relating to am equal or equitable division of lands; as, the agrarian laws of Rome, which distributed the conquered and other public lands among citizens.
His Grace’s landed possessions are irresistibly inviting to an agrarian experiment.
2. (Bot.) Wild; P said of plants growing in the fields. AOgra6riOan, n. 1. One in favor of an equal division of landed property.
2. An ~ law. [R.]
An equal agrarian is perpetual law. Harrington.
AOgra6riOanOism (?), n. An equal or equitable division of landed property; the principles or acts of those who favor a redistribution of land.
AOgra6riOanOize (?), v. t. To distribute according to, or to imbue with, the principles of agrarianism. AOgre6, AOgree6 } (?), adv. [F. gr. See Agree.] In good part; kindly. [Obs.]
Rom. of R.
AOgree6 (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Agreed (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Agreeing.] [F. agrer to accept or receive kindly, fr. gr; (L. ad) + gr good will, consent, liking, fr. L. gratus pleasing, agreeable. See Grateful.] 1. To harmonize in opinion, statement, or action; to be in unison or concord; to be or become united or consistent; to concur; as, all parties agree in the expediency of the law. If music and sweet poetry agree.
Their witness agreed not together.
Mark xiv. 56.
The more you agree together, the less hurt can your enemies do you.
Sir T. Browne.
2. To yield assent; to accede; P followed by to; as, to agree to an offer, or to opinion.
3. To make a stipulation by way of settling differences or determining a price; to exchange promises; to come to terms or to a common resolve; to promise.
Agree with thine adversary quickly. Matt. v. 25.
Didst not thou agree with me for a penny ? Matt. xx. 13.
4. To be conformable; to resemble; to coincide; to correspond; as, the picture does not agree with the original; the two scales agree exactly.
5. To suit or be adapted in its effects; to do well; as, the same food does not agree with every constitution. 6. (Gram.) To correspond in gender, number, case, or person. 5 The auxiliary forms of to be are often employed with the participle agreed. =The jury were agreed.8 Macaulay. =Can two walk together, except they be agreed ?8 Amos iii. 3. The principal intransitive uses were probably derived from the transitive verb used reflexively. =I agree me well to your desire.8
Ld. Berners.
Syn. – To assent; concur; consent; acquiesce; accede; engage; promise; stipulate; contract; bargain; correspond; harmonize; fit; tally; coincide; comport. AOgree6 (?), v. t. 1. To make harmonious; to reconcile or make friends. [Obs.]
2. To admit, or come to one mind concerning; to settle; to arrange; as, to agree the fact; to agree differences. [Obs. or Archaic.]
AOgree7aObil6iOty (?), n. [OF. agreablete.] 1. Easiness of disposition. [Obs.]
2. The quality of being, or making one’s self, agreeable; agreeableness.
AOgree6aOble (?), a. [F. agrable.] 1. Pleasing, either to the mind or senses; pleasant; grateful; as, agreeable manners or remarks; an agreeable person; fruit agreeable to the taste.
A train of agreeable reveries.
2. Willing; ready to agree or consent. [Colloq.] These Frenchmen give unto the said captain of Calais a great sum of money, so that he will be but content and agreeable that they may enter into the said town.
3. Agreeing or suitable; conformable; correspondent; concordant; adapted; P followed by to, rarely by with. That which is agreeable to the nature of one thing, is many times contrary to the nature of another. L’Estrange.
4. In pursuance, conformity, or accordance; P in this sense used adverbially for agreeably; as, agreeable to the order of the day, the House took up the report. Syn. P Pleasing; pleasant; welcome; charming; acceptable; amiable. See Pleasant.
AOgree6aObleOness, n. 1. The quality of being agreeable or pleasing; that quality which gives satisfaction or moderate pleasure to the mind or senses.
That author… has an agreeableness that charms us. Pope.
2. The quality of being agreeable or suitable; suitableness or conformity; consistency.
The agreeableness of virtuous actions to human nature. Pearce.
3. Resemblance; concordance; harmony; P with to or between. [Obs.]
The agreeableness between man and the other parts of the universe.
AOgree6aObly, adv. 1. In an agreeably manner; in a manner to give pleasure; pleasingly. =Agreeably entertained.8 Goldsmith.
2. In accordance; suitably; consistently; conformably; P followed by to and rarely by with. See Agreeable, 4. The effect of which is, that marriages grow less frequent, agreeably to the maxim above laid down.
3. Alike; similarly. [Obs.]
Both clad in shepherds’ weeds agreeably. Spenser.
AOgree6ingOly, adv. In an agreeing manner (to); correspondingly; agreeably. [Obs.]
AOgree6ment (?), ?. [Cf. F. agrment.] 1. State of agreeing; harmony of opinion, statement, action, or character; concurrence; concord; conformity; as, a good agreement subsists among the members of the council. What agreement hath the temple of God with idols ? 2 Cor. vi. 16.
Expansion and duration have this further agreement. Locke.
2. (Gram.) Concord or correspondence of one word with another in gender, number, case, or person. 3. (Law) (a) A concurrence in an engagement that something shall be done or omitted; an exchange of promises; mutual understanding, arrangement, or stipulation; a contract. (b) The language, oral or written, embodying reciprocal promises.
Abbott. Brande & C.
Syn. – Bargain; contract; compact; stipulation. AOgre6er (?), n. One who agrees.
AOgres6tic (?), a. [L. agrestis, fr. ager field.] Pertaining to fields or the country, in opposition to the city; rural; rustic; unpolished; uncouth. =Agrestic behavior.8 Gregory.
AOgres6ticOal (?), a. Agrestic. [Obs.] AOgric7oOla6tion (?), n. [L., agricolatio.] Agriculture. [Obs.]
AOgric6oOlist (?), n. A cultivator of the soil; an agriculturist.
Ag6riOcul7tor (?), n. [L., fr. ager field + cultor cultivator.] An agriculturist; a farmer. [R.] Ag7riOcul6turOal (?), a. Of or pertaining to agriculture; connected with, or engaged in, tillage; as, the agricultural class; agricultural implements, wages, etc. P Ag7riOcul6turOalOly, adv.
w ant (Zol.), a species of ant which gathers and stores seeds of grasses, for food. The remarkable species (Myrmica barbata) found in Texas clears circular areas and carefully cultivates its favorite grain, known as ant rice. Ag7riOcul6turOalOist, n. An agriculturist (which is the preferred form.)
Ag6riOcul7ture (?; 135), n. [L. agricultura; ager field + cultura cultivation: cf. F. agriculture. See Acre and Culture.] The art or science of cultivating the ground, including the harvesting of crops, and the rearing and management of live stock; tillage; husbandry; farming. Ag7riOcul6turOism (?), n. Agriculture. [R.] Ag7riOcul6turOist, n. One engaged or skilled in agriculture; a husbandman.
The farmer is always a practitioner, the agriculturist may be a mere theorist.
AOgrief6 (?), adv. [Pref. aO + grief.] In grief; amiss. [Obs.]
Ag6riOmoOny (?), n. [OE. agremoyne, OF. aigremoine, L. agrimonia for argemonia, fr. Gr. ?.] (Bot.) (a) A genus of plants of the Rose family. (b) The name is also given to various other plants; as, hemp agrimony (Eupatorium cannabinum); water agrimony (Bidens).
5 The Agrimonia eupatoria, or common ~, a perennial herb with a spike of yellow flowers, was once esteemed as a medical remedy, but is now seldom used.
AOgrin6 (?), adv. & a. [Pref. aO + grin.] In the act of grinning. =His visage all agrin.8
Ag7riOol6oOgist (?), n. One versed or engaged in agriology. Ag7riOol6oOgy (?), n. [Gr. ? wild, savage + Ology.] Description or comparative study of the customs of savage or uncivilized tribes.
AOgrise6 (?), v. i. [AS. >grFsan to dread; >O (cf. Goth. usO, Ger. erO, orig. meaning out) + grFsan, for gr?san (only in comp.), akin to OHG. gr?is?n, G. grausen, to shudder. See Grisly.] To shudder with terror; to tremble with fear. [Obs.]
AOgrise6, v. t. 1. To shudder at; to abhor; to dread; to loathe. [Obs.]
2. To terrify; to affright. [Obs.]
His manly face that did his foes agrise. Spenser.
X A6grom (?), n. [Native name.] (Med.) A disease occurring in Bengal and other parts of the East Indies, in which the tongue chaps and cleaves.
Ag7roOnom6ic (?), Ag7roOnom6icOal (?), } [Cf. F. agronomique.] Pertaining to agronomy, of the management of farms.
Ag7roOnom6ics (?), n. The science of the distribution and management of land.
AOgron6oOmist (?), n. One versed in agronomy; a student of agronomy.
AOgron6oOmy (?), n. [Gr. ? rural; as a noun, an overseer of the public lands; ? field + ? usage, ? to deal out, manage: cf. F. agronomie.] The management of land; rural economy; agriculture.
AOgrope6 (?), adv. & a. [Pref. aO + grope.] In the act of groping.
Mrs. Browning.
X AOgros6tis (?), n. [L., fr. Gr. ?.] A genus of grasses, including species called in common language bent grass. Some of them, as redtop (Agrostis vulgaris), are valuable pasture grasses.
AOgros7toOgraph6ic (?), AOgros7toOgraph6icOal (?), } a. [Cf. F. agrostographique.] Pertaining to agrostography. Ag7rosOtog6raOphy (?), n. [Gr. ? + Ography.] A description of the grasses.
AOgros7toOlog6ic (?), AOgros7toOlog6icOal (?), } a. Pertaining to agrostology.
Ag7rosOtol6oOgist (?), n. One skilled in agrostology. Ag7rosOtol6ogy (?), n. [Gr. ? + Ology.] That part of botany which treats of the grasses.
AOground6 (?), adv. & a. [Pref. aO + ground.] On the ground; stranded; P a nautical term applied to a ship when its bottom lodges on the ground.
AOgroup6ment (?), n. See Aggroupment. Ag7rypOnot6ic (?), n. [Gr. ? sleepless; ? to chase, search for + ? sleep: cf. F. agrypnotique.] Anything which prevents sleep, or produces wakefulness, as strong tea or coffee. X A7guarOdiOen6te (?), n. [Sp., contr. of agua ardiente burning water (L. aqua water + ardens burning).] 1. A inferior brandy of Spain and Portugal.
2. A strong alcoholic drink, especially pulque. [Mexico and Spanish America.]
A6gue (?), n. [OE. agu, ague, OF. agu, F. aigu, sharp, OF. fem. ague, LL. (febris) acuta, a sharp, acute fever, fr. L. acutus sharp. See Acute.] 1. An acute fever. [Obs.] =Brenning agues.8
P. Plowman.
2. (Med.) An intermittent fever, attended by alternate cold and hot fits.
3. The cold fit or rigor of the intermittent fever; as, fever and ague.
4. A chill, or state of shaking, as with cold. Dryden.
w cake, an enlargement of the spleen produced by ~. P w drop, a solution of the arsenite of potassa used for ~. P w fit, a fit of the ~. Shak. P w spell, a spell or charm against ~. Gay. P w tree, the sassafras, P sometimes so called from the use of its root formerly, in cases of ~. [Obs.]
A6gue, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Agued (?).] To strike with an ~, or with a cold fit.
AOguilt6 (?), v. t. To be guilty of; to offend; to sin against; to wrong. [Obs.]
AOguise6 (?), n. Dress. [Obs.]
Dr. H. More.
AOguise6, v. t. [Pref aO + guise.] To dress; to attire; to adorn. [Obs.]
Above all knights ye goodly seem aguised. Spenser.
A6guOish (?), a. 1. Having the qualities of an ague; somewhat cold or shivering; chilly; shaky. Her aguish love now glows and burns.
2. Productive of, or affected by, ague; as, the aguish districts of England.
T. Arnold.
P A6guOishOly, adv. P A6guOishOness, n. AOgush6 (?), adv. & a. [Pref. aO + gush.] In a gushing state.
Ag6yOnous (?), a. [Gr. ? priv. + ? woman.] (Bot.) Without female organs; male.
Ah (?), interj. [OE. a: cf. OF. a, F. ah, L. ah, Gr. ?, Sk. >, Icel. , OHG. >, Lith. , .] An exclamation, expressive of surprise, pity, complaint, entreaty, contempt, threatening, delight, triumph, etc., according to the manner of utterance.
AOha6 (?), interj. [Ah, interj. + ha.] An exclamation expressing, by different intonations, triumph, mixed with derision or irony, or simple surprise.
AOha6, n. A sunk fence. See HaPha.
AOhead6 (?), adv. [Pref. aO + head.] 1. In or to the front; in advance; onward.
The island bore but a little ahead of us. Fielding.
2. Headlong; without restraint. [Obs.] L’Estrange.
To go ~. (a) To go in advance. (b) To go on onward. (c) To push on in an enterprise. [Colloq.] P To get ~ of. (a) To get in advance of. (b) To surpass; to get the better of. [Colloq.]
AOheap6 (?), adv. [Pref. aO + heap.] In a heap; huddled together.
AOheight6 (?), adv. [Pref. aO + height.] Aloft; on high. [Obs.] =Look up aheight.8
AOhem6 (?), interj. An exclamation to call one’s attention; hem.
AOhey6 (?), interj. Hey; ho.
AOhigh6 (?), adv. On high. [Obs.]
AOhold6 (?), adv. [Pref. aO + hold.] Near the wind; as, to lay a ship ahold. [Obs.]
AOhorse6back (?), adv. On horseback. Two suspicious fellows ahorseback.
AOhoy6 (?), interj. [OE. a, interj. + hoy.] (Naut.) A term used in hailing; as, =Ship ahoy.8
X Ah6riOman (?), n. [Per.] The Evil Principle or Being of the ancient Persians; the Prince of Darkness as opposer to Ormuzd, the King of Light.
X A6hu (?), n. [Native name.] (Zol.) The Asiatic gazelle. AOhull6 (?), adv. [Pref. aO = hull.] (Naut.) With the sails furled, and the helm lashed alee; P applied to ships in a storm. See Hull, n.
AOhun6gered (?), a. [Pref. aO + hungered.] Pinched with hunger; very hungry.
C. Bront.
A6i (?), n.; pl. Ais (?). [Braz. a, ha, from the animal’s cry: cf. F. a.] (Zol.) The threePtoed sloth (Bradypus tridactylus) of South America. See Sloth. X Ai6blins, A6blins (?), adv. [See Able.] Perhaps; possibly. [Scotch]
Aich’s met6al (?). A kind of gun metal, containing copper, zinc, and iron, but no tin.
Aid (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Aided (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Aiding.] [F. aider, OF. aidier, fr. L. adjutare to help, freq. of adjuvare to help; ad + juvare to help. Cf. Adjutant.] To support, either by furnishing strength or means in coperation to effect a purpose, or to prevent or to remove evil; to help; to assist.
You speedy helpers…
Appear and aid me in this enterprise. Shak.
Syn. – To help; assist; support; sustain; succor; relieve; befriend; coperate; promote. See Help.
Aid, n. [F. aide, OF. ade, ae, fr. the verb. See Aid, v. t.] 1. Help; succor; assistance; relief. An unconstitutional mode of obtaining aid. Hallam.
2. The person or thing that promotes or helps in something done; a helper; an assistant.
It is not good that man should be alone; let us make unto him an aid like unto himself.
Tobit viii. 6.
3. (Eng. Hist.) A subsidy granted to the king by Parliament; also, an exchequer loan.
4. (Feudal Law) A pecuniary tribute paid by a vassal to his lord on special occasions.
5. An ~PdePcamp, so called by abbreviation; as, a general’s aid.
w prayer (Law), a proceeding by which a defendant beseeches and claims assistance from some one who has a further or more permanent interest in the matter in suit. P To pray in ~, to beseech and claim such assistance. Aid6ance (?), n. [Cf. OF. aidance.] Aid. [R.] Aidance ‘gainst the enemy.
Aid6ant (?), a. [Cf. F. aidant, p. pr. of aider to help.] Helping; helpful; supplying aid.
Aid6PdePcamp7 (?), n.; pl. AidsPdePcamp. (?). [F. aide de camp (literally) camp assistant.] (Mil.) An officer selected by a general to carry orders, also to assist or represent him in correspondence and in directing movements. Aid6er (?), n. One who, or that which, aids. Aid6ful (?), a. Helpful. [Archaic.]
Bp. Hall.
Aid6less, a. Helpless; without aid. Milton.
Aid6Pma7jor (?), n. The adjutant of a regiment. Ai6el (?), n. See Ayle. [Obs.]
Aig6let (?), n. Same as Aglet.
Ai6gre (?), a. [F. See Eager.] Sour. [Obs.] Shak.
X Ai6greOmore (?), n. [F. origin unknown.] Charcoal prepared for making powder.
Ai6gret (?), AiOgrette (?), } n. [F., a sort of white heron, with a tuft of feathers on its head; a tuft of feathers; dim. of the same word as heron. See Heron, and cf. Egret, Egrette.] 1. (Zol.) The small white European heron. See Egret.
2. A plume or tuft for the head composed of feathers, or of gems, etc.
3. A tuft like that of the egret. (Bot.) A feathery crown of seed; egret; as, the aigrette or down of the dandelion or the thistle.
X Ai7guille6 (?), n. [F., a needle. See Aglet.] 1. A needlePshaped peak.
2. An instrument for boring holes, used in blasting. Ai7guilOlette6 (?), n. [F. See Aglet.] 1. A point or tag at the end of a fringe or lace; an aglet.
2. One of the ornamental tags, cords, or loops on some military and naval uniforms.
Ai6guOlet (?), n. See Aglet.
Ail (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Ailed (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Ailing.] [OE. eilen, ailen, AS. eglan to trouble, pain; akin to Goth. usPagljan to distress, agls troublesome, irksome, aglo, aglitha, pain, and prob. to E. awe. ?.] To affect with pain or uneasiness, either physical or mental; to trouble; to be the matter with; P used to express some uneasiness or affection, whose cause is unknown; as, what ails the man? I know not what ails him.
What aileth thee, Hagar?
Gen. xxi. 17.
5 It is never used to express a specific disease. We do not say, a fever ails him; but, something ails him. Ail, v. i. To be affected with pain or uneasiness of any sort; to be ill or indisposed or in trouble. When he ails ever so little… he is so peevish. Richardson.
Ail, n. Indisposition or morbid affection. Pope.
AiOlan6thus (?), n. Same as Ailantus. AiOlan6tus (?), n. [From aylanto, i. e., tree of heaven, the name of the tree in the Moluccas.] (Bot.) A genus of beautiful trees, natives of the East Indies. The tree imperfectly di?cious, and the staminate or male plant is very offensive when blossom.
AiOlette (?), n. [F. ailette, dim. of aile wing, L. ala.] A small square shield, formerly worn on the shoulders of knights, P being the prototype of the modern epaulet. Fairholt.
Ail6ment (?), n. Indisposition; morbid affection of the body; P not applied ordinarily to acute diseases. =Little ailments.8
X Ai7luOroid6eOa (?), n. pl. [NL., fr. Gr. ? cat + Ooid.] (Zol.) A group of the Carnivora, which includes the cats, civets, and hyenas.
Aim (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Aimed (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Aiming.] [OE. amen, aimen, eimen, to guess at, to estimate, to aim, OF. esmer, asmer, fr. L. aestimare to estimate; or perh. fr. OF. aesmer; ? (L. ad) + esmer. See Estimate.] 1. To point or direct a missile weapon, or a weapon which propels as missile, towards an object or spot with the intent of hitting it; as, to aim at a fox, or at a target. 2. To direct the indention or purpose; to attempt the accomplishment of a purpose; to try to gain; to endeavor; P followed by at, or by an infinitive; as, to aim at distinction; to aim to do well.
Aim’st thou at princes?
3. To guess or conjecture. [Obs.]
Aim, v. t. To direct or point, as a weapon, at a particular object; to direct, as a missile, an act, or a proceeding, at, to, or against an object; as, to aim a musket or an arrow, the fist or a blow (at something); to aim a satire or a reflection (at some person or vice).
Aim, n. [Cf. OF. esme estimation, fr. esmer. See Aim, v. i.] 1. The pointing of a weapon, as a gun, a dart, or an arrow, in the line of direction with the object intended to be struck; the line of fire; the direction of anything, as a spear, a blow, a discourse, a remark, towards a particular point or object, with a view to strike or affect it. Each at the head leveled his deadly aim. Milton.
2. The point intended to be hit, or object intended to be attained or affected.
To be the aim of every dangerous shot. Shak.
3. Intention; purpose; design; scheme. How oft ambitious aims are crossed!
4. Conjecture; guess. [Obs.]
What you would work me to, I have some aim. Shak.
To cry ~ (Archery), to encourage. [Obs.] Shak.
Syn. – End; object; scope; drift; design; purpose; intention; scheme; tendency; aspiration. Aim6er (?), n. One who aims, directs, or points. Aim6less, a. Without aim or purpose; as, an aimless life. P Aim6lessOly, adv. P Aim6lessOness, n.
Ai6no (?), n. [Said to be the native name for man.] One of a peculiar race inhabiting Yesso, the Kooril Islands etc., in the northern part of the empire of Japan, by some supposed to have been the progenitors of the Japanese. The Ainos are stout and short, with hairy bodies.
Ain’t (?). A contraction for are not and am not; also used for is not. [Colloq. or llliterate speech] See An’t. Air (?), n. [OE. air, eir, F. air, L. a r, fr. Gr. ?, ~, mist, for ?, fr. root ? to blow, breathe, probably akin to E. wind. In sense 10 the French has taking a meaning fr. It. aria atmosphere, ~, fr. the same Latin word; and in senses 11, 12, 13 the French meaning is either fr. L. aria, or due to confusion with F. aire, in an older sense of origin, descent. Cf. A?ry, Debonair, Malaria, Wind.] 1. The fluid which we breathe, and which surrounds the earth; the atmosphere. It is invisible, inodorous, insipid, transparent, compressible, elastic, and ponderable. 5 By the ancient philosophers, air was regarded as an element; but modern science has shown that it is essentially a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen, with a small amount of carbon dioxide, the average proportions being, by volume: oxygen, 20.96 per cent.; nitrogen, 79.00 per cent.; carbon dioxide, 0.04 per cent. These proportions are subject to a very slight variability. w also always contains some vapor of water.
2. Symbolically: Something unsubstantial, light, or volatile. =Charm ache with air.8
He was still all air and fire. Macaulay. [Air and fire being the finer and quicker elements as opposed to earth and water.]
3. A particular state of the atmosphere, as respects heat, cold, moisture, etc., or as affecting the sensations; as, a smoky air, a damp air, the morning air, etc. 4. Any a riform body; a gas; as, oxygen was formerly called vital air. [Obs.]
5. Air in motion; a light breeze; a gentle wind. Let vernal airs through trembling osiers play. Pope.
6. Odoriferous or contaminated ~.
7. That which surrounds and influences. The keen, the wholesome air of poverty.
8. Utterance abroad; publicity; vent. You gave it air before me.
9. Intelligence; information. [Obs.] Bacon.
10. (Mus.) (a) A musical idea, or motive, rhythmically developed in consecutive single tones, so as to form a symmetrical and balanced whole, which may be sung by a single voice to the stanzas of a hymn or song, or even to plain prose, or played upon an instrument; a melody; a tune; an aria. (b) In harmonized chorals, psalmody, part songs, etc., the part which bears the tune or melody P in modern harmony usually the upper part P is sometimes called the air.
11. The peculiar look, appearance, and bearing of a person; mien; demeanor; as, the air of a youth; a heavy air; a lofty air. =His very air.8
12. Peculiar appearance; apparent character; semblance; manner; style.
It was communicated with the air of a secret. Pope.
12. pl. An artificial or affected manner; show of
pride or vanity; haughtiness; as, it is said of a person, he puts on airs.
14. (Paint.) (a) The representation or reproduction of the effect of the atmospheric medium through which every object in nature is viewed. New Am. Cyc. (b) Carriage; attitude; action; movement; as, the head of that portrait has a good air.
15. (Man.) The artificial motion or carriage of a horse. 5 Air is much used adjectively or as the first part of a compound term. In most cases it might be written indifferently, as a separate limiting word, or as the first element of the compound term, with or without the hyphen; as, air bladder, airPbladder, or airbladder; air cell, airPcell, or aircell; airPpump, or airpump. w balloon. See Balloon. P w bath. (a) An apparatus for the application of ~ to the body. (b) An arrangement for drying substances in ~ of any desired temperature. P w castle. See Castle in the air, under Castle. P w compressor, a machine for compressing ~ to be used as a motive power. P w crossing, a passage for ~ in a mine. P w cushion, an ~Ptight cushion which can be inflated; also, a device for arresting motion without shock by confined ~. P w fountain, a contrivance for producing a jet of water by the force of compressed ~. P w furnace, a furnace which depends on a natural draft and not on blast. P w line, a straight line; a bee line. Hence wPline, adj.; airPline road. P w lock (Hydr. Engin.), an intermediate chamber between the outer ~ and the compressedP~ chamber of a pneumatic caisson. Knight. P w port (Nav.), a scuttle or porthole in a ship to admit ~. P w spring, a spring in which the elasticity of ~ is utilized. P w thermometer, a form of thermometer in which the contraction and expansion of ~ is made to measure changes of temperature. P w threads, gossamer. P ~ trap, a contrivance for shutting off foul ~ or gas from drains, sewers, etc.; a stench trap. P w trunk, a pipe or shaft for conducting foul or heated ~ from a room. P w valve, a valve to regulate the admission or egress of ~; esp. a valve which opens inwardly in a steam boiler and allows ~ to enter. P w way, a passage for a current of ~; as the air way of an ~ pump; an air way in a mine. P In the ~. (a) Prevalent without traceable origin or authority, as rumors. (b) Not in a fixed or stable position; unsettled. (c) (Mil.) Unsupported and liable to be turned or taken in flank; as, the army had its wing in the air. P To take ~, to be divulged; to be made public. P To take the ~, to go abroad; to walk or ride out. Air (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Aired (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Airing.] [See Air, n., and cf. A?rate.] 1. To expose to the ~ for the purpose of cooling, refreshing, or purifying; to ventilate; as, to air a room.
It were good wisdom… that the jail were aired. Bacon.
Were you but riding forth to air yourself. Shak.
2. To expose for the sake of public notice; to display ostentatiously; as, to air one’s opinion. Airing a snowy hand and signet gem.
3. To expose to heat, for the purpose of expelling dampness, or of warming; as, to air linen; to air liquors. Air6 bed7 (?). A sack or matters inflated with air, and used as a bed.
Air6 blad7der (?). 1. (Anat.) An air sac, sometimes double or variously lobed, in the visceral cavity of many fishes. It originates in the same way as the lungs of airPbreathing vertebrates, and in the adult may retain a tubular connection with the pharynx or esophagus. 2. A sac or bladder full of air in an animal or plant; also an air hole in a casting.
Air6 brake7 (?). (Mach.) A railway brake operated by condensed air.
Air6Pbuilt7 (?), a. Erected in the air; having no solid foundation; chimerical; as, an airPbuilt castle. Air6 cell7 (?). 1. (Bot.) A cavity in the cellular tissue of plants, containing air only.
2. (Anat.) A receptacle of air in various parts of the system; as, a cell or minute cavity in the walls of the air tubes of the lungs; the air sac of birds; a dilatation of the air vessels in insects.
Air6 cham7ber (?). 1. A chamber or cavity filled with air, in an animal or plant.
2. A cavity containing air to act as a spring for equalizing the flow of a liquid in a pump or other hydraulic machine. Air6 cock7 (?). A faucet to allow escape of air. Air6Pdrawn6 (?), a. Drawn in air; imaginary. This is the airPdrawn dagger.
Air6 drill7 (?). A drill driven by the elastic pressure of condensed air; a pneumatic drill.
Air6 engine7 (?). An engine driven by heated or by compressed air.
Air6er (?), n. 1. One who exposes to the air. 2. A frame on which clothes are aired or dried. Air6 gas7 (?). See under Gas.
Air6 gun7 (?). A kind of gun in which the elastic force of condensed air is used to discharge the ball. The air is powerfully compressed into a reservoir attached to the gun, by a condensing pump, and is controlled by a valve actuated by the trigger.
Air6 hole7 (?). 1. A hole to admit or discharge air; specifically, a spot in the ice not frozen over. 2. (Founding) A fault in a casting, produced by a bubble of air; a blowhole.
Air6iOly (?), adv. In an airy manner; lightly; gaily; jauntily; fippantly.
Air6iOness, n. 1. The state or quality of being airy; openness or exposure to the air; as, the airiness of a country seat.
2. Lightness of spirits; gayety; levity; as, the airiness of young persons.
Air6ing (?), n. 1. A walk or a ride in the open air; a short excursion for health’s sake.
2. An exposure to air, or to a fire, for warming, drying, etc.; as, the airing of linen, or of a room. Air6 jack7et (?). A jacket having airPtight cells, or cavities which can be filled with air, to render persons buoyant in swimming.
Air6less (?), a. Not open to a free current of air; wanting fresh air, or communication with the open air. Air6 lev7el (?). Spirit level. See Level. Air6like7 (?), a. Resembling air.
Air6ling (?), n. A thoughtless, gay person. [Obs.] =Slight airlings.8
B. Jonson.
AirOom6eOter (?), n. [Air + Ometer.] A hollow cylinder to contain air. It is closed above and open below, and has its open end plunged into water.
Air6 pipe7 (?). A pipe for the passage of air; esp. a ventilating pipe.
Air6 plant7 (?). (Bot.) A plant deriving its sustenance from the air alone; an a rophyte.
5 The =Florida moss8 (Tillandsia), many tropical orchids, and most mosses and lichens are air plants. Those which are lodged upon trees, but not parasitic on them, are epiphytes. Air6 poise7 (?). [See Poise.] A? ? measure the weight of air.
Air6 pump7 (?). 1. (Physics) A kind of pump for exhausting air from a vessel or closed space; also, a pump to condense air of force in into a closed space.
2. (Steam Engines) A pump used to exhaust from a condenser the condensed steam, the water used for condensing, and any commingled air.
Air6 sac7 (?). (Anat.) One of the spaces in different parts. of the bodies of birds, which are filled with air and connected with the air passages of the lungs; an air cell. Air6 shaft7 (?). A passage, usually vertical, for admitting fresh air into a mine or a tunnel.
Air6Pslacked7 (?), a. Slacked, or pulverized, by exposure to the air; as, airPslacked lime.
Air6 stove7 (?). A stove for heating a current of air which is directed against its surface by means of pipes, and then distributed through a building.
Air6Ptight7 (?), a. So tight as to be impermeable to air; as, an airPtight cylinder.
Air6Ptight7, n. A stove the draft of which can be almost entirely shut off. [Colloq. U. S.]
Air6 ves7sel (?). A vessel, cell, duct, or tube containing or conducting air; as the air vessels of insects, birds, plants, etc.; the air vessel of a pump, engine, etc. For the latter, see Air chamber. The air vessels of insects are called trache, of plants spiral vessels. Air6ward (?), Air6wards (?), } adv. Toward the air; upward. [R.]
Air6y (?), a. 1. Consisting of air; as, an airy substance; the airy parts of bodies.
2. Relating or belonging to air; high in air; a rial; as, an airy flight. =The airy region.8
3. Open to a free current of air; exposed to the air; breezy; as, an airy situation.
4. Resembling air; thin; unsubstantial; not material; airlike. =An airy spirit.8
5. Relating to the spirit or soul; delicate; graceful; as, airy music.
6. Without reality; having no solid foundation; empty; trifling; visionary. =Airy fame.8
Empty sound, and airy notions.
7. Light of heart; vivacious; sprightly; flippant; superficial. =Merry and airy.8
Jer. Taylor.
8. Having an affected manner; being in the habit of putting on airs; affectedly grand. [Colloq.]
9. (Paint.) Having the light and a rial tints true to nature.
Aisle (?), n. [OF. ele, F. aile, wing, wing of a building, L. ala, contr. fr. axilla.] (Arch.) (a) A lateral division of a building, separated from the middle part, called the nave, by a row of columns or piers, which support the roof or an upper wall containing windows, called the clearstory wall. (b) Improperly used also for the have; P as in the phrases, a church with three aisles, the middle aisle. (c) Also (perhaps from confusion with alley), a passage into which the pews of a church open.
Aisled (?), a. Furnished with an aisle or aisles. Ais6less (?), a. Without an aisle.
Ait (?), n. [AS. ?, ?, perh. dim. of Feg, Fg, island. See Eyot.] An islet, or little isle, in a river or lake; an eyot.
The ait where the osiers grew.
R. Hodges (1649).
Among green aits and meadows.
Ait (?), n. Oat. [Scot.]
Aitch (?), n. The letter h or H.
Aitch6bone7 (?), n. [For nachebone. For loss of n, cf. Adder. See Natch.] The bone of the rump; also, the cut of beef surrounding this bone. [Spelt also edgebone.] Ai7tiOol6oOgy (?), n. See tiology.
AOjar6 (?), adv. [OE. on char ~, on the turn; AS. cerr, cyrr, turn, akin to G. kehren to turn, and to D. akerre. See Char.] Slightly turned or opened; as, the door was standing ajar.
AOjar6 (?), adv. [Pref. aO + jar.] In a state of discord; out of harmony; as, he is ajar with the world. AOjog6 (?), adv. [Pref. aO + jog.] On the jog. Aj6uOtage (?), n. [F. ajutage, for ajoutage, fr. ajouter to add, LL. adjuxtare, fr. L. ad + juxta near to, nigh. Cf. Adjutage, Adjustage, Adjust.] A tube through which is water is discharged; an efflux tube; as, the ajutage of a fountain.
Ake (?), n. & v. See Ache.
AOkene6 (?), n. (Bot.) Same as Achene. Ak6eOton (?), n. [Obs.] See Acton.
AOkim6bo (?), a. [Etymology unknown. Cf. Kimbo.] With a crook or bend; with the hand on the hip and elbow turned outward. =With one arm akimbo.8
AOkin6 (?), a. [Pref. aO (for of) + kin.] 1. Of the same kin; related by blood; P used of persons; as, the two families are near akin.
2. Allied by nature; partaking of the same properties; of the same kind. =A joy akin to rapture.8
The literary character of the work is akin to its moral character.
5 This adjective is used only after the noun. X Ak7iOne6siOa (?), n. [Gr. ? quiescence; ? priv. + ? motion.] (Med.) Paralysis of the motor nerves; loss of movement.
Ak7iOne6sic (?), a. (med.) Pertaining to akinesia. AOknee6 (?), adv. On the knee. [R.]
AkOnow6 (?). Earlier form of Acknow. [Obs.] To be ~, to acknowledge; to confess. [Obs.] Al (?), a. All. [Obs.]
AlO. A prefix. (a) [AS. eal.] All; wholly; completely; as, almighty,almost. (b) [L. ad.] To; at; on; P in OF. shortened to aO. See AdO. (c) The Arabic definite article answering to the English the; as, Alkoran, the Koran or the Book; alchemy, the chemistry.
Al. conj. Although; if. [Obs.] See All, conj. X A6la (?), n.; pl. Al (?). [L., a wing.] (Biol.) A winglike organ, or part.
Al7aOba6ma pe6riOod (?). (Geol.) A period in the American eocene, the lowest in the tertiary age except the lignitic. Al6aObas6ter (?), n. [L. alabaster, Gr. ?, said to be derived fr. Alabastron, the name of a town in Egypt, near which it was common: cf. OF. alabastre, F. albtre.] 1. (Min.) (a) A compact variety or sulphate of lime, or gypsum, of ??ne texture, and usually white and translucent, but sometimes yellow, red, or gray. It is carved into vases, mantel ornaments, etc. (b) A hard, compact variety of carbonate of lime, somewhat translucent, or of banded shades of color; stalagmite. The name is used in this sense by Pliny. It is sometimes distinguished as oriental alabaster. 2. A box or vessel for holding odoriferous ointments, etc.; P so called from the stone of which it was originally made. Fosbroke.
Al7aObas6triOan (?), a. Alabastrine. Al7aObas6trine (?), a. Of, pertaining to, or like, alabaster; as alabastrine limbs.
X Al7aObas6trum (?), n.; pl. Alabastra (?). [NL.] (Bot.) A flower bud.
AOlack6 (?), interj. [Prob. from ah! lack! OE. lak loss, failure, misfortune. See Lack.] An exclamation expressive of sorrow. [Archaic. or Poet.]
AOlack6aOday7 (?), interj. [For alack the day. Cf. Lackaday.] An exclamation expressing sorrow. 5 Shakespeare has =alack the day8 and =alack the heavy day.8 Compare =woe worth the day.8
AOlac6riOfy (?), v. t. [L. alacer, alacris, lively + Ofly.] To rouse to action; to inspirit.
AOlac6riOous (?), a. [L. alacer, alacris.] Brisk; joyously active; lively.
‘T were well if we were a little more alacrious. Hammond.
AOlac6riOousOly, adv. With alacrity; briskly. AOlac6riOousOness, n. Alacrity. [Obs.]
AOlac6riOty (?), n. [L. alacritas, fr. alacer lively, eager, prob. akin to Gr. ? to drive, Goth. aljan zeal.] A cheerful readiness, willingness, or promptitude; joyous activity; briskness; sprightliness; as, the soldiers advanced with alacrity to meet the enemy.
I have not that alacrity of spirit, Nor cheer of mind that I was wont to have. Shak.
AOlad6inOist (?), n. [From Aladin, for Ala Eddin, i. e., height of religion, a learned divine under Mohammed II. and Bajazet II.] One of a sect of freethinkers among the Mohammedans.
Al7aOlon6ga (?), or Al7iOlon6ghi (?), n. (Zol.) The tunny. See Albicore.
X A7laOmi6re (?), n. [Compounded of a la mi re, names of notes in the musical scale.] The lowest note but one in Guido Aretino’s scale of music.
Al7aOmoOdal6iOty (?), n. The quality of being la mode; conformity to the mode or fashion; fashionableness. [R.] Southey.
Al6aOmode7 (?), adv. & a. [F. la mode after the fashion.] According to the fashion or prevailing mode. =Alamode beef shops.8
Al6aOmode7, n. A thin, black silk for hoods, scarfs, etc.; P often called simply mode.
Al7aOmort6 (?), a. [F. la mort to the death. Cf. Amort.] To the death; mortally.
AOlan6 (?), n. [OF. alan, alant; cf. Sp. alano.] A wolfhound. [Obs.]
AOland6 (?), adv. [Pref. aO + land.] On land; to the land; ashore. =Cast aland.8
Sir P. Sidney.
Al6aOnine (?), n. [Aldehyde + the ending Oine. The OanO is a euphonic insertion.] (Chem.) A white crystalline base, C3H7NO2, derived from aldehyde ammonia.
AOlan6tin (?), n. [G. alant elecampane, the Inula helenium of Linnus.] (Chem.) See Inulin.
A6lar (?), a. [L. alarius, fr. ala wing: cf. F. alaire.] 1. Pertaining to, or having, wings.
2. (Bot.) Axillary; in the fork or axil. Gray.
AOlarm6 (?), n. [F. alarme, It. all’ arme to arms ! fr. L. arma, pl., arms. See Arms, and cf. Alarum.] 1. A summons to arms, as on the approach of an enemy.
Arming to answer in a night alarm.
2. Any sound or information intended to give notice of approaching danger; a warming sound to arouse attention; a warning of danger.
Sound an alarm in my holy mountain. Joel ii. 1.
3. A sudden attack; disturbance; broil. [R.] =These home alarms.8
Thy palace fill with insults and alarms. Pope.
4. Sudden surprise with fear or terror excited by apprehension of danger; in the military use, commonly, sudden apprehension of being attacked by surprise. Alarm and resentment spread throughout the camp. Macaulay.
5. A mechanical contrivance for awaking persons from sleep, or rousing their attention; an alarum.
~ bell, a bell that gives notice on danger. P w clock or watch, a clock or watch which can be so set as to ring or strike loudly at a prearranged hour, to wake from sleep, or excite attention. P w gauge, a contrivance attached to a steam boiler for showing when the pressure of steam is too high, or the water in the boiler too low. P w post, a place to which troops are to repair in case of an ~. Syn. – Fright; affright; terror; trepidation; apprehension; consternation; dismay; agitation; disquiet; disquietude. P Alarm, Fright, Terror, Consternation. These words express different degrees of fear at the approach of danger. Fright is fear suddenly excited, producing confusion of the senses, and hence it is unreflecting. Alarm is the hurried agitation of feeling which springs from a sense of immediate and extreme exposure. Terror is agitating and excessive fear, which usually benumbs the faculties. Consternation is overwhelming fear, and carries a notion of powerlessness and amazement. Alarm agitates the feelings; terror disorders the understanding and affects the will; fright seizes on and confuses the sense; consternation takes possession of the soul, and subdues its faculties. See Apprehension. AOlarm6, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Alarmed (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Alarming.] [Alarm, n. Cf. F. alarmer.] 1. To call to arms for defense; to give notice to (any one) of approaching danger; to rouse to vigilance and action; to put on the alert.
2. To keep in excitement; to disturb. 3. To surprise with apprehension of danger; to fill with anxiety in regard to threatening evil; to excite with sudden fear.
Alarmed by rumors of military preparation. Macaulay.
AOlarm6aOble (?), a. Easily alarmed or disturbed. AOlarmed6 (?), a. Aroused to vigilance; excited by fear of approaching danger; agitated; disturbed; as, an alarmed neighborhood; an alarmed modesty.
The white pavilions rose and fell
On the alarmed air.
AOlarm6edOly (?), adv. In an alarmed manner. AOlarm6ing, a. Exciting, or calculated to excite, alarm; causing apprehension of danger; as, an alarming crisis or report. P AOlarm6ingOly, adv.
AOlarm6ist, n. [Cf. F. alarmiste.] One prone to sound or excite alarms, especially, needless alarms. Macaulay.
AOlar6um (?; 277), n. [OE. alarom, the same word as alarm, n.] See Alarm. [Now Poetic]
5 The variant form alarum is now commonly restricted to an alarm signal or the mechanism to sound an alarm (as in an alarm clock.)
Al6aOry (?), a. [L. alarius, fr. ala wing.] Of or pertaining to wings; also, wingPshaped.
The alary system of insects.
AOlas6 (?), interj. [OE. alas, allas, OF. alas, F. hlas; a interj. (L. ah.) + las wretched (that I am), L. lassus weary, akin to E. late. See Late.] An exclamation expressive of sorrow, pity, or apprehension of evil; P in old writers, sometimes followed by day or white; alas the day, like alack a day, or alas the white.
AOlate6 (?), adv. [Pref. aO + late.] Lately; of late. [Archaic]
There hath been alate such tales spread abroad. Latimer.
A6late (?), A6laOted (?), } a. [L. alatus, from ala wing.] Winged; having wings, or side appendages like wings. Al6aOtern (?), X Al7aOter6nus (?), } n. [L. ala wing + terni three each.] (Bot.) An ornamental evergreen shrub (Rhamnus alaternus) belonging to the buckthorns.
AOla6tion (?), n. [F., fr. L. alatus winged.] The state of being winged.
AOlaunt6 (?), n. See Alan. [Obs.]
Alb (?), n. [OE. albe, LL. alba, fr. L. albus white. Cf. Album and Aube.] A vestment of white linen, reaching to the feet, an enveloping the person; P in the Roman Catholic church, worn by those in holy orders when officiating at mass. It was formerly worn, at least by clerics, in daily life.
Al6baOcore (?), n. (Zol.) See Albicore. Al6ban (?), n. [L. albus white.] (Chem.) A white crystalline resinous substance extracted from guttaPpercha by the action of alcohol or ether.
AlOba6niOan (?), a. Of or pertaining to Albania, a province of Turkey. P n. A native of Albania.
X AlOba6ta (?), n. [L. albatus, p. p. of albare to make white, fr. albus white.] A white metallic alloy; which is made into spoons, forks, teapots, etc. British plate or German silver. See German silver, under German. Al6baOtross (?), n. [Corrupt. fr. Pg. alcatraz cormorant, ~, or Sp. alcatraz a pelican: cf. Pg. alcatruz, Sp. arcaduz, a bucket, fr. Ar. alPq>dus the bucket, fr. Gr. ?, a water vessel. So an Arabic term form pelican is waterPcarrier, as a bird carrying water in its pouch.] (Zol.) A web-footed bird, of the genus Diomedea, of which there are several species. They are the largest of sea birds, capable of longPcontinued flight, and are often seen at great distances from the land. They are found chiefly in the southern hemisphere.
Al7be6, Al7bee6 } (?), conj. [See Albeit.] Although; albeit. [Obs.]
Albe Clarissa were their chiefest founderess. Spenser.
X AlObe6do (?), n. [L., fr. albus white.] Whiteness. Specifically: (Astron.) The ratio which the light reflected from an unpolished surface bears to the total light falling upon that surface.
Al7be6it (?), conj. [OE. al be although it be, where al is our all. Cf. Although.] Even though; although; notwithstanding.
Albeit so masked, Madam, I love the truth. Tennyson.
Al6bertOite (?), n. (Min.) A bituminous mineral resembling asphaltum, found in the county of A. ?bert, New Brunswick. Al6berOtype (?), n. [From the name of the inventor, Albert, of Munich.] A picture printed from a kind of gelatine plate produced by means of a photographic negative. AlObes6cence (?), n. The act of becoming white; whitishness. AlObes6cent (?), a. [L. albescens, p. pr. of albescere to grow white, fr. albus white.] Becoming white or whitish; moderately white.
Al6biOcant (?), a. [L. albicans, p. pr. of albicare, albicatum, to be white, fr. albus white.] Growing or becoming white.
Al7biOca6tion (?), n. The process of becoming white, or developing white patches, or streaks.
Al6biOcore (?), n. [F. albicore (cf. Sp. albacora, Pg. albacor, albacora, albecora), fr. Ar. bakr, bekr, a young camel, young cow, heifer, and the article al: cf. Pg. bacoro a little pig.] (Zol.) A name applied to several large fishes of the Mackerel family, esp. Orcynus alalonga. One species (Orcynus thynnus), common in the Mediterranean and Atlantic, is called in New England the horse mackerel; the tunny. [Written also albacore.]
Al7biOfiOca6tion (?), n. [Cf. F. albification: L. albus white + ficare (only in comp.), facere, to make.] The act or process of making white. [Obs.]
Al7biOgen6ses (?), X Al7bi7geois6 (?), } n. pl. [From Albi and Albigeois, a town and its district in the south of France, in which the sect abounded.] (Eccl. Hist.) A sect of reformers opposed to the church of Rome in the 12th centuries.
The Albigenses were a branch of the Catharists (the pure). They were exterminated by crusades and the Inquisition. They were distinct from the Waldenses.
Al7biOgen6sian (?), a. Of or pertaining to the Albigenses. AlObi6ness (?), n. A female albino.
Al6biOnism (?), n. The state or condition of being an albino: abinoism; leucopathy.
Al7biOnis6tic (?), a. Affected with albinism. AlObi6no (?; 277), n.; pl. Albinos (?). [Sp. or Pg. albino, orig. whitish, fr. albo white, L. albus.] A person, whether negro, Indian, or white, in whom by some defect of organization the substance which gives color to the skin, hair, and eyes is deficient or in a morbid state. An ~ has a skin of a milky hue, with hair of the same color, and eyes with deep red pupil and pink or blue iris. The term is also used of the lower animals, as white mice, elephants, etc.; and of plants in a whitish condition from the absence of chlorophyll.
Amer. Cyc.
5 The term was originally applied by the Portuguese to negroes met with on the coast of Africa, who were mottled with white spots.
AlObi6noOism (?), n. The state or condition of being an albino; albinism.
Al7biOnot6ic (?), a. Affected with albinism. Al6biOon (?), n. [Prob. from the same root as Gael. alp a height or hill. =It may have been bestowed on the land lying behind the white cliffs visible from the coast of Gaul. Albany, the old name of Scotland, means probably the =hilly land.8 I. Taylor.] An ancient name of England, still retained in poetry.
In that nookPshotten isle of Albion. Shak.
Al6bite (?), n. [L. albus white.] (Min.) A mineral of the feldspar family, triclinic in crystallization, and in composition a silicate of alumina and soda. It is a common constituent of granite and of various igneous rocks. See Feldspar.
Al6boOlith (?), n. [L. albus white + Olith.] A kind of plastic cement, or artificial stone, consisting chiefly of magnesia and silica; P called also albolite. X Al6boOrak (?; 277), n. [Ar. alPbur>q, fr. baraqa to flash, shine.] The imaginary milkPwhite animal on which Mohammed was said to have been carried up to heaven; a white mule. Al7buOgin6eOous (?), a. [See Albugo.] Of the nature of, or resembling, the white of the eye, or of an egg; albuminous; P a term applied to textures, humors, etc., which are perfectly white.
X AlObu6go (?), n.; pl. Albugines (?). [L., whiteness, fr. albus white.] (Med.) Same as Leucoma.
Al6bum (?), n. [L., neut. of albus white: cf. F. album. Cf. Alb.] 1. (Rom. Antiq.) A white tablet on which anything was inscribed, as a list of names, etc.
2. A register for visitors’ names; a visitors’ book. 3. A blank book, in which to insert autographs sketches, memorial writing of friends, photographs, etc. AlObu6men (?), n. [L., fr. albus white.] 1. The white of an egg.
2. (Bot.) Nourishing matter stored up within the integuments of the seed in many plants, but not incorporated in the embryo. It is the floury part in corn, wheat, and like grains, the oily part in poppy seeds, the fleshy part in the cocoanut, etc.
3. (Chem.) Same as Albumin.
AlObu6menOize (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Albumenized (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Albumenizing.] To cover or saturate with albumen; to coat or treat with an albuminous solution; as, to albuminize paper.
X Al6bum Gr6cum (?). [L., Greek white.] Dung of dogs or hyenas, which becomes white by exposure to air. It is used in dressing leather, and was formerly used in medicine. AlObu6min (?), n. (Chem.) A thick, viscous nitrogenous substance, which is the chief and characteristic constituent of white of eggs and of the serum of blood, and is found in other animal substances, both fluid and solid, also in many plants. It is soluble in water is coagulated by heat ad by certain chemical reagents.
Acid ~, a modification of ~ produced by the action of dilute acids. It is not coagulated by heat. P Alkali ~, ~ as modified by the action of alkaline substances; P called also albuminate.
AlObu6miOnate (?), n. (Chem.) A substance produced by the action of an alkali upon albumin, and resembling casein in its properties; also, a compound formed by the union of albumin with another substance.
AlObu7miOnif6erOous (?), a. [L. albumen + Oferous.] Supplying albumen.
AlObu7miOnim6eOter (?), n. [L. albumen, albuminis + Ometer: cf. F. albuminim
tre.] An instrument for ascertaining the quantity of albumen in a liquid.
AlObu6miOnin (?), n. (Chem.) The substance of the cells which inclose the white of birds’ eggs.
AlObu7miOnip6aOrous (?), a. [L. albumen + parere to bear, bring forth.] Producing albumin.
AlObu6miOnoid (?), a. [L. albumen + Ooid.] (Chem.) Resembling albumin. P n. One of a class of organic principles (called also proteids) which form the main part of organized tissues.
AlObu7miOnoid6al (?), a. (Chem.) Of the nature of an albuminoid.
AlObu6miOnose7 (?), n.(Chem.) A diffusible substance formed from albumin by the action of natural or artificial gastric juice. See Peptone.
AlObu6miOnous (?), AlObu6miOnose7 (?), } a. [Cf. F. albumineux.] Pertaining to, or containing, albumen; having the properties of, or resembling, albumen or albumin. P AlObu6miOnousOness, n.
X AlObu7miOnu6riOa (?), n. [NL., fr. L. albumen + Gr. ? urine.] (Med.) A morbid condition in which albumin is present in the urine.
Al6buOmose7 (?), n. [From albumin.] (Chem.) A compound or class of compounds formed from albumin by dilute acids or by an acid solution of pepsin. Used also in combination, as antialbumose, hemialbumose.
Al6burn (?), n. [L. alburnus, fr. L. albus white. Cf. Auburn.] (Zol.) The bleak, a small European fish having scales of a peculiarly silvery color which are used in making artificial pearls.
AlObur6nous (?), a. Of or pertaining to alburnum; of the alburnum; as, alburnous substances.
AlObur6num (?), n. [L., fr. albus white.] (Bot.) The white and softer part of wood, between the inner bark and the hard wood or duramen; sapwood.
Al6byn (?), n. [See Albion.] Scotland; esp. the Highlands of Scotland.
T. Cambell.
AlOcade6 (?), n. Same as Alcaid.
Al6caOhest (?), n. Same as Alkahest. AlOca6ic (?), a. [L. Alcacus, Gr. ?.] Pertaining to Alcus, a lyric poet of Mitylene, about 6000 b. c. P n. A kind of verse, so called from Alcus. One variety consists of five feet, a spondee or iambic, an iambic, a long syllable, and two dactyls.
X AlOcaid6, AlOcayde6 (?), n. [Sp. alcaide, fr. Ar. alPq>Fd governor, fr. q>da to lead, govern.] 1. A commander of a castle or fortress among the Spaniards, Portuguese, and Moors.
2. The warden, or keeper of a jail. X AlOcal6de (?), n. [Sp. alcalde, fr. Ar. alPq>dF judge, fr. qada to decide, judge. Hence, the cadi of the Turks. Cf. Cadi.] A magistrate or judge in Spain and in Spanish America, etc.
5 Sometimes confounded with Alcaid. Al7caOlim6eOter, n. See Alkalimeter.
X AlOcan6na (?), n. [Sp. alcana, alhe?a, fr. Ar. alOhinn>. See Henna, and cf. Alkanet.] (Bot.) An oriental shrub (Lawsonia inermis) from which henna is obtained. X Al7carOra6za (?), n.; pl. Alcarrazas. [Sp., from Ar. alPkurr>z earthen vessel.] A vessel of porous earthenware, used for cooling liquids by evaporation from the exterior surface.
X AlOcayde6 (?), n. Same as Alcaid.
X AlOca6zar (?), n. [Sp., fr. Ar. al the + qacr (in pl.) a castle.] A fortress; also, a royal palace. Prescott.
X AlOce6do (?), n. [L., equiv. to Gr. ?. See Halcyon.] (Zol.) A genus of perching birds, including the European kingfisher (Alcedo ispida). See Halcyon. AlOchem6ic (?), AlOchem6icOal (?), } a. [Cf. F. alchimique.] Of or relating to alchemy.
AlOchem6icOalOly, adv. In the manner of alchemy. Al6cheOmist (?), n. [Cf. OF. alquemiste, F. alchimiste.] One who practices alchemy.
You are alchemist; make gold.
Al7cheOmis6tic (?), Al7cheOmis6ticOal (?), } a. Relating to or practicing alchemy.
Metaphysical and alchemistical legislators. Burke.
Al6cheOmisOtry (?), n. Alchemy. [Obs.] Al6cheOmize (?), v. t. To change by alchemy; to transmute. Lovelace.
Al6cheOmy (?), n. [OF. alkemie, arquemie, F. alchimie, Ar. alOkFmFa, fr. late Gr. ?, for ?, a mingling, infusion, ? juice, liquid, especially as extracted from plants, fr. ? to pour; for chemistry was originally the art of extracting the juices from plants for medicinal purposes. Cf. Sp. alquimia, It. alchimia. Gr. ? is prob. akin to L. fundere to pour, Goth. guitan, AS. ge”tan, to pour, and so to E. fuse. See Fuse, and cf. Chemistry.] 1. An imaginary art which aimed to transmute the baser metals into gold, to find the panacea, or universal remedy for diseases, etc. It led the way to modern chemistry.
2. A mixed metal composed mainly of brass, formerly used for various utensils; hence, a trumpet. [Obs.] Put to their mouths the sounding alchemy. Milton.
3. Miraculous power of transmuting something common into something precious.
Kissing with golden face the meadows green, Gilding pale streams with heavenly alchemy. Shak.
AlOchym6ic (?), a., Al6chyOmist (?), n., Al7chyOmis6tic (?), a., Al6chyOmy (?), n. See Alchemic, Alchemist, Alchemistic, Alchemy.
X Al6co (?), n. A small South American dog, domesticated by the aborigines.
Al6coOate (?), Al6coOhate (?), } n. Shortened forms of Alcoholate.
Al6coOhol (?), n. [Cf. F. alcool, formerly written alcohol, Sp. alcohol alcohol, antimony, galena, OSp. alcofol; all fr. Ar. alPkohl a powder of antimony or galena, to paint the eyebrows with. The name was afterwards applied, on account of the fineness of this powder, to highly rectified spirits, a signification unknown in Arabia. The Sp. word has bot meanings. Cf. Alquifou.] 1. An impalpable powder. [Obs.] 2. The fluid essence or pure spirit obtained by distillation. [Obs.]
3. Pure spirit of wine; pure or highly rectified spirit (called also ethyl alcohol); the spirituous or intoxicating element of fermented or distilled liquors, or more loosely a liquid containing it is considerable quantity. It is extracted by simple distillation from various vegetable juices and infusions of a saccharine nature, which have undergone vinous fermentation.
5 As used in the U. S. =Pharmacop?ia, alcohol contains 91 per cent by weight of ethyl ~ and 9 per cent of water; and d???ted alcohol (proof spirit) contains 45.5 per cent by weight of ethyl ~ and 54.5 per cent of water. 4. ( Organic Chem.) A class of compounds analogous to vinic ~ in constitution. Chemically speaking, they are hydroxides of certain organic radicals; as, the radical ethyl forms common or ethyl alcohol (C2H5OH); methyl forms methyl alcohol (CH3.OH) or wood spirit; amyl forms amyl alcohol (C5H11.OH) or fusel oil, etc.
Al6coOholOate (?), n. [Cf. F. alcolaie.] (Chem.) A crystallizable compound of a salt with alcohol, in which the latter plays a part analogous to that of water of crystallization.
Al7coOhol6aOture (?), n. [Cf. F. alcoolature.] (Med.) An alcoholic tincture prepared with fresh plants. New Eng. Dict.
Al7coOhol6ic (?), a. [Cf. F. alcolique.] Of or pertaining to alcohol, or partaking of its qualities; derived from, or caused by, alcohol; containing alcohol; as, alcoholic mixtures; alcoholic gastritis; alcoholic odor. Al7coOhol6ic, n. 1. A person given to the use of ~ liquors. 2. pl. w liquors.
Al6coOholOism (?), n. [Cf. F. alcoolisme.] (Med.) A diseased condition of the system, brought about by the continued use of alcoholic liquors.
Al7coOhol7iOza6tion (?), n. [Cf. F. alcoolisation.] 1. The act of reducing a substance to a fine or impalpable powder. [Obs.]
2. The act rectifying spirit.
3. Saturation with alcohol; putting the animal system under the influence of alcoholic liquor.
Al6coOholOize (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Alcoholized (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Alcoholizing.] [Cf. F. alcooliser.] 1. To reduce to a fine powder. [Obs.]
2. To convert into alcohol; to rectify; also, to saturate with alcohol.
Al7coOholOom6eOter (?), Al7coOhol6meOter (?), } n. [Alcohol + Ometer.] (Chem.) An instrument for determining the strength of spirits, with a scale graduated so as to indicate the percentage of pure alcohol, either by weight or volume. It is usually a form of hydrometer with a special scale.
Al7coOhol7oOmet6ric (?), Al7coOhol7oOmet6ricOal (?), Al7coOholOmet6ricOal (?), } a. Relating to the alcoholometer or alcoholometry.
The alcoholometrical strength of spirituous liquors. Ure.
Al7coOhol6om6eOtry (?), n. The process or method of ascertaining the proportion of pure alcohol which spirituous liquors contain.
Al7coOhom6eOter (?), n., Al7coOhoOmet6ric, a. Same as Alcoholometer, Alcoholometric.
Al7coOm6eOtry (?), n. See Alcoholometry. 5 The chemists say alcom
tre, alcoom
trie, doubtless by the
suppression of a syllable in order to avoid a disagreeable sequence of sounds. (Cf. Idolatry.)
Al6coOran (?; 277), n. [F. alcoran, fr. Ar. alPqor>n, orig. the reading, the book, fr. qaraa to read. Cf. Koran.] The Mohammedan Scriptures; the Koran (now the usual form). [Spelt also Alcoran.]
Al7coOran6ic (?), a. Of or pertaining to the Koran. Al7coOran6ist, n. One who adheres to the letter of the Koran, rejecting all traditions.
Al6cove (?; 277), n. [F. alcve, Sp. or Pg. alcoba, from Ar. alPquobbah arch, vault, tent.] 1. (Arch.) A recessed portion of a room, or a small room opening into a larger one; especially, a recess to contain a bed; a lateral recess in a library.
2. A small ornamental building with seats, or an arched seat, in a pleasure ground; a garden bower. Cowper.
3. Any natural recess analogous to an ~ or recess in an apartment.
The youthful wanderers found a wild alcove. Falconer.
Al6cyOon (?), n. See Halcyon.
X Al7cyOoOna6ceOa (?), n. pl. [NL.] (Zol.) A group of softPbodied Alcyonaria, of which Alcyonium is the type. See Illust. under Alcyonaria.
X Al7cyOoOna6riOa (?), n. pl. [NL.] (Zol.) One of the orders of Anthozoa. It includes the Alcyonacea, Pennatulacea, and Gorgonacea.
X AlOcy6oOnes (?), n. pl. [L., pl. of Alcyon.] (Zol.) The kingfishers.
Al7cyOon6ic (?), a. (Zol.) Of or pertaining to the Alcyonaria.
X Al7cyOo6niOum (?), n. [Gr. ? a zophyte, so called from being like the halcyon’s nest.] (Zol.) A genus of fleshy Alcyonaria, its polyps somewhat resembling flowers with eight fringed rays. The term was also formerly used for certain species of sponges.
Al6cyOoOnoid (?), a. [Gr. ? + Ooid.] (Zol.) Like or pertaining to the Alcyonaria. P n. A zophyte of the order Alcyonaria.
Al6day (?), adv. Continually. [Obs.] Chaucer.
AlOdeb6aOran (?), n. [Ar. alOdebar>n, fr. dabar to follow; so called because this star follows upon the Pleiades.] (Astron.) A red star of the first magnitude, situated in the eye of Taurus; the Bull’s Eye. It is the bright star in the group called the Hyades.
Now when Aldebaran was mounted high Above the shiny Cassiopeia’s chair.
Ai6deOhyde (?), n. [Abbrev. fr. alcohol dehydrogenatum, alcohol deprived of its hydrogen.] (Chem.) A colorless, mobile, and very volatile liquid obtained from alcohol by certain of oxidation.
5 The aldehydes are intermediate between the alcohols and acids, and differ from the alcohols in having two less hydrogen atoms in the molecule, as common aldehyde (called also acetic aldehyde or ethyl aldehyde), C2H4O; methyl aldehyde, CH2O.
w ammonia (Chem.), a compound formed by the union of ~ with ammonia.
Al7deOhy6dic (?), a. (Chem.) Of or pertaining to aldehyde; as, aldehydic acid.
Al6der (?), n. [OE. aldir, aller, fr. AS. alr, aler, alor, akin to D. els, G. erle, Icel. erlir, erli, Swed. al, Dan. elle, el, L. alnus, and E. elm.] (Bot.) A tree, usually growing in moist land, and belonging to the genus Alnus. The wood is used by turners, etc.; the bark by dyers and tanners. In the U. S. the species of alder are usually shrubs or small trees.
Black ~. (a) A European shrub (Rhamnus frangula); ~ buckthorn. (b) An American species of holly (Ilex verticillata), bearing red berries.
Al6der (?), Al6ler (?), } a. [From ealra, alra, gen. pl. of AS. eal. The d is excrescent.] Of all; P used in composition; as, alderbest, best of all, alderwisest, wisest of all. [Obs.]
Al7derPlief6est (?), a. [For allerliefest dearest of all. See Lief.] Most beloved. [Obs.]
Al6derOman (?), n.; pl. Aldermen (?). [AS. aldormon, ealdorman; ealdor an elder + man. See Elder, n.] 1. A senior or superior; a person of rank or dignity. [Obs.] 5 The title was applied, among the AngloPSaxons, to princes, dukes, earls, senators, and presiding magistrates; also to archbishops and bishops, implying superior wisdom or authority. Thus Ethelstan, duke of the EastPAnglians, was called Alderman of all England; and there were aldermen of cities, counties, and castles, who had jurisdiction within their respective districts.
3. One of a board or body of municipal officers next in order to the mayor and having a legislative function. They may, in some cases, individually exercise some magisterial and administrative functions.
Al6derOmanOcy (?), n. The office of an alderman. Al6derOman6ic (?), a. Relating to, becoming to, or like, an alderman; characteristic of an alderman. Al7derOman6iOty (?), n. 1. Aldermen collectively; the body of aldermen.
2. The state of being an alderman. [Jocular] Al7derOmanOlike7 (?), a. Like or suited to an alderman. Al6derOmanOly, a. Pertaining to, or like, an alderman. Al6derOmanOly, a. Pertaining to, or like, an alderman. =An aldermanly discretion.8
Al6derOmanOry (?), n. 1. The district or ward of an alderman.
2. The office or rank of an alderman. [R.] B. Jonson.
Al6derOmanOship, n. The condition, position, or office of an alderman.
Al6dern (?), a. Made of alder.
Al6derOney (?), n. One of a breed of cattle raised in Alderney, one of the Channel Islands. Alderneys are of a dun or tawny color and are often called Jersey cattle. See Jersey, 3.
Al6dine (?; 277), a. (Bibliog.) An epithet applied to editions (chiefly of the classics) which proceeded from the press of Aldus Manitius, and his family, of Venice, for the most part in the 16th century and known by the sign of the anchor and the dolphin. The term has also been applied to certain elegant editions of English works. Ale (?), n. [AS. ealu, akin to Icel., Sw., and Dan. l, Lith. alus a kind of beer, OSlav. ol? beer. Cf. Ir. ol drink, drinking.] 1. An intoxicating liquor made from an infusion of malt by fermentation and the addition of a bitter, usually hops.
5 The word ale, in England and the United States, usually designates a heavier kind of fermented liquor, and the word beer a lighter kind. The word beer is also in common use as the generic name for all malt liquors.
2. A festival in English country places, so called from the liquor drunk. =At wakes and ales.8 B. Jonson.=On ember eves and holy ales.8 Shak.
AOleak6 (?), adv. & a. [Pref. aO + leak.] In a leaking condition.
A6leOaOtoOry (?), a. [L. aleatorius, fr. alea chance, die.] (Law) Depending on some uncertain contingency; as, an aleatory contract.
Ale6bench7 (?), n. A bench in or before an alehouse. Bunyan.
Ale6ber7ry (?), n. [OE. alebery, alebrey; ale + bre broth, fr. AS. brFw pottage.] A beverage, formerly made by boiling ale with spice, sugar, and sops of bread. Their aleberries, caudles, possets.
Beau. & Fl.
AOlect6iOthal (?), a. [Gr. ? priv. + ? yelk.] (Biol.) Applied to those ova which segment uniformly, and which have little or no food yelk embedded in their protoplasm. Balfour.
Ale6con6ner (?), n. [Ale + con, OE. cunnen to test, AS. cunnian to test. See Con.] Orig., an officer appointed to look to the goodness of ale and beer; also, one of the officers chosen by the liverymen of London to insect the measures used in public houses. But the office is a sinecure. [Also called aletaster.] [Eng.] Ale6cost7 (?), n. [Ale + L. costus an aromatic plant: cf. Costmary.] (Bot.) The plant costmary, which was formerly much used for flavoring ale.
X Al7ecOtor6iOdes (?), n. pl. [NL., fr. Gr. ? a cock.] (Zol.) A group of birds including the common fowl and the pheasants.
AOlec7toOrom6aOchy (?), n. [Gr. ? cock + ? fight.] Cockfighting.
AOlec6toOroOman7cy (?), n. See Alectryomancy. AOlec7tryOom’aOchy (?), n. [Gr. ? cock + ? fight.] Cockfighting.
AOlec6tryOoOman7cy (?), n. [Gr. ? cock + Omancy.] Divination by means of a cock and grains of corn placed on the letters of the alphabet, the letters being put together in the order in which the grains were eaten.
Amer. Cyc.
AOlee6 (?), adv. [Pref. aO + lee.] (Naut.) On or toward the lee, or the side away from the wind; the opposite of aweather. The helm of a ship is alee when pressed close to the lee side.
Hard ~, or Luff ~, an order to put the helm to the lee side. Al6eOgar (?), n. [Ale + eager sour, F. aigre. Cf. Vinegar.] Sour ale; vinegar made of ale.
Al6eOger (?), a. [F. all
gre, earlier al
gre, fr. L.
alacer.] Gay; cheerful; sprightly. [Obs.] Bacon.
AOlegge6 (?), v. t. [OE. aleggen, alegen, OF. alegier, F. allger, fr. LL. alleviare, for L. allevare to lighten; ad + levis light. Cf. Alleviate, Allay, Allege.] To allay or alleviate; to lighten. [Obs.]
That shall alegge this bitter blast. Spenser.
Ale6hoof7 (?), n. [AS. h?fe ground ivy; the first part is perh. a corruption: cf. OE. heyhowe hedgehove,
ground ivy, =in old MSS. heyhowe, heyoue, haihoue, halehoue.8 Prior.] Ground ivy (Nepeta Glechoma). Ale6house7 (?), n. A house where ale is retailed; hence, a tippling house.
Ale6Pknight7 (?), n. A pot companion. [Obs.] Al7eOman6nic (?), a. Belonging to the Alemanni, a confederacy of warlike German tribes.
Al7eOman6nic, n. The language of the Alemanni. The Swabian dialect… is known as the Alemannic. Amer. Cyc.
AOlem6bic (?), n. [F. alambic (cf. Sp. alambique), Ar. alPanbFq, fr. Gr. ? cup, cap of a still. The cap or head was the alembic proper. Cf. Limbec.] An apparatus formerly used in distillation, usually made of glass or metal. It has mostly given place to the retort and worm still. Used also metaphorically.
The alembic of a great poet’s imagination. Brimley.
AOlem6broth (?), n. [Origin uncertain.] The salt of wisdom of the alchemists, a double salt composed of the chlorides of ammonium and mercury. It was formerly used as a stimulant.
Brande & C.
A7len7con6 lace6 (?). See under Lace. AOlength6 (?), adv. [Pref. aO + length.] At full length; lenghtwise.
AOlep6iOdote , a. [Gr. ? priv. + ?, ?, a scale.] (Zol.) Not having scales. P n. A fish without scales. Ale6pole7 (?), n. A pole set up as the sign of an alehouse. [Obs.]
AOlert6 (?), a. [F. alerte, earlier l’erte on the watch, fr. It. all’ erta on the watch, prop. (standing) on a height, where one can look around; erta a declivity, steep, erto steep, p. p. of ergere, erigere, to erect, raise, L. erigere. See Erect.] 1. Watchful; vigilant; active in vigilance.
2. Brisk; nimble; moving with celerity. An alert young fellow.
Syn. – Active; agile; lively; quick; prompt. AOlert6, n. (Mil.) An alarm from a real or threatened attack; a sudden attack; also, a bugle sound to give warning. =We have had an alert.8
On the ~, on the lookout or watch against attack or danger; ready to act.
AOlert6ly, adv. In an alert manner; nimbly. AOlert6ness, n. The quality of being alert or on the alert; briskness; nimbleness; activity.
Ale6 sil7ver (?). A duty payable to the lord mayor of London by the sellers of ale within the city.
Ale6stake (?), n. A stake or pole projecting from, or set up before, an alehouse, as a sign; an alepole. At the end was commonly suspended a garland, a bunch of leaves, or a =bush.8 [Obs.]
Ale6tast7er (?), n. See Aleconner. [Eng.] AOle7thiOol6oOgy (?), n. [Gr. ? truth + Ology.] The science which treats of the nature of truth and evidence. Sir W. Hamilton.
AOleth6oOscope (?), n. [Gr. ? true + ? to view.] An instrument for viewing pictures by means of a lens, so as to present them in their natural proportions and relations. AOleu6roOman7cy (?), n. [Gr. ? wheaten flour + Omancy: cf. F. aleuromancie.] Divination by means of flour. Encyc. Brit.
Al7euOrom6eOter (?), n. [Gr. ? flour + Ometer.] An instrument for determining the expansive properties, or quality, of gluten in flour.
AOleu6rone (?), n. [Gr. ? flour.] (Bot.) An albuminoid substance which occurs in minute grains (=protein granules8) in maturing seeds and tubers; P supposed to be a modification of protoplasm.
Al7euOron6ic (?), a. (Bot.) Having the nature of aleurone. D. C. Eaton.
AOleu6tian (?), AOleu6tic (?), } a. [Said to be from the Russ. aleut a bold rock.] Of or pertaining to a chain of islands between Alaska and Kamtchatka; also, designating these islands.
Al6eOvin (?), n. [F. alevin, OF. alever to rear, fr. L. ad + levare to raise.] Young fish; fry.
AOlew6 (?), n. Halloo. [Obs.]
Ale6wife7 (?), n.; pl. Alewives (?). A woman who keeps an alehouse.
Ale6wife7, n.; pl. Alewives. [This word is properly aloof, the Indian name of a fish. See Winthrop on the culture of maize in America, =Phil Trans.8 No. 142, p. 1065, and Baddam’s =Memoirs,8 vol. ii. p. 131.] (Zol.) A North American fish (Clupea vernalis) of the Herring family. It is called also ellwife, ellwhop, branch herring. The name is locally applied to other related species. Al7exOan6ders (?), Al7iOsan6ders (?), n. [OE. alisaundre, OF. alissandere, fr. Alexander or Alexandria.] (Bot) A name given to two species of the genus Smyrnium, formerly cultivated and used as celery now is; P called also horse parsely.
Al7exOan6driOan (?), a. 1. Of or pertaining to Alexandria in Egypt; as, the Alexandrian library.
2. Applied to a kind of heroic verse. See Alexandrine, n. Al7exOan6drine (?; 277), a. Belonging to Alexandria; Alexandrian.
Al7exOan6drine (?)(?), n. [F. alexandrin.] A kind of verse consisting in English of twelve syllables. The needless Alexandrine ends the song,
That, like a wounded snake, drags its slow length along. Pope.
AOlex7iOphar6mac (?), AOlex7iOphar6maOcal (?), } a. & n. [See Alexipharmic.] Alexipharmic. [Obs.] AOlex7iOphar6mic (?), AOlex7iOphar6micOal (?), } a. [Gr. ? keeping off poison; ? to keep off + ? drug, poison: cf. F. alexipharmaque.] (Med.) Expelling or counteracting poison; antidotal.
AOlex7iOphar6mic (?), n. (Med.) An antidote against poison or infection; a counterpoison.
AOlex7iOpyOret6ic (?), a. [Gr. ? + ? burning heat, fever, ? fire.] (Med.) Serving to drive off fever; antifebrile. P n. A febrifuge.
AOlex7iOter6ic (?), AOlex7iOter6icOal (?), } a. [Gr. ? fit to keep off or help, fr. ? one who keeps off, helper; ? to keep off: cf. F. alexit
re.] (med.) Resisting poison;
obviating the effects of venom; alexipharmic. AOlex7iOter6ic, n. [Gr. ? a remedy, an amulet: cf. F. alexit
re, LL. alexiterium.] (Med.) A preservative against contagious and infectious diseases, and the effects of poison in general.
Brande & C.
X Al6fa (?) or Al6fa grass6 (?), n. A plant (Macrochloa tenacissima) of North Africa; also, its fiber, used in paper making.
AlOfal6fa (?), n. [Sp.] (Bot.) The lucern (Medicago sativa); P so called in California, Texas, etc.
Al6feOnide (?), n. (Metal.) An alloy of nickel and silver electroplated with silver.
X AlOfe6res (?), n. [Sp., fr. Ar. alOf>rs knight.] An ensign; a standard bearer. [Obs.]
J. Fletcher.
Al6fet , n. [LL. alfetum, fr. AS. >lft a pot to boil in; >l burning + ft vat.] A caldron of boiling water into which an accused person plunged his forearm as a test of innocence or guilt.
X AlOfil7aOri6a (?), n. (Bot.) The pin grass (Erodium cicutarium), a weed in California.
X Al7fiOo6ne (?), n. (Zol.) An edible marine fish of California (Rhacochilus toxotes).
X AlOfres6co (?), adv. & a. [It. al fresco in or on the fresh.] In the openPair.
X Al6ga (?), n.; pl. Alg (?). [L., seaweed.] (Bot.) A kind of seaweed; pl. the class of cellular cryptogamic plants which includes the black, red, and green seaweeds, as kelp, dulse, sea lettuce, also marine and fresh water conferv, etc.
Al6gal (?), a,. (Bot.) Pertaining to, or like, alg. X Al7gaOro6ba (?), n. [Sp. algarroba, fr. Ar. alOkharr?bah. Cf. Carob.] (Bot.) (a) The Carob, a leguminous tree of the Mediterranean region; also, its edible beans or pods, called St. John’s bread. (b) The Honey mesquite (Prosopis juliflora), a small tree found from California to Buenos Ayres; also, its sweet, pulpy pods. A valuable gum, resembling gum arabic, is collected from the tree in Texas and Mexico.
Al6gaOrot (?), Al6gaOroth (?), } n. [F. algaroth, fr. the name of the inventor, Algarotti.] (Med.) A term used for the Powder of Algaroth, a white powder which is a compound of trichloride and trioxide of antimony. It was formerly used in medicine as an emetic, purgative, and diaphoretic. X Al7gaOroOvil6la (?), n. The agglutinated seeds and husks of the legumes of a South American tree (Inga Marth). It is valuable for tanning leather, and as a dye. Al6gate (?), Al6gates (?), } adv. [All + gate way. The s is and adverbial ending. See Gate.] 1. Always; wholly; everywhere. [Obs. or Dial.]
Ulna now he algates must forego.
5 Still used in the north of England in the sense of =everywhere.8
2. By any or means; at all events. [Obs.] Fairfax.
3. Notwithstanding; yet. [Obs.]
Al6gaOzel7 (?), n. [Ar. al the + ghaz>l.] (Zol.) The true gazelle.
Al6geObra (?), n. [LL. algebra, fr. Ar. alPjebr reduction of parts to a whole, or fractions to whole numbers, fr. jabara to bind together, consolidate; alPjebr w’almuq>balah reduction and comparison (by equations): cf. F. alg bre, It.
& Sp. algebra.] 1. (Math.) That branch of mathematics which treats of the relations and properties of quantity by means of letters and other symbols. It is applicable to those relations that are true of every kind of magnitude. 2. A treatise on this science.
Al7geObra6ic (?), Al7geObra6icOal (?), } a. Of or pertaining to algebra; containing an operation of algebra, or deduced from such operation; as, algebraic characters; algebraical writings.
Algebraic curve, a curve such that the equation which expresses the relation between the cordinates of its points involves only the ordinary operations of algebra; P opposed to a transcendental curve.
Al7geObra6icOalOly, adv. By algebraic process. Al6geObra7ist (?), n. One versed in algebra. Al6geObraOize (?)(?), v. t. To perform by algebra; to reduce to algebraic form.
AlOge6riOan (?), a. Of or pertaining to Algeria. P n. A native of Algeria.
Al7geOrine6 (?), a. Of or pertaining to Algiers or Algeria. Al7geOrine6, n. A native or one of the people of Algiers or Algeria. Also, a pirate.
Al6gid (?), a. [L. algidus cold, fr. algere to be cold: cf. F. algide.] Cold; chilly.
w cholera (Med.), Asiatic cholera.
AlOgid6iOty (?), n. Chilliness; coldness; especially (Med.), coldness and collapse.
Al6gidOness (?), n. Algidity. [Obs.] AlOgif6ic (?), a. [L. algificus, fr. algus cold + facere to make.] Producing cold.
Al6goid (?), a. [L. alga + Ooid.] Of the nature of, or resembling, an alga.
Al6gol (?), n. [Ar. alPgh?l destruction, calamity, fr. gh>la to take suddenly, destroy.] (Astron.) A fixed star, in Medusa’s head, in the constellation Perseus, remarkable for its periodic variation in brightness.
Al7goOlog6icOal (?), a. Of or pertaining to algology; as, algological specimens.
AlOgol6oOgist (?), n. One learned about alg; a student of algology.
AlOgol6oOgy (?), n. [L. alga seaweed + Ology.] (Bot.) The study or science of alg or seaweeds.
AlOgon6quin (?), AlOgon6kin (?), } n. One of a widely spread family of Indians, including many distinct tribes, which formerly occupied most of the northern and eastern part of North America. The name was originally applied to a group of Indian tribes north of the River St. Lawrence. X Al6gor (?), n. [L.] (Med.) Cold; chilliness. Al6goOrism (?), Al6goOrithm (?), } n. [OE. algorism, algrim, augrim, OF. algorisme, F. algorithme (cf. Sp. algoritmo, OSp. alguarismo, LL. algorismus), fr. the Ar. alPKhow>rezmF of Khow>rezm, the modern Khiwa, surname of Abu Ja’far Mohammed ben Mus>, author of a work on arithmetic early in the 9th century, which was translated into Latin, such books bearing the name algorismus. The spelling with th is due to a supposed connection with Gr. ? number.] 1. The art of calculating by nine figures and zero.
2. The art of calculating with any species of notation; as, the algorithms of fractions, proportions, surds, etc. Al6gous (?), a. [L. algosus, fr. alga seaweed.] Of or pertaining to the alg, or seaweeds; abounding with, or like, seaweed.
X Al7guaOzil6 (?)(?), n. [Sp. alguacil, fr. Ar. alwazFr the vizier. Cf. Vizier.] An inferior officer of justice in Spain; a warrant officer; a constable.
Al6gum (?), n. Same as Almug (and etymologically preferable).
2 Chron. ii. 8.
AlOham6bra (?), n. [Ultimately fr. Ar. al the + hamr> red; i. e., the red (sc. house).] The palace of the Moorish kings at Granada.
Al7hamObra6ic (?), Al7hamObresque6 (?; 277), } a. Made or decorated after the fanciful style of the ornamentation in the Alhambra, which affords an unusually fine exhibition of Saracenic or Arabesque architecture.
X AlOhen6na (?), n. See Henna.
A6liOas (?), adv. [L., fr. alius. See Else.] (Law) (a) Otherwise; otherwise called; P a term used in legal proceedings to connect the different names of any one who has gone by two or more, and whose true name is for any cause doubtful; as, Smith, alias Simpson. (b) At another time.
A6liOas, n.; pl. Aliases (?). [L., otherwise, at another time.] (Law) (a) A second or further writ which is issued after a first writ has expired without effect. (b) Another name; an assumed name.
Al6iObi (?), n. [L., elsewhere, at another place. See Alias.] (Law) The plea or mode of defense under which a person on trial for a crime proves or attempts to prove that he was in another place when the alleged act was committed; as, to set up an alibi; to prove an alibi. Al7iObil6iOty (?), n. Quality of being alible. Al6iOble (?), a. [L. alibilis, fr. alere to nourish.] Nutritive; nourishing.
Al6iOcant (?), n. A kind of wine, formerly much esteemed; P said to have been made near Alicant, in Spain. J. Fletcher.
Al6iOdade (?), n. [LL. alidada, alhidada, fr. Ar. alO’id>da a sort of rule: cf. F. alidade.] The portion of a graduated instrument, as a quadrant or astrolabe, carrying the sights or telescope, and showing the degrees cut off on the arc of the instrument
Al6ien (?), a. [OF. alien, L. alienus, fr. alius another; properly, therefore, belonging to another. See Else.] 1. Not belonging to the same country, land, or government, or to the citizens or subjects thereof; foreign; as, alien subjects, enemies, property, shores.
2. Wholly different in nature; foreign; adverse; inconsistent (with); incongruous; P followed by from or sometimes by to; as, principles alien from our religion. An alien sound of melancholy.
w enemy (Law), one who owes allegiance to a government at war with ours.
Al6ien, n. 1. A foreigner; one owing allegiance, or belonging, to another country; a foreignPborn resident of a country in which he does not posses the privileges of a citizen. Hence, a stranger. See Alienage. 2. One excluded from certain privileges; one alienated or estranged; as, aliens from God’s mercies. Aliens from the common wealth of Israel. Ephes. ii. 12.
Al6ien, v. t. [F. aliner, L. alienare.] To alienate; to estrange; to transfer, as property or ownership. [R.] =It the son alien lands.8
Sir M. Hale.
The prince was totally aliened from all thoughts of… the marriage.
Al7ienOaObil6iOty (?), n. Capability of being alienated. =The alienability of the domain.8
Al6ienOaOble (?), a. [Cf. F. alinable.] Capable of being alienated, sold, or transferred to another; as, land is alienable according to the laws of the state. Al6ienOage (?), n. [Cf. OF. alinage.] 1. The state or legal condition of being an alien.
5 The disabilities of alienage are removable by naturalization or by special license from the State of residence, and in some of the United States by declaration of intention of naturalization.
Kent. Wharton.
Estates forfeitable on account of alienage. Story.
2. The state of being alienated or transferred to another. Brougham.
Al6ienOate (?), a. [L. alienatus, p. p. of alienare, fr. alienus. See Alien, and cf. Aliene.] Estranged; withdrawn in affection; foreign; P with from.
O alienate from God.
Al6ienOate (?), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Alienated (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Alienating.] 1. To convey or transfer to another, as title, property, or right; to part voluntarily with ownership of.
2. To withdraw, as the affections; to make indifferent of averse, where love or friendship before subsisted; to estrange; to wean; P with from.
The errors which… alienated a loyal gentry and priesthood from the House of Stuart.
The recollection of his former life is a dream that only the more alienates him from the realities of the present. I. Taylor.
Al6ienOate (?), n. A stranger; an alien. [Obs.] Al7ienOa6tion (?), n. [F. alination, L. alienatio, fr. alienare, fr. alienare. See Alienate.] 1. The act of alienating, or the state of being alienated. 2. (Law) A transfer of title, or a legal conveyance of property to another.
3. A withdrawing or estrangement, as of the affections. The alienation of his heart from the king. Bacon.
4. Mental alienation; derangement of the mental faculties; insanity; as, alienation of mind.
Syn. – Insanity; lunacy; madness; derangement; aberration; mania; delirium; frenzy; dementia; monomania. See Insanity. Al6ienOa6tor (?), n. One who alienates.
AlOiene (?), v. t. To alien or alienate; to transfer, as title or property; as, to aliene an estate. Al6ienOee6 (?), n. (Law) One to whom the title of property is transferred; P opposed to alienor.
It the alienee enters and keeps possession. Blackstone.
Al6ienOism (?), n. 1. The status or legal condition of an alien; alienage.
The law was very gentle in the construction of the disability of alienism.
2. The study or treatment of diseases of the mind. Al6ienOist (?), n. [F. aliniste.] One who treats diseases of the mind.
Ed. Rev.
Al7ienOor6 (?), n. [OF. alineur.] One who alienates or transfers property to another.
Al7iOeth6moid (?), Al7iOethOmoid6al (?), } a. [L. ala wing + E. ethomoid.] (Anat.) Pertaining to expansions of the ethmoid bone or ?artilage.
AOlife6 (?), adv. [Cf. lief dear.] On my life; dearly. [Obs.] =I love that sport alife.8
Beau. & Fl.
AOlif6erOous (?), a. [L. ala wing + Oferous.] Having wings, winged; aligerous. [R.]
Al6iOform (?), a. [L. ala wing + Oform.] WingOshaped; winglike.
AOlig6erOous (?), a. [L. aliger; ala wing + gerere to carry.] Having wings; winged. [R.]
AOlight6 (?), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Alighted (?) sometimes Alit (?); p. pr. & vb. n. Alighting.] [OE. alihten, fr. AS.