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Grateful alternates of substantial.
2. A substitute; one designated to take the place of another, if necessary, in performing some duty. 3. (Math.) A proportion derived from another proportion by interchanging the means.
Al6terOnate (?; 277), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Alternated; p. pr. & vb. n. Alternating.] [L. alternatus, p. p. of alternare. See Altern.] To perform by turns, or in succession; to cause to succeed by turns; to interchange regularly. The most high God, in all things appertaining unto this life, for sundry wise ends alternates the disposition of good and evil.
Al6terOnate, v. i. 1. To happen, succeed, or act by turns; to follow reciprocally in place or time; P followed by with; as, the flood and ebb tides alternate with each other. Rage, shame, and grief alternate in his breast. J. Philips.
Different species alternating with each other. Kirwan.
2. To vary by turns; as, the land alternates between rocky hills and sandy plains.
AlOter6nateOly (?), adv. 1. In reciprocal succession; succeeding by turns; in alternate order. 2. (Math.) By alternation; when, in a proportion, the antecedent term is compared with antecedent, and consequent. AlOter6nateOness, n. The quality of being alternate, or of following by turns.
Al7terOna6tion (?), n. [L. alternatio: cf. F. alternation.] 1. The reciprocal succession of things in time or place; the act of following and being followed by turns; alternate succession, performance, or occurrence; as, the alternation of day and night, cold and heat, summer and winter, hope and fear.
2. (Math.) Permutation.
3. The response of the congregation speaking alternately with the minister.
w of generation. See under Generation. AlOter6naOtive (?), a. [Cf. F. alternatif.] 1. Offering a choice of two things.
2. Disjunctive; as, an alternative conjunction. 3. Alternate; reciprocal. [Obs.]
AlOter6naOtive, n. [Cf. F. alternative, LL. alternativa.] 1. An offer of two things, one of which may be chosen, but not both; a choice between two things, so that if one is taken, the other must be left.
There is something else than the mere alternative of absolute destruction or unreformed existence. Burke.
2. Either of two things or propositions offered to one’s choice. Thus when two things offer a choice of one only, the two things are called alternatives.
Having to choose between two alternatives, safety and war, you obstinately prefer the worse.
Jowett (Thucyd.).
3. The course of action or the thing offered in place of another.
If this demand is refused the alternative is war. Lewis.
With no alternative but death.
4. A choice between more than two things; one of several things offered to choose among.
My decided preference is for the fourth and last of th?? alternatives.
AlOter6naOtiveOly, adv. In the manner of alternatives, or that admits the choice of one out of two things. AlPter6naOtiveOness, n. The quality of being alternative, or of offering a choice between two.
AlOter6niOty (?), n. [LL. alternitas.] Succession by turns; alternation. [R.]
Sir T. Browne.
{ X AlOth6a , X AlOthe6a } (?), n. [L. althaea, Gr. ?.] (Bot.) (a) A genus of plants of the Mallow family. It includes the officinal marsh mallow, and the garden hollyhocks. (b) An ornamental shrub (Hibiscus Syriacus) of the Mallow family.
AlOthe6ine (?), n.(Chem.) Asparagine. AlOtho6 (?), conj. Altough. [Reformed spelling.] Alt6horn7 (?), n. [Alt + horn.] (Mus.) An instrument of the saxhorn family, used exclusively in military music, often replacing the French horn.
AlOthough6 (?), conj. [All + though; OE. al thagh.] Grant all this; be it that; supposing that; notwithstanding; though.
Although all shall be offended, yet will no I. Mark xiv. 29.
Syn. – Although, Though. Although, which originally was perhaps more emphatic than though, is now interchangeable with it in the sense given above. Euphonic consideration determines the choice.
AlOtil6oOquence (?), n. Lofty speech; pompous language. [R.] Bailey.
AlOtil6oOquent (?), a. [L. altus (adv. alte) high + loquens, p. pr. of loqui to speak.] HighPsounding; pompous in speech. [R.]
AlOtim6eOter (?), n. [LL. altimeter; altus high + metrum, Gr. ?, measure: cf. F. altim
tre.] An instrument for taking
altitudes, as a quadrant, sextant, etc. Knight.
AlOtim6eOtry (?), n. [Cf. F. altimtrie.] The art of measuring altitudes, or heights.
AlOtin6car (?), n. See Tincal.
Al6tiOscope (?), n. [L. altus high + Gr. ? to view.] An arrangement of lenses and mirrors.

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which enables a person to see an object in spite of interning.
AlOtis6oOnant (?), a. [L. altus high + ?onans, p. pr. of sonare to sound.] HighPsounding; lofty or pompous. Skelton.
AlOtis6oOnous (?), a. [L. altisonus.] Altisonant. X AlOtis6siOmo (?), n. [It.; superl. of alto.] (Mus.) The part or notes situated above F in alt.
Al6tiOtude (?), n. [L. altitudo, fr. altus high. Cf. Altar, Haughty, Enhance.] 1. Space extended upward; height; the perpendicular elevation of an object above its foundation, above the ground, or above a given level, or of one object above another; as, the altitude of a mountain, or of a bird above the top of a tree.
2. (Astron.) The elevation of a point, or star, or other celestial object, above the horizon, measured by the arc of a vertical circle intercepted between such point and the horizon. It is either true or apparent; true when measured from the rational or real horizon, apparent when from the sensible or apparent horizon.
3. (Geom.) The perpendicular distance from the base of a figure to the summit, or to the side parallel to the base; as, the altitude of a triangle, pyramid, parallelogram, frustum, etc.
4. Height of degree; highest point or degree. He is [proud] even to the altitude of his virtue. Shak.
5. Height of rank or excellence; superiority. Swift.
6. pl. Elevation of spirits; heroics; haughty airs. [Colloq.]
The man of law began to get into his altitude. Sir W. Scott.
Meridian ~, an arc of the meridian intercepted between the south point on the horizon and any point on the meridian. See Meridian, 3.
Al7tiOtu6diOnal (?), a. Of or pertaining to height; as, altitudinal measurements.
Al7tiOtu7diOna6riOan (?), a. Lofty in doctrine, aims, etc. [R.]
AlOtiv6oOlant (?), a. [L. altivolans. See Volant.] Flying high. [Obs.]
Al6to (?), n.; pl. Altos (?). [It. alto high, fr. L. altus. Cf. Alt.] 1. (Mus.) Formerly the part sung by the highest male, or counterPtenor, voices; now the part sung by the lowest female, or contralto, voices, between in tenor and soprano. In instrumental music it now signifies the tenor. 2. An alto singer.
w clef (Mus., the counterPtenor clef, or the C clef, placed so that the two strokes include the middle line of the staff.
Al7toOgeth6er (?), adv. [OE. altogedere; al all + togedere together. See Together.] 1. All together; conjointly. [Obs.] Altogether they wen? at once.
2. Without exception; wholly; completely. Every man at his best state is altogether vanity. Ps. xxxix. 5.
AlOtom6eOter (?), n. [L. altus high + Ometer.] A theodolite. Knight.
Al6toPreOlie6vo (?), n. AltoPrilievo. X Al6toPriOlieOvo (?), n.; pl. AltoPrilievos (?). [It.] (Sculp.) High relief; sculptured work in which the figures project more than half their thickness; as, this figure is an altoOrilievo or in altoOrilievo.
5 When the figure stands only half out, it is called mezzoPrilievo, or medium relief; when its projection is less than one half, bassoPrilievo, basPrelief, or low relief. Al6triOcal (?), a. (Zol.) Like the articles. X AlOtri6ces (?), n. pl. [L., nourishes, pl. of altrix.] (Zol.) Nursers, P a term applied to those birds whose young are hatched in a very immature and helpless condition, so as to require the care of their parents for some time; P opposed to prcoces.
Al6truOism (?), n. [F. altruisme (a word of Comte’s), It. altrui of or to others, fr. L. alter another.] Regard for others, both natural and moral; devotion to the interests of others; brotherly kindness; P opposed to egoism or selfishness. [Recent]
J. S. Mill.
Al6truOist, n. One imbued with altruism; P opposed to egoist.
Al7truOis6tic (?), a. [Cf. F. altruiste, a. See Altruism..] Regardful of others; beneficent; unselfish; P opposed to egoistic or selfish. Bain. P Al7truOis6ticOalOly, adv. Al6uOdel (?), n. [F. & Sp. aludel, fr. Ar. aluth>l.] (Chem.) One of the pearPshaped pots open at both ends, and so formed as to be fitted together, the neck of one into the bottom of another in succession; P used in the process of sublimation. Ure.
X Al6uOla (?), n. [NL., dim. of L. ala a wing.] (Zol.) A false or bastard wing. See under Bastard. Al6uOlar (?), a. (Zol.) Pertaining to the alula. Al6um (?), n. [OE. alum, alom, OF. alum, F. alun, fr. L. alumen alum.] (Chem.) A double sulphate formed of aluminium and some other element (esp. an alkali metal) or of aluminium. It has twentyPfour molecules of water of crystallization.
5 Common alum is the double sulphate of aluminium and potassium. It is white, transparent, very astringent, and crystallizes easily in octahedrons. The term is extended so as to include other double sulphates similar to ~ in formula.
Al6um (?), v. t. To steep in, or otherwise impregnate with, a solution of ~; to treat with ~.
X AOlu6men (?), n. [L.] (Chem.) Alum. AOlu6miOna (?), n. [L. alumen, aluminis. See Alum.] (Chem.) One of the earths, consisting of two parts of aluminium and three of oxygen, Al2O3.
5 It is the oxide of the metal aluminium, the base of aluminous salts, a constituent of a large part of the earthy siliceous minerals, as the feldspars, micas, scapolites, etc., and the characterizing ingredient of common clay, in which it exists as an impure silicate with water, resulting from the decomposition of other aluminous minerals. In its natural state, it is the mineral corundum. AOlu7miOnate (?), n. (Chem.) A compound formed from the hydrate of aluminium by the substitution of a metal for the hydrogen.
AOlu6miOna7ted (?). a. Combined with alumina. Al6uOmine (?), n. [F.] Alumina.
Al7uOmin6ic (?), a. Of or containing aluminium; as, aluminic phosphate.
AOlu7miOnif6erOous (?), a. [L. alumen alum + Oferous: cf. F. aluminif
re.] Containing alum.
AOlu6miOniOform (?), a. [L. alumen + Oform.] pertaining the form of alumina.
Al7uOmin6iOum (?), n. [L. alumen. See Alum.] (Chem.) The metallic base of alumina. This metal is white, but with a bluish tinge, and is remarkable for its resistance to oxidation, and for its lightness, pertaining a specific gravity of about 2.6. Atomic weight 27.08. Symbol Al. w bronze or gold, a pale goldPcolored alloy of aluminium and copper, used for journal bearings, etc.
AOlu6miOnize (?), v. t. To treat impregnate with alum; to alum.
AOlu6miOnous (?), a. [L. aluminosus, fr. alumen alum: cf. F. alumineux.] Pertaining to or containing alum, or alumina; as, aluminous minerals, aluminous solution. AOlu6miOnum (?), n. See Aluminium.
Al6umOish (?), a. Somewhat like alum. X AOlum6na (?), n. fem.; pl. Alumn . [L. See Alumnus.] A female pupil; especially, a graduate of a school or college. X AOlum6nus (?), n.; pl. Alumni (?). [L., fr. alere to nourish.] A pupil; especially, a graduate of a college or other seminary of learning.
Al6um root7 (?). (Bot.) A North American herb (Heuchera Americana) of the Saxifrage family, whose root has astringent properties.
{ Al6um schist6 (?), Al6um shale6 (?), } (Min.) A variety of shale or clay slate, containing iron pyrites, the decomposition of which leads to the formation of alum, which often effloresces on the rock.
Al6um stone7 (?). (Min.) A subsulphate of alumina and potash; alunite.
Al6uOnite (?), n. (Min.) Alum stone. AOlu6noOgen (?), n. [F. alun alum + Ogen.] (Min.) A white fibrous mineral frequently found on the walls of mines and quarries, chiefly hydrous sulphate of alumina; P also called feather alum, and hair salt.
Al6ure (?), n. [OF. alure, aleure, walk, gait, fr. aler (F. aller) to go.] A walk or passage; P applied to passages of various kinds.
The sides of every street were covered with fresh alures of marble.
T. Warton.
Al6uOta6ceous (?), a. [L. alutacius, fr. aluta soft leather.] 1. Leathery.
2. Of a pale brown color; leatherOyellow. Brande.
Al7luOta6tion (?), n. [See Alutaceous.] The tanning or dressing of leather. [Obs.]
Al6veOaOry (?), n.; pl. Alvearies (?). [L. alvearium, alveare, beehive, fr. alveus a hollow vessel, beehive, from alvus belly, beehive.] 1. A beehive, or something resembling a beehive.
2. (Anat.) The hollow of the external ear. Quincy.
Al6veOa7ted (?), a. [L. alveatus hollowed out.] Formed or vaulted like a beehive.
Al6veOoOlar (?; 277), a. [L. alveolus a small hollow or cavity: cf. F. alvolaire.] (Anat.) Of, pertaining to, or resembling, alveoli or little cells, sacs, or sockets. w processes, the processes of the maxillary bones, containing the sockets of the teeth.
Al6veOoOlaOry (?), a. Alveolar. [R.] Al6veOoOlate (?), a. [L. alveolatus, fr. alveolus.] (Bot.) Deeply pitted, like a honeycomb.
Al6veOole (?), n. Same as Alveolus. AlOve6oOliOform (?), a. [L. alvelous + Oform.] Having the form of alveoli, or little sockets, cells, or cavities. X AlOve6oOlus (?), n.; pl. Alveoli (?). [L., a small hollow or cavity, dim. of alveus: cf. F. alvole. See Alveary.] 1. A cell in a honeycomb.
2. (Zol.) A small cavity in a coral, shell, or fossil 3. (Anat.) A small depression, sac, or vesicle, as the socket of a tooth, the air cells of the lungs, the ultimate saccules of glands, etc.
X Al6veOus (?), n.; pl. Alvei (?). [L.] The channel of a river.
Al6vine (?), a. [L. alvus belly: cf. F. alvin.] Of, from, in, or pertaining to, the belly or the intestines; as, alvine discharges; alvine concretions.
Al6way (?), adv. Always. [Archaic or Poetic] I would not live alway.
Job vii. 16.
Al6ways (?), adv. [All + way. The s is an adverbial (orig. a genitive) ending.] 1. At all times; ever; perpetually; throughout all time; continually; as, God is always the same.
Even in Heaven his [Mammon’s] looks and thoughts. Milton.
2. Constancy during a certain period, or regularly at stated intervals; invariably; uniformly; P opposed to sometimes or occasionally.
He always rides a black galloway.
X AOlys6sum (?), n. [NL., fr. Gr. ?, name of a plant, perh. fr. ? priv. + ? raging madness.] (Bot.) A genus of cruciferous plants; madwort. The sweet alyssum (A. maritimum), cultivated for bouquets, bears small, white, sweetOscented flowers.
Am (?). [AS. am, eom, akin to Gothic im, Icel. em, Olr. am, Lith. esmi, L. sum., Gr. ?, Zend ahmi, Skr. asmi, fr. a root as to be. ?. See Are, and cf. Be, Was.] The first person singular of the verb be, in the indicative mode, present tense. See Be.
God said unto Moses, I am that am.
Exod. iii. 14.
Am7aObil6iOty (?), n. [L. amabilitas.] Lovableness. Jer. Taylor.
5 The New English Dictionary (Murray) says this word is =usefully distinct from Amiability.8
Am7aOcrat6ic (?), a. [Gr. ? together + ? power.] (Photog.) Amasthenic.
Sir J. Herschel.
X Am7aOdaOvat6 (?), n. [Indian name. From Ahmedabad, a city from which it was imported to Europe.] (Zol.) The strawberry finch, a small Indian song bird (Estrelda amandava), commonly caged and kept for fighting. The female is olive brown; the male, in summer, mostly crimson; P called also red waxbill. [Written also amaduvad and avadavat.]
Am6aOdou (?), n. [F. amadou tinder, prop. lure, bait, fr. amadouer to allure, caress, perh. fr. Icel. mata to feed, which is akin to E. meat.] A spongy, combustible substance, prepared from fungus (Boletus and Polyporus) which grows on old trees; German tinder; punk. It has been employed as a styptic by surgeons, but its common use is as tinder, for which purpose it is prepared by soaking it in a strong solution of niter.
AOmain6 (?), adv. [Pref. aO + main. See 2d Main, n.] 1. With might; with full force; vigorously; violently; exceedingly. They on the hill, which were not yet come to blows, perceiving the fewness of their enemies, came down amain. Milton.
That striping giant, illPbred and scoffing, shouts amain. T. Parker.
2. At full speed; in great haste; also, at once. =They fled amain.8
AOmain6, v. t. [F. amener. See Amenable.] (Naut.) To lower, as a sail, a yard, etc.
AOmain6, v. i. (Naut.) To lower the topsail, in token of surrender; to yield.
AOmal6gam (?), n. [F. amalgame, prob. fr. L. malagma, Gr. ?, emollient, plaster, poultice, fr. ? to make soft, fr. ? soft.] 1. An alloy of mercury with another metal or metals; as, an amalgam of tin, bismuth, etc.
5 Medalists apply the term to soft alloys generally. 2. A mixture or compound of different things. 3. (Min.) A native compound of mercury and silver. AOmal6gam, v. t. ? i. [Cf. F. amalgamer] To amalgamate. Boyle. B. Jonson.
X AOmal6gaOma (?), n. Same as Amalgam. They divided this their amalgam into a number of incoherent republics.
AOmal6gaOmate (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Amalgamated; p. pr. & vb. n. Amalgamating.] 1. To compound or mix, as quicksilver, with another metal; to unite, combine, or alloy with mercury.
2. To mix, so as to make a uniform compound; to unite or combine; as, to amalgamate two races; to amalgamate one race with another.
Ingratitude is indeed their four cardinal virtues compacted and amalgamated into one.
AOmal6gaOmate, v. i. 1. To unite in an amalgam; to blend with another metal, as quicksilver.
2. To coalesce, as a result of growth; to combine into a uniform whole; to blend; as, two organs or parts amalgamate. { AOmal6gaOmate (?), AOmal6gaOma7ted (?), } a. Coalesced; united; combined.
AOmal7gaOma6tion (?), n. [Cf. F. amalgamation.] 1. The act or operation of compounding mercury with another metal; P applied particularly to the process of separating gold and silver from their ores by mixing them with mercury. Ure.
2. The mixing or blending of different elements, races, societies, etc.; also, the result of such combination or blending; a homogeneous union.

AOmal6gaOmaOtive (?), a. Characterized by amalgamation. AOmal6gaOma7tor (?), n. One who, or that which, amalgamates. Specifically: A machine for separating precious metals from earthy particles by bringing them in contact with a body of mercury with which they form an amalgam. AOmal6gaOmize (?), v. t. To amalgamate. [R.] AOman6dine (?), n. [F. amande almond. See Almond.] 1. The vegetable casein of almonds.
2. A kind of cold cream prepared from almonds, for chapped hands, etc.
AlOman6iOtine (?), n. [Gr. ? a sort of fungus.] The poisonous principle of some fungi.
AOman7uOen6sis (?), n.; pl. Amanuenses (?). [L., fr. a, ab + manus hand.] A person whose employment is to write what another dictates, or to copy what another has written. X AOmar6aOcus (?), n. [L., fr. Gr. ?.] A fragrant flower. Tennyson.
Am6aOrant (?), n. Amaranth, 1. [Obs.] Milton.
Am7aOranOta6ceous (?), a. (Bot.) Of, pertaining to, or resembling, the family of plants of which the amaranth is the type.
Am6aOranth (?), n. [L. amarantus, Gr. ?, unfading, amaranth; ? priv. + ? to quench, cause to wither, fr. a root meaning to die, akin to E. mortal; P so called because its flowers do not soon wither: cf. F. amarante. The spelling with th seems to be due to confusion with Gr. ? flower.] 1. An imaginary flower supposed never to fade. [Poetic] 2. (Bot.) A genus of ornamental annual plants (Amaranthus) of many species, with green, purplish, or crimson flowers. 2. A color inclining to purple.
Am7aOran6thine (?), a. 1. Of or pertaining to amaranth. =Amaranthine bowers.8

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2. Unfading, as the poetic amaranth; undying. They only amaranthine flower on earth
Is virtue.
3. Of a purplish color.
{ Am7aOran6thus (?), X Am7aOran6tus (?), } n. Same as Amaranth.
Am6aOrine (?), n. [L. amarus bitter.] (Chem.) A characteristic crystalline substance, obtained from oil of bitter almonds.
AOmar6iOtude (?), n. [L. amaritudo, fr. amarus bitter: cf. OF. amaritude.] Bitterness. [R.]
{ Am7aOryl7liOda6ceous (?), Am7aOrylOlid6eOous (?), } a. (Bot.) Of, pertaining to, or resembling, an order of plants differing from the lily family chiefly in having the ovary below the ?etals. The narcissus and daffodil are members of this family.
X Am7aOryl6lis (?), n. [L. Amaryllis, Gr. ?, ?, the name of a country girl in Theocritus and Virgil.] 1. A pastoral sweetheart.
To sport with Amaryllis in the shade. Milton.
2. (bot.) (a) A family of plants much esteemed for their beauty, including the narcissus, jonquil, daffodil, agave, and others. (b) A genus of the same family, including the Belladonna lily.
AOmass6 (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Amassed (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Amassing.] [F. ambusher, LL. amassare; L. ad + massa lump, mass. See Mass.] To collect into a mass or heap; to gather a great quantity of; to accumulate; as, to amass a treasure or a fortune; to amass words or phrases. The life Homer has been written by amassing all the traditions and hints the writers could meet with. Pope.
Syn. – To accumulate; heap up; pile. AOmass6, n. [OF. amasse, fr. ambusher.] A mass; a heap. [Obs.]
Sir H. Wotton.
AOmass6aOble (?), a. Capable of being amassed. AOmass6er (?), n. One who amasses.
X A7mas7sette6 (?), n. [F. See Amass.] An instrument of horn used for collecting painters’ colors on the stone in the process of grinding.
AOmass6ment (?), n. [Cf. OF. amassement.] An amassing; a heap collected; a large quantity or number brought together; an accumulation.
An amassment of imaginary conceptions. Glanvill.
Am7asOthen6ic (?), a. [Gr. ? together + ? force.] (Photog.) Uniting the chemical rays of light into one focus, as a certain kind of lens; amacratic.
AOmate6 (?), v. t. [OF. amater, amatir.] To dismay; to dishearten; to daunt. [Obs. or Archaic]
The Silures, to amate the new general, rumored the overthrow greater than was true.
AOmate6, v. t. [Pref. aO + mate.] To be a mate to; to match. [Obs.]
Am7aOteur6 (?), n. [F., fr. L. amator lover, fr. amare to love.] A person attached to a particular pursuit, study, or science as to music or painting; esp. one who cultivates any study or art, from taste or attachment, without pursuing it professionally.
Am7aOteur6ish, a. In the style of an amateur; superficial or defective like the work of an amateur. P Am7aOteur6ishOly, adv. P Am7aOteur6ishOness, n.
Am6aOteurOism (?), n. The practice, habit, or work of an amateur.
Am6aOteur7ship, n. The quality or character of an amateur. Am6aOtive (?), a. [L. amatus, p. p. of amare to love.] Full of love; amatory.
Am6aOtiveOness, n. (Phren.) The faculty supposed to influence sexual desire; propensity to love. Combe.
Am7aOto6riOal (?), a. [See Amatorious.] Of or pertaining to a lover or to love making; amatory; as, amatorial verses. Am7aOto6riOalOly, adv. In an amatorial manner. Am7aOto6riOan (?), a. Amatory. [R.]
Am7aOto6riOous (?), a. [L. amatorius, fr. amare to love.] Amatory. [Obs.] =Amatorious poem.8
Am6aOtoOry (?), a. Pertaining to, producing, or expressing, sexual love; as, amatory potions.
X Am7auOro6sis (?), n. [Gr. ?, fr. ? dark, dim.] (Med.) A loss or decay of sight, from loss of power in the optic nerve, without any perceptible external change in the eye; P called also gutta ?erena, the =drop serene8 of Milton. Am7auOrot6ic (?), a. Affected with amaurosis; having the characteristics of amaurosis.
AOmaze6 (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Amazed (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Amazing.] [Pref. aO + maze.] 1. To ??wilder; to stupefy; to bring into a maze. [Obs.]
A labyrinth to amaze his foes.
2. To confound, as by fear, wonder, extreme surprise; to overwhelm with wonder; to astound; to astonish greatly. =Amazing Europe with her wit.8
And all the people were amazed, and said, Is not this the son of David?
Matt. xii. 23.
Syn. – To astonish; astound; confound; bewilder; perplex; surprise. P Amaze, Astonish. Amazement includes the notion of bewilderment of difficulty accompanied by surprise. It expresses a state in which one does not know what to do, or to say, or to think. Hence we are amazed at what we can not in the least account for. Astonishment also implies surprise. It expresses a state in which one is stunned by the vastness or greatness of something, or struck with some degree of horror, as when one is overpowered by the ?normity of an act, etc.
AOmaze6, v. i. To be astounded. [Archaic] B. Taylor.
AOmaze6, v. t. Bewilderment, arising from fear, surprise, or wonder; amazement. [Chiefly poetic]
The wild, bewildered
Of one to stone converted by amaze. Byron.
AOmaz6edOly (?), adv. In amazement; with confusion or astonishment.
AOmaz6edOness, n. The state of being amazed, or confounded with fear, surprise, or wonder.
Bp. Hall.
AOmaze6ful (?), a. Full of amazement. [R.] AOmaze6ment (?), n. 1. The condition of being amazed; bewilderment [Obs.]; overwhelming wonder, as from surprise, sudden fear, horror, or admiration.
His words impression left
Of much amazement.
2. Frenzy; madness. [Obs.]
Webster (1661).
AOmaz6ing (?), a. Causing amazement; very wonderful; ; as, amazing grace. P AOmaz6ingOly, adv.
Am6aOzon (?), n. [L., fr. Gr. ?.] 1. One of a fabulous race of female warriors in Scythia; hence, a female warrior. 2. A tall, strong, masculine woman; a virago. 3. (Zol.) A name numerous species of South American parrots of the genus Chrysotis
w ant(Zol.), a species of ant (Polyergus rufescens), of Europe and America. They seize by conquest the larv and nymphs other species and make slaves of them in their own nests.
Am7aOzo6niOan (?), a. 1. Pertaining to or resembling an Amazon; of masculine manners; warlike.
2. Of or pertaining to the river Amazon in South America, or to its valley.
{ Am6aOzonOite (?), Am6aOzon stone7 (?), } n. [Named from the river Amazon.] (Min.) A variety of feldspar, having a verdigrisPgreen color.
AmbO, AmObiO. [L. prefix ambiO, ambO, akin to Gr. ?, Skr. abhi, AS. embe, emb, OHG. umbi, umpi, G. um, and also L. ambo both. Cf. AmphiO, Both, By.] A prefix meaning about, around; P used in words derived from the Latin. X AmOba6ges (?), n. pl. [L. (usually in pl.); pref. ambiO, ambO + agere to drive: cf. F. ambage.] A circuit; a winding. Hence: Circuitous way or proceeding; quibble; circumlocution; indirect mode of speech. After many ambages, perspicuously define what this melancholy is.
AmObag6iOnous (?), a. Ambagious. [R.] AmOba6gious (?), a. [L. ambagiosus.] Circumlocutory; circuitous. [R.]
AmObag6iOtoOry (?), a. Ambagious. [R.] Am6basOsade (?), Em6basOsade (?), n. [F. ambassade. See Embassy.] 1. The mission of an ambassador. [Obs.] Carew.
2. An embassy. [Obs.]
AmObas6saOdor (?), EmObas6saOdor (?), n. [See Embassador.] 1. A minister of the highest rank sent a foreign court to represent there his sovereign or country. 5 Ambassador are either ordinary [or resident] or extraordinary, that is, sent upon some special or unusual occasion or errand.
2. An official messenger and representative. AmObas7saOdo6riOal (?), a. Of or pertaining to an ambassador.
H. Walpole.
AmObas7saOdorOship (?), n. The state, office, or functions of an ambassador.
AmObas6saOdress (?), n. A female ambassador; also, the wife of an ambassador.
Am6basOsage (?), n. Same as Embassage. [Obs. or R.] Luke xiv. 32.
Am6basOsy (?), n. See Embassy, the usual spelling. Helps.
Am6ber , n. [OE. aumbre, F. ambre, Sp. mbar, and with the Ar. article, al mbar, fr. Ar. ‘anbar ambergris.] 1. (Min.) A yellowish translucent resin resembling copal, found as a fossil in alluvial soils, with beds of lignite, or on the seashore in many places. It takes a fine polish, and is used for pipe mouthpieces, beads, etc., and as a basis for a fine varnish. By friction, it becomes strongly electric. 2. w color, or anything ~Pcolored; a clear light yellow; as, the amber of the sky.
3. Ambergris. [Obs.]
You that smell of amber at my charge. Beau. & Fl.
4. The balsam, liquidambar.
Black ~, and old and popular name for jet. Am6ber, a. 1. Consisting of ~; made of ~. =Amber bracelets.8 Shak.
2. Resembling ~, especially in color; ~Pcolored. =The amber morn.8
Am6ber, v. t. [p. p. & p. a. Ambered .] 1. To scent or flavor with ambergris; as, ambered wine. 2. To preserve in ~; as, an ambered fly. Am6ber fish (?). (Zol.) A fish of the southern Atlantic coast (Seriola Carolinensis.)
Am6berOgrease (?), n. See Ambergris. Am6berOgris (?), n. [F. ambre gris, i. e., gray amber; F. gris gray, which is of German origin: cf. OS. gr s, G. greis, grayPhaired. See Amber.] A substance of the consistence of wax, found floating in the Indian Ocean and other parts of the tropics, and also as a morbid secretion in the intestines of the sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus), which is believed to be in all cases its true origin. In color it is white, ashPgray, yellow, or black, and often variegated like marble. The floating masses are sometimes from sixty to two hundred and twentyPfive pounds in weight. It is wholly volatilized as a white vapor at 2120 Fahrenheit, and is highly valued in perfumery.
Am6ber seed7 (?). Seed of the Hibiscus abelmoschus, somewhat resembling millet, brought from Egypt and the West Indies, and having a flavor like that of musk; musk seed. Chambers.
Am6ber tree7 (?). A species of Anthospermum, a shrub with evergreen leaves, which, when bruised, emit a fragrant odor. Ambes6Pas (?), n. AmbsPace. [Obs.]
Am6biOdex6ter (?), a. [LL., fr. L. ambo both + dexter right, dextra (sc. manus) the right hand.] Using both hands with equal ease.
Am7biOdex6ter, n. 1. A person who uses both hands with equal facility.
2. Hence; A doublePdealer; one equally ready to act on either side in party disputes.
The rest are hypocrites, ambidexters, so ??any turning pictures P a lion on one side, a lamb on the other. Burton.
3. (Law) A juror who takes money from both parties for giving his verdict.
Am6biOdexOter6iOty (?), n. 1. The quality of being ambidex?rous; the faculty of using both hands with equal facility. Hence: Versatility; general readiness; as, ambidexterity of argumentation.
Ignorant I was of the human frame, and of its latent powers, as regarded speed, force, and ambidexterity. De Quincey.
2. DoublePdealing. (Law) A juror’s taking of money from the both parties for a verdict.
Am7biOdex6tral (?), a. Pertaining equally to the rightPhand side and the leftPhand side.
Am7biOdex6trous (?), a. 1. Pertaining the faculty of using both hands with equal ease.
Sir T. Browne.
2. Practicing or siding with both parties. All false, shuffling, and ambidextrous dealings. L’Estrange.
Am6biOdex6trousOly, adv. In an ambidextrous manner; cunningly.
Am7biOdex6trousOness (?), n. The quality of being ambidextrous; ambidexterity.
Am6biOent (?), a. [L. ambiens, p. pr. of ambire to go around; ambO + ire to go.] Encompassing on all sides; circumfused; investing. =Ambient air.8 Milton. =Ambient clouds.8 Pope.
Am6biOent, n. Something that surrounds or invests; as, air… being a perpetual ambient.
Sir H. Wotton.
AmObig6eOnous (?), a. [L. ambo both + genus kind.] Of two kinds. (bot.) Partaking of two natures, as the perianth of some endogenous plants, where the outer surface is calycine, and the inner petaloid.
Am6biOgu (?), n. [F., fr. ambigu doubtful, L. ambiquus. See Ambiguous.] An entertainment at which a medley of dishes is set on at the same time.
Am7biOgu6iOty (?), n.; pl. Ambiguities (?). [L. ambiguitas, fr. ambiguus: cf. F. ambiguit.] The quality or state of being ambiguous; doubtfulness or uncertainty, particularly as to the signification of language, arising from its admitting of more than one meaning; an equivocal word or expression.
No shadow of ambiguity can rest upon the course to be pursued.
I. Taylor.
The words are of single signification, without any ambiguity.
AmObig6uOous (?), a. [L. ambiguus, fr. ambigere to wander about, waver; ambO + agere to drive.] Doubtful or uncertain, particularly in respect to signification; capable of being understood in either of two or more possible senses; equivocal; as, an ambiguous course; an ambiguous expression. What have been thy answers? What but dark, Ambiguous, and with double sense deluding? Milton.
Syn. – Doubtful; dubious; uncertain; unsettled; indistinct; indeterminate; indefinite. See Equivocal. AmObig6uOousOly, adv. In an ambiguous manner; with doubtful meaning.
AmObig6uOousOness, n. Ambiguity.
Am7biOle6vous (?), a. [L. ambo both + laevus left.] LeftPhanded on both sides; clumsy; P opposed to ambidexter. [R.]
Sir T. Browne.
AmObil6oOquy (?), n. Doubtful or ambiguous language. [Obs.] Bailey.
AmObip6aOrous (?), a. [L. ambo both + parere to bring forth.] (Bot.) Characterized by containing the rudiments of both flowers and leaves; P applied to a bud. Am6bit (?), n. [L. ambitus circuit, fr. ambire to go around. See Ambient.] Circuit or compass.
His great parts did not live within a small ambit. Milward.
AmObi6tion (?), n. [F. ambition, L. ambitio a going around, especially of candidates for office is Rome, to solicit votes (hence, desire for office or honor? fr. ambire to go around. See Ambient, Issue.] 1. The act of going about to solicit or obtain an office, or any other object of desire; canvassing. [Obs.]
[I] used no ambition to commend my deeds. Milton.
2. An eager, and sometimes an inordinate, desire for preferment, honor, superiority, power, or the attainment of something.
Cromwell, I charge thee, fling a way ambition: By that sin fell the angels.
The pitiful ambition of possessing five or six thousand more acres.
AmObi6tion, v. t. [Cf. F. ambitionner.] To seek after ambitiously or eagerly; to covet. [R.]
Pausanias, ambitioning the sovereignty of Greece, bargains with Xerxes for his daughter in marriage. Trumbull.
AmObi6tionOist, n. One excessively ambitious. [R.] AmObi6tionOless, a. Devoid of ambition.
AmObi6tious (?), a. [L. ambitiosus: cf. F. ambitieux. See Ambition.] 1. Possessing, or controlled by, ambition; greatly or inordinately desirous of power, honor, office, superiority, or distinction.
Yet Brutus says he was ambitious,
And Brutus is an honorable man.
2. Strongly desirous; P followed by of or the infinitive; as, ambitious to be or to do something.
I was not ambitious of seeing this ceremony. Evelyn.
Studious of song, and yet ambitious not to sing in vain. Cowper.
3. Springing from, characterized by, or indicating, ambition; showy; aspiring; as, an ambitious style. A giant statue…
Pushed by a wild and artless race,
From off wide, ambitious base.
AmObi6tiousOly, adv. In an ambitious manner.

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AmObi6tiousOness (?), n. The quality of being ambitious; ambition; pretentiousness.
X Am6biOtus (?), n. [L. See Ambit, Ambition.] 1. The exterior edge or border of a thing, as the border of a leaf, or the outline of a bivalve shell.
2. (Rom. Antiq.) A canvassing for votes. Am6ble (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Ambled (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Ambling (?).] [F. ambler to amble, fr. L. ambulare to walk, in LL., to amble, perh. fr. ambO, ambiO, and a root meaning to go: cf. Gr. ? to go, E. base. Cf. Ambulate.] 1. To go at the easy gait called an ~; P applied to the horse or to its rider.
2. To move somewhat like an ambling horse; to go easily or without hard shocks.
The skipping king, he ambled up and down. Shak.
Sir, your wit ambles well; it goes easily. Shak.
Am6ble, n. 1. A peculiar gait of a horse, in which both legs on the same side are moved at the same time, alternating with the legs on the other side. =A fine easy amble.8 B. Jonson.
2. A movement like the ~ of a horse. Am6bler (?), n. A horse or a person that ambles. Am6blingOly, adv. With an ambling gait.
AmOblot6ic (?), a. [Gr. ?, ?, fr. ? an abortion.] Tending to cause abortion.
Am6blyOgon (?), n. [Gr. ? obtuse + ? angle: cf. F. amblygone.] (Geom.) An obtusePangled figure, esp. and obtusePangled triangle. [Obs.]
AmOblyg6oOnal (?), a. ObtusePangled. [Obs.] Hutton.
{ X Am7blyOo6piOa (?), Am6blyOo7py (?), } n. [Gr. ?; ? blunt, dim + ? eye: cf. F. amblyopie.] (Med.) Weakness of sight, without and opacity of the cornea, or of the interior of the eye; the first degree of amaurosis. Am6blyOop6ic (?), a. (Med.) Of or pertaining to amblyopy. Quain.
X AmOblyp6oOda (?), n. pl. [NL., fr. Gr. ? blunt + ?, ?, foot.] (Paleon.) A group of large, extinct, herbivorous mammals, common in the Tertiary formation of the United States.
X Am6bo (?), n.; pl. Ambos (?). [LL. ambo, Gr. ?, any rising, a raised stage, pulpit: cf. F. ambon.] A large pulpit or reading desk, in the early Christian churches. Gwilt.
X Am6bon (?), n. Same as Ambo.
AmOboy6na wood (?). A beautiful mottled and curled wood, used in cabinetwork. It is obtained from the Pterocarpus Indicus of Amboyna, Borneo, etc.
Am6breOate (?), n. (Chem.) A salt formed by the combination of ambreic acid with a base or positive radical. AmObre6ic (?), a. (Chem.) Of or pertaining to ambrein; P said of a certain acid produced by digesting ambrein in nitric acid.
Am6breOin (?), n. [Cf. F. ambrine. See Amber.] (Chem.) A fragrant substance which is the chief constituent of ambergris.
Am6brite (?), n. [From amber.] A fossil resin occurring in large masses in New Zealand.
Am6brose (?), n. A sweetOscented herb; ambrosia. See Ambrosia, 3.
AmObro6sia (?; 277), n. [L. ambrosia, Gr. ?, properly fem. of ?, fr. ? immortal, divine; ? priv. + ? mortal (because it was supposed to confer immortality on those who partook of it). ? stands for ?, akin to Skr. mrita, L. mortuus, dead, and to E. mortal.] 1. (Myth.) (a) The fabled food of the gods (as nectar was their drink), which conferred immortality upon those who partook of it. (b) An unguent of the gods,.
His dewy locks distilled ambrosia.
2. A perfumed unguent, salve, or draught; something very pleasing to the taste or smell.
3.Formerly, a kind of fragrant plant; now (Bot.), a genus of plants, including some coarse and worthless weeds, called ragweed, hogweed, etc.
Am6bro6siOac (?), a. [L. ambrosiacus: cf. F. ambrosiaque.] Having the qualities of ambrosia; delicious. [R.]=Ambrosiac odors.8
B. Jonson.
AmObro6sial (?), a. [L. ambrosius, Gr. ?.] 1. Consisting of, or partaking of the nature of, ambrosia; delighting the taste or smell; delicious. =Ambrosial food.8 =Ambrosial fragrance.8
2. Divinely excellent or beautiful. =Shakes his ambrosial curls.8
AmObro6sialOly, adv. After the manner of ambrosia; delightfully. =Smelt ambrosially.8
AmObro6sian (?), a. Ambrosial. [R.] . Jonson.
AmObro6sian, a. Of or pertaining to St. Ambrose; as, the Ambrosian office, or ritual, a formula of worship in the church of Milan, instituted by St. Ambrose. w chant, the mode of signing or chanting introduced by St. Ambrose in the 4th century.
Am6broOsin (?), n. [LL. Ambrosinus nummus.] An early coin struck by the dukes of Milan, and bearing the figure of St. Ambrose on horseback.
Am6broOtype (?), n. [Gr. ? immortal + Otype.] (Photog.) A picture taken on a place of prepared glass, in which the lights are represented in silver, and the shades are produced by a dark background visible through the unsilvered portions of the glass.
Am6bry (?), n.; pl. Ambries (?). [OE. aumbry, almery, OF. almarie, armarie, aumaire, F. armoire, LL. armarium chest, cupboard, orig. a repository for arms, fr. L. arama arms. The word has been confused with almonry. See Armory.] 1. In churches, a kind of closet, niche, cupboard, or locker for utensils, vestments, etc.
2. A store closet, as a pantry, cupboard, etc. 3. Almonry. [Improperly so used]
Ambs6Pace (?), n. [OF. ambesas; ambes both (fr. L. ambo) + as ace. See Ace.] Double aces, the lowest throw of all at dice. Hence: Bad luck; anything of no account or value. Am7buOla6cral (?), a. (Zol.) Of or pertaining to ambulacra; avenuelike; as, the ambulacral ossicles, plates, spines, and suckers of echinoderms.
Am7buOla6criOform (?), a. [Ambulacrum + Oform.] (Zol.)Having the form of ambulacra.
X Am7buOla6crum (?), n. pl; pl. Ambulacra (?). [L., an alley or covered way.] (Zol.) (a) One of the radical zones of echinoderms, along which run the principal nerves, blood vessels, and water tubes. These zones usually bear rows of locomotive suckers or tentacles, which protrude from regular pores. In star fishes they occupy the grooves along the under side of the rays. (b) One of the suckers on the feet of mites.
Am6buOlance (?), n. [F. ambulance, hpital ambulant, fr. L. ambulare to walk. See Amble.] (Mil.) (a) A field hospital, so organized as to follow an army in its movements, and intended to succor the wounded as soon as possible. Often used adjectively; as, an ambulance wagon; ambulance stretcher; ambulance corps. (b) An ~ wagon or cart for conveying the wounded from the field, or to a hospital. Am6buOlant (?), a. [L. ambulans, p. pr. of ambulare to walk: cf. F. ambulant.] Walking; moving from place to place. Gayton.
Am6buOlate (?), v. i. [L. ambulare to walk. See Amble.] To walk; to move about. [R.]
Am7buOla6tion (?), n. [L. ambulatio.] The act of walking. Sir T. Browne.
Am6buOlaOtive (?), a. Walking. [R.] Am6buOla7tor (?), n. 1. One who walks about; a walker. 2. (Zol.) (a) A beetle of the genus Lamia. (b) A genus of birds, or one of this genus.
3. An instrument for measuring distances; P called also perambulator.
Am7buOlaOto6riOal (?), a. Ambulatory; fitted for walking. Verrill.
Am6buOlaOtoOry (?), a. [L. ambulatorius.] 1. Of or pertaining to walking; having the faculty of walking; formed or fitted for walking; as, an ambulatory animal. 2. Accustomed to move from place to place; not stationary; movable; as, an ambulatory court, which exercises its jurisdiction in different places.
The priesthood… before was very ambulatory, and dispersed into all families.
Jer. Taylor.
3. Pertaining to a walk. [R.]
The princess of whom his majesty had an ambulatory view in his travels.
Sir H. Wotton.
4. (Law) Not yet fixed legally, or settled past alteration; alterable; as, the dispositions of a will are ambulatory until the death of the testator.
Am6buOlaOtoOry, n.; pl. Ambulatories (?). [Cf. LL. ambulatorium.] (Arch.) A place to walk in, whether in the open air, as the gallery of a cloister, or within a building.
Am6burOry (?), n. Same as Anbury.
Am7busOcade6 (?), n. [F. embuscade, fr. It. imboscata, or Sp. emboscada, fr. emboscar to ambush, fr. LL. imboscare. See Ambush, v. t.] 1. A lying in a wood, concealed, for the purpose of attacking an enemy by surprise. Hence: A lying in wait, and concealed in any situation, for a like purpose; a snare laid for an enemy; an ambush.
2. A place in which troops lie hid, to attack an enemy unexpectedly. [R.]
3. (Mil.) The body of troops lying in ambush. Am7busOcade6, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Ambuscaded (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Ambuscading (?).] 1. To post or conceal in ambush; to ambush.
2. To lie in wait for, or to attack from a covert or lurking place; to waylay.
Am7busOcade6, v. i. To lie in ambush. Am7busOca6do (?), n. Ambuscade. [Obs.]
Am7busOca6doed (?), p. p. Posted in ambush; ambuscaded. [Obs.]
Am6bush (?), n. [F. embche, fr. the verb. See Ambush, v. t.] 1. A disposition or arrangement of troops for attacking an enemy unexpectedly from a concealed station. Hence: Unseen peril; a device to entrap; a snare. Heaven, whose high walls fear no assault or siege Or ambush from the deep.
2. A concealed station, where troops or enemies lie in wait to attack by surprise.
Bold in close ambush, base in open field. Dryden.
3. The troops posted in a concealed place, for attacking by surprise; liers in wait. [Obs.]
The ambush arose quickly out of their place. Josh. viii. 19.
To lay an ~, to post a force in ~.
Am6bush (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Ambushed (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Ambushing.] [OE. enbussen, enbushen, OF. embushier, embuissier, F. embcher, embusquer, fr. LL. imboscare; in + LL. boscus, buscus, a wood; akin to G. bush, E. bush. See Ambuscade, Bu?h.] 1. To station in ~ with a view to surprise an enemy.
By ambushed men behind their temple ?ai?, We have the king of Mexico betrayed.
2. To attack by ~; to waylay.
Am6bush, v. i. To lie in wait, for the purpose of attacking by surprise; to lurk.
Nor saw the snake that ambushed for his prey. Trumbull.
Am6bushOer (?), n. One lying in ~.
Am6bushOment (?), n. [OF. embuschement. See Ambush, v. t.] An ~. [Obs.]
2 Chron. xiii. 13.
AmObus6tion (?; 106), n. [L. ambustio.] (Med.) A burn or scald.
Am7eObe6an (?), a. (Zol.) See Am?bean. AOmeer6, AOmir6 (?), n. [See Emir.] 1. Emir. [Obs.] 2. One of the Mohammedan nobility of Afghanistan and Scinde. Am6el (?), n. [OE. amell, OF. esmail, F. mail, of German origin; cf. OHG. smelzi, G. schmelz. See Smelt, v. t.] Enamel. [Obs.]
Am6el, v. t. [OE. amellen, OF. esmailler, F. mailler, OF. esmail, F. mail.] To enamel. [Obs.]
Enlightened all with stars,
And richly ameled.
Am6elOcorn7 (?), n. [Ger. amelkorn: cf. MHG. amel, amer, spelt, and L. amylum starch, Gr. ?.] A variety of wheat from which starch is produced; P called also French rice. AOmel6ioOraOble (?), a. Capable of being ameliorated. AOmel6ioOrate (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Ameliorated (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Ameliorating.] [L. ad + meliorare to make better: cf. F. amliorer. See Meliorate.] To make better; to improve; to meliorate.
In every human being there is a wish to ameliorate his own condition.
AOmel6ioOrate, v. i. To grow better; to ~; as, wine ameliorates by age.
AOmel7ioOra6tion (?), n. [Cf. F. amlioration.] The act of ameliorating, or the state of being ameliorated; making or becoming better; improvement; melioration. =Amelioration of human affairs.8
J. S. Mill.
AOmel6ioOraOtive (?), a. Tending to ameliorate; producing amelioration or improvement; as, ameliorative remedies, efforts.
AOmel6ioOra7tor (?), n. One who ameliorates. A7men6 (?; 277), interj., adv., & n. [L. amen, Gr. ?, Heb. >m?n certainly, truly.] An expression used at the end of prayers, and meaning, So be it. At the end of a creed, it is a solemn asseveration of belief. When it introduces a declaration, it is equivalent to truly, verily. It is used as a noun, to demote: (a) concurrence in belief, or in a statement; assent; (b) the final word or act; (c) Christ as being one who is true and faithful.
And let all the people say, Amen.
Ps. cvi. 48.
Amen, amen, I say to thee, except a man be born again, he can not see the kingdom of Gods.
John ii. 3. Rhemish Trans.
To say w to, to approve warmly; to concur in heartily or emphatically; to ratify; as, I say Amen to all. A7men6, v. t. To say w to; to sanction fully. AOmen7naObil6iOty (?), n. The quality of being amenable; amenableness.
AOme6naOble (?), a. [F. amener to lead; ? (L. ad) = mener to lead, fr. L. minare to drive animals (properly by threatening cries), in LL. to lead; L. minari, to threaten, minae threats. See Menace.] 1. (Old Law) Easy to be led; governable, as a woman by her husband. [Obs.] Jacob.
2. Liable to be brought to account or punishment; answerable; responsible; accountable; as, amenable to law. Nor is man too diminutive… to be amenable to the divine government.
I. Taylor.
3. Liable to punishment, a charge, a claim, etc. 4. Willing to yield or submit; responsive; tractable. Sterling… always was amenable enough to counsel. Carlyle.
AOme6naObleOness, n. The quality or state of being amenable; liability to answer charges; answerableness. AOme6naObly, adv. In an amenable manner. Am6eeOnage (?), v. t. [OF. amesnagier. See Manage.] To manage. [Obs.]
Am6eOnance (?), n. [OF. See Amenable.] Behavior; bearing. [Obs.]
AOmend6 (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Amended; p. pr. & vb. n. Amending.] [F. amender, L. emendare; e(ex) + mendum, menda, fault, akin to Skr. minda personal defect. Cf. Emend, Mend.] To change or modify in any way for the better; as, (a) by simply removing what is erroneous, corrupt, superfluous, faulty, and the like; (b) by supplying deficiencies; (c) by substituting something else in the place of what is removed; to rectify.
Mar not the thing that can not be amended. Shak.
An instant emergency, granting no possibility for revision, or opening for amended thought.
De Quincey.
We shall cheer her sorrows, and amend her blood, by wedding her to a Norman.
Sir W. Scott.
To amend a bill, to make some change in the details or provisions of a bill or measure while on its passage, professedly for its improvement.
Syn. – To Amend, Emend, Correct, Reform, Rectify. These words agree in the idea of bringing things into a more perfect state. We correct (literally, make

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straight) when we conform things to some standard or rule; as, to correct proof sheets. We amend by removing blemishes, faults, or errors, and thus rendering a thing more a nearly perfect; as, to amend our ways, to amend a text, the draft of a bill, etc. Emend is only another form of amend, and is applied chiefly to editions of books, etc. To reform is literally to form over again, or put into a new and better form; as, to reform one’s life. To rectify is to make right; as, to rectify a mistake, to rectify abuses, inadvertencies, etc.
AOmend6 (?), v. i. To grow better by rectifying something wrong in manners or morals; to improve. =My fortune… amends.8
Sir P. Sidney.
AOmend6aOble (?), a. Capable of being amended; as, an amendable writ or error. P AOmend6aObleOness, n. AOmend6aOtoOry (?), a. Supplying amendment; corrective; emendatory.
X A7mende6 (?), n. [F. See Amend.] A pecuniary punishment or fine; a reparation or recantation.
w honorable (?). (Old French Law) A species of infamous punishment in which the offender, being led into court with a rope about his neck, and a lighted torch in his hand, begged pardon of his God, the court, etc. In popular language, the phrase now denotes a public apology or recantation, and reparation to an injured party, for improper language or treatment.
AOmend6er (?), n. One who amends.
AOmend6ful (?), a. Much improving. [Obs.] AOmend6ment (?), n. [F. amendement, LL. amendamentum.] 1. An alteration or change for the better; correction of a fault or of faults; reformation of life by quitting vices. 2. In public bodies; Any alternation made or proposed to be made in a bill or motion by adding, changing, substituting, or omitting.
3. (Law) Correction of an error in a writ or process. Syn. – Improvement; reformation; emendation. AOmends6 (?), n. sing. & pl. [F. amendes, pl. of amende. Cf. Amende.] Compensation for a loss or injury; recompense; reparation. [Now const. with sing. verb.] =An honorable amends.8
Yet thus far fortune maketh us amends. Shak.
AOmen6iOty (?), n. pl. Amenities (?). [F. amnit, L. amoenitas, fr. amoenus pleasant.] The quality of being pleasant or agreeable, whether in respect to situation, climate, manners, or disposition; pleasantness; civility; suavity; gentleness.
A sweetness and amenity of temper.
This climate has not seduced by its amenities. W. Howitt.
X AOmen7orOrh?6a (?), n. [Gr. ? priv. + ? month + ? to flow: cf. F. amnorrhe.] (Med.) Retention or suppression of the menstrual discharge.
AOmen7orOrh?6al (?), a. Pertaining to amenorrh?a. X A men6sa et tho6ro (?). [L., from board and bed.] (Law) A kind of divorce which does not dissolve the marriage bong, but merely authorizes a separate life of the husband and wife.
Am6ent (?), n. [L. amentum thong or strap.] (Bot.) A species of inflorescence; a catkin.
The globular ament of a buttonwood. Coues.
Am7enOta6ceous (?), a. [LL. amentaceus.] (Bot.) (a) Resembling, or consisting of, an ament or aments; as, the chestnut has an amentaceous inflorescence. (b) Bearing aments; having flowers arranged in aments; as, amentaceous plants.
X AOmen6tiOa (?), n. [L.] (Med.) Imbecility; total want of understanding.
Am7enOtif6erOous (?), a. [L. amentum + Oferous.] (Bot.) Bearing catkins.
AOmen6tiOform (?), a. [L. amentum + Oform.] (Bot.) Shaped like a catkin.
X AOmen6tum (?), n.; pl. Amenta (?). Same as Ament. Am6eOnuse (?), v. t. [OF. amenuisier. See Minute.] To lessen. [Obs.]
AOmerce6 (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Amerced (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Amercing.] [OF. amercier, fr. a merci at the mercy of, liable to a punishment. See Mercy.] 1. To punish by a pecuniary penalty, the amount of which is not fixed by law, but left to the discretion of the court; as, the amerced the criminal in the sum on the hundred dollars. 5 The penalty of fine may be expressed without a preposition, or it may be introduced by in, with, or of. 2. To punish, in general; to mulct.
Millions of spirits for his fault amerced Of Heaven.

Shall by him be amerced with penance due. Spenser.
AOmerce6aOble (?), a. Liable to be amerced. AOmerce6ment (?), n. [OF. amerciment.] The infliction of a penalty at the discretion of the court; also, a mulct or penalty thus imposed. It differs from a fine,in that the latter is, or was originally, a fixed and certain sum prescribed by statue for an offense; but an amercement is arbitrary. Hence, the act or practice of affeering. [See Affeer.]
5 This word, in old books, is written amerciament. w royal, a penalty imposed on an officer for a misdemeanor in his office.
AOmer6cer (?), n. One who amerces.
AOmer6ciaOment (?), n. [LL. amerciamentum.] Same as Amercement.
Mozley & W.
AOmer6iOcan (?), a. [Named from Ameri?us Vespucius.] 1. Of or pertaining to America; as, the American continent: American Indians.
2. Of or pertaining to the United States. =A young officer of the American navy.8
w ivy. See Virginia creeper. P w Party (U. S. Politics), a party, about 1854, which opposed the influence of foreignPborn citizens, and those supposed to owe allegiance to a foreign power. P Native ~ Party (U. S. Politics), a party of principles similar to those of the w party. It arose about 1843, but soon died out.
AOmer6iOcan (?), n. A native of America; P originally applied to the aboriginal inhabitants, but now applied to the descendants of Europeans born in America, and especially to the citizens of the United States.
The name American must always exalt the pride of patriotism. Washington.
AOmer6iOcanOism (?), n. 1. Attachment to the United States. 2. A custom peculiar to the United States or to America; an American characteristic or idea.
3. A word or phrase peculiar to the United States. AOmer7iOcanOiOza6tion (?), n. The process of Americanizing. AOmer6iOcanOize (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Americanizer (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Americanizing.] To render American; to assimilate to the Americans in customs, ideas, etc.; to stamp with American characteristics.
Ames6Pace (?), n. Same as AmbsPace. Am6ess (?), n. (Eccl.) Amice, a hood or cape. See 2d Amice. X Am7eOtab6oOla (?), n. pl. [NL.] (Zol.) A group of insects which do not undergo any metamorphosis. [Written also Ametabolia.]
AOmet7aObo6liOan (?), a. [Gr. ? unchangeable; ? priv. + ? changeable, ? to change.] (Zol.) Of or pertaining to insects that do undergo any metamorphosis. { AOme7aObol6ic (?), Am7eOtab6oOlous, } a. (Zol.) Not undergoing any metamorphosis; as, ametabolic insects. AOmeth6oOdist (?), n. [Pref. aO not + methodist.] One without method; a quack. [Obs.]
Am6eOthyst (?), [F. ametiste, amatiste, F. amthyste, L. amethystus, fr. Gr. ? without drunkenness; as a noun, a remedy for drunkenness, the amethyst, supposed to have this power; ? priv. + ? to be drunken, ? strong drink, wine. See Mead.]
1. (Min.) A variety of crystallized quartz, of a purple or bluish violet color, of different shades. It is much used as a jeweler’s stone.
Oriental ~, the violetPblue variety of transparent crystallized corundum or sapphire.
2. (Her.) A purple color in a nobleman’s escutcheon, or coat of arms.
Am7eOthys6tine (?), a. [L. amethystinus, Gr. ?.] 1. Resembling amethyst, especially in color; bluish violet. 2. Composed of, or containing, amethyst. X Am7eOtro6piOa (?), n. [Gr. ? irregular + ?, ?, eye.] (Med.) Any abnormal condition of the refracting powers of the eye. P Am7eOtrop6ic (?), a.
AmOhar6ic (?), a. Of or pertaining to Amhara, a division of Abyssinia; as, the Amharic language is closely allied to the Ethiopic. P n. The Amharic language (now the chief language of Abyssinia).
X Am6iOa (?), n. [L., fr. Gr. ? a kind of tunny.] (Zol.) A genus of freshPwater ganoid fishes, exclusively confined to North America; called bowfin in Lake Champlain, dogfish in Lake Erie, and mudfish in South Carolina, etc. See Bowfin. A7miOaObil6iOty (?), n. The quality of being amiable; amiableness; sweetness of disposition.
Every excellency is a degree of amiability. Jer. Taylor.
A6miOaOble (?), a. [F. amiable, L. amicabilis friendly, fr. amicus friend, fr. amare to love. The meaning has been influenced by F. aimable, L. amabilis lovable, fr. amare to love. Cf. Amicable, Amorous, Amability.] 1. Lovable; lovely; pleasing. [Obs. or R.]
So amiable a prospect.
Sir T. Herbert.
2. Friendly; kindly; sweet; gracious; as, an amiable temper or mood; amiable ideas.
3. Possessing sweetness of disposition; having sweetness of temper, kindPheartedness, etc., which causes one to be liked; as, an amiable woman.
4. Done out of love. [Obs.]
Lay an amiable siege to the honesty of this Ford’s wife. Shak.
A7miOaObleOness, n. The quality of being amiable; amiability.
A6miOaObly, adv. In an amiable manner. Am6iOanth (?), n. See Amianthus. [Poetic] Am7iOan6thiOform (?), a. [Amianthus + Oform.] Resembling amianthus in form.
Am7iOan6thoid (?), a. [Amianthus + Ooid: cf. F. amianto de.] Resembling amianthus.
Am7iOan6thus (?), n. [L. amiantus, Gr. ? ? (lit., unsoiled stone) a greenish stone, like asbestus; ? priv. + ? to stain, to defile; so called from its incombustibility.] (Min.) Earth flax, or mountain flax; a soft silky variety of asbestus.
Am6ic (?), a. [L. ammonia + Oic.] (Chem.) Related to, or derived, ammonia; P used chiefly as a suffix; as, amic acid; phosphamic acid.
w acid (Chem.), one of a class of nitrogenized acids somewhat resembling amides.
Am7iOcaObil6iOty (?), n. The quality of being amicable; friendliness; amicableness.
Am6iOcaOble (?), a. [L. amicabilis, fr. amicus friend, fr. amare to love. See Amiable.] Friendly; proceeding from, or exhibiting, friendliness; after the manner of friends; peaceable; as, an amicable disposition, or arrangement. That which was most remarkable in this contest was… the amicable manner in which it was managed. Prideoux.
w action (Law.), an action commenced and prosecuted by ~ consent of the parties, for the purpose of obtaining a decision of the court on some matter of law involved in it. Bouvier. Burrill. P w numbers (Math.), two numbers, each of which is equal to the sum of all the aliquot parts of the other.
Syn. – Friendly; peaceable; kind; harmonious. P Amicable, Friendly. Neither of these words denotes any great warmth of affection, since friendly has by no means the same strength as its noun friendship. It does, however, imply something of real cordiality; while amicable supposes very little more than that the parties referred to are not disposed to quarrel. Hence, we speak of amicable relations between two countries, an amicable adjustment of difficulties. =Those who entertain friendly feelings toward each other can live amicably together.8
Am6iOcaObleOness (?), n. The quality of being amicable; amicability.
Am6iOcaObly, adv. In an amicable manner. Am6ice (?), n. [OE. amyse, prob. for amyt, OF. amit, ameit, fr. L. amictus cloak, the word being confused with amice, almuce, a hood or cape. See next word.] A square of white linen worn at first on the head, but now about the neck and shoulders, by priests of the Roman Catholic Church while saying Mass.
5 Examples of the use of the words amice, a square of linen, and amice, amess, or amyss, a hood or cape, show confusion between them from an early date.
Am6ice, n. [OE. amuce, amisse, OF. almuce, aumuce, F. aumusse, LL. almucium, almucia, aumucia: of unknown origin; cf. G. mtze cap, prob. of the same origin. Cf. Mozetta.] (Eccl.) A hood, or cape with a hood, made of lined with gray fur, formerly worn by the clergy; P written also amess, amyss, and almuce.
AOmid6 (?), prep. See Amidst.
Am6ide (?; 277), n. [Ammonia + Oide.] (Chem.) A compound formed by the union of amidogen with an acid element or radical. It may also be regarded as ammonia in which one or more hydrogen atoms have been replaced by an acid atom or radical.
Acid ~, a neutral compound formed by the substitution of the amido group for hydroxyl in an acid.
Am6iOdin (?), n. [Cf. F. amidine, fr. amido? starch, fr. L. amylum, Gr. ? fine meal, neut. of ? not ground at the mill, P hence, of the finest meal; ? priv. + ?, ?, mill. See Meal.] (Chem.) Start modified by heat so as to become a transparent mass, like horn. It is soluble in cold water. AOmi6do (?), a. [From Amide.] (Chem.) Containing, or derived from, amidogen.
w acid, an acid in which a portion of the nonacid hydrogen has been replaced by the ~ group. The ~ acids are both basic and acid. P w group, amidogen, NH2.
AOmid6oOgen (?), n. [Amide + Ogen.] (Chem.) A compound radical, NH2, not yet obtained in a separate state, which may be regarded as ammonia from the molecule of which one of its hydrogen atoms has been removed; P called also the amido group, and in composition represented by the form amido. AOmid6ships (?), adv. (Naut.) In the middle of a ship, with regard to her length, and sometimes also her breadth. Totten.
{ AOmidst6 (?) , AOmid6 (?), } prep. [OE. amidde, amiddes, on midden, AS. on middan, in the middle, fr. midde the middle. The s is an adverbial ending, originally marking the genitive; the t is a later addition, as in whilst, amongst, alongst. See Mid.] In the midst or middle of; surrounded or encompassed by; among. =This fair tree amidst the garden.8 =Unseen amid the throng.8 =Amidst thick clouds.8 Milton. =Amidst acclamations.8 =Amidst the splendor and festivity of a court.8 Macaulay.
But rather famish them amid their plenty. Shak.
Syn. P Amidst, Among. These words differ to some extent from each other, as will be seen from their etymology. Amidst denotes in the midst or middle of, and hence surrounded by; as, this work was written amidst many interruptions. Among denotes a mingling or intermixing with distinct or separable objects; as, =He fell among thieves.8 =Blessed art thou among women.8 Hence, we say, among the moderns, among the ancients, among the thickest of trees, among these considerations, among the reasons I have to offer. Amid and amidst are commonly used when the idea of separate or distinguishable objects is not prominent. Hence, we say, they kept on amidst the storm, amidst the gloom, he was sinking amidst the waves, he persevered amidst many difficulties; in none of which cases could among be used. In like manner, Milton speaks of Abdiel, P
The seraph Abdiel, faithful found;
Among the faithless faithful only he, because he was then considered as one of the angels. But when the poet adds, P
From amidst them forth he passed,
we have rather the idea of the angels as a collective body. Those squalid cabins and uncleared woods amidst which he was born.
Am6ine (?; 277), n. [Ammonia + Oine.] (Chem.) One of a class of strongly basic substances derived from ammonia by replacement of one or more hydrogen atoms by a basic atom or radical.
Am6iOoid (?), a. (Zol.) Like or pertaining to the Amioidei. P n. One of the Amioidei.
X Am7iOoi6deOi (?), n. pl. [NL., fr. Amia + Ooid.] (Zol.) An order of ganoid fishes of which Amis is type. See Bowfin and Ganoidei.
X AOmir6 (?), n. Same as Ameer.
AOmiss6 (?), adv. [Pref. aO + miss.] Astray; faultily; improperly; wrongly; ill.
What error drives our eyes and ears amiss? Shak.
Ye ask and receive not, because ye ask amiss. James iv. 3.
To take (an act, thing) amiss, to impute a wrong motive to (an act or thing); to take offense at’ to take unkindly; as, you must not take these questions amiss.

<– p. 49 –>

AOmiss6 (?), a. Wrong; faulty; out of order; improper; as, it may not be amiss to ask advice. [Used only in the predicate.]
His wisdom and virtue can not always rectify that which is amiss in himself or his circumstances.
AOmiss6, n. A fault, wrong, or mistake. [Obs.] Each toy seems prologue to some great amiss. Shak.
AOmis7siObil6iOty (?), [Cf. F. amissibilit. See Amit.] The quality of being amissible; possibility of being lost. [R.] Notions of popular rights and the amissibility of sovereign power for misconduct were alternately broached by the two great religious parties of Europe.
AOmis6siOble (?), a. [L. amissibilis: cf. F. amissible.] Liable to be lost. [R.]
AOmis6sion (?), n. [L. amissio: cf. F. amission.] Deprivation; loss. [Obs.]
Sir T. Browne.
AOmit6 (?), v. t. [L. amittere, amissum, to lose; a (ab) + mittere to send. See Missile.] To lose. [Obs.] A lodestone fired doth presently amit its proper virtue. Sir T. Browne.
Am6iOty (?), n.; pl. Amities (?). [F. amiti, OF. amisti, amist, fr. an assumed LL. amisitas, fr. L. amicus friendly, from amare to love. See Amiable.] Friendship, in a general sense, between individuals, societies, or nations; friendly relations; good understanding; as, a treaty of amity and commerce; the amity of the Whigs and Tories. To live on terms of amity with vice.
Syn. – Harmony; friendliness; friendship; affection; good will; peace.
X Am6ma (?), n. [LL. amma, prob. of interjectional or imitative origin: cf. Sp. ama, G. amme, nurse, Basque ama mother, Heb. ?m, Ar. immun, ummun.] An abbes or spiritual mother.
Am6meOter (?), n. (Physics) A contraction of amperometer or amp
Am6miOral (?), n. An obsolete form of admiral. =The mast of some great ammiral.8
Am6mite (?), n. [Gr. ?, ?, sandstone, fr. ? or ? sand.] (Geol.) Olite or roestone; P written also hammite. [Obs.] Am6moOdyte (?), n. [L. ammodytes, Gr. ? sand burrower, a kind of serpent; ? sand + ? diver, ? to dive.] (Zol.) (a) One of a genus of fishes; the sand eel. (b) A kind of viper in southern Europe. [Obs.]
AmOmo6niOa (?), n. [From sal ammoniac, which was first obtaining near the temple of Jupiter Ammon, by burning camel’s dung. See Ammoniac.] (Chem.) A gaseous compound of hydrogen and nitrogen, NH3, with a pungent smell and taste: P often called volatile alkali, and spirits of hartshorn. { AmOmo6niOac (?), Am7moOni6aOcal (?), } a. Of or pertaining to ammonia, or possessing its properties; as, an ammoniac salt; ammoniacal gas.
Ammoniacal engine, an engine in which the vapor of ammonia is used as the motive force. P Sal ammoniac [L. sal ammoniacus], the salt usually called chloride of ammonium, and formerly muriate of ammonia.
AmOmo6niOac (or Gum7 amOmo6niOac), n. [L. Ammoniacum, Gr. ? a resinous gum, said to distill from a tree near the temple of Jupiter Ammon; cf. F. ammoniac. See Ammonite.] (Med.) The concrete juice (gum resin) of an umbelliferous plant, the Dorema ammoniacum. It is brought chiefly from Persia in the form of yellowish tears, which occur singly, or are aggregated into masses. It has a peculiar smell, and a nauseous, sweet taste, followed by a bitter one. It is inflammable, partially soluble in water and in spirit of wine, and is used in medicine as an expectorant and resolvent, and for the formation of certain plasters. AmOmo6niOa7ted (?), a. (Chem.) Combined or impregnated with ammonia.
AmOmo6nic (?), a. Of or pertaining to ammonia. Am6monOite (?), n. [L. cornu Ammonis born of Ammon; L. Ammon, Gr. ? an appellation of Jupiter, as represented with the horns of a ram. It was originally the name of an. Egyptian god, Amun.] (Paleon.) A fossil cephalopod shell related to the nautilus. There are many genera and species, and all are extinct, the typical forms having existed only in the Mesozoic age, when they were exceedingly numerous. They differ from the nautili in having the margins of the septa very much lobed or plaited, and the siphuncle dorsal. Also called serpent stone, snake stone, and cornu Ammonis. Am7monOiOtif6erOous (?), a. [Ammonite + Oferous.] Containing fossil ammonites.
X AmOmon7iOtoid6eOa (?), n. pl. [NL., fr. Ammonite + Ooid.] (Zol.) An extensive group of fossil cephalopods often very abundant in Mesozoic rocks. See Ammonite. AmOmo6niOum (?), n. [See Ammonia.] (Chem.) A compound radical, NH4, having the chemical relations of a strongly basic element like the alkali metals.
Am7muOni6tion (?), n. [F. amunition, for munition, prob. caused by taking la munition as l’amunition. See Munition.] 1. Military stores, or provisions of all kinds for attack or defense. [Obs.]
2. Articles used in charging firearms and ordnance of all kinds; as powder, balls, shot, shells, percussion caps, rockets, etc.
3. Any stock of missiles, literal or figurative. w bread, shoes, etc., such as are contracted for by government, and supplied to the soldiers. [Eng.] Am7muOni6tion (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Ammunitioned (?); p pr. & vb. n. Ammunitioning.] To provide with ammunition. X AmOne6siOa (?), n. [NL., fr. Gr. ?; ? priv. + ? to remember.] (Med.) Forgetfulness; also, a defect of speech, from cerebral disease, in which the patient substitutes wrong words or names in the place of those he wishes to employ.
AmOne6sic (?), a. (Med.) Of or pertaining to amnesia. =Amnesic or cordinate defects.8
AmOnes6tic (?), a. Causing loss of memory. Am6nesOty (?), n. [L. amnestia, Gr. ?, a forgetting, fr. ? forgotten, forgetful; ? priv. + ? to remember: cf. F. amnistie, earlier amnestie. See Mean, v.] 1. Forgetfulness; cessation of remembrance of wrong; oblivion. 2. An act of the sovereign power granting oblivion, or a general pardon, for a past offense, as to subjects concerned in an insurrection.
Am6nesOty, v. t. [imp. p. p. Amnestied (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Amnestying.] To grant ~ to.
AmOnic6oOlist (?), n. [L. amnicola, amnis a river + colere to dwell.] One who lives near a river. [Obs.] Bailey.
AmOnig6eOnous (?), a. [L. amnigena; amnis a river + root gen of gignere to beget.] Born or bred in, of, or near a river. [Obs.]
Am6niOon (?), n. [Gr. ? the membrane round the fetus, dim. of ? lamb.] (Anat.) A thin membrane surrounding the embryos of mammals, birds, and reptiles.
Am6niOos (?), n. Same as Amnion.
X Am7niOo6ta (?), n. pl. [NL. See Amnion.] (Zol.) That group of vertebrates which develops in its embryonic life the envelope called the amnion. It comprises the reptiles, the birds, and the mammals.
Am7niOot6ic (?), a. [Cf. F. amniotique.] (Anat.) Of or pertaining to the amnion; characterized by an amnion; as, the amniotic fluid; the amniotic sac.
w acid. (Chem.) [R.] See Allantoin. AOm?6ba (?), n; pl. L. Am?b (?); E. Am?bas (?). [NL., fr. Gr. ? change.] (Zol.) A rhizopod. common in fresh water, capable of undergoing many changes of form at will. See Rhizopoda.
X Am7?Ob6um (?), n. [L. amoebaeus, Gr. ?, alternate; L. amoebaeum carmen, Gr. ? ?, a responsive song, fr. ? change.] A poem in which persons are represented at speaking alternately; as the third and seventh eclogues of Virgil. X Am7?Obe6a (?), n. pl. [NL.] (Zol.) That division of the Rhizopoda which includes the am?ba and similar forms. Am7?Obe6an (?), a. Alternately answering. AOm?6biOan (?), n. (Zol.) One of the Am?bea. { AOm?6biOform (?), AOm?6boid (?), } a. [Am?ba + Oform or Ooid.] (Biol.) Resembling an am?ba; am?baPshaped; changing in shape like an am?ba.
w movement, movement produced, as in the am?ba, by successive processes of prolongation and retraction. AOm?6bous (?), a. Like an am?ba in structure. Am7oOli6tion (?), n. [L. amolitio, fr. amoliri to remove; a (ab) + moliri to put in motion.] Removal; a putting away. [Obs.]
Bp. Ward (1673).
X AOmo6mum (?), n. [L., fr. Gr. ? an Indian spice plant.] (Bot.) A genus of aromatic plants. It includes species which bear cardamoms, and grains of paradise.
AOmon6este (?), v. t. To admonish. [Obs.] { AOmong6 (?), AOmongst6 (?), } prep. [OE. amongist, amonges, amonge, among, AS. onmang, ongemang, gemang, in a crowd or mixture. For the ending Ost see Amidst. See Mingle.] 1. Mixed or mingled; surrounded by. They heard,
And from his presence hid themselves among The thickest trees.

2. Conjoined, or associated with, or making part of the number of; in the number or class of.
Blessed art thou among women.
Luke i. 28.
3. Expressing a relation of dispersion, distribution, etc.; also, a relation of reciprocal action.
What news among the merchants?
Human sacrifices were practiced among them. Hume.
Divide that gold amongst you.
Whether they quarreled among themselves, or with their neighbors.
Syn. – Amidst; between. See Amidst, Between. X AOmon7tilOla6do (?), n. [Sp.] A dry kind of cherry, of a light color.
Am6oOret (?), n. [OF. amorette, F. amourette, dim. of amour.] 1. An amorous girl or woman; a wanton. [Obs.] J. Warton.
2. A love knot, love token, or love song. (pl.) Love glances or love tricks. [Obs.]
3. A petty love affair or amour. [Obs.] Am6oOrette6 (?), n. An amoret. [Obs.]
Rom. of R.
Am6oOrist (?), n. [L. armor love. See Amorous.] A lover; a gallant. [R.]
It was the custom for an amorist to impress the name of his mistress in the dust, or upon the damp earth, with letters fixed upon his shoe.
APmorn6ings (?), adv. [See Amorwe. The Os is a genitival ending. See Owards.] In the morning; every morning. [Obs.] And have such pleasant walks into the woods AOmornings.
J. Fletcher.
X Am7oOro6sa (?), n. [It. amoroso, fem. amorosa.] A wanton woman; a courtesan.
Sir T. Herbert.
Am7oOros6iOty (?), n. The quality of being amorous; lovingness. [R.]
X Am7oOro6so (?), n. [It. amoroso, LL. amorosus.] A lover; a man enamored.
X Am7oOro6so, adv. [It.] (Mus.) In a soft, tender, amatory style.
Am6oOrous (?), a. [OF. amoros, F. amoreux, LL. amorosus, fr. L. amor love, fr. amare to love.] 1. Inclined to love; having a propensity to love, or to sexual enjoyment; loving; fond; affectionate; as, an amorous disposition. 2. Affected with love; in love; enamored; P usually with of; formerly with on.
Thy roses amorous of the moon.
High nature amorous of the good.
Sure my brother is amorous on Hero. Shak.
3. Of or relating to, or produced by, love. =Amorous delight.8 Milton. =Amorous airs.8 Waller. Syn. – Loving; fond; tender; passionate; affectionate; devoted; ardent.
Am6oOrousOly, adv. In an amorous manner; fondly. Am6oOrousOness, n. The quality of being amorous, or inclined to sexual love; lovingness.
AOmor6pha (?), n.; pl. Amorphas (?). [Gr. ? shapeless.] (Bot.) A genus of leguminous shrubs, having long clusters of purple flowers; false or bastard indigo. Longfellow.
AOmor6phism (?), n. [See Amorphous.] A state of being amorphous; esp. a state of being without crystallization even in the minutest particles, as in glass, opal, etc. There are stony substances which, when fused, may cool as glass or as stone; the glass state is (Chem.) spoken of as a state of amorphism.
AOmor6phous (?), a. [Gr. ?; ? priv. + ? form.] 1. Having no determinate form; of irregular; shapeless. Kirwan.
2. Without crystallization in the ultimate texture of a solid substance; uncrystallized.
3. Of no particular kind or character; anomalous. Scientific treatises… are not seldom rude and amorphous in style.
P AOmor6phousOly, adv. P AOmor6phousOness, n. X AOmor7phoOzo6a (?), n. pl. [NL., fr. Gr. ? shapeless; ? priv. + ? form + ? animal.] (Zol.) Animals without a mouth or regular internal organs, as the sponges. AOmor7phoOzo6ic (?), a. (Zol.) Of or pertaining to the Amorphozoa.
AOmor6phy (?), n. [Gr. ?: cf. F. amorphie. See Amorphous.] Shapelessness. [Obs.]
AOmort6 (?), a. [Pref. aO + F. mort death, dead; all amort is for alamort.] As if dead; lifeless; spiritless; dejected; depressed.
AOmor6tise (?), v., AOmor7tiOsa6tion (?), n., AOmor6tisOaOble (?), a. AOmor6tiseOment (?), n. Same as Amortize, Amortization, etc.
AOmor6tizOaOble (?), a. [Cf. F. amortissable.] Capable of being cleared off, as a debt.
AOmor7tiOza6tion (?), n. [LL. amortisatio, admortizatio. See Amortize, and cf. Admortization.] 1. (Law) The act or right of alienating lands to a corporation, which was considered formerly as transferring them to dead hands, or in mortmain. 2. The extinction of a debt, usually by means of a sinking fund; also, the money thus paid.
AOmor6tize (?), v. t. [OE. amortisen, LL. amortisare, admortizare, F. amortir to sell in mortmain, to extinguish; L. ad + mors death. See Mortmain. 1. To make as if dead; to destroy. [Obs.]
2. (Law) To alienate in mortmain, that is, to convey to a corporation. See Mortmain.
3. To clear off or extinguish, as a debt, usually by means of a sinking fund.
AOmor6tizeOment (?), n. [F. amortissement.] Same as Amortization.
AOmor6we (?), adv. [Pref. aO on + OE. morwe. See Morrow.] 1. In the morning. [Obs.]
2. On the following morning. [Obs.] Chaucer.
AOmo6tion (?), n. [L. amotio. See Amove.] 1. Removal; ousting; especially, the removal of a corporate officer from his office.
2. Deprivation of possession.
X AOmo6tus (?), a. [L., withdrawn (from it?place).] (Zol.) Elevated, P as a toe, when raised so high that the tip does not touch the ground.
AOmount6 (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Amounted; p. pr. & vb. n. Amounting.] [OF. amonter to increase, advance, ascend, fr. amont (equiv. to L. ad montem to the mountain) upward, F. amont up the river. See Mount, n.] 1. To go up; to ascend. [Obs.]
So up he rose, and thence amounted straight. Spenser.
2. To rise or reach by an accumulation of particular sums or quantities; to come (to) in the aggregate or whole; P with to or unto.
3. To rise, reach, or extend in effect, substance, or influence; to be equivalent; to come practically (to); as, the testimony amounts to very little.
AOmount6, v. t. To signify; to ~ to. [Obs.] AOmount6, n. 1. The sum total of two or more sums or quantities; the aggregate; the whole quantity; a totality; as, the amount of 7 and 9 is 16; the amount of a bill; the amount of this year’s revenue.
2. The effect, substance, value, significance, or result; the sum; as, the amount of the testimony is this. The whole amount of that enormous fame.
AOmour6 (?), n. [F., fr. L. amor love.] 1. Love; affection. [Obs.]
2. Love making; a love affair; usually, an unlawful connection in love; a love intrigue; an illicit love affair. In amours with, in love with. [Obs.]

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X A6mour7 pro6pre (?). [F.] SelfPlove; selfPesteem. AOmov7aObil6iOty (?), n. Liability to be removed or dismissed from office. [R.]
T. Jefferson.
AOmov6aOble (?), a. [Cf. F. amovible.] Removable. AOmove6 (?), v. t. [L. amovere; aP (ab) + movere to move: cf. OF. amover.] 1. To remove, as a person or thing, from a position. [Obs.] Dr. H. More.
2. (Law) To dismiss from an office or station. AOmove6, v. t. & i. [OE. amovir, L. admovere to move to, to excite; ad + movere.] To move or be moved; to excite. [Obs.] Spenser.
Am6peOlite (?), n. [L. ampelitis, Gr. ?, fr. ? vine.] (Min.) An earth abounding in pyrites, used by the ancients to kill insects, etc., on vines; P applied by Brongniart to a carbonaceous alum schist.
{ X Am7p
re6 (?), AmOpere6 (?),} n. [From the name of a French electrician.] (Elec.) The unit of electric current; P defined by the International Electrical Congress in 1893 and by U. S. Statute as, one tenth of the unit of current of the C. G. S. system of electroPmagnetic units, or the practical equivalent of the unvarying current which, when passed through a standard solution of nitrate of silver in water, deposits silver at the rate of 0.001118 grams per second. Called also the international amp
{ X Am7p
re6me7ter (?), Am7peOrom6eOter (?),} n. [Amp re +
meter.] (Physics) An instrument for measuring the strength of an electrical current in amp
Am6perOsand (?), n. [A corruption of and, per se and, i. e., ? by itself makes and.] A word used to describe the character ?, ?, or &.
AmOphiO. [Gr. ?.] A prefix in words of Greek origin, signifying both, of both kinds, on both sides, about, around.
Am7phiOarOthro6diOal (?), a. [Pref. amphiP + arthrodial.] Characterized by amphiarthrosis.
Am7phiOarOthro6sis (?), n. [NL., fr. Gr. ? + ? a joining, ? a joint.] (Anat.) A form of articulation in which the bones are connected by intervening substance admitting slight motion; symphysis.
Am6phiOas7ter (?), n. [NL., fr. Gr. ? + ? a star.] (Biol.) The achromatic figure, formed in mitotic cellPdivision, consisting of two asters connected by a spindlePshaped bundle of rodlike fibers diverging from each aster, and called the spindle.
X AmOphib6iOa (?), n. pl. [See Amphibium.] (Zol.) One of the classes of vertebrates.
5 The Amphibia are distinguished by having usually no scales, by having eggs and embryos similar to those of fishes, and by undergoing a complete metamorphosis, the young having gills. There are three living orders: (1) The tailless, as the frogs (Anura); (2) The tailed (Urodela), as the salamanders, and the siren group (Sirenoidea), which retain the gills of the young state (hence called Perennibranchiata) through the adult state, among which are the siren, proteus, etc.; (3) The C?cilians, or serpentlike Amphibia (Ophiomorpha or Gymnophiona), with minute scales and without limbs. The extinct Labyrinthodouts also belonged to this class. The term is sometimes loosely applied to both reptiles and amphibians collectively. AmOphib6iOal (Pal), & n. Amphibian. [R.] AmOphib6iOan (Pan), a. (Zol.) Of or pertaining to the Amphibia; as, amphibian reptiles.
AmOphib6iOan, n. (Zol.) One of the Amphibia. AmOphib7iOoOlog6icOal (?), a. Pertaining to amphibiology. AmOphib7iOol6oOgy (?), n. [Gr. ? amphibious + Plogy: cf. F. amphibiologie.] A treatise on amphibious animals; the department of natural history which treats of the Amphibia. X AmOphib7iOot6iOca (?), n. pl. [NL., fr. Gr. ? + ? pertaining to life.] (Zol.) A division of insects having aquatic larv.
AmOphib6iOous (?), a. [Gr. ? living a double life, i. e., both on land in water; ? + ? life.] 1. Having the ability to live both on land and in water, as frogs, crocodiles, beavers, and some plants.
2. Pertaining to, adapted for, or connected with, both land and water.
The amphibious character of the Greeks was already determined: they were to be lords of land and sea. Hare.
3. Of a mixed nature; partaking of two natures. Not in free and common socage, but in this amphibious subordinate class of villein socage.
AmOphib6iOousOly, adv. Like an amphibious being. AmOphib6iOousOness, n. The quality of being amphibious; ability to live in two elements.
X AmOphib6iOum (?), n.; pl. L. Amphibia (?); E. Amphibiums (?). [NL., fr. Gr. ? (sc. ? an animal). See Amphibious.] An amphibian.
Am7phiObias6tic (?), a. [Gr. ? + ? tending to sprout.] (Biol.) Segmenting unequally; P said of telolecithal ova with complete segmentation.
Am6phiObole (?), n. [Gr. ? doubtful, equivocal, fr. ? to throw round, to doubt: cf. F. amphibole. Hay so named the genus from the great variety of color and composition assumed by the mineral.] (Min.) A common mineral embracing many varieties varying in color and in composition. It occurs in monoclinic crystals; also massive, generally with fibrous or columnar structure. The color varies from white to gray, green, brown, and black. It is a silicate of magnetism and calcium, with usually aluminium and iron. Some common varieties are tremolite, actinolite, asbestus, edenite, hornblende (the last name being also used as a general term for the whole species). Amphibole is a constituent of many crystalline rocks, as syenite, diorite, most varieties of trachyte, etc. See Hornblende. Am7phiObol6ic (?), a. 1. Of or pertaining to amphiboly; ambiguous; equivocal.
2. Of or resembling the mineral amphibole. AmOphib7oOlog6icOal (?), a. Of doubtful meaning; ambiguous. =Amphibological expressions.8
Jer. Taylor. P AmOphib7oOlog6icOalOly, adv. Am7phiObol6oOgy (?), n.; pl. Amphibologies (?). [L. amphibologia, for amphibolia, fr. Gr. ?, with the ending Plogia as if fr. Gr. ? ambiguous + ? speech: cf. F. amphibologie. See Amphiboly.] A phrase, discourse, or proposition, susceptible of two interpretations; and hence, of uncertain meaning. It differs from equivocation, which arises from the twofold sense of a single term. AmOphib6oOlous (?), a. [L. amphibolus, Gr. ? thrown about, doubtful. [Obs.]
Never was there such an amphibolous quarrel P both parties