The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex by Charles Darwin

This etext was prepared by Sue Asscher THE DESCENT OF MAN AND SELECTION IN RELATION TO SEX Works by Charles Darwin, F.R.S. Life and Letters of Charles Darwin. With an Autobiographical Chapter. Edited by Francis Darwin. Portraits. 3 volumes 36s. Popular Edition. Condensed in 1 volume 7s 6d. Naturalist’s Journal of Researches into the Natural

Evidence as to Man’s Place in Nature by Thomas H. Huxley

This etext was prepared by Amy E. Zelmer. EVIDENCE AS TO MAN’S PLACE IN NATURE by Thomas H. Huxley 1863 Skeletons of the GIBBON. ORANG. CHIMPANZEE. GORILLA. MAN. ‘Photographically reduced from Diagrams of the natural size (except that of the Gibbon, which was twice as large as nature), drawn by Mr. Waterhouse Hawkins from specimens