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  • 1887
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Intercourse with strangers.
Use of simple methods and few instruments. Perseverance.
Theorizing power.
Books used only as tools.
Use of note-books and portfolios.
Courteous tone toward his reader.
Illustration of his books.
Consideration for other authors.
His wife’s tender care.
Cambridge life.
His character.
Intention of going into the church. Appointment to the “Beagle”.
The voyage.
Life at sea.
Views on slavery.
Excursion across the Andes.
Meets Sir J. Herschel.
Reaches home.
Life at London and Cambridge.
Residence at Cambridge.
Works on his ‘Journal of Researches.’ Appointed secretary of Geological Society. Visits Glen Roy.
Admiration for Lyell’s ‘Elements.’
Increasing ill-health.
At work on ‘Coral Reefs.’
His religious views.
Life at Down, 1842-1854.
Reasons for leaving London.
Early impressions of Down.
Theory of coral islands.
Time spent on geological books.
Purchases farm in Lincolnshire.
Dines with Lord Mahon.
Daughter Annie dies.
His children.
Growth of views on ‘Origin of Species.’ Plan for publishing ‘Sketch of 1844,’ in case of his sudden death. Pigeon fancying enterprise.
Collecting plants.
General acceptance of his work.
Publishes ‘Origin of Species.’
Elected correspondent of the Academy of Natural Sciences (Philadelphia). His views on the civil war in the United States. At Bournemouth.
His view of Lyell’s ‘Antiquity of Man.’ Receives the Copley medal.
Elected to Royal Society of Edinburgh. His conscientiousness in argument.
His intercourse with horticulturists and stock-raisers. Elected to the Royal Society of Holland. Made a knight of the Prussian order Pour le Merite. Sits for a bust.
Declines a nomination for the degree of D.C.L. because of ill-health. His connection with the South American Missionary Society. His answers to Galton’s questions on nature and nurture. Sits for portrait to W. Ouless.
Elected to Physiological Society.
Replies to Miss Cobbe on vivisection in the “Times”. Publishes the ‘Life of Erasmus Darwin.’
Sits for memorial portraits.
Receives various honours.
Makes a present to the Naples Zoological Station. His answers to Galton’s questions on the faculty of visualising. Offers aid to Fritz Muller.
Replies to Sir W. Thomson on abyssal fauna. His botanical work.
Builds a greenhouse.
Publishes work on the fertilisation of orchids. Studies the bloom on leaves and fruit.
Studies the causes of variability.
Studies the production of galls.
Studies aggregation.
Encourages Torbitt’s work on the potato disease. Aids the preparation of the Kew ‘Index of Plant-names.’ Death.
Burial in Westminster Abbey.
List of works.

DARWIN & Wallace’s joint paper on variation.

DARWIN, Edward, author of ‘Gamekeeper’s Manual.’

DARWIN, Mrs. Emma (Wedgwood), letter to.

DARWIN, Erasmus (born 1731), poet and philosopher. Character of.
Life published in English.

DARWIN, Erasmus (born 1759).

DARWIN, Erasmus Alvey (1804-1881), educated as a physician. Character of.
Carlyle’s sketch of his character.
Miss Wedgwood’s letter on his character. Letter from.
His death.

DARWIN, Robert, of Elston Hall.
Charles Darwin’s estimate of.

DARWIN, Robert Waring, (born 1724), publishes ‘Principia Botanica.’

DARWIN, Robert Waring, (born 1767), studies medicine at Leyden. Settles in Shrewsbury.
Marries Susannah Wedgwood.
His son Charles’s description of him. His six children.
Letters to.

DARWIN, Susan, letters to.

DARWIN, William, of Marton, first known ancestor of Charles.

DARWIN, William, son of Richard, appointed yeoman of the Royal Armoury.

DARWIN, William (1655).

DARWYN, Richard, of Marton, mentioned.

DAVIDSON, Thomas, letter to, asking him to investigate brachiopods. Letter to.
On British brachiopoda.

DE CANDOLLE, A., see Candolle, A. De.

DESCENT, doctrine of.


‘DESCENT OF MAN,’ published.
Work on.
Reviews of.
Reception in Germany.
Wallace’s views on.
Second edition.
Connected with socialism.

DESIGN IN NATURE, doctrine of.


‘DIFFERENT FORMS OF FLOWERS,’ published. Reviewed in ‘Nature.’

DIGESTION OF PLANTS, Darwin’s work on.



DOGS, multiple origin of.

DOHRN, Anton, letter to.

DONDERS, F.C., letters to.

DOWN, description of.

DRIFT near Southampton, stones standing on end in.

DU BOIS-REYMOND agrees with Darwin.

DYCK, W.T. van, letter to.

DYER, W. Thiselton, on Darwin’s botanical work. Letters to.

EAR, human, infolded point of.

Earthquakes, paper read on.

EATON, J., extract from his book on ‘Pigeons.’

‘EDINBURGH REVIEW,’ Darwin’s criticisms on.

EDUCATION, Darwin on.



ERRATIC BOULDERS of South America, paper on, read.

EVOLUTION, doctrine of, objections to, answered. Not a doctrine of chance.
And teleology.
Neither anti-theistic nor theistic. Mental.

EXPRESSION, facial, origin of.

‘EXPRESSION OF The EMOTIONS,’ published. Work on.
Reviews of.

EYRE, Gov., Darwin’s views on the prosecution of.

FABRE, J.H., letter to.

FALCONER, Hugh, letters to.
Letter to Darwin.
Views on the origin of elephants.
Reclamation from Lyell’s ‘Antiquity of Man.’

FARRER, F.W., letter to.

FARRER, Sir Thomas H., aids Darwin’s researches on earthworms. Letters to.

FAWCETT, Henry, defends Darwin’s reasoning.


FISKE, John, letter to.

FISHER, Mrs., letters to.

FITTON, W.H., mentioned.

FITZ-ROY, R.,captain of the “Beagle”. His character.
Meets Darwin.
Letters to.
His intention of resigning.

FLINT instruments.

FLOURENS, P.,on the ‘Origin of Species.’

FLOWERS, fertilisation of.

FORBES, David, praises Darwin’s work on Chile.

FORBES, Edward, his theory of change of level.

FORDYCE, J.,letter to.

FOREL, Aug., letter to.

‘FORMATION OF VEGETABLE MOULD,’ paper read on. Published.
Work on.
Its reception.

FOX, William Darwin, Darwin’s friendship with. Letters to.

FRANCE, Institute of, elects Darwin corresponding member.

FRAUDS, scientific.

FREE-WILL, doctrine of.

FREKE, Dr., his ‘Origin of Species by Means of Organic Affinity.’

FEUGIANS, Darwin’s impressions of.

GALAPAGOS animals and plants.

GALLS, production of, studied by Darwin.

GALTON, Francis, mentioned.
His questions on nature and nurture, and Darwin’s answers. His questions on the faculty of visualising, and Darwin’s answers.

‘GARDENERS’ CHRONICLE,’ Darwin answers Mr. Westwood in.

GAUDRY, A., letter to.

GEIKIE, Archibald, his opinion of Darwin’s geological works.

GEIKIE, James, letter to.

GENERA, varying of large.

GENERATION, spontaneous.



Second edition.


GEOLOGICAL RECORD, imperfection of.
Succession in.

GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, Darwin wishes to become a member. Papers contributed to.

GEOLOGICAL SPECIMENS secured during voyage. Disposed of.

GEOLOGICAL, importance of.
Of St. Jago.
Article on, in ‘Admiralty Manual.’
Darwin on the progress of.

GERMANY, progress of natural selection in.

GERMINATION, experiments in.

GILBERT, J.H., letter to.

GLACIAL period, its effect on species. Phenomena at Cwm Idwal.

GLACIERS, paper on ancient, in Wales.

GLEN ROY, Darwin visits.
‘Observations’ on, published.
Work criticised by D. Milne.

GOURMET CLUB and its members.

GOVERNMENT AID in publication of ‘Zoology of Voyage of “Beagle”.’

GRAHAM, W., letter to.

GRAY, Asa, his papers on natural selection and natural theology. Letters to.
Letter to Hooker on the ‘Origin of Species.’ On the ‘Origin of Species.’
Reviews the ‘Fertilisation of Orchids.’ Reviews the ‘Variation of Animals and Plants.’

GRAY, J.E., mentioned.

GUNTHER, A., letters to.

GURNEY, E., letter to.

HAAST, Sir Julius von, letter to.

HAECKEL, E., his views on the ‘Origin of Species.’ Darwin’s friendship with.
His work for natural selection in Germany. Letters to.

HALIBURTON, Mrs., letters to.

HARVEY, W.H., criticises the ‘Origin of Species.’

HAUGHTON, Rev. S., criticises Darwin and Wallace’s joint paper.

HENSLOW, J.S., his friendship with Darwin. His character.
Letter from.
Letters to.
Presides at the Oxford discussion on the ‘Origin of Species.’ His views on natural selection.
His death.

HERBERT, John Maurice, Darwin’s friendship with. Letters to.

HERSCHEL, Sir J., Darwin’s opinion of. Meets Darwin.

HETEROGENY, Darwin on.

HIGGINSON, T.W., letter to.

HILDEBRAND, F., letters to.

HIPPOCRATES anticipates Darwin on pangenesis.

HOLMGREN, Frithiof, letter to.

HOLLAND, Royal Society of, elects Darwin a member.

HOLLAND, Sir Henry, his view of the ‘Origin of Species.’

HOMOEOPATHY, Darwin’s estimate of.

HONOURS conferred on Darwin, list of.

HOOKER, Sir Joseph D., Darwin’s friendship for. Letters to.
Letter from.
His reminiscences of Darwin.
On the ‘Origin of Species.’
Darwin on his ‘Australian Flora.’
Answers Harvey.
Memorial on his treatment by the First Commissioner of Works. Reviews the ‘Fertilisation of Orchids.’

HOOKER, Sir William, mentioned.

HOPKINS, William, reviews the ‘Origin of Species.’

HUDSON, Darwin’s reply to.

HUMBOLDT, Darwin’s estimate of.

HUTTON, F.W., reviews the ‘Origin of Species.’

HUXLEY, Thomas Henry, mentioned.
His opinion of Darwin’s work on ‘Cirripedes.’ On the ‘Vestiges of Creation.’
On the ‘Philosophie Zoologique.’
On the ‘Principles of Geology.’
On the reception of the ‘Origin of Species.’ Letters to.
On the ‘Origin of Species.’
Reviews the ‘Origin of Species’ in ‘Westminster Review.’ Defends Darwin before the British Association. Contradicts R. Owen.
Letter from.
Lectures to workingmen on natural selection. Asked by Darwin to write a text-book on zoology. Replies to the ‘Quarterly’ reviewer on the ‘Descent of Man.’

HYATT, Alpheus, letter to, on his theory of acceleration.

HYBRID GEESE, fertility of.


IMMORTALITY, Darwin’s views upon.


INFERIORITY inherited by the forms which are beaten.

INNES, Rev. J. Brodie, on Darwin’s interest in village affairs. On the ‘Origin of Species’ and the Bible. On Darwin’s conscientiousness.
Letter to.

Work on.

INSECTS, instinct of.
As carriers of pollen.

INSTINCT, Darwin on.

ISLANDS, animals of.

ISOLATION, effect of, on the origin of species.

JARDINE, Sir W., mentioned.

JEFFREYS, Gwyn, mentioned.

JENKINS, Fleeming, reviews the ‘Origin of Species.’ Darwin on his criticisms.

JENYNS (BLOMEFIELD), Rev. Leonard, mentioned. Letters to.
Letter from.
His ‘Observations in Natural History.’

JONES, Dr. Bence, is Darwin’s physician.

Lyell’s opinion of.
The German translation and its reception. Second edition published.
Dedication of.
Condemned in manuscript.

JUDD, Prof., his paper on ‘Volcanoes of the Hebrides.’ On Darwin’s desire to promote the progress of science.

JUKES, Joseph B., mentioned.

KEW, ‘Index of Plant Names.’

KINGSLEY, Rev C., letter from, on the ‘Origin of Species.’

KOCH’S RESEARCHES on splenic fever.
Darwin on.

KOLLIKER, Prof., is reviewed by Huxley.

KRAUSE, Ernst, criticises Bronn’s German edition of the ‘Origin of Species.’
His essay on Erasmus Darwin published.

KROHN, Aug., finds mistakes in the ‘Origin of Species.’

LAMARCK’s discussion of the species question, its insufficiency. Darwin on.

LANE, Dr., his recollections of Darwin.

LANGEL reviews the ‘Origin of Species.’

LANKESTER, E. Ray, letter to.

LANSDOWNE, Marquis of, anecdote of.

LEE, Samuel, mentioned.

LESQUEREUX, Leo, accepts the doctrine of natural selection.

LEWES, G.H., reviews the ‘Variation of Animals and Plants.’

LINDLEY, John, mentioned.

LINNEAN SOCIETY obtains memorial portrait of Darwin.

LITCHFIELD, Mrs., on Darwin’s style.
Letter to.


LONSDALE, William, mentioned.

LOWELL, J.A., reviews the ‘Origin of Species.’

LUBBOCK, Sir John, letters to.
On the burial of Darwin.

LYELL, Sir Charles, estimate of his character as a geologist. Letters to.
Letters from.
Opinion of ‘Coral Reefs.’
His views of the ‘Origin of Species.’ On the origin of species by natural causes. Admission of the doctrine of natural selection. Darwin on his ‘Antiquity of Man.’
Falconer’s reclamation from his ‘Antiquity of Man.’ Darwin on his ‘Elements of Geology.’
His death.
Darwin’s opinion of.

MACAULAY and his memory.

MCDONNELL, R., his study of electrical organs in fish.

MACKINTOSH, D., his work on erratic blocks.

MACLEAY, W.S., mentioned.

MADEIRA AND BERMUDA birds not peculiar.

MALAY ARCHIPELAGO,’ Wallace’s ‘Zoological Geography of.

MAMMALS, descent of, from a single type.

MAN, all races of, descended from one type. Antiquity of.
Origin of.
Relationship to apes.

MARRIAGES, consanguineous.

MARSH, O.C., letter to.

MASTERS, Maxwell, letter to.

MATTHEW, Patrick, anticipates the doctrine of natural selection.

MAW, George, reviews the ‘Origin of Species.’

MEDAL of Royal Society awarded to Darwin.

MEGATHERIUM sent down from heaven.

MESMERISM, Darwin’s estimate of.

MILNE, D., criticises Glen Roy paper.


MIVART, St. G., Darwin on his ‘Genesis of Species.’ His ‘Genesis of Species’ reviewed by Chauncey Wright. Criticised by Huxley.
His ‘Lessons from Nature’ reviewed in the ‘Academy.’


MODIFICATIONS, absence of.

MOGGRIDGE, J.T., letter to.

MOJSISOVIC, E. von, Darwin on ‘Dolomit Riffe.’

MONADS, persistence of.


MONSTROSITIES are sterile.

MORSE, E.S., letter to.

MOSELEY, H.N., letters to.

MULLER, Fritz, letters to.
His ‘Fur Darwin’ translated.
Receives offer of aid from Darwin.

MULLER, Hermann, letters to.

MULLER, Max, his ‘Lectures on the Science of Language.’

MURRAY, Andrew, quoted on the ‘Origin of Species.’

MURRAY, John, letters to.



NAGELI, C., his ‘Entstehung und Begriff der Naturhistorischen Art.’ Letter to.

NAPLES Zoological Station receives a present from Darwin.

NATURAL HISTORY, Darwin’s passion for.

NATURAL SELECTION, see Selection, natural.

NAUDIN, Darwin on.

NEUMAYR, Melchior, letter to.

NEVILL, Lady Dorothy, letter to.

NEWTON, A., letter to.
Reviews the ‘Variation of Animals and Plants.’

NEW ZEALAND, animals of.
Plants of.

NOBILITY, natural selection among.

NOMENCLATURE of species, discussion on.

NORMAN, E., Darwin’s secretary.

NOVARA expedition.


OGLE, William, letter to.

‘ORCHIDS, FERTILISATION OF,’ work on. Published.
Reviews of.
Second edition published.

‘ORCHIS BANK’ described.

ORGANS, rudimentary.

‘ORIGIN OF SPECIES,’ first note-book of, opened. Growth of the.
Its success.
Second edition.
Darwin’s change of views upon.
Description of sketch of 1844.
Huxley’s view of sketch of 1844.
Prof. Newton’s view of same.
The writing of.
Abstract book.
Unorthodoxy of.
Faults of style.
Lyell on.
Huxley on.
Bishop Wilberforce on.
Huxley’s summary of reviews of.
Answer to Lyell on.
H.C. Watson on.
Jos. D. Hooker on.
French translation proposed.
First German edition.
Reviewed in the “Times”.
First American edition.
Asa Gray on.
Kingsley on.
And the Bible.
Rev. J. Brodie Innes on.
Reviewed in the ‘Edinburgh Review.’ Reviewed in the ‘North American Review.’ Reviewed in the ‘Revue des deux Mondes.’ Reviewed in the “New York Times”.
Reviewed in the “Christian Examiner”. Discussed by the British Association.
Reviewed in ‘Quarterly Review.’
Reviewed in the ‘London Review.’
Reviewed in the ‘American Journal of Science and Arts. Bronn’s criticisms of.
Reviewed in the ‘Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.’ Answers to criticisms on.
Third edition.
‘Historical Sketch of the Recent Progress of Opinion on the.’ Dutch edition.
First French edition.
Reviewed in the ‘Geologist.’
Reviewed in the ‘Dublin Hospital Gazette.’ Reviewed in the ‘Zoologist.’
De Candolle’s view of.
Haeckel’s view of.
Gen. Sabine on.
Flourens on.
Second French edition.
Criticised by the Duke of Argyll.
Fourth edition.
Third German edition.
Russian editions of.
Fifth edition.
Reviewed in the ‘North British Review.’ Reviewed in the ‘Athenaeum.’
Third and fourth French editions.
Sixth edition.
Criticised by Pusey.
‘Coming of age of.’

OSTRICH, Darwin discovers a new species of.

OULESS, W., paints Darwin’s portrait.

OWEN, Sir R., criticises Darwin’s theory. Contradicted by Huxley.
His views on variation by descent.

PALEY’s argument of design in nature no longer good. His ‘Natural Theology’ mentioned.


PANGENESIS, hypothesis of.
Opinions on.
Anticipated by Hippocrates.

PARKER, Henry, defends the ‘Fertilisation of Orchids.’

PARSONS, Theophilus, reviews the ‘Origin of Species.’

PEACOCK, George, letter on appointment of naturalist to “Beagle”. Letter from, appointing Darwin to “Beagle”.

PENGELLY, William, mentioned.

PERTHES, Boucher de, Darwin on.

PETRELS as agents of distribution.

PHILLIPS, John, mentioned.



PHOTOGRAPHS, albums of, presented to Darwin by German and Dutch scientists.

PHYSIOLOGICAL SOCIETY elects Darwin an honorary member.

PICTET, Francois Jules, reviews the ‘Origin of Species.’

PIGEONS, Darwin’s interest in.

PLANTS, fossil.
sexuality of.
A recent discovery.

PLATYSMA, contraction of, from shuddering.


POTATO DISEASE, Torbitt’s experiments on.

POUR LE MERITE, Darwin admitted to order.

POUTER PIGEON, variation in.

‘POWER OF MOVEMENT IN PLANTS,’ published. Work on.

PRESTWICH, J., letter to.

PREYER, W., letter to.

PRIMOGENITURE, law of, Darwin on.


PRIORITY, nomenclature of species by.

PROGRESSION, necessary.

PROTECTION, modification for.

PUSEY’s criticisms of the ‘Origin of Species.’

‘QUARTERLY REVIEW,’ recognises merits of ‘Journal of Researches.’

QUATREFAGES, J.L.A. de, letters to.

RELIGIOUS VIEWS OF DARWIN, difficulties not created by science.


REVELATION, Darwin’s disbelief in.

REVERSION, Darwin on.

REYMOND, Du Bois-, letter to.

RICHMOND, W.B., paints Darwin’s portrait.

RIDLEY, C., letter to.

RIVERS, T., letter to.

ROBERTSON, G. Croom, letter to.

ROBERTSON, John, reviews the ‘Origin of Species.’

RODWELL, Rev. J.M., letter to.

ROLLESTON, George, his ‘Canons.’

ROMAN CATHOLIC church on evolution.

ROMANES, G.J., on Darwin’s conscientiousness. Letters to.

ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS presents the Baly medal to Darwin.

ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH elects Darwin honorary member.

ROYER, Mlle. Clemence, translates the ‘Origin of Species.’ Publishes third French edition.


SABINE, Gen., on the ‘Origin of Species.’

SALTER, J.W., his diagram of spirifers. ‘Sand-walk’ described.

SANDERSON, J. Burdon, letter to.

SAPORTA, Marquis de, letter to.

SCHAAFFHAUSEN, H., claims to anticipate Darwin.

SCOTT, John, Darwin’s estimate of.

SEDGWICK, Rev. Adam, mentioned.
On the ‘Origin of Species.’
His review of the ‘Origin of Species.’ Criticises the ‘Origin of Species.’
On the imperfection of the geological record.

SEEDS, vitality of.

SELECTION, NATURAL, doctrine of, clearly conceived by Darwin about 1839. Opposed to doctrine of design.
Effect of, on the scientific mind.
And religion.
Small effects of, in changing species. Among the nobility.
Huxley’s lectures to workingmen on. Progress of.
Darwin anticipated on.
Use of the term.
Effect on sterility.
Progress among the clergy.
Progress of, in Germany.
Progress of, in France.

SELECTION, SEXUAL, instance of, in the dogs of Beyrout.

SEMPER, K., letters to.

SHELBURNE, Lord, anecdote of.

SLAVERY, Darwin’s opinion of.
In the United States.

SMITH, Sydney, inexplicably amusing.

SOCIALISM and the descent of man.

SOCIETIES, learned, Darwin’s membership in.


SPECIES, mutability of.
Origin of, effect of isolation on.
Specific centres.

SPENCER, Herbert, letters to.
Prof. Huxley’s friendship with.
Darwin on.
Originates the term ‘survival of the fittest.’ His impression of ‘Pangenesis.’

SPIRITISM, Darwin on.

SPONTANEITY, Bain’s theory of.

SPRENGEL, C.C., his work on the fertilisation of flowers.

STANHOPE, Lord, his parties of historians.

STEBBING, Rev. T.R.R., letter to.

STENDEL’S ‘Nomenclator.’

STERILITY, effect of natural selection on. Of moths.

STOKES, Admiral, Lord, extract from letter of.

STONES standing on end in the Southampton drift.

STRICKLAND, Hugh, letters to.
Letter from.



STYLE of Darwin.

SUBLIMITY, where felt most by Darwin.

SULIVAN, B.J., letter to.

SULIVAN, Admiral Sir James, extract from letter of.

SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST, use of the term.

TEGETMEIER, W.B., extract from letter to.

TELEOLOGY, evolution and.
Darwin’s revival of.

TENERIFFE, projected trip to.

THIEL, H., letter to.

THOMSON, Thomas, mentioned.

THOMSON, Sir Wyville, on abyssal fauna.

THORLEY, Miss, botanical work with.

THWAITES, G.J.K., mentioned.

TIERRA DEL FUEGO MISSION, Darwin’s connection with.

“TIMES”, its review of the ‘Origin of Species.’ Darwin on.

TORBITT, James, his work on the potato disease.

TURIN, Royal Academy of, presents Darwin the Bressa prize.

TYLOR, E.B., letter to.

TYNDALL, John, praises the ‘Origin of Species.’

USBORNE, A.B., extract from a letter of.

VAN DYCK, W.T., letter to.

VARIATIONS IN SPECIES, Wallace’s essay on. Darwin and Wallace’s joint paper on.
Governed by design.
Cause of.
Mimetic, of butterflies.
Governed by design.
Mimetic, of plants.
In colours of insects.
Transmission of.
Darwin studies the causes of.

Reviewed in the “Nation”.
Russian edition.
Second edition.
Reviewed in the “Pall Mall Gazette”. Reviewed in the “Gardeners’ Chronicle”.
Reviewed in the “Athenaeum”.
Reviewed in the ‘Zoological Record.’ American edition.

VARIETIES, production of.
And species, collecting facts about.

‘VESTIGES OF CREATION’ read by Darwin. Huxley on.

VINES, S.H., letter to.

VIRCHOW connects the descent of man with socialism.

VISUALISING, questions and answers on the faculty of.


WAGNER, Moritz, criticised by A. Weismann. Letters to.

WAGNER, R., mentioned.

WALLACE, A.R., sends essay to Darwin. Letters to.
Essay on variation.
His ‘Zoological Geography.’
Reviews the ‘Descent of Man.’
Reviews Mivart’s ‘Lessons from Nature.’ Pension granted to.
Defends the ‘Fertilisation of Orchids.’

WATKINS, Archdeacon, reminiscence of Darwin. Letter to.

WATSON, H.C., mentioned.
On the ‘Origin of Species.’

WEDGWOOD, Josiah, his character.
Letter from.

WEDGWOOD, Miss Julia, on Erasmus Darwin, in “Spectator”. Letter to.

WEISMANN, August, letters to.

WELLS, Dr., anticipates Darwin on natural selection.

WESTMINSTER ABBEY, Darwin buried in.

WHEWELL, Dr., mentioned.
On the succession of species.

WHITLEY, C., letter to.

WIESNER, Julius, letter to.

WILBERFORCE, Bishop, criticises the ‘Origin of Species.’

WILLIAM IV, coronation of.

WOODPECKER, Pampas, Darwin on.

WOOLNER, T., makes a bust of Darwin.
Discovers infolded point of the human ear.


WOLLASTON’s ‘Insecta Maderensia.’
His ‘Variation of Species’ referred to.


WRIGHT, Chauncey, letter from.
Letters to.
On his visit to Darwin at Down.

YARRELL, William, mentioned.

Reads a paper at.

‘ZOOLOGY OF THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. “BEAGLE”,’ arrangement for publication.