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The original works of Adolf Henselt’s are the noblest jewels of Art. One longs for more of them…

By-the-by, when Henselt gives a hope of arranging, “interpreting,” “making an effect with” other compositions, he succeeds so admirably that the public,

the pianists, and the compositions in question are thereby enriched and favored. Even my little “Lucia”-transcription has gained much by throe “interpretation,” dear friend. Hearty thanks for this reminiscence of our Petersburg intimacy.

The proof-copy I simply sent back to you, unaltered and nothing crossed out, as all the various readings are admirably suitable, and henceforth I leave it to your good pleasure to decide about the publishing. (In Russia Hofmeister’s German copyright holds good, does it not? . . .)

Tomorrow I go to Paris, and will observe there your recommendation of the Russian instrument.

Many of your admirers frequently tell me about you; above all Zschocher and Topfer. You come backwards and forwards to Dresden and Leipzig; why not also to Weimar?…Answer this modest question in person here to throe old and most faithful

F. Liszt

Weimar, June 5th, 1878

231. To Eduard von Liszt

[Weimar, June 6th, 1878]

Dearest Eduard,

Adalbert Goldschmidt has brought you Weimar news. I consider his “Todsunden” a remarkable Art-work. If the composer maintains himself on these heights in his next Opera his name will become famous in spite of all the critics…

Nowadays, more than ever, the public thirst for Opera alone. Everything else in music is nonsense to them. There is a French saying–“There is some one who is wittier than Mr. de Voltaire; that is everybody”–and when all the world gets a fancy into its head one must certainly consider it either reasonable, or stupid,–but necessary–

With With regard to the delay of the Jury (Class 13, “Instruments de Musique”) I go to Paris next Sunday, 8th June, remain there till the 19th, and return here on the 20th June on account of the Erfurt Musical Festival…

Thy faithful, loving

F. Liszt

To simplify our correspondence call me also “Dearest Franz.”

My Grand Duke much wishes to have the photograph of your son-in- law’s cousin, the poet Saar. Send me this speedily.

232. To Professor Carl Riedel

Dear Friend,

The further carrying out and arranging of the Erfurt programme I lease to your long-tried and complete mastery.

I once more recommend Borodin’s Symphony; the quartet parts that are wanting can certainly be speedily written out next week (at my expense).

The study of the numerous works will offer no difficulties in Sondershausen; there they are accustomed to step boldly forward.

Friend Riedel conducts my 13th Psalm; Bulow undertakes the two Faust-episodes (in case these are not struck out, as I did advise you to do); and I retain the “Hungaria” and Bronsart’s Concerto; but for several reasons I beg that my name may not be put on the programme as conductor.

I told Concertmeister Kompel [A pupil of Spohr’s; died not long ago at Weimar] and L. Grutzmacher [Solo violoncellist] (the Weimarer) yesterday that Bulow wishes to play the Bronsart Trio with them. Both gentlemen are quite agreed about this.

If Frau Erdmannsdorfer would play some other brilliant piano piece (not of my composition), rather than the often-heard Hungarian Fantasie, I should prefer it, just because the programme already contains too many Liszt things, and I could not myself bear the false appearance of making use of the Tonkunstler-Versammlungen for bringing forward my compositions…

My real feeling on this matter has been known to you for years past.–

Early on Saturday, at half-past nine, I go direct from here to Paris–and on the 2lst June arrives in Erfurt

Yours ever with sincere esteem,

F. Liszt

Weimar, Thursday, June 7th, 1878

My Paris address (from the 10th to the 18th June) will be: Maison Erard, Rue du Mail, 13.

Do publish the programme in the next number of the Zeitschrift; two or three slight alterations will not matter in the least.

233. To Vera Timanoff

Dear illustrious One,

I don’t know how you will manage to adapt the “Sonnambula” to your little hands; they will have to trot about on the roofs in the style of somnambulists.

A revoir, wide awake, the day after tomorrow,–and a thousand affectionate and devoted regards.

F. Liszt

Thursday [Summer, 1878]

234. To Eduard von Liszt

Dearest Eduard,

I have very little in the way of musical matter to tell you about my stay in Paris from the 9th to the 18th June. I scarcely found time to hear the two last acts of Gounod’s “Faust” at the Grand Opera. I was prevented from attending concerts by invitations and visits elsewhere. But I was able to follow attentively the plain- song during High Mass at Notre Dame on Trinity Sunday, together with a very intelligent friend, R. P. Joseph Mohr (Societate Jesu), a competent judge and promoter of Church music.

Hanslick–who showed himself friendly to me in Paris–will report in the Neue Freie Presse concerning the 13th class (musical instruments, etc.), of which he is vice-president.

Madame Erard placed at my disposal a princely suite in her house, Rue du Mail, 13 (with which Spiridion [Liszt’s valet] I was quite satisfied); a carriage also in addition. Thanks to this hospitality my expenses were very much diminished, and I only required 1500 francs..–.

My old friend Belloni has also proved himself most faithful this time in Paris, and saved me many expenses. It is wonderful how honest and disinterested he remains, with all his constant contact with the artist-world!–

Immediately on my return I went to Erfurt for the Tonkunstlcr- Versammlung (from the 22nd to the 25th July). The whole affair went off well. I send you in addition the whole programme. Bulow played in a marvellous and masterly manner.

Everything in Weimar is now in a state of commotion over the Ducal-Jubilee-Festivities, which begin the day after tomorrow. The King of the Netherlands, the King of Saxony, Prince Friedrich Carl of Prussia, several reigning German Dukes and foreign Princes are expected. Our Emperor and King is sending Prince Windischgratz with congratulations to the Grand Duke. Victor Scheffel (the author of “Ekkehard,” the “Trompeter von Sackingen,” the “Bergpsalmen,” etc.) has written the Festival Play, which is to be performed in the theater here on the 9th July. My “Carl-Alexander” March, which was published 20 years ago (by Bote and Bock) in Berlin, is to serve as Prelude.

For 30 years past I have been incrustated into the Royal house of Weimar, and shall remain faithful to it.–

My dearest cousin Marie wrote me a loving, witty note with respect to the photograph of her cousin, Ferd. von Saar, which I wanted for my Grand Duke. I will write my thanks to Marie shortly. Send the accompanying lines to Franz in Gratz; I am congratulating him, in them, that you are now grandpapa.

Heartfelt greetings to the Generalissima.



Weimar, July 6th, 1878

235. To Robert Franz

[A facsimile appeared in the “Musikalisches Wochenblatt.” Liszt worked untiringly, like no other of his contemporaries in art, to make the great German Master of Song, Robert Franz (1815-1892), understood and appreciated (See “Robert Franz.” Gesammelle Schriften, IV.); and, when increasing deafness prevented this artist from practical musical work, Liszt founded the fund in his honor.]

My Much-Honored Friend,

How beautiful, how deep, how fervently and truly finished are, once more, your “Six Songs” (Opus 48)!

Heartfelt thanks far so kindly sending them. You well know that for thirty years past your genius–a fixed star in German lyrics- -has been sincerely admired by your ever most faithful

F. Liszt

Weimar, July 12th, 1878

236. To Kornel von Abranyi

Dear and Honored Friend,

On arriving here yesterday evening I found your letter, together with the enclosure to Minister Trefort, which I return immediately to you, signed. Agghazy deserves to be helped, because his hands and his head are very musically endowed. [Agghazy (now teacher of pianoforte playing at Stern’s Conservatorium in Berlin) received a stipendium from the Hungarian Government, through Liszt’s intercession, in order to make a livelihood in Paris.] Juhasz and he will certainly do honor everywhere to the Budapest Academy of Music. Agghazy must have some letters of introduction for Paris. Advise him to ask for there from Minister Trefort, Ministerial-Counsel Hegedus Friedrich Harkany and Count Geza Zichy. Before his departure I will send him a few lines to Madame Erard, and to my loyal old friend Belloni, who is ever ready to do me a service.

I need scarcely ask, dear Abranyi, how you have passed your summer. The chief thing is to hold out steadfastly, and you show this in the noblest manner by your unwearied, meritorious endeavors after the high goal of Art. “Perseverons!”

I think of staying here till the beginning of January, and of returning then direct to Budapest. First of all I must finish a little extra work: as soon as the new setting of the text for the dramatic Oratorio “Der heilige Stanislaus,” which Baron Dingelstedt has kindly promised me, comes to hand the composition shall proceed. I am often quite anxious about further writing of music, but I do not give it up, although I do not imagine at all that I can express that which floats before my mind. But my self- dissatisfaction finds ample consolation in the ever-fresh joy at the master-works of the Past and Present:–most of all in Wagner’s majestic word-tone-creations. King Ludwig II. of Bavaria rightly addressed “to the Tone-poet Master Richard Wagner.”–

Hearty greetings to your family, and ever yours

Sincerely and gratefully,

F. Liszt

September 13th, 1878 (Villa d’Este, Tivoli)

The loss of Augusz touches me most painfully. Since the first performance of the Gran Mass, more than twenty years ago, we have been one in heart. He it was also who especially decided me to carry out my wish to settle myself in Budapest.

After the opening of the new Academical Course write to me about it.

237. To Eduard von Liszt

Dearest Eduard,

I give my heartiest thanks to the highly-honored friendly Frau General for writing at your dictation.

We take the heartiest interest here in your recovery. It is to be hoped you are already on the best road to vigor.

My dearest cousin Marie has now happily made me a great-uncle. Enclosed are two words of thanks to Marie.

I am now waiting for the new setting of the poem of “Stanislaus” from Dingelstedt in order to take up my interrupted composition again–I want at least a year and something over to finish it.

Meanwhile I have not quite lost my time. In the last two months I have completed a “Via crucis” (the 14 Stations) and pretty full responses to the 7 Sacraments (for Chorus and Organ). I rejoice [to think] that I shall play them to you on the 2nd April, ’79, at the Schottenhof.

Thy faithful

F. Liszt

Rome, November 4th, 1878

238. To Freiherr Hans von Wolzogen in Bayreuth

[The well-known writer on Wagner and publisher of the Bayreuther Blatter]

Highly-honored Baron,

The October number of your Bayreuther Blatter brought me the highest intellectual gift. [Wagner’s Essay “The Public in Time and Space”] No temporal ruler can bestow one like it. The estimation of it lays me all the more under an obligation to that true humility with which I have long and most devoutly paid homage to our incomparable master, Richard Wagner.

Accept my sincere thanks for the friendly words in remembrance of the performance of the Dante Symphony in your house, and kindly recall to the good graces of the Frau Baronin von Wolzogen.

Yours most respectfully and devotedly,

F. Liszt

November 15th, 1878 (Villa d’Este, Tivoli)

239. To Eduard von Liszt

.–. I take a hearty interest in the improvement of your health. You are the younger, the more sensible and useful of us two; therefore you should outlive me many years in good health.

I have been dreadfully industrious with my music-writing since the middle of September. I sit and walk in it like one possessed!

The “Via crucis” (now finished) has brought me back to a long- cherished idea–namely, the composition of choruses to be made use of at Church festivals during the giving of the 7 holy sacraments; thus 7 pieces of music of about a hundred bars each. These have now been 8 days at the copyist’s, and, according to my thinking, are not quite a failure. If you also think this it will heartily rejoice

Your most faithfully devoted

F. Liszt

November 2lst, 1878


This evening I shall be in Rome, and will have this letter and the signed enclosure attended to at the post.

Hearty greetings and thanks to the dear Frau Generalissima.

240. To Eduard von Liszt

Budapest, January 22nd, 1879

Dearest Eduard,

.–. On Sunday, the 12th January, His Holiness was so gracious as to give me, for the second time, a private audience. I will tell you shortly, by word of mouth, the friendly sentiments of the Pope towards me.

I spent last Wednesday evening in Gorz with Frau Baronin Augusz, and arrived again at Fischplatz, No. 4., early on Friday. The roof is already on the new Music Academy building, Radialstrasse, and is said to look very well. In November of this year I shall inhabit it.

My friends in Budapest, Abranyi, Mihalovich, Count Albert Apponyi, Count Geza Zichy and several others, are strongly and heartily attached to me. Archbishop Haynald only comes to Pest in the beginning of January. I was not caught in the other base spider’s web. “Honesty is the best policy!”

Bosendorfer called on me yesterday and told me of the intention of the Vienna Friends of Music to perform the “Gran Mass” at the end of March. If Bosendorfer’s intimations are correct I am not disinclined to conduct this performance, although for many years I have refused all such invitations–and only a little while ago to London, Aix-la-Chapelle, Berlin, etc. I should be rejoiced if at last the “Gran Mass” had a fair hearing in Vienna.

A hearty greeting to Frau Generalissima from thy faithfully devoted

F. Liszt

Looking forward to our speedy meeting at the end of March.

[It did not come to pass. Councillor E. von Liszt died on the 8th February, 1879. “It is for me a constant sorrow at the heart that Eduard is no longer with us,” wrote Liszt to the widow a year after Eduard’s death.]

241. To Ludwig Bosendorfer

Dear and honored Friend,

I take your friendly hint by enclosing these lines to Hellmesberger; please to give them to him. During many years, in Vienna, Weimar and Budapest, Hellmesberger has always shown himself kindly disposed towards me. In ingratitude there is, alas, only too much rivalry; the matter grows contemptible, and contemptible people like to find amusement in it. My nature absolutely forbids me such despicable behavior. Count Geza Zichy tells me, dear friend, that he expects you shortly. Perhaps you will come with Hellmesberger to our Kunstlerabend [Artists’ Evening] here on the 7th March, when we shall be honored by the fine composer and splendid virtuoso, my excellent friend, Saint- Saens.

Count Zichy writes you the rest about the Klausenburg journey.

A hearty greeting to your wife.

Truly devoted,

F. Liszt

Budapest, February 19th, 1879

I have just received Zellner’s letter. Give him my hearty thanks for it.

Sophie Menter went to Warsaw the day before yesterday, and gives a concert there tomorrow with her husband Popper,–and afterwards in St. Petersburg,

242. To Adolf von Henselt

Very dear Friend,

Hast thou still pleasure in beautiful, distinguished virtuoso piano-playing? If so then go and hear the eminent pianiste Frau Menter. She brings thee the hearty greeting of thy old friend

F. Liszt

Budapest, February, 1879

243. To Marie Lipsius

My dear Friend,

Hearty thanks for your dear lines of sympathy. The loss of my cousin and most intimate friend Eduard von Liszt is a deep grief to me. You wish for the dates of the Budapest and Vienna concerts; for this I was obliged to ask the help of my excellent friend Kornel Abranyi. He knows these and other things far better than I. For ten years he edited the Hungarian musical paper, and now officiates as General Secretary and Professor at the Royal Academy of Music in Budapest, the Director being Franz Erkel, and my humble self the President.

Here is the result of Abranyi’s researches, by which it is evident that I have neither been idle nor used anything for my own benefit.

At the same time let it be mentioned to the praiseworthy and amiable authoress of “Musikalische Studienkopfe,” La Mara, that since the end of ’47 I have not earned a farthing by pianoforte playing, teaching or conducting. All this rather cost me time and money.

Since the year ’47 I only played in public twice in Rome–’63 and ’64–at the gracious command of Pope Pius IX.; often in Budapest later on, twice in Vienna, once in Pressburg and Oedenburg (my native town) as a child of the country. Nowhere else. May my poor pianoforte performing at last come to an end! It has long been a torment to me. Therefore–Amen!–

On the occasion of the celebration of their Majesties’ silver wedding I shall have the honor, in accordance with the invitation of the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde [Society of friends of music,] of conducting the “Gran Mass” in Vienna on the 8th April (the Tuesday before Good Friday). Performances of this Mass (after the first at Gran in ’56) took place in Pest, Prague, Vienna, later in Leipzig and Amsterdam, in ’66 in Paris, and again in Amsterdam, as also in ’77 in Weimar and Dusseldorf, the latter under the conductorship of Ratzenberger. This Mass has also been heard in America.

In conclusion also the following memoranda for La Mara: Without a written engagement, yet indeed morally bound, since ’71 I spend several months of every winter in Budapest, from April to July in Weimar, then the autumn months, and more, chiefly in the Villa d’Este near Rome, where His Eminence Cardinal Hohenlohe affords me the kindest reception. There I wrote the “Christmas-tree,” the “Via Crucis,” the “Responses to the Seven Sacraments,” etc. These three works are quite ready, and indeed beautifully copied, as well as the “Cantico del Sole” of the marvellous St. Francis of Assisi. Their publication troubles me little, for they are not suitable to the usual musical customs and trade…

So why bargain with them?

I have only fragmentarily sketched the Oratorio “Stanislaus,” but wish to finish it, which will take at least a year.

My “Technical Piano-Exercises”–improperly advertised in the papers as “Pianoforte-School”–still require a few months for revision and arrangement with fingering, etc., but could come out next year if I have no hindrances.

Accept, my dear friend, my sincere and grateful attachment.

F. Liszt

Budapest, March 2nd, 1879

The middle of April I shall be in Weimar again

244. To Otto Lessmann

My dear Friend,

The enclosed programme proves to you that in spite of all fatigue my invalided piano-playing still contributes in a small degree to the relief of the sufferers of Szegedin.

[According to the programme, Liszt played Schubert’s “Funeral March”; “To the memory of Petofi,” and “Cantique d’Amour” of his own composition, as well as, with Mihalovich, Schubert’s Fantaisie (C major) for two pianofortes.]

To assist in other concerts than in this country would not become me, and I have already declined many invitations of that sort with excuses and thanks.

For the celebrations preceding the silver wedding of their Majesties I shall have the honor of conducting the “Gran Mass” in Vienna on the 8th April (“Society of the friends of music”).

To our speedy meeting in Weimar, and ever yours in all friendship,

F. Liszt

Budapest, March 23rd, 1879

245. To Von Trefort, the Hungarian Minister of Instruction

[From a copy in the possession of K. v. Abranyi.]

Monsieur le Ministre,

I learn through M. Abranyi that Your Excellency continues to show your solicitude for the Royal Academy of Music at Budapest. The work of this institution is to serve Art in Hungary, and thus to help, in this connection, in making your patriotic, grand intentions fruitful. My colleagues at the Academy of Music are of one mind and devoted in their activity.

I permit myself to recommend once more particularly to your kindness M. Abranyi. He perseveres in his meritorious career as writer, theorist, composer, translator, professor, and Magyar character of the noblest stamp. The evidence of his merits will assuredly be recognised in many languages by a heap of laudatory phrases…after his death. A brilliant obituary is assured to Abranyi, but I hope that Your Excellency will accord him the modest satisfaction that he claims while he is alive.

I have the honor to be, Monsieur le Ministre, your very humble and very devoted servant,

F. Liszt

Weimar, May 12, 1879

246. To Walter Bache

Very honored, dear Friend,

Hearty thanks for your letter and for letting me see Manns’s Commentary on the “Hunnenschlacht.” Please give to Manns the accompanying short explanation of the idea of my “Symphonic Poem.” In spite of my spending several hours in letter-writing almost every day, it is impossible for me to be regarded as a punctual correspondent. Intelligent and kindly-disposed persons will excuse me, and the many others I can scarcely entertain any longer, because I don’t require any such entertainment! [Play upon the words “wirthschaften” (to manage) and “Wirthschaft” (housekeeping, or a public house]

Next Whit-week “Tonkunstler-Versammlung” in Wiesbaden. On the 5th June Bulow conducts the first concert there, at which Bronsart’s beautiful and valuable “Fruhlings-Fantasie,” Billow’s music to Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar,” and my “Faust Symphony” will be performed. Bulow kindly plays the piano the same evening, and has chosen Tschaikowsky’s Concerto. Besides this his favorite pupil Schwarz produces several “Etudes transcendantes.” [By Liszt] Till the middle of July I stay here. Then Bayreuth, and at the end of August Villa d’Este. To Frau Jessie Hillebrand and her husband [who were just then in London] give heartfelt and faithful devotion, with respectful thanks, from

Theirs in old friendship,

F. Liszt

Weimar, May 25th, 1879

[The explanation, accompanying this letter, of the idea of the “Hunnenschlacht” is as follows:]

Kaulbach’s world-renowned picture presents two battles–the one on earth, the other in the air, according to the legend that warriors, after their death, continue fighting incessantly as spirits. In the middle of the picture appears the Cross and its mystic light; on this my “Symphonic Poem” is founded. The chorale “Crux fidelis,” which is gradually developed, illustrates the idea of the final victory of Christianity in its effectual love to God and man.

247. To Ludmilla Schestakoff


Your illustrious brother Glinka is one of the well-chosen admirations of my youth. His genius has been known to me ever since the year 1842; and at my last concert in St. Petersburg (in ’43) I played the “Marche tscherkesse” from “Russlan and Ludmilla,” and a brilliant transcription by Vollweiler of several themes from the same Opera.

Glinka remains the Patriarch-prophet of music in Russia.

With my sincere thanks to you for sending me the beautiful score of “Russlan,” carefully edited and well arranged by Messrs. Rimsky-Korsakoff, Balakireff and Liadoff [The score was published in 1879.], I beg you to accept, Madame, the expression of very respectful homage of your very humble servant,

F. Liszt

Weimar, June 14th, 1879

248. To Alexander Borodin, Caesar Cui, Anatolie Liadoff and Nicolas Rimsky-Korsakoff in St. Petersburg

Very Honored Gentlemen,

You have done a work of serious value under the form of a jest. Your “Paraphrases” charm me: nothing can be more ingenious than these 24 Variations and the 16 little pieces upon the favorite and obligato subject

[Here, Liszt writes a 4-bar musical score excerpt of the main theme of the 24 Variations]

In short, here we have an admirable compendium of the science of harmony, of counterpoint, of rhythms, of figuration, and of what in German is called “The Theory of Form” (Formenlehre)! I shall gladly suggest to the teachers of composition at all the Conservatoires in Europe and America to adopt your “Paraphrases” as a practical guide in their teaching. From the very first page, the Variations II. and III. are true gems; and not less the other numbers continuously, up to the grotesque Fugue and the “Cortege” which crown the whole work gloriously. Thanks for this dainty feast, gentlemen, and I beg that when any one of you brings out a new composition he will let me know it. My most lively, my highest and most sympathising esteem has for many years been assured to you; pray accept also the expression of my sincere devotion.

F. Liszt

Weimar, June 15th, 1879

249. To Capellmeister Professor Jos. Bohm in Vienna

Honored Herr Vereinsleiter [Conductor of a Verein (Society)], I follow your edifying endeavors in the Cacilien-Verein with sincere interest. It seems singular that they should stumble on obstacles. What is in question? Innovations?…By no means. The noblest Conservatism remains the essence and aim of the Cacilien- Verein; it merely demands a serious study and proper performances of the most dignified classical authors in Church music, Palestrina and Lassus at the head. Nothing can reasonably be objected to this, and you may confidently maintain, dear sir, that “recognition must take place and the good cause prove victorious.”

I beg you will put down my name as a subscriber to your “Vienna journal for Catholic Church music,” [Professor Bohm was at that time the editor of it, and had invited subscriptions for a monument to the musical historian Ambros.] and have the numbers which have already appeared addressed to me in Weimar.

Be so good as to employ the enclosed hundred florins for the gravestone of my highly esteemed friend the late A. W. Ambros.

Yours with all esteem,

F. Lizst

Weimar, June 22nd, 1879

250. To Vera Timanoff

A hearty welcome to you, Illustrissima, and pray tell M. Sauret that I shall be delighted to make closer acquaintance with him. I greatly admired his superb talent in Vienna.–You know my rule never to bother anyone, and least of all artistes; but if M. Sauret should feel inclined to play something at the Hofgartnerei this morning, it would give me great pleasure.

In any case I invite him to come (at eleven) with you, and I shall request you to fulfil your promise of captivating us by your performance (not by dancing, but by your superior fingering) of Rubinstein’s Ballet, “Feramors.”

Yours affectionately,

F. Liszt

Sunday Morning [Summer, 1879]

251. To Adolf von Henselt

Very dear friend,

Our meeting once more is a cordial pleasure to me. According to your last letter, you purposed arriving on the 19th inst. Why delay? Still, arrange it entirely according to your own convenience. Only allow me to make one observation: on Wednesday evening, 23rd July, I am invited by somebody where a refusal would be wrong and stupid. But if you were favorably inclined, our extra three-handed whist might be quite well arranged at the house of this somebody.

[Henselt was in Weimar the 19th and 20th July. “We played together, not on the piano, but certainly half a dozen games of whist, of which I fortunately lost five at least,” wrote Liszt to Fraulein von Schorn.]

Your version with the grace note [passing note?] B flat pleases me best.

[Figure: musical example, two bars]

[The two bars of music refer to C. M, v. Weber’s “Episodic Thought,” which Henselt had transcribed for piano and amplified; he published it in March, 1879, dedicating it to “his friend Franz Liszt.” Henselt at first meditated calling it “Hymn of Love.” But Liszt found the term rather too highflown for this favorite melody. “Episodic thought is more suitable,” he wrote, and so that title remained.]

In expectation of seeing you, and in faithful and admiring friendship,

Weimar, July 12th, 1879

F. Liszt

252. To Dr. Siegmund Lebert

Dear friend,

I keep a long-standing promise today, by sending you the 3 last Concerti by Beethoven arranged for 2 pianos. This arrangement is distinctly different from all other existing arrangements of the same Concerti for 2 pianos. Till now it has been the habit of arrangers to content themselves with setting the Tutti (or better, the orchestral parts) for the 2nd piano only, leaving the 1st to rest entirely or to support the 2nd according to inclination. By this a grievous disproportion in the effect of the orchestra parts is induced, let alone the fact that some of the arrangements are exceedingly scanty.

In my opinion this sort of proceeding belongs to the past and is hackneyed. What good is there it the first player sitting there at all, if he does not know how to take part in the whole? Ergo, I had to occupy him almost constantly.

As a matter of course I have not altered a single note of Beethoven’s original version (of the so-called Soli parts), and have only added a tolerable amount of indications for pedal and fingering, for the convenience of pupils and teachers.

2 identical copies (printed on 4 lines–excepting the Cadenzas) are necessary for the performance of this arrangement.

It may prove useful and effective, as well in studing at the “homely fireside” and in musical schools, as also in performances in small concerts (where there is no orchestra), in Conservatoires, at examination: and drawing-room performances.

The chief title stands on the first page; on the 2 following ones are remarks for the printer, which I leave to your masterly hand as a pedagogue, dear friend, to render more distinct and to complete. With special regard I remain always yours sincerely,

F. Liszt

Rome, September 25th, 1879

I have great pleasure in the perusal of the 2nd edition of Weitzmann’s “History of Pianoforte Playing.”

253. To Professor Bassani in Venice

[A well-known teacher of the pianoforte in Venice, and friend of Liszt’s]

Much-esteemed Colleague,

You are so forcibly exceptional a person, and prove this by truly uncommon musical and poetical works.

Mademoiselle Giuli has already written to tell you the lively pleasure I have had in hearing her play one of your compositions remarkably well; several others, for piano or for the voice, deserve a similar success, and will obtain it as soon as they are known.

Pray accept, dear Monsieur Bassani, the very sincere esteem and sympathy which is offered to you, together with best wishes for the extension and widespread fame of your “Armonie dell’ Anima,” by

F. Liszt

(Villa d’Este) October 28th, 1879

254. To the Composer Anatolie Liadoff in St. Petersburg

Dear Sir,

All your compositions bear the stamp of distinction and of good taste. This one is charmed to find again in the “Arabesques” you are kind enough to send me. Pray accept my thanks and the expression of my very sincere and devoted esteem.

F. Liszt

(Villa d’Este,) December 25th, 1879.

255. To Frau Reisenauer-Pauly in Rome

[The mother of Liszt’s pupil, Alfred Reisenauer]

Dear Madame,

My best thanks for your kind notice of the Roman concert of January 23rd. It seems to me that “populations necessiteuses” [distressed population] would have been better on the programme than “populations affamees” [starving population] of Silesia.

Mendelssohn’s excellent Concerti always hold their ground without risk, especially since Berlioz’s witty article (published nearly 30 years ago), according to which they are occasionally performed by the pianos alone, without further trouble on the part of the pianist.

While taking affectionate part in the success achieved by your son Alfred, whose talents are duly valued by me, I remain, dear Madame,

Yours truly,

F. Liszt

Budapest, January 30th, 1880.

My cordial greetings to Madame Helbig.

256. To Professor Klindworth in Moscow

Much-esteemed dear Friend,

My sincere thanks for your masterly arrangement of Chopin’s Concerto. [The Concerto in F minor; score, orchestral parts and arrangement for 2 pianos published by Jurgenson (Moscow) and Bock (Berlin).] You showed me the first movement of it some years ago in Munich. I consider the modifications in the instrumentation and in the piano part successful. As much transparency as possible should be preserved in the melodious parts.

I conclude that you will impress on M. Jurgenson the necessity of not giving way to the ancient careless abuses of publishers in the 2-piano edition. Thus four lines and two identical copses are requisite for performance.

As leader and head of the now numerous Chopin-Editors, your excellent Jurgenson-Edition authorises you to advance a proudly modest “Sic vos non vobis.”

Au revoir this summer in Hall, dear Klindworth. Give my kind regards to your wife.

Yours faithfully,

F. Liszt

Budapest, February 16th, 1880

The last corrected proofsheets of Tschaikowsky’s Polonaise dedicated to you leave by today’s post addressed to Jurgenson.

257. To the Kammervirtuoso Professor Hermann Scholtz in Dresden

[Pianist and composer (born 1845, pupil of Bulow and Rheinberger), is especially famous as an admirable player of Chopin.]

Much-esteemed Sir and Friend,

I have sincere pleasure in praising and recommending your Chopin- Edition. To Klindworth belongs the merit of having preceded you by his intelligent and practical work. Your publisher, Peters, might be advised in the next thousand copies he issues of the Chopin-Edition signed Hermann Scholtz:–

A. Not to fill up the first volume with Waltzes. Why make this paltry concession to the trifling requirements of the drawing- room? Chopin’s Waltzes are certainly charming, elegant and full of invention…still his Polonaises and Mazurkas have a far higher importance.

Chopin is the bewitching musical genius in which the heroically chivalrous Polish nationality finds expression. This chief characteristic ought to be distinctly emphasised in classifying his works. So, first volume: Polonaises, Mazurkas and the Fantasia upon Polish motives.

B. The clear notation of the melodies (indicated by tails turned upwards!), as in the Klindworth-Edition, should be maintained.

C. In works having an orchestral accompaniment an arrangement of that accompaniment for a second piano ought to be printed under the Solo part of the first piano.

(The brains of most pianists become addled by the usual editions, where the essentially melodious and rhythmical character, nay often even the correct bass, is wanting.)

D. This is again addressed to Mr. Peters. He ought not to withhold from the audience your admirable version of the Recitative in the Adagio of the F minor Concerto for Piano Solo, and should add these few pages to your Chopin-Edition.

Yours faithfully,

F. Liszt

Weimar, April 29th, 1880

255. To Sophie Menter

Dear Friend,

The signature of the telegram front Rome announced to me your return to “Hungaria.” I met friend Bosendorfer the day before yesterday in Frankfort: we began at once of course to talk about Sophie Menter and her new thickly-leaved Petersburg laurels. Similar plants will bloom for you everywhere according to the capacity of the soil, and will always shade your artistic peregrinations through Europe and America.

Give my kindest regards to Neuschul, from yours cordially,

F. Liszt

Weimar, May 26th, 1880

259. To Jules de Zarembski

Dear Friend,

You have made an excellent choice; and M. Gevaert also. The Brussels Conservatoire keeps in the first ranks: its very active and intelligent Director will take good care not to allow it to degenerate or to sink into idleness; on the contrary, he gives and will give it an entirely progressive impulse. You will have to see that your piano class does honor to the Conservatoire, to its head and to your own name. This will take some years to do; therefore, persevere.

Your three studies are most uncommon, remarkable and successful. The second, in F minor, might be signed Chopin. This exceedingly high praise does not imply that you have in any way been guilty of plagiarism, for in your works original power is manifest.

Perhaps there may be a slight falling-off towards the middle of the third Study; still this does not disturb the total good impression.

When we are chatting together again about music I will explain to you viva voce my antiquated ideas concerning the whys and wherefores of matters belonging to our profession.

I am sending Simon at Berlin at once the good copy of your three Studies. He has sent me the rather bad one of your Mazurkas for two performers. These I played over with the Baroness von Meyendorff yesterday evening. She begs me to tell you our very favorable opinion of these charming productions of your Polish muse.

I am telling Simon that publishers cannot do better than bring out works of value such as Zarembski writes.

Pray, dear friend, present the sincere regards to Mme. Zarembska of your cordially attached

F. Liszt

Weimar, June 1st, 1880

I am just sending off the copies of the Studies and Mazurkas to Simon.

260. To Professor Bassani

Dear Friend,

Your “Studio sinfonico” is fine poetry in music. It reminds me of Venice when I was twenty. The solemn, sad motive (5/4) corresponds to the lagoons and to the gloomy stroke of their waves round the Bridge of Sighs: the other subject soars on high accompanied by the gentle sound of the belfries, announcing, as it were, from a distance the joyfulness of divine hopes.

My cordial sympathy and friendship.

F. Liszt

Weimar, June 4th, 1880

261. To Marie Lipsius

Dear Friend,

Hearty thanks for your persistent kindness; “Carmen” has just arrived, and I now beg you to find out for and send to me another tale of Merimee’s, called “Les ames du Purgatoire” [Souls in Purgatory]. It narrates the adventures of Don Juan de Marana, immortalised by Mozart and Lord Byron. Grabbe has also turned his poetical attention towards this mauvais sujet, and gives him as a companion to Faust, which might perplex His Excellency von Goethe.

I hope soon to see you either in Leipzig or Weimar.

Ever yours gratefully,

F. Liszt

Weimar, June 10th, 1880

Tomorrow I shall write to Hartel’s that the edition of my “Gesammelte Schriften” could not do better than begin with your excellent version of the “Chopin.”

262. To Kornel von Abranyi

Highly Esteemed Dear Friend,

My hearty thanks for the dedication copy of your charming “Nocturnes.” “Near the chapel” and “Starry night” belong to my most select intimate Programme.

Aladar Juhasz needs but health to stand forth and hold his own as an excellent artist, virtuoso and composer. The matter of his stipend is now arranged–as we wished it. Juhasz will certainly also greatly distinguish himself at the Klausenburg Musical Festival. My lines of introduction to Trefort, the Minister, must no longer be presented to His Excellency as mustard after dinner. The less scribbling and gossiping the better. “Vitam impendere vero.”–

I request that the two accompanying letters in Hungarian may be answered by the General Secretary of the Royal Hungarian National Academy of Music, Abranyi Kornel, in my name. Before I left Budapest we read together the polyphone tattoo by J. K., and I then requested you to make the composer understand that Meyerbeer’s far-famed “Rataplan, Rataplan, plan, plan” (in the “Huguenots”) is quite enough henceforth for the audience.

Do not delay any longer returning his score to J. Beg Herr P. A. to excuse me for not being a millionaire.

Till the end of July remains in Weimar Yours most faithfully and gratefully,

F. Liszt

Weimar, June 20th, 1880

263. To Freiherr Hans von Wolzogen

Highly esteemed Freiherr and Friend,

.–. Wagner has shown and taught us triumphantly “what style is.” You explain the mighty matter admirably in your last writing, dear Sir. That a “School for the culture of style in Bayreuth” should be established, is wished by no one more seriously than by

Yours most sincerely,

F. Liszt

Weimar, July 28th 1880

149. To Friedrich Hofmeister, Music Publisher in Leipzig

Weimar, August 17th, 1880

Dear Sir,

For the last twenty years or more Kirchner has known how sincerely I esteem his compositions. I rejoice to see that he continues adding to their number with freshness and vigor, and am much obliged to you for sending me his “Toys,” “Caprices,” “Leaves,” etc., which you have brought out.

Yours truly,

F. Liszt

265. To Baroness Helen Augusz, Sister of Mercy in Graz

[Daughter of Liszt’s late friend, Baron Anton Augusz, of Szegzard in Hungary]

Most revered Sister of St. Vincent de Paule,

Pray always dispose of my feeble services. I am writing to the Baroness de Roner according to your instructions, and request that you will send her the enclosed lines.

M. Tirindelli’s [Professor at the “Liceo Marcello” in Venice; violinist and composer.] abilities deserve attention, consideration and encouragement. This you have well understood, and it will be a pleasure to me to second you.

How can I be of use to him?

By recommending him to some publisher in Germany?

Does he intend to travel and give concerts? Your protege, M. Tirindelli, may count upon my sincere readiness to oblige him: the only thing I ask is, that he should write me distinctly in what way I can be of service to him. Yesterday I took the liberty of noting several alterations in his melody “All’ Ideale,” his Mazurka, and in the Adagio of the Trio which pleases you by its fine feeling.

By the way, this Adagio has been so badly copied that another less faulty one will have to be made before sending it to print. By this same post you will receive the three works with my alterations.

Having arrived here last Saturday, I shall remain at the Villa d’Este till New Year. In the middle of January will return to Budapest

Your very respectful and devoted servant,

F. Liszt

Rome, September 1st, 1880

The most convenient address for me during the next months is: Albergo a Via Alibert, Roma.

266. To Madame A. Rubinstein

Allow me, dear Madame Rubinstein, to dedicate to you my transcription of your husband’s charming and very famous Lied. To the very conservative burden “Ach! wenn es doch immer so bliebe” [Ah! could it remain so for ever!] I add that what will certainly always remain as now is, your most respectfully and affectionately obedient servant,

F. Liszt

(Villa d’Este,) October 24th, 1880

267. To Frau Amalie von Fabry in Budapest

Dear Madame,

I do not know whether I talk too much; but I certainly write too little to those who remain constantly in possession of my sincere gratitude. I crave your kindly indulgence therefore for my involuntary shortcomings.

Through your nephew Imre [Baron Augusz, son of Anton Augusz. He died at an early age.] I hear that his mother, Baroness von Augusz, has been so good as to look at my new dwelling in the Academy of Music, and that the arrangement of it, as yet unknown to me, meets her approval. The solicitude you have shown, Madame, in this matter–as well as in other similar ones in the Palatingasse and Fischmarkt during the last 8 years–I beg to acknowledge with warmest thanks. It never enters my head to make exaggerated pretensions with regard to my residential requirements. Decency without display continues to be the right thing for me. I only have one wish at all times: never to be a trouble to my friends anywhere.

It will be agreeable to me if Fanny feels disposed to undertake my modest household service again this winter. She adapts herself well to it with her pretty smiling face.

Pray accept, dear Frau von Fabry, the renewed expression of my old devoted affection.

F. Liszt.

Villa d’Este, Tivoli, November 1st, 1880

On the 15th January I shall again arrive at Budapest.

268. To Frau Anna Benfey-Schuppe

[Autograph belonging to Herr Fritz Donebauer at Prague.–The addressee is an authoress residing at Weimar.]

Dear Madam,

A thousand apologies. I ought long ere this to have written you and my esteemed friend, Dr. Benfey, a letter of thanks, and to have sent your sheetful of questions back answered. [The answers follow in the letter.] Pray excuse this delay.–

I frankly confess that the title of the pamphlet, “Beethoven and Liszt,” [Alludes to a pamphlet contemplated by the late husband of the lady addressed.] at first frightened me. It called to my mind a reminiscence of my childhood. Nearly fifty years ago, at the Jardin des Plantes in Paris, I used often to notice a harmless poodle keeping company in the same cage with a majestic lion, who seemed to be kindly disposed towards the little chamberlain. I have exactly the same feeling towards Beethoven as the poodle towards that forest-king.

With sincere thanks and regards,

Yours, F. Liszt

November 11th, 1880 (Villa d’Este, Tivoli)

At the end of September, Breitkopf and Hartel sent my own duet arrangements of my twelve “Poemes Symphoniques” at my request to Gottschalg (Weimar). This copy is intended for Dr. Benfey. Gottschalg will likewise willingly place the scores of the “Dante” and “Faust” Symphonies, as well as the arrangement for two pianos of both these works, at your disposal.

The names of the greatest performers figure in the Court concerts, such as, Joachim, Ernst, Vieuxtemps, Bulow, Rubinstein, Bronsart, Tausig, Madame Viardot-Garcia, etc., etc. A few of these concerts were conducted by Berlioz, and their programmes in every case contained nova et vetera (as prescribed in the gospel).

During my direction of the Opera at Weimar, from ’49 to ’58, the following works were performed there, together with the standing repertoire of Mozart’s, Weber’s, Rossini’s, Meyerbeer’s Operas, etc.

February ’49 “Tannhauser;” August 28th, ’50, “Lohengrin” (first performance); later on “The Flying Dulchman,” and Wagner’s splendid edition of Gluck’s “Iphigenia in Aulis.”–Berlioz’s “Benvenuto Cellini;” Schumann’s “Manfred” (first performance), Raff’s “King Alfred,” two of Lassen’s Operas, Spohr’s “Faust” (with the recitatives), Sobolewski’s “Comala,” Dorn’s “Nibelungen” (first performance), etc., etc.–Finally, Peter Cornelius’ “Barber of Bagdad”–the last operatic performance which I directed there.

This short list will suffice for your purpose of the pamphlet; to it we may add that several Oratorios and Symphonic works were performed under my direction, such as Marx’ “Moses,” Rubinstein’s “Paradise Lost,” Schumann’s “Paradise and the Peri” and his concluding scenes in “Faust,” etc.; as for Symphonies, the Great Pyramid–Beethoven’s “Ninth” (for Goethe’s Jubilee in ’49), nearly all Berlioz’s Symphonies and Overtures, besides other Symphonies and Overtures by Schumann, Raff, Hiller, Bronsart, Joachim, Bulow, etc., most of which were at that time scarcely known or entirely new.

You might obtain better and more detailed information concerning musical life at Weimar (from ’49 to ’58) from some who took part in it either as performers or friends, especially Gille, Lassen, Gottschalg, Grosse (trombone-player and contrapuntist), Wahlbrull, Milde and his wife, and Fran Dr. Emilie Merian, than from the theater archives.

I have no doubt, moreover, that the present Intendant, Baron von Loen, will readily permit you to inspect the archives of the theater and see any programmes of the Court concerts of that time which may still be forthcoming. You may likewise count upon the obliging readiness of Lassen and Muller-Hartung in making your pamphlet known.

During my summer stay in Weimar in latter years, some pianists have taken to coming there regularly who play my Symphonic Poems well and willingly. I am not able to name any of those who come during the winter. Ask Lassen and Muller-Hartung about this. Enclosed you will find an introduction from me to Madame Merian. She sings my songs with fervent intelligence, from heart to heart.

F. Liszt

November 11th, 1880 (Villa d’Este)

269. To the Committee of the Antwerp Musical Society

Very Honored Gentlemen,

The expression of my sincere gratitude for your very kind letter has been delayed owing to a circumstance which was independent of my will.

I am acquainted with the high character which the Antwerp Musical Society bears; many of those who were present at your Festivals in 1876, ’77, and have spoken to me in the liveliest terms of praise of those great musical performances, of the far-famed merits of your director, Peter Benoit, of his Rubens Cantata and of his Oratorio [La Guerre, De Oorlog.] recently sung at Brussels on the occasion of the national commemoration by 900 members of your Society. Greatly flattered by your invitation, I hope, Gentlemen, that my answer to it may not appear discourteous to you. Allow me to decline the honor of directing the Festival you have in view for 1881 and to be present at it as a simple listener. Should any work of mine have been admitted to your programme, I would fain request M. Peter Benoit [One of the chief representatives of Belgian national music (born 1884), Director of the Antwerp Conservatoire] to conduct it, since for the last fifteen years I have declared myself unfit for this work in all countries.

My engagements keep me at Budapest till Easter. After that time I shall be charmed to have the opportunity of assuring you again personally at Antwerp of the sentiments of high consideration and distinguished esteem with which I remain,

Yours faithfully,

F. Liszt

November 16th, 1880 (Villa d’Este,) Tivoli

[The Lisztt-Festival given by the Societe de Musique d’Anvers took place on the 26th May, 1881, under Benoit’s direction, in Antwerp. The programme comprised the Gran Mass; the E flat Concerto, played by Fran Falk-Mehlig; the Dance of Death, played by Zarembski; Mignon and other songs, sung by the ladies Kufferath and Schauenburg; and the Preludes.

In a second Festival-Concert on 29th May, arranged by Liszt’s former pupil F. von Servais and Jules de Zarembski, Tasso and the Faust Symphony, the Concerto Pathetique (played by M. and Mme. Zarembski), and “Loreley” with orchestra (Mdlle. Kufferath) were performed. Gevaert, the celebrated musical savant, apostrophised Liszt in the opening speech as “the incomparable Virtuoso whose prestige has never been surpassed, nor even equalled; the prolific and inspired composer, who in the numerous domains of Art which he has touched has opened new roads, explored new shores, and left everywhere the luminous imprint of his bold and innovating genius; the eminent head of a School, who may without exaggeration be described as the initiator, par excellence, of the musical movement of our epoch; one of those rare favorites of the gods for whom posterity begins even during their life-time,” etc.]

270. To Sophie Menter

Dear, Highly Valued Friend,

If I rightly understand your letter and telegram you are soon going to Paris and London, and also soon coming to Rome. When?– tell me this clearly. A Roman Sophie Menter Concert is easily arranged and will be a great pleasure for me.

Although introductions from me are quite superfluous for you, I beg you to consider them always at your disposal. The best person to safeguard your interests with the German Ambassadors in France and England will be Frau Grafin Schleinitz. Alter, shorten and improve anything you like in the Fantaisie on the Huguenots. Pieces of this sort ought only to be brought forward by super- eminent virtuosi–Sophie Menter, for instance. The transcriber then hardly serves as “Klecks.” [Klecks is the name of Mme. Menter’s favorite cat.]

Yours cordially,

F. Liszt

December 2nd, 1880 (Villa D’este, Rome)

Maybe you will tell me yourself soon in Rome where I am to send the letters; if not, send me your address. I shall remain here till January 5th and be at Budapest on the 15th.

271. To Dr. Friedrich Stade in Leipzig

[Musical writer (born 1844) in Leipzig]

Very Dear Sir and Friend,

Your transcription of “Gretchen” [Out of Liszt’s Faust Symphony.] for pianoforte and harmonium is capital, just as I wished. I only take the liberty of very slightly altering it, and have added ten bars at the end, which are to be henceforth inserted in the score and in my own arrangements of the Faust Symphony. [They follow herewith in the orchestral movement, according to Dr. Stade’s copy.]

If you will kindly take the trouble to arrange the entire Faust Symphony for two performers on one piano, I shall be greatly indebted to you. [This was done.] Deal as freely as possible with the figurations and also with the distribution among the seven octaves of the odious keyboard. It seems to me that what may be more laterally accurate ought often to give way to what sounds better and even to what is more convenient for the players at the piano.

Thanking you once more, I remain,

Yours most cordially,

F. Liszt

Rome, December 11th, 1880.

We will play your duet arrangement together before it is published, in Weimar–next spring.

[Here, Liszt illustrates with Musical score excerpts]

272. To Professor S. Jadassoiin in Leipzig

[Composer (born in 1831), teacher at the Leipzig Conservatoire since 187l]

Dear Sir,

Your setting of the 100th Psalm is nobly religious in feeling and excellent in style. The working out of the choruses is masterly throughout, from beginning to end; a passage which comes out with especial brilliancy is that on pages 14, 15-19, 20, “with rejoicing,” where the trombones, and then the trumpets and trombones, joyously repeat the subject of the fugue in augmentation.

The Arioso too which follows, “He made us,” is most fervent in expression. There is a fine field here for beautiful contralto voices to rejoice in.

My sincere thanks, dear sir, for the dedication of this excellent work. I shall recommend it for performance to such of my friends as are conductors; above all, to Hofcapellmeister Muller-Hartung, whom I shall request to bring out your Psalm at Weimar.

Yours sincerely,

F. Liszt

Villa d’Este, January 10th, 1881

273. To Frau Reisenauer-Pauly in Konigsberg

Dear Madam,

It is one of my duties to deal sparingly in letters of introduction. Still I am quite willing to repeat my opinion that your son Alfred is a highly gifted and brilliantly aspiring pianoforte-player.

Should this conscientious opinion enable him to obtain further recommendations, he is free to make use of it.

Yours sincerely,

F. Liszt

Budapest, January 29th, 1881

274. To Dionys von Pazmandy, Editor of the Gasette de Hongrie

[This letter is printed in French in the Gazette de Hongrie, but is only known to the Editor in the German translation (Neue Zeitschrift fur Musik?).]

Dear Sir and Friend,

You want to know my impression of yesterday’s Bulow Concert? Yet it must have been yours, that of all of us, that of the whole of the intelligent audiences of Europe. To define it in two words: admiration, enthusiasm. Bulow was my pupil in music five-and- twenty years ago, as I myself, five-and-twenty years before, had been the pupil of my much respected and beloved master, Czerny. But to Bulow it was given to do battle better and with greater perseverance than I did. His admirable Beethoven-Edition is dedicated to me as the “fruit of my tuition.” Here however it was for the master to learn from the pupil, and Bulow continues to teach by his astonishing performances as virtuoso, as well as by his extraordinary learning as a musician, and now too by his matchless direction of the Meiningen Orchestra.–Here you have the musical progress of our time!

Yours cordially,

F. Liszt

Budapest, February 15th, 1881

275. To Frau Colestine Bosendorfer in Vienna

[The wife of the celebrated pianoforte-maker, who died young]

Not to see you in Vienna this time, Madame, was a grief to me. It cast, as it were, a melancholy shadow over my stay there, which otherwise was brightened by so cordial a reception.–

I am accompanied by the roses without thorns of my pleasant recollections of you, and my hearty and respectful devotion remains unaltered.

F. Liszt

Weimar, Easter Sunday, April 17th, 1881

Have the kindness to repeat to Bosendorfer the assurance of my very cordial friendship.

276. To the Most Honorable Committee of the Wagner-Verein, Berlin

Addressed to Professor Otto Lessmann.


A distinction such as that which was conferred upon me yesterday by the Berlin “Wagner-Verein” and by the audience has seldom been received by the highest masters in the musical art, among whom I can only count as an apprentice.

[“Les Preludes” and “Festklange,” the former under Lessmann’s, the latter under Mannstadt’s direction, had been performed in the winter garden of the Central Hotel before a numerous audience assembled by invitation. Between the two symphonies, Marianne Brandt sang “Jeanne d’Arc au bucher,” and Heinrich Ernst some of Liszt’s songs. A banquet concluded the festival.]

Accept my warmest thanks for the “Liszt Festival Concert” of Sunday, 24th April; it remains as a joyous incentive to lifelong continuous work with

Yours respectfully,

F. Liszt

Berlin, Monday, April 25th, 188l

277. To Kornel von Abranyi

Weimar, May 13th, 1881

My Dear Friend,

Rather more than half of my concert-engagements for this year have now been fulfilled. The two performances of “Christus” in Berlin and Freiburg were admirable; the Liszt-Concerts in Freiburg and Baden-Baden likewise; in the first of these the three-part hymn “L’enfant au reveil” was also given, charmingly sung by deliciously clear voices. By way of a rehearsal of this piece the ladies gave a morning serenade in honor of me at the house of my friendly hosts the Rieslers, whose villa will remain most pleasantly in my remembrance. Felix Mottl conducted the Liszt concert in Baden-Baden with “Mazeppa,” the “Mephisto- Waltz,” the “Hunnenschlacht,” and three pieces from the Oratorio “Christus” in a most praiseworthy manner. Bulow’s Liszt-evening in Berlin glorious as at Pest and Vienna..–.

I shall stay here till Sunday, 22nd May. On the 24th I shall be at Antwerp. On the 26th is the performance of the “Gran Mass” there.

I am very glad that the Committee of the Musical Festival has chosen just this particular work, which has hitherto been more talked about and abused by the critics than heard. Of course I had left the programme entirely to the discretion of the Committee, for I really have no wish to recommend any work of my own for performance anywhere. My mission is to work on unpretendingly and without troubling myself about advancement.

Yours faithfully,

F. Liszt

My best regards to your wife and sons. I will send you programmes from Antwerp and Brussels. I shall be back here again on the 4th June. From the 9th to the 12th June Tonkunstler-Versammlung in Magdeburg.

278. To Kornel von Abranyi,

Much Esteemed, Dear Friend,

The second copy (with the additional few hundred bars) of the score of my second Mephisto-Waltz is admirably done. Thank Gyula Erkel very particularly in my name for it. I request his acceptance of the enclosed forty florins, as a slight remuneration for the time he has spent on it. I depend upon your firm friendship, which has stood the test of so many years, to find a delicate mode of presenting them to him. The score of the second Mephisto-Waltz will be published next autumn by Furstner (Berlin), and then performances can take place at Budapest and elsewhere.

I am writing to our esteemed Director of the Royal Hungarian Academy of National Music, Franz Erkel, to have Chickering’s grand pianoforte, as an excellent and kind gift from America, placed in the music-hall in the Radial-Strasse. This piano, as well as the whole of my possessions in Budapest, will belong to the Royal Hungarian Academy of Music at my death, which is not far off. Correctness remains the motto of

Yours most faithfully,

F. Liszt

Weimar, May 22nd, 1881.

Tomorrow evening I shall be at Antwerp. The Committee there have decided for the Gran Mass to be performed on the 26th May without any pressure on my part. Therefore Eljen Hungaria–in all countries. You may address to Weimar in the beginning of June.

279. To Frau Charlotte Blume-Arends

[A pupil of Liszt’s now in Berlin.]

Weimar, August 29th, 1881

Dear Madam,

A good deal of irregularity has crept into my housekeeping during my long indisposition. Your kind letter only reached me yesterday. Thank you heartily for it; I accept the office of godfather. So your son is to be named Franz, and to walk the waters of life firmly and serenely, trusting securely in God, like my patron Saint Francois de Paule, whose motto is: “Caritas.” I have long been wishing to thank you by letter for the charming present which decorates my study in the new wing of the Musical Academy at Pest. That elegant work of art is greatly admired by my numerous visitors. It would be charming, were the amiable donor to return and inspect it. The remembrance of you is still vivid in Pest.

Best compliments to your husband from

Yours gratefully and truly,

F. Liszt

I hope to be quite recovered in ten days, and shall then go to Rome.

280. To Otto Lessmann

Weimar, September 8th, 1881

Dear Friend,

I have still to undergo a supplementary treatment of baths and sweatings. [In consequence of a fall, Liszt had been seriously ill all summer.] This I shall do at Weimar. From the 21st to the 30th September I shall be at Bayreuth, and from October till New Year in Rome.

I am sending off the duet version of my Symphonic Poem “From cradle to grave” to Bock to day. .–. I shall send him the score from Bayreuth, because just now I am not able to work more than a few hours a day continuously.

There is so much admirable music written that one is ashamed to write any more. With me it only happens in cases of urgency and from inner necessity.

Thanking you heartily,

Yours ever,

F. Liszt

281. To Francois Auguste Gevaert, Director of the Brussels Conservatoire

[Celebrated Belgian music teacher and composer, born 1828]

Very Honored, Dear Friend,

Among the recollections of my long artistic life one of the dearest to me is that of your kind sympathy. I cherish sincere gratitude for it, of which I should be glad to give you a proof. Allow me, to begin with, to dedicate to you the Symphonic Poem I have just written, which was suggested by a drawing by Michel Zichy entitled “From the cradle to the grave.”–The score is short enough, and, it seems to me, free from superfluous repetition.

Lassen has spoken to you about the performance of your Quentin Durward at Weimar. The Grand Duke desires it to take place; his Theater-Intendant, Baron von Loen, was preparing for it, and the singers are certain to take great pains and show all alacrity in performing their several parts well.

To my own regret, in which his Royal Highness shares, as well as his theater company and the audience, the performance has to be adjourned; for the German translation is not forthcoming, and some dawdling on the part of your publisher throws obstacles in the way. Let him soon turn over a new leaf. As for the German translation, I particularly recommend to you my friend Richard Pohl (who is living at Baden-Baden, where he is editor-in-chief of the local newspaper of that charming place). Pohl is distinguished by great musical intelligence and cleverness in translating, of both of which he has given proof in Berlioz’s Beatrice and Bennedict and Saint-Saens’ Samson.

Lassen and Baron Loen will continue to correspond with you concerning the mise-en-scene of Quentin Durward at Weimar. Small towns have but small successes to offer. You are entitled by right to both large and small ones. Accept them.–

I do not scruple to ask a favor of you, my dear friend. The decoration of the Order of Leopold arrived at a time when I was ill in bed. It was accompanied by a few complimentary lines from the Secretary of the Foreign Office, Baron de Lambermont, as well as by the official document which was to be signed by me. It would have been my most agreeably imperative duty to have thanked Baron de L., and to have expressed my lively feelings of gratitude for this royal favor. This I could not immediately do, owing to the state of my health, which did not allow of my writing, and still renders that occupation very difficult. Add to this that a good deal of disorder had got into my household; several letters and manuscripts have been mislaid, and, notwithstanding all my endeavors, I have not been able to find Baron de L.’s lines again or the document they enclosed. I therefore beg you, dear and highly esteemed friend, to present my apologies to the Baron, and to ask him to send me a duplicate of the document I have to sign. My address from 22nd September to 2nd October will be: Bayreuth (Bavaria); after that, Via and Hotel Alibert, Rome.

Yours, in high esteem and cordial friendship,

F. Liszt

Weimar, September 19th, 188l

282. To Francois Auguste Gevaert

Highly Honored Master and Dear Friend,

Thanks to your kind help I have at last put my business with Baron Lambermont in order and have just written him a letter of very grateful acknowledgment.

Permit me to revenir a nos moutons. Panurge has nothing to do with them, nor has the honorable biscuit-seller of the Gymnase, still less his peaceable neighbor, your publisher Mr. Grus. What we want is the score of your “Quentin Durward” and composer’s consent to the performance of it at Weimar. The Grand Duke’s Theater-Intendant undertakes the payment of the German translator, my old friend, Richard Pohl, who will certainly take great pleasure in performing his task in the most satisfactory way possible. Baron Loen and Lassen will correspond with you concerning the performance, which is intended to take place in December ’82.

My cordial thanks for your favorable acceptance of my dedication. Some months are still necessary for the copying and publishing of the score together with the orchestral parts. Before this is finished 1 will send you the printed pianoforte arrangement for one and for two performers.

Be good enough, dear friend, to give my affectionate regards to Madame Gevaert and to your sons, and ever count upon my very grateful devotion.

F. Liszt

Bayreuth, October 8th, 1881

I shall be in Rome in eight days.

283. To Eduard von Mihalovich

Dearest Friend,

I must be found guilty [of negligence?]. I do not apologise. My aversion to letter-writing has grown excessive. But who could answer more than two thousand letters a year without becoming an idiot?

I have been ailing a good deal for the last three months. As soon as there was an improvement, something else appeared. Do not let us mention this any more, for you know how little my health occupies my thoughts, and how disagreeable it is to me to hear it talked of. In short, I feel sufficiently recovered to set out for Rome the day after tomorrow. My very dear granddaughter Daniela goes with me, and will remain till the beginning of January. This is a providential pleasure on which I did not count at all, but for which I thank the good angels.

I will tell you by word of mouth the minor reasons which prevented me from sooner communicating your two splendid scores and the pianoforte duet arrangements of them to the publishers, Breitkopf and Hartel. Your fine manuscripts have at last reached Leipzig, and you will soon have a letter from the present proprietors of the ancient and illustrious house Breitkopf and Hartel, with their conditions for publication, which will be their ultaiytalunz. They are aware of the sincere interest I take in your works, and will, I trust, share it, without leading you into any expense.

Stern [Adolph Stern in Dresden, author of the libretto.] has given me fairly good news as to the preparations for the performance of your Haubar at Dresden. Young composers are always too impatient.–

Pray remember me cordially to our excellent friends the Veghs, Albert Apponyi, Madame d’Eotvos and her daughter, Mademoiselle Polyxena, and…I was just going to add the name of a charming woman with whom I am out of favor.

Yours ever,

F. Liszt

Bayreuth, October 8th, 1881

My address from the middle of October to the lst of January: Via and Hotel Alibert, Rome.

You are held in affectionate remembrance at Wahnfried. Wagner is finishing the instrumentation of the 2nd act of Parsifal, and gives it his most passionate attention. We shall have something new, marvellous, unheard of, to hear.

M. Humperdink, the lucky triple laureate of the three scholarships, “Mozart,” “Meyerbeer,” “Mendelssohn,” is at work here copying the score of Parstfal; [E. Humperdink, born in 1854, made Wagner’s acquaintance in 1880 at Naples, and at the first performance of Parsifal conducted the choruses from on high and the music on the stage. He has been teacher at the Barcelona Conservatoire since 1885.] Joseph Rubinstein [Born 1847 in Russia, he lived a great deal in Wagner’s society after 1872, and took an active part in the rehearsals for the Bayreuth Festival Performances in 1875 and 1876, He died by his own hand the 15th of September, 1884, at Lucerne.] is continuing his arrangement of it for piano at Palermo just now, and will complete it later on at Bayreuth. Other artists on the high road to celebrity are also employed in copying this same Opus magnum, the performance of which we shall applaud in July 1882. It will be a next to miraculous and highly fashionable pilgrimage.

P.S.–The busybody Spiridion has been so careless as to carry off a little gold watch of mine that I had merely given him leave to wear while he was in my service. Please ask Spiridion to give you this watch on New Year’s Day. You will return it to me about the middle of January 1882, when I go back to Budapest.

284. To Jules de Zarembski

Dearest Friend,

I have rarely done a minor work–big ones bother me–with as much pleasure as that of setting your two Galician Dances for Orchestra. It is quite finished, with a few additions of which I hope you will not disapprove; but my scrawl of a manuscript cannot possibly be sent you: therefore I have asked Friedheim [One of the most pre-eminent among the younger pupils of the Master.] to undertake to copy it, and I will send you this copy before the New Year. If the publisher Simon is inclined to publish this orchestration I will let him have it for a thousand marks; if not, keep it yourself; and make any use you like of it; first of all at the concert in which you are going to bring forward your own compositions exclusively. I wish I could be present at it, and on this occasion I renew to you the sincere and sympathetic esteem in which I hold your noble and rare talents. They will fructify by means of perseverance.

Friedheim’s copy will reach you in time to have the parts copied and to add the necessary nuances. Please send me a programme of the concert of which Zarembski as composer is to fill the list. The other programme you are meditating, to be devoted to my works for the pianoforte, seems to me to be too long; this is a defect for which I can only be very thankful to you, and yet I am going