Howard, Lady Louisa
Howick, Lord, motion of, thrown out (_see also_ Grey, (3rd) Earl)
Hudson, Mr., mission to Italy
Hudson, Sir James, letter from Turin to Lady John Huguesson, Mr.
Humboldt, friend in Berlin
Hume, appearance
Hungary, Kossuth’s revolution
The Viceregal Court
situation in 1843
Lady John Russell on the Irish question state of, 1845
condition in 1846
Peel’s measures for, 1846
Lady John Russell on the condition of measures for relief
the rebellion of 1848, preparations suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act
rumoured rebellion in the South
visit of the Queen, 1849
reception of Lord Russell’s letter to the Bishop of Durham Lord Russell’s pamphlets
the Fenian movement, 1867
the Irish Church question, 1868
Gladstone’s measure
Lord Russell’s sympathy towards
Lady Russell and the Irish movement Irish University Bill
and Austria
Lord John Russell and united Italy Lord Granville and
first Parliament
defeat at Custozza
cession of Venetia
the Russells in
visit of Lord Russell, 1869
Jamaica Bill, 1839
Jaucourt, attache
Jeffrey, Francis, Lord, letter to Lady John Russell Joachim, Dr.
Joachim, Miss Gertrude (_see_ Russell, Mrs. Rollo) Josephine, Empress
Jowett, Dr., letter to Lady Russell
Keats, John
Kent, Duchess of
King, Mr. Locke, franchise motion
Kinglake, _cited_
his book
Kossuth, reception in London
Lacaita, Mr. (afterwards Sir James Lacaita), mission to the Russells Lansdowne House, Lord John Russell at
Lansdowne, Lady
Lansdowne, Lord–
and Lord Minto
Lord John Russell and
Irish views
and the suffrage
refuses office
and Lord John’s resignation
letters to Vienna
Layard, Henry
Lecky, W.E.H., a picture of Pembroke Lodge _quoted_ Liberals–
Position in 1837
number in 1846
Lady Russell on
Lincoln, President
Lister, Adelaide (_see also_ Drummond, Mrs.) Lister, Elizabeth (Lady Melvill)
Lister, Isabel (_see also_ Warburton, Mrs.) Lister, Miss
letters to Lord John Russell
Lister, Tom (_see_ Ribblesdale, Lord) Lockhart, “Life of Sir Walter Scott”
Lady John Russell’s life in
London society, Lady John Russell on news of the revolution in France
Lord John Russell returned for
Italian conspirators in
Longfellow, H.W.
Lords, the House of–
On the Corn question
Peel’s Irish Land Bill thrown out
vote of censure on Lord Palmerston Lord Russell’s proposition
Lady Russell on
Louis XIV
Louis XVIII, Napoleon’s opinion regarding Louis Philippe,
and the Parisians
deposition in 1848
visits Pembroke Lodge
Louis, Princess, of Hesse
Lovelace, Lord, “Astarte”
Lowe, Robert–
On Disraeli, _quoted_
opposition to Reform
his retort on Gladstone
_otherwise mentioned_
Lowell, J.R.
Lyons, Lord,
on the American situation
in Paris, 226
Lyttelton, Lady, on Prince Albert
Lytton, Bulwer, “The New Timon,” _quoted_
McCarthy, Justin–
Friendship with Lady Russell
correspondence with Lady Russell
“Recollections of Frances, Countess Russell” Macaulay, letter to his sister
_otherwise mentioned_
Malakoff, Duc de, French Ambassador Malmesbury, Lord,
accounts of the Crimea
reports fall of the Derby Government Manchester–
Anti-Corn Law League Bazaar
attack on the prison van
Manchester, Bishop of, and education Manning, Cardinal
Manzoni, “Carmagnola”
Martineau, Dr., writings
Maynooth College, endowment of
Melbourne, Lord–
Dismissal, 1834
Ministry, 1837
return to power
his famous remark
Government of 1835
defeat in 1841
at Woburn
_otherwise mentioned_
Mr. Gladstone’s article on the Melbourne Ministry Melgund, Lady (see also Minto, Lady)–
Letter from Lady John Russell
letters from Mr. Boileau
letters from Lord John Russell
Melgund, Lord
Melrose Abbey
Militia Bill, the
Lord John Russell defeated on
Mill, J.S.,
“Nature,” Lady Russell’s remarks
_otherwise mentioned_
“Paradise Lost”
Minto House–
return to in 1831
in 1834
the home at
Lord John Russell at
visit of Lord and Lady John Russell Minto, Lady (mother of Lady Russell)–
Home influence of
illness in Berlin
death of her mother
a description
arrival of Lord John Russell
letters to Lady Mary Abercromby
“A Border Ballad”
letters written from Endsleigh
letter to Lord John Russell
letters from Lady John Russell
illness, 1852
_mentioned_ in the letters
Minto, Lady (Lady Melgund)–
Letters to Lady Russell
letters from Lord Russell
Minto, Lord–
At Minto
and Reform
appointed Minister in Berlin
and the Peel Ministry
First Lord of the Admiralty
Mrs. Drummond’s recollections _quoted_ and Lord John Russell
visits to Lady John Russell
in London
on Lord John Russell
death of Lady Minto
letters from Lady John Russell
on Lord John Russell’s acceptance of the Colonial Seals death
_otherwise mentioned_
Minto village
Moffatt, George, letter to Lady John Russell Moore, Thomas–
Songs at Bowood
lines _quoted_ by Lady John Russell papers of, edited by Lord John Russell
_otherwise mentioned_
Morley, Lord–
“Life of Gladstone” _cited_ on Lord Russell’s resignation Mr. Rollo Russell’s letter to _The Times_ _cited_ on the conduct of other Ministers _otherwise mentioned_
Motley, J.L., on _The Times_
_Morning Advertiser_, and the Eastern Question _Morning Herald_, and the Eastern Question _Morning Post_, and Palmerston’s Eastern policy _Morning Star_, the
Napoleon I–
in Elba, Lord John Russell’s account story of the poisoning
letters to Josephine
Napoleon III–
and the Provisional Government
his _coup d’etat_ of December, 1851 policy
Orsini outrage on
peace of Villafranca
Le Pape et le Congres
and Cavour
Sir James Hudson on
his idea of “United” Italy
Garibaldi on
and Lord Russell
and the Franco-German War
prisoner of war
at Chislehurst
National debt, reduction
National Guard of Paris
singing the “Parisienne”
Louis Philippe and the
Neapolitan prisoners at Pembroke Lodge Newcastle, Duke of, at the War Office
_otherwise mentioned_
Nice, cession to France
Nicholas, Emperor
partition of Turkey proposed
Nonconformist deputation to Lord Russell Norton, Mrs., description of Rogers, _cited_ Norwich, Hinds, Bishop of
Nottingham Castle, burning of
O’Brien, Smith
O’Brien, William, and Parnell
O’Connell, Daniel
arrest in 1843
and Lord John Russell
O’Connor, Fergus, and the Chartists Orsini
Owen, Sir Richard
Oxford movement, the, Lord John Russell and
Pacifico, Don, compensation
Palmerston, Lady
Palmerston, Lord–
On the dismissal of Lord Melbourne, _cited_ and Grey
at the Foreign Office
the Greek crisis, 1850
his finest speech
the Queen’s letter to Lord John Russell reception of Kossuth
the Militia Bill
and the _coup d’etat_
and Lord John Russell
resignation on the Eastern Question and resumption of office return to power, his first Cabinet
Lord John in the Colonial Office
policy in the Crimea
his appeal to Lord John Russell
his reply to Lord John’s offer to resign China policy
general election of 1857
Conspiracy to Murder Bill
resignation on the Conspiracy Bill amendment Ministry of 1859
Italian policy
the Cabinet of 1859
social legislation under
illness in 1865
_otherwise mentioned_
Panmure, Lord
Papal Bull, September, 1850
Louis Philippe and
deposition of Charles X
Wellington in
life in
visit of the Russells
horrors of the war
Paris, Comte de
“Parisienne,” the
Parliament, opening in 1836, description Parnell, C.S.
Party Government, Lady Russell on
Pasolini, Count, memoir _quoted_
Patmore, Coventry, “1867”
Paul, Herbert, on Coercion Bill
_cited_ on the Commons’ debate on the Greek crisis on Russell’s resignation
Peel, Archibald
letter from Lord Russell
Peel, General
Peel, Lady Georgiana,
letter from Lord Russell
verses to
letter from Lady Russell
Peel, Sir Robert–
The Ministry of 1835
his Tamworth manifesto
his position in 1837
return from Italy
Ministry of 1841
the Corn Law
position in 1843
resignation, 1845
and Russell
gives up Protection
return to power, 1846
Lady John Russell on his speech
Lord William Russell on
his measures for Ireland
revenge of the Protectionists
and the revolution in France
his last speech and death
Parliamentary courage
Gladstone on
_otherwise mentioned_
Peel, Sir Robert, Chief Secretary for Ireland Peelites, alliance with the Whigs
Pembroke Lodge–
Offered by the Queen to Lord John
the “Wishing Tree”
the home at
visit of Louis Philippe
other French visitors
literary visitors
a few recollections
Windsor summer-house
visit of Garibaldi
a Cabinet dinner
verses written for the summer-house visit of Queen Victoria
children at
a picture by Lecky
Armenian refugees at
_otherwise mentioned_
People’s Charter, the, 1837
Persigny, M.
church at
school at
Petersham Park
Phillips, Wendell
Pitt, William
secret treaty of
Poor Laws, Lady John Russell on
Pope, Napoleon’s designs concerning the Portal, Lady Charlotte,
letters from Lady John
letter to Lady Russell
Walpole’s “Life of Lord John Russell” Presbyterian Church of Scotland
abandoned by Peel
and the Coercion Bill
and the Peelites
and Denmark
Napoleon and
war on Austria
Prussia, Crown Prince of
Prussia, Crown Princess of
_Punch_, ballad on Lord John Russell Pusey, Dr., letter from Gladstone, _quoted_ Puseyites, the
Putney House, Lady Russell’s description
Redcliffe, Lord Stratford de, policy
Reform, Lord John Russell and
Reform Bill of 1831
Lord John Russell’s Bill
Disraeli’s Bill,
Reid, Stuart, _cited_
the Russells at
Revolutionary movement of 1848
Ribblesdale, Lady, 1st Lady John Russell marriage with Lord John Russell
her death
Ribblesdale, (2nd) Lord
Ribblesdale, (3rd) Lord
Richmond, visit of Garibaldi
Richmond, Duke of (1836)
Richmond Free Church
Richmond Park
Rigby, Dr.
Ripon, Lord
Robertson, Rev. F.W.
Rodborough Manor, purchased by Lord John Roebuck, Mr.–
Motion of confidence
motion for a Commission of Inquiry the debate on
comments on Lord John
Roehampton House
Rogers, Samuel–
Letters to Lord and Lady John Russell note to Lady John, written in his ninetieth year breakfasts
Lady Russell’s verses to
his reply
Roman Catholics, Lady John Russell on the Papal Bull, September, 1850
Romilly, Colonel
on Lord John accepting the Colonial Seals letters from Lord Russell
Romilly, Lady Elizabeth,
letters from Lady John Russell
_otherwise mentioned_
Romilly, Sir Samuel
Roseneath, Lord John Russell’s stay at Russell, Lord Arthur
Russell, Arthur, son of Mr. Rollo
Russell, Bertrand, son of Lord Amberley Russell, Earl (Frank, son of Lord Amberley) Russell, Lady Emily
Russell, George William Gilbert
Russell, George W.E., on his uncle, _quoted_ Russell, John (_see also_ Amberley, Lord) Russell, Lady Agatha
_Letters from_–
Mrs. Drummond
Lady Russell
Mrs. Warburton
Mr. Farrington
the Rev. Stopford Brooke
Mr. Frederic Harrison
Mr. James Bryce
Russell, Lady Georgiana (_see also_ Peel, Lady Georgiana) letter from Lady Russell
letter from Lord Russell
married to Mr. Archibald Peel
_otherwise mentioned_
Russell, (1st) Lady John (_see_ Ribblesdale, Lady) Russell, Lady John–
Birth and early life at Minto
beginning of her Diaries
visit to the Continent
return to Minto
at Roehampton House
in Berlin
return to Minto, 1834
at the Admiralty
description by Mrs. Drummond
visits of Lord John
her engagement
at Endsleigh
birth of John
lines to her son
at Woburn
illness in Edinburgh
on the government of Ireland
at Chorley Wood
illness in 1847
birth of George William Gilbert
the Petersham School
birth of Francis Albert Rollo
recollections of the crisis in December, 1851 book of poems
and Samuel Rogers
birth of Mary Agatha
death, of her mother
in Vienna
Italian sympathies
visit of Mr. Lacaita
relations with her father
lines for the summer-house at Pembroke Lodge return to Endsleigh
in Venice
on Irish Church disestablishment
Visit to Italy, 1869
her views on elementary education
in Paris
in Switzerland
at Cannes
sorrows of 1874
death of Lord Amberley
the “Life of Prince Albert”
death of Lord Russell
her subsequent life
“Family Worship”
her love of children
her religion
favourite authors
lines on Samuel Rogers
his reply
“Lines to Georgy”
sympathy for Ireland
on the home at Minto
lines written after reading “Leaves from a Prison Diary” visit to the Queen
on Home Rule
illness in 1897
last illness and death
“Lines on Death”
“Recollections” by Justin McCarthy memorial address by Frederic Harrison
Russell, Lady Victoria (_see also_ Villiers, Lady Victoria) Russell, Lord Charles, letter to Lady John Russell Russell, Lord John–
and the Oxford movement
efforts for Reform
loss of the first and introduction of the second Reform Bill his engagement to Lady Fanny Elliot
at Minto
_mentioned_ in the earlier letters his speech on sugar
returned for the City of London
early life and career
his account of Napoleon
the “Remonstrance” of Thomas Moore character and personality
and the Queen
on Endsleigh, _quoted_
and the Corn Laws
speech on the Irish question
his Free Trade letter
called to office
letters from Lady Russell
the first Reform Bill
Irish views
opposes the Coercion Bill, 1846
his Ministry, 1846
measures for the relief of Ireland the offer of Pembroke Lodge
his Irish Coercion Bill
suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act school founded at Petersham
at Balmoral
his letter to the Bishop of Durham resignation and resumption of office
events leading to the fall of the Ministry resignation
and the dismissal of Palmerston
foreign policy
defeated on the Militia Bill
and the Protestant Nonconformists
his attitude towards Lord Aberdeen and Palmerston
in the Coalition Cabinet
the Reform Bill withdrawn
the attack, on
fails to form a Government
British Plenipotentiary at Vienna
in the Colonial Office
his policy at Vienna
“Life of Fox”
lecture at Exeter Hall
in Italy
his speech on the Chinese question returned for the City
reception at Sheffield
the amendment to Lord Palmerston’s Conspiracy Bill Italian sympathies
Foreign Secretary under Palmerston his share in the creation of Italy
determines England’s Italian policy despatch of 27th October, 1860, _quoted_ becomes Earl Russell
speech on the American War
Prime Minister
the Reform Bill
in Venice
his pamphlets on Ireland
character from the Diary
visit to Italy, 1869
the “Introduction,” _quoted_
in Paris
opinion on education
at Cannes
“Essays on the History of the Christian Religion” sorrows of 1874
the Herzegovina insurgents
his last years
Nonconformist deputation to
Gladstone on
recollections of Justin McCarthy
and the American Civil War
_otherwise mentioned_
_Letters to_–
Lord Melbourne
Lady Mary Abercromby
Lady Russell
Duke of Bedford
Lady Minto
the electors of London
Lord Clarendon
Lady Minto (Lady Melgund)
Lady Georgiana Russell
Archibald Peel
Colonel Romilly
Russell, Lord William, letter to Lady John, Russell, Lord Wriothesley,
letter to Ladyl John,
on the attacks on Lord John,
Russell, Odo (afterwards Lord Ampthill), letter to Lord John,
Russell, Rollo–
his letter to The Times,
letters from Lady Russell,
letter from Mrs. Sinclair,
otherwise mentioned,
Russell, Mrs. Rollo (Miss Alice Godfrey), death of, Russell, Mrs. Rollo (Miss Gertrude Joachim), letter from Lady Russell,
Russell, Rachel, daughter of Lord Amberley, Russell, Rachel, Lady,
Russell, Sir Charles, and Parnell,
Russell, William, Lord,
Napoleon and,
and England,
Napoleon on,
and the Greek Crisis,
Baron Brunow’s wish for,
Palmerston’s policy towards,
events leading to the Crimean War, Lord John’s negotiations,
St. Fillans, the Russells at,
Salisbury, (2nd) Marquis of–
On Disraeli’s Franchise Bill, _quoted_, and Reform,
Salisbury, (3rd) Marquis of,
San Remo, portrait of Lord John at, the Russells at,
Sardinia, the King of, and Garibaldi, Lord John’s speech on,
Savoy, Napoleon’s designs,
cession of,
Schleswig-Holstein, war with Denmark, negotiations,
Scotland, Lady Russell’s love for,
Scott, Sir Walter–
“Lay of the Last Minstrel,”
“Heart of Midlothian,”
_otherwise mentioned_,
Scottish Church, the, secession from, Security of the Crown Bill,
Sedition Bill, Ireland,
Selborne, Lord,
Sevigne, Mme. de, story related by, Shakespeare,
Sheffield, reception given to Lord John Russell, Shelley,
Sherman, General,
Shooting, Lady Russell on,
Simpson, Sir James, letter to Lady John Russell, Sinclair, Mrs.,
letter to Rollo Russell,
Slave question, the,
the Jamaica Bill,
Smith, John Abel–
Letter from Lord John,
letters to Lady Russell,
his fears for Lord John’s seat,
Smith, Sydney,
“Life and Letters,”
Soult, Marshal,
at the coronation,
South Africa,
Napoleon on,
Napoleon’s policy towards,
Prince Leopold’s candidature,
Spaventa, in England,
Speculative Society of Edinburgh University, Spencer, Herbert,
“The Bias of Patriotism,”
Spencer, (2nd) Earl, death,
Spencer, (4th) Earl, Letter to Lady John, Spencer, (5th) Earl,
Stanley, Dean, pamphlet,
letter to Lady Russell,
Stanley, Lady Augusta,
Stanley, Lord, afterwards 15th Lord Derby, and the franchise,
Stockmar, Baron,
Gladstone’s estimation,
Sugar question, Lord John Russell’s speech Sumner, Charles
Swanwick, Miss Anna
Swift, Dean, on lies, _quoted_
visits of the Russells
Sydenham, Lord, on Lord John Russell’s sugar speech
Talleyrand, Napoleon and
Taylor, Jeremy
Taylor, Sir Henry–
Visit to Pembroke Lodge
“Philip van Artevelde”
a picture of Lady Russell
letter from Lady Russell
Tennyson, Alfred
Aldworth taken by Lord Russell
death of
“Life of Tennyson” his son
Test and Corporation Acts, repeal
Thackeray, “Sterne” and “Goldsmith” _Times, The_–
Lord Melbourne’s dismissal
and Palmerston
Rollo Russell’s letter
on the state of America
Lord Russell’s letter
publication of the secret document Tory Party–
Breaking up of
position in 1843
influence of Lord Derby on
_Trent_, the, Confederate emissaries seized Trevelyan, Mr., and the Chartists
Trevelyan, Sir George, “Life of Macaulay,” _cited_ Tuileries, the clock incident
a dinner at
Turin, the Parliament of 1860
Events leading to the Crimean War
the Herzegovina insurgents
Lady Russell on
Tyndall, Mrs.
Tyndall, Professor
Unionists, Lady Russell on the
United States, European policy towards Unsted Wood, 70
Vattel, jurist, _quoted_
Venetia, and the Federation
cession to Italy
Vestris, Mme.
Victor Emmanuel–
and the Peace of Villafranca
and Garibaldi
King of Italy
entry into Venice
Victoria, Queen–
First Parliament
and Peel
Court balls
and Lord John Russell
on events in France
the Chartist movement
letter to Lord John Russell regarding the public prayer at Balmoral
visit to Ireland, 1849
and Palmerston, the letter to Lord John Russell conversation with Lady John Russell on Palmerston visits to Pembroke Lodge
sends for Lords Aberdeen and Lansdowne letter to Lord John Russell asking him to serve under Lord Aberdeen Palmerston’s return to power
Lord Derby’s Cabinet, 1858
sends for Granville and afterwards for Palmerston and Italy
visit to Coburg
death of the Prince Consort
letter to Lord Russell on Palmerston’s illness refuses Lord Russell’s resignation, 1866 lays foundation stone of the Albert Hall letter to Lady Russell at Cannes
invitation to Lord Russell
letter to Lady Russell on death of Lady Amberley character
letter to Lady Russell on death of Lord Amberley letter to Lady Russell on death of Lord Russell requests Lady Russell to remain at Pembroke Lodge letter to Lady Russell on marriage of her son visit of Lady Russell to Vienna
Conference of
“Vienna Note,” the
Villafranca, peace of
Villiers, Lady Victoria–
Letter to Lady Russell
letter from Lady Russell
death of
_otherwise mentioned_
Villiers, Montagu, Bishop of Durham, vote of thanks to Lord John Russell
Villiers, Mrs. E.
Voysey, Mr.
Wales, Prince of, illness, 1871
Wales, Princess of
Walpole, Sir Spencer
_cited_ on Lord John’s resignation “Life of Lord John Russell”
“The History,” _quoted_
Walton, Isaac
War Office incompetence
Warburton, Mrs. (_see also_ Lister, Isabel)– Letter from Lady Russell
letter to Lady Agatha Russell
Lady John Russell’s impressions,
George IV and
Wellington, Duke of–
resignation in 1830
the temporary Cabinet
personality from the letters
Napoleon on
and George IV
Westcott, Dr.
Westminster Abbey, coronation of Queen Victoria Westminster School
Whigs, the–
Position in 1841
and the Corn Laws
and Peel’s Sedition Bill
alliance with the Peelites
and Russell
Wicksteed, Rev. Philip H., speech of William IV–
Dismisses Melbourne
opening of Parliament, February, 1836 death
and Brougham
Windsor Castle
Lady John Russell at
Wiseman, pastoral letters (1850)
Woburn Abbey
War, Lady John Russell on
Woman, Lady John Russell on her position Wood, Lady Mary
Wood, Sir Charles
Wyhoff, Chevalier, “Reminiscences of an Idler”
Young Ireland party
Zuerich, Congress at, Napoleon’s plans