Something in his leisurely movements and the secure position of his feet upon the lawn suggested that it was Mr. Gatsby himself, come out to determine what share was his of our local heavens.
Death in Venice by Thomas Mann
Denied and glossed over, death was eating its way along the narrow streets, and its dissemination was especially favoured by the premature summer heat which made the water of the canals lukewarm.
Dangerous Connections by Choderlos de Laclos
God forbid I should ever intend making a general apology for all novels! that would be the idea of a Demoniac; I only mean to justify useful novels. If any one makes a bad use of this kind of writing, I most willingly acquiesce in their condemnation. Let us now examine whether the author of Dangerous Connections deserves to suffer.
Tour Du Mond 80 Jours
Sommaire Chapitre I – Dans lequel Phileas Fogg et Passepartout s’acceptent réciproquement, l’un comme maître, l’autre comme domestique Chapitre II – Où Passepartout est convaincu qu’il a enfin trouvé son idéal Chapitre III – Où s’engage une conversation qui pourra…
La Tulipe Noire [abridged] by Alexandre Dumas
I Les deux frŠres Le 20 ao–t 1672, la ville de la Haye, si vivante, si blanche, si coquette que l’on dirait que tous les jours sont des dimanches, la ville de la Haye, avec son parc ombreux, avec ses grands arbres inclin‚s sur ses maisons gothiques, la ville de la Haye gonflait toutes ses
La Dame aux Camélias by Alexandre Dumas, Fils
1 Mon avis est qu’on ne peut créer des personnages que lorsque l’on a beaucoup étudié les hommes, comme on ne peut parler une langue qu’a la condition de l’avoir sérieusement apprise. N’ayant pas encore l’âge où l’on invente, je me contente de raconter. J’engage donc le lecteur á être convaincu de la réalité de
Washington Square by Henry James
CHAPTER I During a portion of the first half of the present century, and more particularly during the latter part of it, there flourished and practised in the city of New York a physician who enjoyed perhaps an exceptional share of the consideration which, in the United States, has always been bestowed upon distinguished members
Une Vie, A Piece of String and Other Stories by Guy de Maupassant
Produced by Thomas Berger, Eric Eldred, Charles Franks and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team. GUY DE MAUPASSANT UNE VIE A Piece of String And Other Stories Translated by Albert M. C. McMaster, B.A. A. E. Henderson, B.A. Mme. Quesada and Others * * * * * VOLUME I. * * * * *
Under Two Flags by Ouida
Etext prepared by Dagny, and John Bickers, Under Two Flags by Ouida TO COLONEL POULETT CAMERON whose family has given so many brilliant soldiers to the armies of France and England and made the battle-fields of Europe ring with “The War-Cry of Lochiel” this story of a soldier’s life is dedicated in sincere
Under the Red Robe by Stanley Weyman
Note: In this Etext, text in italics has been written in capital letters. Many French words in the text have accents, etc. which have been omitted. UNDER THE RED ROBE by STANLEY J. WEYMAN * CONTENTS CHAPTER I. AT ZATON’S CHAPTER II. AT THE GREEN PILLAR
Under the Greenwood Tree by Thomas HardyA Rural Painting of the Dutch School
UNDER THE GREENWOOD TREE or THE MELLSTOCK QUIRE A RURAL PAINTING OF THE DUTCH SCHOOL PREFACE This story of the Mellstock Quire and its old established west- gallery musicians, with some supplementary descriptions of similar officials in Two on a Tower, A Few Crusted Characters, and other places, is intended to be a fairly true
Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher StoweOr, Life Among the Lowly
This etext was originally created by Judith Boss, Omaha, Nebraska. The equipment: an IBM-compatible 486/50, a Hewlett-Packard ScanJet IIc flatbed scanner, and a copy of Calera Recognition Systems’ M/600 Series Professional OCR software and RISC accelerator board donated by Calera. UNCLE TOM’S CABIN or Life among the Lowly Harriet Beecher Stowe CHAPTER I In Which