greatly admired and favorably commented upon by the press, as well as by individuals. From the opening of the Exposition until the crop of 1904 was ready, the tables of the New York exhibit were kept filled with the standard vegetables of 1903, which had been placed in cold storage and were brought out as needed.
At the close of the Exposition, December 1, 1904, New York had over forty varieties of potatoes as well as many other vegetables on exhibition that were gathered in 1903, having been out of the ground over fifteen months. To the inexperienced eye, they could not be distinguished from the crop of 1904. In October and November, New York’s vegetable display was unusually fine. The judges who passed upon it said it was the finest collection of vegetables they had ever seen.
The catalogue of exhibitors which follows shows conclusively that New York is truly the Empire State so far as agricultural products are concerned. It was the only State that was awarded a grand prize on fresh vegetables alone. J. M. Thorburn & Co., of New York, Glendale Stock Farm, Glens Falls, and Cornell University, Ithaca, also received grand prizes on vegetables.
_Catalogue of the Exhibitors in the Department of Agriculture, with the Award, if Any, Received by Each_
_Vegetable Food Products–Agricultural Seeds_
Alms House Farm, Varyburg
Oats–White Michigan
J. B. Anderson, Kennedy. Bronze medal Barley–Six-Rowed
R. I. Anderson, Florida
Corn–Eight-Rowed Red
C. S. Baldwin, Wellsville. Bronze medal Corn–Red Glazed, ears
W. H. Bellamy, Wellsville. Bronze medal Oats–Swede, White Russian
F. J. Bellinger, Hammond. Silver medal Oats–Clydesdale
E. A. Bentley, Wellsville. Bronze medal Corn–Eight-Rowed Yellow, ears
T. T. Blodgett, Fishkill. Silver medal Rye–Dark
Oats–White Swede
L. G. Brainard, Ellington. Silver medal Rye–Winter
C. E. H. Breckon, Clarence. Bronze medal Beans–White Kidney
Charles Brian, Perry. Silver medal
Briggs Bros., Rochester. Bronze medal Corn–Leaming, Golden Beauty
George Bronson & Son, Bath. Bronze medal Oats–New Lincoln
Wheat–Gold Coin
Corn–Dibbs’ Ninety-Day-Eight-Rowed Yellow, ears L. M. Bronson, Bath
Wheat–White Winter
Brooks Bros., Painted Post. Silver medal Wheat–Gold Bullion
Buckwheat–Silver Gray
Corn–Red Beauty Pop
Oats–Russian, Lincoln, White Swede George W. Brooks, Painted Post. Bronze medal Buckwheat–Silver Gray
M. D. Bennett, Elmira, R. F. D. No. 1. Silver medal Buckwheat–Silver Hull, Japanese
Lewis J. Brundage, Starkey. Silver medal Wheat–Duck
Buckwheat–Silver Gray
Wheat–Gold Coin, Prosperity
Barley–Two Rowed
Beans–Red Kidney, White Kidney, Marrow Barley–Hulless
R. R. Buck, Warsaw. Gold medal
Isaac Budlong, Scottsville. Bronze medal Wheat–Prosperity
W. Carroll, LaGrangeville. Bronze medal Oats.–White
Corn.–Early Mastadon, ears
Charles Caswell, Abbott. Bronze medal Corn.–White Red Glaze, ears
W. L. Chapin, Warsaw. Silver medal
Wheat.–Malay Winter
Perry E. Chappel, Warsaw. Silver medal Wheat.–Fultz
D. E. Chase, Warsaw. Silver medal
Wheat.-Red Clawson
C. W. Clark, Skaneateles. Silver medal Collection of Teasels
J. H. Clute, Painted Post. Bronze medal Corn.–Twelve-Rowed Yellow
Wheat.-Long Medt
Beans.–Burlingame’s Prolific, Marrow Miles Colburn, Ellington. Bronze medal
Oats.–Early Siberian
Harry Cole, Caneadea
Corn.–Yellow, ears
M. D. Corbett, Bath. Silver medal
Cornell University, Ithaca. Bronze medal Wheat.–White Chall Medt, Reliable
F. H. Crowley, Painted Post. Bronze medal Corn.–Eight-Rowed Yellow
Buckwheat.–Silver Hull, Small Silver Gray E. Crippen, Horseheads. Bronze medal
Crossman Bros., Rochester. Grand prize Field, Garden, and Flower Seeds
Peas.–Crossman’s First and Best, Crossman’s Extra Early True, Early Kent, Early June, Dan O’Rourke, Philadelphia Extra Early, Alaska, Grandun, American Wonder, Nott’s Excelsior, Extra Early Premium Gem, McLean’s Little Gem, Surprise or Eclipse, Tom Thumb, Abundance, Advancers McLeans, Dwarf Daisy, Dwarf Champion, Everbearing, Heroine, Horsford’s Market Garden, Pride of the Market, Stratagem Imp, Shropshire Hero, Yorkshire Hero, Duke of Albany, Telephone, Telegraph, Champion of England, Forty Fold, Long Island Mammoth, Large White Marrowfat, Black-Eyed Marrowfat, Canada Field, Mammoth Podded Sugar, Melting Sugar, Dwarf Gray-Seeded Sugar, Tall Gray-Seeded Sugar, Laxton’s Alpha Beans.–Early Dwarf Prolific Black Wax or Butter, Early Dwarf, Challenge Black Wax or Butter, Early Pencil Pod Black Wax, Early Dwarf Improved Golden Wax, Early Dwarf Black-Eyed Wax, Early Dwarf Golden-Eyed Wax, Early Dwarf Red Flageolet Wax, Early Dwarf Refugee Wax, Early Dwarf Wardwell’s Kidney Wax, Early Dwarf Dair’s White Kidney Wax, Yosemite Mammoth Wax, Improved Early Red Valentine, Early Mohawk, Early Yellow Six Weeks, Early China Red-Eye, Early Refugee, Burpee’s Stringless Green Pod, Refugee or Thousand to One, Dwarf Horticultural, Broad Windsor, Improved Red Kidney, Royal Dwarf or White Kidney, White Marrowfat, White Medium, Boston Small Pea Bean, Henderson’s Dwarf Lima, Burpee’s Bush Lima, Dreer’s Bush Lima, New Prolific Pickle, Coffee or Sofa Bean, New Golden Cluster Wax, German Black Wax, Horticultural or Speckled Cranberry, Kentucky Wonder, Lazy Wife’s, Lima Early Jersey, Lima King of the Garden, Lima Large White, Lima Dreer’s Improved, Lima Small or Sieve, Southern Prolific, Scarlet Runners, White Dutch Runners, Dutch Case Knife, Red Speckled cut Short or Corn Hill
Corn.–First of All, Adams’ Extra Early, Early Red Cory, Early White Cory, Early Mammoth White Cory, Early Marblehead, Early Minnesota, Early Adams, Early Sweet or Sugar, Shakers’ Early, Perry’s Hybrid or Ballard, Crosby’s Early, Moore’s Early Concord, Early Mammoth, Black Mexican, Crossman’s Genesee Sweet, Stowell’s Evergreen, Country Gentleman, Large Late Mammoth, Clark’s None Such, Egyptian or Washington Mammoth, Hickox’s Improved, Old Colony, Parshing White Pearl, Parshing White Rice, Angel of Midnight Yellow Dent, Extra Early Huron Yellow Dent, King of the Earliest Yellow Dent, Golden Beauty Yellow Dent, Golden Dent Yellow Dent, Longfellow Yellow Flint, Leaming Improved Yellow Dent, Pride of the North Yellow Dent, Sanford White Flint, Mastadon, Improved Hickory King White Dent, Iowa Red Mine Yellow Dent, Golden Dew Drop, Southern Sheep Tooth, Red Cob Ensilage, Sweet or Sugar Cow Peas.–Black, Black Eyed, Clay, Whip-Poor-Will, Wonderful
Buckwheat.–New Japanese, Silver Hull Artichoke.–French Green Globe
Asparagus.–Conover’s Colossal, Palmetto, Barr’s Mammoth, Columbian Mammoth White
Beets.–Eclipse, Dark Red Egyptian Turnip, Crosby’s Dark Red Egyptian, Crimson Globe, Detroit Dark Red Turnip, Edmand’s Blood Turnip, Extra Early Turnip Bassano, Early Blood Turnip Bastians, Lentz’s Early Blood Turnip, Dewing’s Early Blood Turnip, Long Dark Blood, Red Globe, Yellow, Mammoth Long Red, Norbitian Giant Long Red, Yellow Ovoid, Golden Tankard, French White Sugar, Lane’s Improved White Sugar, Vilmorin’s Improved White Sugar, Klein Wanzleben Broccoli.–Early Purple Cape, Early Large White Brussells Sprouts.–Tall Extra, Dwarf Improved Cabbage.–Early Jersey Wakefield, Early Large Charleston Wakefield, Early Express, All Seasons, Premium Flat Dutch, Louisville Drumhead, Danish Round Winter or Baldhead, Stone Mason Marblehead, Hollander
Carrots.–Chantenay, Half Long Scarlet, Early Scarlet Short Horn, Danvers Half Long Orange, Mastodon White Intermediate, Large White Belgian
Cauliflower.–Early London or Dutch Celery.–Golden Self-Blanching, French, Golden Heart or Golden Dwarf, Sandringham Dwarf White, Golden Rose or Rose-Ribbed Paris
Corn Salad.–Large Seeded, Improved Green Cabbaging Cucumbers.–Cumberland, Early Russian, Green Cluster, Green Prolific, Jersey Pickling, Early Frame, Early White Spice, Livingston’s Emerald, Nichol’s Medium Green, Long Green
Chicory.–Large Rooted
Collards.–True Georgia or Creole Cress.–Curled or Peppergrass, True Water Cress Egg Plant.–Improved New York Purple Spineless Endive.–White Curled
Kale.–Semi-Dwarf Moss Curled
Kohl Rabi.–Early White Vienna
Leek.–Large Carentan Winter
Lettuce.–Crossman’s New Improved, Early White Cabbage, Early Curled Simpson, Black-Seeded Simpson, Early Prize Head, Big Boston, Grand Rapids, All the Year Round, Yellow-Seeded Butter
Musk Melons.–Extra Early Hackensack, Fine Large Green Nutmeg, Baltimore Acme Cantaloupe, Jenny Lind, Montreal Market, Bay View, Cosmopolitan, Long Island Beauty, Paul Rose or Petoskey, Delmonico, Early Christiana, Banana, Tip Top
Water Melons.–Cole’s Early, Green Gold, Florida Favorite, Pride of Georgia, Hungarian Honey, Seminole, Black Spanish, Phinney’s Early, Ice Cream White-Seeded, jumbo or Jones, Striped Gipsy, Georgia Rattle Snake, Mammoth Iron Clad, Kolba Gem, New Dixie, Volga, Kleckley’s Sweet, Iceberg Mustard.–White London or English, Giant Southern Curled Mushroom Spawn.–Best English
Okra.–White Velvet Pod
Parsley.–Champion Moss-Curled
Parsnips.–Long White Dutch, Imp. Hollow Crown, Guernsey or Cup Pumpkins.–Imp. Cushaw, Mammoth Tours, King of Mammoth, Connecticut Field
Onions.–Early Red Globe, Large Red Wethersfield, Yellow Dutch or Strasburg, Yellow Danvers, Yellow Danvers Globe, Prize Taker, White Globe, White Portugal or Silver Skin, New White Queen, Bermuda White, Large Italian, Large Dark Red Bassano
Peppers.–Large Bell or Bull Nose Radishes.–Early Scarlet Globe, White-Tipped Scarlet Turnip, Golden Globe Turnip-Rooted, French Breakfast, Early Deep Scarlet, White Strasburg or Hospital White Stuttgart, Large Scarlet Short Top, Long Brightest Scarlet, Long White Vienna or Lady Finger, New Chartier or Sheppard, Long White Naples, Chinese Rose Winter, California Mammoth White Winter, Japanese Early Mammoth Sakura Jima Rhubarb.–Lennaens, Victoria Myatts, St. Martins Salsify.-Salsify or Vegetable Oyster, Mammoth Sandwich Island
Spinach.–New Giant, Prickley or Winter, Long Standing, Victoria Long Standing, New Zealand
Squash.–Early Yellow Bush Scallop, Early White Bush Scallop, Early Golden Crookneck, Early White Crookneck, Mammoth Golden Crookneck, Perfect Gem, Boston Marrow, Hubbard Improved, Warty Hubbard, Pike’s Peak or Sibley, Turban or Turk’s Cap, Butman
Tobacco.–Connecticut Seed Leaf, Conqueror, Little Dutch, Orinoco Yellow, Tuckahoe, White Burley Sunflowers.-Mammoth Russian
Tomatoes.-Dwarf Monarch, Matchless, Dwarf Aristocrat, Long Keeper, Early Atlantic Prize, New Stone, Ignotum, Paragon, Scoville’s Hubird, Trophy, Queen Red, Acme, Dwarf Champion, Imperial, Ponderosa, Golden Queen or Sunrise, Peach, Plum-Shaped Yellow, Red Cherry, Strawberry or Ground Cherry
Turnips.–Milan Extra Early, Purple Top, Early White Flat Dutch Strap Leaf, Early Six Weeks or Snowball, Purple Top Strap Leaf, Purple Top White Globe, Purple Top Scotch or Aberdeen, Amber Globe, Seven Top, Skirving’s Imp. Purple Top, White Sweet or White Russian, Sweet German Miscellaneous
Beggar Weed
Broom Corn.–Evergreen
Honey Locust
Kaffir Corn–White, Red
Rape–Dwarf Essex
Sugar Cane–Early Amber, Orange, Teosinte Vetches–Spring
Wild Rice
Herbs–Anise, Balm, Borage, Caraway, Chervil Curled, Coriander, Dill, Horehound, Lavender, Rosemary, Rue, Sage (English Broadleaf), Summer Savory, Sweet Basil, Sweet Fennel, Sweet Marjoram, Tansy, Thyme (Broadleaf) Wormwood Grasses–Red Top Fancy Clean, Kentucky Blue Fancy Clean, Bermuda Grass, Fescue Meadow, Orchard Grass, Rye Grass (Perennial), Sweet Vernal, Hungarian Grass, Millet (German, Golden Japanese, Barnyard, Siberian), Lawn Grass (Crossman’s Park Mixture), Rye Grass (Italian) Clovers.–White Dutch, Alsike or Swedish, Alfalfa or Lucerne, Crimson, Medium Red, Timothy Flower Seeds.–Abronia Umbellata, Ageratune Mexicanum Blue, Alyssum Sweet, Amaranthus, Antirrhinum Majus Snap Dragon, Asters (Branching Mixed), Balsam Double Mixed, Bartonia Aurea, Calendula Prince of Orange, Calliopsis Mixed, Canary Bird Flower, Candytuft (White, Mixed), Canna Mixed, Carnation Mixed, Celosia Dwarf Mixed Cockscomb, Centanrea, Cyanns Bachelor Button, Cobaea Scandens Purple, Cosmos Mixed, Cypress Vine Mixed, Double Daisy Mixed, Eschscholtzia Californica, Gaillardia Lorensiana, Gomphrena Globosa, Gourd (Apple Shaped, Bottle Shaped, Dipper Shaped, Egg White, Hercules Club, Mock Orange, Pear Shape, Sugar Trough), Helichrysum, Hollyhock Double Mixed Chaters, Ice Plant, Larkspur (Perennial Mixed), Lobelia Speciosa Crystal Palace, Lupinus Mixed Colors, Marigold French Dwarf, Martynia Probosidea, Marvel of Peru, Mixed Four O’Clock, Moon Flower Cross-bred or Hybrid, Mignonette Sweet Large- Flowered, Morning Glory, (Convolvulus Major, Giant Japanese), Myosotis Palastris Forget-Me-Not, Nasturtium (Dwarf Mixed, Tall Mixed), Pansy Very Large Flowering Mixed, Petunia Mixed Hybrid, Phlox Drummond Grandiflori Mixed, Poppy Carnation Double Mixed, Portulaca Single Mixed, Ricinus Sanguineus (Castor Oil Bean), Salpiglossis Large Mixed, Scabiosa Majus Dwarf Mixed, Smilax Boston, Stock German Dwarf Mixed, Sunflower Double Globosus Fislutosus, Swan River Daisy, Sweet William (double), Thunbergia Mixed, Verbenas Hybrid Mixed, Wild Cucumber, Quinnia Double Dwarf Mixed, Sunflower White Seeded, Phoenis (Reclinata, Canariensis), Dracaena (Indivisa, Australis), Snails, Wonus, Dolishos, Lablab White, Lagums Ovatus, Avena Steralis, Coix Lachrymo, Zea Japinica, Ameranthus Candatus
Sweet Peas.–America, Broeatton, Emily Eckford, Fire Fly, Katherine Tracy, Navy Blue, Queen of England, Crossman’s Special Mixed
James J. Culbertson, Groveland. Silver medal Wheat.–Gold Bullion, Dawson’s Golden Chaff Beans.–Marrow
Frank H. Cupp, Painted Post. Bronze medal Rye.–White
Albert J. Davis, Spencerport. Bronze medal Corn
Hiram Davis, Gansevoort. Bronze medal Corn
C. A. Davidson, Caton. Bronze medal Oats
W. H. Dettoes, Johnsonville. Bronze medal Corn
Henry Drudge, Clarence. Bronze medal Buckwheat
J. H. Durkee, Florida. Silver medal Wheat
F. E. Ebbing, Syracuse. Silver medal Seeds
Wm. Edminster, Painted Post. Silver medal Wheat and Oats
Frank H. Emery, Hornellsville. Silver medal Wheat
G. W. Engdalil, Ellington. Silver medal Barley and Oats
Frank A. Erwire, Painted Post. Silver medal Oats
P. E. Eysaman, Hammond. Bronze medal Corn
James Faucett, Bath. Silver medal
Henry M. Fisher, Warsaw. Gold medal Wheat
Frank E. Ford, Painted Post. Bronze medal Grain
M. C. Frisbee, Ellington. Bronze medal Barley
M. E. Ferguson, Florida. Silver medal Wheat and Oats
M. L. Gamble, Groveland. Bronze medal Beans
John Gerow, Washingtonville. Bronze medal Corn
M. O. Gilbert, Ellington. Gold medal Buckwheat
Samuel Green, Florida. Bronze medal Buckwheat
John E. Griffith, Ellington. Silver medal Oats
L. P. Gunson & Co., Rochester. Gold medal Oats
W. H. Haight, Fishkill. Bronze medal Wheat
W. H. Hall, Bath. Bronze medal
G. L. Halstead, Arlington. Bronze medal Wheat
J. M. Ham, Washington Hollow. Bronze medal Rye
George Harder, Bath. Bronze medal
A. G. Happul, Johnsonville. Bronze medal Corn
E. P. Harris, Elmira. Gold medal
Charles Hathaway, Hartford. Bronze medal Oats
I. C. Hawkins, Middletown. Bronze medal Corn
Joe Hetzel, Florida. Silver medal
Rye and Corn
J. M. Hewlett, Bath. Bronze medal
G. K. Higbie, Rochester. Gold medal Oats
C. B. Hill, Wellsville. Bronze medal Oats
Frank N. Holbrook, Charlton. Silver medal Buckwheat
John Houston, Florida. Bronze medal Grain
James K. Houston, Goshen. Silver medal Rye and Oats
J. C. Howard, Irondequoit. Silver medal Corn and Beans
John S. Howell, Elmira. Bronze medal Wheat
George W. Humphrey, Warsaw. Bronze medal Oats
C. L. Jesup, Florida
Corn.–Peachblow, ears
Wheat.–No. 2, Red
Fred Johannes, Filmore. Silver medal Barley.–Black
Buckwheat.–Gray, Silver Hull
Peter Johnson, Florida
Buckwheat.–Silver Hull, Silver Gray Corn.–Extra Early Evergreen Sweet
A. N. Jones, LeRoy. Grand Prize
John Jones, Meriden. Bronze medal.
Oats.–Pride of England
Wheat.–Farmer’s Friend
N. B. Keeney & Son, LeRoy. Gold medal Beans.–Saddle Back Wax, White Kidney, Dwarf Horticulture, Bush, Bismarck, Snow Flake Pea, Burpee’s New Stringless Green Pod, Crimson Flageolet, Boston Small Pod, China Red Eye, Grant’s Stringless Green Pod, Red Valentine, Celestial Wax, Improved Golden Wax, Currie’s Rust Proof Wax, Improved Horticulture, Improved Black Wax, Burlingame’s Medium, Early Mohawk, Davis Wax, Pencil Pod Black Wax, Golden-Eyed Wax, Golden Refugee, Maule’s Butter Wax, Keeney’s Rustless Golden Wax, White Wax, Longfellow Bush, Round Pod Kidney Wax, Round Pod Refugee, Brittle Wax, Yosemite Mammoth Wax, Extra Early Refugee, Challenger Black Wax, Flageolet Wax, Keeney’s Stringless Refugee Wax Peas.–Abundance, Admiral, Advancer, Alaska, Ameer, American Champion, American Wonder, British Wonder, Champion of England, Claudit, Duke of Albany, Duke of York, Ever Bearing, Nott’s Excelsior, Extra Early Pedigree, Extra Early Trial Ground, First and Best, Forcing Suttons, Forty-Fold, Glory, Gradus or Prosperity, Heroine, Hurst William, Juno, Prolific Laxtons, Laxton, Thos., Long Island Mammoth, Market Garden, Horsfords, Marrowfat (Black-Eyed, Early Marblehead, White), Premium Gem, Pride of the Market, Profusion, Prolific Early Market, Reliance Hursts, Seedling Suttons, Senator Improved, Shropshire Hero, Station, Stratagem, Sugar Mammoth Podded, Surprise Gregorys, Telegraph, Telephone, Tom Thumb, Yorkshire Hero
C. E. Knapp, Little Britain. Bronze medal Corn.–White Flint, ears
Frank Lawrence, Ellington. Bronze medal Barley.–Beardless
E. D. Lee, Whitesville
Corn.–White Flint, ears
James Livingston, Cobleskill. Silver medal Flax
Charles Lovell, Painted Post. Silver medal Oats.–English Wonder
Wheat.–Gold Bullion
D. Macbeth, Kanona. Bronze medal
Mrs. S. E. Manning, Elmira Heights. Gold medal Wheat.–Red Russian
Frank Marley, Hornellsville
Corn.–Red Blaze
Charles Martin, Hartford. Silver medal Beans.–Apple
Fred Martin, Fort Ann
Corn.–King Phillip
Will Martin, Hartford
Jacob Marzolf, Clarence Center. Bronze medal Wheat.–Hundred Mark
E. P. Mattice, Middlebury
Wheat.–Genesee Giant
Harry J. McCann, Elmira. Bronze medal Corn.–Queen’s Golden Pop, Queen’s Golden, ears Pumpkin.–Red Field
James McCann, Elmira. Silver medal
John McCann, Elmira. Silver medal
Wheat.–Rochester Red, Clawson, Golden Coin Corn.–White Cap Yellow Dent, Queen’s Golden Pop, ears, White Pearl Pop, ears
Beans.–Red Marrow, Gold Eye
S. J. McChesney, Kanona. Silver medal Wheat.–White Winter
John McConkie, Galway. Silver medal Oats.–White Swede, Welcome
E. J. McLean, Troupsburg. Silver medal Beans.–White Kidney
Buckwheat.–Silver Gray, Silver Hull Corn.–Pop Corn, ears
Stephen Merchant, Burnt Hills. Silver medal Rye.–White
D. W. Miller, Boonville. Bronze medal Oats.–Arctic
Romantie Miller, Scottsville. Bronze medal Wheat.–Longberry Red
George E. Minard, Filmore. Silver medal Barley.–Black, Beardless, Giant White Corn.—Yellow Flint, ears
Howard Moore, Cobleskill. Bronze medal Corn.–Early Sunset Yellow
J. W. Moore, Fishkill Village. Bronze medal Wheat.–Gold Coin, White Winter
Rye.–White Winter
Corn.–White Dent, ears
Daniel Morris, Groveland. Bronze medal Wheat.–No. 8 Red Winter
Munger Bros., Warsaw. Silver medal
Oats.–Golden Prolific
J. Myers, Warnersville. Silver medal Beans.–Red Kidney
New York State Grange. Butler grand prize banner Collection of Grains
E. E. Nichols, South Onondaga. Bronze medal Rye.–Dark
Wheat.–Gold Chaff, Red Winter
Oats.–Swede, Lincoln, White Russian Peas.–Small Field
Corn.–Eight-Rowed White Ears, Early Red Cory Sweet, 1900 Sweet, Monarch Sweet
Will Norton, Hartford. Bronze medal Barley.–Beardless
Oatka Farm, Scottsville. Silver medal Rye.–Dark
Wheat.–Dawson’s Golden Chaff
Hugh Osborne, East Hartford. Bronze medal Corn.–Atwood, ears
F. R. Payne, White Plains. Silver medal Beans.–White Marrowfat
Charles Perry, Wyoming. Silver medal Wheat.–Dawson’s Golden Chaff
N. S. Pierson, Painted Post. Silver medal Rye.–Dark
I. B. Pipe, Prattsburg. Silver medal Buckwheat.–Silver Hull
Oats.–Twentieth Century
F. C. Platt, Painted Post. Bronze medal Oats.–Golden
J. P. Platt, Bath. Gold medal
Wheat.–Gold Coin
G. Pollock, East Hartford. Bronze medal Oats.–Probister
Peter Prechtel, Elmira. Bronze medal Wheat.–Clawson
Frank Qua, East Hartford
Oats.–Swede, White Star
George R. Qua, Hartford. Gold medal Rye.–Siberian
G. L. Quick, Rochester Junction. Gold medal Wheat.–Dawson’s Golden Chaff
Anson Reed, Kanona. Silver medal
Beans.–White Kidney, Golden Eyed James H. Russell, Hopewell Junction. Bronze medal Corn.–Early Mastodon, ears
H. Brown Richardson, Lowville. Silver medal Maple Sugar
Maple Syrup
John K. Roe, Florida. Bronze medal
Corn.–Queen’s Golden Pop
E. N. Rollins, Andover. Silver medal Wheat.–Gold Coin
W. H. Roper, Wyoming. Silver medal
Wheat.–Genesee Giant
M. J. Sahler, Pattan Kunk. Silver medal Oats.–Twentieth Century, American Improved Buckwheat.–Japanese
Chas. F. Saul, Syracuse
Peas.–Yorkshire Heroes, Everbearing, Telephone, McLean’s Advancers, Extra Early Premium Gem, Duke of York, Juno, First and Best, McLean’s Little Gem, Alaska, Prosperity, Champion of England, Black-Eyed Marrowfat, American Wonder, Horsford’s Market Garden, Philadelphia Extra Early, Nott’s Excelsior
Beans.–Red Kidney, Large Lima, Long Yellow Six Weeks, Horticultural, Henderson’s Bush Lima, Sofa Spelt
Clover.–Medium, Mammoth, Crimson, White Grass.–Orchard
Corn.–Eight-Rowed Yellow, Black Mexican Barley.–Imperial Two-Rowed, Fancy Red Top Wheat.–Spring
Kentucky Blue Grass
Onion.–Red Wethersfield
Squash.–Summer Crookneck, Hubbard Canary Seed
Rape.–Dwarf Essex
Watermelon.–Ice Cream, Cobb’s Gem Celery
Parsnip.–Hollow Crown
Cow Peas
Field Pumpkin
Cucumber.–Early Cluster
Kaffir Corn
Will Saville, Hartford. Bronze medal Corn.–White Cap Dent
Sidney Schell, Theresa
Oats.-Mortgage Lifter
I. L. Schofield, Wappingers Falls. Bronze medal Buckwheat.–Japanese
C. E. Schultz, Florida. Bronze medal Corn.–Eight-Rowed Yellow
R. F. Seeley, Waterloo. Silver medal Timothy
Rye.–Mammoth White
Corn.–Eight-Rowed Yellow
Wheat.–Jones’ Winter Fife, American Bronze Beans.–Red Kidney
Chas. J. Settle, Cobleskill
S. C. Shaver, Albany. Gold medal
A. M. Sleight, Arlington. Bronze medal Corn.–Eight-Rowed Yellow, ears
Fred W. Smith, Scottsville
Oats.–Genesee Valley White
Ward L. Snyder, Carlisle Center. Bronze medal Oats.–Twentieth Century, Italian
Ed. Stevens, Warsaw. Bronze medal
F. C. Stevens, Attica. Silver medal Wheat.–Silver Chaff, No. 6
Rye.–Winter, Dark
Henry Stewart, Kanona. Gold medal
Wheat.–Red Winter
T. L. Stone, Craig Colony, Sonyea. Silver medal Corn.-Shakers’ Pride, Pride of the North, White Shaker Wheat.–Red Winter Fife, Red Winter No. 8 Oats.–Mixed
Stumpp & Walter Co., New York city. Gold medal Seeds
Corn.–Evergreen Brown, Red Kaffir, White Kaffir, Snow White Dent, Stowell’s Evergreen, Iowa Gold Mine, Yellow Dent, Improved Longfellow, Southern Horse Tooth, Cory White Cob, Metropolitan, Yellow Mills Maize Clover.–White Dutch, Red, Crimson
Millet.–German or Golden, Japanese Grass.–Italian Rye, Rough Stalked Meadow, Orchard, Creeping Bent, Shady Place, Permanent Pasture, Rhode Island Bent, English Rye, Kentucky Blue, Canada Blue, English Cow, Hungarian
Hard Fescue
Recleaned Red Top
Red Fescue
Meadow Fescue
Peas.–Daniel O’Rourke, American Wonder, Black-Eyed Cow, Canada Field, Telephone, Black-Eyed Marrowfat, Dwarf Sugar, Blue Beauty, Bliss Everbearing, Juno, Alaska, Nott’s Excelsior, Horseford’s Golden, Little Gem, Heroine, First of All
Beans.–Davis Kidney Wax, Best of All, Improved Golden Wax, Early Long Yellow Six Weeks, Red Valentine, Dwarf Horticultural, King of the Garden, Early Refugee, Improved Black Wax, Early Green Sofa, Velvet, Stringless Green Pod, Early Mohawk, Refugee or 1000 to 1, Burpee’s Bush Lima, Lazy Wife, Bountiful
Oats.–Clydesdale, Russian, Lincoln Sun Flower.–Mammoth Russian
Sea Island Cotton
Wheat.–Silver Sheaf Winter, Red Winter, Jones’ Red Chief, Saskatchewan
Barley.–Champion Beardless
Pumpkin.–Large Cheese, Connecticut Field Radish.–Early Scarlet Turnip, White-Tipped Teosinte
Sorghum.–Early Amber, Early Orange Spinach.–Roundleaf, Norfolk Savoy, Long Standing, Verofly
Australian Salt Bush
Rye.–Winter, Dark
Turnip.–Improved Purple Top Rutabaga, Yellowstone Beet.–Mammoth Long Red Mangel, Champion Yellow Globe
Lettuce.–California Cream Butter, Early Curled Simpson Buckwheat.–Japanese
Field Lupins
Amber Cane
Salsify.–Sandwich Island
C. O. Taylor, Petrolia. Bronze medal Oats.–Siberian
Morrison Taylor, Florida. Bronze medal Corn.–Eight Rowed Yellow
J. M. Thorburn & Co., New York city. Grand prize Field, Garden and Flower Seeds
Radish.–Early Turnip, Early Deep Blood Turnip, Half Long Delicacy, White Tipped, Non Plus Ultra, Round Scarlet China, Scarlet Turnip, Scarlet Globe, Olive Shaped Golden Yellow, Olive Shaped Red Rocket, White Tipped Scarlet, French Breakfast, Golden Summer, Scarlet Forcing, Winter, White Winter, White Olive Shaped, Black Spanish, Long White Icicle, White Tipped Summer White, Tipped Turnip, Long White Russian, Scarlet Chinese Winter, Woods Early Frame Lapania Borbonica
Salsify.–Long White French
Yellow Locust
Beet.–Mammoth Long Red Mangel Wurzel, Queen of Denmark Sugar, Columbia, Golden Fleshed Globe Mangel Wurzel, Golden Tankard Mangel Wurzel, Red Globe Mangel Wurzel, Turin
Tomato.–Blush Lemon, Aristocrat, Fagmore, Scarlet, Yellow Plum, Democrat, Thorburn’s Novelty, Thorburn’s 1903, Thorburn’s Rosalind, Waldorf
Parsley.–Moss Curled
Coffee Tree.–Kentucky
Millet.–Barn Yard, Red Siberian
Watermelon.–Imperial, Iron Clad, Dark Iceing, Triumph, Hungarian, Van Cluse
Cucumber.–Small Gerkin, White Pearl Oats.–Silver Mine, Black Tartarian
Squash.–Marblehead, White Chestnut, Canada Crookneck, Pineapple, Orange Marrow, Red China, Perfect Gem, Butmans, Pikes Peak, Der Wing, The Faxon, Japan Turban, French Olive
Silver Maple
Juglans Cardifornus
Celery.–Cooper’s Cutting, Thorburn’s Fin de Siecle Sorrel.–Garden
Sun Flower.–Large Russian
Musk Melon.–Pineapple, Golden Gate Teosinte
Grass.–Ribbed, Red Fescue, Meadow Fescue, Pepper, Hungarian Curled Chervil
Pepper.–Sweet Spanish
Aera Caespitosa
French Thyme
Wheat.–Premium Red New York, Ruperts Giant, Red Rover
Poppy.–Double Peony Flowered
Calendula.–Prince of Orange
Koelreuteria Paniculata
Rough Rice
Chicory.–Large Rooted
Lettuce.–Thorburn’s Mammoth Black Seeded, Black Seeded Tennis Ball, Thorburn’s Maxumum, Hammersmith’s Hardy, Green
Carrot.–Bellot, Carentan
Anthoxanthum Oderatum
Crab Apple.–French
Cherry.–Black Mazzard
Leek.–Large Flag Winter
Musk Melon.–Ward’s Nectar
Lupins.–Blue, White, Yellow
Turnip.–White Norfolk, Thorburn’s Improved Purple Top Rutabaga
Onion.–Thorburn’s Excelsior Pickling Lavender
Apricot Pits
Endive.–White Curled
Connes Florida
Morning Glory
Holcus Lanatus
Lolucui Perenis.–Thorburn’s Selected Dwarf Prunes.–Serotina
Clover.–Sand Crimson, Japan, White, Pea-vine Spinach.–Winter, Long Standing, Lettuce Leaf, New Zealand, Summer
Beet.–Swiss, Chard
Ampelopsis Hederacea
Gourd.–Sugar Trough, Dish Cloth, Mock Orange Catalpa
Buckwheat.–Japanese, American Silver Hull Butternut
Rye.–Excelsior Winter
Burnet.–Common Field
Pumpkin.–Tennessee Sweet Potato
Sera Della
Spring Tares
Fenn Greek
Tree of Heaven
Acer Coriaceum
Australian Salt Bush
White Birch
Mushroom.–French Spawn
Spurry-Spergula Arvensis
Scotch Broom
Festuca Ovina
Cynosurus Ciristatus
Kohl Rabi.–Large White
Mustard.—Broad Leaved
Alopecurus Pralensis
Nasturtium.–Tall Mixed
Sweet Marjoram
French Pear
Virginian Stock
Parsnip.–Hollow Crown
Bromus Mollis
Cauliflower.–Gilt Edged
Anemone Coronaria
Poa Trivialis
Thea Viridis
Brussells Sprouts
Faximus Excelsior
Poa Annua
Sweet Fennel
Tulip Tree
Peas.–Stratagem, William Hurst, Prince of Wales, Horseford’s Market Garden, Thorburn’s Early Market, Sweet, Blue Beauty, Dr. McLean’s, Alaska, Yorkshire Hero, Telephone, Premium Gem, Juno, McLean’s Advancers, Clay Cow, Queen, Champion of England, American Wonder, Alpha, Telegraph, Pride of the Market, Heroine, Duke of Albany, Abundance, Nott’s Excelsior, Gregory’s Surprise, Gradus, Everbearing, Magnum Bonum
Corn.–Leaming, Virginia Horse Tooth, Snow Flake, Early Yellow Canada, Farmer’s Favorite, Compton’s Early Flint, Sanford’s White Flint, Angel of Midnight, Hickory King, White Surprise, Longfellow, Thorburn’s White Flint, Mastodon Dent, Golden Beauty, Stowell’s Evergreen Sugar, Potter’s Excelsior Sugar, Country Gentleman Sugar, Early Adams Sugar, Black Mexican Sugar, Egyptian Sugar, Triumph Sugar, Minnesota Sugar, Corn Salad, Perry’s Hybrid Sweet ears, Black Mexican Sweet ears, Hickox Sweet ears, Early Minnesota Sweet ears, Early Crosby Sweet ears, Hickory King ears, King Phillip ears, Legal Tender ears, White Cap Yellow Dent ears, Compton’s Early ears, Northern White Dent ears, Pride of the North ears, White Sanford ears Beans.–Tall July Runners, Vienna Forcer, Sword (Long Pod) Challenger Lime, Improved Golden Cluster, English House, Velvet Wardwell Kidney Wax, Scarlet Runner, Kentucky Wonder, Golden Refugee, White Snowflake, Lightning, Yellow Sofa, Castor, Early Valentine, Pole, Ne Plus Ultra, Broad Windsor, Galega, Medium Eyed Sofa, Horticultural, Dun Colored, Byer’s Dwarf, Marvel of Paris, Dwarf Chocolate, Canadian Wonder, Thornburn’s Dwarf Lima, Longfellow Bush, Longfellow Six Weeks Bush, Early Mohawk Bush, Early China Bush, Everbearing Bush, Improved Golden Cluster Bush, Medium Early Green Bush, Round Pod Kidney Wax Bush, Lazy Wife Pole, Golden-Eyed Wax Bush, Scarlet Runner (Pole), Emperor of Russia (Pole), Round Six Weeks Bush, Southern Creeseback Bush, 1,000 to 1 Bush, Black Velentine Bush, Improved Golden Wax Bush, White Kidney Bush, White Marrow Bush
Peter S. Tower, Youngstown. Silver medal Wheat.–Early Arcadian
Corn.–Eight-Rowed Yellow, ears
Miles Townsend, Bath. Silver medal
Wheat.–Longberry Red
Morgan Vail, Stormville. Silver medal Oats.–White Tartar
Rye.–White Winter
Corn.–White Dent, ears
Vancott Bros., LaGrangeville. Bronze medal Corn.–Pride of New Jersey, ears
W. H. Dueson, Le Roy. Gold medal
Wheat.–Red Clawson
Walter Van Loon, Bath. Gold medal
Joseph Van Wyck, Arlington. Bronze medal Corn.–Eight-Rowed Yellow, ears
James Vick’s Sons, Rochester. Silver medal Clover.–Crimson
Corn.–Champion White Pearl Pop, Early Mastodon, Pride of the North, Kaffir
Pea.–Large White Marrowfat, Small Field Beans.–Black Butter, White Kidney, Black Wax, Large Marrowfat, Red Kidney
Barley.–Bulless, Manshung
Oats.–New Banner.
Sun Flower.–White–Beauty, Mammoth Russian F. L. Wailt, Ellington. Bronze medal
Wheat.–White Winter
Walter Ward, Rochester Junction. Bronze medal Corn.–Longfellow Yellow, ears
John B. Y. Warner, Scottsville. Silver medal Barley.–Beardless
Charles Watrous, Warsaw. Bronze medal Wheat.–Red Clawson
Oats.–Clydesdale, Probester
Mrs. Emogene Watrous, Warsaw. Silver medal Wheat.
Joseph L. Weed, Ballston Spa. Bronze medal Corn.–Eight-Rowed Yellow, ears, Twelve-Rowed Yellow, ears, Eight-Rowed Yellow Dent, ears
C. Weiting, Cobleskill. Silver medal Wheat.–Spring Red
W. H. Wheeler, Florida. Silver medal Wheat.–Red Winter, Fulcastor
C. W. & C. M. Wilcox, Delhi. Silver medal Maple Sugar and Syrup
James Wilder, Warsaw. Silver medal
Charles Willour, Painted Post. Bronze medal Wheat.–Long Medt
James M. Wisner, Edenville
Corn.–Pedrick Perfect, ears
O. M. Wixon, Elinira. Bronze medal
Oats.–Early Scotch
C. S. Wright, Hammond
Corn.–New England Fline, ears
Wyoming County Alms House, Varysburg. Silver medal Wheat and Oats
A. Young, Bath. Bronze medal
Corn.–White Rice Pop, ears
Albany County. Silver medal
Allegany County. Silver medal
C. L. Allen, Sandy Hill. Silver medal Potatoes
C. W. Becker, Carlisle. Bronze medal Potatoes.–Salzer’s Great Sunlight, Salzer’s Million Dollar John Bockeno, Baldwinsville. Bronze medal Onions.–Yellow Danvers, Prize Taker, Silver King, Southport Red, Southport White
F. E. Brown, Binghamton. Bronze medal Onions.–Red Wethersfield, Australian Brown, Yellow Danvers, Prize Takers, Southport White Arthur L. Billings, Prattsburg. Silver medal