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  • 1840
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gazed upon him with a fierce and vindictive look, but without attempting to rise.

“I will not deny, Lennard Sherbrooke,” he replied, “that I know you; I will not even deny that I know you to be Earl of Byerdale. But I know you also to be a proclaimed traitor and outlaw, having borne arms against the lawful sovereign of these realms, subjected by just decree to forfeiture and attainder; and I call upon every one here present to aid me in arresting you, and you to surrender yourself, to take your trial according to law!” “Weak man, give over!” replied the Colonel. “All your schemes are frustrated, all your base designs are vain. You writhe under my heel, like a crushed adder, but, serpent, I tell you, you bite upon a file. First, for myself, I am not a proclaimed traitor; but, pleading the King’s full pardon for everything in which I may have offended, I claim all that is mine own, my rights, my privileges, my long forgotten name, even to the small pittance of inheritance, which, in your vast accessions of property, you did not even scruple to grasp at, and which has certainly mightily recovered itself under your careful and parsimonious hand. But, nevertheless, though I claim all that is my own, I claim neither the title nor the estates of Byerdale. Wilton, my boy, stand forward, and let any one who ever saw or knew your gallant and noble father, and your mother, who is now a saint in heaven, say if they do not see in you a blended image of the two.”

“He was his natural child! he was his natural child!” cried Henry Sherbrooke, starting up from his seat. “I ascertained it beyond a doubt! I have proof! I have proof!”

“Again, false man?–Again?” said Lennard Sherbrooke.

“Cannot shame keep you silent? You have no proof! You can have no proof!–You found no proof of the marriage–granted; because care was taken that you should not. But I have proof sufficient, sir. This lady, whom I must call in this land Mistress Helen Oswald, though the late King bestowed upon her father and herself a rank higher than that to which she now lays claim, was present at the private marriage of her sister to my brother, by a Protestant clergyman, before Sir Harry Oswald ever quitted England. There is also the woman servant, who was present likewise, still living and ready to be produced; and if more be wanting, here is the certificate of the clergyman himself, signed in due form, together with my brother’s solemn attestation of his marriage, given before he went to the fatal battle in which he fell. To possess yourself of these papers, of the existence of which you yourself must have entertained some suspicions, you used unjustifiable arts towards this noble Earl of Sunbury, which were specious enough even to deceive his wisdom; but I obtained information of the facts, and frustrated your devices.”

“Ay,” said Harry Sherbrooke, “through my worthy son, doubtless, through my worthy son, who, beyond all question, used his leisure hours in reading, privately, his father’s letters and despatches, for the great purpose of making that father a beggar!”

“I call Heaven to witness!” exclaimed the young gentleman, clasping his hands together eagerly. But Lord Sunbury interposed.

“No, sir,” he said, “your son needed no such arts to learn that fact, at least; for even before I sent over the papers to you which you demanded, I wrote to your son, telling him the facts, in order to guard against their misapplication. Unfortunate circumstances prevented his receiving my letter in time to answer me, which would have stopped me from sending them. He communicated the fact, however, to Colonel Sherbrooke, and the result has been their preservation.”

The unfortunate man was about to speak again; but Lord Sunbury waved his hand mildly, saying, “Indeed, my good sir, it would be better to utter no more of such words as we have already heard from you. Should you be inclined to contest rights and claims which do not admit of a doubt, it must be in another place and not here. You will remember, however, that were you even to succeed in shaking the legitimacy of my young friend, the Earl of Byerdale here present, which cannot by any possibility be done, you would but convey the title and estates to his uncle, Colonel Sherbrooke, to whose consummate prudence, in favour of his nephew, it is now owing that these estates, having been suffered to rest for so many years in your hands, no forfeiture has taken place, which must have been the case if he had claimed them for his nephew before this period. Whatever be the result, you lose them altogether. But I am happy that it is in my power,” he added, advancing towards him whom we have hitherto called Lord Sherbrooke, “to say that this reverse will not sink your family in point of fortune so much as might, be imagined. That, sir, is spared to you, by your son’s marriage with this young lady.”

Caroline started up eagerly from the table, gazing with wild and joyful eyes in the face of Lord Sunbury, and exclaiming, “Have you, have you accomplished it?”

“Yes, my dear young lady, I have,” replied Lord Sunbury.

“The King, in consideration of the old friendship which subsisted between your father and himself, in youthful days, before political strifes divided them, has granted that the estate yet unappropriated shall be restored to you, on two conditions, one of which is already fulfilled–your marriage with an English Protestant gentleman, and the other, which doubtless you will fulfil, residence in this country, and obedience to the laws. He told me to inform you that he was not a man to strip the orphan. You will thus have competence, happy, liberal competence.”

Her husband pressed Caroline to his bosom for a moment. But he then walked round the table, approached his father, and kissed his hand, saying, in a low voice, “My lord, let a repentant son be at least happy in sharing all with his father.”

For once in his life his father was overcome, and bending down his head upon son’s neck, he wept.

Lord Sunbury gazed around him for a moment; but then turning to Lady Helen Oswald, he said, “I have much to say to you, but it must be in private. Nevertheless, even now, let me say that your motives have been explained to me; that I understand them; that she who could sacrifice her heart’s best affections to a parent in exile, in poverty, in sickness, and in sorrow, has a greater claim than ever upon the heart of every noble man. You have, of old, deeper claims on mine, and by the ring upon this finger, by the state of solitude in which my life has been passed, you may judge that those claims have not been forgotten–Helen?” he added, taking her hand in his.

The Lady Helen turned her head away, with a cheek that was glowing deeply; but her hand was not withdrawn, and the fingers clasped upon those of Lord Sunbury.

The Earl smiled brightly. “And now, my lord duke,” he said, “I besought your lordship about an hour ago to suspend your decision upon a point of great importance. Did I do right?”

“My lord,” answered the Duke, gaily, “I hope I am not too quick this time; but my decision is already made. Wilton, my dear boy, take her–take her–I give her to you with my whole heart!”