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anger of, 66;
escorts Kriemhild to Vergen, 73;
sword of, 77;
death of, 83.
GIER’E-MUND. Reynard insults, 36;
wooed by Reynard, 38.
GIL’DAS. 307.
GI-RARD’. I. Brother of Huon, killed by Charlot, 163. GI-RARD’ II. A knight, steals Huon’s casket, 180; punished by Oberon, 181.
GIS’EL-HER. Son of Dankrat and Ute, 53; under Siegfried’s orders, 56;
reproves Hagen, 66;
sympathy of, 69;
angry with Hagen, 71;
escorts Kriemhild to Vergen, 73;
betrothal of, 77.
GLAS’TON-BUR-Y. Holy Grail at, 185; Arthur buried at, 232;
Guinevere and Lancelot buried at, 233. GOD’FREY OF BOUIL’LON. Ancestor of, 139; king of Jerusalem, 161.
GOEMAGOT (go-ee-ma-got’). Corineus kills, 309. GOETHE (go’teh) “Reineke Fuchs” of, 36;
admiration of for Tegner, 246.
GO’MEZ, DON. Insults Don Diego Laynez, 282; challenged and killed by Rodrigo, 283;
Ximena daughter of, 284.
GOR’LO-IS. Lord of Tintagel, wars against Uther Pendragon, 209; death of, 210;
Arthur not a son of, 210.
GO-TE-LIN’DE. Wife of Ruediger, 73. GOTH’LAND, EAST. 271.
GOTHS. See _Geates_.
GOTT’FRIED VON STRASS’BURG. Treats of Holy Grail; 182, 204; version of “Tristan” of, 234.
GOZZOLI (got’so-lee). Painting of, 304 GRAIL. See _Holy Grail_.
GRAM’O-FLAUS. Encounter of with Gawain 197; Parzival champion of, 198;
marries Itonie, 198.
GRAN. Capital of Etzel, 73;
minstrels return tom 75.
GRA’VAIN. One of Arthur’s knights, 209 GREECE. Hertnit earl of, 121;
Tristan known in, 234;
isles of, 264;
viking raid in, 276;
popularity of Iliad in, 304;
Brutus goes to, 307;
Pandrasus king of, 308.
GREEK. Islands invaded by vikings, 276; epics, 303;
post-classical writings, 303;
rhapsodists’ work continued, 304;
writers busy with Alexander, 305.
GREN’DEL. Heorot visited by, 10;
warriors slain by, 11;
Beowulf and, 12-14;
mother of, 15;
Beowulf visits retreat of, 16, 17. GRIF’FIN. Hagen carried off by a, 23.
GRIM. Depredations of, 111;
killed by Dietrich, 111;
Sigenot vows to avenge, 112.
GRIM’BART. Cousin of Reynard, 36;
pleads for Reynard, 38;
carries message to Reynard, 42;
absolves Reynard, 42;
reproves Reynard, 43;
warns Reynard, 47;
takes Reynard to court, 48.
GRIM’HILD. See _Kriemhild_.
GRI-SEL’DIS. Tale of, 302.
GUAR’DA. See _Garden_.
GU’DRUN I. The poem, 22.
GU’DRUN II. Daughter of Hettel and Hilde, 27; suitors of, 28;
kidnaped by Hartmut, 29;
slavery of, 30;
swan maiden visits, 31;
rebellion of, 32;
rescue of 33;
marries Herwig, 34.
GU’DRUN III. Same as Kriemhild, 53. GUER’IN DE MONT’GLAVE. _A chanson de geste_, 139. GUI-ENNE’. Huon and Girard on the way from, 163; Huon’s patrimony of, 179;
Huon’s journey to, 180.
GUILD’FORD. See _Astolat_.
GUIN’E-VERE. Marries Arthur, 217;
and Lancelot, 220, 221;
favors of, 227;
hears of Lancelot and Elaine, 228; saved by Lancelot, 229;
and Mordred, 230;
at Almesbury, 232;
death of, 233;
Iseult like, 242;
Iseult meets, 244.
GUIS’CARD. Son of Aymon and Aya, 154. GUNG’THIOF. Son of Frithiof, 267.
GUN’NAR. Same as Gunther, 53.
GUN’THER. Same as Gunnar, 53;
Siegfried at court of, 55, 56;
goes to Issland to woo Brunhild, 59; contest of with Brunhild, 60;
marriage of, 61;
gives Kriemhild to Siegfried, 62;
bound by Brunhild, 63;
invites Siegfried to Worms, 64;
influenced by Hagen, 66;
race of, 67;
protector of Kriemhild, 68;
reconciled to Kriemhild, 70;
plans to secure hoard, 71;
receives Hun embassy, 72;
goes to Hungary, 75;
entertained by Ruediger, 77;
entertained by Etzel, 80;
grants safe-conduct to Dietrich, 81; refuses to surrender to Hagen, 82;
imprisonment and death of, 84;
son of, 85;
encounter with Walther, 124;
wounds of, 125.
GUR’NE-MANZ. Educates Parzival, 192, 196. GU’TRUN. See _Kriemhild_.

HA’CHE. Receives Rhine land, 109.
HAD’BURG. Prophesy of, 75.
HAD’U-BRAND. Son of Hildebrand, 126; makes himself known to his father, 127. HA’GEN I. Son of Sigeband, carried off by a griffin, 23; adventures and marriage of, 24;
daughter of, 25;
fights Hettel, 27;
HA’GEN II. Same as Hoegni, 53;
describes Siegfried’s prowess, 55; accompanies Gunther to Issland, 59;
promises to avenge Brunhild, 65;
deceives Kriemhild, 66;
kills Siegfried, 67;
glories in his treachery, 68;
the touch of, 69;
hatred of Kriemhild for, 70;
seizes hoard, 71;
welcomes Ruediger, 71;
warns Burgundians, 72, 74;
Kriemhild plans to have revenge upon, 73; swan maidens and, 75;
adventure at the ferry, 76;
receives shield from Ruediger, 77; Etzel welcomes, 78;
alliance with Volker, 78;
frightens Huns, 79;
kills Ortlieb, 80;
Kriemhild offers reward for death of, 81; Kriemhild asks surrender of, 82;
Dietrich asks surrender of, 83;
captivity and death of, 84;
a hostage of Etzel, 124;
loses an eye, 125;
Aldrian son of, 127.
HALF’DAN. I. Friend of Viking, 247; makes friends with Njorfe, 248;
Viking’s sons visit, 249.
HALF’DAN II. Son of Bele, 251;
character of, 252;
king of Sogn, 253;
guardian of Ingeborg, 255;
Sigurd Ring wars against, 256;
Frithiof wars against, 267.
HAL’O-GA-LAND. North Norway called, 246. HAL’O-GE. Same as Loki, rules Halogaland, 246; Viking the grandson of, 247.
HAM. Witch summoned by Helge, 258.
HAR’DRED. Son of Hygelac, reign of, 18. HAR’LUNGS. Sibich betrays the, 123.
HART’MUT. Prince of Normandy, 28;
kidnaps Gudrun, 29;
Gudrun refuses to marry, 29;
rescues Gudrun from drowning, 30;
prepares to marry Gudrun, 32;
rescues Gudrun, 33;
saved by Gudrun, 33;
a captive, 34;
marries Hergart, and is released, 34. HAS’SAN. Name assumed by Huon in Tunis, 177. HAST’INGS I. Battle of, 130.
HAST’INGS II. Foster father of Sigurd the Snake-eyed, 275; and Ragnar’s sons, 276;
strategy of, 277.
HA’WART. Death of, 81.
HEC’TOR, SIR. Arthur fostered by, 210, 214; visit of to London, 215;
HED’IN. Lover of Hilde, 22;
same as Hettel, 25.
HE’GE-LINGS. Family of the, 23;
Hettel king of the, 25;
Hilde flees with the, 27;
at the Wuelpensand, 29;
come to Normandy, 32;
return home, 34.
HEID. Witch summoned by Helge, 258. HEI’ME. Challenges Dietrich, 115;
becomes a brigand, 117;
steals Mimung, 121;
forced to restore Mimung, 122.
HEI’MIR. Protector of Aslaug, 274.
HELCHE. Wife of Etzel, 71, 124;
daughter of Rother and Oda, 94.
HEL’DEN-BUCH. The “Book of Heroes,” 86, 128. HEL’EN I. Mother of Lancelot, 219.
HEL’EN II. In mediaeval literature, kidnaping of, 304. HEL’E-NUS. Descendants of in Greece, 307. HEL’GE. Son of Bele, 251;
refuses to give Ingeborg to Frithiof, 255; rejects Sigurd Ring, 255;
makes treaty with Sigurd Ring, 256; accuses Frithiof of sacrilege, 257;
stirs up tempest against Frithiof, 258; Angantyr refuses to pay tribute to, 261; Frithiof snatches ring from wife of, 261; pursues Frithiof, 262.
HEL’I-GO-LAND. Rumor of Dietrich’s valor reaches, 115. HEL’KAP-PE. See _Tarnkappe_.
HEL’MI-GIS. Rosamund and, 88.
HEN’GIST. Driven from England, 205; Saxons led by, 208.
HEN’NING. Complaint of against Reynard, 38. HENRY I., THE FOWLER. Hears accusation against Else, 202. HENRY III. Emperor of Germany, 287.
HENRY VIII. Lord Berners translates “Huon of Bordeaux” for, 163. HE’O-ROT. Hrothgar builds, 10;
Beowulf’s experiences in, 13;
Grendel’s limb a trophy in, 15;
Beowulf’s triumphant return to, 18. HE’RAND. See _Herrat_.
HER’BART. Nephew of Dietrich, elopes with Hilde, 123. HER’BRAND. Son of Berchther, 109;
father of Hildebrand, 110;
the wide-traveled, 121.
HER’CU-LES, PILLARS of. Brutus passes, 308. HER’KA. See _Helche_.
HER’LIND. Maid of Oda, 90;
brings gifts to Oda, 91.
HER’RAT. Wife of Dietrich, 126;
death of. 127.
HERT’NIT. Wittich a prisoner of, 121; Wildeber visits, 121;
death of, 122.
HER’WIG. King of Zealand, fights with Hettel, 28; betrothed to Gudrun, 28;
wars of, 29;
comes to Normandy to rescue Gudrun, 31; saves Gudrun, 33;
marries Gudrun, 34.
HER-ZE-LOI’DE. Sigune brought up by, 188; wife of Gamuret and mother of Parzival, 188; parts from Parzival, 191;
Parzival goes in search of, 192;
Parzival hears of death of, 199.
HE’SI-OD. Heroes of in mediaeval literature, 303. HESSE. Burgundian army passes through, 57. HET’TEL. Wooes Hilde, 25, 26;
marries Hilde, 27;
dismisses Gudrun’s suitors, 28;
death of, 29.
HILD’BURG I. Hagen finds, 23.
HILD’BURG II. Companion of Gudrun, 30; meets Ortwine, 31;
wooed by Ortwine, 32;
marries Ortwine, 34.
HILD’BURG III. Hugdietrich wooes, 100; secret marriage of, 101;
the son of, 101, 102;
banished by Sabene, 103.
HIL’DE I. In the Edda, 22;
an Indian princess, 23;
Hagen marries, 24;
daughter of, 25.
HIL’DE II. Suitors of, 25;
educates Gudrun, 28;
welcomes Gudrun home, 34.
HIL’DE III. A giantess, Dietrich’s encounter with, 111. HIL’DE IV. Daughter of Arthur, elopes with Herbart, 123. HIL’DE-BRAND I. Claims body of Ruediger and fights Burgundians, 83; kills Kriemhild, 84;
lament of, 85.
HIL’DE-BRAND II. Inherits Garden, 109; tutor of Dietrich, 110;
fights Grim and Hilde, 111;
marriage of, 112;
adventure of with Sigenot, 112, 113; adventure of with magicians, 114;
Wittich meets, 115;
steals Wittich’s sword, 116;
Ilsan brother of, 117;
Dietlieb pawns steed of, 117;
first Rose Garden adventure of, 118; second Rose Garden adventure of, 120;
campaign of in Wilkina land, 121;
ransom of, 124;
returns to Garden, 126;
rejoins his wife, 127.
HIL’DE-GARDE. Story of Roland and, 150, 151. HIL’DE-GRIM. Giant’s helmet, 111.
HIL-DE-GUN’DE. Adventures of, 124, 125. HIL’DING. Foster father of Frithiof and Ingeborg, 251; asks Frithiof’s aid for kings of Sogn, 255; failure of mission of, 256;
announces Ingeborg’s marriage to Frithiof, 261. HINTZE. Complains of Reynard, 37;
accused of theft, 38;
adventures of at Malepartus, 41;
imprisonment of, 46.
HLE’DRA. Capital of Denmark, 271;
Thora arrives at, 272;
Krake at, 274;
Ivar’s brothers return to, 280.
HOeG’NI I. Pursues Hilde, 22.
HOeG’NI II. Same as Hagen, 53.
HOL’GER DAN’SKE. See _Ogier_.
HOL’LAND. Ireland in, 23.
HOLM’GANG. Northern duel, 247.
HOLY GRAIL, 182-203;
origin of legend of, 182;
a sacred dish or cup, 183;
Joseph of Arimathea supported in prison by, 183; at Marseilles, 184;
at Glastonbury, 185;
Titurel appointed guardian of, 185; temple of, 186;
descent of, 187;
commands that Frimoutel be king, 188; commands that Amfortas be king, 189;
promise of, 189;
Parzival sees, 193;
Parzival’s quest for, 195-200;
Kundrie a messenger of, 196;
Gawain’s quest for, 196;
Trevrezent renounces, 199;
Parzival finds, 199;
Parzival uncovers, 200;
Arthur’s knights’ quest for, 201, 225; Lohengrin servant of, 201, 203;
legend of, 204;
place at the Round Table for, 208, 218; Lancelot cured by, 221;
appearance of, 225;
Parzival, Lancelot, and Galahad saw, 226; tales of, 301.
HOLY LAND. Renaud goes to, 161;
knight returns from, 183.
HO’MER. Heroes of, 303.
HO’RANT. Follower of Hettel, 25;
his skill as minstrel, 26, 34.
HOR’DA-LAND. Frithiof in, 267.
HORN’BO-GI. Wittich meets, 115;
father of Amalung, 121.
HORSES. See _Rispa_, _Falke_, _Veillantif_, _Bayard_, and _Babieca_.
HROTH’GAR. Descent of, 9;
hall of, 10;
reward offered by, 11;
Beowulf at court of, 13;
feast of, 15;
grief of, 15;
Beowulf takes leave of, 16.
HROUD’LAN-DUS. Same as Roland, 130. HUG. Lord of Dordogne, slain by Charlemagne, 152; avenged by Aymon, 154.
HUG-DIE’TRICH I. Son of Anzius, 100; wooes and marries Hildburg, 101;
intrusts wife and child to care of Sabene, 102; suspicions of, 103;
death and will of, 103.
HUG-DIE’TRICH II. Son of Wolfdietrich, 109; father of Dietmar, 110.
HUGUES. King of Jerusalem, 139;
Oliver marries daughter of, 140.
HUM’BER. King of the Huns, 309.
HUN’GA-RY. Etzel king of, 71;
Gunther starts out for, 75;
Kriemhild’s purpose in coming to, 82; fatal ride to, 85;
part of Pannonia, 86;
Wildeber in, 121;
Aymon’s wars in, 152.
HUNS. King of, 72, 94, 118, 121;
Kriemhild queen of, 72;
power of, 72;
Burgundians crowded by, 79;
Kriemhild brings misery upon, 84;
gratitude of Helche, queen of the, 125; Dietrich’s sojourn with the, 126;
Humber king of the, 309.
HUN’THIOF. Son of Frithiof and Ingeborg, 267. HUN’VOR. Swedish princess, 247.
HU’ON OF BOR-DEAUX’, 163-181;
hero of poem, 163;
Charlemagne’s orders to, 163;
visits Pope, 164;
meets Sherasmin, 165;
in enchanted forest, 166;
Oberon’s gifts to, 168;
at Tourmont, 169;
adventures with Angoulaffre, 169, 170; adventure with Saracen, 170;
reaches Bagdad, 171;
adventures at Bagdad, 171-174;
Oberon’s orders to, 174;
disobedience of, 175;
on desert island, 175, 176;
in Tunis, 177;
carried to fairyland by Oberon, 179, 181; at the tournament, 179;
returns to Guienne, 180;
other versions of story of, 180;
ancestor of Capetian race, 181.
HU’O-NET. Birth and disappearance of, 176; restoration of, 179.
HVIT’SERK. Son of Ragnar, 274.
HYGD. Wife of Hygelac, 18.
HY’GE-LAC. King of the Geates, 11;
gives Naegeling to Beowulf, 12;
wars and death of, 18.
HYR-CA’NI-A. Babican king of, 171.

ICE’LAND. Story of Tristan popular in, 234; the Iliad in, 304.
IL’I-AD. Popularity of the, 304.
IL’SAN. Brother of Hildebrand, 117, 120; rudeness and cruelty of, 120, 121.
IM’E-LOT. King of Desert Babylonia, 91; a captive, 92;
Rother hears of escape of, 93.
IN’DI-A. Hunvor carried off to, 247; Alexander’s adventures in, 306.
IN-FAN’TES. Of Carrion, 295-298;
of Navarre, 297.
IN’GE-BORG I. Attendant of Hunvor, 247. IN’GE-BORG II. Transformed into a witch, 249; Thorsten saved by, 250;
mother of Frithiof, 251.
IN’GE-BORG III. Daughter of Bele, and playmate of Frithiof, 251; Frithiof vows to marry, 252;
Frithiof sues for, 254;
Sigurd Ring sues for, 255;
meets Frithiof in temple, 256, 257; Frithiof parts with, 258;
married to Sigurd Ring, 261, 269;
Frithiof’s longing for, 264;
Frithiof visits, 265;
given to Frithiof by Sigurd Ring, 266; Frithiof wars against brothers of, 267; marriage of Frithiof and, 267.
ING’EL-HEIM. Palace at, 131.
IRE’LAND I. In Holland, 23.
IRE’LAND II. Merlin brings stones from, 208; Ryance king of, 217;
Morold comes from, 236;
Tristan goes to, 237;
Tristan’s visits to, 238;
viking raids in, 276.
I’RING. Killed by Hagen, 81.
I’RISH. King defeats Mark, 237;
attendants carry Morold’s remains to Ireland, 237; Tristan at court of the, 238;
king, butler of, 239.
IR’MIN-SUL. Charlemagne destroys the, 129. IRN’FRIED. Attacks the Burgundians, 81.
IS’E-GRIM. Complaint of against Reynard, 36; and the fish, 37;
a victim of Reynard’s jokes, 42;
accused by Reynard, 44;
imprisonment of, 46;
robbed by Reynard, 48;
disloyalty of, 51;
duel with Reynard, 51;
death of, 52.
I’SEN-LAND. Hagen finds princess of, 23. I-SEULT’. I. Sister of Morold, cures of, 237; Tristan healed by, 238.
II. Daughter of Iseult I., Tristan teaches, 238; hand of promised to dragon slayer, 238; finds and restores Tristan, 239;
tries to kill Tristan, 240;
journey of to Cornwall, 241;
marries Mark, 242;
love of for Tristan, 242;
oath of, 243;
Tristan cannot forget, 244;
carried to Joyeuse Garde, 244;
death and burial of, 245.
III. With the White Hands, 243;
marries Tristan, 244;
jealousy of, 245.
I-SOLDE’. See _Iseult_.
ISS’LAND. Brunhild princess of, 58; Gunther’s arrival in, 59;
Nibelungs accompany Siegfried to, 61. I’SUNG. Follows Dietlieb, 118;
bear of, 121;
delivers Wittich, 122.
I-TAL’IAN. Version of Roland, 130;
cycle of romances, 302;
love of the marvelous, 302, 307.
IT’A-LY. Alboin conquers, 87;
Ortnit master of, 94;
Amaling land same as, 121;
viking raids in, 276;
settlements in, 281;
Brutus expelled from, 307.
I-TO’NIE. Sister of Gawain, 198.
I’VAR. Son of Ragnar, 274;
a cripple, 275;
kills Eystein’s magic cow, 276;
surrenders to Ella, 279;
takes up abode in Lunduna Burg, 280; power of, 280.
I-WA-NET’. Arthur’s squire, helps Parzival, 191. I’WO. Prince of Tarasconia, 156;
Renaud marries daughter of, 156;
treachery of, 158;
Renaud saves, 159.

JACK THE GIANT KILLER. Origin of tale of, 308. JAM’HAS. Son of Ortgis, 114.
JAMES, ST. Explains vision to Charlemagne, 140; promises help to Christian army, 287.
JARL HER’RAND. Father of Thora, 271. JER’AS-PUNT. Virginal’s castle of, 114.
JER’I-CHO. Walls of Pamplona like those of, 140. JE-RU’SA-LEM. Ogier besieges, 138;
Godfrey of Bouillon king of, 139;
Hugues king of, 139;
Charlemagne’s pilgrimage to, 139;
Galyen returns to, 140;
Renaud offered crown of, 161;
Vespasian’s commission to, 183.
JEW. The sacrilegious, 300.
JEWS. Persecute Joseph of Arimathea, 183; lend money to Cid, 293, 294.
JOHN. Son of Fierefiss, and founder of Knights Templars, 200; Prester, 201.
JO’KUL. Njorfe’s eldest son, takes Sogn, 249; magic arts of, 250.
JO’SEPH OF AR-I-MA-THE’A. And the Holy Grail, 183; institutes the Round Table, 184;
carries Holy Grail to Glastonbury, 185; Merlin’s Round Table like that of, 208. JO’SI-ANE. Daughter of Frimoutel, and mother of Sigune, 188. JOYEUSE (zhwaa-y[=e]z’). Sword of Charlemagne, 137. JOYEUSE GARDE. Guinevere at, 220, 229;
Lancelot buried at, 233;
Iseult at, 244.
JU’DAS. Sin of, 184.
JUDGMENT OF GOD. Reynard appeals to the, 51; in favor of Thiedric, 148;
Cid appeals to the, 288.
JU’LI-US CAE’SAR. Father of Oberon, 166, 210. JUTES. See _Geates_.
JUT’LAND. Alfsol princess of, 270.

KAN’TART. Son of Henning, 38.
KAR’DEISS. Son of Parzival, and king of Belripar, 201. KAY, SIR. Foster brother of Arthur, 210; sends Arthur for a sword, 215.
KLING’SOR. Castle of, 197;
captives of, 197;
Gawain’s adventures with, 198.
KRA’KE. Beauty and wit of, 273;
wooed by Ragnar, 273;
becomes queen of Denmark, 274;
Danes disapprove of, 274;
story of, 274.
KRIEM’HILD. Same as Gudrun, 53;
dream of, 54;
Siegfried goes to woo, 55;
sees strength of Siegfried, 56;
meets Siegfried after victory, 57; wooing of, 58;
marriage of, 62;
goes to the Nibelungen land, 64;
goes to Worms, 64;
quarrels with Brunhild, 65;
anxiety of, 66;
parts from Siegfried, 67;
grief of, 68;
mourning of, 69;
goes to Lorch, 71;
wooed by Etzel, 71;
Ruediger’s promise to, 72, 83;
journey of to Gran, 73;
lures Burgundians into Hungary, 74; quarrels with Hagen, 77;
Dietrich defies, 78;
bribes Bloedelin, 80;
urges Huns to slay Hagen, 81;
sets fire to hall, 82;
Gunther and Hagen captives of, 84; kills Gunther and Hagen, 84;
death of, 84;
Rose Garden of, 120;
Swanhild daughter of, 123;
Etzel marries, 126.
KRY’ANT. Son of Henning, 38.
KUN’DRIE. Curses Parzival, 196;
death of, 200.
KUN’HILD. Sister of Dietlieb, kidnaped by Laurin, 118; rescued by Dietrich, 119;
delivers Dietrich and knights, 119; marriage and realm of, 120.
KUeR’EN-BERG, VON. Supposed author of “Nibelungenlied,” 53. KUR’VE-NAL. Retainer of Blancheflem, 235; joins Tristan in Cornwall, 236;
accompanies Tristan to Ireland, 238; goes to Brittany for Iseult, 244.

LADY OF THE LAKE. Vivian the, 211;
lays spell upon Merlin, 212;
brings sword to Arthur, 216;
Lancelot fostered by, 219;
Arthur a prisoner of, 244.
LAM’BERT LE CORT. Author of “Alexandre le Grant,” 305. LAM GO-E-MA-GOT’. Same as Plymouth, 309. LAM’PE. Illtreated by Reynard, 37;
psalm-singing of, 38;
slain at Malepartus, 46;
head of, 47;
Reynard confesses murder of, 48;
Reynard’s excuses for murder of, 49. LAN’CE-LOT DU LAC, SIR. Ogier joins, 138; legend of, 204;
hero of several poems, 219;
youth of, 219;
love and insanity of, 220;
rescues Guinevere, 221, 226, 229;
sees Holy Grail, 221, 226;
knights Sir Gareth, 221;
and Sir Galahad, 224;
vow of, 225;
and Elaine, 227-229;
Arthur’s anger against, 230;
visits Guinevere, 233;
death and burial of, 233;
Tristan like, 242;
Iseult at castle of, 244.
LAN-GO-BAR’DI-AN. Cycle of romances, 86-99; nobles reject Helmigis, 88;
scepter given to Rother, 88;
queen, Oda becomes, 93.
LAN’GO-BARDS. Same as Langobardians, settle in Pannonia, 86; quarrel between Gepidae and, 87.
LAST SUPPER. Holy Grail used for the, 183. LATIN. Version of Reynard, 35;
poem of Walther von Wasgenstein, 124; chronicle attributed to Turpin, 129;
version of Roland, 130;
version of Tristan, 234;
epics, 303;
writers and Alexander, 305.
LAU’RIN. Adventures of with Dietrich and knights, 118-120. LA-VIN’I-A. Niece of, mother of Brutus, 307. LA’WAINE, SIR. Brother of Elaine, 227.
LAZ’A-RUS, ST. Rodrigo’s vision of, 286. LEAR, KING. Shakespeare’s tragedy of, 309. LEICESTER (l[)e]s’t[e(]r). Founded by King Leir, 309. LEIR, KING. Founder of Leicester, 309.
LE-O’DE-GRAUNCE. King of Scotland, Arthur and, 217. LE-O-GE’CI-A. Brutus hears oracle at, 308. LEON (l[=a]-[=o]n’). Don Alfonso king of, 288; Don Garcia buried in, 290.
LE-PAN’TO. Huon and Rezia stop at, 174; Sherasmin parts from Huon at, 177.
LIEB’GART. Same as Sidrat, 97;
magic eggs of, 98;
waits for return of Ortnit, 99;
suitors of, 99;
Wolfdietrich’s compassion for, 107; Wolfdietrich saves and marries, 108;
mother of Hugdietrich, 109;
Dietrich marries, 127.
LIL-IEN-POR’TE. Siege of, 103.
LOCH’HEIM. Nibelungen hoard buried at, 71. LO’CRI-A. Named by Locrine, 309.
LO-CRINE’. Son of Brutus, 309.
LOD’BROK. See _Ragnar_.
LODE’STONE ROCK. Ogier wrecked on the, 138. LOD-GER’DA. Ragnar marries and forsakes, 271. LO’HEN-GRIN. Story of Else and, 201-203. LO’KI. See _Haloge_.
LOM’BARDS. Same as Langobards, 87;
Rother complains of king of, 90;
Ortnit king of, 94;
Wolfdietrich rules, 108;
Charlemagne subdues, 129, 137.
LOM’BAR-DY. Oda returns to, 94;
Sidrat goes to, 97;
Liebgart to select king of, 99;
Ortnit’s ancestors in, 100;
Wolfdietrich starts for, 104;
Wolfdietrich returns to, 109;
Didier king of, 136.
LON’DON. St. Stephen’s Church in, 215; Arthur comes to with Sir Hector, 215;
Guinevere’s journey to, 230;
founding of, 280, 309.
LONG’FEL-LOW. “Tales of a Wayside Inn” of, 136, 202. LON-GI’NUS. Rosamund seeks, 88.
LORCH. Kriemhild’s sojourn at, 71.
LOV’EL, LORD. Story of, 245.
LUCES DE GAST. Version of Tristan by, 234. LU’CI-FER. Fall of, 182.
LUD. Descendant of Brutus, 309.
LU’DE-GAST. King of Denmark, threatens to invade Burgundy, 56. LU’DE-GER. King of Saxons, Gunther’s wars with, 56, 66. LUD’WIG. King of Normandy, suitor of Gudrun, 28; kills Hettel, 29;
tries to drown Gudrun, 30;
killed by Herwig, 33.
LU’NA. Vikings besiege, 276;
Norman’s stratagem to enter into, 277; Don Garcia a prisoner in, 290.
LUN-DU’NA BURG. Same as London, 280. LYM-FIORD. Ragnar’s victory at, 271.
LYN-ETTE’. Story of Gareth and, 222. LY’O-NEL. Cousin of Lancelot, 219.
LY-O-NESSE’. Arthur’s boyhood spent in, 226; Meliadus lord of, 234;
Tristan recovers, 236.

MA-BRI-AN’. A _chanson de geste_, 152. MAC’E-DON. Alexander king of, 305;
early history of, 305.
MA-CHO-RELI,’. Father of Sidrat, 95; Alberich carries challenge to, 97;
sends dragon eggs to Liebgart, 98. MALAGIGI (m[)a]l-a-j[=e]’j[=e]). The necromancer, same as Malagis, 152; and Bayard, 153;
rescues Aymon, 154;
joins Renaud, 157;
warns Renaud of Richard’s peril, 159; strategem and escape of, 160.
MAL’A-GIS. See _Malagigi_.
MAL’E-BRON. Servant of Oberon, 170, 180. MA-LE-PAR’TUS. Brown the bear
reaches, 39;
Hintze at, 41;
Bellyn and Lampe accompany Reynard to, 46; Grimbart at, 47.
MAL’O-RY. Old legends used by, 204, 219. MAN’TU-A. Ermenrich takes, 123.
MAP, WALTER. Works of, 182, 204, 219. MARK. King of Cornwall, Meliadus visits, 235; Tristan and Kurvenal visit, 236;
Tristan praises Iseult to, 238;
Tristan emissary of, 240;
Iseult marries, 242;
indifference of, 242;
illtreats Iseult, 244;
gives orders for burial of Tristan and Iseult, 245. MAR-SEILLES’. Joseph of Arimathea at, 184. MARSIGLIO (mar-s[=e]l’y[=o]). Saracen king, 144; killed by Roland, 145.
MAR-SIL’I-US. See _Marsiglio_.
MAR’TIN. I. Parson’s son, 41.
II. Ape met by Reynard, 49.
MAR’TIN GON-ZA’LEZ. Cid’s fight with, 286. MA’RY. Queen of England, marries Philip of Spain, 232. MAT’E-LAN. Hilde goes to with Hettel, 27; Herwig comes to, 28;
Hartmut comes to, 29.
MAU’GIS. A _chanson de geste_, 152. MAX-I-MIL’I-AN I. Emperor of Germany, 22. MAYENCE (mae-yens’). Charlemagne’s wife buried at, 131. ME-DE’A. In mediaeval literature, 304.
ME-LE’A-GANS. Guinevere a captive of, 221. ME-LI’A-DUS. I. Lord of Lyonesse, wars against Morgan, 234; marries Blanchefleur, 235.
II. Squire of Mark, 242.
MERAN (m[=a]’ran). Berchther duke of, 89; Wolfdietrich educated at, 103;
Hildburg at, 103.
MER’KI-NAU. Accuses Reynard, 47.
MER’LIN. Round Table to be constructed by, 184; legend of, 204;
real and mythical, 205;
birth and infancy of, 206;
the prophecies of, 206, 207, 208, 210, 231; builds Stonehenge and castle at Carduel, 208; changes Uther into form of Gorlois, 209; Arthur when an infant confided to, 210, 214; magic arts of, 211;
and Vivian, 211-213;
reveals Arthur’s parentage, 215;
adviser of Arthur, 216, 217;
frames laws for knights of Round Table, 218. MER-O-VIN GI-AN. Rulers of the Franks, 36. MEUR’VIN. A _chanson de geste_, 139.
MIL’AN. Invested by imperial army, 123. MIL’DN. Father of Roland, 133, 141;
quest of for jewel, 134, 135.
MIM’UNG. Sword of Wittich, 115;
Wittich loses, and Hildebrand restores, 116; Heime steals, 121;
Wittich recovers, 122.
MO-HAM’MED. Ferracute calls upon, 143. MON-TAU-BAN’. Renaud builds fortress at, 156; siege of, 156;
Renaud escapes to, 157;
Charlemagne again besieges, 159;
Charlemagne a captive in, 160;
Aymon’s sons escape from, 160;
Renaud returns to, 161.
MONTFAUCON (mon-f[=o]-ko[n=]’). Adventure of Renaud and Bayard at, 159. MONT’GLAVE, GUER’IN DE. A _chanson de geste_, 139. MONT-SAL’VATCH. Holy Grail on, 185;
Frimoutel weary of life on, 189;
Parzival’s first visit to, 193;
Gawain on the way to, 197;
Parzival’s second visit to, 199;
Parzival king on, 200;
Lohengrin’s return to, 201;
Else goes to, 203.
MOOR. Fierefiss a, 200.
MOOR’ISH. Kings defeated by Cid, 282; kings send tribute to Cid, 287;
kings warn Cid of danger, 287.
MOOR’LAND. Kingdom of Siegfried, 28. MOORS. Enmity between Christians and, 154; Saforet king of, 156;
and Holy Grail, 182;
Rodrigo meets the, 283, 285, 287, 289, 294, 296; Tizona won from the, 285;
Don Alfonso joins, 290;
Don Alfonso wars against, 293;
at Valencia, 294, 296, 298, 300;
flee at sight of Cid, 299.
MOR’DRED. Related to Arthur, 230;
treachery of, 230;
death of, 231.
MOR’GAN. I. Meliadus wars against 234; kills Meliadus, 235;
killed by Tristan, 236.
II. Same as Fata Morgana, 95.
MOR-GA’NA. Predictions of, 135;
Ogier meets, 138;
mother of Meurvin, 139;
mother of Oberon, 166;
steals Arthur’s scabbard, 231;
conveys Arthur to Avalon, 232.
MO-ROC’CO. Bucar king of, 298.
MO’ROLD. Comes to Cornwall to claim tribute, 236; challenged and slain by Tristan, 237;
Iseult discovers murderer of, 240. MORTE D’ARTHUR. By Malory, 219.
MOSES. A hypocrite, 184.
MUN-TA-BURE’. In mirage, 95;
Ortnit besieges, 97.

NAe’GE-LING. Sword of Beowulf, 12.
NA’GEL-RING. Sword of Dietrich, 111, 112, 117. NAISMES DE BAVIERE (n[=a]m de bave-er’). “Nestor of the Carolingian legends,” 144.
NANTES. Arthur’s court at, 191.
NA-VARRE’. Charlemagne’s wars in, 141, 143; Don Sancho king of, 289;
Infantes of, 297.
NEN’NI-US. Writes romances, 204, 307. NES’TOR. Naismes de Baviere like, 144.
NETH’ER-LANDS. Reynard in the, 35;
kingdom of the, 54.
NEW TROY. Same as London, 309.
NI’BE-LUNG-EN. Hoard, 55, 63, 70, 77, 127; land, 55, 61, 64.
Gudrun alluded to in, 22;
Germany’s greatest epic, 53;
end of, 85;
incidents in, 126, 242.
NI’BE-LUNGS. Treasure of, 53;
followers of Siegfried, 61;
Brunhild escorted by, 62;
guard Siegfried’s son, 64;
mourning and wrath of, 69;
Burgundians called, 75;
fall of, 126.
NIC-O-DE’MUS. Slain by Jews, 183.
NJOR’FE. King of Uplands, friend of Viking and Halfdan, 248; sons of attack Viking’s sons, 249.
NO’BEL. King of the animals, 36;
anger of against Reynard, 37;
Brown returns to, 41;
Reynard before, 43;
hears of treasure, 45;
pardons Reynard, 46;
discovers Lampe’s murder, 47.
NON’NEN-WORTH. Hildegarde retires to convent of, 150; Roland lingers near, 151.
NOR’MAN-DY. Ludwig king of, 28;
Gudrun taken to, 29;
Ortwine comes to, 32;
Rollo settles in, 280.
NOR’MANS. Conquer England, 9;
pursued by Hegelings, 29;
and Hegelings, 32;
invade Paris, 138;
strategy of, 277;
defeated by Ella, 279;
found Lunduna Burg, 280.
NORNS. Frithiof’s vision of, 267.
NORSE. Origin of Gudrun, 22;
literary treasures, 246.
NORSE’MEN. Tristan and the, 235, 236. NORTH. Literary treasures of, 246;
gods and heroes of, 246;
Thorsten owner of great treasures of, 251. NORTH CAPE. Discovered by Othere, 18.
NORTH-GAL’LIS. Queen of, 232.
NORTH’MEN. Kidnap Tristan, 235.
NOR-THUM’BER-LAND. Ella king of, 278. NOR’WAY. Wilkina land is, 121;
ships from, 235;
Halogaland in, 246;
Uplands in, 248;
Ringrie in, 255;
Ragnar’s sojourn in, 271.
NU’DUNG. Son of Ruediger, death of, 126.

O’BE-RON. I. Poem by Wieland, and opera by Weber, 163. II. King of fairies, 163;
Huon sees, 166;
magic horn of, 167;
gives horn and goblet to Huon, 168; ring of, 169;
shelters Huon, and sends Malebron to his aid, 170; Rezia’s vision of, 171;
promises aid to Huon and Rezia, 172; comes to Huon’s aid, 173;
warns Oberon, 174;
Huon disobeys, 175;
Titania and, 175, 176, 179;
Huon rescued by, 178, 181;
brings Huon to fairyland, 179, 181; Julius Caesar father of, 210.
O’DA. Daughter of Constantine, 89;
Rother wooes and wins, 89-93;
kidnaped by magician, 93;
Rother rescues, 94;
Helche daughter of, 94.
O’DEN-WALD. Death of Siegfried in the, 67, 71. O-DI’LI-A. Wife of Dietmar, 110.
O’DIN. Hrothgar a descendant of, 9; Skeaf sent by, 10;
Loki comes north with, 246;
Sigurd Ring dedicates himself to, 266; ancestor of Danish kings, 269.
OF’TER-DING-EN, VON. Supposed author of “Nibelungenlied,” 53; “Heldenbuch” partly compiled from, 86.
O’GIER LE DAN’OIS. A _chanson de geste_, 135. O’GIER THE DANE. A paladin of Charlemagne, 129; a hostage, 135;
marries Bellissande, 136;
admiration of Danes for, 136;
quarrels with Charlemagne, 136;
terror and escape of, 137;
made king of England, 138;
shipwreck of, 138;
magic crown and ring of, 138;
son of, 139;
boast of, 140;
defeated by Ferracute, 142;
death of, 148.
OLD TROY. Sigeminne queen of, 105;
Wolfdietrich and Sigeminne return to, 106. OL’GER. See _Ogier_.
OL’I-VANT. Horn of Roland, 139;
blasts on, 145, 146.
OL’I-VER. Paladin of Charlemagne, 129; champion of Duke of Genoa, 139;
fights with Roland, 139, 149;
boast of, 140;
son of, 140;
advises Roland to blow his horn, 145; death of, 147, 148;
sister of, 149;
and Malagigi, 160.
OR-GUEIL-LEUSE’, DUCHESS. Adventure of Gawain and, 197; Gawain marries, 198.
OR’I-LUS, LORD. Parzival’s adventure with wife of, 191; Parzival defeats, 196.
ORK’NEY ISLANDS. Conquest of, 250;
Frithiof sent to, 258;
Frithiof and Bjoern in, 259.
OR-LAN’DO FU-RI-O’SO, 211, 302.
ORT’GIS. A magician, holds Virginal a captive, 113; Jambas son of, 114.
ORT’LIEB. Son of Kriemhild, 73;
killed by Hagen, 80.
ORT’NIT. I. Poem of the ninth century, 86. II. Lombardian king, vision of, 94;
vow of, 95;
adventures of with Alberich, 96;
adventures and marriage of, 97;
goes to kill dragons, 98;
death of, 99;
ancestors rule over Lombardy, 100; Wolfdietrich wants aid of, 104;
Wolfdietrich vows to avenge, 107; ring of, 108;
widow of. 127.
OR’TRUNE. Sister of Hartmut. 30;
saved by Gudrun, 33;
marries Siegfied. 34.
ORT’WINE. I. Son of Hettel and Hilde, 27; comes to rescue Gudrun, 31;
wooes Hildburg, 32;
marries Hildburg, 34.
II. Vassal of Gunther, 56;
goes to Hungary, 75.
III. Son of Helche, 125.
O-SAN’TRIX. Etzel wars against, 121; Hertnit brother of, 121.
OS’BORN. See _Asprian_.
OS’TRO-GOTHS. Defeated by Alboin, 87. O’THERE. Discoverer of North Cape, sons of, 18. OT’NIT. See _Ortnit_.
OT’U-EL, SIR. Story of, 143.
OX’FORD. Walter Map, Archdeacon of, 182.

PAD’AUWE. Same as Padua, Dietrich takes, 126. PAD’U-A. See _Padauwe_.
PAL’MER-INS. Cycle of. 302.
PAM-PLO’NA. Siege of, 140, 141.
PAN-DRA’SUS. King of Greece, defeated by Brutus, 308. PAN-NO’NI-A. Gepidae and Lombards in, 86. PAPILLON (p[)a]-p[=e]-yo[n=]’). The magic horse, 138. PAR’IS. I. Judgment of, 51;
picture of in act of kidnaping Helen, 304. PAR’IS. II. Invasion of, 138;
news of Roland’s death brought to, 149; Renaud’s journey to, 157;
Malagigi in, 158;
Renaud’s body to be brought to, 162; Huon in, 163, 179;
siege of, 180.
PAR-ME’NI-A. Meliadus lord of, 234. PAR’ZI-VAL. I. Poem of, 182.
PAR’ZI-VAL. II. Birth of, 188;
youth of, 189;
starts out into the world, 190;
adventures of on the way to Nantes, 191; wins armor, 192;
visits Gurnemanz and Belripar, and marries Conduiramour, 192; visits Montsalvatch, 193, 199;
seeks Holy Grail, 195;
knighted by Arthur, 196;
Gawain seeks, 196;
fights Gawain, 198;
at the hermit’s, 199;
meets Fierefiss, 199;
made king of Holy Grail, 200;
children of, 201;
Lohengrin son of, 203;
sees Holy Grail, 73.
PAS’SAU. Kriemhild’s arrival at, 73; Burgundians at, 76;
funeral mass at, 85.
PEL’LI-NORE, SIR. Arthur and, 216.
PEN-DRAG’ON. Son of Constans, 205;
war of Britons under, 208.
PEN’TE-COST. Arthur’s feast at, 217, 224. PEP’IN. Charlemagne son of, 129.
PER-I-DE’US. A giant, kills Alboin, 88. PER’SI-A. Sultan of. 298;
Alexander’s conquest of, 306.
PE’TER, ST. Cid’s vision of, 298.
PHIL’IP. I. Of Spain, oath of in favor of Arthur, 232. PHIL’IP. II. Of Macedon, death of, 305.
PI-AZ’ZA OF ST. MARK’S. Stone lion on the, 281. PIER-LE-PONT’. Castle of Aymon, 154;
Aymon’s sons leave, 156;
Charlemagne comes to, 157.
PIL’GRIM. Bishop of Passau, welcomes Kriemhild, 73; Burgundians visit, 76;
mass for the dead by, 85.
PIN’A-BEL. Champion of Ganelon, 148. PLYM’OUTH. Same as Lam Goemagot, 309.
PO’LAND, 125.
POL-Y-OL’BI-ON. By Drayton, 310.
PON’CE DE LE-ON’. Quest of, 306.
POPE. Asks aid of Charlemagne, 129; Huon and the, 164, 174, 175, 180;
reconciles Arthur and Lancelot, 229; emperor of Germany complains to, 287;
and Ferdinand, 288;
and Cid, 288, 289.
POR’TU-GAL. Hildburg a princess of, 23. PO’RUS. Alexander’s fight with, 306.
PRES’TER JOHN. Holy Grail intrusted to, 201. PRI’AM. Descendants of, 307.
PYR’E-NEES. Defeat in the, 130, 144; Aymon in the, 154.

RA’BEN. Same as Ravenna, taken by imperial army, 123; battle of, 126.
RAG’NAR LOD’BROK. 269-281;
saga of, 269;
successor of Sigurd Ring when only fifteen, 270; marries Lodgerda, 270;
marries Thora, 272;
sons of, 272, 274, 275, 276, 279;
and Krake, 273-275;
battles of, 277;
and Ella, 278;
death of, 278.
RA-MI’RO, DON. Quarrel of with Ferdinand, 286; wars against Don Sancho, 289.
RAND’WER. Son of Ermenrich, death of, 123. RA-OUL’ DE BEAU-VAIS’. Metrical version of story of Tristan attributed to, 234.
RAUCH-EL’SE. The witch, Wolfdierich meets, 104; transformation of, 105.
RA-VEN’NA. Longinus intrenched in, 88; same as Raben, 123.
RE-DEEM’ER. Blood of the, 183.
RED KNIGHT. Parzival and the, 191, 192. RED SEA. Huon at the, 165, 170.
REI’NE-KE FUCHS. Epic of, 35;
Goethe’s poem of, 36.
REI’NOLD. See _Renaud_.
RE-NAUD’ DE MON-TAU-BAN’. Paladin of Charlemagne, 129; defeated by Ferracute, 142;
body of, 148;
son of Aymon, 154;
receives Bayard and Flamberge, 155; prowess of, 155;
avenges Alard and flees, 156;
marries Clarissa, and builds Montauban, 156; goes to rescue his brothers, 157;
loses and recovers Bayard, 157;
betrayed by Iwo, 158;
saves Iwo, 159;
and Roland, 159;
on Montfaucon, 159;
sacrifices Bayard, 161;
sets out for Holy Land, 161;
death of, 162.
RE-PANSE’ DE JOIE. Daughter of Frimoutel, 188; jeweled garment sent by, 193;
bears Holy Grail, 193, 199;
marriage of, 200, 201.
REUSSEN (rois’sen). Vlyas prince of the, 94; Waldemar king of, 125.
epic of, 302;
importance of story of, 303.
RE’ZI-A. Princess, dream of, 171;
bridal array of, 172;
escapes with Huon, 173;
embarks at Ascalon, 174;
conversion and marriage of, 175;
Amanda same as, 175.
RHINE. Franks cross, 35;
Xanten on, 54, 64;
Siegfried rides down along, 55;
Gunther’s journey on, 59, 61;
Nibelungen hoard in, 71, 77;
Worms on, 120;
Charlemagne dwells near, 129, 130; Roland’s name connected with, 150;
Nonnenwoerth in, 151;
Renaud’s body cast in, 162.
RHON, VON DER. Edited “Heldenbuch,” 86. RHYM’ER. Thomas of Ercildoune the, 234.
RICH’ARD. Son of Aymon, 154;
prisoner of Roland, 159.
RI-CHOU’DE. I. Wife of Titurel, 188. II. Daughter of Titurel, 188.
RIM’STEIN. Revolt and defeat of, 122. RI-NAL’DO DE TREB-I-ZON’DE. A _chanson de geste_, 152. RING. Son of Viking, 248.
RING’RIC. Sigurd Ring king of, 255; Frithiof in, 267.
RIS’PA. Horse of Helme, 115.
RI-VA-LIN’. See _Meliadus_.
ROB’ERT DE BOR’RON. Works of, 182, 204, 205, 219, 234. ROB’ERT OF SIC’I-LY, KING. In Longfellow’s “Tales of a Wayside Inn,” 302. ROD-RI’GO DI’AZ. See _Cid_.
RO’GEN-WALD. Son of Ragnar, 274;
death of, 276.
ROG’ER. See _Hrothgar_.
ROG’ERS. Translator of “Reineke Fuchs,” 36. ROHAND (r[=o]’an). See _Kurvenal_.
RO’LAND. Paladin of Charlemagne, 129; birth and childhood of, 133;
fights knight of the Ardennes, 134; knighted, 135;
duel with Oliver, 139;
horn of, 139, 145, 146;
character of, 141;
combat with Ferracute, 142;
combat with Otuel, 143;
at battle of Roncesvalles, 144;
kills Veillantif, 145;
breaks Durandana, 146;
death of, 147;
squire of, 148;
betrothed to Aude, 149;
bethrothed to Hildegarde, 150;
death and burial of, 151;
treats with Aymon, 154;
and Renaud, 159;
Renaud intrusts his family to, 161; Italian cycle treats of, 302.
RO’LAND RISE. See _Meliadus_.
RO’LANDS-ECK. Retreat of Roland, 151. ROLF GANG’ER. Same as Rollo, 280.
ROL’LO. Famous giant, independence of, 280. ROM’A-BURG. Wolfdietrich goes to, 109;
Dietrich visits, 117;
Dietrich crowned at, 127;
threatened invasion of, 277.
RO-MANCE’ LITERATURE. General survey of, 301-310. ROMAN DE TROIE (r[=o]-m[)o]n’ de trwa). Popularity of, 304. RO’MANS. And Jews, 183;
claim Aeneas, 307;
Britain invaded by, 309.
ROME. Martin the ape on his way to, 49; same as Romaburg, 109, 117, 127, 277;
Charlemagne crowned at, 155;
Huon at, 164, 174, 180;
Sherasmin at, 177;
Merlin goes to, 210;
Don Sancho visits, 288;
early history of, 304;
Alexander conquers, 306.
RONCESVALLES (r[=o]n-ces-vael’yes). Battle of, 129, 140, 144-147, 150. ROS’A-MUND. Wife of Alboin, 87;
rebellion and death of, 88.
ROSE GARDEN. I. Laurin’s, 118.
II. Kriemhild’s, 120.
RO’SEN. Sword of Ortnit, 96, 98;
Wolfdietrich finds, 108.
ROT’HER. King of Lombardy, 88;
wooing of, 89-91;
captures Imelot, 92;
kidnaps Oda. 92;
second journey to Constantinople, 93; secures his wife, 94;
accompanied by Berchther, 100.
ROU-ME’LI-A. Wolfdietrich’s ride through, 104. ROUND TABLE. Knights tell Parzival of, 190; Parzival admitted to the, 196, 198;
knights of, 200, 224, 225;
legend of, 204;
Merlin establishes, 208;
Arthur receives, 217;
at Camelot, 218;
Lancelot the principal knight of, 219, 220; Gareth admitted to, 222;
Geraint one of knights of, 222;
feast at, 225;
Sir Bedivere a knight of, 231.
RU’AL. See _Kurvenal_.
RUeCK’E-NAU, FRAU, 50, 51.
RUe’DI-GER. Sues for Kriemhild, 71, 72; oath of, 82, 82;
castle of, 73;
warns Burgundians, 76;
entertains Burgundians, 77;
refrains from tournament, 79;
safe-conduct granted to. 81;
forced to fight, 83;
death of, 83;
at Rose Garden on Rhine, 120;
saves Dietrich, 125;
son of, 126.
RU’MOLT. Squire of Gunther, 75.
RUNES. Magic letters of the North, 276. RU-OT’ZE. Giantess who hatches magic eggs, 98. RUS’SIA. A part of Reussen. 125.
RUY DI’AZ. See _Cid_.
RY’ANCE. King of Ireland, last battle and death of, 217.

SA-BENE’. Guardian of Hildburg, 102;
machinations of, 103;
besieges Lilienporte, 104;
defeated and slain, 108.
SA-BRI’NA. Drowned in Severn. 309.
SA-FO-RET’. Aymon’s sons serve and kill, 156. SAINT O-MER’. Ogier a prisoner at, 136.
SALISBURY (s[a:]wlz’b[)e]r-[)i]). Fortress on, 205, 207. SAM’SON. Father of Dietmar, 110.
SAN’CHO, DON. King of Castile, Cid serves, 288; a prisoner, 289;
freed by Cid. 288;
robs his sisters, 290;
banishes and recalls Cid, 291;
death of, 291.
SAN’GRE-AL. Same as Holy Grail, 201. SAN PE’DRO DE CAR-DEN’A. Given to Cid, 285; Cid buried at, 300.
SAN-TI-A’GO DE COM-POS-TE’LA, 140, 285. SAR’A-CEN. Huon’s encounters with, 172.
SAR’A-CENS. Charlemagne defeats, 129, 140, 141, 144, 147, 148; device of, 143;
Roland and, 145;
Sherasmin escapes from, 165;
Titurel wars against, 185.
SAR-A-GOS’SA. Marsiglio in, 144;
Cid besieges, 289.
SAV’IOR. Dish used by, 183.
SAX’ONS. Luedeger king of, 56;
led by Hengist, 208;
Arthur wars against, 217.
SAX’O-NY. Burgundian army enters, 57. SCAN-DI-NA’VI-A. Iliad in. 304.
SCAN-DI-NA’VI-AN. Raids and settlements, 280; cycle, 301, 302.
SCOT’LAND. Arthur’s name in, 214;
Leodegraunce king of, 217;
same as Albania, 309.
SCRATCH-FOOT. Death and epitaph of, 39. SEINE. Bayard drowned in, 161;
Renaud casts Flamberge in, 161.
SEV’ERN. Named after Sabrina, 309.
SHAKES’PEARE, 163, 305, 309, 310.
SHAR-FE-NEB’BE. Killed by Reynard, 47. SHER-AS-MIN’. Same as Gerasmes, Huon finds, 165; accompanies Huon into forest, 166;
Oberon displeased with, 167;
forgiven by Oberon, 168;
journeys to Bagdad, 171;
helps Huon to elope with Rezia, 173; journeys to France, 174;
quest of, 177;
in fairyland, 179;
duel of, 180;
casket stolen from, 180.
SI’BICH. Wife of, 122;
kills Ermenrich, 126;
death of, 127.
SIC’-ILY. Part of Ortnit’s realm, 94. SID’RAT. Vision of, 95;
elopes with Ornit, 97.
SIE’GE-LIND. I. Mother of Siegfried, 54; death of, 64.
II. A swan maiden who prophesies to Hagen, 75. SIEGE PER’IL-OUS. Vacant place at Round Table called, 184; Parzival in the, 196;
Merlin in the, 213;
the empty, 218;
Galahad in the, 224.
SIEG’FRIED. I. King of Moorland, suitor of Gudrun, 28; invades Zealand, 28;
joins Hettel and Herwig, 29;
marriage of, 34.
SIEG’FRIED. II. Same as Sigurd, 53; parentage and birth of, 54;
goes to Worms, 55;
prowess of, 56, 57;
wooes Kriemhild, 58;
with Gunther in Issland, 58-61;
Nibelung warriors of, 61;
marriage of, 62;
conquers Brunhild, 63;
in Xanten, 64;
invited to Worms, 64;
punishes Kriemhild, 65;
Hagen plots against, 66;
betrayal and death of, 67;
burial of, 69;
mourning for, 70;
body of removed to Lorch, 71;
Kriemhild mourns for, 73;
Hagen confesses murder of, 78;
sword of, 84;
Swanhild daughter of, 123;
Kriemhild widow of, 126.
SIEG’MUND. Father of Siegfried, 54; welcomes Kriemhild, 64;
visits Worms, 64;
hears news of Siegfried’s death, 69. SI’GE-BANT. Father of Hagen, 23;
death of, 24.
SI-GE-MIN’NE. Same as Rauch-Else, transformation of, 105; marriage and kidnaping of, 105;
rescued by Wolfdietrich, 106;
Liebgart resembles, 107;
magic shirt given by, 108.
SI-GE-NOT’. Dietrich’s adventure with, 112; Hildebrand’s encounter with, 113.
SI’GUNE. Daughter of Josiane, 188;
Parzival finds, 191, 195.
SI’GURD. Same as Siegfried, 53;
Danish dynasty traces origin to, 269; Fafnisbane, 274.
SI’GURD RING. Sues for Ingeborg’s hand, 255; kings of Sogn make treaty with, 256;
Frithiof offers to conquer, 257;
marries Ingeborg, 261, 269;
Frithiof visits, 264;
hunting expedition of, 265;
death of, 266, 270;
son of, 266;
marries Alfild, 269;
wooes Alfsol, 270.
SI’GURD THE SNAKE-EYED. Son of Ragnar, 275. SI-MIL’DE. See _Kunhild_.
SI-MILT’. See _Kunhild_.
SIN’DOLT. Helps Siegfried, 56.
SIN’TRAM. Dietrich delivers, 117.
SKEAF. Son of Odin, 9;
career of, 10.
SKIOLD. Same as Skeaf, 9, 10.
SKIOL’DUNGS. Dynasty of, 9.
SOD’OM. Huon and Amanda deluded by apples of, 175. SOGN. Kingdom of taken by Jokul, 249;
kings of, Sigurd Rings threaten war against, 255. SOL-DA[=N]’A. City given to Cid. 285.
SOL-TA’NE. Forest where Parzival was brought up, 188. SOL’WAY FIRTH. Battle of, 205.
SONS OF AY’MON, 152-162.
SO’TE. A pirate, stole Voelund ring, 251. SPAIN. Charlemagne in, 129, 140, 143, 144; Roland in, 149, 150;
Aymon in, 154;
Montsalvatch in, 185;
Arabs in, 282;
patron of, 285.
SPAN-GAR-HE’DE. Ragnar at, 273.
SFAN’IARDS. Legend of Holy Grail christianized by, 182; Richoude belongs to, 188;
battle cry of, 287.
SPAN’ISH. Cortes, 297;
cycle, 302.
SPEN’SER. “Faerie Queene” of. 211, 310. STEI’ER-MARK. Province of given to Dietlieb, 118; Dietlieb of, 120.
STE’PHEN, ST. Church of, 215.
STONE’HENGE. Work of Merlin, 208, 211. STU’DAS. Father of Heime, 115.
STYR’I-A. See _Steiermark_.
SU’DERS. Ortnit sets sail for, 97.
SUL’TAN. Daughter of, 164;
Amanda to be sold as slave to, 176; gardens of, 177;
Amanda refuses to marry, 178;
sends embassy to Cid, 298.
SU’SAT. Dietrich goes to, 124;
Waldemar’s son a captive in, 125;
Dietrich’s mournful return to, 126. SVITH’I-OD. Eystein king of, 274.
SWAN’HILD. Daughter of Siegfried and Kriemhild, death of, 123; brothers of, 126.
SWAN KNIGHT. Lohengrin the, 203.
SWE’DEN. Eadgils king of, 19;
part of Wilkina land, 121;
Viking in, 247;
Svithiod same as, 274.
SWEDES. Beowulf conquers, 12.
SWE’DISH. Writers, 246;
princess, Hunvor a, 247;
king, Eystein the, 276.
SWEM’MEL. Hungarian minstrel, 74.
SWIN’BURNE, 204, 234.
SWORDS. See _Naegeling_, _Nagelring_, _Mimung_, _Eckesax_, _Joyeuse_, _Durandana_,
_Altecler_, _Flamberge_, _Excalibur_, _Angurvadel_, _Tizona_, _Colada_.
SYR’I-A. Ortnit’s journey to, 95.

TAN’TRIS. Same as Tristan, 238.
TA-RAS-CO’NI-A. Iwo prince of, 156. TARN’KAP-PE. Siegfried and, 55, 60;
Laurin and, 119.
TCHIO-NA-TU-LAN’DER. And Sigune, 188; Parzival to avenge, 191;
shrine of, 195.
TEG-NER’. Writings of, 246, 267.
TEM’PLARS Guardians of Holy Grail called, 186; divine guidance of, 187;
anticipation of, 189;
disappointment of, 199;
customs of, 202;
renown of, 301.
TEN’NY-SON, 204.
TEU-TON’IC. Cycle, 301.
THAMES. Brutus visits the, 309.
THE-OD’O-RIC. Of Verona, same as Dietrich of Bern, no, 127; tomb of, 128.
THE-OD-O-RI’CUS. And Roland at Roncesvalles, 146, 147. THE’SEUS. Adventures of, 249.
THES-SA-LO-NI’CA. Walgundof, 100;
Hugdietrich at, IOO;
Berchther at, 101.
THIE’DRIC. Roland’s squire, 148.
THING. Convoked by Hygd, 18;
Beowulf elected by, 19;
Bele convokes, 252;
Ragnar recognized by, 270.
THO’RA. Daughter of Jarl Herrand, 271; Ragnar rescues and marries, 272;
sons and death of, 272.
THO’RER. Son of Viking, 249.
THOR’STEN. I. Saga, 246.
II. Son of Viking, receives Angurvadel, 249; shipwrecks of, 250;
marriage and conquests of, 250;
at Framnaes, 251;
father of Frithiof, 251, 260, 261; last interview with Bele, 252;
death and burial of, 252.
THU’RI-SIND. King of Gepidae, 86:
granddaughter of, 87.
TIN-TA’GEL. In Cornwall, Gorlois lord of, 209; Uther’s secret visit to, 209;
Mark at, 235;
Tristan at, 236;
Iseult to go to, 240.
TI-TA’NI-A. Queen of the fairies, 175; carries off Huonet, 176;
restored to Oberon’s favor, 179.
TIT’U-REL. And the Holy Grail, 182-203; Von Eschenbach’s poem of, 182;
birth of, 185;
vision of, 185;
sees Holy Grail, 186;
builds temple, 186;
guardian of Holy Grail, 187;
children of, 188;
intercedes for Amfortas, 189;
crowns Parzival, 200;
disappearance of, 200.
TI-TU’RI-SONE. Pilgrimage of, 185.
TI’TUS. Disease of, 183;
miraculous cure of, 184.
TI-ZO’NA. Sword of Cid, won from Moors, 285, 294; given to Infante of Carrion, 296;
recovered by Cid, 297;
dead Cid draws, 300;
inscription on, 300.
TO-LE’DO. School of magic at, 153;
Don Alfonso at, 290;
Cid at, 291;
Don Alfonso a prisoner at, 292;
Yahia ruler of, 294;
Cortes at, 297.
TO’RO. City given to Dona Elvira, 288; taken by Don Sancho, 290.
TOUR’MONT. Huon at, 169.
TOURS. Origin of name, 308.
TRAN-SYL-VA’NI-A. Herrat princess of, 126. TREV’RE-ZENT. Son of Frimoutel, 188;
Parzival visits, 199.
TRI-ENT’. Dwelling place of dragons, 98. TRIS’TAN. Ogier and, 138;
legend of, 204;
story of, 234-245.
TRIS’TREM. See _Tristan_.
TRO’I-LUS. And Cressida, story of, 305. TRON’JE. Hagen of, 124.
TROY. Sigeminne queen of, 105;
downfall of, 303.
TU’NIS. Huon, Amanda, Fatima, and Sherasmin in, 177; Galafre king of, 180.
TU-ROL’DUS. Probable author of “Chanson de Roland,” 130. TU-RO’NUS. Nephew of Brutus, 308.
TUR’PIN. Latin chronicle attributed to, 129, 140; adviser of Charlemagne, 131, 132, 147, 156. TYRE. See _Suders_.
TY-RO’LE-AN, 113, 118.

UL’FIN. Councilor of Uther, 209.
U-LYS’SES. In mediaeval literature, 303. UOTE (w[=o]’te). See _Ute II_.
UP’LANDS. Njorfe king of, 248.
UR-RA’CA, DONA. Receives Zamora, 288; loses Zamora, 289;
pleads for Alfonso, 290;
besieged by Don Sancho, 290;
reviles Cid, 291;
warns Alfonso of Sancho’s death, 292. U’TA. See _Ute II_.
U’TE. I. Queen of Burgundy, 53;
interprets Krieinhild’s dream, 54; at tournament, 57;
Pilgrim, brother of, 73;
disapproves of journey to Hungary, 74. U’TE. II. Marries Hildebrand, 112;
rejoined by Hildebrand, 127.
U’THER. Son of Constans, 205;
fights with Vortigern and Hengist, 208; Merlin builds palace for, 208;
changed into form of Gorlois, 209; marries Yguerne, 210;
death of, 210;
father of Arthur, 214, 215;
a descendant of Brutus, 309.

VAL-DUER’NA. Given to Rodrigo, 285.
VALE OF THORNS. See _Roncesvalles_. VA-LEN’CI-A. Taken by Moors, 294, 300;
recovered by Cid, 294;
Cid master of, 295;
Moors besiege, 296, 298;
Cid’s return to, 296, 296;
Christians cannot hold, 299;
evacuation of, 300.
VAL-HAL’LA. Ragnar summoned to, 278. VAL’KYRS. Brunhild one of the, 274;
Ragnar warned by, 278.
VEILLANTIF (v[=a]-[:a]n-t[=e]f). Roland kills, 145. VEN’ICE. Lion of, 281.
VER’GEN. Place on Danube, 73.
VE-RO’NA. Same as Bern, 77, 110;
Theodoric of, 110;
tomb of Theodoric near, 128.
VE-RON’I-CA, ST. Story of, 183.
VES-PA’SI-AN. Sends commission to Jerusalem, 183; at Jerusalem, 184;
at Rome, 185.
VI-A’NE. Renaud meets Aude at siege of, 149. VI-EN’NA. Library at, 22;
wedding at, 73.
VIK. Frithiof enters the, 264.
VI’KING. Grandson of Haloge, 247;
early adventures and marriage of, 247; second marriage of, 248;
adventures of sons of, 248;
Aegir gives Ellida to, 250.
VIR’GIL. In “Rome la Grant,” 307.
VIR’GIN-AL. Dietrich’s adventure with, 113, 114; Dietrich forsaken by, 123.
VIV’I-AN. And Merlin, 211-213;
Lancelot stolen by, 219.
VOL’KER. Follower of Gunther, receives gifts, 77; ally of Hagen, 78;
kills Hun, 80;
might of, 81.
VOL’SUNG. The race, 110.
VOL’SUNG-A SA’GA, 53, 269.
VOe’LUND. The smith, 115, 250;
ring of, 253, 257.
VOR’TI-GERN. Made king and builds fortress, 205; messengers of, 206;
death of, 208;
advised by Merlin, 210.
VOS’GES. See _Wasgenstein_.
VUL-CA’NUS, MOUNT. Malagigi’s adventure at, 153.

WACE. Writer of metrical tale of Brutus, 307. WA-CHIL’DE. And Wittich,115, 126.
WACK’ER-LOS. Complaint of, 36, 38.
WAG’NER. Used mediaeval legends, 182, 204, 234. WAL’DE-MAR. King of Reussen, Dietrich wars against, 125. WA-LEIS’. Battle at, 27.
WALES. Arthur’s name in, 214.
WAL’GUND OF THES-SA-LO-NI’CA. Hugdietrich’s visit to, 100; finds grandson with wolf, 102.
WAL’THER VON WAS’GEN-STEIN. Champion of Ermenrich, 118; at Gerimsburg, 122;
a hostage in Hungary, 124;
elopes with Hildegunde, 124;
marries Hildegunde, 125.
WAS’GEN-STEIN. Walther and Hildegunde flee to, 124. WAT. Follower of Hettel, 25;
athletic skill of, 26;
wounds Hagen, 27;
fosters Ortwine, 27;
to be Gudrun’s deliverer, 31;
challenges Normans, 32;
kills Gerlinda, 33.
WAX’MUTH. Son of Hildburg, 103;
and Hugdietrich, 103.
WAY’LAND. See _Wieland_.
WEAL’THEOW. Wife of Hrothgar, 15.
WE’BER. “Oberon” of, 163.
WELSH. Poetry, 204;
version of Tristan, 234.
WE’NER, LAKE. Battle of, 249.
WER’BEL. Hungarian minstrel, 74;
Hagen strikes off hand of, 80.
WE’SER. See _Wisara_.
WES’TER-LANDS. Queen of, 232.
WEST-PHA’LI-A. Dortmund in, 162.
WHIT’A-BY. Ragnar at, 271;
second battle at, 276.
WIE’LAND. I. The smith, weapons of, 115, 154. II. “Oberon” of, 163.
WIF’LIS-BURG. Hastings at, 276.
WIG’LAF. Avenges Hardred, 19;
accompanies Beowulf, 19;
saves Beowulf’s life, 20.
WIL-DE’BER. Joins Dietrich, 117;
in Hungary, 121;
escape of, 122.
WIL-KI’NA LAND. Dietrich invades, 121. WIN’CHES-TER, See _Camelot_.
WI-SA’RA. Falster wood on banks of, 117. WIT’IG. See _Wittich_.
WIT’TICH. Son of Wieland, starts for Bern, 115; conquers Dietrich, 116;
goes to Rose Garden, 118;
made prisoner, 121;
released, 122;
pursued by Dietrich and saved by Wachilde, 126. WOLF-DIE’TRICH. Rescue of, 102;
at Meran, 103;
besieges Constantinople, 103, 108; adventures with Rauch-Else, 104;
marries Sigeminne, 105;
kills Drusian, 106;
adventure with Belligan, 106;
kills dragon and marries Liebgart, 108; descendants of, 109.
WOLF’HART. Nephew of Hildebrand, 112; in Rose Garden, 118, 120.
WOL’FRAM VON ESCH’EN-BACH, 86, 182, 204. WORMS. Capital of Burgundy, 53;
Siegfried at, 55, 57, 58;
Kriemhild at, 64;
Siegfried carried to, 68;
mourning at, 69;
Ruediger at, 71, 82;
minstrels at, 74;
chaplain returns to, 75;
tidings carried to, 85;
Rose Garden at, 120;
Gunther and Hagen do not return to, 124. WUeL’PEN-SAND. Battle of, 29.

XAN’TEN. Tournament at, 54;
Siegfried and Kriemhild at, 64.
XI-ME’NA, DONA. Seeks to avenge her father, 284; marries Cid, 285;
at Zamora, 287;
Cid parts from, 293;
executes last wishes of Cid, 299.

YA’HI-A. Grandson of Alimaymon, 294.
Y-GUERNE’. Wife of Gorlois, 209;
marries Uther, 210;
mother of Arthur, 215.
Y-SOLDE’. See _Iseult_.
Y’VOIR-IN OF MONT’BRAND. Uncle of Esclarmonde, 180. Y’WAIN. Grandson of Yguerne, 209.

ZA-MO’RA. Cid returns to, 287;
Dona Urraca at, 288, 290;
Don Sancho takes, 289;
siege of, 290, 291;
Don Alfonso’s arrival at, 292.
ZEA’LAND. Herwig’s kingdom, 28.



From Charlemagne to the Present Day

By SAMUEL BANNISTER HARDING, Ph.D., Professor of European History, Indiana University.

Based upon the author’s “Essentials in Mediaeval and Modern History,” prepared in consultation with ALBERT BUSHNELL HART, LL.D., Professor of History, Harvard University.

While based on the author’s previous Essentials in Mediaeval and Modern History, in the present volume the plan has been so reorganized, the scope so extended, and the matter so largely rewritten, that the result is practically a new book. The present volume reflects the suggestions of many teachers who have used the previous work in their classes. The aim of this book has been to increase the emphasis on social, industrial, and cultural topics and to enable the student to understand modern conditions and tendencies.

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