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Biographical Notes

[The format of these notes has been slightly altered. Most notably, dates (hopefully correct, but not entirely certain for the lesser known poets) have been added — when available — in square brackets after each name, and the number of entries for that author in this anthology is in parentheses. In some cases there are several short poems under one entry. These notes (first included in 1920, whereas the selections were made in 1919) combined with the searchability of electronic texts, renders the original Indexes of Authors and of First Lines obsolete, and so both have been dropped. Occasionally, relevant comments follow in angled brackets. — A. L., 1998.]

Aiken, Conrad. [1889-1973] (3)
Born at Savannah, Ga., Aug. 5, 1889. Received the degree of A.B. from Harvard University in 1912 and in August of the same year married Miss Jessie McDonald, of Montreal, Canada. Mr. Aiken’s first volume of poetry, “Earth Triumphant”, was published in 1914, and has been followed by “Turns and Movies”, 1916; “Nocturne of Remembered Spring”, 1917; and “The Charnel Rose”, 1918. Mr. Aiken is a keen and trenchant critic, as well as a poet, and his volume on the modern movement in poetry, “Skepticisms”, is one of the finest and most stimulating contributions to the subject.
[Conrad Aiken won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1930 for “Selected Poems”. — A. L., 1998.]

Akins, Zoe. [1886-1958] (1)
Born at Humansville, Mo., Oct. 30, 1886. Educated at home and at Monticello Seminary, Godfrey, Ill. Miss Akins began her literary work by contributing poems and critical articles to `Reedy’s Mirror’, St. Louis, and in 1911 published her volume of poems, “Interpretations”. The drama, however, soon began to absorb her, and she has had several plays produced, including “The Magical City”, “Papa”, a comedy, and “Declasse”, which won a great success with Ethel Barrymore in the leading role.

Anderson, Margaret Steele. [1867-1921] (2) Born in Louisville, Ky., and educated in the public schools of that city, with special courses at Wellesley College. Since 1901 Miss Anderson has been Literary Editor of the `Evening Post’ of Louisville, and is known as one of the most discriminating critics of the South. She has published but one volume of verse, “The Flame in the Wind”, 1914, but it is choice in quality. Miss Anderson is also a critic of Art and is the author of “A Study of Modern Painting”.

Arensberg, Walter Conrad. [1878-1954] (2) Mr. Arensberg has been active in the new movement in poetry and was one of the group who contributed to the yearly collection called “Others”. He is the author of “Idols”, 1916.

Baker, Karle Wilson. [1878-1960] (2)
Born in Little Rock, Ark., Oct. 13, 1878. Educated in public and private schools at Little Rock and at the University of Chicago. Mrs. Baker taught for several years in Virginia and in the High Schools of Little Rock, but in 1901 took up her residence in Texas, whither her family had preceded her, and in 1907 was married to Thomas Ellis Baker, of Nacogdoches, which is her present home. Mrs. Baker is one of the promising new writers, her first volume of verse, “Blue Smoke”, having been published in 1919, by the Yale Press.

Bates, Katharine Lee. [1859-1929] (1) Born at Falmouth, Mass., Aug. 12, 1859. Was educated at Wellesley College, from which she received the degree of A.B., in 1880 and that of A.M. in 1891. She also had the honorary degree of Litt.D. conferred upon her by Middlebury College and by Oberlin. She was continuously in educational work, teaching first at Dana Hall and then in Wellesley College, where she was professor and head of the English Department. Miss Bates spent four years in foreign travel and study and published numerous books in the field of education. Her best-known volumes of verse are: “America the Beautiful”, 1911; “Fairy Gold”, 1916; and “The Retinue”, 1918.

Benet, Stephen Vincent. [1898-1943] (1)
Born at Bethlehem, Pa., 1898. Was educated at the Summerville Academy at Augusta, Ga., and at Yale University, taking the degree of A.B. in 1919 and of A.M. in 1920. His first volume, “Young Adventure”, was brought out by the Yale University Press in 1918 and he also contributed largely to the “Yale Book of Student Verse”, published in 1919. Mr. Benet is a gifted young writer from whom much may be expected. [Brother of William Rose Benet. Won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1929 for “John Brown’s Body” and in 1944 (posthumous) for “Western Star”. See note to William Rose Benet. — A. L., 1998.]

Benet, William Rose. [1886-1950] (2)
Born at Fort Hamilton, N.Y. Harbor, Feb. 2, 1886. Graduated at the Academy of Albany, N.Y., in 1904, and took the degree of Ph.B. from the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale University in 1907. In 1912 he was married to Teresa Frances Thompson, of San Francisco, who died in 1919. Mr. Benet was connected for several years with the `Century Magazine’, first as reader and then as assistant editor, a position which he resigned to enter the Aviation Corps of the Army, during the World War. He is now one of the literary editors of the `Evening Post’, of New York. His successive volumes of verse are: “Merchants from Cathay”, 1912; “The Falconer of God”, 1914; “The Great White Wall”, 1916; “The Burglar of the Zodiac”, 1918; and “Perpetual Light”, 1919.
[Brother of Stephen Vincent Benet. Won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1942 for “The Dust Which Is God”. Both were members of a talented family, in both military and literary affairs, descended from Minorcan settlers who lived in St. Augustine, Florida. — A. L., 1998.]

Bradley, William Aspinwall. [1878-1939] (1) Born at Hartford, Conn., Feb. 8, 1878. Educated at Columbia University where he received the degree of A.M. in 1900. Married Miss Grace Goodrich in 1903. From 1900 to 1908 Mr. Bradley was art director and literary advisor to McClure, Phillips & Co. and the McClure Co. and left them to become typographical designer and supervisor of printing at the Yale University Press, where he remained until 1917, when America entered the World War. He then became connected with the War Camp Community Service in which he did excellent work for the period of the war. Mr. Bradley is the author of several books and brochures upon art and particularly upon prints and etchings, such as “French Etchers of the Second Empire”, 1916. In poetry, he is the author of “Garlands and Wayfarings”, 1917; “Old Christmas and Other Kentucky Tales in Verse”, 1917; “Singing Carr”, 1918. The last two books are based upon Kentucky folk-tales and ballads gathered by Mr. Bradley among the people of the Cumberland Mountains.

Branch, Anna Hempstead. [1875-1937] (3) Born at Hempstead House, New London, Conn. Graduated from Smith College in 1897 and from the American Academy of Dramatic Art, in New York City, in 1900. While at college she began writing poetry and the year after her graduation won the first prize offered by the `Century Magazine’ for a poem written by a college graduate. This poem, “The Road ‘Twixt Heaven and Hell”, was printed in the `Century Magazine’ for December, 1898, and was followed soon after by the publication of Miss Branch’s first volume, “The Heart of the Road”, 1901. She has since published two volumes, “The Shoes That Danced”, 1902, and “Rose of the Wind”, 1910, both marked by imagination and beauty of a high order.

Burnet, Dana. [1888-1962] (1)
Born in Cincinnati, Ohio, July 3, 1888. Graduated at the Woodward High School of Cincinnati and took the degree of LL.B. at the Cornell University College of Law in 1911. Married Marguerite E. Dumary, of Brooklyn, in 1913. Mr. Burnet has been associated with the `Evening Sun’, of New York, since 1911, in various capacities, from that of reporter to editor of the magazine page. He is the author of “Poems”, 1915, and “The Shining Adventure”, 1916.

Burr, Amelia Josephine. [1878-?] (2)
Educated at Hunter College in the City of New York. Miss Burr has published successively the following books of verse: “A Roadside Fire”, 1913; “In Deep Places”, 1914; “Life and Living”, 1916; “The Silver Trumpet”, 1918; and “Hearts Awake”, 1919. The last two volumes relate chiefly to the World War.

Burt, Maxwell Struthers. [1882-1954] (1) Born at Baltimore, Md., Oct. 18, 1882. Early education at private schools, Philadelphia. Received the degree of A.B. from Princeton University in 1904 and later studied at Merton College, Oxford University. After two years of teaching at Princeton University, Mr. Burt took up the life of a rancher at Jackson Hole, Wyo., though he usually returns to Princeton for the winter months. In 1913 he married Katharine Newlin, a writer of fiction. Mr. Burt is the author of two volumes of verse, “In the High Hills”, 1914, and “Songs and Portraits”, 1920; he has also written many short stories.

Bynner, Witter. [1881-1968] (5)
Born at Brooklyn, Aug. 10, 1881. Graduated at Harvard University in 1902. After his graduation, until 1906, he served as assistant editor of `McClure’s Magazine’ and literary editor of McClure, Phillips & Co. Since that time he has devoted himself exclusively to the writing of poetry and drama, with the exception of a year spent as a special lecturer upon Poetry at the University of California. While at the University, Mr. Bynner’s “Canticle of Praise”, written to celebrate peace after the World War, was given in the open-air Greek Theatre at Berkeley to an audience of 8000 persons. Mr. Bynner’s first volume, “An Ode to Harvard and Other Poems”, was published in 1907, and was followed in 1913 by the poetic drama, “Tiger”; in 1915 by “The New World”, amplified from his Phi Beta Kappa Poem delivered at Harvard in 1911; in 1917 by “The Little King”, a poetic drama; in 1917 also by “Grenstone Poems”, a collection of his lyric work to date. In 1916, in connection with his friend, Arthur Davison Ficke, Mr. Bynner perpetrated the clever literary hoax of “Spectra”, a volume of verse in the ultra-modern manner, designed to establish a new “school” of poetry that should outdo “Imagism” and other cults then in the public eye. These poems, published under the joint authorship of Emanuel Morgan and Anne Knish, created much comment, and in spite of their bizarre features were taken seriously by well-known critics, who were much discomfited when the truth of the matter was known. In 1919 Mr. Bynner published “The Beloved Stranger”, a volume of `vers libre’, written in a style that grew out of the “Spectra” experiment, but divested of its extravagant features.

Carlin, Francis (James F. C. MacDonnell). [1881-?] (2) Born April 7, 1881, at Bay Shore, L.I., N.Y. Educated at St. Mary’s Parochial School, Norwalk, Conn. Author of “My Ireland”, privately printed, 1917 (taken over by Henry Holt & Co. and republished in the following year), “The Cairn of Stars”, 1920. Mr. Carlin takes his pen-name from that of his grandfather who was a cottage weaver of linen and a local rhymer in Tyrone, Ireland.

Cleghorn, Sarah N. [1876-1959] (1)
Born in Manchester, Vt. Educated at Burr and Burton Seminary, of Manchester. Miss Cleghorn is the author of “Portraits and Protests”, 1917.

Conkling, Grace Hazard. [1878-1958] (3) Born in New York City. Graduated at Smith College in 1899, and later studied music and languages at the University of Heidelberg and at Paris; was for several years a teacher of English, Latin, and Greek in Woodstock, Conn., and in the schools of New York City. In 1905 she married Roscoe Platt Conkling at San Antonio, Texas, and spent her early married life in Mexico, which inspired some of her most charming lyrics. Since 1914, Mrs. Conkling has been teaching in the English Department of Smith College. She has published “Afternoons in April”, 1915, and “Wilderness Songs”, 1920. Mrs. Conkling is a poet of exceedingly delicate and beautiful touch, and her gift seems to have been transmitted to her daughter, Hilda, whose poems written, or told, between the ages of five and eight, and published in a volume in 1920, prove her to be a child of remarkable poetic talent.

Corbin, Alice (Mrs. Wm. Penhallow Henderson). [1881-1949] (1) Born in St. Louis, of Southern parentage. Educated at the University of Chicago. Since its founding in 1912, Mrs. Henderson has been associate editor, with Harriet Monroe, of `Poetry, A Magazine of Verse’, and also co-editor, with Miss Monroe, of “The New Poetry”, an anthology of modern English and American poets. She is the author of “Adam’s Dream and Two Other Miracle Plays for Children” (in verse), and of a collection of poems called “The Spinning Woman of the Sky”.

Cox, Eleanor Rogers. [?-1936(possibly 1931)] (2) Born at Enniskillen, Ireland. Came with family to the United States in childhood; citizen; educated at St. Gabriel’s High School and private tuition. Although Miss Cox has lived in America since childhood, her poetic inspiration has come chiefly from the myths and legends of Ireland, her mother country, to which she returns at intervals. Her two volumes of verse, “A Hosting of Heroes”, 1911, and “Singing Fires of Erin”, 1916, are instinct with the Celtic spirit. Miss Cox also lectures upon Irish legendry.

Crapsey, Adelaide. [1878-1914] (3)
Born in Brooklyn, Sept. 9, 1878. Her young girlhood was spent in Rochester, N.Y., where her father, Algernon S. Crapsey, was rector of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church. After preparatory work in Kemper Hall, Kenosha, Wis., she entered Vassar College, graduating, as a Phi Beta Kappa, in 1901. After two years of teaching at Kemper Hall, Miss Crapsey went to Italy and became a student at the School of Archaeology in Rome, at the same time giving lectures in Italian history. Upon returning to America she taught history and literature for two years in a private school at Stamford, Conn., but gave up her work because of ill health and spent the following two years in Italy and England, working upon her “Study of English Metrics”. Recovering sufficiently to do so, she returned to this country in 1911 and took a position as Instructor of Poetics at Smith College, but in 1913 was obliged to resign because of renewed illness and died on the 8th of October, 1914. After her death, the Manas Press of Rochester brought out a small volume of her poetry, and her “Study of English Metrics” was published in 1918 by Alfred Knopf. Adelaide Crapsey had a rarely beautiful and original poetic gift, and her early death is greatly to be regretted.

Cromwell, Gladys. [1885-1919] (1)
Born in Brooklyn, but lived the greater part of her life in New York City. She was educated at private schools in New York, and had a period of study in Paris, supplemented by extensive foreign travel. At the outbreak of the World War, Miss Cromwell and her twin sister volunteered for service in the Red Cross and were actively engaged both in canteen work and in hospital service. The strain proved too great and induced a mental depression, which, acting upon the highly sensitive nature of the sisters, caused them to feel that they had no longer a place in a world which held no refuge for beauty and quiet thought, and on their way home from France, in January of 1919, they committed suicide by jumping from the deck of the steamer Loraine. Three months later they were buried in France with military honors and the French Government awarded them the Croix de Guerre and the Medaille de Reconnaissance francaise. The poetry of Gladys Cromwell is deeply thoughtful and almost sculptural in its chiseled beauty. It shows the reaction of a finely tempered spirit to a world at variance with it. Had Miss Cromwell lived she would almost certainly have added some distinguished work to our poetry, since the lyrics contained in the volume of her verse issued after her death are of so fine a quality.

Dargan, Olive Tilford. [1869-1968] (1) Born in Grayson County, Ky., and educated at the University of Nashville and at Radcliffe College. She became a teacher and was connected with various schools in Arkansas, Missouri, and Texas until her marriage. Mrs. Dargan’s first work was in poetic drama in which she revealed gifts of a high order. Her dramatic volumes are: “Semiramis, and Other Plays”, 1904; “Lords and Lovers”, 1906; and “The Mortal Gods”, 1912. As a lyric poet Mrs. Dargan has done some beautiful work, most of which may be found in her collection “Path Flower”, 1914, and she has also published a sequence of fine sonnets under the title of “The Cycle’s Rim”, 1916.

Davies, Mary Carolyn (Mrs. Leland Davis). [?] (3) Miss Davies was born and educated in California and came to New York from her home in that state, where she soon began to attract attention by the fresh and original quality of her verse, which appeared frequently in the magazines. In 1918 she married Leland Davis. In the same year she published “The Drums in Our Street”, a book of war verse, and in 1919 brought out a much finer and more characteristic collection of her poems under the title, “Youth Riding”. Miss Davies has also written several one-act plays, one of which, “The Slave with Two Faces”, has had successful presentation.

Davis, Fannie Stearns (Mrs. Augustus McKinstrey Gifford). [1884-?] (2) Born at Cleveland, Ohio, March 6, 1884. Educated at Smith College, from which she graduated in 1904. She is the author of two volumes of poetry: “Myself and I”, 1913; and “Crack o’ Dawn”, 1915, both marked by unusually sensitive feeling and delicate artistry.

De Casseras, Benjamin. [1873-1945] (1) Born in Philadelphia in 1873, of old Spanish and American stock and educated in the public schools of Philadelphia. He entered the office of the `Philadelphia Press’ in 1889 and served for ten years on the paper in every capacity from that of proof-reader to theatrical critic and editorial writer. In 1899 he came to New York and entered the newspaper field, working successively on the `Sun’, the `Herald’, and the `Times’. For a short time he was engaged in journalistic work in Mexico, having been co-founder, in 1906, of `El Diario’ in the City of Mexico. Since that time he has been a voluminous contributor to magazines and has published books in many fields, since he is poet, essayist, critic, and satirist. As a poet his best-known work is in “The Shadow-Eater”, 1915. Among his other volumes are “The Chameleon”, “Forty Immortals”, “Edelweiss and Mandragora”, and “Counsels of Imperfection”, translated into French by Remy de Gourmont.

Driscoll, Louise. [1875-1957] (1)
Born in Poughkeepsie, educated by private teachers and in the public schools of Catskill, N.Y. Miss Driscoll first attracted attention by a poem called “Metal Checks” which received a prize of $100 offered by `Poetry: A Magazine of Verse’, for the best poem on the European war. Since then Miss Driscoll has been a constant contributor to the best magazines, but has not yet published a collection of her verse.

Ficke, Arthur Davison. [1883-1945] (2) Born Davenport, Iowa, Nov. 10, 1883. Educated at Harvard University where he graduated in 1904. Later he studied at the College of Law of the Iowa State University and was admitted to the bar in 1908. In 1907 he married Evelyn Bethune Blunt, of Springfield, Mass. Mr. Ficke has published many books of verse of which the best-known are “The Earth Passion”, 1908; “Sonnets of a Portrait Painter”, 1914; “The Man on the Hilltop”, 1915; “An April Elegy”, 1917. Mr. Ficke has also written two volumes upon “Japanese Painting” and “Japanese Prints”, in part the outcome of a trip to Japan, taken in company with his friend Witter Bynner. As mentioned in the sketch of Mr. Bynner, Mr. Ficke was associated with him in writing the volume, “Spectra”.

Fisher, Mahlon Leonard. [1874-?] (2)
Born in Williamsport, Pa., July 20, 1874. Educated in private study and in the schools of his native city. Mr. Fisher took up architecture and practiced this profession for seventeen years, but although he still retains connection with it in a consulting capacity, he has given up its active practice to be the publisher and editor of a small magazine called `The Sonnet’, which he founded. Mr. Fisher has written some of the finest sonnets that have appeared in America in recent years and has brought out the first collection of them under the title, “Sonnets: A First Series”, 1918.

Fletcher, John Gould. [1886-1950] (2) Born at Little Rock, Ark., Jan. 3, 1886. He was educated in the public schools of Little Rock, in Phillips Academy, Andover, and at Harvard University, but becoming restive under the formal curriculum did not stay to take his degree, but went instead to Europe where he might find an atmosphere more in harmony with his tastes and interests. Italy first attracted him and he remained there for several years, but went in May of 1909 to London where he has spent most of the time since that date. In 1913 he published five small books of verse, all of which are now out of print, but it was not until the publication of “Irradiations — Sand and Spray” in America in 1915 that his true poetic quality was evident. In the same year several poems of his appeared in “Some Imagist Poets”, the first joint collection of the Imagist group, which embraced the work of Amy Lowell, Richard Aldington, “H. D.”, F. S. Flint, D. H. Lawrence, and Mr. Fletcher himself. This allied him with the Imagist movement, though his work was too individual to conform to any school. The war drove Mr. Fletcher back to America where he remained two years, and in April of 1916 he published in this country “Goblins and Pagodas”; the following month he returned to England and married Miss Florence Emily Arbuthnot. He continues to make England his home and brought out there his latest volume, “The Tree of Life”. [John Gould Fletcher won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1939 for “Selected Poems”. — A. L., 1998.]

Foster, Jeanne Robert. [1879-1970] (1) Born in the Adirondack Mountains in the town of Johnsburg, N.Y., of English and French stock. Attended the schools of the neighborhood and at the age of sixteen began teaching. Two years later she came to New York, studied at the Stanhope-Wheatcroft Dramatic School, and played upon the stage for one year. Not satisfied with this life, however, she went to Boston, took special courses in the Radcliffe-Harvard Extension and at Boston University, and began writing for the press. Married Matlock Foster and came to New York in 1911 where she became associated with the `Review of Reviews’ as literary editor, holding this position until 1919. Mrs. Foster has published two books of verse, “Wild Apples” and “Neighbors of Yesterday”, both 1916. In the latter she writes, with much narrative skill, of the isolated mountain folk whom she knew in her girlhood.

Frost, Robert. [1874-1963] (4)
Born in San Francisco, March 26, 1875 [sic]. Studied at Dartmouth College and Harvard University from 1892 to 1899. Married Miss Elinor M. White, of Lawrence, Mass., and went to live upon a farm at Derry, N.H., where he followed the occupation of farming from 1900 to 1905. Finding it, however, scarcely adequate to the needs of his family, he began teaching English at the Pinkerton Academy at Derry and held this position until 1911 when he became a teacher of psychology in the State Normal School at Plymouth, N.H. In 1912 he took perhaps the most important step in his life up to that period, and with his wife and four young children went to England where he might find a more sympathetic atmosphere for creative work. Most of the poems in “A Boy’s Will”, his earliest collection, were written prior to his residence in England, but few had been published, and the book was not finally issued in America until after the appearance of “North of Boston”, the volume upon which his recognition was based. This book, published first in England, and reprinted in America in 1914, was received with enthusiasm by the foremost English critics who recognized in it a note distinctively individual and distinctively American, and Mr. Frost came back to this country after three years of delightful and fruitful life in England, where he had enjoyed the close companionship of Masefield, Gibson, Abercrombie, and others of the English group — to find his work widely known and appreciated. Nothing finer nor more significant has come out of our poetic revival than Mr. Frost’s work, which reflects the life of New England in its more isolated aspects, and interprets the spirit of the people with the keenest insight and the most sympathetic understanding. In the way of form, Mr. Frost has also been a path-finder, building his poems primarily upon the rhythms of the speaking voice. “North of Boston” was followed in 1916 by “A Mountain Interval”, containing some beautiful lyric as well as narrative work. [Robert Frost won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1924 for “New Hampshire”, in 1931 for “Collected Poems”, in 1937 for “A Further Range”, and in 1943 for “A Witness Tree”. — A. L., 1998.]

Garrison, Theodosia (Mrs. Frederick J. Faulks). [1874-1944] (1) Born at Newark, N.J. Educated at private schools in New York. Mrs. Garrison was for several years a constant contributor to the magazines, but has written less of late. Her volumes of verse are: “Joy o’ Life”, 1908, “The Earth Cry”, 1910, and “The Dreamers”, 1917.

Giltinan, Caroline. [1884-?] (1)
Born in Philadelphia, Pa. Educated in the public schools of that city and at the University of Pennsylvania. Miss Giltinan served very conspicuously abroad during the World War, as an army nurse, and later in an important position in the Department of Sick and Wounded. She is the author of “The Divine Image”, 1917.

Griffith, William. [1876-1936] (2)
Born Memphis, Mo., Feb. 15, 1876. Educated in public schools. Married Florence Vernon, of Brooklyn, in 1909. Mr. Griffith has had an active career in the newspaper profession, having been on the staff of several of the New York papers, managing editor of `Hampton’s Magazine’, 1906-10; editor, `McCall’s Magazine’, 1911-12; editorial director of the `National Sunday Magazine’, a large newspaper syndicate, 1912-16; since then associate editor of `Current Opinion’. His best-known books of verse are: “City Views and Visions”, 1911; “Loves and Losses of Pierrot”, 1916; “City Pastorals”, 1918; “The House of the Sphinx and Other Poems”, 1918.

Guiterman, Arthur. [1871-1943] (2)
Born, of American parentage, at Vienna, Austria, Nov. 20, 1871. Graduated at the College of the City of New York in 1891. Married Vida Lindo, of New York, 1909. Mr. Guiterman did editorial work on the `Woman’s Home Companion’ and the `Literary Digest’ from 1891 to 1906, and published several books of verse, now out of print, before doing those which contain his representative work: “The Laughing Muse”, 1915; “The Mirthful Lyre”, 1917; and “Ballads of Old New York”, 1920. While Mr. Guiterman is widely known as a humorous poet, he is also an accomplished poet in other moods.

“H. D.” (Hilda Doolittle). [1886-1961] (2) Born at Bethlehem, Pa., Sept. 10, 1886. Educated at the Gordon School and the Friends’ Central School of Philadelphia and at Bryn Mawr College. Miss Doolittle went to Europe in 1911 and, after a tour of the Continent, settled down in London, where she was soon caught into the current of the poetic movement then shaping itself under the innovating genius of Ezra Pound and a little band of his fellow poets. Under this stimulus Miss Doolittle began to write those brief, sharply carved poems, purely Greek in their chastity and mood, of which the first group appeared in `Poetry’ for Jan., 1913, under the name of “H. D. — Imagist”. Among the London poets interested in experiments with new forms was Richard Aldington, whose own inspiration came largely from the Greek, and in October of 1913 he and Miss Doolittle were married and the work of both appeared in the little volume, “Des Imagistes”, published in New York in April, 1914. This was the first grouping of the Imagist school, whose work, without that of Ezra Pound, its founder, who withdrew from the movement, continued for several years to appear in America under the title of “Some Imagist Poets”. Since then one volume of “H. D.’s” own work has been published, “Sea Garden”, London and Boston, 1917. For the finest and most comprehensive study of “H. D.’s” work see “Tendencies in Modern American Poetry”, by Amy Lowell, 1917.

Hagedorn, Hermann. [1882-1964] (2)
Born in New York City, July 18, 1882. Educated at Harvard University and University of Berlin. Served as Instructor at Harvard from 1909 to 1911. Married Dorothy Oakley of Englewood, N.J., 1908. Mr. Hagedorn is the author of “The Silver Blade, a Play in Verse”, 1907; “The Woman of Corinth”, 1908; “A Troop of the Guard”, 1909; “Poems and Ballads”, 1911; “The Great Maze and the Heart of Youth”, 1916; and “Hymn of Free Peoples Triumphant”, 1918. Mr. Hagedorn is an ardent American and organized “The Vigilantes”, a body of writers to do patriotic work with the pen during the World War. Edited “Fifes and Drums”, a collection of war poetry, 1917.

Harding, Ruth Guthrie. [1882-?] (1)
Born at Tunkhannock, Pa., Aug. 20, 1882. Educated at Wyoming Seminary, Kingston, Pa., and at Bucknell University. Married John Ward Harding of Pateson, N.J., Oct. 1901. Mrs. Harding is the author of “A Lark Went Singing”, 1916.

Hoyt, Helen. [1887-1972] (1) with this name writing at the same time. The dates are possibly 1897-1930.> Born at Norwalk, Conn. Educated at Barnard College. Has been connected with `Poetry’, of Chicago, as associate editor. Miss Hoyt has contributed to the best magazines for several years, but has not, as yet, published a volume of verse.

Johns, Orrick. [1887-1946] (3)
Born in St. Louis, Mo., in 1887. Educated at the University of Missouri and at Washington University in St. Louis. Was associated for a short time with `Reedy’s Mirror’. In 1912 he received the first prize, of $500, for a poem entitled “Second Avenue”, contributed to the contest of “The Lyric Year” and afterwards published in that volume. Since then Mr. Johns has written “Asphalt”, 1917, which contains his charming group of poems, “Country Rhymes”, the best of his lyric work.

Jones, Thomas S., Jr. [1882-1932] (3) Born at Boonville, N.Y., Nov. 6, 1882. Graduated at Cornell University in 1904. He was on the dramatic staff of the `New York Times’ from 1904 to 1907, and associate editor of `The Pathfinder’ in 1911. His published volumes are: “Path of Dreams”, 1904; “From Quiet Valleys”, 1907; “Interludes”, 1908; “Ave Atque Vale” (In Memoriam Arthur Upson), 1909; “The Voice in the Silence”, with a Foreword by James Lane Allen, 1911; and “The Rose-Jar”, originally published in 1906, but taken over in 1915 by Thomas B. Mosher and made the initial volume of “Lyra Americana”, his first series of American poetry. Mr. Mosher has also added “The Voice in the Silence” to this series. Mr. Jones is a poet of rare delicacy and fineness whose work has gathered to itself a discriminating group of readers.

Kemp, Harry. [1883-1960] (1)
Born in Youngstown, Ohio, Dec. 15, 1883, but came East in his childhood. Mr. Kemp has had a most romantic and picturesque career. He ran away from High School to go to sea, shipping first to Australia. From there he went to China, and eventually returned to America via California. Coming East again, he prepared for college at Mt. Hermon school, N.J., and entered the University of Kansas, where he remained until his graduation in his twenty-sixth year. Since then, with the exception of a winter in London, he has lived in New York, where he is associated with the Greenwich Village group of dramatic folk, both playwrights and actors. Mr. Kemp has written many brief dramas and produced them with his own company at a small theater in New York, but it is in poetry that he has done his best work thus far. He has the true lyric quality, as shown in his two volumes, “Poems”, and “The Passing God”, 1919.

Kilmer, Aline (Mrs. Joyce Kilmer). [1888-1941] (3) Born Norfolk, Va. Daughter of the poet Ada Foster Murray. Educated in public schools and at the Vail-Deane School of Elizabeth, N.J. Married in 1908 to Joyce Kilmer, who met death in France during the World War. Mrs. Kilmer is the author of “Candles that Burn”, 1919, which contains some of the sincerest and most moving lyric poetry that has come out of our present revival.

Kilmer, Joyce. [1886-1918] (4)
Born at New Brunswick, N.J., Dec. 6, 1886. Educated at Columbia University. After a short period of teaching he became associated with the Funk and Wagnalls Company, where he remained from 1909 to 1912 when he assumed the position of literary editor of `The Churchman’. His next step was to associate himself with the staff of the `New York Times’, where he became a well-known feature writer, doing in particular a series of interviews with literary people which were later incorporated into a book. During this period he contributed poetry to the leading magazines and published several collections, of which the first, “A Summer of Love”, was published in 1911 and was followed by “Trees, and Other Poems”, 1914, and “Main Street and Other Poems”, 1917. His work, human in mood, mellow in quality, full of tenderness and reverence for the old sanctities, soon drew to itself a large audience, an audience greatly enhanced by the poet’s personal contacts. His kindly and whimsical humor, his charm of personality, his enthusiasm and sympathy, won for him a large group of friends and radiated to the wider group who became his readers. In 1908 he married Aline Murray, herself a poet, and several children were born to them, celebrated in the poems of both parents. Upon America’s entry into the World War, Joyce Kilmer enlisted, and after a short period of training was sent to France with the 165th Infantry, formerly the “Fighting 69th”, a regiment of Irish blood and of the Catholic religion, to which he had himself become an adherent. He was made a sergeant and served with conspicuous gallantry, so much so, indeed, that it was said of him by the chaplain of the regiment that he “had a romantic passion for death in battle.” He was promoted to the Intelligence Department of the service where the personal risk was the greatest, and was killed in action at the battle of the Ourcq, July 30, 1918. He was buried within sound of the river. Since his death two volumes containing his complete work in prose and verse, his letters from abroad, and an excellent memoir written by his friend, Robert Holliday, have been published and will do much to perpetuate the memory of this beloved soldier-poet.

Kreymborg, Alfred. [1883-1966] (2)
Born in New York City and educated in the public schools of New York. Mr. Kreymborg was the founder and editor of a little magazine called `Others’, which became the organ of a group of insurgent poets. Also under the title of “Others”, he has issued at intervals selections from the work of these poets, forming a novel and interesting anthology. In addition to writing poetry which he has published in a collection called “Mushrooms”, 1917, Mr. Kreymborg is the author of several brief poetic plays which he presents as “Poem-Mimes”, performed by puppets.

Lee, Agnes (Mrs. Otto Freer). [1868-1939] (2) Born in Chicago, Ill. Educated in Switzerland. Married, 2d, Otto Freer, 1911. Author of “The Round Rabbit”, 1898; “The Border of the Lake”, 1910; “The Sharing”, 1914; translator of the poems of Theophile Gautier, and of “The Gates of Childhood”, by Fernand Gregh. A contributor of poems to the leading magazines, particularly `Poetry’, of Chicago.

Lee, Muna. [1895-1965] (1)
Miss Lee spent her early life in Oklahoma, and first came into notice as a poet by gaining a prize given by `Poetry’, of Chicago, for the best lyric verse by a young writer. She afterward came to New York and married Luis Marin, of South America. Is at present living in Porto Rico; has not, as yet, published a volume of poetry.

Ledoux, Louis V. [1880-1948] (3)
Born in New York City, June 6, 1880. Educated at Columbia University where he graduated in 1902. He is a poet who writes chiefly upon Greek themes and is the author of “Songs from the Silent Land”, 1905; “The Soul’s Progress”, 1907; “Yzdra: A Poetic Drama”, 1909; “The Shadow of Aetna”, 1914; “The Story of Eleusis: A Lyrical Drama”, 1916.

Leonard, William Ellery. [1876-1944] (2) Born at Plainfield, N.J., Jan. 25, 1876. A.B. Boston University, 1898; A.M. Harvard, 1899. Fellow of Boston University in philology and literature, 1900; student University of Gottingen, 1901; University of Bonn, 1902; fellow of Columbia University, 1902-03; Ph.D. Columbia, 1904. After receiving these various degrees, Mr. Leonard began his work as Instructor of Latin at Boston University, going from there to the University of Wisconsin where he has remained continuously since 1906, as Assistant Professor of English. He has written extensively on classic subjects, in addition to his work in poetry, and has also published volumes in the field of literary criticism. His best-known works are: “Byron and Byronism in America”, 1905; “Sonnets and Poems”, 1906; “The Fragments of Empedocles”, 1908; “The Poet of Galilee”, 1909; “The Vaunt of Man”, 1912; “Glory of the Morning”, a play, 1912; “Aesop and Hyssop”, 1913. Mr. Leonard has also made a remarkable blank-verse translation of Lucretius, which was published in 1916, and has translated from the Greek and the German.

Lindsay, Vachel. [1879-1931] (4)
Born in Springfield, Ill., Nov. 10, 1879. Educated at Hiram College, Ohio. His first intention was to enter the field of art and he became a student at the Art Institute of Chicago where he remained from 1900 to 1903, continuing his work at the New York School of Art, 1904-05, under the personal instruction of Wm. Chase and Robert Henri. For a time after his technical study, he lectured upon art in its practical relation to the community, and returning to his home in Springfield, Ill., issued what might be termed his manifesto in the shape of “The Village Magazine”, divided about equally between prose articles pertaining to the beautifying of his native city, and poems, illustrated by his own drawings. Both the verse and drawings showed a delightful imagination; the poetry in particular, unlike the more elaborate technique of his later work, had a Blake-like simplicity. Soon after the publication of “The Village Magazine”, Mr. Lindsay, taking as scrip for the journey, “Rhymes to be Traded for Bread”, made a pilgrimage on foot through several Western States, going as far afield as New Mexico. The story of this journey is given in his volume, “Adventures While Preaching the Gospel of Beauty”, 1916. Mr. Lindsay had taken an earlier journey on foot, from Jacksonville, Fla., to Springfield, Ill., which he has recorded in “A Handy Guide for Beggars”, also 1916. This is much the finer volume of the two and should take its place with the permanent literature of vagabondage. In 1913 Mr. Lindsay came into wide notice by his poem, “General William Booth Enters into Heaven”, which became the title poem of his first volume of verse, published in 1913. This was followed by “The Congo”, 1914; “The Chinese Nightingale”, 1917; and “Golden Whales of California”, 1920. He based all his later work upon the idea of poetry as a spoken art and developed it along the line of rhythm. His work is unique, he adhered to no “school”, nor has he found imitators. He rendered his own work so as to bring out all of its rhythmic possibilities and became quite as well known for his interpretations of his work as for the work itself. Much of his verse is social in appeal, but he was at his best in poems of more imaginative beauty, such as “The Chinese Nightingale”.

Lowell, Amy. [1874-1925] (5)
Born in Brookline, Mass., Feb. 9, 1874. Educated at private schools. Author of “A Dome of Many-Coloured Glass”, 1912; “Sword Blades and Poppy Seed”, 1914; “Men, Women and Ghosts”, 1916; “Can Grande’s Castle”, 1918; “Pictures of the Floating World”, 1919. Editor of the three successive collections of “Some Imagist Poets”, 1915, ’16, and ’17, containing the early work of the “Imagist School” of which Miss Lowell became the leader. This movement, of which we have spoken in the notes upon the work of “H. D.” and John Gould Fletcher, originated in England, the idea having been first conceived by a young poet named T. E. Hulme, but developed and put forth by Ezra Pound in an article called “Don’ts by an Imagist”, which appeared in `Poetry; A Magazine of Verse’. As previously stated, a small group of poets gathered about Mr. Pound, experimenting along the technical lines suggested, and a cult of “Imagism” was formed, whose first group-expression was in the little volume, “Des Imagistes”, published in New York in April, 1914. Miss Lowell did not come actively into the movement until after that time, but once she had entered it, she became its leader, and it was chiefly through her effort in America that the movement attained so much prominence and so influenced the trend of poetry for the years immediately succeeding. Miss Lowell many times, in admirable articles, stated the principles upon which Imagism is based, notably in the Preface to “Some Imagist Poets” and in the Preface to the second series, in 1916. She also elaborated it much more fully in her volume, “Tendencies in Modern American Poetry”, 1917, in the articles pertaining to the work of “H. D.” and John Gould Fletcher. In her own creative work, however, Miss Lowell did most to establish the possibilities of the Imagistic idea and of its modes of presentation, and opened up many interesting avenues of poetic form. Her volume, “Can Grande’s Castle”, is devoted to work in the medium which she styled “Polyphonic Prose” and contains some of her finest work, particularly “The Bronze Horses”.
[Amy Lowell won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1926 (posthumous) for “What’s O’Clock”. — A. L., 1998.]

Masters, Edgar Lee. [1869-1950] (2)
Born Garnett, Kan., Aug. 23, 1869. Educated at Knox College, Ill. He studied law in his father’s office and was admitted to the bar in 1891. Married Helen M. Jenkins, of Chicago, in 1898. Mr. Masters wrote several volumes of verse and several poetic dramas, which are now out of print, before he found himself in the “Spoon River Anthology”, published first in `Reedy’s Mirror’ and in book form in 1915. This volume, written in free verse and containing about two hundred brief sketches, or posthumous confessions, shows Mr. Masters to be a psychologist of the keenest penetration, a satirist and humorist, laying bare unsparingly the springs of human weakness, but seeing with an equal insight humanity’s finer side. “Spoon River Anthology”, which had perhaps a wider recognition than that of any volume of verse of the period, was followed by “Songs and Satires”, 1916; “The Great Valley”, 1916; “Toward the Gulf”, 1917; and “Starved Rock”, 1920.

Middleton, Scudder. [1888-1959] (2)
Born in New York City, Sept. 9, 1888. Educated at Columbia University. Was connected for several years with the publishing firm of The Macmillan Company. Mr. Middleton is the author of “Streets and Faces”, 1917, and “The New Day”, 1919.

Millay, Edna St. Vincent. [1892-1950] (3) Born at Camden, Maine, and educated at Vassar College. Before entering college, however, when she was but nineteen years of age, she wrote the poem, “Renascence”, entered in the prize contest of “The Lyric Year”, a poem showing a remarkable imagination in so young a writer. After leaving college Miss Millay came to New York and became associated with the Provincetown Players for whom she wrote several one-act plays in which she herself acted the leading part. Her plays have also been produced by other companies and have attracted the attention of critics, particularly the poetic drama, “Aria da Capo”, 1920. Miss Millay is one of our most gifted young poets. Her volumes of verse to date are: “Renascence, and Other Poems”, 1917, and “Poems”, 1920. [Edna St. Vincent Millay won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1923 for “The Ballad of the Harp-Weaver”, &c. — A. L., 1998.]

Monroe, Harriet. [1860-1936] (2)
Born in Chicago. Graduated at Visitation Academy, Georgetown, D.C., March, 1891. Miss Monroe was chosen to write the ode for the dedication of the World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago in 1892. After some years in literary work, chiefly as an art critic, Miss Monroe founded, in October of 1912, `Poetry; A Magazine of Verse’, an organ which has done much to stimulate interest in poetry and also its production, since it has become the recognized vehicle for the work of the newer school. The first “Imagist” poems appeared in its pages and it was the first to print the work of Carl Sandburg and other well-known poets of the poetic revival. Miss Monroe is the author of “Valeria and Other Poems”, 1892; “The Passing Show, Modern Plays in Verse”, 1903; “You and I”, 1914, and was co-editor, with Alice Corbin Henderson, of “The New Poetry”, an anthology, 1917.

Morgan, Angela. [1873/74-1957] (2)
Born in Washington, D.C. Educated by private tutors, the public schools, and by special University courses. Miss Morgan entered the journalistic field while still a young girl and did very brilliant work on papers of Chicago and New York. Her work covered all phases of life from those of society to the slums. She visited police courts, jails, and all places where humanity suffers and struggles, and it was no doubt her early work in the newspaper field that gave to her later work, both in poetry and fiction, its strong social bias. Probably no poet of the present time responds more keenly to the social needs of the period, nor has a keener sense of the opportunity for service. Miss Morgan was one of the delegates to the First International Congress of Women, at The Hague, during the first year of the war, and has appeared frequently in readings from her own work. Her volumes of verse are “The Hour Has Struck”, 1914; “Utterance and Other Poems”, 1916; “Forward, March”, 1918; and “Hail, Man”, 1919. She has also published a volume of stories under the title “The Imprisoned Splendor”.

Morton, David. [1886-1957] (3)
Born in Elkton, Ky., Feb. 21, 1886. Educated in the public schools of Louisville, Ky., and at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn., where he graduated with the degree of B.S. in 1909. Mr. Morton first took up journalism and was reporter and associate editor of various Southern periodicals up to 1915, when he entered the teaching profession as Professor of English at the Boys’ High School of Louisville. He is now teacher of History and English at the Morristown High School, Morristown, N.J. In 1919 Mr. Morton took the first prize, of $150, for the best poem read at the Poetry Society of America during the current year, and in 1920 he was awarded a $500 prize for one of three book manuscripts considered the best submitted to the contest of “The Lyric Society”. The volume, “Ships in Harbor, and Other Poems”, will be published in the autumn of 1920. Mr. Morton is one of the finest sonneteers of this period and a poet of rare and authentic gifts.

Neihardt, John G. [1881-1973] (1)
Born at Sharpsburg, Ill., Jan. 8, 1881. Removed in his early boyhood to Bancroft, Neb., his present home. He has made a special study of the pioneer life of the West and also of the Indian life, having spent some time among the Omaha Indians. His work has great virility and sweep and he has a fine gift of narrative. His first volume, “A Bundle of Myrrh”, 1908, showed unmistakably that a new poet had appeared in the West. This was followed by the lyric collections, “Man-Song”, 1909; “The Stranger at the Gate”, 1912; and “The Quest”, 1916. Mr. Neihardt then turned his attention to the writing of a trilogy of narrative poems, each devoted to some character identified with the pioneer life of the Far West. “The Song of Hugh Glass”, 1915, and “The Song of Three Friends”, 1919, have thus far been published. The material used by Mr. Neihardt is not only romantic and picturesque, but valuable in the historical sense and he is able to shape it with dramatic imagination.

Norton, Grace Fallow. [1876-?] (1)
Born at Northfield, Minn., Oct. 29, 1876. Author of “Little Gray Songs from St. Joseph’s”, 1912; “The Sister of the Wind”, 1914; “Roads”, 1915; and “What is Your Legion?”, 1916.

O’Brien, Edward Joseph. [1890-1941] (2) Born in Boston, Mass., Dec. 10, 1890. Educated at Boston College and Harvard University. Author of “White Fountains”, 1917; “The Forgotten Threshold”, 1918. Editor of “The Masque of Poets”, 1918. Since 1915 Mr. O’Brien has been editing a collection of “The Best Short Stories” of the current season.

O’Conor, Norreys Jephson. [1885-1958] (2) Born in New York City, Dec. 31, 1885. Was educated at Harvard University where he took the degrees of A.B. and A.M., making a special study of the Gaelic language and literature in which he has also done some valuable research work. Having, through his own Celtic descent, a particular interest in Ireland and its literature, and having spent a part of his time in that country, Mr. O’Conor’s poetry naturally turns upon Celtic themes which have inspired some excellent dramatic as well as lyric work from his pen. His volumes in their order are: “Celtic Memories”, 1914; “Beside the Blackwater”, 1915; “The Fairy Bride: A Play in Three Acts”, 1916; and “Songs of the Celtic Past”, 1918.

O’Hara, John Myers. [1870-1944] (3)
Born at Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Educated at Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill. Was admitted to the bar and practiced law in Chicago for twelve years, when he gave up this profession and came to New York to become a stock-broker. Although Mr. O’Hara has followed this exacting occupation for the past ten years, it has not prevented him from writing and publishing several volumes of poetry, largely classic in theme, and handled with an adequate and beautiful art. “The Poems of Sappho”, 1907, built upon the authentic fragments, are acknowledged to be among the finest in English literature. Mr. O’Hara’s other volumes comprise: “Songs of the Open”, 1909; “Pagan Sonnets”, 1910; “The Ebon Muse”, 1912; “Manhattan”, 1915; and “Threnodies”, 1918.

O Sheel, Shaemas. [1886-1954] (1)
Born in New York City, Sept. 19, 1886. Educated at Columbia University. His two volumes of verse are: “The Blossomy Bough”, 1911, and “The Light Feet of Goats”, 1915. Mr. O Sheel is a true poet, writing in the Celtic tradition.

Oppenheim, James. [1882-1932] (3)
Born at St. Paul, Minn., May 24, 1882, but a resident of New York City, where he has spent most of his life. He was educated at Columbia University and first entered sociological work, becoming assistant head worker at the Hudson Guild Settlement, 1901-03. Married Lucy Seckel, of New York, June, 1905. Was teacher and acting superintendent of the Hebrew Technical School for Girls, New York, 1905-07, when he left to engage entirely in literary work. Mr. Oppenheim is a well-known short-story writer and novelist as well as poet, but we will confine ourselves to listing his work in poetry, which has in itself been voluminous. Since his first collection, “Monday Morning and Other Poems”, 1909, his work has been written chiefly in free verse, or in “polyphonic poetry”, to use his own term, usually in sweeping rhythms more akin to those of Whitman than to the later free-verse writers. In spirit, too, he has the Whitman mood, or rather, he is absorbed by the same great social and democratic aspects of life. Few poets see life so broadly as Mr. Oppenheim or look as deeply below its surface; his work, however, is beset technically by the danger that attends a poet who works in a semi-prose medium, and the art is not always commensurate with the thought. Mr. Oppenheim’s other volumes of verse are: “Pioneers”, a poetic play, 1910; “Songs for the New Age”, 1914; “War and Laughter”, 1916; “The Book of Self”, 1917; “The Solitary”, 1919.

Peabody, Josephine Preston (Mrs. Lionel Marks). [1874-1922] (3) Born in New York City. Educated at the Girls’ Latin School of Boston and at Radcliffe College. Miss Peabody was Instructor of English at Wellesley College from 1901 to 1903. Her volumes in their order are: “The Wayfarers”, 1898; “Fortune and Men’s Eyes”, 1900; “Marlowe, a Drama”, 1901; “The Singing Leaves”, 1903; “The Wings”, 1905; “The Piper”, a drama, awarded the Stratford-on-Avon Prize of $1500 in 1910; “The Singing Man”, 1911; “The Wolf of Gubbio”, a drama, 1913; and “The Harvest Moon”, 1916. Miss Peabody’s charming play, “The Piper”, first produced at Stratford, was played also in New York at the Century Theater, having a successful run, and was revived in the winter of 1920 by the Drama League. Miss Peabody was a poet of a very delicate and individual art, whether in lyric or drama.

Percy, William Alexander. [1885-1942] (1) Born in Greenville, Miss., May 14, 1885. Was prepared for college chiefly by a Roman Catholic priest; went to the University of the South, at Sewanee, Tenn., where he received his B.A. degree. The next year he spent abroad, and the following entered Harvard Law School, where he took the degree of LL.B. He is now in the active practice of law in Greenville, Miss. His first book of poems, “Sappho in Levkas and Other Poems”, was published in 1915, and his second, “In April Once”, in 1920. During the World War, Mr. Percy had active service in France, having the rank of Captain.

Piper, Edwin Ford. [1871-1939] (1)
Born at Auburn, Neb., Feb. 8, 1871. Spent his early youth on a farm near his native town and in various parts of the cattle country of the State. Took his degree of A.B. from the University of Nebraska in 1897 and of A.M. in 1900, and later took graduate-student work at Harvard. Mr. Piper was Instructor in English at the University of Nebraska from 1899 to 1903, when he went to Harvard, and returned to the University in the same capacity for the two years following, when he entered upon the same position at the University of Iowa, where he still remains. He has published but one collection of verse, “Barbed Wire”, a volume dealing with life in the West, though he appears frequently in the magazines.

Rice, Cale Young. [1872-1943] (4)
Born at Dixon, Ky., Dec. 7, 1872. Graduated from Cumberland University in 1893 and from Harvard University in 1895, where he remained to take the degree of A.M. in 1896. He is the author of many fine poetic dramas, some of which have had successful stage presentation, and of several volumes of lyric poetry. In poetic drama his best-known works are “Charles di Tocca”, 1903; “David”, 1904; “Yolanda of Cyprus”, 1905; “A Night in Avignon”, 1907; “The Immortal Lure”, 1911; and “Porzia”, 1913. Of late Mr. Rice has confined himself chiefly to lyric poetry, covering a wide range of subjects, since he has traveled extensively and finds inspiration for his work in the beauty of far countries and their philosophies, as well as in the more familiar life about him. His best-known lyric collections are: “Nirvana Days”, 1908; “Many Gods”, 1910; “Far Quests”, 1912; “At the World’s Heart”, 1914; “Earth and New Earth”, 1916; “Trails Sunward”, 1917; “Wraiths and Realities”, 1918; “Songs to A. H. R.”, 1918; and “Shadowy Thresholds”, 1919. With the exception of the last five titles, Mr. Rice’s work, both in lyric and drama, may be found in his two volumes of “Collected Plays and Poems”, 1915.

Robinson, Corinne Roosevelt. [1861-1933] (2) Born in New York City in 1861. Educated by private teachers, and at Miss Comstock’s School in New York, supplemented by a short period of study in Dresden. Married Douglas Robinson, 1882. Mrs. Robinson, who is a sister to Col. Theodore Roosevelt, has always taken an active part in philanthropic and political affairs, and, since her brother’s death, has given much of her time to speaking upon his life and work, in the interest of Americanization. Mrs. Robinson has written several volumes of verse: “The Call of Brotherhood”, 1912; “One Woman to Another”, 1914; and “Service and Sacrifice”, 1919. All show the fine ideals and gracious spirit of their writer.

Robinson, Edwin Arlington. [1869-1935] (3) Born at Head Tide, Maine, Dec. 22, 1869. Educated at Harvard University. Mr. Robinson is a psychological poet of great subtlety; his poems are usually studies of types and he has given us a remarkable series of portraits. He is recognized as one of the finest and most distinguished poets of our time. His successive volumes are: “Children of the Night”, 1897; “Captain Craig”, 1902; “The Town Down the River”, 1910; “The Man Against the Sky”, 1916; “Merlin”, 1917; and “Launcelot”, 1920. The last-named volume was awarded a prize of five hundred dollars, given by The Lyric Society for the best book manuscript offered to it in 1919. In addition to his work in poetry, Mr. Robinson has written two prose plays, “Van Zorn”, and “The Porcupine”.
[Edwin Arlington Robinson won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1922 for “Collected Poems”, in 1925 for “The Man Who Died Twice”, and in 1928 for “Tristram”. — A. L., 1998.]

Sandburg, Carl. [1878-1967] (4)
Born at Galesburg, Ill., Jan. 6, 1878. Educated at Lombard College, Galesburg. Married Lillian Steichen, of Milwaukee, 1908. Mr. Sandburg served several years as secretary to the Mayor of Milwaukee, then went to Chicago where he became associate editor of `System’, leaving this magazine to become an editorial writer upon the `Chicago Daily News’. He first came into prominence by a poem on “Chicago” published in `Poetry’, of that city, and was awarded the Levinson Prize for this poem, in 1914. The following year he published a collection of his verse under the title of “Chicago Poems”, and in 1918 appeared his second volume, “Corn Huskers”. This was one of two volumes to receive the Columbia University award of $500 for the best book of verse of the year. Mr. Sandburg belongs to the newer movement in poetry, using the `vers-libre’ forms. He is a writer of rugged power, interested in the social aspects of modern life, but a poet who is also sensitive to beauty and a frequent master of the magic phrase. [Carl Sandburg won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1919 for “Corn Huskers”, and in 1951 for his “Complete Poems”. (Same as the Columbia University Prize listed above.) — A. L., 1998.]

Schauffler, Robert Haven. [1879-1964] (2) Born at Brun, Austria, though of American parentage, on April 8, 1879. He studied at Northwestern University, but took his degree of A.B. from Princeton, in 1902, and afterwards spent a year in study at the University of Berlin. Mr. Schauffler was a musician before he took up literature and was a pupil of several famous masters of the ‘cello. He has written upon musical subjects, notably in his volume, “The Musical Amateur”, and in his delightful account of his musical experiences in the Army, “Fiddler’s Luck”, 1920. He is also the author of several books of travel, such as “Romantic Germany”, and “Romantic America”, but it was with his poem, “Scum o’ the Earth”, published in one of the magazines in 1912, that he first came into prominence as a poet. As its name implies, it is a poem taking up the question of America’s debt to the immigrant, and looking at it with the vision of the poet. This poem furnished the title to Mr. Schauffler’s collection of verse, published in 1912.

Seeger, Alan. [1888-1916] (1)
Born in New York City, June 22, 1888. He spent his childhood upon Staten Island, where he was constantly in sight of the great steamships of all nations moving in and out of New York Harbor — the gateway to the Western Hemisphere. Returning to Manhattan, he was sent to the Horace Mann School, but while still a lad, the family removed to Mexico where the most impressionable years of his boyhood were spent. The influence of the romantic Southern life is shown in his earliest poetry. Upon his return to America, several years later, he was prepared for college at the Hackley School at Tarrytown, N.Y., and entered Harvard in 1906, where he remained to graduate in 1910. Then followed a period of indecision as to his future work, a period of two years spent in New York, seeking some adequate outlet for the gifts which he seemed unable to bring to a practical issue. Finally, his family decided to give him a period in Paris, and he had been living there, with excursions to other parts of the Old World, for nearly two years when the Great War broke out and furnished him with the incentive to high adventure which his spirit craved. He enlisted at once and was enrolled in the Foreign Legion which was soon sent to the front. For two years he played not only a gallant part as a soldier, but, as his letters and journal show, he developed personal qualities of the noblest. Indeed no dedication made by youth to the ideal of the war was more complete than his. During his period with the Legion he wrote the poems by which he will be remembered, “Champagne, 1914”, “Ode to the American Volunteers Fallen for France”, and his exquisite “Rendezvous”, published in this collection. All are beautiful and all have the exaltation which marked the soldier’s spirit in the earlier years of the war. Not only did his poems foreshadow his own death, but they showed the willingness, almost eagerness, with which he offered himself. Although America was not yet in the war, a tardiness which had been a great grief to Alan Seeger, there is a poetic coincidence in the fact that he met his death on July 4, 1916, while the Legion was carrying out an attack on the little village of Belloy-en-Santerre. After his death two volumes, containing his poems, letters, and diary, were issued, 1917, with an Introduction by William Archer.

Shanafelt, Clara. [?] (1)
Miss Shanafelt has, as yet, published no collection of poetry, but has appeared in the magazines, particularly `Poetry’, of Chicago, from whose pages we took the lyric included in this volume.

Shepard, Odell. [1884-1967] (1)
Born in Sterling, Ill., July 22, 1884. Educated at Harvard University. Is now instructor in the English department of Yale University. He is the author of “A Lonely Flute”, 1917.

Smith, May Riley. [1842-1927] (1)
Born in Rochester, N.Y., May 7, 1842. Educated at Tracey Female Institute, Rochester, and at Brockport, N.Y., Collegiate Institute. Married Albert Smith, of Springfield, Ill., in 1869. Author of “The Gift of Gentians”, 1882; “The Inn of Rest”, 1888; “Sometime and Other Poems”, 1892. While Mrs. Smith has in recent years done work much more modern in character and finer as poetry, she is most widely known for her poem, “Sometime”, written in her earlier life.

Speyer, Leonora. [1872-1956] (2)
Born in Washington, D.C., in 1872. Studied music in Brussels, Paris, and Leipzig, and played the violin professionally under Nikisch, Seidl, and others. Married Sir Edgar Speyer, of London, and lived in that city until 1915, when they came to America and took up their residence in New York. Lady Speyer, who had never written poetry until her return to her native country, has since that time made for herself a place among the newer group and is doing excellent work both in the free forms and lyric.
[Leonora Speyer won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1927 for “Fiddlers Farewell”. — A. L., 1998.]

Sterling, George. [1869-1926] (3)
Born at Sag Harbor, N.Y., Dec. 1, 1869. Educated at private schools and at St. Charles College, Ellicott City, Md. Mr. Sterling is a poet to whom the sublimer aspects of nature and thought appeal and he has a style admirably suited to their portrayal. He is the author of “The Testimony of the Suns”, 1903; “A Wine of Wizardry”, 1908; “The House of Orchids”, 1911; “Beyond the Breakers”, 1914; “Exposition Ode”, 1915; and “Lilith, A Dramatic Poem”, 1919.

Stork, Charles Wharton. [1881-1971] (2) Born in Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 12, 1881. Took the degree of A.B. at Haverford College, 1902; of A.M. at Harvard, 1903, and of Ph.D. at the University of Pennsylvania, 1905. He then went abroad to do research work in the universities of England and Germany, where he spent several years. In 1908 he married Elisabeth, daughter of Franz von Pausinger, artist, of Salzburg, Austria, and, returning to America, took up his work at the University of Pennsylvania, where he remained as instructor and associate professor until 1916, when he resigned to engage in literary work. Mr. Stork’s first book of verse to become known was “Sea and Bay”, 1916. Since then he has done a great deal of translating from the Swedish and German, having made admirable renderings of Gustaf Froding, 1916, as well as many other Swedish poets, whose work he published in an “Anthology of Swedish Lyrics”, 1917. He has since made a translation of “Selected Poems of Verner Von Heidenstam”, the Nobel Prize winner of 1916. In addition to his work in Swedish poetry, he has made an excellent rendering of the lyrics of Hofmansthal, the Austrian poet. Mr. Stork is the editor and owner of `Contemporary Verse’, devoted to the poetry of the present group in America. A second collection of his own verse will soon appear.

Teasdale, Sara. [1884-1933] (4)
Born in St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 10, 1884. Educated at private schools. Married Ernst B. Filsinger, 1915. She is the author of “Sonnets to Duse”, 1907; “Helen of Troy and Other Poems”, 1911; “Rivers to the Sea”, 1915; “Love Songs”, 1917, which was awarded the Columbia University Prize of $500 for the best book of poems of the current year. Miss Teasdale was also the editor of “The Answering Voice; A Hundred Love Lyrics by Women”, 1917. She herself wrote some of the finest love songs of our period and was one of the purest and most spontaneous lyric poets of her generation. [Sara Teasdale won the first Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1918 for “Love Songs”. (Same as the Columbia University Prize listed above.) — A. L., 1998.]

Tietjens, Eunice. [1884-1944] (1)
Born in Chicago, Ill., July 29, 1884. Educated in Europe, chiefly at Geneva, Dresden, and Paris. Married Paul Tietjens, musician, in 1904. Was divorced in 1914, and in 1920 married Cloyd Head, of Chicago. Was for several years associate editor of `Poetry’. Mrs. Tietjens has traveled extensively, especially in the interior of China. She also spent sixteen months in France as a war correspondent for the Chicago Daily News. Mrs. Tietjens is the author of “Profiles from China”, 1917, and “Body and Raiment”, 1919.

Torrence, Ridgely. [1875-1950] (2)
Born at Xenia, Ohio, Nov. 27, 1875. Educated at Miami University, Ohio, and at Princeton. Served as assistant librarian at the Astor and Lenox Libraries in New York City from 1897 to 1903. His volumes of poetry and poetic drama include: “The House of a Hundred Lights”, 1900; “El Dorado, A Tragedy”, 1903; “Abelard and Heloise: A Drama”, 1907. Since Mr. Torrence published his last collection, he has done some of his finest work in lyric and narrative poetry, work that has appeared in the magazines and which will probably be collected soon into book form. He is a poet of vision, one of the truest voices of our day, though his work is sparse in output.

Towne, Charles Hanson. [1877-1949] (3) Born at Louisville, Ky., Feb. 2, 1877. Educated at New York City College. Mr. Towne has been an active journalist, having been connected with several metropolitan magazines and successively editor of `The Smart Set’, `The Delineator’, `The Designer’, and `McClure’s Magazine’. Despite his journalistic work he has found time to write several volumes of poetry largely reflective of the life of to-day and particularly of Manhattan. The best-known are: “The Quiet Singer, and Other Poems”, 1908; “Manhattan”, 1909; “Youth, and Other Poems”, 1910; “Beyond the Stars, and Other Poems”, 1912; “To-Day and To-Morrow”, 1916; and “A World of Windows”, 1919.

Untermeyer, Jean Starr. [1886-1970] (1) Born at Zanesville, Ohio, in 1886. Educated in private schools of New York City and in special courses at Columbia University. Married Louis Untermeyer, the poet, 1907. Mrs. Untermeyer did not begin writing until the free verse movement was at its height, but she has done some excellent work and made a place for herself in the movement. Her volume of verse, “Growing Pains”, was published in 1918.

Untermeyer, Louis. [1885-1977] (3)
Born in New York City, Oct. 1, 1885. Educated in the public schools of that city. Mr. Untermeyer, in addition to writing poetry, has done much work in book reviewing, particularly for the `Chicago Evening Post’, and is the author of a critical book, “The New Era in American Poetry”, 1919, which discusses in a stimulating manner the work of a group of poets of the day. His own volumes of poems are: “First Love”, 1911; “Challenge”, 1914; “And Other Poets: A Book of Parodies”, 1916; “These Times”, 1917; “Including Horace”, another volume of parodies, 1919. Mr. Untermeyer has made an excellent translation of the “Poems of Heinrich Heine”, 1917, and has edited a school anthology of “Modern American Poetry”, 1919.

Walsh, Thomas. [1875-1928] (2)
Born in Brooklyn, Oct. 14, 1875. Educated at Georgetown University, where he took the degree of Ph.D. in 1892. Spent the years from 1892 to 1895, at Columbia University. In 1917 he received the honorary degree of Litt.D. from Georgetown University and of LL.D. from the University of Notre Dame. He is the author of “The Prison Ships”, 1909; “The Pilgrim Kings”, 1915; “Gardens Overseas”, 1917; and is the translator of a collection of the poems of the Nicaraguan poet, Ruben Dario. Mr. Walsh is much interested in Spanish literature and art and much of his work turns upon these themes.

Wattles, Willard. [1888-1950] (3)
Born in Bayneville, Kan., June 8, 1888. Educated at the University of Kansas, where he took the degree of A.B. in 1909 (Phi Beta Kappa) and of A.M. in 1911. Mr. Wattles took up the profession of teaching and was instructor in English at the High School, Leavenworth, Kan., 1910-11, leaving this position to go East and become one of the staff of the Massachusetts Agricultural College, where he remained until 1914, when he returned to his alma mater, the University of Kansas. He is still assistant in the English department of that college. He has published as yet but one collection, “Lanterns in Gethsemane”, 1917, a volume of poems pertaining to the life of Christ, but not written in the usual vein of religious poetry. He is also the compiler of “Sunflowers”, a book of Kansas poems, 1916.

Wheelock, John Hall. [1886-1978] (4)
Born at Far Rockaway, N.Y., in 1886. He took the degree of A.B. from Harvard University in 1908 and spent the next two years in Germany, studying during 1909 at Gottingen and during 1910 at the University of Berlin. Since his return to America he has been connected with the publishing house of Charles Scribner’s Sons. His first volume, “The Human Fantasy”, 1911, attracted attention by the faithfulness with which it depicted the motley life of New York. His second was “The Beloved Adventure”, 1912; followed by “Love and Liberation”, 1913, and “Dust and Light”, 1919. The last volume, from which the selections in this anthology are taken, contains some of Mr. Wheelock’s finest lyrical work, work full of the passion for beauty.

Widdemer, Margaret. [1884-1978] (4)
Born at Doylestown, Pa. Educated by private teachers and at the Drexel Institute Library School of Philadelphia, where she graduated in 1909. Attention was first drawn to her work by a child-labor poem, “The Factories”, which was widely quoted, the social movement in poetry being then at its height. Miss Widdemer is both poet and novelist, having published several books in each field. In poetry her work includes: “The Factories with Other Lyrics”, 1915; and “The Old Road to Paradise”, 1918. This volume shared with that of Carl Sandburg the Columbia University Prize of $500 for the best book of poems published in 1918. In the same year Miss Widdemer was married to Robert Haven Schauffler, author of “Scum o’ the Earth”. She is a poet of much delicacy, and several of her poems, notably “The Dark Cavalier” in this volume, are among the best lyric work of the period. [Margaret Widdemer won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1919 for “Old Road to Paradise”. (Same as the Columbia University Prize listed above.) — A. L., 1998.]

Wilkinson, Florence (Mrs. Wilfrid Muir Evans). [1878-?] (1)
Born at Tarrytown, N.Y. Miss Wilkinson studied at Chicago University and other American colleges and afterwards at the Sorbonne and the Bibliotheque Nationale of Paris. She is the author of several novels, of which the best known are: “The Lady of the Flag Flowers”, “The Strength of the Hills”, and “The Silent Door”; and also of one or two volumes of plays, but her best work is found in her poetry of which she has written two volumes: “The Far Country”, 1906, and “The Ride Home”, 1913.

Wilkinson, Marguerite Ogden Bigelow. [1883-1928] (2) Born at Halifax, Nova Scotia, Nov. 15, 1883. Educated at Northwestern University. Married James Wilkinson, 1909. Author of “In Vivid Gardens”, 1911; “By a Western Wayside”, 1912; “New Voices”, a critical study of present-day poetry, with a supplementary anthology, 1919; and “Bluestone”, a collection of her own poems, 1920. The title poem of this volume was awarded a prize of $150 by the Poetry Society of America for the best poem read at its meetings during 1919. Mrs. Wilkinson did a great deal of journalistic work, having conducted literary departments on various journals.

Wood, Clement. [1888-1950] (3)
Born at Tuscaloosa, Ala., Sept. 1, 1888, but reared in Birmingham, Ala., where he attended Taylor’s Academy and Birmingham High School. Received his degree of A.B. from the University of Alabama in 1909, and of LL.B. from Yale University in 1911. He returned to his home city of Birmingham and practiced law for several years, becoming assistant city attorney of Birmingham in 1912, and police magistrate of the Central District of Birmingham, 1912-13. The following year he came to New York for advanced work in sociology and literature and became a contributor of poems, essays, and short stories to various magazines. In 1917 he was awarded the first prize of $250 by the Newark Committee of One Hundred, as part of their Anniversary Celebration, for his poem, “The Smithy of God”, and in 1919 he was also awarded one of the three Lyric Society Prizes, of $500 each, for his poem, “Jehovah”. In 1914 Mr. Wood married Mildred M. Cummer, of Buffalo, N.Y., who is also a writer. In poetry he is the author of the following books: “Glad of Earth”, 1917; “The Earth Turns South”, 1919; and “Jehovah”, 1920. He has also written a novel called “Mountain”, published in 1920.

Rittenhouse, Jessie Belle. [1869-1948] Jessie Rittenhouse is best known as an editor and for her compilations, but she was also a poet — though she did not include her own work in her compilations. Her compilations and criticisms include: “The younger American poets”, 1904; “The Little Book of Modern Verse”, 1913; “The Little Book of American Poets, 1787-1900”, 1915; “The Second Book of Modern Verse”, 1919; “The Little Book of Modern British Verse: One Hundred Poets since Henley”, 1924; “The Third Book of Modern Verse”, 1927. Her own works include: “The Door of Dreams”, 1918; “The Lifted Cup”, 1921; “The Secret Bird”, 1930; “My House of Life; an Autobiography”, 1934; and “The Moving Tide; New and Selected Lyrics”, 1939. Her compilations went through numerous printings, and are still a good guide to the poetry of the era.

Notes to the text:

Though most of the publishers only required acknowledgements in the section devoted to such, one apparently insisted that they also appear in the text. These intrusions have been removed from the text, but are noted here:

Edwin Arlington Robinson.
`Flammonde’ & `Old King Cole’, reprinted from “The Man against the Sky”, 1916.

Vachel Lindsay.
`The Chinese Nightingale’ & `The Flower of Mending’, reprinted from “The Chinese Nightingale, and Other Poems”, 1917. `General William Booth Enters into Heaven’, reprinted from “General William Booth Enters into Heaven, and Other Poems”, 1913. `Abraham Lincoln Walks at Midnight’, reprinted from “The Congo, and Other Poems”, 1914.

Sara Teasdale.
`Love Songs’ (only the first 4 out of 5) reprinted from “Love Songs”, 1917.

Scudder Middleton.
`Interlude’ & `Romance’, reprinted from “The New Day”, 1919.

Amy Lowell.
`Venus Transiens’ & `Madonna of the Evening Flowers’ , reprinted from “Pictures of the Floating World”, 1919.
`Patterns’, reprinted from “Men, Women and Ghosts”, 1916. `A Lady’ & `Apology’, reprinted from “Sword Blades and Poppy Seed”, 1914.

John G. Neihardt.
`Ballad of a Child’, reprinted from “The Quest”, 1916.

Louis V. Ledoux.
`Mater Dolorosa’, reprinted from “The Story of Eleusis”, 1916.

Edgar Lee Masters.
`Spoon River Anthology’ (selections from), reprinted from “Spoon River Anthology”, 1915.
`Silence’, reprinted from “Songs and Satires”, 1915.

Mary Carolyn Davies.
`Smith, of the Third Oregon, Dies’, reprinted from “Drums in Our Street”, 1918.

Hermann Hagedorn.
`Doors’, reprinted from “Poems and Ballads”, 1913.

In some cases, e.g. “Love Songs” and “Spoon River Anthology”, there is a selection of short poems grouped together under the title of the book from which they were drawn — though in the case of “Love Songs”, only the first four are actually from the book of the same name.

Due to the technical limitations of ASCII, accents were not included in the text. However, a complete list follows of each line where an accent occurred in the original. The “pipe” character (|) indicates a special character, and a marker for the accent follows, except in cases where two vowels make a combined character, as in C(ae)sar. The appropriate accents should be obvious. The affected lines are:

Ad Matrem Amantissimam et Carissimam Filii in |Aeternum Fidelitas. Chanson of the Bells of Osen|\ey. [Cale Young Rice] Reveill|/e. [Louis Untermeyer]
The Unknown Belov|\ed. [John Hall Wheelock] Voyage |\a l’Infini. [Walter Conrad Arensberg] The bells of Osen|\ey
(Hautcl|\ere, Doucement, Austyn)
The bells of Osen|\ey
Hautcl|\ere chants to the East
The bells of Osen|\ey
(Doucement, Austyn, Hautcl|\ere)
The loveliest f|^ete and carnival
These things do not remember you, belov|\ed, — I am in love with all unveil|\ed faces.
Belov|\ed, till the day break,
Belov|\ed and my Love!
Bosomed with the Bless|\ed One,
Thinking, beside the pi|~nons’ flame, of days [changed to pinyon in text]
The bright Champs-Elys|/ees at last — The impasse and the loved caf|/e;
|\A deux and pledge across the wine!” Of bearing in grand d|/ejeuner.
And rich perfum|/ed smells
Of pil|\ed masonry, which shall be ours Said he, “Your most belov|\ed
Here have I no belov|\ed,
Here lies, thy true belov|\ed
including “The Magical City”, “Papa”, a comedy, and “D|/eclass|/e”, which won a great success with Ethel Barrymore in the leading r|^ole. the Croix de Guerre and the M|/edaille de Reconnaissance fran|,caise. “The Sharing”, 1914; translator of the poems of Th|/eophile Gautier, “The Shadow of |Aetna”, 1914; “The Story of Eleusis: A Lyrical Drama”, 1916. 1900; student University of G|”ottingen, 1901; University of Bonn, 1902; “Glory of the Morning”, a play, 1912; “|Aesop and Hyssop”, 1913. Born at Br|”un, Austria, though of American parentage, on April 8, 1879. having made admirable renderings of Gustaf Fr|”oding, 1916, “Abelard and H|/eloise: A Drama”, 1907. Since Mr. Torrence published of the Nicaraguan poet, Rub|/en Dario. Mr. Walsh is much interested in Germany, studying during 1909 at G|”ottingen and during 1910 the Sorbonne and the Biblioth|\eque Nationale of Paris.

Also all occurences of Ben|/et (Stephen Vincent & William Rose Ben|/et) and of Zo|”e for Zo|”e Akins.

The Acknowledgements section has been omitted.

Corrections to the text:
(These were checked against copies of the volumes from which the poems were extracted.)

Spoon River Anthology. [Edgar Lee Masters]

“As Bryon’s did, in song, in something noble,” changed to
“As Byron’s did, in song, in something noble,”

Abraham Lincoln walks at Midnight. [Vachel Lindsay]

added subtitle: (In Springfield, Illinois)

“A famous high-top hat and plain worn shawl” changed to
“A famous high top-hat and plain worn shawl”

“The prairie lawyer, master of us all.” changed to
“The prairie-lawyer, master of us all.”

Apology. [Amy Lowell]

“You blazen me with jewelled insignia.” changed to
“You blazon me with jewelled insignia.”

Biographical Notes:

“H. D.” was incorrectly identified as “Helena Doolittle”. This has been corrected to “Hilda Doolittle”.

In addition, some information was added to the Biographical Notes, most notably dates for each author (when available) and which ones won a Pulitzer Prize, and in which year(s).