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  • 1889
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panic among, at the loss of Vincennes; French abandon the Illinois country;
unfit for self-government;
Cresap, a type of the pioneer, I;
with his band at Wheeling;
attacks friendly Shawnees;
continues hostilities;
accused of the murder of Logan’s kinsfolk; deposed from his command;
restored by Lord Dunmore;
a scout with Lord Dunmore;
dies a revolutionary soldier;
Cruger, Lieut.-Col.;
commands at Ninety-six, II;
letter to Ferguson;
Cumberland Gap;
origin of name, I., note;
traversed by Floyd;
Cumberland River;
origin of name, I., note;
Boon driven back to the valley of the; Cumberland Settlement, the;
started at the bend of the Cumberland River, II; founded by Robertson;
abundance of game;
formation of a government;
Indian hostilities;
attack on Freeland’s Station;
Nashborough attacked by Indians;
Indian hostilities;
internal government;
affairs with outside powers;
establishment of county government; Debatable Land, the, I;
formed by the hunting-grounds between the Ohio and the Tennessee; Delawares, the, location of, I;
oppressed by the Iroquois;
their growth in warlike power;
hold councils with Conolly;
declare for neutrality;
De Peyster, at Detroit, II;
serves under Cornwallis;
rallies the loyalists at King’s Mountain; surrenders;
Detroit, population of, I., note;
in British hands;
the tribes hold councils at, II;
De Peyster at;
Dewitt’s Corners
scene of treaty with the lower Cherokees, I; Doak, Samuel, Rev.;
his journey to Jonesboro, II;
his powerful influence;
Doniphan, Joseph, opens school at Boonsborough, II; Dragging Canoe;
opposed to the treaty of Sycamore Shoals, I; an inveterate foe to the whites;
warns Henderson;
ravages the country near Eaton’s Station; leads the Indians at the battle of the Island Flats; severely wounded;
refuses to accept peace;
Dunham, Daniel, his offer to his brother, II; Dunmore, Lord, Governor of Virginia, I; ambitious of glory;
prepares for war;
raises a formidable army;
takes command in person;
marches to Fort Pitt;
changes his plans;
descends the Ohio to the Hockhocking; ascends the Hockhocking and marches to the Scioto; destroys certain of the hostile towns; accused of treachery;
his ferocious conduct;
orders Lewis to join him;
orders the backwoodsmen to march homewards; makes treaty of peace with the Indians; sends Gibson to Logan;
reads Logan’s letter to the army; marches home;
resolution of thanks to;
driven from Virginia at the outbreak of the Revolution; East Florida, her decay under Spanish rule, I; Eaton Station, situation of, I;
country around ravaged by Indians; settlers gather at;
march from to the Island Flats;
Elk Creek reached by Lewis’ army, I; Elliot, a tory leader, II;
Elliott, Capt., removes the Moravians from their homes, II; England, making of, I;
separate position of;
struggle with Holland for naval supremacy; wins Canada and the Ohio Valley from France; her policy in the Northwest;
adopts the French policy;
Eseneka, captured by Williamson, I; christened Fort Rutledge;
garrisoned by Williamson;
Estill, Capt.;
overtakes the Wyandots, II;
is killed;
Estill’s Station, girl scalped at, II; Europe, immense emigration from, I;
Explorers, different kinds of, I;
Falls of the Ohio, II;
Clark joined by Kenton and others at the; Clark removes to the;
a regular fort built;
Fayette County, invaded by the Indians, II; Ferguson, Patrick, son of Lord Pitcairn, II; wounded at Brandywine;
surprises Pulaski’s legion;
Lieut.-Col. of the American Volunteers; his appearance;
mode of warfare;
commits outrages in the back-country; character of his forces;
rapidity of his movements;
approaches the mountains;
makes ready to receive the backwoodsmen; rallies the loyalists;
halts at King’s Mountain;
his confidence in the bayonet;
attacked by the mountaineers;
at the battle of King’s Mountain; his reckless bravery;
his death;
Field, Colonel John, serves under Gen. Lewis, I; starts off on his own account;
despatched to the front;
his timely arrival;
restores the battle;
death of;
Fincastle men, the,
from the Holston, Clinch, Watauga, and New River settlements, I; commanded by Col. William Christian;
delay of;
most of them too late to join in the battle of the Great Kanawha; reach the Great Kanawha after the battle; First explorers, I;
Fleming, Col. William, I;
serves under Gen. Lewis;
ordered to advance;
rallies the backwoodsmen;
Florida, the winning of, I;
Floyd, John, I;
leads a party of surveyors to Kentucky; descends the Kanawha;
surveys for Washington and Henry; goes down the Ohio;
his party splits up at mouth of the Kentucky; arrives at Falls of the Ohio;
explores the land;
reaches Clinch River;
appointed colonel, II;
defeated at Long Run;
with Clark among the Miamis;
ravages the country;
killed by Indians;
Forests, the, I;
extended from the Alleghanies to the Mississippi, penetrated by hunters;
Forest Warfare, merciless ferocity of, I; Fort Pitt, I;
claimed by Virginia;
Lord Dunmore’s army advances to;
Fort Rutledge. See Eseneka;
France, the ally of America, II;
Freeland station, attacked by Indians; French Broad River, a feeder of the Tennessee, I; French Creoles, the;
life of, I;
tillers of the soil among;
much mixture of blood among;
unthriftiness of;
utterly unacquainted with liberty; as traders and trappers;
great personal influence of the priesthood among; personal character of;
social life of;
villages of.
Frontier, the, outrages and reprisals on, I; ravaged by the northwestern Indians, II; ravages on the, following the Moravian massacre de Galvez, Don Bernard, Spanish commandant at New Orleans, II; meditates the establishment of a Spanish-American empire; attacks British West Florida;
captures the forts along the Mississippi; takes Mobile and Pensacola
Game, abundance of, in Illinois prairies, I; in Kentucky;
enormous quantities of, seen at French Lick, now Nashville, Tenn.; Georgia, ravaged by the Indians and tories, I; her share in the struggle
Germanic peoples, overflow of, I;
conquer Europe;
fails to extend Germany.
Gibault, Pierre, the priest of Kaskaskia, II; a devoted champion in the American cause; goes to Vincennes;
advances money to Clark;
Gibson, John, bears Logan’s speech to Lord Dunmore, I; Girty, Simon, “The White Renegade,” I;
arrives in camp;
shows a spark of compassion;
serves under Hamilton, II.;
his cunning and cruelty;
saves Kenton’s life;
a witness of Crawford’s awful torture; at the attack on Bryan’s Station.
Gnadenhuetten, a settlement of Moravian Indians, I; Greathouse, his claim to remembrance, I; murders Logan’s kinsfolk;
Great Kanawha, battle of the, I;
fierce attack of the Indians;
the backwoodsmen five way;
they push the Indians;
Charles Lewis mortally wounded;
death of Col. Field;
Isaac Shelby in command;
steadiness of the backwoodsmen;
skill and bravery of the Indians; Cornstalk cheers his braves;
flank movement of the Indians repulsed; the Indians outflanked;
the Indians fall back;
end of the action;
loss of the whites exceeds that of the Indians; a purely American victory;
results of the battle;
Isaac Shelby’s account of, Appendix; Wm. Preston’s account of, Appendix;
Great Kanawha River, Lord Dunmore’s forces to unite at the mouth of, I; Great Smoky Mountains, I;
Half-breeds of the Red River and the Saskatchewan, I; Hambright wounded at King’s Mountain, II; Hamilton, Henry, summons a council of the tribes at Detroit, II; his character;
Lieutenant-Governor of the Northwest; the mainspring of hostility to the Americans; nicknamed the “hair-buyer” general;
organizes a troop of rangers;
tries to ransom Boon;
plans an attack on Fort Pitt;
marches to reconquer Illinois;
muster of his forces;
starts against Vincennes;
difficulties of the route;
captures Vincennes;
measures to secure his conquest;
goes into winter quarters;
plans a great campaign;
surrenders Vincennes to Clark;
sent a prisoner to Virginia;
hatred towards, of the backwoodsmen; Hammond, Colonel, rallies the troops at the capture of Eseneka, I; crosses the Kiowee;
saves the troops a second time from disaster; Hampton, Lieutenant, gallantly seconds Hammond’s efforts, I; Harlan, with the Harrodsburg men at the battle of the Blue Licks, II; leads the advance guard; his death;
Harrod, James, hunts in Tennessee, I; with Saowdowski founds Harrodsburg;
leads a band to Kentucky;
his memory revered by the old settlers; Harrodsburg, settlement of, I;
made the county seat;
toll mill built in, II;
Harrodstown, fort built at, I;
a baptist preacher’s account of;
convention at;
delegates chosen to go to Williamsburg; arrival of Clark. See Harrodsburg.
Hart, Colonel, letter of Jesse Benton to, II, Appendix; Hart, Nathaniel, a partner of Henderson, I; Hay, Major, bluffed by Helm, II;
Helm, Captain Leonard, commands at Vincennes, II; surrenders to Hamilton;
intercepts a convoy;
Henderson, Richard, a land speculator, I; his colonizing scheme;
confidence in Boon;
negotiates the treaty of the Sycamore Shoals; obtains a grant of the lands between the Kentucky and the Cumberland rivers;
names his new colony Transylvania; sends Boon to Kentucky;
follows Boon;
leaves his wagons in Powell’s Valley; met by Boon’s runner;
reaches Boonsborough;
opens a land office;
organizes a government;
addresses the delegates;
advises game laws;
collapse of the Transylvania colony; denounced by Lord Dunmore;
drifts out of history;
Henry, Patrick, adopts Clark’s plans, II; letter of instructions to Clark;
History, peculiarity of English, I; Hockhocking, the stockade built at the mouth of, I; Holland, naval warfare with Spain and England, I; Holston, Great Island, garrisoned by troops by Christian’s army, I; treaties of peace made at;
Holston Men, the, help Kentucky, II; join Clark at the Falls of the Ohio;
desert at night;
their sufferings;
respond to McDowell’s appeal;
advance to meet Ferguson;
begin their march;
at the battle of King’s Mountain; after the victory;
Holston River, a feeder of the Tennessee River, I; Holston Settlements, the, organization of, II; first known as the Watauga settlements; start a new community;
christened “Washington District,”; the laws upheld;
tories and horse thieves;
land laws;
Indian troubles;
character and life of the settlers; arrival of clergymen;
Calvinism their prominent faith;
the leading families;
jealousies of the leaders;
war with the Chickamaugas, the Creeks, and Cherokees; inrush of settlers;
war with Indians;
end of the war with the British and Tories; quarrels over the land;
system of surveying;
further Indian troubles;
peace concluded with the Chickasaws; growth of;
frontier towns;
frontier characters
Huger slain at Monk’s Corners, II
Hunters, the, perils of, I;
unsuccessful in killing buffalo with small-bore rifles; a party relieved by Clark;
Hurons, the. See Wyandots;
Illinois, the, location of the scattered survivors of, I; Clark’s conquest of, II;
claimants of;
Clark sends spies to;
made a county;
Todd appointed commandant;
financial difficulties;
burning of negroes accused of sorcery; disorders of the government;
the land question;
benefits of the conquest of;
memorial of the inhabitants of;
Illinois Towns, the, situation of, I; population of;
Indian Fighters, I;
Indian Lands, untrustworthiness of official reports regarding encroachments on, I.
Indians, the, the most formidable of savage foes, I; effect of, upon our history;
estimate of their numbers;
civilization of, in the Indian territory; strongest and most numerous tribes of, in the southwest; number of the northwest;
strike the first blow in Kentucky; tribes engaged in Lord Dunmore’s war;
their inroads;
double dealing of;
a true history of our national dealings with, greatly needed; instances of our Indian injustice;
question of the ownership of land; Indian reservations;
our Indian policy;
literature of the Indian question; foolish sentiment wasted on;
employment of, by the British against the Americans, II; slight losses of, in conflicts with the whites; Indian Talks, a sample of, II;
Indian Wars, importance of, I;
Lord Dunmore’s begun by the Shawnees; the northwest Indians go to war, II;
odds immeasurably in favor of the Indians; nature of their forays;
nature of the ceaseless strife;
Iroquois hold their own for two centuries, I; their dwelling-place;
their numbers;
hostile relations with the Algonquins of the northwest; ancient superiority acknowledged
Island Flats on the Holston River, I; march of the settlers to, from Eaton Station; Indians surprised near;
the battle of;
defeat of the Indians
Jack, Colonel Samuel, destroys some Indian towns, I; Jails, scarcity of, in the wilderness, I; Jennings, Jonathan, accompanies Donaldson, II; his boat wrecked;
killed by the Indians;
Johnson, Richard, a babe at Bryan’s Station during the attack, II; leads the Kentucky riflemen at the victory of the Thames; Jonesborough, first town in the Holston settlements, II; Salem church built at;
Kaskaskia, condition of, reported to Clark, II; march of Clark to;
ball at the fort;
interrupted by Clark
Kenton, Simon, first heard of, I;
reaches Kentucky;
one of his companions burned alive by Indians; a scout in Lord Dunmore’s army;
the bane of the Indian tribes;
saved from torture and death by Logan; reaches Boonsborough;
his character, II;
saves Boon’s life;
accompanies Boon to the Scioto;
fight with the Indians;
steals horses from the Indians;
captured by the Indians;
treatment of, by the Indians;
runs the gauntlet;
taken from town to town;
tortured by women and boys;
abandons himself to despair;
ransomed by traders;
escapes and reaches home in safety; a favorite hero of frontier history;
joins Clark at the Falls of the Ohio; with Logan at the Blue Licks;
Kentucky claimed by a dozen tribes, I; belonged to no one;
famous for game;
excites Boon’s interest;
its beauty as seen by Boon;
first white victim to Indian treachery; “like a paradise,”;
abandoned by whites in 1774;
isolation of the first settlers;
called by the Cherokees “the dark and bloody ground,”; religion of the settlers;
Jefferson and Henry determine to keep it a part of Virginia; foothold of the Americans in;
permanent settlers come in;
early marriages;
dislike to the Episcopal Church;
Baptist preachers arrive in;
different types among the settlers; three routes to;
danger from savages;
hardships endured by settlers;
amusements and explorations;
growth of;
war with the Indians;
population of as set forth in Shater’s “History of Kentucky”; the struggle in, II;
whites outnumbered by the invading Indians in; bloodthirstiness of war in;
settled chiefly through Boon’s instrumentality; Clark’s conquests benefit;
land laws;
inrush of settlers;
occasional Indian forays;
the hard winter;
an abortive separatist movement;
divided into counties;
Indian war parties repulsed;
threatened by a great war band;
renewal of Indian forays;
wonderful growth of;
first grand jury impanelled;
court house and jail built;
manufactories of salt started;
grist mills erected;
race track laid out
King’s Mountain where Ferguson halted, II; battle of;
victory of the Americans at;
importance of the victory at;
Knight captured with Crawford, II; witnesses his tortures;
Lamothe supports the British, II;
Language spread of the English, I; Latin race leader of Europe, I;
Leni-Lenape, the. See Delawares;
Levels of Greenbriar, the gathering-place of Lewis’ army, I; Lewis, General Andrew,
in command of frontiersmen in Lord Dunmore’s army, I; the force under his command;
divides his army into three divisions; leaves his worst troops to garrison small forts; reaches the Kanawha River;
camps at Point Pleasant at the mouth of the Kanawha; prepares to obey Lord Dunmore’s orders; attacked by Indians;
despatches Col. Field to the front; fortifies his camp;
battle of the Great Kanawha;
repulses the Indians;
leaves his sick and wounded in camp and marches to join Lord; Dunmore;
served creditably in the Revolution; Lewis Colonel Charles, a brother of General Lewis, I; commands Augusta troops;
marches with the bulk of Gen. Lewis’ army; ordered to advance;
mortally wounded;
Lexington how named I;
Logan an Iroquois of note, I;
a friend of the whites;
murder of his kinsfolk;
his revenge;
letter to Cresap;
refuses to attend a council;
his eloquent speech;
perishes in a drunken brawl;
evidence of the authenticity of his speech; intercedes successfully for Kenton II; Logan, Benjamin leads a party to Kentucky, I; his character;
his bravery II;
goes to the Holston for powder and lead; surprised by Indians;
second in command;
missing at the fight at Piqua;
appointed colonel;
capture of his family by the savages and their rescue; raises the whole force of Lincoln;
buries the dead after the battle of the Blue Licks; with Clark in the Miami country;
destroys stores of British traders; Logan’s Station, fort built at, I;
attacked by Indians, II;
Long Hunters, the, why so called, I; Long Knives, designation given Virginians by the Indians, I; extension of the term, I;
Long Run, Squire Boon defeated at, II Lord Dunmore’s War, begun by the Indians, I; Cresap’s reprisals;
murder of Logan’s kinsfolk;
wrath of the Indians;
the frontier ravaged by Indians;
panic on the border;
Logan’s revenge;
counterstrokes of backwoodsmen;
burn a Shawnee village;
the opening act of the drama that was closed at Yorktown; Lorimer surprises and captures Boon, II; Loughry, annihilation of his party, II; Louisiana, purchase of, I;
ceded by France to Spain
Louisville, founded by Clark, II;
Lulbegrud Creek, origin of name, I; McAfee brothers, the, incident in their career, I; visit Kentucky;
meet Cornstalk and the Shawnees;
visit Big Bone Lick;
their sufferings on their homeward journey; reach Powell’s Valley;
meet Boon there;
return to Kentucky;
build a stockade, II;
attacked by Indians;
narrow individual escapes;
relieved by McGarry
McConnell, names his hut Lexington, I; captured near Lexington, II;
slays his captors and escapes
McCulloch, Major Samuel, a leading man on the border, II; escape from the Indians
McDowell, Col., asks the Holston men for help, II; beaten by Ferguson;
goes to Gates’ army
McGarry, reaches Kentucky, I;
his character;
surprised by Indians, II;
relieves McAfee’s Station;
his insubordination;
serves under Col. Todd
McGillivray, Alexander, chief of the Creek nation, I; his birth;
claimed by the Creeks;
his chieftainship;
aids the British, I;
McGillivray, Lachlan, his career;
influence over the savages
McKee, a tory leader, II;
a fairly good commander;
defeated by Clark;
a letter to De Peyster;
Maine, settlers of, confined to the sea-coast, I; Mansker, Kasper,
leads a party of hunters down the Cumberland River, I; returns overland to Georgia;
returns to Tennessee;
skill as a marksman and woodsman; his “Nancy,”;
outwits an Indian;
adventure with Indians;
becomes a Methodist;
hunts in the Cumberland country, II Marshall, Thomas, surveyor of Fayette County, II; Martin, Major Joseph, joins Sevier’s troops, II; disperses the Indians;
tries to speculate in Cherokee lands; sample Indian “talk” to;
Methodism, a power after the Revolution, II Miamis, the, location of, I;
surprise and capture Boon, II
Milfort, a French adventurer, I;
marries a sister of McGillivray;
his untruthfulness and braggadocio; Mingos, the, renegade Indians, I;
a mongrel banditti;
their camp destroyed;
declare for neutrality;
try to kill the American Indian agents; Miro, Estevan, letter to Robertson, II; Monk’s Corners, Ferguson defeats the Americans at, II; Monongahela, Valley of the, claimed by Virginia, I; Moravian Indians, the, a peaceful race, I; mostly Delawares;
oppressed in Pennsylvania;
remove to the West;
settle on the Muskingum;
teachings of the missionaries;
their strict neutrality, II;
hated by the wild Indians;
the British endeavor to break up their villages; exasperate the Americans;
blindly court their fate;
evil conduct of the backwoodsmen; Moravians themselves not blameless;
maltreated by the British and wild Indians; maltreated by the Americans;
return to their homes;
warned of their danger;
Morris, Robert, account with Miss Betsy Hart, II; Mound Builders, the, remains of, I;
at mouth of the Scioto;
Munceys, the, a sub-tribe of the Delawares, I Muscogees, the. See Creeks;
Nashborough, built by Robertson, II; attacked by Indians;
failure of the attack;
government established at;
treaty with the Indians held at;
Natchez, the, take refuge with the Chickasaws, I; Neely, Alexander, takes two Indian scalps, I; Netherland, jeered at as a coward, II;
rallies his comrades;
checks the Indians;
New England, English stock purest in, I New Mexico, the winning of, I;
New York, small proportion of English blood in, in 1775, I “Nolichucky Jack.” See John Sevier;
Nolichucky River, a feeder of the Tennessee River, I; North Carolina, separated from Eastern Tennessee by the Unaka Mountains, I;
a turbulent and disorderly colony; war between Tryon and the Regulators;
Northwest, the, settlement of, preceded by the regular army, I; settled under national ordinance of 1787; English conquest of;
claims of the colonies to;
worthlessness of titles to;
how we gained it;
French inhabitants little affected by change of allegiance; war in, II
Oconostota, head-chief of the Cherokees, I; signs the treaty of the Sycamore Shoals; warns the treaty-makers;
Ohio Valley, in possession of the French, I; conquered by the British, II;
Old Chillicothe, near Pickaway Plains; Old Tassell, his “talk” to Col. Martin, II Ottawas, the, location of, I;
Ouatinous, the. See Weas;
Pack-trains, sole means of transport, I; Patterson, Capt. Robert, patrols the country, II; annoyed by Reynolds;
compact with Reynolds;
at the battle of the Blue Licks;
saved by Reynolds;
shows his gratitude;
Peace, difficulties in the way of, I; Pennsylvania, English blood in, in 1775, I; evil of Indian policy in;
imminency of fight with Virginia; conflict of interests with Virginia;
neutrality in Lord Dunmore’s war; her traders protected by Shawnees;
panic on the frontier;
Pensacola, residence of the Governor of West Florida, I; Personal prowess, II;
Piankeshaws, the, associated with the Miamis, I; Pickaway Plains, base of Lord Dunmore’s operations, I; Picken’s Fort, gathering-place of Williamson’s forces, I; Pierre, Don Eugenio, plunders St. Joseph, II; Pike, Capt., a famous Delaware chief, II; Piqua, the fight at, II;
destroyed by Clark;
Poe, Adam, starts in pursuit of Indians, II; saves his brother;
Poe, Andrew, pursues the Indians, II; fight with two Indians;
saved by his brother;
Point Pleasant, camping-place of Lewis’ army, I; battle of;
murder of Cornstalk at;
Population, movements of, I;
Portugal, her share in the New World, I. Pottawattamies, the, location of, I;
Powell’s Valley, Boon and the McAfees meet in, I; visited by Floyd;
Henderson leaves his wagons at;
Prairie, origin of our use of the word, I; description of Illinois;
Presbyterian-Irish. See Scotch-Irish; Presbyterianism, leading creed of the frontier, II; Preston, Wm., account of the battle of the Great Kanawha, I; Quebec, Province of, a French state to-day, I; de Quindre, Captain Daignian, a noted Detroit partisan, II; outwitted by Boon;
Race, accountability of each, for individual misdeeds, I; Raven, signs the treaty of the Sycamore Shoals, I; Redhawk, murdered at Point Pleasant, I; Revolution, the, I;
Westerners in the;
civil war on the border;
Whigs and Tories;
ferocity of the partisans;
the British rouse the Indian tribes to begin hostilities; twofold character of, II;
Rewards offered by the South Carolina Legislature, I; Reynolds, Aaron, “a very profane, swearing man,” II; rebuked by Patterson;
taunts Girty;
saves Patterson at the battle of the Blue Licks; capture of, by the Indians and escape; Rifle, the, the national weapon of the backwoodsman, I; Robertson, James, comes to the Watauga in 1770, I; a mighty hunter;
returns to North Carolina;
leads a band of settlers to Tennessee; his energy and ability;
a member of the civil government of the Watauga Commonwealth; treats with the Cherokees;
his mission of peace;
trusted by the Cherokees;
success of mission;
a sergeant in Lord Dunmore’s war; discovers Cornstalk’s army;
attacks the Indians;
made superintendent of Indian affairs; sends warning to the Holston settlements; value of Gilmore’s Life of;
founds the Cumberland settlement, II; travels to the Cumberland;
visits George Rogers Clark;
guides settlers to the Cumberland; builds Nashborough;
warns the settlers;
draws up a compact of government; his son killed by the Indians;
his character
Rocheblave commands at Kaskaskia, II; attached to the British interest;
treated harshly by Clark;
sent a prisoner to Virginia
Rogers, Lieut., defeated by Girty and Elliott, II; Russell, Capt., joins Lewis before the battle of the Great Kanawha, I; Rutherford, Gen. Griffith, relieves the besieged stations, I; takes the field against the Cherokees; his route;
destroys the middle towns;
proceeds against the valley towns; escapes falling-into an ambush;
returns to Canucca;
meets Williamson;
reaches home in safety;
result of his expedition;
St. Asaphs. See Logan’s Station, I; St. Augustine, her prosperity and decay, I; Sacs and Foxes, the, their location, I; Salem, a settlement of Moravian Indians, I; Salem Church, the first in Tennessee, II; Sandusky, the fight at, II;
Saunders, John, his contract with Clark, II; Scioto River, the, remains of mound builders at mouth of, I; Scotch-Irish, the,
the dominant strain in the blood of the backwoodsmen, I; a mixed people;
their religious antipathies;
a bold and hardy race;
backbone of the order-loving element; staunch patriots;
Seminoles, the, their bloody wars with the Spaniards, I; an offshoot of the Creeks;
Senecas, the, the largest of the Six Nations, I; Sevier, John, plays a chief part in the history of Tennessee, I; reaches the Watauga;
his ancestry and education;
his appearance and influence;
a member of the Watauga civil government; builds a fort;
in Lord Dunmore’s war;
notifies the Fincastle men of the Indian advance; falls in love and marries during the siege of the Watauga fort; value of Gilmore’s Life of;
attempted murder of, II;
leader of the whole district;
his home and hospitality;
“Nolichucky Jack,”;
patrols the border;
raises his rifle-rangers;
leads the right wing at the battle of King’s Mountain; rallies his men;
the best Indian fighter on the border; influence over his followers;
secret of his success;
campaigns against the Cherokees;
defeats the Indians;
issues an address to the Otari chiefs; expedition against the Erati;
ravages their country;
services in the Revolutionary war; Sevier, Valentine, stumbles upon the Indians and escapes, I; Shawnees, the location of, I;
closely united to the Delawares and Wyandots; under Cornstalk meet the McAfee’s;
declare war;
discriminate between Virginians and Pennsylvanians; defy Conolly;
defeated by backwoodsmen;
their town Muskingum burned;
give hostages to Lord Dunmore;
declare for neutrality;
give the war belt to the Cherokees Shelby, Evan, a captain in Lewis’ army, I; joins Lewis before the battle of the Great Kanawha; transfers the command to his son Isaac; his estate, II;
surprises the Chickamaugas
Shelby, Isaac, serves under his father, I; a prominent figure on the border;
commands at the battle of the Great Kanawha; his letter with account of the battle of the Great Kanawha; county lieutenant, II;
lends his credit to the state;
crosses the mountains;
carries on a guerilla warfare;
rides to Sevier’s;
gathers his troops;
proposes Campbell as commander;
addresses the troops;
commands the left centre at King’s Mountain; in the thick of the fight;
Sherrill, Kate, escapes from the Indians; marries Sevier;
Six Nations, the, surrender lands to the English, I; took no part in Lord Dunmore’s war;
send the white belt of peace to the northwestern tribes, II; Slover, his curious history, II;
captured by the Indians;
condemned to be burned;
his escape
Southwest, the, won by individual settlers, II; Sowdowsky, with Harrod founds Harrodsburg, I; descends the Mississippi;
Spain, her conquests in America in the 16th century, I; wars with Holland, England, and France; surrenders both Floridas to England;
declares war on Great Britain, II; claims country to the east of the Mississippi; hostile to America
Spencer, the first permanent settler in the Cumberland country, II; mode of life;
Stoner, hunts in the bend of the Cumberland, I; pilots in Lord Dunmore’s surveyors;
Sullivan County, erected, II;
Surveyors, the, their part in the exploration of the West, I; descend the Ohio;
Washington, Clark, and Boon among; sent by Lord Dunmore to the Falls of the Ohio; Sycamore Shoals, the, treaty of;
Tallasotchee, the white chief of, I; Tarleton, his brutality, II;
Tennessee, description of the eastern part of, I; first settlements in;
formed part of North Carolina;
first settlers mainly from Virginia; character of the first settlers of;
organized into Washington county, North Carolina; Texas, the meaning of, I;
Tipton, Major Jonathan, commands Sevier’s right wing, II; failure of his expedition;
Todd, John, reaches Boonsborough, I; defeated at the Licking by Indians;
appointed colonel, II;
commandant of Illinois;
his letter of instructions;
appoints Winston commandant at Kaskaskia; his financial difficulties;
extract from his “Record Book,”;
elected a delegate to the Virginia legislature; ranking officer in Kentucky;
pursues the Indians;
leads the centre at the battle of the Blue Licks; his bravery and death;
Todd, Major Levi, marches to the relief of Bryan’s Station, II; at the battle of the Blue Licks;
Torments, inflicted by Indians, I; Transylvania, Henderson’s colony, I;
meeting of the legislature of;
legislature of, dissolved;
collapse of the colony;
Trappers, descend the Mississippi, I; Treaty of Fort Stanwix, I;
Trigg, Lieut.-Col., leads the men from Harrodsburg, II; commands the right at the battle of the Blue Licks; surrounded and killed;
Twigtwees, the. See Miamis;
Unaka Mountains, I;
United States, had to be conquered before being settled, I; territorial advances of the people of the; the Southwest won by the people themselves; the Northwest won by the nation;
the boundaries of, II;
Vigo, Francis, a St. Louis trader, II; bears news from Vincennes to Clark;
a public-spirited patriot;
loans silver to the Virginian government; Vincennes, situation of, I;
confusion at, II;
proceedings of the rebels at;
Virginia, French, Irish, and German mixture in, I; makes a treaty with the Cherokee Indians; boundaries claimed by;
border ravaged by Indians;
Virginians, Lord Dunmore’s war fought wholly by them, I; the only foes dreaded by the Indians;
styled by the Indians “Long Knives,”; gather at the Great Island of the Holston; march against;
the Cherokees;
reach the Big Island of the French Broad; ravage the Cherokee towns;
return home;
Walton, Major Jesse, serves under Sevier, II; Ward, Nancy, brings overtures of peace, II; her family respected;
Warfare, ferocious individual, II; Washington College founded by Doak, II; Washington District. See Holston settlements; Washington, Gen. Geo., unable to help Clark, II; Watauga Commonwealth, 1769, date of first permanent settlement, I; supposed by settlers to form part of Virginia; discovered to be part of North Carolina; immigration from North Carolina to;
character of the settlers;
palisaded villages in;
life of the settlers;
their amusements;
settlers organize a government;
articles of the Watauga Association; their first convention held at Robertson’s Station; plan of civil government;
endures for six years;
settlers ordered to leave their lands; settlers successfully solve the problem of self-government; makes a treaty with Cherokees;
attacked by the Cherokees;
Watauga Fort, the, commanded by Sevier and Robertson, I; attacked by the Indians;
the Indians beaten back;
Watauga River, a feeder of the Tennessee River, I; first settlement on the banks of the;
Watts, John, Sevier’s guide against the Chickamauga towns, II Wayne, Gen. Anthony, threatens the Indians, II; Weas, the, living with the Miamis, I;
Wells, his noble deed, II;
West, the, the winning of, II;
actually conquered;
definitely secured by diplomacy;
West Florida, its boundaries, I;
Wetzel, Lewis, a formidable hunter, II; his adventures;
Wheeling, attacked by Indians, II; attacked by Simon Girty;
heroism of a girl;
Whites, the, provocation suffered by, I; retaliation by;
White Top Mountain, a landmark, I; Wilderness, the, life in, I;
Wilderness Road, the, forever famous in Kentucky history, I; exists to-day;
Williams, Col., shot at the battle of King’s Mountain, II Williamson, Colonel Andrew, gathers a force at Picken’s Fort, I; advances against the Indians;
his campaign against the Cherokees; attempt to surprise Cameron;
falls into an ambush;
defeats the Indians;
destroys their houses;
garrisons Fort Rutledge;
meets Rutherford;
falls into an ambush;
defeats the Indians;
reaches the valley towns;
joined by Rutherford;
destroys all the Cherokee settlements west of Appalachians; returns to Fort Rutledge;
Williamson, Col. David,
removes the remnant of the Moravians to Fort Pitt, II; blamed by the people;
leads the frontiersmen to the Moravian towns; commands the retreat from Sandusky;
_Willing_, the, the first gunboat in western waters, II; reaches Vincennes;
Winnebagos, the, location of, I;
Winston, Major, cuts off the retreat of the British, II; Winston, Richard, appointed commandant at Kaskaskia, II; becomes “unhappy”;
Wyandots, the, location of, I;
redoubtable foes;
claim respect from the Algonquins; surpass their neighbors in mercifulness as well as valor; the Half King of, threatens revenge, II; defeat and kill Estill;