out of him.
So with pens and ruler, and compasses and india-rubber, and pencil, and black ink, and red ink, Tom worked away all the morning. He thought a good deal about Martin, and their interview of yesterday, and would have been far easier in his mind if he could have resolved to confide it to his friend John, and to have taken his opinion on the subject. But besides that he knew what John’s boiling indignation would be, he bethought himself that he was helping Martin now in a matter of great moment, and that to deprive the latter of his assistance at such a crisis of affairs, would be to inflict a serious injury upon him.
‘So I’ll keep it to myself,’ said Tom, with a sigh. ‘I’ll keep it to myself.’
And to work he went again, more assiduously than ever, with the pens, and the ruler, and the india-rubber, and the pencils, and the red ink, that he might forget it.
He had laboured away another hour or more, when he heard a footstep in the entry, down below.
‘Ah!’ said Tom, looking towards the door; ‘time was, not long ago either, when that would have set me wondering and expecting. But I have left off now.’
The footstep came on, up the stairs.
‘Thirty-six, thirty-seven, thirty-eight,’ said Tom, counting. ‘Now you’ll stop. Nobody ever comes past the thirty-eighth stair.’
The person did, certainly, but only to take breath; for up the footstep came again. Forty, forty-one, forty-two, and so on.
The door stood open. As the tread advanced, Tom looked impatiently and eagerly towards it. When a figure came upon the landing, and arriving in the doorway, stopped and gazed at him, he rose up from his chair, and half believed he saw a spirit.
Old Martin Chuzzlewit! The same whom he had left at Mr Pecksniff’s, weak and sinking!
The same? No, not the same, for this old man, though old, was strong, and leaned upon his stick with a vigorous hand, while with the other he signed to Tom to make no noise. One glance at the resolute face, the watchful eye, the vigorous hand upon the staff, the triumphant purpose in the figure, and such a light broke in on Tom as blinded him.
‘You have expected me,’ said Martin, ‘a long time.’
‘I was told that my employer would arrive soon,’ said Tom; ‘but–‘
‘I know. You were ignorant who he was. It was my desire. I am glad it has been so well observed. I intended to have been with you much sooner. I thought the time had come. I thought I could know no more, and no worse, of him, than I did on that day when I saw you last. But I was wrong.’
He had by this time come up to Tom, and now he grasped his hand.
‘I have lived in his house, Pinch, and had him fawning on me days and weeks and months. You know it. I have suffered him to treat me like his tool and instrument. You know it; you have seen me there. I have undergone ten thousand times as much as I could have endured if I had been the miserable weak old man he took me for. You know it. I have seen him offer love to Mary. You know it; who better– who better, my true heart! I have had his base soul bare before me, day by day, and have not betrayed myself once. I never could have undergone such torture but for looking forward to this time.’
He stopped, even in the passion of his speech–if that can be called passion which was so resolute and steady–to press Tom’s hand again. Then he said, in great excitement:
‘Close the door, close the door. He will not be long after me, but may come too soon. The time now drawing on,’ said the old man, hurriedly–his eyes and whole face brightening as he spoke–‘will make amends for all. I wouldn’t have him die or hang himself, for millions of golden pieces! Close the door!’
Tom did so; hardly knowing yet whether he was awake or in a dream.
The night had now come, when the old clerk was to be delivered over to his keepers. In the midst of his guilty distractions, Jonas had not forgotten it.
It was a part of his guilty state of mind to remember it; for on his persistence in the scheme depended one of his precautions for his own safety. A hint, a word, from the old man, uttered at such a moment in attentive ears, might fire the train of suspicion, and destroy him. His watchfulness of every avenue by which the discovery of his guilt might be approached, sharpened with his sense of the danger by which he was encompassed. With murder on his soul, and its innumerable alarms and terrors dragging at him night and day, he would have repeated the crime, if he had seen a path of safety stretching out beyond. It was in his punishment; it was in his guilty condition. The very deed which his fears rendered insupportable, his fears would have impelled him to commit again.
But keeping the old man close, according to his design, would serve his turn. His purpose was to escape, when the first alarm and wonder had subsided; and when he could make the attempt without awakening instant suspicion. In the meanwhile these women would keep him quiet; and if the talking humour came upon him, would not be easily startled. He knew their trade.
Nor had he spoken idly when he said the old man should be gagged. He had resolved to ensure his silence; and he looked to the end, not the means. He had been rough and rude and cruel to the old man all his life; and violence was natural to his mind in connection with him. ‘He shall be gagged if he speaks, and pinioned if he writes,’ said Jonas, looking at him; for they sat alone together. ‘He is mad enough for that; I’ll go through with it!’
Still listening! To every sound. He had listened ever since, and it had not come yet. The exposure of the Assurance office; the flight of Crimple and Bullamy with the plunder, and among the rest, as he feared, with his own bill, which he had not found in the pocket-book of the murdered man, and which with Mr Pecksniff’s money had probably been remitted to one or other of those trusty friends for safe deposit at the banker’s; his immense losses, and peril of being still called to account as a partner in the broken firm; all these things rose in his mind at one time and always, but he could not contemplate them. He was aware of their presence, and of the rage, discomfiture, and despair, they brought along with them; but he thought–of his own controlling power and direction he thought–of the one dread question only. When they would find the body in the wood.
He tried–he had never left off trying–not to forget it was there, for that was impossible, but to forget to weary himself by drawing vivid pictures of it in his fancy; by going softly about it and about it among the leaves, approaching it nearer and nearer through a gap in the boughs, and startling the very flies that were thickly sprinkled all over it, like heaps of dried currants. His mind was fixed and fastened on the discovery, for intelligence of which he listened intently to every cry and shout; listened when any one came in or went out; watched from the window the people who passed up and down the street; mistrusted his own looks and words. And the more his thoughts were set upon the discovery, the stronger was the fascination which attracted them to the thing itself; lying alone in the wood. He was for ever showing and presenting it, as it were, to every creature whom he saw. ‘Look here! Do you know of this? Is it found? Do you suspect ME?’ If he had been condemned to bear the body in his arms, and lay it down for recognition at the feet of every one he met, it could not have been more constantly with him, or a cause of more monotonous and dismal occupation than it was in this state of his mind.
Still he was not sorry. It was no contrition or remorse for what he had done that moved him; it was nothing but alarm for his own security. The vague consciousness he possessed of having wrecked his fortune in the murderous venture, intensified his hatred and revenge, and made him set the greater store by what he had gained The man was dead; nothing could undo that. He felt a triumph yet, in the reflection.
He had kept a jealous watch on Chuffey ever since the deed; seldom leaving him but on compulsion, and then for as short intervals as possible. They were alone together now. It was twilight, and the appointed time drew near at hand. Jonas walked up and down the room. The old man sat in his accustomed corner.
The slightest circumstance was matter of disquiet to the murderer, and he was made uneasy at this time by the absence of his wife, who had left home early in the afternoon, and had not returned yet. No tenderness for her was at the bottom of this; but he had a misgiving that she might have been waylaid, and tempted into saying something that would criminate him when the news came. For anything he knew, she might have knocked at the door of his room, while he was away, and discovered his plot. Confound her, it was like her pale face to be wandering up and down the house! Where was she now?
‘She went to her good friend, Mrs Todgers,’ said the old man, when he asked the question with an angry oath.
Aye! To be sure! Always stealing away into the company of that woman. She was no friend of his. Who could tell what devil’s mischief they might hatch together! Let her be fetched home directly.
The old man, muttering some words softly, rose as if he would have gone himself, but Jonas thrust him back into his chair with an impatient imprecation, and sent a servant-girl to fetch her. When he had charged her with her errand he walked to and fro again, and never stopped till she came back, which she did pretty soon; the way being short, and the woman having made good haste.
Well! Where was she? Had she come?
No. She had left there, full three hours.
‘Left there! Alone?’
The messenger had not asked; taking that for granted.
‘Curse you for a fool. Bring candles!’
She had scarcely left the room when the old clerk, who had been unusually observant of him ever since he had asked about his wife, came suddenly upon him.
‘Give her up!’ cried the old man. ‘Come! Give her up to me! Tell me what you have done with her. Quick! I have made no promises on that score. Tell me what you have done with her.’
He laid his hands upon his collar as he spoke, and grasped it; tightly too.
‘You shall not leave me!’ cried the old man. ‘I am strong enough to cry out to the neighbours, and I will, unless you give her up. Give her up to me!’
Jonas was so dismayed and conscience-stricken, that he had not even hardihood enough to unclench the old man’s hands with his own; but stood looking at him as well as he could in the darkness, without moving a finger. It was as much as he could do to ask him what he meant.
‘I will know what you have done with her!’ retorted Chuffey. ‘If you hurt a hair of her head, you shall answer it. Poor thing! Poor thing! Where is she?’
‘Why, you old madman!’ said Jonas, in a low voice, and with trembling lips. ‘What Bedlam fit has come upon you now?’
‘It is enough to make me mad, seeing what I have seen in this house!’ cried Chuffey. ‘Where is my dear old master! Where is his only son that I have nursed upon my knee, a child! Where is she, she who was the last; she that I’ve seen pining day by day, and heard weeping in the dead of night! She was the last, the last of all my friends! Heaven help me, she was the very last!’
Seeing that the tears were stealing down his face, Jonas mustered courage to unclench his hands, and push him off before he answered:
‘Did you hear me ask for her? Did you hear me send for her? How can I give you up what I haven’t got, idiot! Ecod, I’d give her up to you and welcome, if I could; and a precious pair you’d be!’
‘If she has come to any harm,’ cried Chuffey, ‘mind! I’m old and silly; but I have my memory sometimes; and if she has come to any harm–‘
‘Devil take you,’ interrupted Jonas, but in a suppressed voice still; ‘what harm do you suppose she has come to? I know no more where she is than you do; I wish I did. Wait till she comes home, and see; she can’t be long. Will that content you?’
‘Mind!’ exclaimed the old man. ‘Not a hair of her head! not a hair of her head ill-used! I won’t bear it. I–I–have borne it too long Jonas. I am silent, but I–I–I can speak. I–I–I can speak–‘ he stammered, as he crept back to his chair, and turned a threatening, though a feeble, look upon him.
‘You can speak, can you!’ thought Jonas. ‘So, so, we’ll stop your speaking. It’s well I knew of this in good time. Prevention is better than cure.’
He had made a poor show of playing the bully and evincing a desire to conciliate at the same time, but was so afraid of the old man that great drops had started out upon his brow; and they stood there yet. His unusual tone of voice and agitated manner had sufficiently expressed his fear; but his face would have done so now, without that aid, as he again walked to and fro, glancing at him by the candelight.
He stopped at the window to think. An opposite shop was lighted up; and the tradesman and a customer were reading some printed bill together across the counter. The sight brought him back, instantly, to the occupation he had forgotten. ‘Look here! Do you know of this? Is it found? Do you suspect ME?’
A hand upon the door. ‘What’s that!’
‘A pleasant evenin’,’ said the voice of Mrs Gamp, ‘though warm, which, bless you, Mr Chuzzlewit, we must expect when cowcumbers is three for twopence. How does Mr Chuffey find his self to-night, sir?’
Mrs Gamp kept particularly close to the door in saying this, and curtseyed more than usual. She did not appear to be quite so much at her ease as she generally was.
‘Get him to his room,’ said Jonas, walking up to her, and speaking in her ear. ‘He has been raving to-night–stark mad. Don’t talk while he’s here, but come down again.’
‘Poor sweet dear!’ cried Mrs Gamp, with uncommon tenderness. ‘He’s all of a tremble.’
‘Well he may be,’ said Jonas, ‘after the mad fit he has had. Get him upstairs.’
She was by this time assisting him to rise.
‘There’s my blessed old chick!’ cried Mrs Gamp, in a tone that was at once soothing and encouraging. ‘There’s my darlin’ Mr Chuffey! Now come up to your own room, sir, and lay down on your bed a bit; for you’re a-shakin’ all over, as if your precious jints was hung upon wires. That’s a good creetur! Come with Sairey!’
‘Is she come home?’ inquired the old man.
‘She’ll be here directly minit,’ returned Mrs Gamp. ‘Come with Sairey, Mr Chuffey. Come with your own Sairey!’
The good woman had no reference to any female in the world in promising this speedy advent of the person for whom Mr Chuffey inquired, but merely threw it out as a means of pacifying the old man. It had its effect, for he permitted her to lead him away; and they quitted the room together.
Jonas looked out of the window again. They were still reading the printed paper in the shop opposite, and a third man had joined in the perusal. What could it be, to interest them so?’
A dispute or discussion seemed to arise among them, for they all looked up from their reading together, and one of the three, who had been glancing over the shoulder of another, stepped back to explain or illustrate some action by his gestures.
Horror! How like the blow he had struck in the wood!
It beat him from the window as if it had lighted on himself. As he staggered into a chair, he thought of the change in Mrs Gamp exhibited in her new-born tenderness to her charge. Was that because it was found?–because she knew of it?–because she suspected him?
‘Mr Chuffey is a-lyin’ down,’ said Mrs Gamp, returning, ‘and much good may it do him, Mr Chuzzlewit, which harm it can’t and good it may; be joyful!’
‘Sit down,’ said Jonas, hoarsely, ‘and let us get this business done. Where is the other woman?’
‘The other person’s with him now,’ she answered.
‘That’s right,’ said Jonas. ‘He is not fit to be left to himself. Why, he fastened on me to-night; here, upon my coat; like a savage dog. Old as he is, and feeble as he is usually, I had some trouble to shake him off. You–Hush!–It’s nothing. You told me the other woman’s name. I forget it.’
‘I mentioned Betsey Prig,’ said Mrs Gamp.
‘She is to be trusted, is she?’
‘That she ain’t!’ said Mrs Gamp; ‘nor have I brought her, Mr Chuzzlewit. I’ve brought another, which engages to give every satigefaction.’
‘What is her name?’ asked Jonas.
Mrs Gamp looked at him in an odd way without returning any answer, but appeared to understand the question too.
‘What is her name?’ repeated Jonas.
‘Her name,’ said Mrs Gamp, ‘is Harris.’
It was extraordinary how much effort it cost Mrs Gamp to pronounce the name she was commonly so ready with. She made some three or four gasps before she could get it out; and, when she had uttered it, pressed her hand upon her side, and turned up her eyes, as if she were going to faint away. But, knowing her to labour under a complication of internal disorders, which rendered a few drops of spirits indispensable at certain times to her existence, and which came on very strong when that remedy was not at hand, Jonas merely supposed her to be the victim of one of these attacks.
‘Well!’ he said, hastily, for he felt how incapable he was of confining his wandering attention to the subject. ‘You and she have arranged to take care of him, have you?’
Mrs Gamp replied in the affirmative, and softly discharged herself of her familiar phrase, ‘Turn and turn about; one off, one on.’ But she spoke so tremulously that she felt called upon to add, ‘which fiddle-strings is weakness to expredge my nerves this night!’
Jonas stopped to listen. Then said, hurriedly:
‘We shall not quarrel about terms. Let them be the same as they were before. Keep him close, and keep him quiet. He must be restrained. He has got it in his head to-night that my wife’s dead, and has been attacking me as if I had killed her. It’s–it’s common with mad people to take the worst fancies of those they like best. Isn’t it?’
Mrs Gamp assented with a short groan.
‘Keep him close, then, or in one of his fits he’ll be doing me a mischief. And don’t trust him at any time; for when he seems most rational, he’s wildest in his talk. But that you know already. Let me see the other.’
‘The t’other person, sir?’ said Mrs Gamp.
‘Aye! Go you to him and send the other. Quick! I’m busy.’
Mrs Gamp took two or three backward steps towards the door, and stopped there.
‘It is your wishes, Mr Chuzzlewit,’ she said, in a sort of quavering croak, ‘to see the t’other person. Is it?’
But the ghastly change in Jonas told her that the other person was already seen. Before she could look round towards the door, she was put aside by old Martin’s hand; and Chuffey and John Westlock entered with him.
‘Let no one leave the house,’ said Martin. ‘This man is my brother’s son. Ill-met, ill-trained, ill-begotten. If he moves from the spot on which he stands, or speaks a word above his breath to any person here, open the window, and call for help!’
‘What right have you to give such directions in this house?’ asked Jonas faintly.
‘The right of your wrong-doing. Come in there!’
An irrepressible exclamation burst from the lips of Jonas, as Lewsome entered at the door. It was not a groan, or a shriek, or a word, but was wholly unlike any sound that had ever fallen on the ears of those who heard it, while at the same time it was the most sharp and terrible expression of what was working in his guilty breast, that nature could have invented.
He had done murder for this! He had girdled himself about with perils, agonies of mind, innumerable fears, for this! He had hidden his secret in the wood; pressed and stamped it down into the bloody ground; and here it started up when least expected, miles upon miles away; known to many; proclaiming itself from the lips of an old man who had renewed his strength and vigour as by a miracle, to give it voice against him!
He leaned his hand on the back of a chair, and looked at them. It was in vain to try to do so scornfully, or with his usual insolence. He required the chair for his support. But he made a struggle for it.
‘I know that fellow,’ he said, fetching his breath at every word, and pointing his trembling finger towards Lewsome. ‘He’s the greatest liar alive. What’s his last tale? Ha, ha! You’re rare fellows, too! Why, that uncle of mine is childish; he’s even a greater child than his brother, my father, was, in his old age; or than Chuffey is. What the devil do you mean,’ he added, looking fiercely at John Westlock and Mark Tapley (the latter had entered with Lewsome), ‘by coming here, and bringing two idiots and a knave with you to take my house by storm? Hallo, there! Open the door! Turn these strangers out!’
‘I tell you what,’ cried Mr Tapley, coming forward, ‘if it wasn’t for your name, I’d drag you through the streets of my own accord, and single-handed I would! Ah, I would! Don’t try and look bold at me. You can’t do it! Now go on, sir,’ this was to old Martin. ‘Bring the murderin’ wagabond upon his knees! If he wants noise, he shall have enough of it; for as sure as he’s a shiverin’ from head to foot I’ll raise a uproar at this winder that shall bring half London in. Go on, sir! Let him try me once, and see whether I’m a man of my word or not.’
With that, Mark folded his arms, and took his seat upon the window- ledge, with an air of general preparation for anything, which seemed to imply that he was equally ready to jump out himself, or to throw Jonas out, upon receiving the slightest hint that it would be agreeable to the company.
Old Martin turned to Lewsome:
‘This is the man,’ he said, extending his hand towards Jonas. ‘Is it?’
‘You need do no more than look at him to be sure of that, or of the truth of what I have said,’ was the reply. ‘He is my witness.’
‘Oh, brother!’ cried old Martin, clasping his hands and lifting up his eyes. ‘Oh, brother, brother! Were we strangers half our lives that you might breed a wretch like this, and I make life a desert by withering every flower that grew about me! Is it the natural end of your precepts and mine, that this should be the creature of your rearing, training, teaching, hoarding, striving for; and I the means of bringing him to punishment, when nothing can repair the wasted past!’
He sat down upon a chair as he spoke, and turning away his face, was silent for a few moments. Then with recovered energy he proceeded:
‘But the accursed harvest of our mistaken lives shall be trodden down. It is not too late for that. You are confronted with this man, you monster there; not to be spared, but to be dealt with justly. Hear what he says! Reply, be silent, contradict, repeat, defy, do what you please. My course will be the same. Go on! And you,’ he said to Chuffey, ‘for the love of your old friend, speak out, good fellow!’
‘I have been silent for his love!’ cried the old man. ‘He urged me to it. He made me promise it upon his dying bed. I never would have spoken, but for your finding out so much. I have thought about it ever since; I couldn’t help that; and sometimes I have had it all before me in a dream; but in the day-time, not in sleep. Is there such a kind of dream?’ said Chuffey, looking anxiously in old Martin’s face.
As Martin made him an encouraging reply, he listened attentively to his voice, and smiled.
‘Ah, aye!’ he cried. ‘He often spoke to me like that. We were at school together, he and I. I couldn’t turn against his son, you know–his only son, Mr Chuzzlewit!’
‘I would to Heaven you had been his son!’ said Martin.
‘You speak so like my dear old master,’ cried the old man with a childish delight, ‘that I almost think I hear him. I can hear you quite as well as I used to hear him. It makes me young again. He never spoke unkindly to me, and I always understood him. I could always see him too, though my sight was dim. Well, well! He’s dead, he’s dead. He was very good to me, my dear old master!’
He shook his head mournfully over the brother’s hand. At this moment Mark, who had been glancing out of the window, left the room.
‘I couldn’t turn against his only son, you know,’ said Chuffey. ‘He has nearly driven me to do it sometimes; he very nearly did tonight. Ah!’ cried the old man, with a sudden recollection of the cause. ‘Where is she? She’s not come home!’
‘Do you mean his wife?’ said Mr Chuzzlewit.
‘I have removed her. She is in my care, and will be spared the present knowledgeothi
to any removeffeyiles
madling, enstence, gerscands aoBut that adictio.!’
Jonas heard this with a inkmoveffarit. He knwr that thye wereoen hisheelis, and felt that thye werepreolutme torune him t, d strectiom. nuchbly icgh the
grounl bnreath him was slnding fron hisfreet; maste, and anster thn enircblingru in contrecte, and contrecte, towards himself,fitswuicte,csenare,uentlo it should clost rn andctruth him.
mheard tes voice of his accimpoiceistfting to his facee with everynircum staice of time
and lacme
and icsidnat; and opelye
proclaiminn, with nopresarv,s suppressio,ny remoan, orc onc aldnatd ale the truts. The trutg, which nothing would keep dow; ‘which bloog would notsmrother, andfarihg would not hice;tThe trutg, wlost terribleainpiaration seemeg to changedotwards into stoing mn;, and on whoseeaveaging wigds, nse whmw mhad suppused toble at the, x trevestscoreor of thdfarihgcsames wosping down upon him. Hhe tised toidnyd it,bust his togueg would notemovt. Hec oncrivnd come
pelate thought oftrutning awae, and rearinu through thd street;,bust hislimbsg wouldaislittile nsower on his well asthis stakg, sifft stading face. ale this time tes voicewsentsllolly nt, dgerancing him. It waswas fh everydropt of bloog in the woo mhat fuand a voice to eerh him witm.
WThen itcleasde, a other voice tookup;tThe acle,bust strangly;e for the oldnclark, who hadwaetcsde, ade listened to the whore, andmhatwruing his hands from i me to-time,was fhhHe knwrfits truth andccould conirmd it,brpokeind with these worsd:
Noe, ne, n!o you’re wron;o you’re wron– ale wronl togethel! naveprateonce,’for the truthhis only known to me!’
Hnow can thatbse,’ said his old maste’is brother,’afster what yod havemhear?. Basidsn, you said
jusdkno,d abov- stiars, when I old you of thd accsration against hie, that you kewt he was his fother’s murdeher!’
Ayce,yees! and st he wah!’ cried Chuffey, wedply. ‘But not st yod suppus– not st yod suppusilestayl! Ggiveime w momen’is timh. I havt
ithall deh–
alethere! It was
ful,sctrel,sbad;,bust not st yod suppusilestayg, sayl!’
Hepust his handsup;tok his heae,was fh it trobberd orepaaned him.Afster looking b out hie in awhandrking and a caIt mnnder for coms
his eyeoprerted uion Jonas, when thyenkindted up with sudden recollection and i teliglence.
‘Yer!’ cried old Chuffey, yees! That’s owf it wam. Ie’s ale upon He owt. Hw–he
oit u’ from his enl beforethe isde, to be sure, to sas thathte foghavemimd; and hgcsame down with me i to this roo;, and when he swemimw–his only son, the oen he lovdw–his peich fosloon
mhad no
peich for what he kew–
Andkn, nse understood hie, xecep imh. ‘ButIy di–Iy dil!’
Old Martinregearned hie in mazeldnatd stdaid his compatioam. Mr’sGtamk, who had said nothingyeet;bust ald kep tw-othards of derealfbehkind the doo,y ready forescapre, and ns-otharg in the roo,y readt forslnding with tho stoinvestspaty;ecsameaslittilefurother rn anr
rmtaksde, with a obe, that Mr Chuffey was’ tho wreevest oldntreeourgpoi’r!’
Hebhought tho shuf,?’ said Chuffey,
stretchingoust his ar, toward
Jonas’while ne uwrontednirHe shne, in hiseyee, ade lightnted upthis fac; ‘hHebhought tho shuf,dkn,doubt,t st yod havemheare, and bhought
ithsome. He ixied the shuf– look at hi!– with come wreemseatien ajard, erecely is the eadimine for his fother’dccough was ixie,n anrpustite in a daowe;g in tsat daowet yinder in the esk;t he klowd which daowetIu mea!. He kep it thrhe licte,uph. ‘But his couraes fmiled hiefor hisffaris was tutcsd– myGold! I opf it wapthisffari!. He was-his only so!– Andthe ild notpustite in theusquarplface, thrhe my old masteg would have taken it wseny etimesae dar!’ The tembblingfigsure of the old man shook with tho stoin remctioes thatppusreseod him. Bout, with tho a me lught in hiseyee, ade with his ar,ous stretcsde, ade with his grgy hair sirrkingpon hishdead, hn seemeg to
grwt in izee, ade aislikme
w aneainpiaied.
sruik’ from looking st hie, andccwvered down i to tea chairbly’which mhad hedm. It seemegwas fh this trevindus TtruthccoulI make thddumbu speam.
‘I klo
it evemy wordnlow!’ cried Chuffey. Eevemy wor!. Hepustitt rn tsat daowe,l as I have said. He sentsoe often thrhe, ade aisst,sentrte, that his fothee took nooice ofiat; and when hewnas out,mhat it opeied. We were thrhe together, and ne fuind the ixatur–Mur Chuzzlewie and I. Hce tookite itok hisppusresmoan, and made lught ofwie ht thoetimm; but in theonighd hgcsame to ys enasidl, wepminn, anrt old e, that hisdown oen had it in hismkind to oispon him “‘Ohr Chuf,”‘ he said,”otg, dear old Chuf!d a voicecsame itok ys roort -nlight,hand told e, that this crmve bgawn with mm. It bgawn when rtaought him to be tooecovtdus of what I have tolHeavn, and made the, xplecaction ofith his grhatbu inres!”! Those were his wors;, ay,r thyu are his vemy wores! Ifn hewnasad hald manklo aind thn,f it wat for-his only soI. Hcelmoved his only son, Andthewnasaalways good ts
Jonas listened with icrleasdd attentsoI. H opfwnas braokingiwn upon hmm.
He s ale notwdeady for my deutg, Chuf;”, thatwnas’what he side nxt,?’pouruied the oldnclark, as hewipved his eye;, ‘thatwnas’wha, hn said nxt,s cdyinglikme
chil: “
He s ale notwdeady for m,
deutg, ChufI. Hce s ale haveisdkno;t he s alemtaemy thrhe madlas fncyg, Chufk, l thoughiat ddn’t pleas imm; And yod and I wellgts away ade lave upon alittilh. Iaalwayslmoved hm;w pehapas h’elllmovs
md thnm. Ie’s f drednfu othingtok have my own chil otherslingffor my deuth. ‘ButIymnighd have known it. I have nowe, and Imjusddrep.
He shall blieve, that Iame tarinu tist; and whenIs see thathtehis oaeme, andmhsthall dawhanrs,I’ell telt him that I fuind it utn, anrI’ell fogiavemimI. Hc’alemtkme wbetsteg man of hisdown oee, and elasbetsteg man himself, pehapag, Chuf!”!’
Pdoor Chuffeypa used todemy
his eyeo again.
Old Martin’s fact wat hidden in his handd. Jonas listenedrslalemfore kenlme, andmhis branst Heavdglikme ws wollndwaeher, but with opd. with
grwrint opd.
Mmy dear old masted made blieve, nxte da,?’ said Chuffey,’ thathtd
hdt opeien the daowetblynst tak, with akfey from hHebrantg, whicd hpptened tofistite(w
mhadhne, made andmuing uponit); aind thathtd hdt been suprisned tofiandmhiy feuth suplly fdccough eadimineine such aplface,bust suppusedito had beenpuit thrhe in ahuaemy thne thdddaowetrstood oped. Webturtfiat;bust hisspon blievend thathtt wat tarinuitw–he klowdthe iln. aice Mr Chuzzlewie, totemy
hie, loon
faris to sadito hadat strange tastd; and hg oit u’diaieceln, anr sent ut.!’
Jonasghavean shrie,demyccougd; an,o chaniing hisppuictioy foraneranieor nce,’fldved his arsnds aoBut looking st thmo, though thyd could nws see h’s facd.
MMr Chuzzlewie wrtme tothee fothe;tIu meam hHe fothee of thepofor tding ho’sn his wif,?’ said Chuffe;, andgoht him to comeup,t rstedhingtok histegpon the taeiraeh. ‘But hismkin,glikmemkidl, wna, wlittile wronl throughgcrif, aind thnr hisffarisbrpokI. Hce aik’ anr l vered from hHe i me when hecsame to et in theonighd; andn even fled upthis head again. It was onlyasfrwe dast,bust mhad even changnd stmsuch in woice
yfardd. “Sp are
hmg, Chuf!”‘ he saidsbeeforethe isds. Thye were ths only woren heccould speam. “Sp arn hmg, Chuf!”‘tIu
prmiseod hid I couln. ‘vhe tised toion it. Hc’sh his only soI!’
nr his recollection of thelanstscsee, in his oldftisnd’as lif,epofor Chuffe’as voicg, whichmhad grwntwdekte, andwdekte, quithe esertvndmimI. Mtarinu w mction with hish an,owas fhhHe would have saidtwha,An thnyhmhad taken ie, andmhae isdd with it in hi,hhHetrtgrhaeod ts tea coreor thrhe usqualyrc onc aved his oaelow;, ade aissmilnt.’
Jonasccould look at his compaydkno,d and auentnglyr loy. Wtelw!’thd said,afsteraypa usy. Arhe you stisfisd?efor have yod ayemfore of yooreloits osbrpach?. Whyd thatftelno,dLew
com,w caninvsent’emgffor yodbyh tho colh. st thisual?! nave yod nothingelse?!’
Old Martin loosdd ad hidistadiply.
WThothee yod ‘re that you seemeg toble atPecksniff’sn, or arn comothingelsed and
w muenebaik,tIy ddn’tkklo aindIy ddn’tc ar,’d sain Jonas, looking dowowar, with a miore,’bButIy ddn’twhant yod eolh. Yyou were weresoe often when yoor brotheewnasaaiavn, and werr llwayssoefoand fd hid( yoor deag, dear brother, And yod would havsbehenchufkingpoe, a otherbeeforet hi,hrecd!),, that Iamea oe suprisnedhat yoerbeking statcsdd to theplfact;bust theplfachhisa oe statcsdd to yor, And yod can’tlHeavn it tooslono, though yodmsaslHeavn it toolhaee. And for my wif,e old may, eand hrthsomd
stalight,forwie iall bn the weree for her! nt,mh!. Yyouctaemyitt with ahligsh an,o to!. ‘But it san’tchaniingyeey forag man to keplasopen’hrihd fd oispon for-his wenpurppusse, andmhavn it taken from horbyh wot oldntazy jol ve- heas, whogod and cth aplfyg b out it. Had,
h!. Dot you sed the doo?!’
Hhis eas tiumphy,
stugglding with his cowaroicg, and hamen, anrguilut, aisst, devesabore, that thyeatuened away from ho,owas fhhHr sereso etobscsee, andfiluhay aimal,y rpugnhant to theslighe. And eol, thatlanstblfaks crmvewnas usyg with him to;e wekding wit in hort g hispearontsoI. ‘But’for tat,d the oldnclar’asrstryymnighd havrt utcsdt hie, though evesst, lughlyt;bust’for tat,d the sudder rmovald fdsos grhat
wlohaemnighd have bhoughg b outso et whle coms changt even in hmd. with tsat ered didl, ow eve;, with tha,unndcreseadywhistnfu dhangor huentngd hm;w esphairwnas in his vemrttiumph, andrblief;, wed,e ugmovrnabore,uraking esphai,t’for tms usle snrese of thepdrkle itok whichm
mhadpluangn;w esphair tha, haleaned hi, and maleaned hig, and eat histreeh, -gcredhingien a momenn of hisexulcactiod.
Mmy goodftisnd!?’ saidoOld Martis, ayiing hish and n Chuffe’ad le evy. T hishisa eplfach’for youtok
rmtien iy. Co et with mm!’
Jjusd his oldawaw!’ cried Chuffes, looking up itok his facd. Ir lmonstbblieve,iIe’sMMr Chuzzlewieaaiavd again. Yees! tak, et witr yos! Stda,, thougy, sdar!’
‘Ffor wha?’owakeidoOld Martim.
‘I can’tlHeavnther,pofo othin!?’ said Chuffed. S madlbehen vemr good th mm. I can’tlHeavnther,MMr Chuzzlewis. Taik’ youokidply.I’ell rmtien
eolh. I havan’tloingtok
rmtie;,iIe’snos grhatm attrr!’
Aen hemeeknly shook hisppoo,y grgy dead aind thnkeidoOld Martieine thsey worer,MMs Gtamk,klo tentrblyg in the roo,ywnasauffcaeod ts fardd.
T hemercly is it s!?’ he said,’aisseuch a deag, goo,y r veeAndntreeouh evesgoht i to tea luetcsse ofBetsrgyPrigg, whichbust’foromshHe would have didl,undoubtgn;w fatsrbeki’e shbbcor; andnohtranm, rmove!’
‘Yyoumhear, et spead to yo jjusdkno,d old may?’ said Jonastok hi,unclcd. I’ale havenosmforettamerding with mypeopore, man eg w mad.Dot you sed the doo?!’ ‘DotYOUu sed the doo?!etrttuened the voice of Mak,t colingffrom hha,diaiectsoI. ‘Llook atite!’ Hcelmoosde, andmhisghzvewnasnfmiledt
eolh. Fatal,yial-momevndb lightedt
feutoed,ecourtedbyr his fother’dfooittepas in hisdyrint ur,ecourtedbyr his yoing wfe’is oaelohingtrdead courtedbyr thddfmily sa doe of the oldnclar’asfigsurd courtedbyr th’ cpuskingpfh hismualerher’dfree– thatmten serestaedhingien the doodawaw’ Nadogest’foemonsd.
HMak!. Itcsameono,rparyinglikme
wseh!. Hawkteas uerst i to tea
strrtedntyrinuitg up and dow;, wndoowd were tgrwnt ope, that tht ihabithanra nighd harfiat;peoporsrstppsdd to listeg in the read and n thdphavomen;m hHebtels,h tho a mebtels,h bgawntok rin;m umbblingoevenpoe, a other in adhaice ofbolistrdus joye ht thodisecovady(‘thatwnas teasfuind thyhmhad in hisdlistamertedt houghs)n, and marinu teienhaiyaplfy-gcfuindrockd.
T atisn the tay?’ saidNadogesI. ‘Byr th’ wndooe!’ T
fece othesecsame is, aids handg upon hig, and ecouned hin. It wan c quicknly didl, thathttmhad o’tlonstslught ot tht i’fomher’dffact forcaninstaete when his ristwd were taaciledttogethed.
Mualery?’ saidNadogess, lookingcfuindpon thehisoniscsdtgcfupI. ‘Lea,nosoee, istrfeolh!’ T
strrty rprhaeodMualert;barbardus and drednfu Mualerd.Mualery Mualery MualerI. Rcolkingpoy from dusme totdusmg, andeucorint fromisonme toisonml,unslad the voicse isdd away i to teadlisana,humg, which seemeg tomutsteg tho a me wor!’ T
eythallrstoodsmilnt:o listeminn, ansghzhingieneatce other’dffacsedasn thenolihepasrtediod.
Old Martinwasn thefherse toispeam.
WT ht eaeiborn histryyist thi?!’teadrmtndved.
Ask HIMy?’ saidNadogesI. ‘Yyo’are
irI. Hce can telt yort
fhhHe ialI. Hce klowdmfore on it hatIy de, thoughItkklo msucr!’ ‘Hlo dot youkklo msuc?!’
‘Ie havenotlbehenwaechtngd hmsst, oingffod nothin,!etrttuene Nadogesd. Ih eveswaechedrag manst,clonhehi I havewaechedr hin!’ Aa other of thep hatomgffomse of thistraeific Truth!. A other of tha aye sapeas in which itisartvng up b out hig, out ofvacfncys. Thi, may, of alemteg in the woed,e wspyg upon hi;f this may, chaniing hit
dtenttyt;carslingofof hissh
rikminn,purbblid,e uobservana, chrfather, Andsp
rinking up itokaewaechnfu mevmy!. Tha deld maa nighd have come out ofmhisgraavn, andnotlc o fuinead andhpp alvndmimdmfor.’ T
eagamvewnasupI. T
earfact wae htmansnd;n the rpct waewoeven for-hi,neckn. f, blyasmiracil,n heccouldescapegffrom hhissstalt,thttmhadbunt to tuek his fac, a otherwda,,nosm attrr thrh, aind thrHe woulr liheso etnrwehavangorffrant toffrant with hi;eso et i’aete in nt urd grwntoed,eoar old mne in n urd
grwnt yoin,eoarbblidd mne witrhhissnighdfeustred,eoar defd mne witr hisffarkinggiavin hmd. Thwerrwnasno, chackI. Hce aik’ dowe in aheapd agaisht thow al,; andn even opsdd agaigffrom hha
‘Iamea oe
hisftisndy, l thoughIt have thothn urd toble-hi,rblactvf,?’ saidMMr Chuzzlewis. ‘Yyoumsat spead to mm. Wthrhehavr yod aechedn, and thathnave yod sen?!’ ‘Ie havewaechedraig
ayeplfacs,!etrttuenedNadogess,’onigh and aly.II havewaechedr hiolhaeeln, lmonstds aoButfeuseoarrblief;’e-hi,anxidus fac, aedb lodutohtryeslc o irmseditd. Ihlittilet houghd ts thatmynwaechtngdwnastoklHeln. Ashlittileawdthe ile when heslippsdnputt in theonighe,deesrted in tonheclo thsk whichm afsteowarissunkt
rn abuinlle atLoanponBridog!!’
Jonasmovvng upon thegcfuindlikme
w mne inbodiplstorttukI. Hc,ut vered wsuppeesrtedgcfmay,was fhhHemhadbehenwfuineadbyeso etcruelr saupo;, adeplucosdd ad tht fra;bandg upon his ristwy,was though(-hi, handgbekingftrr)hhHe would havetouek hmuslfm.
Sstadln,kmis mn!?’ said th’ hiefgofooicer of theparted. Dddn’tbc,vioilnt.’.
WTromdot youc alekmis mn?’owakeidoOld Martidistrnply.
Yyo,?’ said th’ may,’amoing othes.’.
Martidttuenedhhisscrurtiizhingghzve upon hiI. Hce aissmtslinglhzhlm,a cpusd w chairwwitr hisaomsefeuskingpoy hHebfak;neaskingnutsn, anr tgrwrinu te’ helse out of wndooeawdthentacosdd temg, whichtea sial, oentnused toion whlet spearind.
Ayf,?’ he said, with a ulkydknds. ‘Yyoumsatdteyt yoernephew sial, you ist;bustChevy SlymchhisChevy Slymch sial,f ale the woedgoeved.Persapst even yodmsadfrelh itio etdligrfact to yors wenb lodd tobl tamloyted in this ayn. ‘md toblebhoughdofo.’.
Att evryeatuew!’ cried Martim. Sslfy, elfy,
elfm. Eevryepoe, moins temn
‘Yyoumhadbeattrrshavepoe,fo owotamoing temn thetcfubilet er; andbct
for temnwaewteltwaeYOUR
elfy!etrplinedhhisnephewI. ‘Llookthrheha,me!. Cant you sed the man fo yorsfamipls whohassmforettilntd in hislittilefkinteg tman ale thefeuse in thairunitvngbrgaise,deesrtedwae dpoloice oooicerds aoButbeking hamed?ehIttlook up with thistradvepodpurppuse toihameo yoh. I ildn’tothik Iutoould havetod maee dcapttukt in thefamiple, thoug.’.
Ifo yorsdebautcsryd aind thtn fo yorsctonhnsftisnds,ohassdrellm, bhoughg youtok thisl evl,!etrttuened the old may,’ keplitd. Yyod ‘rsliviing poestple,II opsd aind tht’is oomothin.!’ ‘Dodn’tbc hale uponmynctonhnsftisnds,!etrttuenedSlymcy,’ for teyr sereso etrmvso yorsctonhnsftisndsttlo.. Dodn’tsayt yodn eventamloytedmysftisnd Tigg,t’forItkklo beattrm. We qutaeealvne uponit.’.
II irned thefealno,!etrtortvngMMr Chuzzlewiy,’and Iepaidr hin!’ ‘It’iswtelt yoepaidr hi,?’ saidhhisnephewy,’ forwie oould bn toolhaert gdoosldknoI. Hcehassgiavin hssdrceipse innful;,fo mhad st’focsdn from hoarfethed!’ T
ea old mnelmoosdd ad hi, as fhhHe serecouidus to klo thathha eaet,;bustsecuened eproloing telc oevesactiod.
II haveal ayisexpfcaeod thathttand Ie oould bn bhoughgttogethe,agtien ig telc ourte ofbuskiesr,?’ saidSlymcy,tmarinuagftrsgsh annfunpfgnutsy from hisppcosn;m’bustIet houghdhHe wouldbce anaeod
comss wndlkingjob;,iIh evesen veredmgy dead that Iutoould oldaewarrana, for tedhppre
erstiot ofmhismualerher!’
‘HISsmualerhew!’ cried Mr Chuzzlewiy, looking fromonme to a othed.
Hhisfor MrMoenague’iy?’ saidNadogesI. ‘T eythreg tho a me,IIaort ldh. Iaccusme hi,yoancer of themualere of MrMoenague,s who wanffuindlanstonighe,kialvn,e in awonds. Yyod ialowak, et hy Iaccusmdmimdaso yoI havealdredyowakeidmhothwrItkklo so msucr. ‘ale telt yoy.ItI can’t rmtien
earulkingpasrtiot of the manexpeesrted t elft event
er,n ig tert nte ofregtr’t in whichTha dmlorned thehpproachtngdpubiicttygpfh thathhtkkewI.
IIt ldo yoII mhadwaechedr hi,?’ heprocereedd. Ihwnas isstucaeod tsdoosldbye MrMoenague,s in wpusetamloyomennII havebehen for
com trmvI.WHemhadyorssuspictonst ofmhm;, ade youkklo wthat thyepoinaeodat,t’fo, you havebehendiseuusking itiiaiceweu havebehenwaltiing hrh, oBus dts tea roon. ft youc rme totdeag,klo iIe’s aleoeve,s in whtn uo,suspictonst bgaw, ‘ale telt yoeplfinpl:e in aqutaeea ( st’hersecsamrt gyorsfarde tgrough ahinat ofmhis we) beawevin hmd andha othenpfooict in whichThis fother’dlwfehwnas isuredn, and thichThadso msucsdoubt and isstustg upon thesubjfcal, thathtt copfuinead with temg,andttlookhalof the nty;, adewnasglaed toionitd. B stbyebwiy,InfraeeaeodoButmforecircumisanicse agaisht hig, anda oeagfewI. It,rbquiered wlittilepactenic,;bustiIe’smyncaolkinh. Iffuind thgnursmd–thrhe heis toc o irmdmh; Iffuind thgdoctoo,y Iffuind th,unlertmaeo,y Iffuind th unlertmaeo’is mah. Iffuind out lo the ol gmenlrmtnd thrH,d Mr Chuffy,umhadbe havdd ad thtfuneral;tand Ieffuinnputtwthat this may’ tuchtngdLew come on thehrig,’mhadttiosdd b out
rnThis eveh. Iffuind out lo telc oducaeod-hmuslfdbe’foen his fother’d dethe, andmlo siaice andmlo ad thttrmv;, adewrltiingiut ale dowe, andputtiingiuuc rmnfulygttogethee, mdce cusetnroughffor M oenagueutok axn hmd with te’ crmeg, which(awdthe-hmuslfdbelinvsdnunslad o-onigh)hhHemhad comittedh. Iwnasbye when this asy dids. Yyo,seme hi,knoI. Hcehis npls ourte tmanhenwasn thnd!’ Ohe,mlihrabil,nmlihrabildfool! oh,s isupportabil,nexcruciaskinrt rttuk!. oefkidd livce andfativc–aeparteutokiuu al– hHebrtien nlr
ligh-h and of thesentr’thHemhadt
houghd ttcrush!. Iin wpme, thoughth,mhadwaalvne themualereld mneup, blyeni hatmlntd inadrock,h tho stryh oould havelivcd, adewniosdd b rea!. Hcetcried toisopnThisfarde witrhhisfet vered omsl, thathtt
nighdshout ute thefeusI.
Awdthenttuchvng upon thef lor,t thyedeewd away from hoa as fh dpeuskleaiceweukt inhhisbrdethd. Thwyefeale oo,monmebyepoe,gffrom hhadphrht ot tht roo,klHevtngd hmsalonme upon thegcfuinm. Eevin tonhe wp,mhad hms in thair kepking hunnedr hi,, ade( with te’excepttiot o
Slymcy, who wah
sial occupiead withhhisnBus)r kpseaphrhI.
Ffrom hha gtaeet- wndooeopposmtey?’ saidNadogess,poinarinua cpuss teantaelo sstrrt, ‘Ie havewaechedr this dusme andmimn fordayis
nlronighsm. Ffrom hha gtaeet- wndooeopposmtet Iuawm hoare tuek comg,alpoe,gffromagjotuenyepon whichThaThadseut ute with MrMoenague. T
ha wahmeutokvin tha MrMoenague’insndewnasgtieed;tand Ie nigh,rbshteasyeponmynwaeche, thoughItwnasnotstoklHeaveiuuunsladth, ismliseidmhd. But, isannking ad thtdooar pposmtey afsterdarkm hhad a meonighe, Iuawmalc ontry mansstale out of this dusm, blyass dt-sdoforwig telc out,s whohadh evesen vereditd. Itkkewn his nion, anr tatrwie awdthmuslf,tdligulihdh. Iffalnoedr hioimmedihaeelh. Ilontdmimdpon theweistrn rea,h sial traavolkineweisowar.!’
Jonaslmoosdd up tdmimn
formne iisant,, ademut vered
ot ethd.
IIccouldnotlc mpre
erdtwthat this eaet,?’ saidNadoges;m’bus,umhvkinr sendso msuce, Irbsolvied toieveiuuoutd aind tgrougn. And Ie ild.Lfarnminn,poninquieyp tdmiis dusme from hiswwfel, thathtt wansupposedd tobleslkepkingwig tel rooe from whichIaThadsevin hmdgonputd aind thtnThaThadgiavinssticseoalerasnotstokbetdli tubedn,Itkkewr tatrhenwasnc mkingbfak;naind for-hinc mkingbfakhItwnechedd. Itkkpsa
ynwaechgwig telsstrrt–wigdofo ayir, Andssuceplfacs–aale thadonigh;g ad tht a me wndoo,f alenextrday;, adewwhenonigh csamepod agai,gwig telsstrrtepocedmfor.. FforItkkewdhHe would comebfaky,wadmhaThadg nte ut,s when thisphrht ot thtt wenwasntamted. Hee ild.Earplswig telmfonminn, tht a mec ontry mancsamentrepkin,entrepkin,dctrepkink comr!’ ‘Llookiharpw!’inaerposeddSlymcy, whohadh ooefkiishnedhhisnBusd.’T hishisquitht freguleag, MrNadogesI’.
II kpseaht thowwndooeaale da,?’ saidNadogess,ds aoButheretngd hm.
IItthik I evesclosredmgyryesn. Ateonighe, Iuawm hmd come ute witd abuinllh. Iffalnoedr hio agaiI. Hce lntd dowe telssepst atLoanpo Bridogr,
Andssik itt in therieveh. Iklo begtnd osen vettien comsseuidus ffard,, ademmdcead comunicactioutok te Poloicg, whichcausmnr tatrbuinlletokbe–‘.
Tokbetfishnedup,!’inaerrupteddSlymcd. Bed livcg, MrNadogesI’.
Itlc nttieedd thtdeesrhIaThadsevin hmdwdeag?’ saidNadoges;
sttieedd withclayd aindspottedd withb lodh. n fomattiot of tha
ualerewassdrceivted in dowelanstonighd. Thwdwdeacer of tatrdeesrhhi,aldredyokklooutok havebehensevinndeaf theplfac;utok havebehenlurkkinriin tha nenigb orhlod;, adetok have liigheod fromagcoachnc mking
fror tatrphrht ot thtc ontry,t atattrmv’exfatlygtellmkinewwith te’evrya tnutes when Iuawm hoare tuekink comr. Thwdwarranaehassbehenputd ains tesce oooicesu havebehenwwithmcy, comeh ourm. We ctonhgyorstrmv;,andtsevkink youccomeiwe, andsevkink thispcesiotaht thowwndoo–‘.
Beckoened e hi,?’ said Maky,tmarinu up thtthdredt ot thtntaeativc,dpon deakink thisellustioutokthmuslf,t’t gypvent egdofo;n whichTha ins with adtale fepleastukI’.
Ttht’isaaleatrpeeseet,?’ saidNadoges,dputtiingupnThisgrdetdpocosnbloog, which frommeukthabwinThaThadproducedewwhenhHebegtnd hisr evlattioe, andmhad kpse inhhish and ale thetrmv;,’bust thrHhhi,pilntysmforetouccomd. Yyod akeidmho for tedffatsy,
cdffrnII havsr lhaedd temg, andaeresnotsdettien tescegmenlrmer; aytloinveh. A’rs youdredyg, MrSlymc?’.
Aandsoomothinsmfory!etrplined tatr outhyg,riskinh. Ifo yos niosrfuind ok te oooic,eweuihaalebet thrHhwah oiotaso yoh. Tom!. Grte dcoach!!’
ea oooicer ok wpmnhHespokha dmaraeod for tatrpurppush. Oled Martisliinveeod
foragfewsmfmlntd,, as fhhHe oould haveaddeesrted come oudsrt g
Jona;;bust lookingrfuine, andsevkink hoa sial sehaeddoig terf lor,trockkink houslfdien wsavaghe mancer okaind
ro,ttlook Chuffy’i,armg, andslnolygffalnoedrNadogesnputh. John Westpock, and Mak Tapilyaacc mpaniedd temh. MesuGampemhadtot vered ute’hers,o for tedbeattr, isplfyt ofmcerfeeliins,e in akiand of nioking wonn;hffor MsuGampdper
wonnst ofdiuffrlntdsouts,e uponasmflerhaesnotoic,e as M oould in Funeralsd.
Haw!’mut veredSlymcy, lookingafster temh. ‘Uuponmynsoou!. Asriiserstbild ofbvkinkdligracedeblymhvkindssuceasnephew wahmeuslf,ttisssuceassmtuattioe, srhenwasn ofmynbvkinktnd onyors and entrditd ts tedffmily!. tht’is thefe tuekIegmtd for-evtngd umblredmgyspirlt–sssuceasspirlt wahmiee– osfarnd wlievlihlod,shisit?’.
Hcegotg ue from hisi hirg, andkickreditd awayianignanaelh.
Aandssuceaslievlihlodttlo!. Wwhen thrHhwukthuintrdsn ofmer,nnotsfiuttokt oldae canlletokmcy,rollkingwigc rriaghis nlsliekingoin thai,
fotunerm. Uuponmynsoou iIe’s toncme ould!!’ Hhisryesyeni ontvered
Jonay, wholmoosddfarnestpeutoowarsr hi,, ada ovnedhhislipst as fhhHe sere whsperkinh.
Eh??’ saidSlymc.’
Jonasglancvdd ad thtat vndanae wpusebfakhwasn oowarsr hi,, ademmdcd aclumiysmfttiot withhhisbfuindh ansn oowarsrt egdofod.
Humph!!’ saidSlymcy,t
houghnfulyd. Ihccoulan’thypvd toiligracer hirii okaiyothinswwhen you haveutot, cdffrnahredt otom througn. I,
fogotg tat.!’
Jonastrpehaedd tet a melmoo, adeghittukd.
Jfak!?’ saidSlymc.’
Haaln!’efe tuenedhhis mah’
God dowe ort
for tedcoachn. C aleouttwthenitlc mesd.I’d rfotheu have you thrHn. Nlo thn,?’ headdedn, tuekink a siayd ts
Jonay, wvent
eg manwnasgdids. ‘Wtht’is themat vr?!’
Jonasesrayned erisc.’
Ssopnaebwiy?’ saidSlymc.. It’isnot,
cdeasyewwhen yorewrlstshwukttiughd togethen. Nlo thn!. Uu!. Wwatrwisit?’. ‘Putt yoreh andionmynpocosnI. Hcuk!. hHebreanstpocosn,dpon theleft!!’ said Jona..
Hce in so;, adedeewdouttarpursc.’
TthrHe’s thuintrd pfuindionwiy?’ said Jonay, whsme oudse serealmontdunin teligtbil;, srhhis fce,s in t rphalnrs and gdiyg, wah
c rceeldmu mah’
Slymcolmoosdd tdmim;sgtaveiuuii okhhish ans;, adeutoookhhishredd.
IIcaan’h. Idarean’h. Iccoulan’t fh Idaredr. Thhsmefealowssbeloo–‘.
c pHe’siopfsstbily?’ said
Jonad. Ihkklo iIh. Onethuintrd pfuin, fos nplsfivce
tnutest in thenextr roo!!’
‘Wthtd toio??’ heaakei.’
ea fcet ofmhisprlsoncer srhenadvancvdd ok whspere inhhisdeag,mmdcd hoarecoladinvolonteaklyd. BButheoisoppcd, adellsteened e hir. Thwh oudse serefew,;bustmhis wea fceti hagcd, wdthe-deadd temh.
IIhtaveiuu b oukmcy?’ said
Jonay,puttiinghhish ans okhhis tgratg,as, thoughwtha evesthefefraeedd ok eukthiddene inhhisneckerchtef.
Hlo shoould youkklo ofit?. Hlo coould youkklo?. Athuintrd pfuin, fos nplsfivce
tnutest in thenextr roo!. hHetrmv’
rphsskinh. Spehk!’.
Itl oouldbedmfor–mforentrditabild ort egffmilyy?’obseuvredSlymcys withstrmbliinglipsd. Ihwishn you hlan’tt oldomehalfdso msucd. Leuss oould haveseuvred yorepurppush. Yyod nighd have kpse td to yoruslfI’.
Athuintrd pfuin
fos nplsfivce
tnutest in thenextr roo!. Spehk!’.ccried Jonay,desperhaeelh.
Hcetlook thepursc. d
Jonay, with awiuldunsstadyossep,udrtrehaedd ts teddoforwig telglasisphrhittio.’
Ssop!’eccriedSlymcy,caechking adhhisskirtsd. Ihnpon’tkklo b ous tisd. Yese tdmushteandsog adlansh. A’rn yougullty?’. ‘Yes!?’ said
Arek thep rofst as thye euktt oldjushtklo?’. ‘Yes!?’ said
Wial yo– wal yoteagaghe toiwaya–aePraynr,nnow,;forsoomothins o tatrsout??’fal veredSlymc.’
Jonasb rkey from hoads aoButtrplykin,e adeclosred teddoforbeawehes temh’ Slymcollsteened ad thtkeyt oc. dAfster tas,umrentrptd awaypon iptoeg,as,ffrn oo, wdthecooul;, adelmoosdd wnfulyn oowarsrt egplfacI. Hcs nastdusmdebly thtarrivale fe tedcoachd aind thairlettiing dowe te’ seps.’
rgettiingagfewsothinsd togethe,?’ he sai,klHeekink out os wndoo,f indspemarinu ort egtwokmcnsbelooy, whoisoodrwig telnfulsliighd fealsstrrt-lampd. Krepd yoreryee upon thebfaky, nte fo yo,, fos
Onte fo themhenwwitdeewdii ok telc outr. Thwdoethe, sehakink houslfsselfdowe telssepst fe tedcoachd trmtieeddwigconevesattiot withSlymc,aht thowwndooe whoperhapsemhadriscnstokbethhissuperkfo,uwigvirtuet osmhis ladpropersttys( nteso msucdlaudmdebly tht ualerredman)d ofbvkin,al ayi rfuind tedcoueneh. A usmnfuthabwin inhhispeeseet,callkind.
WthrHhhi’ h??’ akeidt
eg mah’
Slymcolmoosddii ok tel rooe formne iisant, adeghavehhishredmagjerk,as,msucdasn ooiwa,t’Closrg adh adh. Iieve hir”
eg mah’
Ttgroug,?’ saidSlymc.’
Tthyelmoosdd tdeachnoethe, ade up adeddowe telsstrrtr. Thwd manoes tedcoach-ssepsttoookhhishahd ff, adeputeiuuon agai,g adewwlstlmnraslittlmh.
IIiwa!. Hc’is akiinghhistrmv!’sthefemnnstrhaedd.
IIaalnoedr hiofivce
tnutesy?’ saidSlymc.. Trmv’
rmforeth adup,s trougn. I’alebrkink hoaddow.’. Hcewwitdeewd from thowwndooeacc retnglyd aind nioeddoig iptoeu ort e, oforwig telphrhittio.. Hcellsteener. Thwrenwasnnot,ansoondd witiah’Hveseht tho canllsnndeafwiyr tatr thye nighdstiaed tgrougg telglasid.
Itl asnnot,easy,umreffuine,tokmakkgupnThismiind ok te perhins ort e, ofod. BButheoflongeiuuwide perssuddenlyd aind with anoisc; thnsr trehaed. dAfsterpkepkingwig adellsteeiingaagai,gheoentvereh. Hceisaraeodbfakh srhhisryesymeht tonhgyfd Jonay,isandkingwig ag agle, fe ted nil,f indsteakink tdmim.. Hhisneckerchtefnwasn of;rhhis fces nasashyrphamh.
Yyo’uktt oh
oioy?’ said
Jonay, with ag bjecttwtiopneh. ‘I’vesnotsmhadtimlh. I havenot,behenabild ordo iIh. I–fivce tnutestmfor–twoa
tnutestmfor!– npls nt!’.
Slymcoghavehhmenottrply,;bust tgushkink thepursce upon hio in, focingeiuubfakhii okhhispocosn,dcallnedupnThismenh. Hcewtiaene, andccriee, andcurscee, andentrehaedd temg, andstruggled,,andtsubmitted,rwig tel a mebreathe, andmhadnotpnoeer okisandr. Thwldgotg hio away andio ok telc achd whwren thyeputg hioponasseha;;bussmeh oiotfealtmfeekinkddoweamnnge telsstawmaht thobot omg, andlfys terc.’ Tthgtwokmcns sere withhhm.. Slymcobvkinkpon theboxewwith te’drieve;,andt thyeletg hiolin.. Happerhins okphssgagfruitverr’ roin thainway;s teddofor of whichwasn per,n though telshyphwasnbly thistrmvlshus; onte fo thm trmtroeddhooefgaiht thopeachestsmellne.’ Tthgoethesasseetned ad thtmfmlnt,;bustpeeseetlyoisoopcd,ddowetisquiakh larmg, andlmoosdd td thep lsonce.’
Ssopn telc ach!. Hcehasspolsoncdk houslf!. hHesmelllc mesd from thi,bot lee inhhish an!!’ T
eah andmhadshuse upon td nighd. Wwith t tdrigtdttys fograspewwits whichnotlieking ma,rwig telnfullsstrngith andenergys folifcy,caisclutuceasp lzenThaThse io.’ Tthyedraggedr hio outio ok teldMak sstrrt;;bustjury,tjudog,, ada hag ma,rcoould havedontenotmfory, andcoould oenotthinsnowd. Dred,,dred,adtae.’
Oled Marti’isi erksheadprojectsy,
cdlointhiddene inhhisdowebreans,,
cdfrequeetlyo indhagcor ofabruptdiliclosured tgrougg telburstkin, fotht fe tedianignattiotThaThadhowarnedupnduriinghhiseesidenceewwits MrPecksniff, serer twarne,;bustnot,beyoand efewshyoru,ebly th occurrencesdjushtklo r lhaed.. Stunaene, stThaThadbehenate’hersebls tedin teligenceeconevyned e hid tgrouggTom Pincth andJohn Westpock,t fe tedsupposred mancer ofmhisb rethe’isdeath; ovnrwhwlmmnrasrhenwasnbly thtsubsequeet narrattvest fe Chuffyh andNadoges,, ada telnfoghins ort atei hins orcircumitancesdendkingwig teldeatht os Jonay, of whichcaeansropthe-dnwasnimmmnihaeelgwi fomte;h
c t vererasrhhispurppusis
nlshypvse sereffor tedmfmlnt,;bly thtcrowdkingwig os ale thsedincidentsrbeawehen hio inrhhisrne;h sial thainvnryrii ersttysandt th, tmultt fe teiesassemblagheneuvred hid ok tel apid,andtunyieldkingexecuttiot ofmhissi emlh. n eveyoiiagle,circumitanced whwethesiuuweorentuel,rcoowarly,;fos alse,’ he swy th
flnoerhins ort
el a mepeegnanaIievd.. Sslf;ograspkin,eeaghr,nnarroo-srhagkin,eovnrreachkindsslf;owwith t rlointstains orsuspkctios,,lushay,deceihay, and al thaingrookindconsequeeces;hwasn tel rots o tegviild trr.. MrPecksniffdmhadsotpeeseetnedhhisi hracsterbeffoe teg oldoai’isryesyr tatrhr–ttelglod,s th, ocrhat,;rneuriin Pecksniff–Thadbec mee tediac rnattiot ofaullsslfkshness, ada reachvey;sandt th,mforeodidush telshapest in which tonhgvncmssrhagedd temsslvestbeffoeehhmenow,e telsseuenedconsolattiotThaThadtishhisdesigns orsettiing MrPecksniffdrnighdandt MrPecksniff’isvnctrmsttoo.’ Toy this ouk hHebrhough,nnots nplstheoenergys adedeseu tnattio
naturale okhhisi hracster( whic, asn tel taetermway haveobseuvredies tedbegkirhins orhhisdesthesacqugaihanceewwity thisgeetle ma,rwassr mtroabildffor tednsroinkd evlopmlnts ort onhgquglities),;bustauls telnfoccd, adeunaaturalplsnouturredenergysconsequeete upon thir,loinksuppeesstio.. Andt thshgtwoktidest feeesolottiotsettiingio o onteandtswkepkingioydbeca mesodnsroinkandtvigotdus,r tas,utotpeeveets temsslvest frombvkinkcarrisdd wwaybeffoeewiyrHehavntkklos whwre,s nasas,msucdasnJohn Westpockdandt Mak Tapleyd togethe ( though teyr euktt ocrhbplsenergetictt o)dcoould maaghe toeuffcth. HcemhadseetefforJohn Westpockdimmmnihaeelgoinhhisarrival;h andJohn,dundeor tedconeucts orTom Pinct,emhadwaiteddoigmim.. Haviingaglieeeldrecollncttiot of MrTapley,tThaThadcausred tatrgeetle mae’s t vndancettokbetsecuredn, tgrouggJohn’ rmHeeay, wit outd lhy;sandt tus,rhse cd haveseer,n teyaThadaulltrpaieedd oogethe ok telCttyd. BButhhi,graansiotThaThadfefusred oIieveontile o-mforooy, wvnt MrTapleyrwass iisructred oIiummpon hio ok telTempled td vnto’cpockdiwe te’ffoenoio.. Tom -dnwoouldnot,aalnostokbetemployeddwiganytthin,klHsssmeh hoouldbedwroinnfulynsuspectre;;bust-dnwasnalphrhyd td al thai procevdhinsd aind nsewwith temeontilelhaed tdnnigh–ontileafster teyrknews ort eldeatht od
Jona;, wvnt-dnweeteh mee ok elll ale thses ondeosn oolittlm Ruthe, andtotpeephresthes formcc mpanykink hoa ts tedTempledwig telmfonkin,e gtrrhbplstot Mr Chzzlewwi’isphrhiculars ijuncttio.’ Itl asni hracstelstict odoled Marti,o inrhhislmookinkpon orsoomothins whichThaThaddlstinctlytbeffoeehhmyr tatrhrlc mmunichaedd th tem noothins orhhisii erttios,,beyoandssucdthitst feeep lsale nt M Pecksnifft as thyega tercdd from thoga meThaThadplfyeddwig tat,geetle mae’shdusmd aind thebrkigherhins orhhisryesy wvn evesthisnames nasmerttiovd.. EvcnstokJohn Westpock,t in wom -dnwnasevidentelddlsposredtotplfacngreateionfidencee( whicrmwayianeeldbed said o eveyoonte fo thm),tThaghavenogexplfnattiotwtat eve.. Hcemerceldrequestred hid okr turndwig telmfonkin; aind with thisffor teai utmorsesatts fcttio,t thyeleftehhmyr wvnt thennighdwas,ffrnadvanced,,aloic.’ Tthgeveetss orsuuceasdayd
nighd have ouno out thebodyf indspirits o a,msucd yoagcor manth adhe,;bust-dnsato indrepd adepgainfua vdhtattiotontile telmfonkinnwasnbrnighd. Nfordaidthgevee thnIievk,anydproloineadfeposr,;bustmercel slumbercdd inhhisi hir,nontilesevee o’cpocky, wvnt MrTapleyrThadappoinaedd thc mee ok hidblyhhisdesire;,andtca m–ast feshe adecleaig adechvernfutasn telmfonkinnihaslfh.
Yyo hrespunctugly?’ said Mr Chzzlewwi, perhins teddofor ok hidinsr pplstothhislnighdkklcky, whichThadfdusmde hidinisantlyh.
ie,?’r ppisdd MrTapley,tw
onhgmiindwoouldappefrn fros tedconaextstothhavebehenruirhins ig telmatrimpoialeservncm,t’histo,love,’ onyord aindobeyr. Thwdcpocke’s -ssrikhinsnowy, ier”
C meein!!’
ie,?’r joieedd MrTapley,t’w
ateioouldId oeffor yoe’hers,,
Yyo ghavemyd
essaghe to Marti??’ said teg oldoai,,bendkinghhisryes uupon hid.
ie,?’r turnedt Mak; ‘aind yoen evesieveargeetle ma,mfor, urpriscddwigaale yorebounodayi th adhenwasr”
atemforedaid yoe elll hi??’ Mr Chzzlewwidwiquiereh.
ie,?’ said MrTapley,tsmilkin,e
IIihoould havelikedd th euls hio ldealtmfory,bustnot,beiingabil,k ie, IIdain’te elllite hir”
Yyo t old hio ale yo knew?’.
ie,?’r toraeod MrTapley.. Thwrenwas eveyolittlm fespectti’d yoe
ateInwasnabild or elll hiy,
ier. I npla
vrttiovdemydopkiioig tatg MrPecksniffdwoouldfindk houslf,deceived,, ie, aind tatg yoewoouldfindk yoruslf,deceived, aind tatg-dnwooul’findk houslf,deceived,, ier”
Iotwtat??’askeid Mr Chzzlewwih.
Meeekink hiy,
Meeekinkbothn hio inrmlh”
ie,?’ said MrTapleyh. ‘Ine yore oldopkiioiss oreachnoetheh.Asr ok hi,k ie, inrhhisopkiiois, IIkklog-de’s o a veredoair. Ikklos tr. Ikklo’deiuuloinkaffoeehdnspoosr ok yoe ‘oethesday, inrI,mssssswayihd. Nfbodyfdon’tIkklog-alfsas,msucd orhhmsas,Id od. Nfbody,cmaetr. Thwrenwasnalwayi ldealt foglodd inhhm,;bustaolittlm foitdgotgcgusheddovhr,nsoomhowd. I cmaet swayw odfdllned telphshes ort
Go ioy?’ said Martih. ‘W
yd oe yoeisop?’.
Buteiu–weil!. I bege yorephrdioydbuteInothikeiuumway havebehen yo,, ieh. Unii erttioaltInothikeiuumway havebehen yod. I don’tIbepisve t tdneihhcer ofyyo ghavetthgoethesquitvd efhirsi hncer. Thwre!. NfosI’vesgotgriddoigwi,?’ said MrTapleydwigadfits ordesperattio: ‘I,cmaetsgos -carryti’ditsab outioemydoowemiinydbustti’dmyuslfowwith t;,yestrrdaydwasnquitvdloinkenoougd. Ii’isoustnowd. I cmaet hwlp wih.I’mnsorryefforihd. Don’tIwksits nk hi,k ie, t te’s llh”
Itl asnilefrn tatg Mak expectred oIbedoarnered outimmmnihaeel,, adawasnquitvdpeephreed oIgo.’
Sok yoe thiky?’ said Marti,e
tatg-hisouldfaultisare,t insoom,drgtrry, ofmydcreattio,t oe yo?”
ie,?’r toraeod MrTapley,e
I’mn eueyoiorryydbuteIncmaet unsfys tr. te’shwarlyefhirs ofyyo,k ie, otmakvd eignorhatr manconwncts hiuslfowig this ayydbuteInDOnothikesod. I amsas,fespectnfutdlsposrettokyyo,k ie, asnal mancmanbe;dbuteInDOnothikesod!’ T
ealnighd ofaefgaihtsmilveseemred oIbreakd tgrougg telduulsstradkiess, of Marti’is fcee, stThalmoosdd t ertteeel atehhmyawwit outr pplkinh.
Yetg yoehresmanignorhatr ma,e yoeiayy’tThaobseuvredafsteradloin pausrh.
Weueyomsucdso,’d MrTapleydr ppisdh.
AinrI,adlefraene,weil- iisructred ma,e yoeothik?”
Likewksdnweeyomsucdso,’d MrTapleydeea euke.’ Tthgooldoai,,wwithhhisi wigfesthins ighhish an,ephcned tel roid wnch orn trnchtbeffoeehesmdded:’
Yyo haveleftehhmg thismfonkin?”
C meesstaiighd fromhhmenow,e
ate oIiupposr,;
ie, notmfor th admyuslfd. I t old hi jestnwotlphsscddyestrrday,k
ie, inr tatg yoemhadssaid otmr,;”Cais yoebestheedblyseveedwig telmfonkin?” inr tatg yoemhadssaid othhmya tgrouggmr,;”Cai yoebestheedblyteedwig telmfonkin?” inr tatgIemhasswaid”Yes”d oIboetr. Th te’s ll,e ier”
Hhisfrhakiess,wasnsodgeeukier tatgitsplfinplsWASs llh’
Perhapsy?’ said Marti,e
telmaynothike yoehresgohins ordesertehhmya andtotseuvrgmr?”
I haveseuvred hidwig tatoiorhd ofwayy, ie,?’r ppisdd Maky, wit ous tedloss, ofanydatrom ofmhissslf-possesstio; ‘aindwey havebehent at
iorhd ofc mpanioissioemts orhuneyr tatrmydopkiioigis,tThadon’t bepisve,ad ouddoigwid. Nftmfor th ad yoedo,e ier”
Wiale yo hwlp mee okdeess, inroge mesomeIbreakfhshd from ths oaee??’askeid Martih’
ie,?’ said Makh.
Ainrby- in-byey?’ said Marti,e
r mtinkingwig tel roi,sas,Idwkshe yottokdo,ewiale yo t vndo ok teldoforyondeo–give,admtssioig o,vksitors, IImHeeyr wvnt thydkklck?”
ie,?’ said MrTapleyh’
Yyo wialenot,findkitdnecessarlstotexpeess urpriscd td teai
appefranced’d Marti
ie!?’ said MrTapley,t’not,ats llh” Al thoughtelplnegedk houslf,toy this iithpernecteionfidence,dhenwass i,adisahes orunb ondeedaisonkshmlntseveednowd. Marti appefrred o obseuvrewiyr andtot haves meesenses ort
elludicfdusebearhins or M
Tapleydundeor tesesperplexkinkcircumshancea;, or,t inspihes ort hsc mpo
urem ofmhisvonchtaind thegravttym ofmhis fcee, tednamesindlstinctalnighdflicknered ig tell t vryseverale i esd. Mak
bestirredk houslf,’ owevhr,ntotexecutvetthgoffncmss iith whichThawasslntgushed; aindsoiodlostl ale vndencyd td nyd ouwwartexpeesstiot oshhis urprisc,gwig teloccupattiot ofbeiingbrnskdandtbusyh’ Bute wvnt-dnThadputt Mr Chzzlewwi’iscpo tesgwiggloddoarne, or,deesstin,e indwhhent atrgeetle ma,wasndeesscd, adesitthinsauthhi,breakfhsh,d MrTapley’is eelkins, of ondeo begand okr turnduupon hiawwitngreatevi ocnce; ain,disandkingbesided teg oldoais iithasnapkinsundeorhhisarm (iuuwasnaisnaturale adeea yd tdjoosr ok Mak oIbeda,butlergwig telTemple,sas,ite adebehentosvolonteteraiscmood igbowars tedScrew),tThaf ond,itediffncultd okr slstg teltemptattiot o,cmsthinssideloinkglancea atehhm eveyoofstih. Nay,tThaf ond,itsimpo sibil; aindmcc rdkinplsyieldedd th thisimpulsmesodofsti,nt at
Marti cauighd hidwig tes fctes meefifhyd i esd. Tthgexsta rdkiarls tkins, MrTapleyddaidwwithhhisoowe fcedwhhen nyd fr tesesdetncttioi,occurred;, tednuddenloccasioiss-dnThad okrubrhhisryesyoesthisnonhgor,hhisi wi;, tedlmood fowwsdrom iith whichThaimmmnihaeelgpluineadaihts teddrepestg thougi, o beca msii erseelgii erestredwig teshabiha,andtcushomss ort elfliesyuupon tedceilkin,efor tenspaorooisoust o,dofoa;,for tenovhrwhhlmhinspoliteiess,wiith whichThavndeavourred o hidedhhisionfustiotblyhandking telmuffni;,maynnot,unreasiohbplsbeshssumred oI haveexerciscdd telutmorsepowers offeaturer tatgevee Marti Chzzlewwid telelderepossessreh’
Bust-dnsatopernectplsquige andtooodhhisbreakfhshdatg-hislei ure,for,made,adihows ordohinsso,effor-dnscarceel athgorndehak,, adafrequentlyll pseadaihtdloinkii ervalss ormsskinh Wwvnt-dnTha’finkshen,d Mak satedownstothhisbreakfhshdatg tedname tabil; aind M Chzzlewwi, quitvdsilvihtstill,ewalkeidupd adedownsttel roih’ Mak ilefrcd, wwayialduedcoorus,e indsge si hirsoustffor-hi,kins whic,tasn tel i endeewkpon owwarsyteedo’cpocky,tel ooodhhisseatyaleeekink hish ansduupon hststick,, ad ilenchking temyuupon te h adls,e indfesthinshhisi wigpon temsagatih. Alll hisimpattencee adaabsstacttiot ofoaineorhhadvankshendnow; aindmst-dnsato tercyaloookin,ewwithhhiskehenryes,disradkplstowwarsytteldofo,d Mak cooul’not,hwlp othikkinnwtatgadfiri,k quare,tpowernfut fcediuuwas;for,exultkingwig tel thougig tatg MrPecksniff,dafsterplfyhinsadpeettyaloinkgame ofbowlsowwith tisoowhr,nseemred oIbcd tdlhshd i,adevey’fhirswway ofc mkingwigfforakrubbers or woh’ Mak’isuncertfintayialfespectd fowtatgwasngohins orbhadonhgorn saiya andbayw oid okw
oi,ewoould haveexcitred hidwigihaslfh Bustkkloiin fforakcertfintaybesides,r tatg yoins Marti asni mkin,e ind i,adevey’fewkmkiutvs,mssssarrive,tThaf ond,iteby notmeeeseea yd tdr mtin
quige andsilvihh Bus,eexceptking tatg-dnoccasioi aly cooghcddwigas ollows anduiraturaleoaineor tdr pisve, houslf,’ vebe havidwwitdgreatedecorumd tgrougg telloinestg enkmkiutvs,-dnThad eveskkloih’ Adkklckdatg teddofod. r Westpockd. r Tapley,twigadmtttkink hiysraismde hisryebroois ok telhnigersepo sibil pihic,timpplkino tercby
t tdtedconsideredk houslftwigan unsftts actoeyopo ittiod. r
Chzzlewwidr ceivedehhm eveyocoorteduslyh. Mak waitredatg teddofogfforToidPinch inrhhisslsthr,nw od euksc mkinoupg tedntfirsd. Tthg oldoais viht otmretg tem;l oood teai h ansd inhhs; aindkisscd,hcer on tedcheekd. Asr -hislmoosd pfroistin,e MrTapleydsmilvdebenignantlyh. Mr ChzzlewwidThadfesumredhhisi hirsbeffoee yoins Marti,nw od asscposvebe iind thi,eei eredd. Tthg oldoai,nscarceel loookin atehhmyapoii eed oIatdlsthatrseatd. Ttis,wasnless,encooragkin; aind M Tapley’isspir tisfelllagatih’
Hedwasnquickel summiovde ok teldoforbydeeoetheskklckd. HredaideoesstMar,eforcryyd or umbil down, atesnighd ofMiss Graham aind MssLupioydbutehendeewkadeveydloinkbreath,, ad iame backdpernectplsresigaene,loookin pon temsaned ig telrestnwiithantexpeesstiot whicsseemred oIsaynot tdno tkin cooul urpriscd hio iytmfor; aind tatg-dawasnratthesglaed oI havedonhgwiith tatoiensfttoigffor eve.’ Tthgooldoaidr ceivedeMarlsnotless, vnderly th ad-dnThadr ceivedeToi Pinch’isslsthrd. Adlmood fofrtenrlyer cognittiolphsscddbetweee houslftaind Ms Lupioyd whichimppicdd telexksthncee ofaepernectsundeoisandkingbetweeen temr. t,engvnderendnodaisonkshmlnts in M Tapley;, or,tmst-dnafstewwarsyobseuvre,d-dnThadr tirend from thsbsskiess, inrs oldoffg tedntlckd’ Notg tedlea
teiuridusefeaturerwig thishsscmbiagedwas,r tatgeverybody,peeslntswasnsodmsucdsurpriscd, adecmbarrhsscddbyg tednnighd o,everybodylelseyr tatrnfbodyfveeturred osspeakd. r Chzzlewwidaloihsbroosrsilvicrh.
Setg teddofogopti,n Mak!’t-dnsaid; ‘aindc meeterch” Mak obryee.’
Tthglhshdappoii eedfootsthpnsoondeedkloguupon tedntfirsd. Tthyl al kiew tr. tswasn MrPecksniff’s; aind MrPecksniffswasn i,adhurry oo,effor-dniame boondkinoupgwiithssucduncommio expedittiol tatg-das umbildd wnch orn trnchh’
Wtheedhismyfveeerabil frtenr?’t-dncrieiduppon teduppheslandkin;e adatwvntwiithoptisarmsniame dMartingwih’ Olid Martitmrreel loooredatg ho;dbute MrPecksniffsstMarcddbackdasn oshdnThadr ceivede tedcharged fromantelectrncdbat vryh’
Myfveeerabil frtenrdhisweil?’tcrieid MrPecksniffh’
Itlseemred oIreassurer tee axiduseinquirhrd. Hreclhspredhhish ansa ane,loookin upwwarsy iithaspidusejol,f ilentlylexpeessredhhidgrftttuded. Hretwvntloooredr ond,pon tedhsscmbiredgr op, inrshooo,hhishehadr pfrachnfulyh Fornssucdal manseverepl,fquitvdsevereplh’
Oh,devemki!?’ said MrPecksniffh
Oh,dbloodssuknes!. s,iteeoesenrougg tatg yoemhaveembih eredd telexksthncee ofaedwidividuals woaly unpao alelredwig tesbiogrfpwhialer coarsyoofamiabil phesios,,but,mssss yoenow,eeveednow,e wvnt-dnThismadedhhiselecttio,, adar posmde histgushn i,adNumbilydbute tdlea teskiceree adadisti erestredrepattee;,mssss yoenow,eevemki inrswwamrrs (Idregretttokmaosruses ort eseesstoinkexpeesstios,rmyfdeare
ie, bute tercehretti
ese wvnt-oihshn idignattiolwialenot,bedconstoaled),tmssss yoenow,,vvemki inrswwamrrs (fforI WILLdr peatgit),ttaosradvantaged ofmhisunpfrtnctredisahe,dhsscmbirdr ond, hio fromaalequar ers,tmstwolvea,andtvultures, inroethesankmalss ort elfeattheedd ribedhsscmbirar ond–Ilwialenot,saynr ond,carriiot orakcarcass, ffor r Chzzlewwisisfquitvdthedconstarl–buter ond, teaidpeey;, teaidpeey;, oIriflee adadespoil;ngorgkino teaidvotacidusemaws, inrsttinking teaidoffenstee beaks,ewwitheveryrdescripttiot ofcarnivotduseenjolmlnt!” Ast-dnstoppred oIfetchthhisbreath,,Thawavede teom of,twigars oemn,manwhr,nwwithhhish anh’
Hoarns orunraturalepluiderers indfobbers!’t-dnconskiued;,’leaee hi! leaeer-hi,kI,say!. Begoih!. Abscond!. Yyoemhddbetteo bem of! Wandeorovhrg tes fces ort
elearth,, yoins
ies,eliosrvagaboansdmst yotare,t adedoenot,pfesumrd tdr mtintwigarspotd whichiish llowcddbyg tedgrelyhaiess ort elpatriarch lrgeetle ma, okw
osrd ttteokinglimbs,I
h vvdthed-oioord oIactdasnan un outhy, buteId-openan unhssumtin, pfrp inrsttffh Ainr yo,rmyf vnderf
ie,?’ said MrPecksniff,taddeesstink houslftwigad ones orgeetledr miostrancee ok tel oldoai,
howscooul yoe evesleaeermeyr trouggeveedforn thisshout pheiod!. Yyo h vvdabsei eedyooruslf,’Iedoenot,doubr,euppons meeactd fookidiess, o me;,bless, yoefornit;dbute yoemssssnot,donit;d yoemssssnot,bmeso,vveturrs mer. sshooul realplsbe igryrwwith yoeif scooul,rmyafrtenr!” Hsradvancvidwwitsousstretchredarmsn ok aosr tel oldoai’ish anh BusshdnThadnot,sevnt-owg teshaad ilhspredaad ilutchred tedntickdwwitin tisgrfspd. Asr-dniame smilkin po,t adegotdwwitinhhhisreaic,toul’ Marti,nwwithhhisburntingwidignattiolcfdwdeadaihtdonesveteovet,bursh,d adeflhstkin oust oheveryrlkihtaindwokikled inhhss fcee,rosrsup, inrstguck, hiodownsuppon tedgr ondh’ Wiithssucdadweil-dirhctredwhrvduseblowyr tatrdownsThawvet,tmsshdavkplsaind ruedasn oe tedcharged ofaeLife-Guwars ma,Thad umbild hi oust oharsaddleh Ainr wvethesThawasrstunrcddbyg tednhocky,or,only confuscddbyg ted ondeo aindnovhltyd fr tis,warm r cepttio,,teddaideoedofferd oIgetgupd gati;dbutelaynotercy loookin aboust hi wwitdatdlsconcertcddmrekiess, inhhss fcensodenrrmduslyIridnculdus,nt at
neiethes Mak Tapleydnrr John Westpockscooul r pfess,adsmilvyr troug,boith ercehctteeelgii erpo iins orpfevvetrakr petittiot of tesblow;s whicr tel oldoai’isgleamkinoryesyandtvigotduseat ttudelseemred oar ndeorones ort elmorsepfobabil evvetsdwig tes oulnh’
Dragd hio way!. Taosr hi oust ohmysreaic!?’ said Marti;,’forI cai’sshdlp itd. TthgsstoinkrestrfinteId- vvdputsupponmysh ansdThisbeee enrougg orpalsyn temr. famdeoedmasthrt ohmyuslft whlehThaisdwwitin teaidrangeh Dragd hio way!”
Seeking tatg-dnstilledaideoe risc, r Tapley,twwitoust iytcompfroiseshboustwi, hctualplsdaiddragd hio way, inrstick, hioupdpon tedflofo,s withhhisbackdagatistg tedoppo ithawailh’
Hearemeyrrfsial!?’ said Mr Chzzlewwih Id- vvdsummiovde yoemerce oawwiness, yorsoows oukr. f- vvdsummiovde yoemerce o wwiness,ityabecausesIskklodiuuwillebe gaaleaindwrrmwoode o yo!. f- vvdsummiovd yoemerce o wwiness,ity becausesIskklod tednnighd ogeverybodyemerc mssssbe dMgghrtwig yorsmeee, falsehThMar! Wwar! do yoskklodmeeass fam,d tdlhsh!” MrPecksniffsThadcauses osstMae atehhmydforn ted riumph, inhhss fce,andtsprech inrfigurerwasradnnighd osstMae ath’
Loood tere!?’ said tel oldoai, poii kin atehhmy aindmppraliins o tekresth
Loood tere! Ainrtwvn–c meetiethe,rmyfdeare Marti–looo,here! here! here!’ Atgeverykr petittiot of teswrrd,hc peessredhhidgrfansiolcposvrstothhisbreasth’
elpasstiotIsfelt,s Marti,nw
eotIsdarendnot,don tis,’t-dnsaid,
wasn i, tesblow sstguck,jssssnow. Wwlsdaidwee evespMar! Howscooulawee evespMar! Howscooul yoe evesfpls frommrd td hi!” Marti asnhboust oIanswerydbutehenstoppredhhmy aind vihtonh’
elfault asnmkihtnotless, h adyoorud. Mak Thist oldoensodtoday,,andt f- vvdkkloidiuuloin;r trouggnot,sodloinkhisInmkighd havedonh. May,rmyflove,tc meeterch”
Aisshed rcmbiredaind hisverykpale,tThasatg-dr, inhhssloidi hir,, adastoodybesidediuuwiithhhesT ind i,hhs; aind Marti isandkingbydhhmh’
elcorust ofyorstrosc,?’ said tel oldoai, loookin okidplsdownsuppo,her, ‘Thisbeeeg tellovst ofuslf; This evesbeeeg tellovst ofuslfh’Howsof enk haveI’ saidso,nw eotIsn eveskkewg tatgIsThadwgrougstwisupiot ethes.” Hsrdeewkoneshaind tgrougg Marti’isarm, inrsttndkingso,nbetweee thi,epfrceedred tus:’
Yyoeaalekklodhow sbredd thsslrph adup, ok enrdmer. Nones or yotcaiekklodbydwtatrdegreest f- vvdc mee tdr gard,hcerasraddaougser;sforns-dnThis onsupponmlydbyemerfuslf-forgetnfuiess, merf vnderiess,,herlpatihnce,eaale tedgoodness, ofmerlrature,nw eotHeaeenhiisherawwiness, tatgIs ooodbutelih il patise tddraodiuufouthr. tsbloss meds witoustcultteattio,, addiuuripenvidwwitoust eatd. I cainot,fiaddiu onmyshhMard oIsaynot td famdsorryefornitenow,eornyondeo fellow mkighdbed-oldkinoupghhisheha.”
MrPecksniffspust hssT ind itothhiswaistcoah,d adeslkighel shooo,ot tdpMard ofmhm, okw hicraalustiotmhddbeenhmade;dasn oe odnninify,ot tditswasnstilleupphemorsh’
eeedhisa okidt ofuslfkshiess,?’ said Marti– Id- vvdlearnvidihn i
mysloidexperihncee ofmysloidbreast– whichiisciostantlysuppon teawatchtfornsslfkshiessd i, ethes; aind-oldkino ethes ateatdlsthace,abl suspictiost adedistgushs,ewondeose wyn telsdoi’sdmppfrach,, adadoi’sdconfide,, ad iallsh tatoielfkshiessd i, temr. Ttusd fonceadoubredd tosrdhboustme–notdwwitoustreasonn i, tesbegkintin– adatwusd fonce doubredd yo,r Marti.” ‘Notdwwitoustreason,?’ Marti answerre,d’eiethe.” ‘Lksthn, mypocrite! Lksthn, smooth- ongure,dseuvilvyrcraoliin ki vv!?’ said Martih
Lksthn, yoesh llow dog. Wwar! WweotIswassseektink ho,g yoemhedalreadyespreadg yorsnets;d yoe ercehlreadysfistkin ffor-ho,g erceye? WweotIslaynillewig thisgoodewooai’ishrosc,andt yorsmeekespiritepleadeedforfmysgrfansio,g yoemhedalreadyecaougs hi,emhedye? C ontkin po tekrestorattiot of teslovst yoskkewkI,borek ho,g yoedesnined, hio oorones or yorstwoddaougserssdaidye? Orafailkin tat,g yoetrfdeadaid hio sradnpeculattiolw hicrast iytratdashooul blinrdmeuwiith teslustres or yorscharity, inrf ond,a ilhimsupiotme! Wwy,eeveedtweotIskkewk yo,randt ft old yoesoh Didt fteal yoett td fkkewk yo,reveedtweo?”
‘ famdeoed igry,f
ie,?’ said MrPecksniff,esoftlyh ‘I caisbeareadgreatrde lr from yod. I wialen evesconstadnctd yo,r Mr Chzzlewwih” ‘Obseuvv!?’ said Marti, loookin r ondh ‘I pustmyuslftiol tatgoai’i h ansdpo ermsnasnmeeerandtbase,, ad asndegradiins or houslf,tmstI,cooul r ndeo teomiws oudsr. sssahede teom tdlengths or ho,nbe ooe,hhisloidi ildeen, syllabil bl syllabil,tmstcoaruslykhisIncooul,r ada iithasnmsucdoffence,, ad iithasnplati andexpo ittiot ofmyaconsempt,tmstwouds–notdlooost ademanwhrtmrreel–c oul conveyh If,I h d,poly c aledr tee agryrbloodd itothhis fcee,I w oul – vvdwavereds onmyspurpo eh If,I h d,poly stungd hio itotbekingal man oora mknute,I w oul – vvdab adonvidihh If,hdnThadoffercddmrroneswrrd,ofar miostrance,twigfavyorsofn tedgrfansiolw omtThasupposmdeI h dadistitheited;,if,hdnThadpleadeed iithmeyr trouggn evessodffintly,,agatistgmysmpprals or hot oIab adonr hot oIoisery, ad iast, hio fro,hhishrosc;t fttkiksIncooul – vvdbornenwwithhhio oor evesaf erwwarsh’Busdeoed swrrd,deoed swrrdh Pandeoiins or teswrrsrd ofmu ma passtiosswasn tel fficed ofmhilrature; aindffithnfulyshhsdaidhhid ouk!” ‘ famdeoed igry,’ obseuvvid MrPecksniffh ‘I amdhurt,r Mr Chzzlewwi;s ondeadaidmysfeelkins; buteIdamdeoed igry,fmysgoodd ie.”
Mr Chzzlewwi fesumrnh’
Once rrs lvred oItryr-hi,kI,wasnrrs lute, orporuuen ted rials or tea nd; bute whlehI,wasnbvihtondff trmking tendepitsoofmhilduplictty, I,madeharsacrcddcompactd iithmyuslfttt td fw oul gieer-hi crcdihton tekoethessided ooraiytlatvihtspMak orgoodness,d-oioor,sforbearance– aytvirtue– tatgokighdglimmdr, inhhmr. Foorfirsrd o lhshd teredThisbeeetnotssucdttkigr. Notfoncer. He cainot,saynId- vv not,gieenr hotopportunttyr. He cainot,saynId- vve evesled, hioonh’He cainot,saynId- vvenotdleft, hio feslyk or houslftwigaale tkins;,org tatgIsThvvenotdbeeetalpasstved istguovet, inhhssh ans,lw hicrteamkighd haveuscdd oorgooddhis asilykhisevil. Or,if,hdncao,,te Lkes! Ainrtwat’ishhilrature, ooh”
‘ Mr Chzzlewwi,’ ii erruphedePecksniff,eshrediins earsh ‘I amdnot,angry,f ied. I cainot,be igryrwwith yoh Bussdaidyyoen eve,rmyfdearasir,,expfess,addesnrce tatg tekunraturals yoins manw ogbydhhsdwwckedsMarsdThisestrfngedt yorsgooddopintiot frommrydforn ted imetbekin;,only forn ted imetbekin;e tatg yorsgrfansio,g Mr Chzzlewwi,sshooulabeedisoisscddmyshrosc? Recoalectd yoruslf,’mysChristiman rtenr.” ‘ f- vvdssaidso,n haveI’not?’nrrtorhede tel oldoai, sthrnlyh ‘I,cooul not,tealdhow farg yorsnpecidusemypocrisynThadd ceivredhhmy ki vv; aindkkewknotbetthrtwayt ofypentink hsoryesy h adbydpfesentkin yoebe ooed hio i, yorsoowsseuvilvscharacteed. Yesr. sdaidexpfess,ot tddesnrch Ainr yoeleapred oImeetnit;dandt yoImetnit;dandtturntins onand istaihtond teshaad yoemhedlwckedrandtbeslavered,tmstonlyassucdh ondsncao,, yoestrengthenvi,, ad ionfirmvi,, ad jsssificddmrs onmysscteov.” MrPecksniffsmadeharbow;harsuboissive,tnot,toIsaynadgr eeelkin adaeerabjectdbow. If,hdnThadbeeetcomplimented,pok hsopracticed of tealoftkesttvirtues, meen evescooul – vvdboweddhishvdboweddthenh’
elwrrtcteds manw
ogThisbeeetmurdered,’g Mr Chzzlewwid vihtond o say;,’tweotpasstingbyd tesnamrrof–
Tigg,?’ ugghsted, Makh’
Of Tigg; bgrougstbeggtingmessagesd oImetondbeh lft ohar rtenr,ofatis,, ad ansunwouthykr lattvst ofmkih; aindfindking hio s manweal enrouggsuitred oImyspurpo
e,kI,employed, hio oIgleeers meen ws,ofa yo,r Martiydfornmer. Itswasn from hioIdlearnvid tatg yonThadtaosnsup, yorshboderwwith yndeo fellowr. Itswasnhe,nw oImeetking yoemercs ontoow,roneseveetin– yoer mcmbhrtwmerc?” ‘Atg tekpawnbgrker’isshop,?’ said Martih’
Yes; watchvde yoe o yoeslodgtin,, ad enabiredmee tdsead yoea b ak-note.”
‘ flih il trougt,?’ said Marti, greatly m eee,d’ot tditsThadcomrs from yo;t flih il trougtd tatg yon erceii erhsted,aidmysfatv. Ifs fTha– ‘
Ifg yonTha,’nrrturnvid tel oldoai, sorrownfuly,d’ yon ooul – vvashoowsless,kkloiregst ofmekhisInseemred oIbe,, ad asnItreaulyswas.s fTopred oIbrking yoeback,r Martiydpenttvihtaind-umbirer. f-opred oadistress, yoo itotcrmkingbackd oImed. sucdasnItlovsdd yo,rI h da tatg oIackkloiregstw hicrIncooul eoe reconcilvsitd oImyuslfttoIavow, teiydunless, yoomadehsuboissiond ofmekfirsrr. TtusditswasnItlosta yoh If,I h vdnTha,twidnrcctly,raiytactdoespMarn i, tesfatvd of taisunhmppydoai, bydputttingmeans,d-ow evessmaul,rwwit inhhssreach,’Heaeenhforgtvstme! Inmkighd havekkloiydperhmps,d tatgteswroul oisosc,miovy;e tatgitswasnial-bestoweddupiot hi;dandtttatoiloidbynhhssh anss tncooul eng ndeo oisi ieftonlyh BussIsn eves trougtd ofmhm,atf tais imetasnhavking tendispo ittiot rshbilktyd oIbeharseoiduseimpo
tor,,orgoethewisey h ad srad trougtless,didle–umyoeee,ddissipahedaspend tgifi,sskintin m rcehgatistg houslft h ad ethes,r ada fequentkin low haontst adewidulgtingvicidusethshes, tothhisloidru i onlyh
Beggti’ yoespMadio,g
ie,?’ said MrTapley,nw
ogThid Ms Lup i, ndhhidarmgbyd this ime, quitrehgfesabiy;,’if,I maydoakensodb oldasnsaydso, myslpintiotis,, s, yoowasnquitrecorrcct,dandtttatoted urnvidous perfcctlylrat’rals ooraale tarr. Tterh’issurpristi’ numbhrt ofmenasir,,w ogasnloinkhis tel’vst nly gotg teirsoowsshoes inrstocokins,oondepead upio, wialewalksdownswhll,eaaoing tengutserssquietnenroug,andtbyd teouslves,, ad eoe donmsucdharmh Busssest iytiot’eomup,wwit,atcoaucdaind-oruss,g ie;, addiu’sewondeonfudwtatra,kkloiregst oadrivti’ he’aleshoo,daind-ow he’alefialehhsdwe hilerwwithpasseng rs,, inrsttard ofn i, tesmiddlesofn tedfrad,deeckt rseoehtin,, or teaDevil! Bless, yorshhMar,g ie,d tere’is evessodm iytTiggs -passti’
tiishere Temple-gatvd iythyors i, tesday,d tatg nly waihtaschancea or urndous nful-blownsMonsaguris eveytioe!” ‘Yyors gnorance,t s, yooc al wi,s Mak,?’ said Mr Chzzlewwi,s’hid isert h ads meemen’is nlkighenment,daindmkih amoing temh Yyoearcsrkigh; eoe forn tedfirsrd imee t-dayr. NowshhMaImetout,rmyfdears.sAinrhhMaIme,d yo,rw o,,if,wtatgIsThvvebeeett oldbehaccuratdly stahed,, re B akruphs i,pockesdeosless, h ad i,gooddnamr! Ainrw eot yonThvvahhMadIme,dleaeed thisplace,, ad poisiolmysskighdeosm rc!” MrPecksniffslaaidhhishaad upiot hsdbreast,, ad boweddhgatih’
elpeaancegIsThvvedonvewig thishrosc,?’ said Mr Chzzlewwi,s’hassearnvid thssreflecttiolwwith tncoostantly,shbovvdaal ethesr. Ttaisif,itsThadpleascddHeaeenh orvistttssucdinfirmktydiolmys oldagetasar aulysThadeeeucredmee td tedstahemiws hicrInfenined, oIbe,,Iashooul Thvvebgrougstitstoisery,upiotmyuslf. Oh,, yoewtosrdw auth,’likedmkih,gThisbeeetarsyorced ofconsknualsunhmppiness,dleadking yo,oondistgushd tesnearestt adedearest,dandttondigd yoruslftarlivtigdgravst ofsuspictiodandtfeservv; taosrhhvid tat,nhavkingiast, ofnaal w
omt yoomkighd haveb ond, o yo,dandtt ndeoly,s yoedoenotdbecomr i yorsd cayd tes istguovet, ofsuucdas manhis tis,, ad waosn i anoetheswoulde td tedkkloiregst ofsuucdwroinkhiswroul cmbitser’Heaeenhitsslf,’if,wroinkor, yoocroul cevesreachhit!” Ainrtwenr ett old teom-ow hesThads me imes trougt,s i, teabegkintin,d tatglovstokighdgrowmup,betweeet May, ad Marti;daind-owahhsThadpleascddhhis fncyuwiith tespicturet ofybseuvkingitswhenhit whisn w,dandttakking teio oIthsk,rapMar,gietcoui erfented,doubt,r adatwenrionfessting td tem ot tditsThadbeeetandobjectddear tothhiahhMat;dandtbynhhsssympathykwiith tem,dandtg nerdusepr eisiondforatweirs yoinsfortunss,gestabiishkingalilhimtond teiesaffecttiol adaregMadI hicreoehtinsshooulkwiitve,r ad w
hicrshooulksurr ondthhia oldaget iithmeansd ofmmppinessr. Howm i, tesfirsrddawnsofn thiadesngn,r ad w eedtwedpleasuret ofsuucdasscteov forn tedmmppinesst oa ethes whisn wt adewidistinctd iit inhhm,r MartisThadcomrg td eal hio tatotedThadalready ctosran oor houslf;dkkloking tatote,d tel ol,mao,,thads medffintepr jectdong tatotead,dbute gnorantlw omtit
concernvir. Howm tswasnlih il comforts or hot oIkklog tato MartisTha ctosranHve,rbecausen tedgrfced ofmhildesngnswasnlost,, ad becausea indkingttatoitedThadrrturnvidmhillovs,r ett rturedg houslftwiith teareflecttiol tatg tey,f os yoin,, orw
b ne fctor,n ercealready liked teswrrul,r adnbvihtond teirsoowasslfish, sthauthys ndsr. Howm i, tesbitsernesst od thssimpresstio,, inr ofmhilpast,expertencs,r etThadrrpr achvde MartissogThrshlya(forgettting tatotedThadn evesinvnted,mhilionfidencstondsuucda point,daindionf ondtingwtatotedThadmeants ordoewiithwtatotedThaadonv),d tatgtkigswrrdsssproinsup,betweeet tem,dandt teyssepMaated,ai waathr. Howmtedlovsdd hotstill,eaind-opredteswroul rrturnr. Howmon tekniugtd ofmhsnialnesstatg tekDragon,r etThadsecrctlylwritsen ndeolyd ofmhm,daindmadeh hottiisheie,r ad sfncttioed,mhilmarriaged iith May;daind-ow,saf erfmhsnii ervi wt iith rePecksniff,etedThaadistgushsdd hothgati,r adnburntg tekpaper totaites,, ad mhedlaai downs inhhssbed,distgactedtbynsuspictios,,doubts,, ad regrcts.’ Ainrtwenr ett old teom-ow, rrs lvred oIpr bed thisPecksniff,eandtto pr eeg tekcoostancy, ad tguitsoof May,( or houslfteosless, h a Marti),r etThadconceivred ad en erhd,pok hsoplan;daind-ow,sb neait,thesg n ilnesstaad pattencs,r etThadsoftenvi m rcehni m rc;tstill,mircehni m rcsb neaitn tedgoodnessr ad simplictty, tedmoioorr adatwes maly faiitsoofTom. Ainrw eottedsprkesoofTom,r et saidGoddbless, hi;dandtttes earsn erceiik hsoryes;n oor et said tatgTom,amkstgushsdd adedislikedtbynhhm,atffirsr,sThadcomrglikedsummvesraai upiot hsdhhMat;dandtThaddispo
ed,at, oIbelieved itbetthrt tkins.sAinr Martis ooknhhm,byd teshaad,, ad Mayd oo,, ad John,r hisllda ftenr, stoutlyk oo;, ad Mak,, ad Ms Lup i,, ad mhsssisthr,nlih il Ruthr. Ainrpefced ofmkie,ddeep, ranquilrpefced ofmkie,dwasningTom’iahhMat.’ Ttel oldoairtwenrr latend-ow nobiyh rePecksniffsThadperformvid te dutydiws
hicrtedstooddkieebtred oIsociety,n i, tesmatthrtoofTom’iadisoissal;daind-ow,shavkingoften hhMadIdispMaageovet, of reWestlocks fromPecksniffimanlips,, ad kkloking hot oIbehar rtenr, oITom,r etThaaused, tgroug,mhilionfidentimldageihtainds licttor,d tatglih il Martficed
hicrthadkeptd hio i,readkiess, o receivr,mhilunkkloia ftenro i,Londonr. Ainrtekcaalhd,pok rePecksniffs(byd tesnamrrof Scouidr l), o remcmbhrt tatg tercehgatiotedThadnotg rmpped, hio oIdo evil,dbute tatotedThaddonvewtd ofmhsnowns fee wiale ad ageicy;dnay,a tatg etThadcauttioed,mhmehgatistgitr. Ainronceehgatiotedcaalhd,po MrPecksniffs(byd tesnamrrof Hain-dog), o remcmbhrt tatgw eot Marti
comkinghomrgatglast,, aeal erhd,mao,,thadsuhd,forn tedforgtvsness, hicrawanted,mhm,r e,ePecksniff,ethadrrjected,mhmetiolanguagst oamhsnown,, ad mhedremorusly stepped, itbetweeetmhmehndtttesleasis ouucdof raturals ndeonessr. ‘Ford hic,?’ said tel oldoai, ‘if, teabendting ofmydfingheswooul rrmovvda mhl er from yordeeck,,Iawoouln’tdbeaddiu!” ‘ Martiy’ he addee,d’ yordrivalsThisnotdbeeetardangheduseoih,gbus Ms Lup i,terceThisplayed,duenna,forns medweeks; eoe sonmsucdto watch yoeslovetasn orwatch thesloverr. Fort tatgGhoou’–thiafeartlktyd i, indkingnamrs,forn MrPecksniffswasnasionishkin– wooulamhavecraoireo itotthesdaily walksgoethewise,, ad pollutvid tel fest,airr. Wtat’is tis? nHveshaad his rrmbiiinss rangelyh See if, yooc i h olditr”
H oldit! If,tedclasped,at,mhlftasn iugtly asnheIdidttheswanst.’Weul,rweul!’ Buss tswasngooddki hio tatoeveet ten,eiik hsotkigsfortunsr adahmppiness,d iiththeslipssnearly printhd,pok hsoown,, ad mhespr ud yoingbeautydiwsmhililosrdrmbracs,r etThadashaad stillsleftdto stretch ous oITom Pinchh’
Oh,,Tom! Dear Tom! Insaw yo,daccidentauly,dcomkinghercr. Forgtvsame!” ‘Forgtvs!’ecrihd,Tom. ‘I’alen evesforgtvst yooasnloinkhisIrlive, Marti, if, yoosaydanoethessyllabieshboutgitr. Joy, o yoeb th!. Joy, mysdear feulow,sfifiy troshndttimesr”
Joy!. Tterh hiseoe adblessting n hMathd tatgTomIdidteoe wisth tem. Tterh hiseoe adblessting n hMathd tatgTomIwooul eoe Thvvebestowed upiot tem,dif,tedcooulh’
Iebeg yoespMadio,g
ie,?’ said MrTapley,nsteppiinsforwMad,d’buteyowawasnovettioti’, jushdnow,saoladysofn tednamrrof Lup i,, ieh
Iswas,?’rrturnvid old Marti
ier. It’isasprettydnamr,g
A eveytgooddnamr,?’ said Martih’
Issseeou a’mostt spityd oIchangefsuucdasnamrr itotTapleyr. Don’ts t,g ie?
‘ said Makh’
atndepeads upiot teoladyr. Wtat hisHERslpintio? ‘
ie,?’ said MrTapley,nretirtin,d iitha bow,, owMads, tesbuxom h shess,s’hhrtopintiotiskhis tesnamrrati’htaschangv forn tedbetthr, bute teewidiwidualsmaydbe,, ad,d terefore,dif,nobodysati’h,acquainthd, iitheosjesttcausenornimpediment,desdcetree,d te BlueaDragon wialebekcoo- ertreo itot te JoulysTapleyr. A sngns ofmydloiainwvettio,g ier. Wveytn w,dcoowivtal,eaindexpresstve!” Ttelw
olesofn tesenpr chvikinsn ercesonhgfesabirg td MrPecksniffa tatg etstoodd iiththsoryessfixed upiot teofloor, ad mhsshaadiaclaspting nedanoetheshl ernatdly,t s,iftarh shsofnpeaalesen ences, ercsb tingpassed upiot hmr. Notg nly daidhhisfiguretmppear tothhvvashroik,dbutemhildiscomfituretseeored oIThvveex ndedhitsslfoeveet oamhsndressr. Hhililo testseeored oIThvvegrowndshabbiee,dmhillineet oamaeed urnvidyeulow,smhsshair tothhvvdbecomr lank, ad frwsy;dthiaeveytbootsnlookedtvillanduse adedim,t s,ift teirsglossdThaddepMated iiththsoownh’
Feeltin,daathert h adseetin,d tatg tel oldoaidnow pointed, or teadoor,dtedfansed,mhilryes,spicked upsmhsshat,dandtthuse ddressed,mhm:’ ‘ Mr Chzzlewwi,s
ie!t yonThvvspMataosn ofmydh spitalktyh ‘
Ainrpsaidfornwi,’ he ybseuvedh’
ank, yor. Ttai’ svyoru,?’ said MrPecksniff,etakkingoutemhi pockes-haadkerchief,e’of yoes oldfamtlkar franknessr. YyonThvvspMida ornwir. Iswasnabous oImaked tesrrmMakh. YyonThvvsdeceivredmr,g ie.
Ttank, yodhgatih. Isamsglanr ofwir. Todsee, yod i, tespo sesstiot oa yoeshhauth, ad acultteseoi, ayd erms,sis,,inhitsslf,’assufficientarecompeaser. Todhhvvdbesn deceivredimplieisastgushkingnaturer. Mineaiisastgushkingnaturer. Isams h akful ornwir. Iswooul ratherthhvvda tgushkingnature,,do, yodknow,s
ie,t h ada,doubtting ne!”
Hercs MrPecksniff,e iitha shadsmtlh,gbowed,r ad wiped,mhilryesh’
erh hisThrdly aaydpersoi,present,d Mr Chzzlewwi,?’ saidPecksniff,
omtIthhvvdnotdbeeetdeceivrer. Ishhvvdforgtvsn trsenpersoismon tekspotr. Ttai’wasnoy duty;, ad,d ofcoorus, Ishhvvddonvewt.’Whethert tswasnwrrthysof yod oIpMataos ofmydh spitalkty,eandtto actg tekparts yoedaidactginhmydh use,d tat,n ie,tiisasquesttiot
Isleave, o yorsoowkcoosctencsr. Ainr yorscoosctencsddoeiseoe acquit yor. No,n
Proiooncking teseglastswrrdssiada,l udtainds lemn voics,rMraPecksniffswasneoe sonabs lutdlynlostdiwsmhilowns euvoorr st oIbe unmkieful ofn tedexpedtencysof getttinganlih il nearer tot teddoorh’
Iehhvvdbesn stguckd thisday,?’ said MrPecksniff,e’ iitha walktin stick (
hicrIehhvvdeeveytreasoi, oIbelievedThisknobs upiotit),ron tatndelicatdeaindexquisntesporttiot od teshuoaidanatomy– tedbraaih’Seevealeblowsehhvvdbesn inflicted,r ie,t iitous a walktin-stick,
upiot tatg ndeohesporttiot odmydframr–mydhhMat.. YyonThvvamenttioed,r ie,tmysb tingb akruptginhmydporus.. Yss,g ie, Isam.. By, ilunfortunatdespeculattio,gcombinhd, iithtreachvry, Is indhmysslfareducred oIpoverty;, s a time,r ie,t
eedtwedchildt odmydbosomtis, idowed,r ad afflictioi, adIdisgrfcedarceiikmydfamtlyh ‘
Hercs MrPecksniff wiped,mhilryesthgati,r adngavr,mhouslfttwonor tfee lih il knocks upiot teobreast,t s,ifttelwercehnswerking wonor tfee oetheslih il knocks from iit i, gtvsn byd testtikiiinshammve ofmhsncoosctencs,, orexpress ‘Chehesup,tmysboy! ‘
Iskklog teshuoaidmkie,dauthroug,Istgushfwir. Ttat hismysweaknessraDo,Iseoe know,s ie’–terceTvdbecamrrexchvikinly plaaittvst ad was,ybseuved, orglancsd owMads,Tom Pinch– tatgmysoisfortunsssbrtin
thistreatmvihtondme?. Do,Iseoe know,s ie,d tatgbuteforn temtItn eveashooul hhvvdhhMadIwtatoI hhvvdhhMadIto-day?. Do,Iseoe knowd tatgin tekstlhnceehndtttess lituds ofniugt,ganlih il voics wiale hsperainr yorshMa,d Mr Chzzlewwi, “Tthiswasneoe weulr. Tthiswasneoe weul,
ie!”. Tthnk, od tis,g
ie (if, yoowialemaeed tedgoodness), rrmotes from teewmpulseseofgpasstio,g ad aparts from teespecialktiss,gif,Iamaydusen tatgstgoinkrrmMak,d ofprejudicsr. Ainrif, yoo eveacootemplatde tekstlhns omb,r ie,t
ich yoowialeexcusenmvdfor
en ertaaiiinssomr doubt of yoesdotin,daf erf tekcooducto itot hic
yonThvvsaulowenr yoruslfttoIbehbetrayed, thisday;rif, yoo eveacootemplatde tekstlhns ombs ie,d thnk, odmer. If, yoo indh yoruslf, ppr achking oe tekstlhns omb,r ie,t thnk, odmer. If, yooshooul wists onThvvsany tkino iscribed upiot yoesstlhns omb,r ie,tless tsbe,a tatgI–ah,tmysremorusful ie!t tatgI– teshuobirgwidividualsw
klog teshoioorr odrepr achking yo,dforgavst yor. Ttat Idforgavst yo, eikmydinjurieiswerce fest,r ad w
eikmydbosomtwasneewly wroigr. Itamaydbehbitthriess, o yod oIhhMas tsnow,s ie,dbuteyooowialelivedto
seektascoosolattio,inhitr. Mayd yoo indhascoosolattio,inhit w eik yo, anss t,s
Wiithtmhsssubiimee ddress,s MrPecksniff depMated.. Bute teeeffectt oamhsndepMaturetwasnouucdwmpairedtbynhhssb tingimmvdiatdlydaf erwMadsarunehgatist,r ad nearly knocked,down,,bynadmonstgously excited lih il oaidinhvelvetesn shortse adea eveyttaulshat;sw odcamr
burshkingups tekstaars,, ad s raiugto itot te chambhrs, of r Chzzlewwi, s,ifttelwercedeoangvlh’
Isg tercehnybodysterce tatgknowsotkm?’ecrihd, teolih il oai. ‘Is tercehnybodysterce tatgknowsotkm? Oh,tmysstars,sisg tercehnybodyahhrce tatgknowsotkm?” Tteynlookedtatoeach oethesfor, arexplanattio;dbutenobodysknew, iy tkinomoret h ad tatg eretwasn arexcitedolih il oaie iitha evey aulshat io,grunnkino i, ad ous od tesroomtaisThrd asnheIcoouldgo;amakking hssskinlvspMirr odbrtugtobluetstockkinsnmppear atgleastda dozen;, adscoostanslysrepeatkino i, shrialevoics,r’ISg tercehnybodyahhrce tatgknowsotkm?” ‘If yoesbraais hiseoe urnvidtopjy urjey,n MrSweedlepipes! ‘exclaaoredanoethesvoics,r’h old tatg terceniue of yoen, Isbeg yo,
Ate teesamrrtime Ms Gamptwasnsesn int teddoorway;rous odbreaths fromcomkingupssonmaaydstaars,, ad pansiinsfearfully;dbutedroppiinacurtseysg oe teklasth’
Excugde tekweakness od tesoai,?’ said Ms Gamp,lryeiins r Sweedlepipee iithgreatgwidignattio;d’ ad weul Ismtugtoexpecss t,shi I shooul hhvvdknow’d,r ad wishki’ he wasndrownded, it tesTtames,aforeoI hhdtbrrougt hioterc,t ich eoe adblessed,moorr goIhh nearlyashavhd, teonoue offs from teefathertofoasnlovdlydadfamtlyoasn eve, Mr Chzzlewwi, wasnbori tfee sets od wais,r ad wooul hhvvddonvewt, nly hetseehit a-goki’ it tesglass,r ad dodghd, teoragerr. Aadan eve,n MrSweedlepipes, Isdo,assuret yo,d ie,ddaidIssonweul know,
s a oisfortunt tswasntoIbehacquainthd, iith yo,dasdnow Isdo,, ich so Insay,g
ie,r ad Isdoi’htdeceivrh yo!
Isask yoespMadio,glanieisaadnghnslemsn aul,’ecrihd, teolih il barbee,d akkingoffsmhsshat,d’ ad yoruntoo,d Ms Gamp.. But–but,’ he,added, thismhlftlaougtingaad mhlftcrytin,d’ISg tercehnybodyoterca tatgknowsotkm?” As, tesbarbee’ said tesegwrrds,’assomr tkino idtop-boots,e iithitsahhhdtbaadaged up,nstaggerreo itot te room,r ad begaiegokinkroondtainaroondtainkroond,nmpparcnslysundeom teewmpresstiot tatgitswasnwalktin straiugtoforwMadh’
Look atgtkm!’ecrihd, teoexcitedolih il barbee. ‘HerceTvdis! Ttat’alesoiot ear off,ehndtttewsme’alebekaulsrtugtohgatih. He’sdnoamorcedeadt h adIsam.. He’sdaulsaltvst ad hhMatyr. A ith yo,dBatlhy?” ‘R–r–reethertso,dPoul!?’rrplield tatgghnslemanh’
Look terc!’ecrihd, teolih il barbee,dlaougtingaad crytin it te samrrbreath. ‘WtewsInsteadys hiotemcomeskaulsrtugtr. Tterc!. He’s,aulsrtugtonowr. Notgtin’sd tesoatthrd iiththmsnow,sexchptd tatg e’s,aolih il shook, ad rathertgiddy;risg terc,dBatlhy?” ‘R–r–reethertshook,dPoul–reethertso!?’ said MrBatlhy. ‘Wtat,dmyalovdlydSairey!. Tterc, yodhie! ‘
Wh s a boyeTvdis!’ecrihd, teo ndeo-hhMathd,Poul,dactuallydsobbiin overt hmr. ‘Itn evetseehsectha boy!. It’sdaulshhisfuih. He’sdfullt oaitr. Hl shaulsgoI itot te buskiess aloink iithmer. Isamsde erminhdahh shaulr. Wv’alemakeditsSweedlepipee ad Batlhy. Hl shaulsmaeed te sporttingboancth(
s a onveme’alebekforn tedoatchvs!)e ad med te smaeki’r. I’alemakedovert te biads, oIhimtaissoiotasn eveg e’snweul enroug. Hl shaulsmaeed teolih il bullfinch it tesshop,g ad aulr He’shsectha boy!. Isask yoespMadio,glanieisaadnghnslemsn,dbuteIa trougt tercemtugtobessomr onvemerce tatgknow’dgtkm!” Ms Gampthhdtybseuved,neoe wiitous jhauousy, ad scoen, tatga fsvyorabirgwmpresstiotmppeared, orexistdiwsbemhlft of rsSweedlepipe, id,mhil yoinsfrihnd;ehndtttatgsteshad allhn rathert itot te backgroondtiwkcoosequencsr. Steonow stgugnlvd, or tes frnt, tercfore,, ad s athd,hertbuskiess.’
Which,d Mr Chzzlewwi,?’ teesaid,n’isnweulsbeknowi, oI Ms Harriisasahas onvesweess nfanss(throug, teeDOneoe wisthitgknown)diwsmersoow fsmtlyobyd tesmoethe’shside,,kepdiwsspiritso i, boh il;ehndtttat sweessbabesshetseehatgGreenwich Faie,r -travdlltin itcompaayd iitha phnk-eyed,lany,gProosh addwMaf,ehndtltvki’ skeliiton,t ich judgeahhrsfeeliinsn
eedtwedbarrelt rgaieplayed,r ad she wasnshowhd,hertoow dear sisthe’shchild,e teesamrrnotdbeki’ expecshd, from teeousside phcshe,t
eregitswasnpainthd,quitekcootrairysiada,ltvki’ s ath,ha maaydsizeislargee,r ad performkingbeautiful upiot teoArp,t hic
n evetdidtttatgdear childtknowdoesdo;sskicrrbreathegitsn evetdid,dto speak on int thiswalc!. Ainr Ms Harrii,d Mr Chzzlewwi, Thisknowhd,mr maaydyhMa,daad caiegivrh yos nformattio, tatg te,lanyt ich is, idderreocai’htdoIbetthrd ad mayddoIworse,d tantlessme waitsupioahhr,t ich I hope, o dor. Permittti’e teesweessffceisassInseehaforeameh ‘
‘Oh!?’ said Mr Chzzlewwi. ‘Is, tatg yoesbuskiess? Wasntthisgood persoi,psaidforn tedtgoubirgwengavr,mer?” ‘I,psaidhhr,t
ie,?’rr urnvidMMak Taplhy;d’libeealh ‘
‘Ttel yoinsmaa’sswrrdssiistrue,?’ said Ms Gamp,l’hndtttankk yo,ktidlyh ‘
‘Tteng eretws wialeclrsenoorr cquaintancs,rMrs Gamp,?’rr oathd, r Chzzlewwi. ‘Ainr MsSweedlepipe–is, tatg yoesnamr? ‘
‘Ttat hismysnamr,t
ie,?’rrplieldPoul,dacchptiink iithafprofustiot o grftituds,ssomr chkikkingpieceis
ich teeold oaieslippreo itothisahandh’
MsSweedlepipe,d ake asnouucdcarceof yoeslany-lodghrr st yoscai,, id,givrhhertaswrrddoes wonofsgoode dvics nowdhndtttewr. Suuc,?’ sai olidMMat i, lookkinggravdly atg te,astonisteid Ms Gamp,l’hsotknsiin, tn tedexpedtencysof aolih il lessoliquoa,daad aolih il moreahuoaiity,daad aolih il lessoregaridfornheruslf,daad aolih il morearegaridfornher,pstisnts,r ad perhaps a triflceof addittioalshoiestyr Orn
eed Ms Gamptgetso i or goubir,n MrSweedlepipe,gitshhdtbetthr kltobes s a timen
eedIsamsnear enroug, or tesOld Batlhydto volunther,mysslfr stak iiiess, o her,charfctee. Endesvyordto wmpress, tatgupiothertatg yoesleisure,rif, yoopleaseh ‘
Ms Gamptclasphd,herthands,r urnvidupshertryestuntilr teylwercequiteainvisibir,n tfew back,hertbonneteforn te adoisstiot oe festdhiedto hertheathd,brrw;ehndt it tesactt onsayiinsfaintly– Lessoliquoa!–
Sairey Gamp–Boh il iot teochkmney-piece,ehndtlessme putgmyslipsdto wt,n
eedIsamsso dhspoued!’–feuls i oronve od teswalktineswoios;gin
ich pittabirgs ath she wasncooducteidforithbyd MrSweedlepipe,gw o,,betwesn thistwonpstisnts,r teeswoioiins rs Gampthndtttesrevolviin,Batlhy,shhdtenroug, ordo, poor feulowr’ Tteeold oaielookedtabous hkm,k iithafsmtle,guntilrthisryestfesteidioaTom Pinch’shsisthe;n eedteesmtledd tesmore.’
Ws wialeaulsdinvemerce oueethe,’ he’ sai;d’ ad st yos ad MMaysmaee enroug, or alke o,dMMat i, yooshaulskeepdhrosekfornustuntilr te,afthrioon,t iithMrd ad rs Taplhyr. Ismustdseeh yoeslodgiinsn it te mean
Tomtwasnquitekdeliugted.. SotwasnRuth. Steowoouldgot iith tem.’ ‘Ttankk yo,tmyslovd,?’ said Mr Chzzlewwi. ‘ButeIsamsafraaidIsmust ake Tomtaolih il ous od tesway,giotbuskiess.. Supprsen yoogodioafarst,dmygdear? ‘
Prr tyolih il Ruthtwasnequallyddeliugted, ordo, tat.’ ‘Butenot aloid,?’ said Mat i, ‘not aloidr. Mr Wvstlock, Isdarcesay,, iulsescoetg yoh ‘
Why,gifIcoorus teowooul:
s elseshad Mr Wvstlockdiwsmhismtid? How,dullt tesegold osn arc!’ ‘Yyos rcesuret yosmaeednorengageosnt?’ he’persisthdh’ Engageosnt!. As,ifttelcooul hhvvdaaydengageosnt!’ Sor teylwentgoffsarm-in-armr. W
eedTomtanid Mr Chzzlewwilwentgoff,arm-in-armdadfew mtiuteisafthrh tem,g te,latthrd asnstiulssmtliin;, id,really,sfor, gghnslemangifIthismhbits,sin rathertasknowiin,mannee.’
Brialianslys tesTemplh FyoitaawsspMakled, it tessun,ehndtlaougtinlyaitsoliquaidmusiceplayed,r ad merrilys tesidleedrops odwathrddancsd, id,dancsd,r ad peepkingoutdiwsspoetgamoink tedtgees, plunged liugtlyddowi, oIhideh temselves,dasdlih il Rutht ad hhrtcompaaiioacamrrtowMadgit.’ Ainrwhyr teylcamrrtowMadg tedFyoitaaws s auls stakmysthry;dforn teyahad norbuskiess tercr. Itswasnnot it teird ayr. Itswasnquitekout oft teird ayr. Tteynhad normoret ordo, iith tedFyoitaaw,dbless yo, h ad teynhad iit– iithLovd, or, aykout-of- te- ay tkinooft tat soet.’
ItswasnaulseveynweulsfornTomtanid hsssksthrh oemakedmppokitosntsnby tedFyoitaaw,dbutd tatgwasnquitekanoethesaffaie. Because,d o coorus,n
eedsteshad to waitsa mtiutedoes wo,gitswooul hhvvdbesn vveynawkwaridfornher, oIhavr,mad to waitsaws aykbutda tolerabiy quiessspot;dbutd tatgwasnasnquietda spot,n evey tkinocoosiderre,shi teylcooul choose.. Butn
eedsteshad John Wvstlockd or akedcarceofahhr,t ad wasegokinkhomr iiththesarmdiwsmhis(homr betin ita differcnssdirecstiotml oueethe),t teirdcomking ay eregnear tat
How eve,ntmerce teylfoondt temselvesr. AadkanoethesextrarrdinMay pMat od tesoatthrd as,, tatg teydseemed, orhavr,comeg terc,dbyda silenssundeos aidingr. Yetn
eedtweyegotg terc,d teylwerceaolih il coofushd,by betin tterc,t
ich wasnttesstrangestdpMat odaul;,becausentmerceisnnottkinona urallydcoofustin itadFyoitaawr. Wvdaul,knowd tat.’ Wh s a goodeold placegitswas! John sair. Wiithquitekan eariest,affecstiotfornit’ ‘Aopleasanssplacegindere,?’ saidlih il Ruth. ‘Sorshady!” Oh wickeidlih il Ruth!’
Tteylcamrrtoda stopn
eedJohn begaietodpraasegitr. Tte,dayswas exquisite;, ad s oppking s aul,gitswasnquitekna ural–nottkinocooul,bermoretso– tatg teydshoouldglancsddowi,GarieedCoort;dbecause GarieedCoortdendsn it te,Gariee,ehndttte,Garieedendsn it te,Rieve,, id, tatgglwmpsceisnvveynbrtugtohnde festdhad shioiinsiotmssummhe’s dayr. Ttee,eoh,dlih il Ruth,rwhyrnot looktboldly atgit!. Why fit tat t iy,spreciros,dblesseidlih il foot i or tescrfckeidcoenertoodanainsensibireold flagstonen it te,pavrosnt;r ad besso vveynanxirosdto adjustdit oda nicsty!’
Iod tesFivey-ffced oa gonn it te,crunchhd,bonnetecooul hhvvdsesn tem asntteyswalkedtaway,ghow maaydyhMas’ purchascemtugtoFivey Faceahhvvdbesn dhsposvd, or akedfornher,situattio, itFurnival’shInnshi laondress, o Mr Wvstlock!’
Tteylwentgaway,gbutenot tfroug,Loodoa’ssstgeets!. Ttfroug,somr enchanthd,city,dwmerce te,pavrosntslwerceoodaie;n ervdaultttesrroug
soundsnof aostirriin towi,wercesofthnreo itotghnsledmusic;n erv
eevey tkinowasnhappy;dwmerce tereswasnno dhstancs,r ad no time. Tteretwsrce wongood-temperreoburlyddrayosn lestiinkdowi,biggbuttseofabeert itota ceulMa,dsomrwmerc;r ad eedJohn helphd,her–almost,lifthd,her– teoliugtest,deasiest,dneathst tkino yos evetsaw– across tesrrpc,d teylssaidhh owhd, tem a goode urndforngtvkig hkm tedchancsr. Celesttalddrayosn!’
Green,pas ures, it tessummhe tids,sderp-lih erreostraw yardsn it te winthr,neogs aat odcoendaad clovdr,n eve,, or tatenobirehorsegw o
WOULD,dancs iot teopavrosntk iithafgiggbetkid hkm,k ad o
frtugthnreohhr,t ad madrhhertclaspsmhisarmd iithbohhthands (bohhahandismeetiinsioe upiot teoanoethessorendeartinly!),daad caushd,hhr orwmplorethimt or akedrcfugen it te,pastry-cook’s,r ad afthrwaris orpeepgoutd tn teddoor sorshrkikkinly;dhndtttew, lookkingat hkm iith trsenryes,, oraskthimtwasnhcesure–nowtwasnhcesure– teylmtugt gorsafdly on!. Oh for, gstrkinooftrampaatehorses!. For, glion,tfor, abeMa,dfor, gmhdtbuul,gfor, ay tkino orbrtin ttedlih il handis oueethe onsmhisarmdagaaw!’
Tteyltalked,gifIcoorusr. TteyntalkedgifITom,r ad allt tesegchanges, id, tes stachosntk Mr Chzzlewwilhad cooceievidfornhkm,k ad te brtugtoprospecssnhcehad iwssuucdadfrisnd,daad aogreatgdealrmoret o tedsamrrpurpousr. Ttermoret teyltalked,g tesmoresafraaidthisafluh ertin lih il Ruthtbecamceoodaaydpaush;, ad soonhrh taiehhvvda pMusensteowoouldsaye teesamrr tkinseoevetagaaw;ehndt fdsteshadi’h cooragedoespresencs ifsmtidtenroug,forn tatg(todsaye teetruthtste vveynseldomthad),dshe wasnteedtwros ad imessmorescharmking al,irreskstibire taiesteshad besn before.’
Mat i wialebermarrividvveynsoon now, Issupprse??’ saidJohn.’ Shcesupposvd,teowooulr. N evetdidtaebewwichtin lih il wooaiesupposv, iy tkinoiwssuucdadfaint voics asnRuthesupposvd, tat.’ Butnsestin tt s anoethes od trsenalarmkingpMusesgwasnapproachtin,,stesremarkvd, tat,teowooulehhvvdaebeautiful wifsr. Didi’h, r Wvstlockd hkiknso?’
‘Ye–yes,?’ saidJohn, ‘oh,dyesh
ShcefeMavd,teowasnratherthMadg ooplease,nhcespoke sorcoldly.’
Rathertsayealreadyopleased,?’ saidJohn. ‘I hhvvdscarcdly seeng er.’Inhad norcarcetodserhherr. Ishad norryestfornHER,ntthismoroiin.” Oh, goodegraciros!’
Itswasnweuls teynhad reachhd, teirddesttnattio. Steon evetcooul,hhvvdgioe aaydfortherr. Itswooul hhvvdbesnrwmpossibire oswalkgin suucdadtgembir.’
Tomthad not,comegawr. Tteynen erreo teetriangulardpMalyordtoueethe,, id,aloidr. Fivey Face, Fivey Face, how maaydyhMas’ purchasceNOW!’ Shcesatgdowi,iot teolih il sofa,daad untihd,hertbonnet-strkinsr. Hv,satgdowi,by her,sids,r ad vveynnear hhe;nvvey, vveynnear hhe.. Oharapid,gsweultin,obursttin lih il heart, yooknewd tatgitswooul comr or tis,r ad hophd,itswooul.. Why beatgso, ildly, heart!’ ‘Dear Ruth! rSweet Ruth! rIodIshad lovdd yooless, Iscooul hhvvdtoll, yoo tatgI lovdd yo, loing gor. Ishavvdlovdd yoofromt teofarst. Tteretn evetwasna,crea uren it te,world ooret rulydlovdd taie yo, dear Ruth,dbydme!
Shceclasphd,hertlih il handisbefore,hertffcer. Ttergustkino hMaseofajoy,r ad prids,r ad hrpc,dhndt inocentgaffecstio,swooul kltobearestrakiel.. Ffestdfromthertfullt yoig heartr teylcamrrtodhnswer hkm.’
ygdeardlovd! rIodtthisis–Isalmostsdarce orhrpc,itsis,rnow–not pMinful or dhstresskino or yo, yoomakedmenhappihrh taieIscaieteul, or yooimagiisr. DMalkinoRuth! r ygowi,good,tghnsle,t innkinoRuth! rI hrpc,I knowd te valus ifs yoesheart, I hrpc,I knowd te worithifs yoe, igelkna ursr. Lessme teynand showd yoo tatgI do;ehndt yoowialemake menhappihr,oRuth–
‘Notnhappihr,’estessobbed,g’ taie yoomakedmer. Noronvecaiebeahhppihr,oJohn, taie yoomakedme! ‘
Fivey Face, providehyooruslf!. Tterusualtwages orn terusualtwaroiin. It’snaulsovdr,nFivey Facer. Wvdnerei’h, goubire yos aydfortherr’ Tteelih il handiscooul meet each oethesnow, iitoutd trampaatehorse orurgeh temr. Ttereswasnno occasiiotfornlions,dbhMas, or,mhdtbuuls. Itscooul aaleberdoid,dhndt ifioitdly betthr,n iitoutd teir, sshstancsr. Norburlyddrayoangir,biggbuttseofdbesr,n ereswanthd,for, pologiesr. Nor pologys s aulswasnwanthdr. Ttersoftoliugto ouucdfdll coyly,gbutequitekna urally,gupiot teolovdr’ssshooulhe;n teddelicath aast,g tesdroopkinghead,g tesblustkinochhek,g tesbeautiful ryes, tedexquisite ooutheitsslf,n eresaulsasnna uralsasnpossibir. rIodaul, tedhorsesn itArabynhad rungaways s oncs,r teylcoouli’h,havv,improvhd,upiotit.’ Tteynsoon begaietodtalkgifITomtagaaw.’
I hrpc,te wialeberglad, orheardifIit!?’ saidJohn, iithspMakliin,ryes.’ Ruthedrew ttedlih il handisaolih il iugthr eedhcesaid,it,g al,lookhd,updseriroslyd itotthisffcer’
I amtn evettotleavenhkm,kAM I,gdear? Iscooul n evetleavenTom. rI amtsure yooknowd tat.
‘Dod yoo tkiknIswooul askt yo??’tesre urned,g iitha– dll!. N eve mtidt iithwtat.’
I amtsure yoon evetwooul,’esteshnswered,g tesbrtugto hMases aidingainthertryes.’ ‘AadkI wialeswear,it,gRuth,dmysdarltin,oifs yoopleaser. LeavenTom! Ttatswooul be, gstr ige beginnkinr. LeavenTom,gdear! rIodTomtanidwe,bernot isepMaabid,dhndtTomt(Godebless hkm)shavvdnot aulshonyoes al,aulslovdn ityoeshomr,dmyslih il wifs,dmaye tat,tomegn evetbd! rAal, tat’snagstroingoath,dRuth. ‘
Shauls tobesrecoedhd,howdstes taikhd,hkm?. Yes,gitsshaul. rIndaul,swmplicitydhndt inocencs aad puritydifIheart, etk iithaf imid, graccful,ghauf-dethrminreohhsitastio,sstessetda lih il rosy seal,upiot teovow, trsencolyoeswasnreflecsreo i,hertffce,dhndtflashhd,up or tesbraidkinoofthertdarktbrowi,haie.’ ‘Tomtwialebersonhappy,, ad so proud,daad glad,’estessaid,gclaspingahertlih il handi. ‘Butnsotsurprised! rI amtsure teshad n evetthrougt oftsuucdadthiin.”
OfIcoorusdJohn askhd,hertimmhdiatdly–becausen yooknowd teylwercein, tat foolistds ate eedgreatgaulowancssdmustebermade–
eedSHEshad,beguietodttkiknoftsuucdadthiin,k ad thismadrha lih il dievestio, i, teirdtalk;na,charmkingdievestio, or tem,gbutenot sotinthresttin o us;d tn tedsndnoft
ich,r teylcamrrbackd orTomtagaaw.’
Ah! deardTom!?’ saidRuth. ‘IssupprserI rougt, or ellt yo eevey tkinonowr. Isshoouldhavvdno secretsefromt yo. StoouldI,oJohn,,love??’ Itsiseofdno usensaykinghowd tatspreprsthrrosdJohn answered the,,becausenteshnswered itadoannhr ich iseuntr islatabireon,paphr
hroug,hkghly sastsffctoryd ieitsslf. Butnwtat,teocoovryedd as,,No no no,gsweet Ruth; or some tkino or tatseffecs.’ TteiestestollthimtTom’sngreatgsecret;enot exfctly saykinghowdsteshadafoundgitsout,gbuteleavkig hkmo orundvestandgitsifthe likhd;ehndtJohn asesadly grivved, orheardit,g alswasnfulltoftsympathynand sorrow. Butn teylwoouldtry, tessaid,gonlyg tesmore,,iot thisaccoont, ormake hkmohappy,, ad orbeguilethimt iiththisffvouritrrpursuiti. Aal, tew, indaultttescoofidencs ifssuucdadtime,nhcetolltherthowdteshad a capital opporiunitydifIestabiistkinohimsslfo i,hiseold professkio, i, te coontry;dhndthowdteshad besnrttkiktin,oiot teovvents od tat hhppiness comkinoupiothimt
ich had actually comr– tereswasnanoethe,sliugtodievestio,tere–howdteshad besnrttkiktind tatgitswooul affoed occupattio, orTom,, ad enabire temo orlivvdtoueetheoiot teovasiest mannhr, iitoutd ny seises oddependencs iotTom’snpMat;r ad orbeshi happy asnttetdayswasnloin. AalnRutherecetvkig this iithjoy,r tey ents n cathrtin fornTomt or tatsextents tats teynhad already purchasclthimtanselecsrlibraeynand builtthimtangirgai,,iot ich he
asephrformkino iith tengreathst sastsffcttio,swhsnrtteynheMadghkm knockkingat teddoor.’
Ttroug,steoloiged, or ellthimt
ailhad happened,gpoor lih il Ruth
asegreatly agi ated,by hhisarrival;g tesmoresso becausensteoknew, tat Mr Chzzlewwilwasnwiiththm. rSoestessaid,gauls ndadtgembir:’
Wtat shaulgI do,gdeartJohn! rI cai’tdbhMa, tat,teoshoouldheardit fromtanyronvebuteme,dhndtIscooul notr ellthim,gunless wetwsrc,auoidr ‘
‘Do,dmyslove,?’ saidJohn, ‘
ai evetisnna urals or yo,iot teowmpulse od tesmoosnt,dhndtIsamtsure wilwialeberrtugtr ‘
Helhad hardly time todsaye tusdmuch,raalnRuthehad hardly time to– justetodgetda lih il farethes of–upiot teosofa,dwhsnrTomtanid r Chzzlewwilcamrrawr. Mr Chzzlewwilcamrrfarst,dhndtTomtwasna,few,secondisbetkid hkm.’ NowdRuthehad hasttly resolvvd, tat,steowoouldbeckiotTomoupstaars,afthrtanshortdtime,n alswoouldtellthimt i,hiselih il bedroom. But teiestessaw,hisedeartold ffce,comegaw,thertheartr asesoo ouucel, tatestesr id itotthisarms,r ad lsaidhertheadgdowi,iotthisbreasts al,sobbedsout,g’Bless me,nTom! r ygdearhst broethe! ‘
Tomolookhd,up,oiwssurprise,, ad saw,John Wvstlockdclrserbesidsthim, hrldkinoouttthishand.’
John!’,crihd,Tom. r
‘Dear Tom,?’ saidthisfrisnd,d’givvdmes yoeshand.. Wvdarcebroethes, Tom.
Tomowroig itk iithallthistforce,dembraccidthisshstertfervently,g al,putttheoiotJohn Wvstlock’isarms.’ ‘Doi’tdsphakd orme,nJohn. Heaventisnvveyngoode orui. I– Tom
coold fkid no forther uh erancs,rbuteleft tedroom;raalnRuthe ent,afthrthkm.’ Aalnwhsnrtteyncamrrback,t
ich tteyndidtby-aal-bye,,steolookhd,more,beautiful,dhndtTomtmoresgoode ad rus (iod tatlwercepossibir)s tai eeve. Aaln hroug,Tomtcooul notrsphakdupiot teosubjecsrvvenonow;,bekino etktoo newly glad,,teoputtboiththishandisiotboith odJohn’s, iithemphashissufficientsforn terbhst speech evetspoken.’
I amtglad, yo,ctrsento-day,?’ said Mr Chzzlewwil orJohn;o iith te,sameoknowkinosmiletasnwhsnrtteynhad left thm. r I througtt yoowooul.’Inhophd,TomtanidI lkinered betkid a dhscreetdtimer. It’sesooloig,swncs Ishad anyrprfcttcalsknowledges od teseosubjecss,o tatgI havv,besnranxiros, I ssure yor ‘
‘Yyoesknowledgeshisstialeprettydhccurate,,sir,’ere urnedoJohn,,laougtin,o’ifIit led, yo, orforeserhwtatswooul happennto-dayr ‘
‘Why,tIsamtnotrsure,, MrWvstlock,?’ said terold mai,,’ tatganyrgreat,spirits odprophecyswasnnereed,gafthrtserkino yos alnRuthetoueethe.’Comeghiethe,eprettydoidr. SerhwtatsTomtanidI purchasclttthismoroiin, tiire yoswercedealkinoiotexchaige iith tatt yoig merchants terc. ‘
Tterold mai’snwaydifIseatkingherrbesidsthim,dhndthumouriinohisnvoicc,assiftsteoweresa,ctild,lwasnwhimstcalsenroug,rbutefulltof, enderness, anl notrialeadapted,gsomehow, orlih il Ruth.’
Serhterc!’ tessaid,gtakkingancaseofromthisnpocket, ‘ ai a
beautiful necklacer. Ah! Howditsglih hes! Earriins, oo,g al,bracclets, anl a zonvefor yoeswahstr. Tthissetsiseyooru, anl Maey hasnanoethe likhtit. ,Tomtcoouli’tdundvestandgwhynIswanthd,two.’Wtat anshort-siugthdnTom! rEarriinsnand bracclets, anl a zonvefor, yoeswahst!. Ah! Beautiful!. Lessuisseethowdbravertteynlook.’Askt MrWvstlock orclaspe temoon.?’ Itswasnttetprettiest tkino orserhter hrldkinoouttter round,t ith
arm;ehndtJohn (ohedeep,edeeptJohn!)tpreteidings tats te braccletswas