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point for a player to get as many men crowned as possible. If each player should be fortunate enough to get two or three Kings, the game becomes very exciting. Immediately after crowning, it is well for a player to start blocking up his opponent’s men, so as to allow more freedom for his own pieces, and thus prepare for winning the game.

It is the rule that if a player touch one of his men he must play it. If player A omit to take a man when it is in his power to do so, his opponent B can huff him; that is, take the man of the player A off the board. If it is to B’s advantage, he may insist on his own man being taken, which is called a “blow.” The usual way is to take the man of the player A who made the omission, and who was huffed, off the board.

It is not considered right or fair for any one watching the game to advise what move to be made, or for a player to wait longer than five minutes between each move.

Great care should be taken in moving the men, as one false move may at any time endanger the whole game.

With constant practice any one can soon become a very fair player, but even after the game has been played only a few times it will be found very interesting.

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There are several ways of playing Dominoes, but the following game is the most simple:

The dominoes are placed on the table, face downward, and each player takes up one, to decide who is to play first. The one who draws the stone with the highest number of pips on it takes the lead. The two stones are then put back among the rest; the dominoes are then shuffled, face downward, and the players choose seven stones each, placing them upright on the table, so that each can see his own stones, without being able to overlook those of his opponent.

As there are twenty-eight stones in an ordinary set, there will still be fourteen left from which to draw.

The player who has won the lead now places a stone, face upward, on the table. Suppose it be double-six, the other player is bound to put down a stone on which six appears, placing the six next to the double-six. Perhaps he may put six-four; the first player then puts six-five, placing his six against the opposite six of the double-six; the second follows with five-four, placing his five against the five already on the table; thus, you see, the players are bound to put down a stone which corresponds at one end with one of the end numbers of those already played. Whenever a player has no corresponding number he must draw from the fourteen that were left out for that purpose. If, when twelve of these fourteen stones are used up, he cannot play, he loses his turn, and his opponent plays instead of him. The two remaining dominoes must not be drawn.

When one of the players has used up all his dominoes, his opponent turns up those he has left, the pips are then counted, and the number of pips is scored to the account of the player who was out first.

If neither player can play, the stones are turned face upward on the table, and the one who has the smallest number of pips scores as follows: If the pips of one player count ten and those of the other player five, the five is deducted from the ten, leaving five to be scored by the player whose pips only counted five.

The dominoes are shuffled again, the second player this time taking the lead, and the game proceeds in this way until one or other has scored a hundred, the first to do so winning the game.

This game is generally played by two only, though it is possible for four, five, or even six to join in it; but, in that case, they cannot, of course, take seven stones each, so they must divide the stones equally between them, leaving a few to draw from, if they prefer it; if not they can divide them all.

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In this game the children join hands and walk round in a circle, singing the following words:

Green gravel, green gravel, your grass is so green, The fairest young damsel that ever was seen. I’ll wash you in new milk and dress you in silk, And write down your name with a gold pen and ink. Oh! (Mary) Oh! (Mary) your true love is dead; He’s sent you a letter to turn round your head.

When the players arrive at that part of the song, “Oh, Mary!” they name some member of the company; when the song is finished, the one named must turn right round and face the outside of the ring, having her back to all the other players. She then joins hands in this position and the game continues as before until all the players face outward. They then recommence, until they all face the inside of the ring as at first.

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This is another game that is played with dominoes, and is one of the most popular. It is excellent practice for counting, and to be successful at it depends, in a very great measure, upon skill in doing this. Two, three or four players may take part in this game. After the dominoes have been shuffled, face downward, each player takes an equal number of stones, leaving always three, at least, upon the table; no player, however, may take more than seven, and it is perhaps better to limit the number to five.

In playing dominoes, it should always be borne in mind that one end of the domino to be played must always agree in number with the end of the domino it is to be placed against.

The object of the game is to make as many “fives” and “threes” as are possible; for instance, a player should always make the domino show fifteen if he can, as three divides into fifteen five times, and five divides into fifteen three times, and he would thus score 8 (three and five). The way to count is to add the two extreme ends together, always, of course, trying to make the number as high as possible, and to make it one into which either three or five will divide, as if a number be formed into which these numbers will not divide, no score will result.

Suppose there are two players, A and B. A starts the game by playing the double-six, for which he scores 4 (three dividing into twelve four times). B then plays the six-three, making fifteen, and thus scores 8 (the highest score possible, as explained above). A next plays the double-three, which makes eighteen, and scores 6 (three dividing into eighteen six times). B then plays six-blank onto the double-six on the left-hand side and scores 2 (three dividing into six twice). A holding the blank-three, places it onto the blank end, making the number nine, and scores 3. B next plays the three-four, which makes ten, and 2 is added to his score (five dividing into ten twice). Thus the game proceeds, each player trying to make as many fives and threes as possible.

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Take your pencil and write upon the top of your paper the words, “Birds, Beasts, and Fishes.” Then tell your companion that you are going to think of, for instance, an animal. Put down the first and last letters of the name, filling in with crosses the letters that have been omitted. For example, write down on the paper C*******e. Your companion would have to think of all the animals’ names that he could remember which contained nine letters, and commenced with the letter C and ended with “e.” If the second player after guessing several times “gives it up,” the first player would tell him that the animal thought of was “Crocodile,” and would then think of another Bird, Beast, or Fish, and write it down in a similar manner. If, however, the name of the animal be guessed, then it would be the second player’s turn to take the paper and pencil.

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This is a game every boy or girl thoroughly enjoys. Take paper, and with a pencil draw four cross lines as shown:


Two persons only can play at this game, one player taking “noughts,” the other “crosses.” The idea is for the one player to try and draw three “noughts” in a line before the other player can do the same with three “crosses.” Supposing the player who places his “O” in the right-hand top corner, the player who has taken the “crosses” will perhaps place an “X” in the left-hand top corner. The next “O” would be placed in the bottom left-hand corner; then to prevent the line of three “noughts” being completed, the second player would place his “X” in the center square. An “O” would then be immediately placed in the right-hand bottom corner, so that wherever the “X” was placed by the next player, the “noughts” would be bound to win. Say, for instance, the “X” has chosen the “noughts” commences and was placed in the center square on the right-hand side, the place for the “O” to be put would be the center square at the bottom, thus securing the game. The diagram would then appear as illustrated:

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There can be two, three, or four players for this game. First take paper and pencil and write the players’ names across the top of the paper in the order in which they are to play. Next draw a large circle, in the center of which draw a smaller one, placing the number 100 within it. The space between the inner and outer circles must be divided into parts, each having a number, as shown in the diagram.

This having been done, the first player closes his eyes, takes the pencil, and places his hand over the paper, the point of the pencil just touching it. He then repeats the following rhyme, moving the pencil round and round while doing so:

Tit, tat, toe,
My first go,
Four jolly butcher boys
All in a row.
Stick one up,
Stick one down,
Stick one in
The old man’s crown.

At the word “crown” the player must keep the point of the pencil firmly on the paper, and open his eyes. If the pencil is not within the circle, or if within but with the point of the pencil resting upon a line, then the player gives the pencil to the next player, having scored nothing.

If, on the contrary, at the end of the rhyme, the pencil is found to be resting in a division of the circle, for instance, marked “70,” that number is placed beneath the player’s name, and the section is struck by drawing a line across it. If afterward the pencil rest in a division of the circle that has been struck out, the player loses his turn in the same way as if the pencil were not in the circle at all, or had rested upon a line of the diagram.

The game continues until all the divisions of the circle have been scored out, when the numbers gained by each of the players are added up, and the one who has scored the highest number of points wins the game.

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Speculation is a game at which any number of persons may play. The stakes are made with counters or nuts, and the value of the stakes is settled by the company. The highest trump in each deal wins the pool.

When the dealer has been chosen, he puts, say, six counters in the pool and every other player puts four; three cards are given to each person, though they must be dealt one at a time; another card is then turned up, and called the trump card. The cards must be left upon the table, but the player on the left-hand side of the dealer turns up his top card so that all may see it. If it is a trump card, that is to say, if it is of the same suit as the card the dealer turned up, the owner may either keep his card or sell it, and the other players bid for it in turn. Of course, the owner sells it for the highest price he can get.

The next player then turns up his card, keeps it or sells it, and so the game goes on until all the cards have been shown and disposed of, and then the player who holds the highest trump either in his own hand or among the cards he has bought, takes the pool, and there is another deal.

Should none of the other players have a trump card in his hand, and the turn-up card not having been purchased by another player, the dealer takes the pool.

If any one look at his cards out of turn, he can be made to turn all three up, so that the whole company can see them.

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This game takes its name from the four chances or points of which it consists, namely, “High,” “Low,” “Jack,” and “Game.” It may be played by two or four players, but the same rules apply to each.

The four points, which have been already mentioned, count as follows: “High,” the highest trump out; the holder scores one point. “Low,” the lowest trump out; the original holder of it scores one point even if it is taken by his adversary. “Jack,” the knave of trumps; the holder scores one point, unless it be won by his adversary, in which case the winner scores one. “Game,” the greatest number of tricks gained by either party; reckoning for each Ace four toward game, each King three toward game, each Queen two toward game, each Jack one toward game, each Ten ten toward game.

The other cards do not count toward game; thus it may happen that a deal may be played without either party having any to score for “Game.”

When the players hold equal numbers, the dealer does not score.

[Plate 4]

Begging is when the player next the dealer does not like his cards and says, “I beg,” in which case the dealer must either let him score one, saying, “Take one,” or give three more cards from the pack to all the players and then turn up the next card for trumps; if the trump turned up is the same suit as the last, the dealer must give another three cards until a different suit turns up trumps. In playing this game the ace is the highest card and the deuce (the two) is the lowest.

Having shuffled and cut a pack of cards, the dealer gives six to each player. If there be two playing, he turns up the thirteenth card for trumps; if four are playing, he turns up the twenty-fifth. Should the turn-up be a jack, the dealer scores one point. The player next the dealer looks at his hand and either holds it or “begs,” as explained.

The game then begins by the player next the dealer leading a card, the others following suit, the highest card taking the trick, and so on until the six tricks have been won. When the six tricks are played, the points are taken for High, Low, Jack, and Game.

Should no player have either a court card or a ten, the player next to the dealer scores the point for the game. If only one trump should be out, it counts both High and Low to the player who first has it. The first great thing in this game is to try and win the jack; next you must try and make the tens; and you must also try and win the tricks.

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The pack of cards is dealt round, face downward, and each player packs his cards together, without looking at them, and then places them in front of him.

The first player then turns up the top card of his pack, the next does the same, and so on in turn; but, as soon as a player turns up a card corresponding in number to the one already lying, uncovered, on the table, one of the two to whom the cards belong cries, “Snap.”

Whichever succeeds in saying it first takes, not only the snap card of the other player, but all the cards he has already turned up, and also those he has himself turned up. The cards he wins must be placed at the bottom of his own pack.

The one who succeeds in winning all the cards wins the game. It is necessary to be very attentive and very quick if you want to be successful at this game.

There is a game very similar to the above called “Animal Snap.” Each player takes the name of an animal, and instead of crying “Snap,” he must cry the name of the animal chosen by the player who turned up the last card. For instance, suppose a five be turned up and a player who has chosen the name of “Tiger” turn up another five, instead of crying “Snap,” “Tiger” would be called if “Tiger” did not succeed in crying the other player’s name first.

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This is a first-rate game and very exciting. Any number of players may take part in it, and the whole of the fifty-two cards are dealt out.

Each player has five counters, and there is a pool in the middle, which is empty at the commencement of the game.

The first player plays a card–say it is a six–then the one next to him looks through his cards, and if he has another six he puts it down and says, “Snip”; the first player must then pay a counter into the pool.

If the next player should chance to have another six, he plays it and says “Snap,” and the one who is snapped must pay in his turn, but the fine is increased to two counters. Should the fourth player have the fourth six, he plays it, and says, “Snorum,” and the third player must now pay; his fine is three counters to the pool. No person may play out of his turn, and every one must “snip” when it is in his power. When any one has paid the whole of his five counters to the pool he retires from the game; the pool becomes the property of the one whose counters last the longest.

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From a pack of cards take out one queen, shuffle the cards and deal them, face downward, equally among all the players. The cards should then be taken, the pairs sorted out and thrown upon the table. By “pairs” is meant two kings, or two fives, and so on. When all the pairs have been sorted out, the dealer offers the remainder of his cards to his felt-hand neighbor, who draws any card he chooses to select, though he is only allowed to see the backs of them. The player who has drawn then looks at the cards to see if he can pair it with one he holds in his hand; if he can, he throws out the pair; if not, he must place it with his other cards. It is now his turn to offer his cards to his neighbor, and so the game goes on until all the cards are paired, except, of course, the odd card which is the companion to the banished queen. The holder of this card is “the old maid.”

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This amusing game is for any number of players, and is played with a wooden board which is divided into compartments or pools, and can be bought cheaply at any toy shop for a small sum. Failing a board, use a sheet of paper marked out in squares.

Before dealing, the eight of diamonds is taken out of the pack, and the deal is settled by cutting the cards, and whoever turns up the first jack is dealer.

The dealer then shuffles the cards and his left-hand neighbor cuts them. The dealer must next “dress the board,” that is, he must put counters into the pools, which are all marked differently. This is the way to dress the board: One counter to each ace, king, queen, jack, and game, two to matrimony (king and queen), two to intrigue (queen and jack), and six to the nine of diamonds, which is the Pope. On a proper board you will see these marked on it.

The cards are now dealt round to the players, with the exception of one card, which is turned up for trumps, and six or eight, which are put aside to form the stops; the four kings and the seven of diamonds are also always stops.

If either ace, king, queen, or jack happen to be turned up for trumps, the dealer may take whatever is in the compartment with that mark; but when Pope is turned up for trumps, the dealer takes all the counters in Pope’s compartment as well as those in the “game” compartment, besides a counter for every card dealt to each player, which must, of course, be paid by the players. There is then a fresh deal.

It is very seldom, however, that Pope does turn up for trumps; when it does not happen, the player next to the dealer begins to play, trying to get rid of as many cards as possible. First he leads cards which he knows will be stops, then Pope, if he has it, and afterward the lowest card in his suit, particularly an ace, for that can never be led up to. The other players follow when they can; for instance, if the leader plays the two of diamonds, whoever holds the three plays it, some one follows with the four, and so on until a stop occurs; whoever plays the card which makes a stop becomes leader and can play what he chooses.

This goes on until some person has parted with all his cards, by which he wins the counters in the “game” compartment and receives from the players a counter for every card they hold. Should any one hold the Pope he is excused from paying, unless he happens to have played it.

Whoever plays any of the cards which have pools or compartments takes the counters in that pool. If any of these cards are not played, the counters remain over for the next game.

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This game may be played by any number of persons. As soon as the cards have been dealt and the players have examined their hands, the one on the left of the dealer plays the lowest card he has (the ace counting lowest). He must place the card face downward on the table, at the same time calling out what it is. The next player also puts down a card, face downward, and calls the next number; for instance, if No. 1 puts down a card and says “One,” No. 2 says “Two,” No. 3 “Three,” and so on.

It is not necessary for the card laid down to be actually the one called out. The fun of the game is to put down the wrong card without, any one suspecting you. Naturally, it is not often that the cards run straight on, as no one may play out of turn, and if one player thinks another has put down the wrong card, he says, “I suspect you.” The player must then show his card, and if it should not be the one he said, he must take all the cards laid down and add them to his pack; if, however, the card happens to be the right one, then the accuser must take the cards. The player who first succeeds in getting rid of his cards wins the game.

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The cards are dealt equally to the players. The first player puts down a card, face upward, upon the table. If it be a common card, that is, a two, or three, or anything but a picture card or an ace, his neighbors put down in turn their cards until a court card (that is, a picture card or an ace) turns up.

If at last an ace be played, the neighbor of the one who plays it must pay him four cards; if a king three cards, if a queen two, and if a jack one. The one who played the court card also takes all the cards that have been played, and puts them under his own pack. If, however, in playing for a court card, one of the players puts down another court card, then his neighbor must pay him, and he takes the whole pack instead of the previous player. Sometimes it happens that a second player in paying puts down a court card, and the third player in paying him puts down another, and so on, until perhaps the fourth or fifth player actually gets the cards in the end.

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Few children think they will ever tire of playing games; but all the same, toward the end of a long evening, spent merrily in dancing and playing, the little ones begin to get too weary to play any longer, and it is very difficult to keep them amused.

Then comes the time for riddles! The children can sit quietly round the room, resting after their romps and laughter, and yet be kept thoroughly interested, trying to guess riddles.

It is, however, very difficult to remember a number of good and laughable ones, so we will give a list of some, which will be quite sufficient to puzzle a roomful of little folk for several hours.

Why are weary people like carriage wheels? Answer: Because they are tired.

An old woman in a red cloak was passing a field in which a goat was feeding. What strange transformation suddenly took place? Answer: The goat turned to butter (butt her), and the woman into a scarlet runner.

Why does a duck go into the water? Answer: For divers reasons.

Spell “blind pig” in two letters. P G; a pig without an I.

Which bird can lift the heaviest weights? The crane.

Why is a wise man like a pin? He has a head and comes to a point.

Why is a Jew in a fever like a diamond? Because he is a Jew-ill.

Why may carpenters reasonably believe there is no such thing as stone? Because they never saw it.

What is that which is put on the table and cut, but never eaten? A pack of cards.

When does a farmer double up a sheep without hurting it? When he folds it.

What lives upon its own substance and dies when it has devoured itself? A candle.

Why is a dog biting his tail like a good manager? Because he makes both ends meet.

What thing is it that is lower with a head than without one? A pillow.

Which is the left side of a plum pudding? That which is not eaten.

What letter of the alphabet is necessary to make a shoe? The last.

If all the seas were dried up, what would everybody say? We haven’t a notion (an ocean).

Why is it certain that “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” was not written by the hand of its reputed author? Because it was written by Mrs. Beecher’s toe (Stowe).

Why is a fishmonger never generous? Because his business makes him sell fish (selfish).

What is that which works when it plays and plays when it works? A fountain.

What is that from which you may take away the whole and yet there will be some remaining? The word wholesome.

Why are fowls the most economical things a farmer can keep? Because for every grain they give a peck.

Why is it dangerous to walk in the meadows in springtime? Because the trees are shooting and the bulrush is out (bull rushes out).

Why is a vine like a soldier? Because it is listed and has ten drills (tendrils) and shoots.

If a man who is carrying a dozen glass lamps drops one, what does he become? A lamp lighter.

What belongs to yourself, but is used more by your friends than by yourself? Your name.

A man had twenty sick (six) sheep and one died; how many were left? Nineteen.

Which is the best day for making a pancake? Friday.

What is that which everybody has seen but will never see again? Yesterday.

What four letters would frighten a thief? O I C U.


Why is a spider a good correspondent? Because he drops a line at every post.

When is the clock on the stairs dangerous? When it runs down.

Why is the letter “k” like a pig’s tail? Because it comes at the end of pork.

What is the keynote to good manners? B natural.

Why is a five dollar bill much more profitable than five silver dollars? Because when you put it in your pocket you double it, and when you take it out you will find it in-creases.

Why is a watch like a river? Because it doesn’t run long without winding.

What is that which flies high, flies low, has no feet, and yet wears shoes? Dust.

Which is the smallest bridge in the world? The bridge of your nose.

When has a man four hands? When he doubles his fists.

What trees has fire no effect upon? Ash trees; because when they are burned they are ashes still.

What is the difference between a schoolmaster and an engine-driver? One minds the train and the other trains the mind.

What is that which goes from Chicago to Philadelphia without moving? The road.

Which is easier to spell–fiddle-de-dee or fiddle-de-dum? Fiddle-de-dee, because it is spelled with more “e’s.”

When may a chair be said to dislike you? When it can’t bear you.

What animal took most luggage into the Ark, and which two took the least? The elephant, who took his trunk, while the fox and the cock had only a brush and a comb between them.

If a bear were to go into a dry goods store, what would he want? He would want muzzlin’.

Why was the first day of Adam’s life the longest? Because it had no Eve.


Why is a washerwoman like a navigator? Because she spreads her sheets, crosses the line and goes from pole to pole.

Why is it that a tailor won’t attend to business? Because he is always cutting out.

When can a horse be sea-green in color? When it’s a bay.

Why were gloves never meant to sell? Because they were made to be kept on hand.

When are we all artists? When we draw a long face.

Why are watch-dogs bigger by night than by day? Because they are let out at night and taken in in the morning.

Why is B like a hot fire? Because it makes oil Boil.

Why is a schoolmaster like a bootblack? Because he polishes the understandings of the people.

When is a store-keeper always above his business? When he lives over his store.

Which is the liveliest city in the world? Berlin; because it’s always on the Spree.

Why is a water-lily like a whale? Because they both come to the surface to blow.

Why is a shoemaker the most industrious of men? Because he works to the last.

What is book-keeping? Forgetting to return borrowed volumes.

Why is scooping out a turnip a noisy process? Because it makes it hollow.

Why are teeth like verbs? Because they are regular, irregular, and defective.

What ships hardly ever sail out of sight? Hardships.

When is an artist a dangerous person? When his designs are bad.

Why are tortoiseshell combs like citadels? They are for-tresses.

Why is the Isthmus of Suez like the first “u” in cucumber? Because it is between two “c’s” (seas).

What motive led to the invention of railroads? The loco-motive.

Why are deaf people like Dutch cheeses? Because you can’t make them here.

When is the best time to get a fresh egg at sea? When the ship lays to.

Who was the first whistler? The wind.

Why need a traveler never starve in the desert? Because of the sand which is (sandwiches) there.

Why is sympathy like blindman’s buff? Because it is a fellow feeling for a fellow creature.

If a Frenchman were to fall into a tub of tallow, in what word would he express his situation? In-de-fat-i-gabble. (Indefatigable.)

Why is a dinner on board a steamboat like Easter Day? Because it is a movable feast.

Spell “enemy” in three letters. F O E.

Why is a little man like a good book? Because he is often looked over.

Why is a pig in a parlor like a house on fire? Because the sooner it is put out the better.

What is the difference between a soldier and a bombshell? One goes to wars, the other goes to pieces.

Which is the only way that a leopard can change his spots? By going from one spot to another.

Why did Eve never fear the measles? Because she’d Adam.

When is a tall man a little short? When he hasn’t got quite enough cash.

What houses are the easiest to break into? The houses of bald people; because their locks are few.

Why is a watch the most difficult thing to steal? Because it must be taken off its guard.

Why is there never anybody at home in a convent? Because it is an (n) uninhabited place.

Why does a person who is not good looking make a better carpenter than one who is? Because he is a deal plainer.

What is the best tree for preserving order? The birch.

Why is shoemaking the easiest of trades? Because the shoes are always soled before they are made.

What plant stands for No. 4? IV.

How can a gardener become thrifty? By making the most of his thyme, and by always putting some celery in the bank.

Why is it probable that beer was made in the ark? Because the kangaroo went in with hops, and the bear was always bruin.

“What was the biggest thing you saw at the Panama Exposition?” asked a wife of her husband. “My hotel bill!” said he.

Why is C like a schoolmistress? Because it forms lasses into classes.

What is that which never asks any questions and yet requires many answers? The street door.

If a man bumped his head against the top of a room, what article of stationery would he be supplies with? Ceiling whacks (sealing-wax).

Which is the oldest tree in the country? The elder tree.

Which is the longest word in the English language? Smiles; because there is a mile between the first and last letters.

What is that which happens twice in a moment and not once in a thousand years? The letter M.

How many sides are there to a tree? Two, inside and out.

What sea would a man most like to be in on a wet day? A dry attic (Adriatic).

Why is coffee like an axe with a dull edge? Because it must be ground before it is used.

What is the difference between a bottle of medicine and a troublesome boy? One is to be well shaken before taken, and the other is to be taken and then shaken.

What makes more noise than a pig under a gate? Two pigs.

When is a door not a door? When it is a-jar.

What is the difference between a naughty boy and a postage stamp? Because one you stick with a lick, and the other you lick with a stick.

Why did William Tell shudder when he shot the apple from his son’s head? Because it was an arrow escape for his child.

What is that which the more you take from it the larger it grows? A hole.

What is the best land for little kittens? Lapland.

Why should a man always wear a watch when he travels in a waterless desert? Because every watch has a spring in it.

Of what trade is the sun? A tanner.

What relation is a doormat to a door? Step-fa(r)ther.

What is that which you cannot hold ten minutes, although it is as light as a feather? Your breath.

What is the worst weather for rats and mice? When it rains cats and dogs.

What is that which never uses its teeth for eating purposes? A comb.

When are two apples alike? When pared.

What is the difference between a blind man and a sailor in prison? One cannot see to go and the other cannot go to sea.

Why is a plum cake like the ocean? Because it contains so many currants.

What pudding makes the best cricketer? A good batter.

When is a sailor not a sailor? When he’s a-board.

Why is the snow different from Sunday? Because it can fall on any day in the week.

What trade would you mention to a short boy? Grow sir (grocer).

What tree is nearest the sea? The beech.

Why is a game of cards like a timber yard? Because there are always a great many deals in it.

Why is a tight boot like an oak tree? Because it produces a corn (acorn).

Why is a city in Ireland likely to be the largest city in the world? Because each year it is Dublin (doubling).

What is the easiest way to swallow a door? Bolt it.

Why is a dancing master like a tree? Because of his bows (boughs).

Name a word of five letters from which if you take two but “one” remains. Stone.

Why is A like twelve o’clock? It is the middle of “day”

When is a man thinner than a lath? When he is a-shaving.

* * * * *


This is a very good game, which always causes considerable amusement, and if skillfully carried out will very successfully mystify the whole company.

It is necessary that the player who is to take the part of thought-reader should have a confederate, and the game is then played as follows:

The thought-reader, having arranged that the confederate should write a certain word, commences by asking four members of the company to write each a word upon a piece of paper, fold it up in such a manner that it cannot be seen, and then to pass it on to him. The confederate, of course, volunteers to make one of the four, and writes the word previously agreed upon, which is, we will suppose, “Ohio.”

The thought-reader places the slips of paper between his fingers, taking care to put the paper of his confederate between the third and little finger; he then takes the folded paper from between his thumb and first finger and rubs it, folded as it is, over his forehead, at each rub mentioning a letter, as O, rub, H, rub, I O, after which he calls out that some lady or gentleman has written “Ohio.” “I did,” replies the confederate.

The thought-reader then opens the paper, looks at it, and slips it into his pocket; he has, however, looked at one of the other papers.

Consequently he is now in a position to spell another word, which he proceeds to do in the same manner, and thus the game goes on until all the papers have been read.

* * * * *


The children first of all divide themselves into two parties. They then form a ring, and commence dancing round a hassock which is placed, end upward, in the middle of the room. Suddenly one party endeavors to pull the other party forward, so as to force one of their number to kick the hassock and upset it.

The player who has been unfortunate enough to touch the hassock has then to leave the circle. The game proceeds until only two remain; if these two happen to be boys, the struggle is generally prolonged, as they can so easily jump over the hassock, and avoid kicking it.

* * * * *


This game, if carried out properly, will cause great amusement. One of the party announces that he will whisper to each person the name of some animal, which, at a given signal, must be imitated as loudly as possible. Instead, however, of giving the name of an animal to each, he whispers to all the company, with the exception of one, to keep perfectly silent. To this one he whispers that the animal he is to imitate is the donkey. After a short time, so that all may be in readiness, the signal is given. Instead of all the party making the sounds of various animals, nothing is heard but a loud bray from the one unfortunate member of the company.

* * * * *


It is necessary in this game for the player acting the part of guesser to have a confederate; he is then able to leave the room, and on his return to mention what person was pointed at during his absence. It is done in this way: It is agreed between the guesser and his confederate that whoever speaks last before the door is closed upon the guesser shall be the person who is to be pointed at. It is very seldom that any one discovers this trick.

* * * * *


The players sit in a circle with their hands placed palm to palm, the little fingers downward, between the knees. One of the company is chosen to act the part of maid. She takes a ring between her palms, which she keeps flat together in the same way as the rest. She then visits each person in turn and places her hands between the palms of each, so that she is able to slip the ring into some one’s hands without the others knowing. When she has visited each, she touches one child, and says:

“My lady’s lost her diamond ring;
I fix upon you to find it.”

The child touched must then guess who has the ring. If she guess correctly, she becomes the maid; if not, she must pay a forfeit. The maid then touches some one else and repeats the two lines given above. Each guesser may be allowed three trials.

* * * * *


The idea of this game is to try how many sentences can be spoken without containing a certain letter which has been agreed upon. Supposing, for instance, the letter “f” is not to be introduced; the first player might ask: “Is this a new game to you?” The second player could answer: “Oh, no! I played it years ago when quite a youngster.”

He would perhaps turn to the third player, and ask: “You remember it, do you not?” The third player might answer: “Yes; but we used to play it differently.” This player, having used a word with an “f” in it, must pay a forfeit and remain out.

The answers must be given at once, without hesitation, and the player who avoids for the greatest length of time using a word containing the forbidden letter wins the game.

* * * * *


One of the company is chosen as Grand Mufti. The others then form a circle with the Grand Mufti in the center, and every action which he performs, if preceded by the words, “Thus says the Grand Mufti,” must be imitated by every member of the circle.

The Grand Mufti, in order to lead one of the company astray, will sometimes omit to say the words: “Thus says the Grand Mufti;” in this case, if any member of the company imitate his action, he is compelled to pay a forfeit.

* * * * *


In this game a confederate is necessary. The player states to the company, after a few remarks on ancient sign-language, that he is able to read signs made with a stick on the floor, and agrees to leave the room while the company decide upon some word or sentence.

The game is played as follows: It is agreed by the player and his confederate that one tap on the floor shall represent A, two taps E, three taps I, four taps O, and five taps U, and that the first letter of each remark the confederate makes shall be one of the consonants of the word or sentence decided upon by the company. The consonants must be taken in order. On the player’s return, supposing the word chosen to be “March,” his confederate would commence: “Many people think this game a deception” (initial letter M). One tap on the floor (A). “Really it is very simple” (initial letter R). “Coming to the end soon” (initial letter C). “Hope it has been quite clear” (initial letter H).

A few more signs are made so as not to finish too abruptly, and the player then states the word to be “March.” If carefully conducted, this game will interest an audience for a considerable time.

* * * * *


The company divides itself into equal sides, and each side must have a “home” in opposite corners of the room. The sides retire to their own “homes,” and one side privately chooses a flower, then crosses over to the other corner and gives the initial letter of that flower. The children on the second side must try and guess the name of the flower, and when they have done so they catch as many as they can of the opposite side before they reach their “home.”

Those caught must go over to the other side, and the game goes on until one side has won all the children. The sides take it in turns to give the name of the flower. This game may also be played in the garden.

* * * * *


One of the party, called the Fox, goes to one end of the room, and the rest of the children arrange themselves in a ring, one behind the other, the tallest first and the smallest last. The first one is called Mother Goose. The game begins by a conversation between the Fox and Mother Goose. “What are you after this fine morning?” says she. “Taking a walk,” the Fox answers. “What for?” “To get an appetite for breakfast.” “What will you have for breakfast?” “A nice fat goose.” “Where will you get it?” “Well, as your geese are so handy, I will take one of them.” “Catch one if you can.”

Mother Goose then stretches out her arms to protect her geese and not let the Fox catch one. The Fox tries to dodge under, right and left, until he is able to catch the last of the string. Of course, the brood must try and keep out of reach of the Fox. As the geese are caught they must go over to the den of the Fox, and the game continues until all are caught.

* * * * *


A ring is formed with one child in the middle, who is called the “drummer-man.” Whatever this child does the others mimic, moving round as they do so, and singing the following words:

“I sell my bat, I sell my ball,
I sell my spinning-wheel and all;
And I’ll do all that e’er I can
To follow the eyes of the drummer-man.”

Any one who does not at once imitate the “drummer-man” must pay a forfeit and take his place as “drummer-man.”

* * * * *


The players sit in a circle, and one of them asks the others: “What’s my thought like?” One player may say: “A monkey;” the second, “A candle;” the third, “A pin,” and so on. When all the company have compared the thought to some object, the first player tells them the thought–perhaps it is “the Cat”–and then asks each, in turn, why it is like the object he compared it to.

“Why is my cat like a monkey?” is asked. The other player might answer: “Because it is full of tricks.” “Why is my cat like a candle?” “Because its eyes glow like a candle in the dark.” “Why is my cat like a pin?” “Because its claws scratch like a pin.”

Any one who is unable to explain why the thought resembles the object he mentioned must pay a forfeit.

* * * * *


Take a piece of string and knot the ends together and slip it over your hands, as in Fig. 1.


Next wind the string round your hands, not including the thumb, as in Fig. 2.


Slip the second fingers through the string on your hands and you have your cat’s cradle, as in Fig. 3.


You must now ask a second person to put his thumbs and first fingers through the cradle, as in Fig. 4.


Draw out the string and take it under the cradle, and you will have Fig. 5.


Slip the thumbs and first fingers again into the side pieces of the cradle, draw the string sideways and take it under the cradle, and you will have Fig. 6.


Now curl the little fingers round the string, slipping one under the other as shown, and draw out the side pieces.


Slip the thumb and first fingers under the side string, bring them up the middle, and you have your original cat’s cradle again.


* * * * *


To play this game the company seat themselves in a circle, while one of the players commences to describe some person with whom most of the other players are familiar, and continues until one or other of the company is able to guess from the description who the person may be.

The one guessing correctly then commences to describe some one. If, however, the company are unable to make a correct guess, the player goes on until some one is successful.

* * * * *


One child is seated on the ground with his legs under him, while the other players form a ring round him. They then pull him about and give him little pushes, and he must try to catch one without rising from the floor.

The child who is caught takes the middle, while the frog joins the circle.

* * * * *


This game must be arranged in the nature of a surprise for the company assembled. The giant is formed by two youngsters, one of whom seats himself on the shoulders of his friend. A large cloak should then be thrown over them, to make it appear as if it were only one person, and the top boy might wear a mask to prevent recognition. The giant then enters the room and commences dancing. Great amusement is afforded the little folk by this game.

* * * * *


This is a most amusing game, and although only two boys can play at it at one time, they will keep the rest of the company in roars of laughter. The two who are to represent the “cocks” having been chosen, they are both seated upon the floor.

Each boy has his wrists tied together with a handkerchief, and his legs secured just above the ankles with another handkerchief; his arms are then passed over his knees, and a broomstick is pushed over one arm, under both knees, and out again on the other side over the other arm. The “cocks” are now considered ready for fighting, and are carried into the center of the room, and placed opposite each other with their toes just touching. The fun now commences.

Each “cock” tries with the aid of his toes to turn his opponent over on his back or side.

The one who can succeed in doing this first wins the game.

It often happens that both “cocks” turn over at the same time, when the fight commences again.

* * * * *



It is necessary for these games that a large boxful of letters should be provided, which can be purchased at any toy store or made by the young people themselves by being cut out of newspapers. The children should seat themselves round the table; the letters should then be well shuffled and dealt round to the players. Each child has to form a word or sentence out of the letters which he has received. Another variation is to select a long word, and then in a given time to try to form several words from it. Names of well-known men, places, etc., can also be given. These games are not only amusing, but serve at the same time to instruct the young folk.

* * * * *


For little ones there is scarcely a more popular game than “Honey Pots.” Small children of three and four can be included in this game, but there should be two bigger children for the “Buyer” and the “Merchant.” The children, with the exception of the Buyer and Merchant, seat themselves upon the floor of the room, with their knees raised and their hands clasped together round them. These children are called “Honey Pots.” The Merchant and the Buyer then talk about the quality and quantity of the Honey, and the price of each Pot. It is agreed that the price to be paid shall be according to the weight of the “Honey” and the “Pot.” The children are carefully “weighed” by raising them two or three times from the floor and swinging them by the arms, one arm held by the Merchant and the other by the Buyer.


When the “Honey Pots” are all weighed, the Buyer says he will purchase the whole of the stock, and asks the Merchant to help him carry the Pots home. Then the Merchant and the Buyer carry the children, one by one, to the other end of the room.

When all are safely at the Buyer’s house, the Merchant goes out of the room, but suddenly returns and says to the Buyer: “I believe you have carried off my little daughter in one of the Honey Pots.” The Buyer replies: “I think not. You sold me all the Pots full of Honey, but if you doubt me you can taste them.”

The Merchant then pretends to taste the Honey, and after having tried two or three Pots exclaims: “Ah! this tastes very much like my little daughter.” The little girl who represents the Honey Pot chosen by the Merchant then cries out: “Yes, I am your little girl,” and immediately jumps up and runs away, the Buyer at the same time endeavoring to catch her.

When the one Honey Pot runs away, all the others do the same, the Buyer catches whom he can, and the game recommences.

* * * * *


Each player in this game has what are called three “lives,” or chances. When the company is seated in a circle, the first player mentions a letter as the beginning of a word. The game is for each of the company, in turn, to add a letter to it, keeping the word unfinished as long as possible.

When a letter is added to the former letters and it makes a complete word, the person who completed it loses a “life.” The next player then begins again.

Every letter added must be part of a word, and not an odd letter thought of on the spur of the moment. When there is any doubt as to the letter used by the last player being correct, he may be challenged, and he will then have to give the word he was thinking of when adding the letter. If he cannot name the word, he loses a “life;” but if he can, it is the challenger who loses.

This is an example of how the game should be played. Supposing the first player commences with the letter “p;” the next, thinking of “play,” would add an “l;” the next an “o,” thinking of “plough;” the next person, not having either of these words in his mind, would add “v;” the next player, perhaps, not knowing the word of which the previous player was thinking, might challenge him, and would lose a “life” on being told the word was “plover.” The player next in turn would then start a new word, and perhaps put down “b,” thinking of “bat;” the next thinking, say, that the word was “bone,” would add an “o,” the next player would add “n;” the player whose turn it would now be, not wanting to lose a “life” by finishing the word, would add another “n;” the next player for the same reason would add “e,” and then there would be nothing else for the next in turn to do but to complete the word by adding “t” and thus losing a “life.”

It will be seen that there are three ways of losing a “life.” First, the player may lay down a letter, and on being challenged be unable to give the word. Secondly, he may himself challenge another player who is not at fault. Thirdly, he may be obliged to add the final letter to a word, and so complete it.

This is a most amusing game for a large party, for as the different persons lose their three “lives,” the players gradually dwindle down to two or three, when it gets very exciting to see who will be the last person left in, for he or she will be declared the winner.

* * * * *


“Draw a pail of water
For my lady’s daughter;
My father’s a king and my mother’s a queen, My two little sisters are dressed in green; Stamping grass and parsley,
Marigold leaves and daisies,
One rush, two rush,
Pray thee, fine lady, come under my bush.”

Two children stand face to face, holding each other’s hands. Two others also face each other holding hands across the other two. They seesaw backward and forward, singing the above lines.

When they come to the line, “Pray thee, fine lady, come under my bush,” another child pops under and comes up between one child’s arms. They sing the verse again and another child creeps under another pair of arms, and so on until there are eight children standing facing each other. The must then jump up and down until one falls down, when she is almost sure to pull the others over.

* * * * *


Each player is furnished with a pencil and two slips of paper. On the first slip a question must be written. The papers are then collected and put into a bag or basket.


Then the players write an answer on their second slip. These are put into a different bag, and the two bags are then well shaken and handed round to the company.

Every one draws a question and an answer, and must then read the two out to the company.

The result is sometimes very comical; for instance:


Do you like roses?
Where are you going to this summer? Do you like beef?
Do you like spiders?


Yes, with mustard.
I am very much afraid of them.
Yes, without thorns.
To Switzerland.

* * * * *


Each child chooses a partner and stands opposite to her, so that two long lines are formed. Each couple hold a handkerchief between them, as high as they can lift their arms, so as to form an arch. The couple standing at the top of the lines run through the arch without letting go their handkerchief, and station themselves at the bottom of the lines, raising their handkerchief again so as to continue the arch. This is done by each couple in succession until all have had a turn. Whoever breaks the arch or drops the handkerchief must pay a forfeit.

* * * * *


It is necessary that two only of the party should have a knowledge of this game, and then “wonderment” is sure to be the result.

The two players agree that a certain word shall be regarded as a signal word. As an illustration, imagine this word to be “and.”

One of the players asserts his belief that he is gifted with second sight, and states that he is able to name, through a closed door, any article touched by any person in sympathy with him, notwithstanding the said person may attempt to mystify him by mentioning a lot of other articles. He then chooses his confederate, as being one with whom he may be in sympathy, and goes outside.

The player in the room then proceeds to call out, perhaps, as follows: Table, Rug, Piano, Footstool and Chair, Lamp, Inkstand. He then places his hand on the back of a chair and asks: “What am I touching now?” the answer will, of course, be “Chair,” because the signal word “and” came immediately before that article.

If the players are skillful there is no need for the trick to be discovered.

* * * * *


A number of children choose one of their number to be “mother” and another to be the witch. One child represents the pot, and the others are named after the days in the week, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, etc. If there are too many children they might be called after the months.

The mother first names the children, next she takes the pot and pretends to put it on the fire. She tells the eldest daughter that she is going to wash, and that she must take great care of her brothers and sisters while she is away, and on no account to let the old witch into the house. She is also to look after the dinner and see that the pot does not boil over. The mother then goes away, and the eldest daughter pretends to be very busy.

The child who is supposed to be the witch knocks at the door, and asks if she may come in and get a light for her pipe. She must pretend to be very old and walk with a stick.

“Come in,” says the eldest daughter; “what do you want?”

“To light my pipe at your fire.”

“Very well, but you must not dirty the range.”

“Certainly not; I’ll be very careful.”

While the eldest daughter pretends to look on the shelf for something, the witch puts her dirty shoe on the range, catches hold of Monday (the youngest child) and runs off with him. The child who is the pot now makes a hissing noise and pretends to boil over. The daughter calls out:

“Mother, mother, the pot boils over.”

“Take a spoon and skim it.”

“Can’t find one.”

“Look on the shelf.”

“Can’t reach.”

“Take the stool.”

“The leg’s broken.”

“Take the chair.”

“The chair’s gone to be mended.”

“I suppose I must come myself.”

The mother comes in from the washtub, drying her hands.

“Where’s Monday?” she asks.

“Please, mother, some one came to beg for a light for her pipe, and when my back was turned she took Monday.”

“Why, that was the witch.”

The mother pretends to beat the eldest daughter, tells her to be more careful another time, and goes back to the washtub. The game then goes on as before, and each time the witch comes she takes away a child, until at last even the eldest daughter is taken. The pot boils over for the last time and then the mother, finding all her children gone, goes to the witch’s house to find them, when this conversation ensues:

“Is this the way to the witch’s house?”

“There’s a red bull that way.”

“Then I’ll go this way.”

“There’s a mad cow that way.”

But the mother insists upon going into the witch’s house to look for her children. The witch generally hides the children behind chairs. The mother stoops over one child: “This tastes like Monday,” she says, but the witch replies: “That! it is a barrel of pork.”

“No, no,” says the mother, “it is my Monday, and there are the rest of the children.” The children now jump out and they and their mother begin to run home; the witch runs after them, and whoever she catches becomes witch, while the witch becomes the eldest daughter.

* * * * *


Lots are drawn in order to decide who shall be the grasshopper; the ants then seat themselves in a circle, while the grasshopper writes on a piece of paper the name of a grain or food which a grasshopper might be supposed to like. He puts this in his pocket and then addresses the ants:

“Dear friends, I am very hungry; would any of you kindly give me some food?”

“I have nothing but a grain of barley,” says the ant spoken to.

“Thank you; that is of no use to me,” replies the grasshopper, and goes on to the next player. As soon as any one offers the grain of food which the grasshopper has written down the paper must be produced, and the one who guessed the word pays a forfeit and becomes grasshopper. If no one guesses the word, the grasshopper pays a forfeit.

The game then goes on in the same way, except that a different question is asked on the second round.

“Neighbors,” says the grasshopper, “I have eaten abundantly and would have a dance. Which would you recommend?”

A waltz, a polka, a quadrille, etc., are suggested, and when this question has gone the round, the grasshopper asks what music he can dance to, and the ants suggest the music of the violin, the piano, cornet, etc. Then the grasshopper says he is tired of dancing and wishes for a bed, and the ants offer him moss, straw, grass, and so on, to lie upon.

“I should sleep very comfortably,” the grasshopper says, “but I am in fear of being pounced upon by a hungry bird. What bird have I most reason to fear?” The ants answer: The rook, the lark, the cuckoo, etc.

When the game is ended, the forfeits that have been lost must be called.

* * * * *


All the players but three stand in two rows facing each other. One player sits at the end of the two rows, another leads a third player into the room and makes him kneel down before the player who is seated, and who is called the President.

The President then proceeds to make all sorts of “magic” passes over the kneeler’s face, back, and hands. While he is doing this, the boy who led the victim in fastens a whistle to his coat. It must be slung on to a piece of string or tape, and fastened very loosely, so that it can be easily grasped and yet will not knock against the wearer’s back.

The whistle is then blown by the boy who attached it, and the kneeling boy is told to rise and search for the magic whistle. The players who stand on each side must hold their hands before their mouths and pretend to blow whenever the whistle is blown, which must be as often as any one can get a chance without being found out.

The victim will search all along the rows trying to find the magic whistle, and it will be some time before he discovers that it is pinned to his own coat.

* * * * *


Form a long line of children, one behind the other. The leader starts running, and is followed by all the rest. They must be sharp enough to do exactly as the leader does.

After running for a moment or two in the ordinary running step, the leader changes to a hopping step, then to a marching step, quick time, then to a marching step, slow time, claps and runs with hands on sides, hands on shoulders, hands behind, etc.

Finally, the leader runs slowly round and round into the center, and can either wind the children up tightly or can turn them on nearing the center and run out again. For another change the long line can start running and so unwind the spiral.

* * * * *


Two children stand hand-in-hand, side by side. These are the front horses. Two others, close behind, stand also hand-in-hand and side by side. These are the back horses.

Slip reins over the left arm of one of the front horses, and over the right arm of the other. The two back horses hold on the reins, standing inside them. A driver must then be chosen, who gathers up the reins in his left hand and in his right hand holds a whip.

Running beside him, equipped with a horn and parcels and letters, is another child, who acts as guard or conductor. The rest of the children form village streets, by standing in rows facing one another.

The coach and four, with the driver and guard, gallop about the room and through the villages, the guard blowing his horn and tossing out a paper or letter here and there.

Change horses every now and then, so that all may have a turn at being horses. A change of driver and guard, too, is also much appreciated.

When the children have had about enough of this game, start a cheer as the coach dashes through the villages for the last time. Two coaches greatly add to the fun and enjoyment, as they have to pass and repass each other.

* * * * *


The players sit in a circle, and one who is acquainted with the trick takes a small stick in his right hand, makes some funny movements with it, and then, having taken it in his left hand, passes it to his neighbor, saying: “Malaga raisins are very good raisins, but I like Valencias better.” He then tells his neighbor to do the same. Should any of the players pass on the stick with the right hand, they must pay a forfeit, but of course they must not be told what mistake they have made until the stick has been passed right round the circle.

* * * * *


This game can be played by any number of children. A ring is formed in which all join with the exception of one little girl, who kneels in the center of the ring. The children then dance round her, singing the following verses:

“Sally, Sally Water, sprinkle in the pan, Rise, Sally, rise, Sally, for a young man; Choose for the best and choose for the worst, And choose the very one you love best.

“Now you’re married I wish you joy,
First a girl and then a boy;
Seven years after, son and daughter, Pray, young couple, come kiss together.”


When they come to the words, “Rise, Sally!” the child in the center rises and chooses another from the ring. The next two lines are then sung, and the two children in the ring dance round and kiss. Sally then joins the ring, the second child remaining in the circle, and the game is continued as before until all the players have acted the part of Sally.

* * * * *


Make a ring of children. In the center place five or six of the smaller children of the party. This forms the pigeon-house and pigeons.

Now choose one child (boy or girl) to open or shut this old-fashioned dovecote.

He runs round the ring outside and gently pushes the children in toward the center, and close to the pigeons, who are sitting on the ground softly cooing (or not, just as they please).

This done he moves back. Let him be called the farmer or the farmer’s boy, if a name is wanted.

A pretty and lively tune is now started on the piano. Directly it begins, the boy runs forward and pulls open the ring of children, which widens out with raised arms, to form pigeon-holes.

The pigeons rise to their feet and fly out of these holes, round and round the room.

As the music begins to stop and die away, the pigeons should return to their dovecote, and when the last note sounds they should all be settled again. The farmer’s boy now runs round the ring, closing it in and making all safe for the night.

This game can be played without music, and the elder children can take their turn at being pigeons.

* * * * *


All the children form a ring with the exception of one player, who stands in the center. The children then dance round this one, singing the first three lines of the verses given below. At the fourth line they stop dancing and act the words that are sung. They pretend to scatter seed; they stand at ease, stamp their feet, clap their hands, and at the words: “Turn him round,” each child turns round.

They then again clap hands and dance round, and when the words, “Open the ring and take one in,” are sung, the center child chooses a partner, who steps into the ring, and the two stand together while the other children sing the remaining verse, after which the child who was first in the center joins the ring and the game is continued as before.

“Oats and beans and barley O!
Do you or I or any one know
How oats and beans and barley grow?

“First the farmer sows his seed,
Then he stands and takes his ease, Stamps his foot and claps his hands,
And turns him round to view the land.

“Oats and beans and barley O!
Waiting for a partner, waiting for a partner. Open a ring and send one in.
Oats and beans and barley O!

“So now you’re married you must obey, You must be true to all you say,
You must be kind, you must be good, And help your wife to chop the wood.
Oats and beans and barley O!”

* * * * *


“The miller’s dog lay at the mill,
And his name was little Bingo,
B with an I, I with an N, N with a G, G with an O, His name was little Bingo.

“The miller he bought some peppermint, And he called it right good Stingo,
S with a T, T with an I, I with an N, N with a G, G with an O, He called it right good Stingo.”

One child represents the miller, the rest stand round him in a circle, and all dance round and sing the verses. When it comes to the spelling part of the rhyme, the miller points to a child, who must call out the right letter.

Any one who makes a mistake must pay a forfeit.

* * * * *


This game can be played by any number of children. The players form a ring by clasping hands; they then dance round singing the first verse, which after the second verse serves as a chorus.

“Here we dance lubin, loo,
Here we dance lubin, light,
Here we dance lubin, loo,
On a Saturday night.”

While singing the second verse, the children stop, unclasp their hands and suit their actions to the words contained in the verse.

“I put my right hand in,
I put my right hand out,
I give my right hand shake, shake, shake, And turn myself about.”

Each child while singing this first stretches her right arm toward the center of the ring, then draws the same arm back as far as possible, next shakes or swings her right hand, and when the last line is sung she turns right round. The children then once more join hands, and commence dancing, at the same time singing the chorus. The game proceeds as before until all the verses have been sung. Here are the remaining verses:

“Here we dance the lubin, loo,
Here we dance lubin, light,
Here we dance lubin, loo,
On a Saturday night.

“I put my left hand in,
I put my left hand out,
I give my left hand shake, shake, shake, And turn myself about.”


“Here we dance lubin, loo,” etc.

“I put my right foot in,
I put my right foot out,
I give my right foot shake, shake, shake, And turn myself about.”


“Here we dance lubin, loo,” etc.

“I put my left foot in,
I put my left foot out,
I give my left foot shake, shake, shake, And turn myself about.”


“Here we dance lubin, loo,” etc.

“I put my own head in,
I put my own head out,
I give my own head shake, shake, shake, And turn myself about.”


“Here we dance lubin, loo,” etc.

“I put my both hands in,
I put my both hands out,
I give my both hands shake, shake, shake, And turn myself about.”


“Here we dance lubin, loo,” etc.

“I put my both feet in,
I put my both feet out,
I give my both feet shake, shake, shake, And turn myself about.”


“Here we dance lubin, loo,” etc.

* * * * *


For this game a number of pieces of rolled-up paper to represent horns are required. Whoever makes a mistake in the game has a horn stuck in her hair; or, if little boys are playing, the horns might be stuck behind the ears.

The leader of the game begins by saying to her right hand neighbor: “Good morning, pretty lady, always pretty; I, a pretty lady, always pretty, come from that pretty lady, always pretty” (here she points to the girl on her left), “to tell you that she owns an eagle with a golden beak.”

The next player turns to her right-hand neighbor, saying: “Good morning, pretty lady, always pretty; I, a pretty lady, always pretty, come from that pretty lady, always pretty” (here she points to the last speaker), “to tell you that she owns an eagle with a golden beak and silver claws.”

The next girl continues the story word for word, adding “a rare skin.” The next adds “diamond eyes,” and the next “purple feathers.” If there are a great number of children, other charms must be added to the eagle, but each child must say the whole of the story, and for each mistake made she receives a paper horn, which must be stuck somewhere about the head. At the end of the game a forfeit must be paid for each of these horns.

* * * * *


This is a very simple game. Each player places a finger on the table, which he must-raise whenever the conductor of the game says: “Birds fly,” “Pigeons fly,” or any other winged creates “fly.”

If he names any creature without wings, such as “Pigs fly,” and any player thoughtlessly raises his finger, that player must pay a forfeit, as he must also do if he omits to raise his finger when a winged creature is named.

* * * * *


Teacher says to the class: “I say stoop.”

Upon the word stoop all the children must stoop. If they do not they must be seated. The teacher must say “I say stand.” The children must stand. If they do not they must be seated.

This game will cause the children to think quickly, and to act quickly.

The teacher can say: “I say fold the hands behind the back.

“I say take a deep breath of air.”

“I say hands on hips.”

“I say raise the arms over the head.”

Anything else may be substituted; those who are slow to act and think must be seated.

The one who remains standing the longest wins.

* * * * *


Players seated at desks. Rows need not be full, but there must be same number in each row. Choose a player to stand in front of each row to hold the flag, and another to stand at the rear of each row. At the signal the rear player of each row rises, runs to the front, takes the flag from the one holding it, carries it to the one standing at the rear, and takes his seat. As soon as he is seated the next player goes and takes the flag back to the player in front. This continues till all have run. Be sure that no team has an unfair advantage because of the positions taken by the flag holders.

* * * * *


Players all seated, but one, heads on desks and eyes covered, one hand open on desk with palm up. The odd player is a squirrel and passes up and down between the rows and puts a nut in the hand of some player…. This one rises and chases the squirrel. If the squirrel is caught before he can reach his own seat, the one who caught him becomes squirrel; if the squirrel is not caught, he can be squirrel again.

* * * * *


Make a scoreboard on the blackboard, indicating each row by a number of letter. Players run as in “Racing” (First Grade, First Half Year). Have front players run, tag front wall and return to seats, sit erect; mark score; others in a similar manner. Repeat, runners tagging rear wall. See which row has largest score.

* * * * *


Place a basket in the front seat of the second row and another in the front seat of next to last row. Draw a throwing line on floor 20 feet from each basket. At some time beforehand choose four captains and have these captains choose teams, choosing in turn. Teams stand at least two rows apart and behind throwing line, each team having a ball. Captains stand beyond baskets, two captains at same basket. Each captain passes the ball in turn to his players and they throw for the basket. Team throwing the most baskets in a round wins one point, first to get five points wins the contest.

* * * * *


Players seated at desks. Rows playing must be full rows. The game is much like “Fox and Squirrel” (see First Grade, Second Half Year). One player is “it,” and there is one runner, besides the full rows of seats. The runner may come to the front of any row and call “Last Man,” and then each player in that row must move back one place, leaving the front seat for the runner, who is now safe. The last one in the rear of the row will be out of a place and thus becomes runner. When a runner is tagged, he is “it,” and the one who caught him becomes runner and must get out of the way at once.

* * * * *


Players seated at desks. When teacher commands “Change right,” all move one place to right and the right hand row stands. In like manner the command may be “Change front,” “Change back,” or “Change left.” At first it is best to follow each change by the reverse, so as to allow those standing to get seats, but later they may be told that they must run to the vacant seats on the opposite side or end of the room. Leaders may be chosen to act in place of the teacher.

* * * * *


The children close their eyes and put their heads on their desks. A small object–a thimble or button–is placed in plain sight. At a signal, the children move about the room, and when they see it, take their seats without making any sign of its whereabouts. The first one to see it may hide it the next time.

* * * * *


This is like the blackboard relay played in the third grade, but instead of marks and letters, words must be written; these may be required to form a sentence, numbers may be written and afterwards added, subtracted, etc., by the succeeding players, or each player may write his own name. It is often interesting to have the last player required to erase all his team has written, or each child may erase his own writing, passing the eraser as he did the chalk.

* * * * *


One child goes out of the room. A thimble or button is placed in plain sight by another child. The one who was sent out is then guided to the object by the clapping of the children–soft clapping for “cold,” and louder for “warm.”