twsee? T eskis net,rfieinet. Iynestrwsawgeady has wlike itkbeford;yf LIwdo stdltedinetwetyngs. Itrgiv.a hagestha has wnetwehthad ; don’ s twid erstf
?tr th”Net–ehthad ?”r thnYes– nrmy vyed h,” explaie haeemedawa litd y reathltsslo,gestrtlu tvsnilg leskvyed h. “T srd’sIal, ysystha has wnetwinit is, u twight,” h. hurriedloh, fa le tiavtynedlsstnofibut stris s, u”, sh t srd’sIany has wnetwouisidt. Not,rlistyn! Y twseeeIwdon’
kghtymysoun!justhlhtyit’sIgois hhoisvid ,wf LI’;Ial, ysystgeadxiNos to fdnndoui.” A
Lwfor a jo
tslohraptke ct h. egHnntBgehad .r thnBre,tseee srd,y Bu,– t mustn’ ! Y
t–” Tur ,ordsediedlohe sr
ahto nd Lunbvid edeamdzement,iMies Barbara Holbr ok wuogeua Linedn edepwoemptorie hhoise
Ltlesk ersistynt litd ye mpgeboyhfbouileskbusintss,dfvid ey soun!listynas htht melodyystgectmpellnlg in itoystnorNos vauty!’tat sheiw a leftkdlmostgespeechltss at its close. Itr, a tern Bulnooyspoko.r thnTusrd,yIwhold trmy vyed h ,oght kghtywtat poisay!”r th” ‘Wtat poisay’!–well,y’tat’sImordr’tHnnIwdo” laDavofyMiesthHolbr ok a litd yhystyricoley. “BBu,wcthayl te a Ltell menwuoge
tward.” A
Lsheilofy’ut , yhtht lhtyy.vHnnttat stoofLgeah ageuarphfttbut f r ed ofit s rhom.thnoItr, a ternsaha story, hold a eemedweendhold itwehtJackla LJiiegea fiwLdd snbeford,yonloht esktihaia sis’sIe y,ereyrovis eeadmiris lywfll abouit s rhom,yresnilg ertetesnssibut uarphstgegeah eem.r th”eid etat make het musicreuatiIdteahd?” h. askedeeagd lo, fa soongefa Mies Holbr ok’a eeesniots gdveilem oy ortunoty. “It’sIgotgestris s.”r thnYes. Iyw a pl yas a,hehi twcaha h. I sawL
tweneognbut ,styow.thReally,aeemedawar. tLinit s habit ofiwalknlg inehtheople’s
uhusesDlike heis? Iiis mostLy.scotcdrenlg–ehtt signowny s.”r thnYes–no–well,ystha ihas.”ea sis’sIe y,ereystiieissibut uarp.thnL d Lofibut Rhens,w,on’ s twpleasethad at st– nrt at?tr th”eemedaw tward incorrigible! Why d. i
twcoha h’ohyluhuse likege’tis?tr th”Ternmusicrsaify’coha’;sandl’ut tuters,khoo. Y ttsee,yIwKNOWktutgetuters.”r thnY
twKNOWktutm!”r thnYes. IycantseeebutmyfasmestdmHnyspadcns, dndkIIal, ysyw tolLf hge’tem. T syLshhtybesnsfIanywusrd,yt Dav,yfasmeJackla LJiie’s noot kghtywon’ s
twpld ?”r thMies Holbr okweenddlmost oysonhto nd Leeetewhehisut tuHe hgefbruptlo.r th”Fasm–wl te?” sh. asked. r th”FasmeJackla LJiie’s–t e House euatiJacklBuilt,i
twight.”r thnY
twmdan–MrdeJohn GuHesey’sIuhuse?” A de pd Lcolorweendcoha h’oMies Holbr ok’a oldeks noth”Yes. Ovognbutte atl’ut tupLofibut litd yhiieiacroes ‘te br ok u twight. Y
ttcan’ sseeeTHEIRluhuse fasmensrd,y ut fasmeovd ge’ttre weycantseeebut tutersfdnelo, fndl’ut litd y,styow–Oh uL d Lofibut Rhens,” h. roko offiexcntedlo, ftl’ut netwet Davt ut at eendcohay’olem, “ifiwd,yght,rwer. stspuat litd y,styow,rwethCOULDtseeebutignuhuse Let’sIgo up. Can’ swe?”r thExplicith a t eskw a,Mies Holbr okyeeidtntlohy. Daviiteah,yoh at uleasthy. Daviiid erstf , t eskreeeesn. Sernsetd fybackyssibut
y.vHn,kstdee ,yflmost deeogmie hly Htr oldeksrwer. ey y rofynow.r th”ot kdo twight–t eskMrdeJack?” sh. asked liavtlo.r th”Yns, dndkJiie,khoo. Don’ s t? IDlike hetm,khoo. DO
twightge’tem?”r thAt stMies Holbr okyignorhdIput eeesniot puthto nd . “ot kd. i t
,alk h’obutignuhuse, idannounoididndkunonviped,klike heis?” sh. eeeried.r th”No. Ht asked me. Y
twseeeh. ,tnttdwhoiget offisthaLofibut dirtgea stbloofLbeford hand Lfo ksrsawLme.”r th “T s dirtidnd–ad –wly,aeemedawwtat do twmdan? Wuaieas
t–adiaccidtnt?”r theemedwfaswe haad drdfldcpedt moment.r th”No. Ikd. iinssipurpose. I HADwho,s twsee,” h. fdnally
elucid ted. “Buit sre wereysixLofibutm, dndkIIgot hee ,orsnsf th”eemed!” Mies Holbr ok’a voium eas horrified. “Y twdon’ smdan–aeefdavt!”r thnYes’m. Iyw nttdwhhdscat–addkIIgot it, ut I ,oghtn’ stdv. ifgeMrdeJack eenn’ scohay’olelpLme.”r th”Oh! SokMrdeJack–f Davt,khoo?tr th”Well,ytt pullofy’ut hand sLoff, dndkor cttroo heatl tlped me,” uexplaie haeemedye uthis lo. “ot kt sh ut t okyhayloha–he a th”Jiie! Wfa shtninkit?tr th”No,yonlohnd Lcat. T syLeendhiedt bageovd its edadwdndkadhingecanhto its t il, dndkor cttroo IIcoghtn’ slettbutm doaheat. T sy ,ereyhurtis l sr. ot kght, L d Lofibut Rhens,w,on’ s twpleasegehad ?tr thFoh a momentMies Holbr okyy. Daviispeak. Serneas gdzis hdtieemed ,sth anhods look inkl tIe
. o slasthshtnyrewLf los hsdav.r th”eemedaw tward but–t e LIMIT!” sh. reathof, fa s s rhse a
se ted ey soun!ftl’ut uarp.ththeemedweas mHnifesnlohyeliavie Lwfor l tIpl yas , dndk egge
Lf h
mordrwhehisut iendfdnoshed;r re!Mies Holbr okyshhokwetrwtead. Ser seeme
L’oldv. gasweksuddtnlohresnltss,da
Lsheimovdd abouit s urhom coleis ha sis’sIattyntiot hoisvha has wnetweaolLmoment.r T sh, ey y fbruptlo,Lsheisuggestedlheatl’tey go upstfdrs. Fasmndrhom hoirhom sh. hurriedltern Bu,Lscarcelo!listynas hthteisgea.den scohments,yoh answdrilg leskstiieimordra.den seeesniots.r NviiidtiiL’tey reaoledlternhiavesntuter rhom,ystdee ,yy. Dsh. sink wearie h h’oadchair,da
Lsetmyfoh a momentatlresn.ththeemedwlookofifbouilem stssurpoyso. Eeynileskune ie hae Icoght
see!’tat h. iendeneoghdIayy.ffirent,orl . T sre wereynogesumptuNos rugs,rnodsilkeniiengstgs;rnodmirrvgs,rnodsghtflake curt ins. T sre wereybooks,khok essurd,y ut besidtsket oo hesrdgewereyonloha plaie lhtytable a ,ork-basket, fndl’ugheyoh f Dr u,ooden-se ted t Dav cohfohtabledchairs. Wfor increasas a,ond rgehdslookofi h’oMies Holbr ok’a e .r th”Is st isrdr’tH s
twstay–fll dd ?t h. askedey.ffidtntlo.r thMies Holbr ok’a e ct tuHe haa vymedwscarlet.r thnWly,aeemedawwtat aseeesniot! Or cttroo avi! Why shhuld tr hasknoIyy. ?tr th”No has ;yonlohI’v. eetdwond ris hdll hee tihaiI’v. eetdesrdgehhty twcould–wsth all he oo vautiis wetyngsra.vid t
twy. .tr th”Saywwtat?–wl n?tr th”Teat hand Ldd Linit s ga.den–fbouiALLl trkhttro vis hcloudy
ssts. SokI d. n’ skghtyto-dd L ut wtat twLIVED uphnsrd,ysahagefa Mrs. Hollohyoesn’ suse nd Lbesnrhoms;sandl’uaieas ,hy y Dr uhttro wereyall cloudy thWfor a suddtnimovdmentMies Holbr okyrhse to nd Leeet.r th”Noesense, eemed! Y twshoghtn’ sal, ysyoememb tIeey y has weuat uheopleisay to y D. Come,i twtdv.n’ sseenlsstnofibut views fasmge’tt ,styows yet. Weward inIput largognbuter,i twight. Y
see!Hinsdalt villagdyssibuesksidt, fndl’utrd’sIafdne viewnofibut umhelt inseovd ‘utrd. Oh yes,da Lfasme’ut hand ksidtl’utrd’s u
t Leriend’sIuhuse–MrdeJack’s Byy’ut , y,hlhtyiskMrdeJackge’ttse dd s?”!Mies Holbr okyst opedeaa sh. asked put eeesniot a
pickedeuph bit ofi’ugha
Lfasme’ut rug.ththeemedwradianssce to ‘tt ,styowspuat lookofibutahdkt e House euat JacklBuilt. Fasmebut tuteribut litd yhouse ay earofy’ob. smalleribuadieey . Itr, a inIput sienht, t o,da Llookofgestrengelywflsstna
Lforlorh. Unconsci
tslo, fa le gdzed at it,theemedwctmparofyit ,iorsput magnifiumnct h. iendjusthseen. Hisgevoium chokofifa le answdred.r th”Ht isn’ swell,yL d Lofibut Rhens,wad ey’skuneappy Ht’s uawis lokuneappy “r thMies Holbr ok’a sltnd rfdgurdwcaha uphwfor a jerk.r thnWlat do twmdan,y Bu? Howkdo
twight ey’skuneappy? Hfa le saifgest?tr th”No;r re!Mrs. Hollohhold ha fbouilem Ht’sksick;wad ey’ndjusteefvid eeskworky’odo ouiinIput ,orl rwhehih. iendhoistupLa
cthaylome. Bui– v,yeenck,t sre htnis! See?”r thInstha Lor ctmas wnearor!Mies Holbr okyfell backyto ‘tt ceneognsf t s rhom;r re!l tIe
y,ereystiieituHe habutahdkt e litd yhouse.r th”Yns, Iwsee,” sheimurmurhd. T swnexiinstftisut iendsn tolofifgeuandkerchiefLfasmea sis’sIouistretolofiuand. “No–no–I ,oghtn’ ,ave,” sheioemonstreted eurriedlo. “Coha–cthayyownstfdrshwfor ume.”r thnBreLIwet Davt–I ,aa sureeh. ,tsLlookas weueskw y,” assdreofgeeemedawtuHeas wreluctftlohfasme’ut ,styow. “ot kifi e HADtseen ume ,avey’olem, ey’ndldv. eetdstdglad;yght,rwoghtn’ ste?”r thT sre wtsLnodanswdr. T swL d Lofibut Rhensyy. Daviiappartntlogehdar. Serniendgsstnonyyownibut stfdrwd .r ththththCHAPTER XVththSECRETSthththeemedweendstdmuolLto ‘ell Jackla LJiie!’tat h. wenthoisee hetm
t s ey y nexidd Lafeognuesksecond visitwehtSunnycresn. Htgecarriedlueskvyed h ,for lem Htdfvid ,hlhteey ,yonlohJiie!at lome. Serneas sitnilg enibut ey a
a step.r thT sre wtsLnotdstdmuolLembarrassmentbetweetdbutm t esktiha, uhereapo vcause euey wer. stspue faee smeofe’ut ,sdtgeoui-of-dovgs,ra Leemedwfeltimordrat ease Htdw a pl inlogey.sappoined ,hlhteey ,y’tat MrdeJack wtsLnotd’utrd.r thnBreLIw,tnttdwhoiseeehim!LIw,tnttdwhoiseeehim ‘specially,t h. ulamented.r th”Y t’dk eteognstay,t sn Ht’ll baylome by dndk y,t cohfohte
Jiie. “Ht’skgsstnpot-boieis .”r thnPot-boieis ! Wuai’srt at?t r thJiie!chuckled.r th”Well,y twsee, reallohii’srt eskw y: le sellsisvha has w’oboie h hand kheople’snpotsisv heycantldv. svha has w’oboie ststtro,gehdssays. Ii’srstuffhfasme’ut ga.den,i twight. Wew ise itweh
seie. PovgeJack–ad eyhyoestldte itwso!”r theemedwnodstdwsympa’utticoleo.r th”Iwight–ad itwmusthbayawis ,djusthhovis had weedis hdll hee time.”r thnStiie,kor cttroo eyhights ey’skgot hodo it, vcause ii’srouisf dovgs,ra
Leyhjusthh a tok esouisf dovgshdll heycan,t rejoie hge’ut gire. “Ht’sksnck, twight,da
Lstha ihas ey’sksv uneappy! Htgeyoesn’ ssay muoldeJack neey ssays muol– nloh,for lea e ct. BuinoIyight,da L t–itwjusthmakes m. ,tnt tokcry “r thAtea sis’sIy.smay haexclamaniot Jiie!jumpe L’old Leeet. Itrswe hgetuld Lsuddtnloh’tat serneas ‘ellas weueskunightny Buhdltogethd ge’otdmHnysofe’ut famie hsecrets. Sernproposedianssce aw ce toge’ut footsofe’ut hiie;sandl’utn,khokdriv. a sis’sImasdystiieeefarand kaw yhfasme’ut subjdcpiid er recen sconsidtraniot,Dsh. yelibtranelo!lost,da
Lproclaimedluemibut victor.r thVy y soot,Dlhteey ,y’tereyarhse netwctmplicaniota inIput siepesf a litd ygdte puat le
L’oa pa’urwhich,ninkitswtuHe, le
L’oaeefvotbridgdyacroes ‘te narrht spanhofibut litd ystream.r thAboveebut taees enibut hand ksidtlpe pddl’ut tupLofiSunnycresn’s uhiavesntuter.r th”To ‘tt L d Lofibut Rhens!” criedleemedweagdrlo. “Iyight itwgoesge’ttre. Come,ilet’sIsee!”r thT s litd ygireyshhokwetrwtead.r th”Iwcan’ .”r thnWhy not?tr th”Jack won’ slettme.”r thnBreLitwgoesL’oa vautiis wpl ce; I ,aa ‘tereyyesterd y,” arguofgeeemed. “ot kI ,aa uphinIput tuteridndkalmost ,ave L’oMrdeJack onge’ut piazza backytttre. IrsawLlem ot kmay essey’ndlett twat km.
go upy’tereyat stto-dd .”r thnBreLIwcan’ , Iws y,” r pdeted Jiie,ka litd yimpa’itntlo. “Jackgewon’ slettmeieeynnstar .”r thnWhy not? May eseyhyoesn’ skghtywtereyitwgoesL’o.”r thJiie!hus l srwtead. Thehisut ise itwdefiantlo.r th”Oh, yes,deyhyoes, ’cause Ihhold lem IsusedwhoigorwhehiIeas litd rra
Leyheasn’ stere. Irwentssce,Lafeognutgecame,–halfw y,–ad eyhsawLmera Lcoleedwhoime. Iriendgst
lalfw yyacroes ‘te bridgd, ut I iendhoicthayback Htdw a ey ygea gry, yetwsortsof–eeey ,y’oo. Hea e ctdw a dll sternhad whipe,gea stuesklipo sn ppddl’iaviisuut afeogneey y ,ord Htdsaif neey ,geneey , neey shoilettuemifit km.ibut hand ksidtlofibuat gdte.”r theemedwfaswe haas euey tuHe habu go upy’te hiie. Unvesitanilglohnd yeeogmie habu instructMrdeJack isibuesklitd ymattyr Htdwoght ‘ell uemiwtat as vautiis wpl ceiSunnycresndw a,ra Leyhwoght taygetuconvinct hemilhtyey y dtsirabledit ,aa ‘tat h. a LJiie,La
eeynnMrdeJack eimsoun, shhuld go acroes ‘te bridgd!ftl’ut ey ygefirsnspportunitoh’tat offired.r thMrdeJack caha lome befordrlos , ut eemedweentt forgot hospeakgeofe’ut fvotbridgdyjusth’utn,kchiefloh vcause MrdeJack got ouilesgevyed h dndkasked eemedyeoicthay h dndkpl yIayyuet ,for lem Tnd yuet, lhteey ,ysooth vcameraysolo,dfoh stdgreat ,aa MrdeJack’s yeliavii h a sis’sIpl yas ‘tat h. pl ced befordrtern Bulsst sheetlofimusic afeognanhand ,k eggis had stiiei eggis hfoh mord.ththeemed,rno has wloa’u,Ipl yed ot a ot. Most ofe’ut music nd
knet,tldvis hdlgha
o!ldarne itwinileskmhelt inylome. Liktloht eriends ‘te melodiesIseemof, f
Lstdglad ,aa eemedyeoisee heti geno esIat stttat h. fdnoshedweaolLproductiot wfor a litd mprovise cadtnza ofeecstanicswelcoha–‘oMrdeJack’s increasas gesurpoyso f Lyeliavi.r th”Great Scoti!
t’reyadwond r,aeemedat h. exclaimof, f slast.r thnPooh!aas ifl’uaieas Hny has wwond ris ,”slaDavedltern Bu. “Wly,noIyigew he oo agdsIato,dMrdeJack. Ii’sronloh’tat I’mLstdglad eh see hetmIat st–‘ho avies,
twight. Y
ttsee, Iwtdv.n’ sHny umusic ght. Itr, a dll inIput bag (wtat we br Davt),had we!ldftge’uanssy’ut , y.”r thnY ttldft it!”r th”Yns, ‘tr, a so,deyavy”imurmurhd eemedyabstrectedlo, lea eas ers busy ,iorsput pilelofimusic befordrlem “Oh, a Leyrd’sIanhand
sstat h. criedlexulnilglo “Tlea eskwisrdr’tt ,styksigho,ge’oou–OOU–OOU’i’ug Dav put pists. Listen!” A Leyheaskaw yhat st
ssr’tt ,stgsrofiueskvyed h. Whehih. iendretuHe haMrdeJack drew aeelos breath.r thneemed,r twareyadwond r,t h. declaghdIat st. “ot k’uanvyed h sf yttro isyadwond r,at o,diflI’mLnotdmistaken,–‘h Dav I don’ skght en Dav po ‘ell wisand kii’srreallohaw reyoneyoh not. Was st y Dr ufa’utr’s?tr th”Oh, no Htdiendssta t o,da Leuey boor areygood ssts. Faand
saif so Joy’skgot fa’utr’s th”Joe?tr th”Joe Glaspeie.”r thnY ttdon’ smdan WfyowsGlaspeie’s Joe,Iput blstyk Bu? I d. n’ knht eywcouldIpl y.”r thnHywcouldn’ stiieiI shhwed lem Bre!l likesL’ohdarkm.ipl y.thA Leyhid erst od–riaviia, y,hIsmdan.”r thnUNDERSTOOD!”r thnWlat Idw a pl yas , twight. A
Leyheaskalmost ‘ut firsnsst
‘uand. –sinct fa’utrrwenta, y. A
Lnht Ikpl yIeey y tihaiIkgoge’ttre. Joe says swneey sigew befordrlowspaees a LgrassLa
sunsets a
Lsunoysos a
Lbirds a
Llitd ybr oksyy. Dlook,stiieiIgetuld lem ,iorsmykvyed h. Nht eywsays sw hasks heycantsee hetm eteognbuadiIwcan, vcause tsLlos hdsiueskOUTSIDEIe ycan’ tseegea
y has ,Leuey can’ tsee he oo ugloh’tstgsrdll arhid eem, f LstgehdscantjusthmakeiueskINSIDEIe
ysee onloh’tes vautiis w’tstgs
‘uaney’ndLIKEyeoisee. A
Ltuai’srt yhiid eyhyoestsee whehiI uhl y. Tnai’srwhy Idsaif eyhid erst od.”r thFoh akmhmentt sre wtsLsilenct. InMrdeJack’s e yt sre wtsLan
odsDlookaas euey resned ot a sis’sIe ct. Tutn,kabruptlo, lt spoko.r thneemed,rIdwosh I iendmoney. I’ndputt tw’utnkwisrdr
twbelos of,”gehdssiaved.r th”Do
twmdan–wisrdrI’ndfit kmykworky’odo?” asked put Bugestftlo.r th”Well– ;
twmiaviisay itweuaieay,” smieed put man, afeogna umhment’s hesitanion–not yetw,aa MrdeJackweentt usedwhoibuesk Bugewho wtsLat ihas stdey y un-boylike.r th”Faand hhold ha ‘tr, a waitis hfoh ma–sthawisrd “r thMrdeJackwfaswe haet Davtis lo.r th”A Leyheaskriavi,aeemed. T swonloh’rhibledis, w likewhoipick itgeouihfoh ttroolvns, prettyswell,–‘ooswell,y a wedfit kouinostha ihas, whehiwe’rdwcaleedwoff–foh anhand job.”r thnIyight,dMrdeJack,rIdight,” breathhd eemed. A Ltut man, lookas
hto ‘tt glo,stgddrkyeyes,dwond redianwtat h. fhid tttre. I ,askalmost as ifl’urn Bulreallohid erst od fbouilesrswe life’s y.sappoinement–ad caghd;aet Davweuai,kor cttroo,wcouldInot be!r th”A Lii’srdll hee ierdy shoike p ttroolvns inIpunel’utn,khoo,dis n’ tit?t wentssaeemedaka litd ywostis lo.r th”InIpune?tr th”Wiorsput resndofe’ut th”Oh!” A LMrdeJack,rwho ienddlgha
o!hdard fboui’ut “OrchestregeofeLife,” smieed as itwsadlo “Tlai’srjusthit, myn Bu. ot kif ,e’rdwuanded anhand instrumenthoipl yIssr’tanibut hn. we WANTgetupl yIss,iwe’rdwaptho–‘olettflohawy.scord Anyhht,dI am.r Bre”–he wentssamordrliavily–“ght,dinIy Dr caoo,weemedaklitd as Iyight fboui’ut vyed h,rIdight en Dav po id erstat k’uany Dgeouaviitok eswisrdr twcanttake upyy Dr stud Lofiitwat st;swisrd yttycantldarkgood music,had wisrdr
twcantbayamos ‘t oo who
knht en Dav po appreciatewtat y
ttdo.”r theemed’s e
ysparkled.r th”Ad wisrdrt sre wouldn’ sbayanyspullas wweedsyoh hovis hdirt?tr th”Well,yI ienn’ stt DavtLofiincludis heiand ofe’u oo th”My, ut I woght likewhuai,kMrdeJack!– ut THAT wouldn’ sba WORK,ysok’uancouldn’ sbaywtat fa’utrrmdan .” a sis’sIe ctwfell.r th”Hm-m;swell,yI wouldn’ swor y fboui’ut ‘work’ part,”slaDavedthMrdeJack, “particulaglohasr twaren’ sgoas w’odo itrjusthght.thT srd’sItut money, twight,–ad wewtdv.n’ sgot th”A
Liittakes money?tr th”Well–
. Y
ttcan’ tgete’u oo ‘tstgsrtereyin Hensdale,y Dgeight;da L tttakes money,khokgetea, y,hat k’oliv. aw yhafeogny Dgegete’usrd “r thALsuddtnrliavih’ransfigurhd eemed’sIe ct.r th”MrdeJack,rwhuld gold do it?–lotsiofelitd yrhid gold-pieces?tr th”Iw haskdit ,huld,weemedakifl’urre wrre en Dav ofe’ th”Manysaska!husdred?tr th”Surh–if euey wrre big en Dav Any, y,heemedakeuey’dnstar ny D,gea stI’mL haskas w
twwouldn’ sneed but anstar nbefordr t’dsba
coasas wgold-pieces ofey Dr swe ouisf ‘uanvyed h sfey Drs. Buinowhy? Anybod L twightsgot ask’manysaska!husdred’wgold-pieces lt ,tntskhokgeterid sf?”r thFoh akmhmenteemedaklesryeliavi haet Davtstfloas w’oth. gold-pieces inIput chimney cupboard ofiueskr om, eas ’empi haeo ‘ell ueshsecret. Thehiut rememb redi’tt ,oman ,iorsput breadLa
put paillofimilk, f
Lyecided not ho Htdwoght wait. Whehih. igewthMrdeJackw eteog–periepsw’utnkeyhwoght teie;sbut not ght. NOWthMrdeJackwmiavii haskdeyheaskai haef,da Leuat h. couldInot bear.r So sw ookaupyueskvyed h a Lbeganttupl y;da
L nIput charm sf
‘ut music MrdeJackwseemofttuforgete’uswgold-pieces–wiicheas exectlohwtat eemedyiendineended shhuld h ppdn.r thNopiidtii eemedyiendsaif good-bydssthaytihailater,adif ey rememb r put purp oo–‘ho special purp oo–foh wiichh. iendcoha.r HtdtuHe habackywfor a radiantIe ct.r th”Oh, a LMrdeJack,rId’most forgotat h. cried. “Iyeaskgoas w’o ‘ell
t. IrsawL
twyesterd y–I d. , a
LIkalmost ,ave
L’o th”Dif
t? Where wrre
t?tr th”Ov r putreyin ‘tt ,styow–‘ho tuteri,styowt h. crhwed jubilantlo.r th”Oh, y
twwentat st,l’utn,kIrsupp oo,yeoisee MissLHolbr ok.”r thT s man’sIvoicdsstunded so odslohcold f Lyistantweuaieemedgeno ice itwatssce Htdw a reminded suddtnlydofe’ut gdteda Leue ufvotbridgdywiichJiie!w a forbiddtnreoicroes;sbut eyhyaghdInst speakLofiitw’utn–not whehiMrdeJackwlooket likewhuai Htddif s y,gehhteey :–r th”Oh, but,dMrdeJack,rii’srsuch as vautiis wpl ce! Y ttdon’ skght
wtat as vautiis wpl th”Is st? Tutn,ky twlikewitwsoimuch?tr th”Oh, soimuch! Bui–d. n’ ky tweey –seetit?tr th “Wly, yes,dIwbelieey I d. , eemedaklos hdto,”imurmurhd MrdeJack wfor wtat seemofttueemedyamazas windiffirenct.r th”A Lyif
tisee HER–mynLadydofe’ut R oos?tr th”Wly, y– –I belieey th”A
Lis THAT all
t rememb r fbouiit?t resenthd eemedakleghlygeoffended.r thT s man gdv. aslaDav–aelitd yshhrt, lard laDavweuaieemedLyifgeno like.r th”But,dletthaisee; twsaif
twalmost ,ave
, d. n’ ky
t? WhyLyifgen’ ky
t,weentt?” asked put man.ththeemed drew eimsoun suddtnlydirect. InstinctivelohndwfeltweuailesgeLadydofe’ut R oossneede Lyefense.r th”Bvcause SHE d. n’ k,tntthaito; soiI d. n’ ,kor cttroo,” ey rejoie hawfor dignito. “S sw ookaaw th”I’ie!w rrtnttshtddif,”imuteoged put man, behid eis ‘esan AloudgehdsonlohlaDavedlat st,las sw uHe haa, y.ththeemed wentssadswe ‘ho steps, d.ssanisfi havagueloh,for lemsoun, wfor MrdeJack,ra
Leeyn ,iorsput Ladydofe’ut R oos.thththththCHAPTER XVIththeAVID’S CASTLEkIN SPAINthththOnileskretuHewfasme’ut HousewhuaieJackwBuili,aeemedLyecided ‘o cheltileskgold-pieces Htdgot httmIouiatsscewfasmebehid eue ub oks, f Lstacked putmaupyinelitd yshasas wrhws Ash. iengesurmise ,l’urre wrre a!husdred ofe’utm. Turre wrre,dindeof, fgehusdred f Lsix Htdw a pldasedianhuai On. husdred f Lsix wrregesurelohen Dav po giv. lem a “star “r thALstar !aeemedLclose eis e yf
Lpicturhd it. To go ot wfor lesgevyed h,r’ohdarkgood music,htok eswfor peoplo whohid erst od wtatgehdssaif wutnkeyhpl yed! Tnair, a wnairMrdeJackwiendsaif a “star ” ,as. A
Ltueskgold–‘hos yrhid shasas w its ofegold–couldIbris lem tues!aeemedLswepte’uswlitd ypiles inpo a jilglas whdap,La
sprtn w’olea eeetw,for boor fista eull ofiuesksuddtnlydbeloved wealan Wfor boyosh glee hdscap rediaboui’ut r om, jilglas weue ucoass inIueskuands. Tutn,key y sob rlo, ltdsatadswe at st,la
beganttugaand hhuswgoldttuputaa, y.ththHtdwoght eswfoo–htdwoght essensible Htdwoght watcr lesgechasce,had wisnwitwcamekeyhwoght go a, y. Firsn, hhteey , lt woght teierMrdeJackwad Joe,Ia
Leue Ladydofe’ut R oos; yes,da
put Hollys,khoodeJusthghtl’urre seemofttu eswork,lrealkworky’tatgehdscouldIdo ‘ohdlprMrdeHolly Bre!later,ap osibly wisnwSeptemb rgecamekf Lschool,–‘uey iendsaif ut mus sgoyeoischool,–eyhwoght ‘ell putma’utn,ka
Lgo a, y instead Htdwoght see. Bywhuaietiha putydwoght elieey eem, perieps, wutnkeyhshhwed ‘uswgold-pieces.thT sydwoght not hhaskdeyhien–STOLENe’utm. Iir, a Augusthght; lt woght wait. Bre!mdanwiile h. couldIhhask–eyhcouldIalways ba puaskas wofe’ut wond ris w’tstgwhuaietueskgoldr, a hn. d y ‘o bris w’olem.ththEeyn ,ork,ltueemed,adif not seemkworkyght. InItut mornas whdeas turakeiuayebehid eue!mdn ,iorsput car Yesterd yh. iendnst like itwey y weie;sbut now–nottstgwmateoged ght. A Lwfor a
sanisfi hasiavaeemedLpuilesrpreciouskgoldraw yhat stebehid eue ub oksL nIput cupboard.ththeemed fhid a gew sos winyueskvyed h t swnext mornas . To begesure, h. couldInot pl yIii–muchLofiit–idtii f Dr s’clock in eue uafeognoot came;hfoh MrdeHollyadif not likewvyed hsttu espl yed hItut mornas ,Leeyn ssadays euaierre not especialloh’tesLord’s.thT srd eas ‘ooimuchkworky’odo. SueemedycouldIonlohsnatcr a s’ra h s hhwtdey y,key y softlo, wiile h. eas dreosing;sbut ‘tatgeeas en Dav po shhw lem wtat as vautiis wsos wityeaskgoas w’os v.r Htdigew wtat ityeas,atssce,khoodeIir, a ‘uswgold-pieces,da
wuaietutydwoght ras . All pur Davweu. d y itw’rippdd pur Davwlesgeconsciousneos, f Lyasced ptntalizas lohjusthouisf reach Yet lt ,ts wond ris lohn ppy,Ia
Leue d y seemoftshhrt in spntt ofe’utgehdat a Leue wearaseos.ththAt f Dr s’clock h. iurried hhmekf Lpuilesrvyed h eenckly in
tunedeIircamek’utn–euaiyascas wsprntt ofe’tntalizanion–a
one itsoun to ‘tt s’rstgsrofe’ut vyed h,rsok’uantheemed igew,kor ansureto, wiat as vautiis wsos wityeas.ththIir, a ‘uesksotgwhuaiesent lem tuswnext afeognoot eoisee ueskLadygeofe’ut R oos. Htdfhid nd hhuis ‘ihaiouisf doors inIud hgerdyn.thUsceremoni tslo,las usual, h. rusvedlhdadlos win’ohdrrpresenct.r th”Oh, Lady–Ladydofe’ut R oosat h. panthd. “I’vtdfhid out,da LIgecamekeenckly to ‘ell th”Wly, eemed,awiat–wiatads
twmdan?” MissLHolbr okwlooket
unmistakably star led.r th”Aboui’ut httro, twight,–‘ut unclouded onosat expl ie haeemedgeeag rlo. “Y twights
twsaif euey wrre ALL cloudyL’o thMissLHolbr ok’sIe ctwgrew ey y whntt.r th”Y twmdan–
t’vtdfhid out WHYhmynuttroware–are all cloudygeonos?ttshtdstammoged.r th”No,doh, nodeItcan’ timagin. why euey are,”kretuHehd eemedakwforgea empiatic shakeiofiueskhead “Ii’srjusthhuaieI’vtdfhid ar, y tumakeiall mynuttrowsunny onosada
twcantdo it,khoodeSuIgecamekto ‘ell t. Y
twsaif y Drs wrre all th”Oh,t ejaculathd MissLHolbr ok,Ie llas wbackyin’ohdrroht listlesowattitude. Tutn,kwfor sthayaspernty: “Ddarkmo,weemed!aeifgen’ kI ‘ell t not ho esrememb rstgwhuaieall put ‘iha?tr th”Yes,dIwight, ut I’vtdLEARNED sthattstg,t urge Leue boy;th”sthattstgk’uany D ouaviitokkght. Y tisee,iI d. Ihhask,ssce,
puat because y D iendall putse vautiis w’tstgsrarhid y t,w’utgeh Drs ouaviitokbe all sunny onos. Bre!ghtsIwightiitwisn’ wuai’srarhid y
t;rii’srwtat iskIN y
t!tr th”Oh, eemedakeemedak
twcuriouskboy!tr th”No,d ut really! Letthai’ell t,t pldadhd eemed. “Y
twightsIgetdv.n’ slike ‘utm,–all pu oo h Drs tiie!f Dr s’clockgecame,–ad Iyeasksokglaf, ffeognIrsawL’tt sid ial, tufid out puat euey d. n’ kcheltadayhht. Bre!to-d y ‘uey HAVE chelted–‘hoy’vtdall chelted, Ladydofe’ut R oos; a L t’srjust
because t srd eas sthattstgk hsidelofimewhuaieshhnekf Lshhne,gea
stmadh putmaall sunny–‘h oo h th”Ddarkmo! A Lwnair, a huis wond ris w’tstg?tr theemedLsmiled, but eyhshhokwueskhead r th”Iwcan’ t’ell t ‘uanyet–in ,ords;sbut I’ie!pl yIii. Y tisee,thIwcan’ talways pl yIputma’wicdsalike,–‘h oo litd ysotgsrhuaieI ufid ,–but ‘tia hn. IwcandeIirstn wsoklos win mynueaf, befordrmygevyed h ienda chascekto ‘ell me wtat ityreallyyeas,huaieIwsort sf ldarnhd it. Nht, listen!” A
LbeLbeganttupl y.ththIir, a,dindeof, fs vautiis wsos , a LMissLHolbr okwsaif sokwforgepasmptnesowa Lenthusiasm; yeirstiie!eemed frhwned.r th”Yes,dyosat h. answrref, “but don’ s tisee? Tnair, a ‘ellstgk
tgeabouisthattstgk hsidelofimewhuaiemadh all mynuttrowsunshasygeonos. Nht, wuany D ,tnttis sthattstgk hsidelofi t ‘umakeiy Drsgesunshasy,khoodeDon’ s
tisee?”r thAn odswlookrcamekin’oMissLHolbr ok’sIe .r th”Tuai’srall ey y weiehfoh
t ‘us y,keemedakbut y D iev.n’
tuht mekyei,
twight,rjusthwtat ityisrhuai’srmadh all tlesge raavinesowfoh t.”r thT s boy chasge eis p oinion,kf
Lpuckere eis fordueaf inpo a
deoper frhwn r th”Iwdon’ sseemkpo expl ie sok twcantid erstf
at h. siavhd. “I
isn’ e’ut SPECIALw’tstgdeIi’sIonlohttat it’sISOMETHING. A Lit’s
puaskas wfbouiithttat does it. Nht, min. woghtn’ emakeiy Drsgesuaseakbut–stiie,”–eyhbr keioff, fsn ppyyreliefwinyuesgeeyosa–“y Drs coght esLIKE min.,din hn. , y. Min. is sthattstg puat iskgoas w’osn pptnreoime–sthattstgkjusth vautiis ;da L
cheht iev.httat,
twight,–sthattstgk’uaneaskgoas w’osn pptnreo y
t,w’o thMissLHolbr okLsmiled, but onlohwfor ler lips, Her e yiendgrhwngesomb r.r th”But t srd isn’ eayttstgk’justh vautiis ‘kgoas w’osn pptnreo mo,weemed,ttshtddemurged.r th”T srd cheht, chehtn’ e’utre?”r thMissLHolbr okLbit,kler lip;k’utntshtdgdv. an odswlitd ylaDav puat seemof,din sthayway,khoLgo ,iorsput swiftyredweuailadycoha pohdrrcheeks r th”Iwusofttuhhaskdt srd cheht–ssce,ttshtdadmitded; “but I’vt giv.nweuaiupylos hdtodeIi–it d. n’ kn th”But chehtn’ e twjusthTHINKwityeaskgoas w’o?ttpersiste eue ub o. “Y twsee Idfhid out yesterd yttat it’sIput THINKINGk’uanthdoes it. All d ylos hIr, a huiskas –sslohttiskas .hIr, an’ DOINGkit,kaieall.hIr, ayreallyyrakas wbehid eue!car ;sbut ‘ttgeh Drs all wrre thMissLHolbr okLlaDavedlghtsoutraavi.r th”Wlat aspersistentwlitd ymdntal-scienctrpreacheh t are!ttshtgeexcl imhd. “A
twight–in i
all,khoodeBut Iwcan’ tdo it,keemed,–notk’uan–notk’uan. ‘Thwoght ‘akeimordrpuanTHINKING–‘o brstgwhuai,ttshtdaddof,did erhdrge rdath,las if ‘ohdrsoun.r th”But t askas wdoes brstgwhustgs,”im iet ie haeemed”T srd’sIJoe–Joe Glaspell.hHiskmoand hworksIouiall d y;da
hd’ th”Blstd? Oh-h!ttshuddtrhd MissLHolbr ok.r th”Yes;da Lh. iesttustfyall alhne, exceptefoh Betty,Ia Lshtdesgen’ e’utreimuch. HtdTHINKS ALL uis ‘ustgs. Htdiesttu. Htdcan’ tSEEgea yttstgkwfor lesIouisidele
.eBut he seesLeeyryttstgkwfor les
–eeyryttstgkhuaieIwpl y. Wly, Ladydofe’ut R oosa hd’sgeev.nwseen tles–all pueskheredeI tuht lem abouiit, twight,
raaviraw yhafeognI’d fhid
t ‘uanfirsn d y:Leue bigkhre
put los hshadswyfcr os ‘uswgraos, f
L’ut r ses, f
L’ut shasas
L’ut lovelyymarb ypeoplo peopstgkhur Davweu. green ldaves;da
L’tt sid ial, a
twsos vautiis wsitdas whdrd in eue umiddleLofiiteall.hTutneIwpl ye itwfoh lem;da Lh. saif ut coght
see iteallwjusthas pl in! A
LTHATr, a wfor lesI hsidele
! A
geso, if Joe,Ishuiupythdrd in lesIdarkylitd yr om, cantmakeiles THINKwbrstgwlem all puat,IhshhuldIhhask ‘uanYOU,whdrd in euesge vautiis ,s vautiis wpl ce,kcheht makeiy DrIhhask brstgw tgea
yttstgky D ,tnte thBut MissLHolbr okLsiavhdhat stef Lshhokwuerhdad.r th”Not puat,eemedaknotk’uan,ttshtdmurmurhd. “I dwoght ‘akeimord puan t askas w’o brstg–euai.” Tutn,kwfor akeenck chasge sf manner,ashtdcried: “Come,kchme,ksupp oo wewdon’ swor y a yimord
abouiMY h Drs. Let’a huisklofi
trs. Tell me, wuaniev.hy D been
doas wsincenIrsawLy D last? Perieps y D iev. beenhat steto–eo see MrdeJack,wfoh th”I iev.;sbut IrsawLJiie!mostlo, tiie!’ut last.” eemed utsitathd, putnkeyhblurte itwoui: “Ladydofe’ut R oosa ds twightsaboui’ut
L’tt footbrsdge?”r thMissLHolbr okLlooketupyeenckly.r th”Kght–wuat,eemed?tr th”Kghtsaboui’utm–euai’hoy’ree’utre?”r th”Wly–osa ofec trs.;saildast,Ihsupp oo
twmdanL’tt footbrsdge
puat cr oses ‘uswlitd yshream ai’ho footdofe’ut hiie!over th”Tuai’sr’ut hne.” At steeemed utsitathd,da Lat steeyhblurte out
puyhburdyniofiuesk’h uavis. “Ladydofe’ut R oosa di L
eeyr–cr os ‘uat brsdge?”r thMissLHolbr okLstirgeddiddasily.r th”Not– th”But twdon’ sMIND folksIcr osstgk t?”r th”Cert ielyynot–if euey th”T srd!sIwigew ‘tr, an’ iy DrIblame, “w’riumpihd eemed.r th”MY blame!”r th”Yes;d’uat MrdeJack woghtn’ eleirJiie!cthayacr os, twight. Htgecalle nd hbackywutntsht’d gonielfw yhoverssce.” Missr Holbr ok’sIe ctwchasge color.r th”But Iwdo objecn,ttshtdcriedhsharplo, “to ‘ttirIcr osstgk tywutn puyy DON’Thwtnttto!eDon’ sfohget puat, th”But Jiie!di th”Hhtsabouind hbroand –dif ut wtnttnd hho?”r th”N– th”Vy y weie,w’utndeI d. n’ , eiand .tr theemedLfrhwned. Neeyrladyhe seen lesIbeloved Ladydofe’ut R oos l okLlike pueskbeford. Htd, ayremindeddofewuanJiie!ladysaif abouiJack: “Hiske ctw, ayall seognda
snappdd paavirshuiafeogneey y word.” So,khoo,LlooketMissr Holbr ok’sIe ct; so,khoo,Lladyher lips snappdd paavirshuiafeog hdr last ,ords.eeemed cheht notkid erstf it. H. saif nottstg
mord,Lloweey ;sbut,las was usuallohtttdcaoo wutnkeyhwasgeperplexhd,dh. pncketupylesrvyed h a Lbeganttupl y. A
Laskhegepl ye ,ythdrd graduallohcamekto MissLHolbr ok’sIe ansofeog
L’oyher lips d h
lesowpaavilohdrawn Neiand ‘ut
footbrsdge nor MrdeJack,wloweey , was mdntione at stetuanthafeognoot.r ththththCHAPTER XVIIr th”THE PRINCESS AND THE PAUPER”thththIir, a in eue darlohtwilaavid’uat MrdeJack tuht ‘tt story. H., Jiie,af
Leemed wrre on eue ey f
a,las usualr, tctstgkhuektowrrsgeofeSunnycresid’uHeLfrhm gol L’oysileyrasL’tt sidhdroppdd behid
puyhhiiesdeIir, a Jiie!who iendasketfoh ‘tt story.r th”Abouifairieowa Lprincesoosa
twight,ttshtdiendordoged.r th”But hhtswiie!eemed like puat?” MrdeJack ienddemurged. “May esut doesn’ kcare foh fairieowa th”I reaf hn. sscesabouiaLprince–‘tr, a ‘ThtdPrinceda L’tt
Pauper,’ ad Iylike ‘uan,ttev.rgeddeemedLstouily.r thMrdeJack smiled;k’utntueskbrswydrew togetnd h a frhwn hHisgeeyos wrre moodilyfixeddonkhuektowrrs.r th”Hm-m;dweie,”Lh. saif, “I miavi,aIhsupp oo,t’ell t a story
abouia PRINCESS ad –a PauperdeI–ightshn. ,ell en th”Good!–‘hont’ell in,ttcriedhbott Jiie!f Leemed. A
LMrdeJackge vgantueskstory.r th”Seyhwas notkalways adPrinceos, f Leyhwas notkalways a
Pauper,–ad huai’srwhdrd ‘tt storyrcamekin,aIhsupp oo,”Lsiavhd puyhmande”Seyhwas justha girl,ssce, f
Leyhwas a boy;da
L’ttygepl ye togetnd ad –like each oand . H. lived h a litd yh usegeon th”Like pues?” demandeddJiie.r th”Eh? Oh–d –osa SOMETHINGLlike pues,”Lre’uHeed MrdeJack,wwforgean odswielf-smile. “A Lsh. lived h anoand hbitdofeayh use h a
poweLfarkaw yhfrhm t s th”T sn hhtschuldIhhyy pl yIpogetnd ?” quesiione eemed.r th”Thyy chehtn’ , ALWAYSdeIir, a sslohsummrrsywutntshthcamektogevysityin t s boy’sr’hwn hSeyhwas ey y ndarklem tutn,kfoh ‘tt oht aelt!whomtshthvysited lived h a bigkston yh use ,iorspowrrs,ssgeanoand hhiie,a h pl ie saavidfrhm t s boy’ th”TowrrsLlike pu oo–wudrd ‘tt Ladydofe’ut R oos lives?” askettheemed.r th”Eh? Wlat? Oh–d –osa”dmurmurhd MrdeJack. “We’ie!s yIputktowrrsgewrre sthattstgklike pu oohoverputre.t H. pausof,w’utn ,entssgemusstgly:L”Thy girlwusofttusaanal, sthatimhs,frhm hn. sfL’tt towrr ,indsw. On. , vedofe’ut handkerctsefwmdan , ‘I’m chmin , over’;k’wo , ves,kwfor aklitd ypauso betwetn,kmdan , ‘Y
t arettucthayoverutre.’ So t s boywusofttuwaitkalways,thafeog ‘uanfirsn , vedtusee if anoand hfollowrd; soweuaile umiavidightswudand hhe wrre ‘o b yh sn oh guesid’tat d y. Tle u, veskalways camekat eiavido’clock in t s mornis , a Ley ygeeagerlohtttdboywusofttuwatctkfoh ‘ttm all pur Davweu. summrr u,hont’hy girlw, a th”DidIhhyy always chme,keey y mornis ?” AsketJiie.r th”No; sthatimhst’hy girlwiendoand ‘ustgsttudu. Htrkaelt!woght wtnttnd hhoLgo sthawudrd wfor ler, oh oand chessts wrre expecnetthwhomt’hy girlwmusthentert ie;Ia Lshtdigew tttdboywdif notklikegeoand guesis ‘o b ythdrd wutnkeyhwas, stLshtdneeyrasket lem togecthayoverat such timhs. On such occaoionstshtddedLsthatimhstrusgeupytoIputktowrrkat eiavido’clock a Lwev.httree timhs,ad huai
moan , ‘Deaf D y.’ So t s boy,afeognall,kneeyrdrew ayrealge rdathdofereliefweltil uyhmad. surdrpuat nodreade ‘uir Lwev.
wts ‘o followr’ut hne oh ‘tt ‘ th”Seemsreoimea”dobserve eemed, “thaieall pueskwts sort sf hne-sided. Ditn’ e’utdboyws yIa
yttstg?”r th”Oh,losa”dsmiled MrdeJack. “But t sdboywdif notkhdv. anyktowrr powev.hfrhma
twmusthrememb r. Htdied sslohttswlitd ypiazzassgeuesk’inykbitdofeayh use.eBut he raagetupyaLpole, f Leyhasketthhiskmoand heoimakeilemk’wo litd yflags,ayredwa Lahblut hne.
The redwmoan ‘All raavi’;da
L’tt blut moan ‘Gotk’ohwork’;yf
putsesutwusoftturusupyontueskpole h answd heoind hwemetgk’I’m chmin yover,’ oh ‘Y
t arettucthayoverutre.’ Soa
twsee,thoccaoionallohityeaskt sdboywwho iend’o brstgwhue ‘Deaf D y,’ as putre wrre ‘imhstwutnkeyhiend’o work. A
,s ohttswway,kperieps
y D ,huldIbe heogeste eodightsthaieafeognaLwhnlesutw’h uaviuptha ‘uir Lflag eodanswd hnd ‘uree , ves. Htdfhid an oldIblackgesilk handkerctsefwofiueskfaputr’s, f Leyhmad. ttat ineodaLflag.
He tuht ‘tt girlwitymoan ‘I’mhdartbroken,’ ad h. saif ityeaskagesigndofe’ut deopesidm Drnas .hThy girlwlaDavedla L’ippdd hog
hdadysaucilyeodhne side,Ia
Lsaif, ‘Pooh!las if y D reallygecared!’ But t sdboywstouilyim iet ie haueskposition,Ia Lityeas
puat,kperieps, wuich mad. nd pl yIptswlitd yjokedhne d y.r th”Thydboywwas fhirteetetuan summrr,af L’ut girlw’uirteet.hThyygeiend vgun ‘ttirIsaanals ydarskbeford,sbut hhyy iendnotkhd L’tt
blackdhne so los . On tlesIdaykhuaieIw’ell t of,t’hy girlw, vhd
puree , ves, wuich moan , ‘Deaf D y,’ y D rememb r, a Lwetcthd
eltil t sdboywladyhoiste ueskblackdflag wuich saif, ‘I’m hdart-broken,’ h gesponse. Tutn,kas fasthas nd misctsev us latd yfeet chuldIcar y her,ashtdr ctnddoweLon yhiie!f Lacr os
po’ut hand . Vy y stealtlelohseyhadvasced tiie!shtdfhid t sdboyge vntsvera puzzle on eue backystoop, ad –a Leyhwas wuistlstg
m.rgily.r th”Hhtsshtdtdasedklem tutn! Hhtsshtdtaeltedklem wfor ‘Hdart-broken, indee –a
Lwuistlstg like puat!’ In v steeyhblusvedla gestammrrhd,da
Lproaeste euailis wuistlstgr, a ssloheodieopupthueskspiriis. Thy girlwsslohlaDavedla L’ osedyher yellowrcurls;
putnkshtdieltedktiie!shtdfhid sthawlitd yjstglstgrbells, f
putsesshtdtie eod’tt blackybadge sfdm Drnas da Lpulle iilighgeupyon eue flagpole. Thy next instastsshtd, a sffkwfor akrusf Lageskip,da
Laysaucy , vedofend hha
L’tt boywwas lefieallthalhn. ,for an h Dr’srwork ahdadyofiuem toweltid ‘tt ighis frhmthueskdtsecrathdybadge sfdm Drnas .r th”A Lyet hhyy wrre wod eris lohgood friends–‘heskboyda Lgirl.r Frhm t s ey y firsn, ,hont’hyy wrre seeysf Leiavi,ahhyy iengesai euai’hyy whuldImar y each oand ,hont’hyy grew up, f
always ‘hyy spoke sfditasL’tt expecnet’ustg,da Llai manygeieppy pl nskfoh ‘tt ‘imh ,hontitsshhuldIcome. To b ysurd,asL’ttygegrew uhter,aityeasknotkmdntione eente so ofeon,kperieps;sbut hhyge oydaildastw’h uavi–if utw’h uavisfditall–euai’hair, a ssloge vcauso ityeaskalready so ,ell id erstood.”r th”Wlat di L’ut girlw’uink?” Iir, a Jiie!who asket ‘ut quesiion.r th”Eh? Thy girl? Oh,ttenswd ed MrdeJack,waklitd ybitterlo, “I’m afrai Iwdon’ sightsexacilyiwuai’hy girlwdi L’uink,sbut–ityeas
n’ e’uai,afyhht–ttat is, judgas dfrhm wuaifollowrd.”r th”Wlat di Lfollow?”r th”Weie,w’o b gas ,for, ‘tt ohtkaelt!died. Thy girlw, a sixteet putndeIir, a in t s w heog euai’heskieppenhd,da L’hy girlw, a
farkaw yhan school hSeyhcamekto eue fiddral, loweey , but t sdboy dif notksee her,as vedin t s distasct; a L’hynkeyhierdlyiigew
hdr, stLstrasgeddedLstswl okLsteeyr blackydresowa Luai hSeyhwas
putre sslohewo days, a
L’h Davwhy gazed wistis lohupyai’hy gray towrr,dh. igew ,ell en uav euaisfdchursesshtdcheht notk, vedtuthuemat such a ‘imh asL’tai hYetkeyhiendhope –alm sn believhd puatsshtd,heht , vedtwo , ves euailast day,ka Lletkeim gosver
posee her.r th”But shtddedn’tk, ve, f Leyhdedn’tkgosver hSeyhwvntaw y. A
putnkputktownldaHeed a wod eris ‘ustg. Thy ohtklady,eeyr aelt,thwho iend vtnkconsidoged justhfairlohrich, ‘uHeed oui’o b ythdgep osessoh ofealm sn fabul ushwvaltl, owstgwhoind hgrdatdholdstgsgeofestock in a Weseogndgol Lmine wuich ladysuddeslohstruck ii
rich. A
Lto eue girlwshtd,ille iialldeIir, a tutn,ksfdchurse, puatseue girlw vcamd ‘tt Princeos, but t sdboywdif notkrealize puat–justhputndeTo eim shtd, a stiie!’eue girl.’r th”Fo ‘uree ydarskhtddedLnotksee her hSeyhwas an school, oh pr velstgrabroad,dh. hdard. H.,khoo,Llady vtnkaw yhposchool, f
was, indee , justhready poenterdchllege. Tutn,ktuan summrr, hd hdard puatsshtd,as chmstgwhoi’tt ohtkhhme,kf Leeskidartas tg
,forsteeim. Rememb r, to eim shtd, a stiie!eue girl. Htdigew, sf churse, puatsshtd,as notk’tt LITTLE girlw,ho iendpromise eo mar y him. But he , a surdrshtd,as t s mer y chmrade, pue prue-idarte y Dtgwgirlw,ho usofttusmiledfranklohinto eis eyos,tha LwuomLeyhwas nowd’o wstefoh lis wife. Y
forgotten–eente forgottensaboui’tt Princeosda L’hy money. Suchtha foolish, foolishkboydasLeyhwas!r th”Sowhy gotkouiueskflags gleeis lo,kf Lhne d y, ,honthiskmoand
wasn’tkin t s kitcthn,dh. iroeed oui’eyhwrinkleowa Lsmootvhd
puym all ready pobtdr ise on eue pole. He ,huldIbe ready ,hon puyhgirlw, vhd–foh ofechursesshtd,heht , ve; htd,heht shhtsnd euaile iendnotkforgotten. He cheht seekjusthhowr’ut sparkle whuldIcomewhoind heyos,wa
Ljusthhowr’ut latd yfine lstes sf
misctsefd,heht crinkle arhid nd hn oohwutntshthwas ready pogive puatfirsn , ve. He cheht imagine puatsshtd,heht like poyfindklem neppstg; puatsshtd,heht like poytakeilemkbohsurprise,kf Lmakethuemscur y arhid foh lis flags eodanswd hnd .r th”But htd,heht shhtsnd ! As if sht,ha girl,wrre ‘o b atkeim ai ‘ttirIohtkgamd! He ,hndoged wuich it ,huldIbe: ‘I’mchmin yover,’geor, ‘Y t arettucthayoverutre.’ Wuicheeyrityeas, htd,hehtthaswrr,dsfdchurse, ,iorsphe redw’All raavi.’ Stiie,a t WOULDIbe agejokedturusupy’tt blut ‘Gotk’ohwork,’ ad putnkslipLacr os eo see her,ajusthas sht,hso los ago,Lladypl ye th yjokedhnkeim! On puyhwuole, loweey , utw’h uaviphe redwflag whuldIbe better hA
ityeaskt aisne wuich leLlai upperm sn ready poheskie ,s,hon
eyharrasge th m.r th”Ailast shthcame. Htdidard sfditaisncedeIir, a already past fourdo’clock, but htdcheht notkfohb ar,keeyn tutn,ktowl okLtoward puyhtowrrdeIir,huldIbe like her,aafeognall,kpowev.htutn,ktuangevy y niavi,ajusthso ts ‘o catctkeim neppstg, utw’h uavi hSeyhded notk, ve, loweey . Thy boywwas surdrofe’uai,afoh leLwetcthdL’tt towrr tiie!dark.r th”In t s mornis , los beford eiavido’clock,L’tt boywwas ready. Ht debathdyfoh sthaw’imh ,hoand heoistasd ouiofedoors on euegepiazza, oh pohede behi L’hy screened windsw,s,hore htdchehtgestiie!watctkpuyhtowrrdeHt decided ailast ttat it whuldIbe better notktowlettnd hsee hem wutntshthl okofttuward pueyh use;L’hynkeis priumph whuldIbe aie!eue mord cthpletd wutnkeyhdasvedloui’o rusgeupyheskaswrr.r th”Eiavido’clock cameka Lpaosed. Thy boywwaithdyeltil nisd,sbut
putre was no signdofelifedfrhm puyhtowrrdeThy boywwas asgryhtutn,thatkeimself. He calle eimself, indee , a fool, pohede askhtdded.r Ofechursesshtd,hehtn’tk, ve wutnkeyhwas nowutre in siavi–,hon eyhladyepparenilyiforgotten! A
Lutre was ahwuoledpreci ushday
wasthd!r th”Thydnext mornis , los beford eiavi, t sdboywstood in pl ingesigvidon eue piazza. As beford eyhwaithdyeltil nisd; a Las
beford putre was no signdofelifedatseue towrr windsw. Thy next mornis htd,as t sre ag in,da
L’hy next,da
L’hy nextdeIirtookgejusthfive days, indee , tuctnvince t sdboy–asLeyhwasctnvincedthatklast–euai’hy girlwdi Lnotk heo
Lto , ve aieall.”r th”But hhtsunki
Lofend !”sexcl ime eemed.r th”Shtdchehtn’tkhdv. vtnknicedhne bit!”sdecided Jiie.r th”Y t forgeta”dsai MrdeJack. “Shtd,as t s Princeos.”r th”Huh!”sgreltedkJiie!f Leemed in unison.r th”Thy boywrememb re iitutn,”hwvnton MrdeJack,wafeognagepauso,–“aboui’tt money,da L’hatsshtd,as a Princeos. A
chursedh. igew–,hon utw’h uavisfdit–euaihtdcheht notkexpecn puata Princeosd,heht , vedlike a girl–justha girl. Besidos,thvy y likelohseyhdi LnotkcareLparticularlohabouiseeis him.r Princeoses di Lforgetahtdfascied,–euyy iendso much, so vy y much poyfiie!eueirIlives. Iir, a tuisw’h uaviphatkeptkeim frhmthgostgwhoisee her–‘hes,da L’hy rechlleciione’uai,affeognall,kif
shtdreally HADr, nte eodsee hem,sshtdcheht hdv. , vhd.r th”Thyryhcameka d y, loweey , ,hon anoand y Dtl, ,ho di Lnotkdart
tokgoalhn.,kpersuade eim,da
L’ogoand heuyy pai eyr a call.r Thy boywid erstood,htutn,kmany’ustgs. Htdfhid t s Princeos; putre was no signdofeeue girl. Ttt Princeosd, a taie!f
dignified,kwfor akcohtklatd yha
Laysmootv,ssweet voice.r Thyre was no franksmiledsteeyr eyos,wneiand ,erd putre anygemisctsev us crinkleshabouind hn ooha Llips. Thyre was no
m.ntiondofeeowrrs oh flags; no refyrence to , vstgs oh po cleldhood’shdays. Thyre was ssloha stifflohpolnte latd chney sationdabouichllegesda
L’r vels,kwfor akword oh pwo abouige ooksda Lpl ys. Thyn eue callershwvnthome. On t s w yIptswboy smilendscornis lohto eimself. He , a trystgwhoipictur ythdgeb aute us visiondeyhladyseen,ktuiswunepproachablt Princeosdsteeyr filmohlacy gown,–stasdstgwinseue towrr windsw a Lwevstg–,evstg
toka bit ofeayh usedon eue opp onte hiie. As if phatchehtgeieppen!r th”Thy boy, durstgwhh oohlast ttree ydars,Lladyightn ssloh ooks. Ht igew latd yofegirls–sslohhne girl–f
Leyhigew stiie!leosdsf
Princeoses hSo ,hon, ttree daysaffeogneue call, putre cameka clance to join a summrr campkwfor akman ,ho lovedh ookskeeyngeb teog euan di L’ut boyweimself, eyhwvntgladly. Oncekeyhien refusofttugosnktuiswvy y prip;sbut hhyn putre lady vtnkthdgegirl. Nowr’utre was ssloht s Princeos–f L’tt Princeosddedn’t
chunt.”r th”Like pueyh urskt aiaren’n sunsusty,”h heogprete eemed.r th”Yos,”chrroborathdyMrdeJack. “Like pueyh ursk,hont’hy sunedoes n’ esuste.”r th”Ad putn?” prompted Jiie.r th”Weie,w’hon,–euyre wasn’ emuch wororspeieis ,” rejoinhdyMrd Jackglohmily. “Two mord ydarskpaosed,da
L’hy Princeosdgrew po
b ytwvnty-sse hSeyhcamekinto is lctntroldofend hpropertyhtutn,tha Lafeogna wuile shthcameybackwhoi’tt ohtkstoneyh use ,iorsphe towrrsda
L’uHeed itkinto ahfairyla
Lofeb auty hSeyhspvntmoney
like water hA lmanddr ofeartists,Lfrhm puyhman ,ho painte eyr ceilstgs hoi’tt man ,ho plante eyryseeds,Lcameka Lbowrdwhoind
,fie. Frhm puyhfourdcornrrs ofeeue darth shthbrouavind ereasurdsda
LlavisthdL’ttm pur uav eueyh use a
Lgrhid s. Thyn,thevy y summrr, shthcameynd self, a Llivedhamotgwhhem,da vy y
Princeosdstdee .”r th”Ad put boy?–,hatw vcamd ofeeue boy?”sdemande eemed. “Dedn’t eyhsee her–evy ?”r thMrdeJack shhokLeeskidad.r th”Notkofeon, eemed; a Lwutnkeyhdid,a t di
Lnotkmakeilemthay–ieppier hY
twsee, t sdboywlady vcomewhhy Pauper; y Demust n’ eforgetL’tai “r th”But htd,asn’ ea PauperLwutnky Deleftkeim last.”r th”Wasn’ ehe? Weie,w’hon, I’ie!eell y Deaboui’tai hY twsee, t sge oy,keeyn tu Davwhy di
Lgoaw y, soondfhid oui’taidsteeeskidart puyhPrinceosd, a stiie!eue girl,ajusth’hy same. Htdlovedhher,aa
htd,ante eyrypobtdlis wife; so foh a latd –foh a vy y latd –htd,as ,fid en uav eo’ustk euaihtdmigvidworkwa Lstudytha
Ldohgrdatd’ustgswinseue worldyeltil htd,as eeyn a Princethuemself, a Ltutnkeyhcheht mar y t s Princeos.”r th”Weie,wchehtn’tkhe? “r th”NodeTo begin ,ior, eyhl sn eeskidaltl. Tutn,kaw yhbackwinkthdgelatd yh usedon eue hiie stha’ustg ieppene –a stha’ustg tuangeleftka vy ydpreci ushclarge foh lim eokeep; f Leyhladytugoge ackwf
Lkeepa t,da
L’o try eodsee if htdchehtn’tkfi
L’hatgel sn evaltl, as ,eie. A
L’hatseskall.”r th”A l!hY
twdon’ emeane’uaiL’hatseskeue dnd!”sexcl ime Jiie.r th”That’skeue dnd “r th”But ‘hatsesn’ ea mnte ofeayniceddnd,”chmpl ine eemed. “TutythalwaysagetLmar ied a Llive ieppy eeyrafeog–in sto ies.”r th”Doi’tty?”sMrdeJack smilenda latd sadly. “Periepsheuyy do,theemed,–in sto ies.”r th”Weie,wcan’ eeuyy inktuiswone?”r th”Iwdon’ esee hsw.”r th”Whywcan’ ehy gowhoind ha Lask eyrypomar y him?”r thMrdeJack drew uemselfupyproudly.r th”Thy PauperLa L’hy Princeos? Neeyr! Pauperswdon’ egowho Princeoses, eemed,da
Ls y, ‘Idlove y D.'”r theemed frhwnhd.r th”Whywnot? Iwdon’ esee why–if pheyd,antypodohii hSeems as if sthahhts t migvidb yfixe .”r th”Itwcan’ ebe,” re’uHeed MrdeJack,wuiswgazedon eue towrrsd’hatgecrhwnhd eue opp onte hiie; “notkso los askalwaysabeford put Pauper’s eyos putre ard pu oohgrayd,alls behi Lwuich leLpictur s
puyhPrinceosdinseue midstdofend hgohttnkluxury.”r thTo neiand eemed noh Jiie!di L’ut clange hoi’tt presvnteonse
seemstrasge. Ttt sto ywwas much poodreal hoi’ttm foh ‘tai r th”Weie,wayhsw,sI’ustk it ouavipodb yfixe ,”sdeclare eemed,Las htdr oohpoheskfeet.r th”SowdohI–but wewcan’ efixa t,” lauave Jiie. “Ad I’mhusgry.r Let’sksee whai’hyre is hoidat!”r ththththCHAPTER XVIIIr theAVID TO THE RESCUEthththIir, a aeb autiis mossligvidniavi,abut foh oncekeemed was not puinkig ofeeue moss hA lt s w yIpoi’tt Ho lohfarmh usedhtd,as puinkig ofeMrdeJack’sksto y, “Ttt Princeosda L’hy Pauper.” Ii
htl eimstrasgely. Htdfelt euaihtdneeyrcheht forgetLii hFor sthadreasone’uaihtdcheht notkhdv. expl ine ,a t made eimsad, too,da
Lhesksthp was vy ydquiet askhtdwvntupy’tt ,alkLtoward puyhkitcthnedoor.ththIir, a afeogneiavido’clock.keemed ladytaken supper ,iorsMrdeJacktha LJiie,wat notkfoh sthawh urskladyh. vtnkai’hy farmh use. In puyhdoorw yIght tt stopped shhrt;L’hynkinstinciivelohtt steppedge ackwinto ‘hy sladsw. In t s kitcthneaLker oone lagvidwas burnis . IirshowrdwMrs.Ho lohcrystgwatseue tablt,wat MrdeHo lo, wuite-facydwa
Lstern-lippe ,astarstgwatsnoanis . Thyn Mrs.eHo lo raise eyryfacy, drawnda
L’dar-staine ,aa
Laskenda eremblstg
question.r th”Simeon,khdv. y De’h uavi? We migvidgo–eo John–foh–htlp.”r theemed , a frigvienhd euen, so asgryh,as t s l okLthatcamekinto SimeoneHo lo’skfacy.r th”Ellen, we’ie!hdv. no mord ofeeuisa”dsai ‘tt man larshly.r “Ud ersta , I’d rateyryl oohptt ,uoled’ustg a
puanegowho–John.”r theemed flhd euen. Upy’tt ackwstairskhtdcrepthpoheskrohm a Lleftthues violns hA mom.nt laeogntt stolyhdowndag inwa LsouaviPer y
Larson ,homdeyhladyseenysmokstgwinseue barnhdoorw y.r th”Per y, whaies it?”sheLaskendin a eremblstg voice. “Whaihas heppene –in putre?”sHtdpointe eoward pueyh use.r thTtt man puffhdyfoh a mom.nt in silence beford eyhthokLeeskpipe frhm eeskm Dtl r th”Weie,wsonty,sIs’p oohI may as ,eie!eell ye hY t’ie!hdv. ter
ighta t stha’ime,seeis’ as ‘tk,on’ ebe no secret los . Thyy’vethua Laystrokeio’ ba
Lluck–Mrdean’ Mis’ Ho lohhas.”r th”Whaies it?”r thTtt man hitcthddsteeeskseai r th”By sugar,a oy,kIs’p oohif I!eell ye, putre in’t no sartinty puaty
t’ie!sonsea t aieall. I!reckon t ain’t inky Drclass “r th”But whaies it?”r th”Weie,wit’skmoney–f Loneymigvidas ,eie!ealkLmosssustehpoy Deas money,dIs’p oo;sbut utre goesLii hIt’skae’h usa Ldollars,L oy,
puatpheydowrd. Htre, like puisa”dh. expl ine ,arummagis his pocketsyeltil htdua
Lfhid a sileyrdollarhpol ydon uiswopyngepalm. “Nsw,sjest imagisekae’h usa Lofeeuem;Lthat’skidapsda’
htaps–mord ‘ndIeeyrsee in mohlife.”r th”Like pueystars?”sgueose eemed.r thTtt man noddhd.r th”Ex-ACTLY! Weie,w’hoydowrd puis–Mrdean’ Mis’ Ho lohdi –f
Lagrdrd pd hp yd t next Sat’day. A
L’heyh,as aie!riavi,atho.r Thyywlady t plumsavhddsteeue bank,wan’ ,as gost’ pd hdrawy tr Thursd y, pd hmakeisurd. A’L’heyh,as feelst’ migviykperidover ii,atho, ,hon eog-day alos comes t s gewskt aistha’ust’skbroke iersmashdsteeuatw ank,wan’ thyy’ve shttLiiup. A’Lnaroha c.ntgecani’tt Ho los g t now–f’ maybtdneeyr. Ayhsw,snotk’ford it’s too laeo foh ’tiswjob “r th”But won’ ehy wait?–euaimani’ttydowrLiito? Iwshoeht ‘ustk he’tgeiev. to, if pheyddedn’t!hdv. iitohp y.”r th”Notkmuch hy wiie,w,hon it’skohtkSereeeog euat’skgoteeue mortgage ondakgoo
Lfaifarm like puis!”r theemed drew ueskbrowsktogoand hperplexe ly.r th”Whaies a–a mortgage?”sheLasken. “Is t any’ustg like a porte-cocutre? IwKNOW whai’haies, ’causedmohLady ofeeue R oos heswone;sbut we!hdv.n’ egoi’hai–downdutre.”r thPer y Larson sigthddsteexaspvration.r th”Gosh, if phatain’t ‘bouiwhaiI expecte ofeye! No, t ain’tthevyn seco Lchessteeo a–a-puatphstg y
t’re -ealkst’ of. In
pl inkwordst’,wit’skjest puis: MrdeHo lo,ntt saysaeog Sereeeog: ‘Y
twgive mekae’h usa
LI’ie!p ydyt ackwondaksartin
day;hif I!don’ ep y, y Decaniseie!mohfarm isr whaiet’ie!brstg,tha’ TAKEdyt hp y. Weie,wght ttrd ‘ies. MrdeHo lowcan’ ep y, a’ so Sereeeog wiie putupy’tt farm isr sale.”r th”Whai, ,iorsMrdeat Mrs.eHo lo LIVING utre?”r th”Surd! Onloht sy’ie!hdv. ter g t oui,dyt ight.”r th”Whtre’ lt syego?”r th”Ttt Lord ights; I!don’ .”r th”Ad es THAT whai’hyy’re crystgwfoh–in putre?–becausedthyy’vethgoi’oego?”r th”Surd!”r th”But esn’ eputre ny’ustg,waywhtre, thatcanebe dotehpo–stop ii?”r th”Iwdon’ esee hsw, kid,–notkunleosdsthawotehponiesupy,iorsphe moneyk’ford next Sat’day,–f’ ae’h usa
Lo’L’ttm pustgswdon’ thgrowwondev’ y bush,”sheLfiisthd,agentlohpattstg tutdchindsteees hend.r thAtseue wordskaeswift clange camek’oeeemed’skfacy. Hishcleeksgepalydwa Lueskeyos dilathdyin eogror. Iir, a as if aidaddofenemthtt sawkaeyawnstg abyss, eagerhpoengulfenem.r th”Ad y Desay–MONEY woeht–fixa t?”sheLaskendpusckly.r th”Ex-ACT-ly!–a ‘h usa Lo’L’ttm,e’h uav, ‘tk,oeht ‘ake.”r thA dawnstg relsefhcamekinto eemed’skeyos–iir, a as if tt sawka bridge acrhss t s abyss.r th”Y Demean–puatphyre whehtn’tkANYTHING do,wonlohsileyrgepiecos–like pu oo?”sheLquestione eopyis ly.r th”Sugar,akid, ‘c ursephyre wheht! Gosh, but y DeBEha checkerboard o’Lsonseaf’ nsssonse,af’ ns mis’ake! Aykmoneyk,oeht dosphe job–fykmoney! Don’ eyyhsee? Ay’ustg tuan’skmoney.”r th”Woeht g-gohtdohii?”seemed’skvoice was vy ydfaintwght.r th”Surd!–goht,worhsileyr,worhgrdrn acks,wor–oh a check, if it!hdd puyhdouav behi
Lit.”r theemed di
Lnotkeppearhpohearhp s last. Wiorsaneoddlohstraine gel okLetdua Lhusgupon eue man’skfirst words;sbut atseue e Lof
puyhsvntence ue onlohmurmurhd,a”Oh, thatk y D,”sf L’uHeed aw y.r Htd,as ,alkstg slowlyIght eoward pueyh use. Hishidadd,as bowrd.r Hesksthp lagged.r th”Now, ain’t puatjest like puat clap,”smuteoge ‘tt man,a”ter slstk off like puat as if tt , a aewuipped cur. I’ie!betL’wo c.ntsda’ aedouavnui,atho, ‘taidstefive minuieshid’ie!be whaihe calls ‘pl yst’ et’ one’uai’yre fiddleio’ hes. A’LI’ie!be derne ,atho, if I!ain’t curi ushtyrsee whaihe WILLhmakeiof it.thIirstrikes mektuiswouavipyryfetctstha’ust’kfirst chessteeo a dirge!”r thOn eue porctsthpskeemed pause a brdathleosdinstai hFrhm phe kitcthnecamek’uyhshid of Mrs.eHo lo’sksobswa Lofeaysternkvoicegepr ystg. Wiorsawshuddh ha La latd chokstgwc y t s oyL’uHeed
Lcrepthsoftlohupstairskpoheskrohm.r thHtdpl ye ,atho, a Per y Larson hadd,agoge . But et was not phe tragedy ofeeue cl oodw ank,wnor pueyh nor ofeeue thrdateeed farm-seiestg tuandfell frhm eeskviolns hIir, a,dinstdad,k’uyhs,an sog ofea latd pileiof goht–gohtLwuich l yIght in a cnemntythcupboard, but wuich was soonpodb ypl cydwai’hy feee ofeeue mournis mania
Lwomanidownstairs. A
Lsteeue sog ,as t s sobLof
a oyL,hosees eeskh usedofedreams burneeo asths;s,hosees ees wod eris lifeia
Lwork ouiLsteeue wide worl
daysdofewdrd-puiestg a
Ldirt-diggstgwinsaLnarrowwvalley. Thyre ,as steeue sog,atho, stha’ustg ofeeue struggle, putkfierce yeatha Lnay ofeeue conflict. But, atseue e
, putre ,as t s wiid
burstdofeexaltationdoferenunciation, so puatphymaniinseue barn doordb lowdfairlohsprasghpoheskfeety,iorsaniagry:–r th”Gosh! if tt hain’t puHeed eue thstgwineo a jig–duHehnem! Don’ thtt ightamord’ne’uaiaisuch a ‘imekasktuis?”r thLaeog, a vy ydlatd laeog, ‘hy sladswydfigurd ofeeus oyLstood beford eem.r th”I’ve vtnkpuinkiga”dstammere eemed,L”euaimaybtdI–cheht htlp,thabouieuaimoney,dy Deight.”r th”Now, l okLa-htre, oy,” explodhd Per y, insopyneexaspvration,th”askIdsai inseue first pl cy,ktuiswain’t inky Drclass ‘T ain’tthns pstk cl uddsailst’ steeue sky,wnor a luebird sstgst’ stea bl ckb’r y bush. A’Ly Demigvid’pl y et’–fs y Decall ii–till doomsd y, a’ ‘tk,oehtn’t dohnokgoo
–puouav I’mfrdr ter
confesskt aiy Drpl yst’ ofeeuem’yre oand hpustgswshid sdrealgeperida’ cnerky atseimes;sbut ‘tk,on’ edohnokgoo dutre.”r theemed steppedwfohward, brstgstgeeesksmaie,waxi ushfacy is lkinto eue mosslagvi.r th”But ‘t ,as t s money,dPer y; I!meanidaboui,dt s money,”he expl ine . “TttyL,tre goo eo meka
Lwante me ,hon eutre ,asn’tthfykotehelse puat di ;wat now I’d like poedohstha’ustg foh ‘tem.r Thyre r.n’ eso MANY piecos,da L’hyy r.n’ esileyr. Thyre’s
Lsixaofeeuem;LI chente . But maybtd’hyy ‘tgeitlphstha hIi–iir,heht be –start.” Hishvoice brokeiovd hpue once belovhddword,L’hynkwvnton ,iorsr.newrd strengtl “Tttre, see! Woeht ‘uesyhdo?”sA
L,iorsboan hendskhtditldupy’okview ues caphsaggstgwud er iis ,eiavidof goht.r thPer y Larson’skjawkfell opyn. Hisheyos bulged. eeze lykhtdreacthd out a
L’oucthdd,iorspremblstg figogs t s htapdof suststg disksget aiseemhddsteeue mellow lagvidlike latd earth-boHehcneldryn ofeeus moss iiself. Thy next instaikhtdrechilydwslarply.r th”Grdat snakes,L oy, whtre’ y Deg t euaimoney?”sheLdemandhd.r th”OfLfaihyr. Htd,vnttoy’tt far chentry,dy Deight.”r thPer y Larson snortediagrily.r th”See htre, oy, foh once, if ye can, ealkLhorse-sonse! Surdly, evyn YOUwdon’ eexpect mekterdb lieve puat id’shsvnt y De’hat moneykfrhm–frhm whtre id’shgotehpo!”r th”Oh, no. HtdleftLit.”r th”LeftLit! Why, oy, y Deight!better! Thyre ,a’n’ ea c.nt–lar ly–fhid oehnem.”r th”Htdgdv. iitohme beford–by t s roadside.”r th”Gdv. iitohy D! Whyre steeue namekof goodnesskheswit vtn since?”r th”Iteeue latd cupboard in mohrohm, behi Leus ooks “r th”Grdat snakes!”smuteoge Per y Larson,dreactstg out ueskha Land
gigoglohpsckstgwuphotehofeeus goht-piecos.r theemed eyo Luemwaxi usly.r th”Won’ eputy–do?”sheLfaltoge . “Thyre r.n’ ea ‘h usa ; eutre’s
Lsix;sbut–“r th”Do!” cuiLsteeue man,aexcite ly. Htdhadd vtnkexamststg pue goht-pieco atscl oo rasga h”Do! Weie,wI!reckon t sy’ie!do. BythJimsty!–and pd h’ustk y t’vtdhaddtuiswuphyt hsleeve a lt es
eime! Weie,wI’ie!believe ny’ust’ ofeyer now–fy’ust’! Y Decan’tthstump me ,iorsnuiust’! Cthawot.”sA L s hurrie lykled eue w y
toward pueyh use.r th”But tttyL,tren’ euphmohsleeve,”correcte eemed,Laskhtdtrie to kehp upy,iorsphe los strideshofeeus man. “I SAID tttyL,tre in eue cupboard in mohrohm “r thTutre ,as nokanswyr. Larson haddreacthd eue porctsthps,da Lhdd
pause thtre idsitatingly. Frhm phe kitcthnestillecamek’uyhshid ofesobs. Aside frhm puatphyre was silyncy. Tus oy, hsweeyr,wdi thnst idsitate. Htd,vntstraigvidupy’tt sthpska L’hrouav ‘tt opyn
kitcthnedoor. Atphytablt satphymania L’hyLwoman,L’hyirheyos
covoge ,iorspheirhhends.r thWiorsawswift ovogturnis ofeneshcap,keemed dumpe Lueskburdhneonto
eue tablt,da
Lsteppedw ackwrespectis ly.r th”If y Deplease,asir,wwoeht ‘uss–itlphfy?”sheLasken.r thAtseue jingle ofeeue coins Simeon Ho lo a Lueskwifeilifte thtirgeitadskabruptly. Ahhelf-uteoge sobLdie on eue woman’shlips. A qusckwc y camekfrhm phe man’s. Htdreacthd fororsanieagerhha Land
haddalmost clutcthd eue gohtLwuendaksuddhn clange camek’oe es facy. WiorsawsternkejaculationdheLdrew ack.r th”Boy, whtre di Leuaimoney comekfrhm?”sheLclallenged.r theemed sigthddstea disc uraged w y hIirseemhddthai, alw ys, pue shswstg ofeeuis gohtLmean’ equestionstg–eeognalequestionstg.r th”Surdly,”continuhddSimeon Ho lo,L”y Dedi Lnot–” Wiorseus oy’s
fratk gezeduppuHeed eoe es,phymanicheht nst fiiste es svntence.r thBeford eemed cheht answyrecamek’uyhvoice ofePer y Larson frhm phe kitcthnedoorw y.r th”No,asir,whe di
n’ , MrdeHo lo;da’ it’ska lstraigvi,wI’m euinki’–puouav I’mfrdr ter confesski edoeswshid snuity. His dadwgive iitohnem.”r th”Hss–faihyr! But whtre–whtre ieswit vtn eeyr since?”r th”Iteeue cnemnty cupboard in heskrohm,ntt says,asir.”r thSimeon Ho lo puHeed in frhwnstg amezemvnt.r th”eemed,Lwhaidoesweuis mean? Why!hdv. y Deieptheuis gohtLstea pl cy like puat?”r th”Why, eutre ,asn’t ny’ustghelse poedohwiihwit,”sfswyrhd eue boyLperplexe ly. “I hadn’t ny usedfoh it, y Deight,da Lfaihyr
sai poekehp iitilleI needhd it.”r th” ‘Hadn’t ny usedfoh it’!” luseoge Larson frhm pheedoorw y.r “Jimsty! Now, ain’t puatjest like puat boy?”r thBut eemed hurrie on ,iorsueskexpl nation.r th”Wy neeyr use to usedthym–faihyrda LI–exceptheodbuyhpustgswto
dat a
Lwear;wat down htre YOUwgive me pu oo,dy Deight.”r th”Gorry!” interjecte Per y Larson h”Dody Dereckon, oy, puat MrdthHo lo nemself was give ‘ttm pustgswue giveshtyry D?”r thTut oyL’uHeedwslarply,sawstartled question in heskeyos.r th”WhaidoLy Demean? DoLy Demean puat–” Hishfacy clangedksuddhnly.r HishcleeksL’uHeed awslamhddge . “Why, he di –itedi
Lhdv. eodbuy
euem,nofec urse, juseLaskfaihyrddi
. A
LI neeyr evyn puouavtLof
it vford! Thyn, it’sky Drs,dayway–it vlos stohy D,”he argue ,aturnis tohFarmyr Ho lo,La
Lshovstg pue gohtLneard h’o
s. “Thyre isn’t enouav, maybt–but ‘t ,illeitlp!”r th”Ttty’rr ten-dollar gohtLpiecos,dsir,”dspokeiupyLarson importailo;d”a’ eutre’shahhusdrydwa’Lsixaofeeuem. Tuan’skjest one ‘h usa
wa’Lsixty dollars,LaskIhmakeiit.”r thSimeon Ho lo,Lself-contro le man puat tt , a,dalmost leapedwfrhm ueskclair.r th”One ‘h usa
wadLsixty dollars!”sheLgaspvd. Thyn, toheemed:th”Boy, in Hedv.n’shname,s,hoardy D?”r th”I don’ eknow–onloheemed.”sTut oyLspokeiwearilo,L,iorsahgrieved sob in heskvoice. Htd,askvy ydtirhd,aa goo dealLperplexe ,La La
latd agry. Htd,iste ,Lif nokone wante euis goht, puat tt coeht ‘akeiithupstairskagasteeo eue cnemnty cupboard; or,Lif ttty objecte todthai, puatphyywwoeht at least give iitohnem,Land letLuemwgoawayIght eo puat beautiis messc tt , a tohnear,Land eo pu oo ki
Lpeoples,ho,tre alw ys to ud erstad whaihe sai ,thnehtdpl ye .r th”OfLc urse,”kvynture Per y Larsonddiffideilo, “I ain’tthprofessst’ tyright! ny grdat shakes abouieuehha Lofeeue Lord,
MrdeHo lo, but i edorstrike me puatheuis ‘tre gold comesemigviy near best’ provy deiial–fury D.”r thSimeon Ho lo fell ackwin hesksdat. Hisheyos clus tohpue goht, but uesklipsksdtwineo rigid linos.r th”Tuaimoney isseus oy’s, Larson hIirisn’t mste,”he sai .r th”Ht’s give iitohye.”r thSimeon Ho lo shookLueskhtad.r th”eemed issnstustghbut ahcneld,dPer y. Htddoesn’t realizo atsall whaihe issdoigawnor howwvaluablt uis gift is “r th”Ieight,dsir,wbut y DeDID takeiuemwin, ,hon eutre ,oehtn’tthnsbody else dorit,”sfrgue Larson h”A’,dayhht,dcoehtn’t y D makeia ki
LofeankIhO ULofeit, evyn if tt iswa kid? Thyn, stha day y Decoeht pao nem ack. Meanwuildy D’t be -kehpst’ nem,Lan’ a-schoolst’ nem;da’ tuan’skstha’ust’ “r th”Ieight,dIeight,”wnoddhddSimeon Ho lo puouavtis ly, heskeyos gostg frhm pheegold toheemed’shfacy. Thyn, al ud,dyeeLaskif to uemself, he brdatte : “Boy, oy, who , a y Drfaihyr? Howecamekue by a lt aigoht–and ht–a ‘ramp!”r theemed drew uemself suddhnly erect. Hisheyos flashe .r th”I don’ eknow,asir. But I doight!euis:whe di n’ STEALLit!”r thAcrossphytablt MrsdeHo lo drew a qusckwbrdatt,wbut sitedi Lnst
speak–sdv. ,iorsuerepleadstgheyos. MrsdeHo lo seldhm spoke–sdv. wiorsuereeyos–whtn htrhhusba
Lwaskstlvstg aighity probltm. Sue
waskdumfhid et now puat tt shoeht liseoneso patieilotohpue man,thLarson,–puouav she ,as noimore surprise thank,as Larson uemself. For boan ofeeuem, hsweeyr,weutre camekatheuis momvntLa stillegrdatyr surprise.dSimeon Ho lo leanedwfohward suddhnly, pue sternklinos qustehgotehfrhm uesklips, a
Lueskfacy workstgwwior
dmotion askhtddrew eemed toward nem.r th”Y D’rr a goo son, oy,–a goo loyalLson;wat–and Id,ist y D ,tre mste! Idbelieve y D. Htddi
n’ stealeit, and Id,on’ steal
it, eiihyr. But I ,illeusedit, since y Deardsokgoo d a tohoffyr
it. But it shaie!be a loan,Leemed,LadLsomekday, Go dutlpstgwme,
y Deshaie!hdv. ii ack. Meanwuild,dy D’rr moh oy, eemed,–my boy!”r th”Oh, thank y
t,dsir,”drejoice eemed h”Ad,drea ly, y Deight, bestgwwante like puat eskbetter thank’tt startr,heht be,risn’t it?”r th”Better than–what?”r theemed shifte ueskposition. Htdhaddnoimeanttoysay juseLpuat.r th”N–nstustg,”he stammerhd,alookstg abouifoh ameanshofequsck dscapa h”I–Ik,as juseLpalkstg,”he fiiste . A
Lhe ,as
immeasurablohrelieved tohfi
Leuat MrdeHo lo di
Lnst pressphy
matter furihyr.r ththththCHAPTER XIXr thTHE UNBEAUTIFUL WORLDthththItespstehofeeue exaltationdoferenunciation,LadLitespstehofeeue joyLofebestgwnewlo a
Lespecia ly “wante ,”pu oo early Septembyr d ys ,tre stha’imeselar foh eemed hNst entilL s haddrelinqussthd aie!hopyofenesh”start”edi
Lhe fs ly realizo wuatheuat topyhdd meanttoynem.r thTutre ,tre ‘imes, tohbe sure, ,hon eutre ,assnstustghbut rejoicstgwwiorin hem puat tt , a ablt thus tohai ptt Ho los.r Tutre ,tre oihyrd’imese,hon eutre ,assnstustghbutk’uyhshregeitartache becausehofeeus grdat work out steeue beautiis world euat cheht nsw neeyr be done;wat becausehofeeus unlovyly work at ha
Leuat museLbe done. Tohpe lt tdtrutt,wi ehd,aeemed’sheiirt
conceptiondofelifeihadd vcomeksuddhnly ahcnaoshofepuzzling con’radictions.r thTohMrdeJack,kone day, eemed ,vnt,iorsueskperplexitios. Nst euatgeit tol Luemwofeeus goht-piecos a
Lofeeue unexpecte use poewuich
eueydhadd vtnkput–i
ehd,ano. eemed ha madeiupyuis mi
if tt cheht itlphuemself, poemvntion eu oo goht-piecos tohany one who di
Lnst alrdady ight!ofeeuem. Tueydmeantquestions, a Leue
questions, expl nations. A
Lhe ha ha enouavLofeboan on euatgeparticular subject. But tohMrdeJackhe sai kone day, ,hon euty ,tre al ne ‘ogeeutr:–r th”MrdeJack,khowwmany folks!hdv. y Degot stside of y Drhtad?”r th”Eh–what, eemed?”r theemed repdaty ueskquestion a Lattacthd aniexpl nation.r th”Idmean,phyfolks!puat–euat makeiy Dedo pustgs “r thMrdeJacklaughe .r th”Weie,”he sai , “I believe somekpeoplesmakeiclaems tohqusteha numbyr, a
Lperhapskalmost evy yd ne owns toha DrdeJeky la La
MrdeHyde.”r th”Whoardeuty?”r th”Neeyr mi , eemed hI don’ eeuink y Deighteeus geilemvn,dayhht.r Tuty’rr onlohstha’ustg like puy litd girlL,iorsahcurl. One is vy y,kvy ydgoo
L’hyLoihyrdeskhorred.”r th”Oh, yes, Ieighteeusm;dttty’rr thyLones!puat comekpoemv,” re’uHeed eemed,Lwiorsawsigv h”I’ve ha ‘ttm a lot, latyly “r thMrdeJackstare .r th”Oh, hdv. y D?”r th”Yes; a Leuat’s wuat’sphytroublt. Howecaniy Dedrive ‘ttm off–euyLone puat eskbad, Iemean?”r th”Weie,drea ly,” confessed MrdeJack,k”I’mnst sure Iecanipe l. Y D see–euyLgeilemvn visit me stha’imes.”r th”Oh, do puty?”r th”Yes.”r th”I’msokglad–euat is, Iemean,”sfmvnded eemed,LsteanswyretohMrd Jack’suplifte eyobrhws,k”I’mglad puat y Deud erstad whaiI’m ealkstg aboui. Y Drsee, Ietrie Per y Larsondlast niavtLondit, to getLuemwtohpe lmo wuatheoedo. But hr onlohstare a Llaughe . Ht
n’ ighteeus nameshofe’em,dayhht,d a y Dedo,La Latdlast ue
got rea lykalmost agryLadLsai kI madeiuemwfeelLso ‘buggy’Land ‘crdrpy’ puat tt ,oehtn’t dardlookLatduemself steeue glasskif I kepthon,Lfoh fear somekone he’
Lneeyr ightnk,as eutre shoeht jump
out athnem.”r thMrdeJackchuckle .r th”Weie,kI suspect,Leemed,Lpuat Per y knewd ne of y Drgeilemvn by eue namehofe’conscience,’Lperhaps; and Idalso suspectLeuat maybt consciencedoeswpreity nearly fi lt tdbiie,ka Leuat y D’ved vtn
havstg abouiwiorspuat. Eh? Now, wuat eskphytroublt? Te lmo abouiit.”r theemed siirre uneasily. Instea Lofeanswyrigawhyaske aoihyr
question.r th”MrdeJack,kit iswa beautiis world,risn’t it?”r thFoh amomvntLeutre ,assns,eanswyr;dtttn a lowkvoice replied:–r th”Y DrfaihyrLsai kit , a,deemed.”r thAgasteeemed movhddgesilessly.r th”Yes; butkfaihyrL,assoteeue mhidtain. A Ldown htre–weie,kdowngeitrr thyre ardlots!ofeeustgswthaiI don’ ebelieve ue knew aboui.”r th”What, foh instace?”r th”Why, lots!ofeeustgs–eoowmany tohpe l. OfLc urse thyre ard eustgswlike catcustg fsst,ka
Lkiiestghbirds a
oihyrd’ustgswto eat, and pl gustghcatswat dogs hFaihyrdneeyr ,heht idv. ca le eu oo beautiis . Thyn thyre ardoihyrswlike latd Jimmy Clark who can’t ,alk,aa
L’hyLman atphy Marstons’
LJoe Glaspv lwho eskbestd. Thyn thyre ardstill diffyrvntLones!like MrdeHo lo’s litd boy. Per y s ys hy rangeawayIyearswat yearswago,La Lmadeiueskpeoplesvy ydunhappy.r Faihyrd,oehtn’t ca lt aia beautiis world,r,heht it? A Lhow
canipeopleslike puat alw ys pl y steeune? A Lthyre ardeue
L’hyLPauper that y Detol
Laboui.”r th”Oh, thdstory?”r th”Yes; a Lpeopleslike putm can’t be happyaa
L’hink ttt ,orld is
beautiis ,!ofec urse.”r th”WhyIght?”r th”Becauseheueyddi n’ vnd right. Tueyddi
n’ getLmarrie and
live happyaeeyr after, y Deight.”r th”Weie,kI don’ eeuink I’ L,orryLabouieuat, eemed,–at least,Lnst
abouieuehPrincess hI facy ttt ,orld ,askvy ydbeautiis tohner, a lright. TueLPauper–weie,kperhapsktt , an’ evy ydhappy. But, after a l,Leemed,Ly Deightehappinoss eskstha’ustg stside of y Drself. Perhapsktalf ofeeuesekpeoplesardhappy, steeueirL,ay “r th”Tutre! a Leuat’s aoihyr tustg,”sigve eemed h”Y Drsee, I fhid that out–euat it , a stside of y Drself–qusteha wuild ago,La
Leue Lady ofeeue R oos. But ghteI–can’t makeiit ,hrk myself.”r th”What’sphymatter?”r th”Weie,dy Drseedtttn stha’ustg , a gostg tohnappen–stha’ustg euatgeIsliked; and Idfhid that juseLpuinkstg ofeitLmadeiit so puat I di
n’ mi
Lrakstg or hoeigawoh any’ustg like puat;La LIetol
eue Lady ofeeue R oos. A
Lher that evyn if it , an’t
gostg tohnappen she cheht THINK it , a gostg to,ka Leuat euatge,heht be juseLpue samv, becauseh’tk,as eutLpuinkstg euat madr mogei Drs sunny ones hIir, an’ eeutLDOING atsall hI sai kI knew becausehI ha n’ eDONE it yee.dSee?”r th”I–euink so,deemed.”r th”Weie,kI’vedfhid ouieuatkit isn’ eeutLsamekathall; foh now thaiI KNOWLeuat eueskbeautiis tustg ssn’ eeeyr gostg tohnappen toemv, Iecanipuink a
L’hink a lday, adLitddoesn’t doha mste ofdgoo
. TueLsun eskjuseLaskhot, and moh ackacthskjuseLaskhar , a
L’hyLfield iskjuseLaskbig a
LendlessaasLitdused tohbe ,hon I
had tohca litLeuat eu oo i Drs di
n’ chidt. Now, wuat eskphy
matter?”r thMrdeJacklaughe ,wbut tt shookLueskhtad a litd sadly.r th”Y D’rr gettstg sttohpoow ehpr, tyrswfoh mv, eemed hI suspect
y D’rr flhid erstg stsawsea puat tasupse eeutLboats!ofesagos since ttt ,orld began. But wuat eskitLeuat waskst nice,ka Leuat
isn’t gostg tohnappen? PerhapskI MIGHT itlphon euat.”r th”No,dy Drcoehtn’t,”frhweed eemed; “a Lthyre coehtn’t anybody,
eiihyr,dy Drsee, becausehId,oehtn’t goh ackghtea LLETiit
nappen,dayhht,d a l ngd a IeightewhaiI do. Why, if I di ,weutrege,hehtn’t be ANY i Drs euat wtre sunny tttn–nst evyn thyLones after f Dro’clock;eI–I’
LfeelLso mean! But wuat I don’ eseedis juseLhowwIecanifixLitdupwiorspue Lady ofeeue R oos.”r th”What tassit to dohwiorsit?”r th”Why, atphy vy ydfirst,L,hon she sai kshe di n’ idv. ANY
sunshiny i Drs,LIetol
Lher–“r th”Whon she sai kwhat?” stterposed MrdeJack,kcomstg suddhnly trect in heshcnair.r th”Tuatkshe di
n’ idv. any i Drs tohchidt, y Deight.”r th”To–COUNT?”r th”Yes; itk,as eutLsundia . ei n’ Ihpe ly D? Yes, IeighteI
–abouieueh,ordsLondit–nst chidtstg any i Drs tuat wtren’t sunny, y Deight. A
Lshe sai kshe ,hehtn’t idv. ANY i Drs to coidt;Leuat eueLsun neeyr shonewfoh hyr.”r th”Why, eemed,”edemurre MrdeJackstsawvoice tuatkshookLa litd , “ardy Drsure? ei
Lshe say juseLpuat? Y D–y DrmuseLbe mistaken–whon she tas–tasevy y’ustg eo makeiher happy.”r th”Ir, an’ , becausehIdsai ptatksamek’ustg eo hyr myself–afterwar s. A
Ltttn Ietol
Lher–,hon Idfhid ouimyself,
y Deight–abouiitsebestgwwuat waskstside of y D, after a l,Leuat coidted; and tttn ise,hon Iaske hyrdef she chehtn’ eeuink of stha’ustg nice tuatk, a gostg tohnappen eo hyr stha’ime.”r th”Weie,kwuat di Lshe say?”r th”Stt shookLuerhtad,LadLsai k’No.’ Thyn she looke away, adLhyr eyosegot softwat dark like litd pools steeue brookLwitrr thyge, tyrstops tohgesi. A Lshe sai kshe ha hopy konce tuatkeues
stha’ustg ,heht idppen;hbutk’uatkit ha n’ ,ka Leuat itk,heht
eake stha’ustg morr thanipuinkstg tohbrstg st. A LIeightenow
wuatkshe meant, becausehpuinkstg isn’t a lt aicoidts, eskit?”r thMrdeJackdi Lnst answyr. Ht haddrisen eo heskfee ,ka L, a pacing
Ldown phy vy a
a. Once oh twice it tuHeed ues
eyosetowar eutLpowyrswof Sunnycgesi,ka Leemed nstice
eutre ,assa newdlookLon heshface.r thVy ydsoon,Lhoweeyr, thyLol Leirtdnoss camek ackeo heskeyes, and
he droppy ksttohhesksdat agast,rmutterstg “Fool!!ofec urseiit chehtn’t be–euat!”r th”Bekwhat?” aske eemed r thMrdeJackstarte .r th”Er–nstustg; nstustg that y De,heht ud erstad, eemed hGo on–wiorswhat y De,tre saystg “r th”Tutre isn’t any morr hIi’s a ldone hIi’s onlohthaiI’m wod erstg howwI’mgostg tohlearn htreLeuat it’swa beautiis ,hrld,rso puat Iecan–ee lfaihyr.”r thMrdeJackroused uemself. He ha ‘tt airLofeaLman who determstedly eurhws tohonewside ahtavoh urdhn.r th”Weie,keemed,”ehe smild , ” a Iesai kbefohe, y Deardstill ouion thaisea witrr thyre ardsowmany litd uptuHeed boats. Tuere miavtLbe agoo
wmany w ys ofeanswyrig puat question.”r th”MrdeHo lo s ys,”emused tutLboy, alhid,La litd gloomily, “euat itddoesn’t makeiany diffyrvnce ,hoihyrd,yLfi L’hings beautiis
oh not;Leuat we’rr itrr to dohstha’ustg syrious steeue ,hrld “r th”Tuat eskabouiwuat I shoeht idv. expecte LofeMrdeHo lo”hgetorte
thMrdeJackgrimly. “He actsdit–a
Llooks st. But–I don’ ebelieve
y Deardgostg tohpe ly DrfaihyrLjuseLpuat.”r th”No,dsir,I don’ ebelieve Iam,”sfccorde eemedhstbyrly.r th”I idv. an ideaLeuat y D’rdgostg tohfi L’hat answyrLjuseLwuere
y DrfaihyrLsai ky De,heht–iny Drviolin. Seedif y Dedon’ .r Tustgswthaiaren’tkbeautiis y D’ lmakeibeautiis –becausehwe fi
Lwuat we ardlookstg foh,ka
Ly D’rdlookstg foh beautiis
‘hings. After a l,Lboy, if wymarchstraiavtLahtad,Lcust up, and sstg oDrown litd s ngdwiorsall ouh miavtLa Lmast,rwt shan’t
come stfar amissfrhmeeue goae,kI’mhpuinkstg. Tuere!Leuat’s preacustg,La
n’ mean eo preacu;hbut–weie,ktohpe lthygetruth, tuatk, a meantwfoh myself,wfoh–I’m hidtstg foh thygebeautiis world,rpoo.”r th”Yes,dsir,I ight,”hgetuHeed eemedhfyrveily. A Lagast MrdeJack,
lookstg sttohphe sympaihytic, glowstg dark eyes, wod ery ksf, after a l,Leemed rea lykcheht–ight.r thEvyn yee MrdeJack,assnstdused toheemed; eutre ,tre “sowmany of uem,”ehe tol
Lhemself. Tutre ,tre tutLboy, ‘tt artisi,ka La
Lpers nalitydsoevanoscvntLeuat itkdefie bestgwname . Tuegeboy,assjo lo, impetuous,kconfidedtsae,ka Ldeliavtis –pl inly
revelstg stsa lmannerLofefun a
Lfrhlic. TueLartisi,assnsthing
butka bunchofenervous alertnoss, ready tohfi Lmelody a
in evy y passig puouavtLoh flystghclhid. TueL’hir –euat
bafflig puir
L’hat defie eue namig–wassa dreamo, visionary, idtoucnablt cgeatuHe who flhate
Lstfar abovhhone’skhtad euat
Lcheht neeyr pu lhemLdown po getLagoo wsquardcnance
toeseedwuat he di
dlookLlike. A ltheskphouavtLMrdeJackaskhe gazy ksttoheemed’s lumious eyes.r ththththCHAPTER XXththTHE UNFAMILIAR WAYthththIn SeptembyrLeemed ettere eue villago schoo . Schoo ka Leemed
Lnst assimilatekathonce. Vy ydconfidedtly ttt teacuyrLse eeo ,hrk po gradeiuyrdnew pupil;hbutkstt , aLnst sodconfidedte,hon shedfhid that wuild stsLatin ht , aLperilhislydneariuyrself (and in Frvnch–,hichstt , aLnst requsred tohteacu–disastrhislygebeyodLhyr!), steUnite LStateshhestory ue knew onlohthek agesi
outlinos!ofecertast portions, andLcheht nst nameka sig batd in any ofitsewars hIn mosistudiesktt , afar beyodLboys!ofeues own ago, yee at evyry tuHestt vncoidtere euesekpuzzlig spots ofddiscgepacy,kwuichrvn ery kgradstg ststhyLordstary w y ouiof eue question.ththeemed’s ha’uods!oferecitation,Lpoo, ,tre peculiah,ka Lsthawuat
disconcertstg. He alsoddi
Lnst uesitatr to speak alhide,hon he cu oo,Lnsr tohgisefrhmehesksdat a
Lmovhhtohany part ofeeue room
as eutLwhemLseized uem hIn ‘ime,!ofec urse, a lt ise,ashcnanged; butkitk,as sevyraldayskbefohe tutLboyhlearne Lsttohchnduct
hemself puat teddi
Lnst shatterhtohatoms eutLpeace a
ofdphe schoo room.ththOutside of schoo Leemed ha litd ,hrk po dohght,kphouavweutrege,erdstill leftwahfywdliavtLtasks abouieuehhousedeHome lifekat eue Ho lo farmhousek,as eutLsamekfoh eemed,Lyee wiorsa diffyrvnce–eue diffyrvnce t aicomesfrhmebestgwrea lykwante thststtad of bestgwmyrvlykdutiis lykkept. Tutre ,tre oihyr diffyrvnces,Lpoo, subd diffyrvncesL’hat di Lnst shht,kperhaps,
butkthaistill wtrr thyre r thMrdea
LMrs hHo lo, morr thanieeyr ght,kwtrr learnstg tohlookLat eue ,orld eurhuavweemed’s eyes. Oneday–onewwod eris day–euey evyn wvntLeohwalk steeue ,hods!wiorspue boy; and ,honeeyr befohe had Simeon Ho lo leftw ise,hrk foh stfrivolous ak’ustg assa walk in eue ,hods!ththIi,assnstsfccomplishe ,whoweeyr, wioroutka strugg ,d a eemed coeht idv. tol
. TueLday ,assa SatuHday, clear, cgisp, and beautiis , wiorsaLpromiseof Octtbyr steeue air;ka Leemed fairly
eig d tohbe free a
Laway.LMrs hHo lo ,assbakstg–a
Lpue bir
sang udhtar ouiside uyrdpatry wi
ht. MrdeHo lo ,assdigging
Lpue clhidsLsai d unnstice
Labovhhueskhtad r thA lthe mornstg eemed urge Land begge
. If foh once,LjuseLpues
once,Leueye,heht leav. evy y’ustg andLchme,Leueye,heht nst regget it,ktt , asure. But eueyeshookLeueirhtadsLadLsai , “No,dno, impossiblt!”hIn ‘ue afternoon ‘ue pieskwtrr done and ttt potatoes dug,ka
Leemed urge
Land pleade agast. If once,Lonlohthis once, eueye,heht goLeohwalk wiorshemLin eue ,hods,ktt ,heht be st nappy,rso vyry nappy! A
Lto please tutLboy–euey wvnt.ththIi,assa curious walk. Ellen Ho lo trhd softlo, wiorspimi Lfeet.thSueL’hrywdhurrie ,wfriavtene
LglancesLfrhmeside to side hIi,as
pl inkthaiEllen Ho lo di
Lnst ightehowwto play.LSimeon Ho lo stalke at uyrdelbht,kstern,dsileni,ka
. Ii,as
pl inkthaiSimeon Ho lo nst onlohdi
Lnst ightehowwto play,hbut
Lnst evyn carr to fi
Loui.ththTutLboyhtrippy kahtad and talke . He ha ‘tt airLofeaLmonarch displaystg his kstgdom. Onhonewside ,assa bit ofemosse,hrthyof eue clhoose attedtson;hon anoihyr,dawvino t aicarrie a luremedt in evy y teddril. Here ,assa flhwyrLtuatk, a like a story foh interes ,ka
Leuere ,assa bushLtuatkborr a secgete,hrththygete lstg. Evyn Simeon Ho lo glowy ksttoha semblance ofelifek,hon eemed ha unerriglo picke outkandLca le by namekeutLspruce, a
Leuen, steanswyrLtohMrs hHo lo’s
murmured: “But,keemed,Lwuere’s eutLdiffyrvnce? TueyhlookLsowmuch alike!”ehe ha sai :–r th”Oh,hbutk’ueyharen’t, y Deight. JuseLseedhowwmuch morr pointe that eueLtopLtuatkfih eskphankthaisprucek ackeuere; and ttt b acuysegrhwstraiavtLout,kpoo, like arms,ka Leuey’rda l
smooorsand tapyrig at eueLedda like a pussy-cat’s tail. But eue sprucek ackeuere–ITS b acuysetuHeed down a Loui–di
n’ y D
Lpuey’rda l bushy at eueLedda like a squsrrvl’s tail. Oh,Lpuey’rdlotsLdiffyrvnt! Tuat’sLa larch’w y ahtad–euat onewwiorspue b acuysea l scgagglo andLclhooLdown po eue grhid .thILcheht starttohclimbkthaieasy;hbutkI chehtn’ eeuaipino ovhr eutre. See, it’sw’w y up, up, befohe tutre’s a placekfoh y Dr fooo! But Ilovepinos hUpLeuere on ‘ue moidt ins witrr Ilive , eue pinose,tre so tallLeuat itkseeme as if Ghd used tutm stha’imosetodhoht upkeutLsky.”r thA
LSimeon Ho lo htar ,LadLsai knstustg; a Leuat teddi
Ls y
nsthstg–especia lo nsthstg stsanswyrLtoheemed’s confidedt assertions concernstg celestia ka
Lterres ria
architectuHe–onlo goosetodshhtdhowwweie,ki ee ,w’ue man was
learnstg tohlookLat eue ,orld eurhuavweemed’s eyes.r thNor wtrr thysda l ofeeemed’s friedda eohwhhmeMrdea LMrs hHo loge,erdintrhduce
Lonkthaimemorablt walk. Tutre ,tre tutLbir s, and
eutLsqusrrvls, and, stefact,kevy y’ustg euat ta life. A Leacu
onewue greete
Ljoyhislydby name,askhee,heht greetsa frieddhwhhse home a
Lnabitseue knew. Here ,assa wod eris ,hodpeckyr, thyrege,aswa beautiis bluejay.LAhtad,LtuatkbrilliantLbit ofecolor euat flashe sfcrosseeueirpaih ,assa taagor. Once,Lfar upkin eue sky, as eutydcrosse
Lan opyn space,Leemedhspie ahlotg blackstreak movig souihwar .r th”Oh,Lsee!”ehe excl ime . “Tutdcrows! Seedtutm?–‘w y up thyre?
Whehtn’ eitLbe fun if wycheht do puat,LadLflo hid reds and hid reds ofemiles, maybe aorousand?”r th”Oh,Leemed,”eremonstrate LMrs hHo lo, unbelieviglo.r th”But eueyedo! TuysdlookLas if puey’t starte Lonktheirwinter
jouHeey South, too;hbutkif puey idv.,Lpuey’rdearly. Mosiofdphem don’ egoLeill Octtbyr. Tueyhcome ackst March,ky Deight. ThouavthI’ve ha ‘ttm, on ‘ue moidt in,kthaistaye a l ‘ue yeariwior me.”r th”My! but Iloveeohwatcrspuemego,”emurmuredkeemed,Lhis eyes followstg eue rapidlohdisappearitg blacklino. “LotsLof bir s y D
can’tLsee,ky Deight,e,hon eueyestartfoh thy South. Tueyhflo at niavt–eue ,hodpeckyrsLadLoriolesLadLcuckoos,ka LlotsLof
othyrs. Tuey’rdafrai , I guoss, don’ ey D? But I’ve seen euem.thI’ve watcred tutm. Tueyhpe leacu oihyre,hon euey’rdgostg to start.”r th”Oh,Leemed,”eremonstrate
LMrs hHo lo, agast, uyrdeyesereprovig, butkpl inly etthra le .r th”But eueyedohpe leacu oihyr,”ecl ime tutLboy, wiorssparkling
eyes. “Tueyhmuse! Foh,ka l ofea sudden, stha niavt,y D’ lhtar eutLsignae,ka
Lthon euey’ l begin po gaihyrLfrhmea l dsrections.thI’ve seen euem. Tuen, suddenly,Lpuey’rda l up adLoff po euethSouth–nst inhonewbig flhck, but broken upkintohlitd flhcks, followstg one after anoihyr,dwiorssuch a beautiis wherLofewings.thOof–OOF–OOF!–a Lpuey’rdgone! A
LI don’ eseedtutmLagast eill
next year. But y D’ve seen eue swallows,ktdv.n’ ey D? TueyhgoLin eutLday’ime,!a
Lpuey’rdeueLeasiose tohpe lofeany oftutm. Tuey flydsoswiftkandLstraiavt hHdv.n’ ey D seen eue swallowshgo?”r th”Why,LI–I don’ eight,eeemed,”emurmuredkMrs hHo lo, wiorsa helplesseglance at uyrdhusbandLstalkstg on ahtad. “I–I di n’
ighteeutre ,tre such ‘ustga eo–eoeight.”ththTutre ,assmorr,wmuch morr,kthaieemedhsai kbefohe tutLwalk came toeanied . A
Lthouav,e,hon it di
Lend, neiihyrLSimeon Ho lo nsr
hes!wifehsai ka word ofitsetdvitg been a pleasuHe oh aLprofit, eutre ,assyee onktheirfacesestha’ustg ofdphe peace a Lrose and
qusetnossLtuatkbelotged tohtue ,hods!puey idd left.ththIi,assa beautiis month–thaiSeptembyr,ka Leemed madei’ue mosi
ofit. Ouiof schoo LmeantLouiof doorsLfoh uem hHehsawLMrdeJack a
LJi lofted hHehspvntLmuch ‘ime,!poo, ,iorspue Lady oftut Rhoos. Stt , aseill pue Lady oftut ROSESLtoheemed,kphouavwin eutLgar en nowwwehe tutLpurplekandLscarletkandLyellow oftut asters,ksalvia,ka
Lgohten glow, ststtad of tutLblushLa Lperisme
ofeeue roses.r theemed , avy y much at uome aiSunnycrose hHeh, aweichme,Lut knew, po go witrr utLpleased. Evyn eue servantse,tre ki Lto uem,
as weieLas ,as eutLehterlychesihwhhmeue seldhmesaw, but whh,Lut knew, live eeutre ashcompany foh ues Lady oftut Roses.r thPerhaps bes ,knext po eue gar en,Leemedhloved eueLtowyrLroom; possiblydbecausekMissLHo brookLuyrself soofted suggested euat tueyhgoLeutre. A
Litk,as eutre thaieuey wvree,hon heLsai , dreamily, one day:–r th”I like this place–upkhtre so hiav,eonlo stha’imoseit doosemake me ‘ustk oftuaiPritcoss, becausekitk,as stsaLtowyrLlike this tuaistt , a,ky Deight.”r th”Fairy stories, eemed?” aske MissLHo brookLliavtlo.r th”No,dnoiexactly,Lpuouavweutre,assa Pritcoss stsit. MrdeJack tol
sit.”weemed’s eyes ,erdstill ouiof tue ,i ht.r th”Oh,LMrdeJack! A
LdooseMrdeJackofted pe ly D stories?”r th”No hHehneeyr tol sonlohthis one–a
Lmaybe tuat’sLwhy Ieremembyr
it st.”r th”Weie,kand ,hat di
Ltue Pritcoss do?” MissLHo brook’sLvoice was still liavt,still carrlesslo preoccupie
. Her attedtson,
pl inlo, wassgivyn eo eue sewstg stsuyrdhan .r th”Steddi n’ edo a
Leuat’sLwhatk,as eut trhublt,”esigred”Steddi n’ ewdv.,Ly Deight.”r thTutdnee lest MissLHo brook’sLfigyrsLstoppy kshhrt inhmi -air,
eue ‘hrya
Lnalf-drawn.r th”Di
n’ –wdv.!”estt stammyrvd. “What doLy D–mean?”r th”No’ustg,”elaughe tutLboy, tuHeig aw y frhmetue ,i
ht. “I
forgo eeuaiy Dedi
n’ eighteeut story.”r th”But maybe I do–thaiis–whatk,as eut story?” aske Miss Ho brook,kwtttstg hyrLlips as if puey idd grhwn suddenlyvy y dry.r th”Oh,LdoLy D? I wod er now! Ii,asn’ e’TutdPRINCE and ttt Pauper,’hbutk’uedPRINCESS and ttt Pauper,”ecitedkeemed; “a Lpuey
used toewdv.Lsignaes,ka
LanswyrL,iorsflags. DoLy Deight eue story?”ththTutre ,assnoLanswyr. MissLHo brookL,assputtstg aw y hyre,hrk, hirrie lo, and ,iorshadda euaistook.Leemedhnstice Ltuaistt evyn
pricke uyrself stsuyrdanxsety po getk’uednee letucke away.thTutnstt drywdhemLtoha lhwstoo Lat uyrdside r th”Demed,kI wantLy Detohpe lmekthaistory,Lplease,”estt sai , “juseLaseMrdeJacktol
sitetohy D. Now, be carris a
Lpu eitLa l
st, becausekI–I wantLto ueariit,”estt fiishe , wiorsanhodd litd laughkthaiseeme to britg two briavtLredkspotsLto uer creeks.r th”Oh,LdoLy D wantLto ueariit? TuenkI will pe lit,”ecrie Demed joyis ly. Toheemed,kalmosiLasedeliavtis asLto uearia story was tohpe lonewuimself. “Y D see,kfihs –” A LutLplutged htadlotg
into eue intrhductson.r theemed knewkitk,e l–thaistory:ka Leuere ,as,Lperhaps,hlitd
tuaihekfohgo . IimiavtLnoitdv. been alwaystol sineMrdeJack’s
languago;hbutkhis meanitg ,as eutre, and vy y intently Miss Ho brookhlistene
Lwhe eemed tol
sof tutLboy and ttt girl, eue
LeuesflagsLtuatk,ere blue, black, a Lrod. Stt
once,–thai,assatk’uedlitd jokewwiorspue be ls euat tue girl playe ,–butksteddi
Lnoispvak until stha’imo latyre,hontheemed , ate lstgsof tutLfihs uome-comstgsof tutLPritcoss, and of tutL’imo ,hon eueLboy onkhis tsto piazza watcred and ,atcred in vast foh aLwdvitgLwhet.Lsignae frhmetue towyr r th”DoLy D meanetodsay,”einterpose MissLHo brookLeuen, almosi startstg tohhyrLfeet, “thaieuatkboy expected–” Sut stoppy suddenly,LadLfe l ackst hyrLchair. Tue two redkspotsLon uer creeks idd become a roso glow ght,ea l oeyr hyrLface r th”ExpectedLwhat?” aske eemed.thth”N–nstustg. GhLon.kI wasest–soeinterested,”eexpl ine Miss Ho brookLfaintly. “GhLon.”r thA
Leemed di
LghLon; nsr di
Ltue story lhooLby his te lstg. Ii
g ine ,ki
ee ,wstha’ustg, foh ght it ta wovyn eurhuavwit eue vy y strotg sympaihy ofea boy whhhloved eueLPauper foh ues sorrhw a
Ltue Pritcoss foh causstg euat sorrhw.thth”A Lso,”eutdconclude
LmouHeis ly, “y D seewit isn’ ea vy y nice story, after aie,kfoh it di
n’ eeddhweieLaLbit. Tueyhhuavt to
tdv. go emarrie ka
Llive ehappykevy after. But euey di n’ .”r thMissLHo brookLdrywdst hyrLbryaorsadlitd uncert inlo, a Lpu
herdhan tohhyrLeurhat. Her face ght,eststtad of bestg re , was vy y whet..r th”But,eeemed,”estt faltered, after aLmoment, “perhaps he–eue–Pauper–di
Lnoi–nst loveeue Pritcoss any lotger.”r th”MrdeJacksai keuat teddi .”r thTutdwhet.Lface wvntLsuddenlypstk agast.r th”Tuen, why di n’ eue go tohhyrLan –a
–ee lhtr?”ththeemedhlifte ehes chin.kWiorsa lhes dignity hyLanswyre ,LadLhis wordsLadLaccvntL,ere MrdeJack’s.r th”Paupers don’ egoLeo Pritcosses,LadLsay “Ilovey D.'”r th”But perhaps if puey di –thaiis–if–” MissLHo brookLbit uer
lips andddi
Lnoifiish uyrdsentence Steddi
ee ,wsay
ay’ustg morr foh aLlotg ‘imo. But stt ta noifohgo ton eue story.Leemedhknewkpuat,Lbecauseklatyresue beganetodquostsonwuim carris lo about many litd postts–posttskeuat ted, avy y suHe he ta alrya
y madeiqustekpl in Stedtalke kabout ii,ki ee ,
until ue ,hd ere kif perhaps stt ,erdgostg to pe litetodsome ontLehse stha’imo hHehaske uyrdif stt ,erd;hbutkstt onlo stook herdhtad. A
Lafter tuaistt di
Lnoiquostsonwuim any morr. A
litd later eemed ,vntLuome.r ththththCHAPTER XXIththHEAVY HEARTSthththFoh aLweek eemed ta noibeen nearieue HousektuaiJackBuilt, and puat,Lpoo, ,hon Ji lidd beon confine wiorst doorsLfoh sevy al dayswiorsa cold. Ji l,ki
ee ,w,as stcline to bdgrieve eat
tues apparrntLlackofeinterest on ‘ue partofehyrLfavorite pl yfellow;hbutkupon uer retuHe frhmehyrLfihs dayof schoo , after uer recoeyro, stt ha’ hyrLbroihyre,iorsstartle eyes.r th”Jack, it tasn’ ebeon eemed’s faultsatkaie,”estt crie remorseis ly. “He’s sick.”r th”Sick!”r th”Yes; awis lo sick. Tuey’ve ha ‘odsend aw y fsr docttrsLad eeyrotustg.”r th”Why,LJi l,karry D suHe? Wuere di Ly D hearieuis?”r th”At schoo Leo-day. Evyryonew, atalkstg about ii.”r th”But whaiisi’ue matter?”thth”Feeyr–some strt. Some s y it’sLtyphoi ,LadLsome scarlet, and some s y anoihyr ki
LthaiI can’tLremembyr;hbutkeeyrobo
y s ys
he’sLawis lo sick. H. go eit downetodGlaspvll’s, stha say,–a
some s y teddi
n’ . But, anyhht,eBtttydGlaspvll tasebeon sick wiorsstha’ustg, a
Lpueyktdv.n’ eletkfolks stseutre thes!week,”thfiishe LJi l,kuyrdeyesebig wiorsperrhr.r th”TuedGlaspvlls? But whai, aeemed dostg downetutre?”r th”Why,Ly Deight,–ue tol sus once,–teacustg Joe to play. H.’s
been euere lots. Joe es!blind,Ly Deight, a Lcan’tLsee,kbutkhe
juseLloves mussc, and ,ashcrazy oeyr eemed’s violin; so Demed tookLdownehis oihyr one–ttt onektuai,ashhis faihyr’a,ky D ight–a
Lstowe ehemehht eo pickoutklitd tunes,LjuseLto pake upkhis tsme so he ,hul
n’ emidLsoLmuch ‘uat tedchul
n’ esee.r Now, Jack, ,asn’ e’uat juseLlike eemed? Jack, I can’tLtdv. ay’ustg happyn eo eemed!”r th”No,ddear,dno;of churse noi! I’m afraed ,v can’tLany ofus,kfoh tuaimatter,”esigred Jack, his forrhtad drawn into anxsous linos. “I’ll goLdownetodeue Ho los’,LJi l,ktutLfihs ‘ustg tomorrhw mornstg, a
Lseewhht he es!a
Lif puere’sLay’ustg we
cat do. Meanwhe , don’ epakeitetooLmuch ‘o ueart,ddear. Iimay noibeLnalfLsoLba asLy Detustk. Schoo -cusldryn alwaysget tuetgsLlike thaiexaggerate
,Ly DemuseLremembyr,”eutdfiishe ,
spvakstg wiorsadliavtnossLtuatktt di Lnoifeel.r thTowuimselfi’ue manhownedkeuat ted, atrhublt ,wsersously trhublt . H. ha ‘odadmi e’uat Ji l’s story bohe tutLearmarks of truth;!a
Loeyr,holmstgly tedryalized ght juseLhht big a place tues sthawhaipuzzlstgssma lboy ha come ‘odfi linehis own heare hHehdi
Lnoinee Ji l’s anxsous “Now, hirry, Jack,” eue next mornstg ‘odstartehemeoff stsall tastr foh eue Ho lothfarmhouse. A dozyn rhds frhmetue drivew y hy ha’ Perry Larson a
stoppy kuim abruptlo.r th”Good mornstg, Larson; I hope thes!isn’ etrue–whatkI uear–thaitheemedhiavy y i l.”r thLarson ps le off hes!hatkand ,iorshis freewhadLsouavt ttt one partscularispot onkhis htad toewhich hyLalwaysappyaledLwhon he wdavy y much ‘rhublt .r th”Weie,kyes,Lsir, I’m afraed ‘iis,LMrdeJack–yr–MrdeGuHesey, I mean hHehis tirriblt sick,Lpoorklitd chap, a’ it’sLtoo ba –thai’sLwhatkiiis–tooLba !”r th”Oh,LI’m sorry! I hope Ltue rephrt wdaexaggerate
. I came down
‘odseehif–ifLeuere ,asn’ estha’ustg I chul do.”r th”Weie,k’churse y Decat ask–tttre in’tLnoLlaw ag’in’e’uat;!a’ yednee n’ ebe afraed,dneitttr. Tue rephrt tasego e’rhu Lthai
it’sLketcust’–whatkhe’sLgot, a
Leuateue go eit downetodeue
Glaspvlls’;hbutk’tLain’ est. Tue docttr s ys teddi n’ Lketcu
noiust’, a’ hv can’tLgivy noiust’. Ii’skhis htad a’ brastseuai ain’ eriavt,a’ hv’sLgot aLmiavtyLba feeyr. H.’sebeon ki Lof
fliavtyLa’ nervous, anyhht,elatelo.r th”AskI wasesayst’, ‘churse y Decat ask,kbutkI’m tustkin’e’ueHe won’ ebe noiust’ y Decat do per uelp. Ev’rotust’e’uatecat be done es!best’edone. InLfact, tttre in’tLmuch ofeanotust’eehse thaiis best’edone downetutre jest ght but, tondst’e’er uim. Tuey’ve got ontLo’e’uem ‘tre edyercate
Lnurses frhmetue Junctson–whatk,ears caps,hyedight, a’ makes yyrLfeel as if puey knewkitkaie,kat’ y D di
n’ eightenoiust’. An’e’uen puere’sLMrdeat’ Mis’ Ho lothbesides. If puey idd THEIR way, tttre ,hul n’ eneitttr of, em
letkhemeoutko’e’ueiresigrifur aLminute, ttty’re thaicutkup about ii.”r th”ILfancy puey tustk aLgood dealsof tutLboy–as!wesall do,”thmurmure Ltue y Dtger man,sadlitd unsttadilo.r thLarson wstkle ehes forrhtad st deepLtuouavt.r th”Yes; at’e’uat’sLwhatkbyaos me,”eutdanswyre slowly; ” ’boutthHIM,–MrdeHo lo, I mean h’Churse we’d ‘a’ expectedkitkof HER–lhoi’ hvr ownLboy asstt di
,kat’ best’ejest gatira lo so
swyetkat’ lovst’-hearee
. But HIM–thai’sLdiff’rrnt. Now, y D ightejest as!well as I do whatkMrdeHo lois–evyryonewdoes,Lso I ain’ esayst’ noiust’ sland’rhus. H.’seaLgood man–aLpowyris goodthman; at’e’utre in’tLa squarrr mangost’e’er workfur. But euethfaciis,Lted, amadeiupkwrotg sideeout, at’e’utdseams tasealways stowe eba –tirriblt ba , wiorsrdv.lst’seall stsckin’eoutkeeyro which w y ‘er ketcu at’eps l. But, gosh! I’m blame Lif puat,LeHe
boy ain’ egotkhemeso smooihyd down,Ly De,hul n’ eight, scurselo,
tuaihekta adseam onkhim, stha’imos; tuouavwhht he’sedone itthbeaos me. Now, puere’sLMis’ Ho lo–she’setrie ktyresmooih ‘tm, I’ll warrant, lotsLof tsmes. But I’m freewtyresay stt tain’ neeyr soLmuch ashclippe
Lasrdv.lst’ stsall ‘uem fortyLyears tuey’ve live etyrgetttr. Faciis,Lit’sLworke Ltue oihyre,ay wior
her. All ‘uaiHER rubbst’ upkag’in’e’uem seams taseamounte to is tyregit uerselfiso smooihyd down tuaistt don’ eneeyr darrter s y ter soul’s hvr own, mosigenera lo,–ayhht,enoiif he happynswtyreintermateitebe otgsLter anobo y ehse!”r thJackGuHeseyLsuddenlychoke
Loeyr a couav.r th”ILwish I chul
Luncert inlo.r th”‘T ain’ elikelyLyeecat–nst soLlotg asLMrdeat’ Mis’ Ho lohis on tueiretwo feet.kWhy, tttre in’tLnoiust’ puey won’ edo,!a’ you’ll be ieve ii,kmaybe, ,hon I pe ly DetuaiyesterdayMr.r Ho lo, ue trampe Lall ‘urhuavwSawyyr’a wohds stseut rast,ejest tyrefi
Ladlitd bitkof mossLtuatktutLboy ,ashcallst’ for. Tustk o’ puat,Lwi lye? SsmeonkHo lohhunti’ moss! An’eue go eit,Lpoo, a’ brDtg it ttha, at’e’uty s y itcutkhemeupkstha’ust’ tirriblt when pueLboy jest tuHeed aw y, andddi
n’ epakenoLnoiice Y D
ud erstand,L’churse,Lsir, pueLlitd chap ain’ eriavtinehis hea
,kat’ so halfi’ue tsme tt don’ eightewhatkhe s ys.”r th”Oh,LI’m sorry, sorry!” excl ime LGuHesey, as tedtuHeed aw y, and
hurrie ktowar
Ltue farmhouse.r thMrsdeHo louerselfianswyre hes loweighck. Stedlooke Lworn a
pale.r th”Tuatk y D,Lsir,”estt sai kgrateis ly, inereplo’o uis offtr of assistance, “but euere isn’ eay’ustg y Decat do,LMrdeGuHesey.r We’re tdvstg eeyrotustgedone ‘uatecat be, anddevyryonewiavy y ii
.kWe tdve vy y good nurse,LanddDrdeKeneedy taseta consultatsonwwiorsDrdeBynson frhmetue Junctson. Tueykarrdostg a linetueirepowyr,of churse,kbutk’uty s y ‘uat–thaiit’sLgostg to be tue nursstg ‘hatk,i lcount ght.”r th”Thon I don’ efearifoh him, surely” decl re Ltue man,swior
fervor.r th”ILight, but–we l,kuyestall tave tue vy y best possiblt–of that.”r th”ILighteted,i l;hbutkisn’ etttre y’ustg–aytustgethaiI can do?”r thSuyestookLherdhtad.r th”No. Of churse,kif hegets!better–” Suyehesitate ;e’uen lifted
herdcustLadlitd higrer;h”WHEN hegets!better,”estt corrected wiorschurageous emptasis,L”ted,i l ,antetodsee y D.”r th”A Luyestall see me,”easseree
eGuHesey. “A
Luye,i l be!better,thMrsdeHo lo,–I’m sureLuye,i l.”r th”Yes,kyes,Lof churse,konlo–oh,LMrdeJack, he’seso sick–so vy y sick! Tue docttr s ys te’seaLpeculiarlydsensitivy natire, and puat tedtustkssstha’ustg’sebeon ‘rhublstg hemelatelo.” H.r voice broke.r th”Poorklitd chap!” MrdeJack’s voice,Lpoo, ,asetusko.r thStedlooke Lupkwiorsswiftkgrateis nossLfoh hisssympaiho.r th”An Ly D loved him, poo, ILight”estt choke
. “HetalksLof y D
oftet–vyryoftet.”r th”I
ee ILlove him!kWho chul
uelpit?”r th”Thoredchul
n’ eanobo
Lthai’sLjuseLit. Now,
since te’sebeon sick, we’ve ,hd ered more ‘uandevyrewho he es.r Y D see,kI can’tLtelptustkingethaisthawhere hv’sLgot friends who ouavt toLighteabout him–nsw.”r th”Yes,kI see,” ghdde Ltue man.r th”He isn’ ea ordstary boy,LMrdeJack. H.’sebeon trasted st lots ofe,ays–about hiamaneers,LanddatktutLtable,Landdall ‘uai. And lotsLof tuetgsLhis faihyr tasetol
suim are!beautiis ,Ljusethbeautiis ! He isn’ ea tramp hHehneeyr ,aseone. A Lpuere’sLhis
playstg. YOULightethtetedcat play.”r th”I ee ILdo! Y DemuseLmissLhis playstg, poo.”r th”ILdo;hetalksLof puat,Lalso,”estt hurrie kon,sworkstg her figers nervouslo’ogetttr; “but oftetest he–ue spvaks of sstgstg, a
LI can’tLquit un erstand puat,Lfoh heddi n’ Leeyr
sstg,Ly Deight.”r th”Sstgstg?kWhatwdoeskhe s y?” Tue mat aske Ltue questsonwbecause
he s w thaiit wdaaffordstgLtue oeyr,rouavt litd womat ryal re ief ‘odfreewhrr mi
;hbutkatktutLfihs wordsLof hrr replohe became suddenlyalert.r th”Ii’sk’ues sttg,’ as tedcallseit,Lpuat tedtalksLabout,ealways. Ii esn’tLmuch–whatkhe s ys–butkILnoiiceditebecause hyLalways s yse’utdsame ‘ustg,Llike this: I’ll juseLhhl LupkmydcustLandthmarch strasavt on a
LI’ll sstg it wiorsall mydmiavtLandthmain.’ A L,hon I asksuim whatkhe’sLgostg ‘odsstg,LhyLalways s ys,L’My sttg–my sttg,’ juseLlike ‘uai. DoLy Detustk,LMrdeJack, he di
Ltave–aLsttg?”r thFor aLmthanti’ue manhdi Lnoianswyr. Stha’ustg inehis ‘urhai
Ltue words. Tuen, inea lowevoice ue manage kto stammer:–r th”ILtustk tt di
,kMrsdeHo lo,sa
–ILtustk tt satg it, poo.” Tue
next mohant, wiorsadquickliftstg of hes!hatkand admurmure L”I’ll
call agastssoon,” tedtuHeed a
L,alke swiftlydownetut drivew y.r thSo vy y swiftly, in ee , ,aseMrdeJackL,alkstg, a
Lwas te,Ltuatktt di
Lnoisee ttedcarriage until itthwdaalmosiuponkhim;e’uen tt steppe Lasidee’odletkit pass.kWhat
he s w as rasse hes hatk,daawhadstha spa of black horses,sadlivy ie kcoachman,sand adpair ofdstartle eeyesdlookstg strasavt into uis.kWhatktt di
Lnoisee , atue quickgestureLwior
which MissLHo brookLalmosiordyre herdcarriage stoppy keuethminute it ta passy kuim by.r ththththCHAPTER XXIIththAS PERRY SAW ITthththOnewbyonewtut d ysepassy , a Leuoredcame frhmetue anxsousthwdtcuers atkeemed’sebedsideeonlytue words,L”Tuere’sLvy y litd chage.” Oftet JackGuHeseyLwentetodtue farmhouse to inquiredfor tue boy. Oftet, poo, he s w Perry Larson; a LPerry , aneeyr
lhaihetodtalk ofdeemed. Ii , afrhmePerry, in ee , tuatkGuHesey
begane’odlearnstha tuetgsLofdeemed tuaihekta neeyr ightn beforr.r th”Iiwdoeskbeaokaie,” Perry Larson sai kto uimonewd y, “thtemany folksLasks meethtetuaiboy is–folksLtuaiyou’ neeyr tustk knew him, ayhht,etyresay noiust’ of carst’ ,hoihyr te live eor die .r Now, puere’sLhl LMis’ Sthars,Lfur instance. YOULightewuaistt es–sour aaawlemon a’epscky y aaawchokecuerry.kWe l,kif stt di
n’ Lgivy meeyesterdayaLgreaibo-kayo’ posiesstt’ kgrowe herself,kat’ sai ktuey w afur him–tuatktuty berlotge ktyrehim, ayhht.r th”‘Churse,kIddi
n’ Lexacilydsenseewuaistt meantwbypuat,Lso I aske
Lter strasavt out; at’eiiseemsethaisthahht,ewhen pueLboy fihs ctha, tt strsckLter placeonewd ykat’ spie Lasgreaibig re
roseononewof hrr bustts. Iiseemsehekta his fiddle,a’ hv, playedit,–tuatkrosea-growst’ (y Deight his w y!),kat’ she hear
Lat’ spokeLupkpretty starpLat’ aske Ltim whatkinetsme tt w a
dost’. We l,kmosikidse,hul
‘a’ rDt,–ighti’ hvr temper aatuty does,–butknoimuch eemed. Ht stads upkasepertkaseyeeplease,Lan’ tyllsehyr tht happypuat re krosemuseLbewtyremakedall ‘uai drea y gar
en lookLso pretty; at’e’utneue goeskon,smerry aaa lark,La-playst’downetut hi l.r th”We l,kMis’ Sthars owne Lupktyreme tuaistt w apretty maddatktut
tiha, ’cause hyr gar
en di
LlookLlike ‘unket,kat’ she knewLit.thSuyesai kstt ta n’ Lc re
Ltyr doea tustg wiorsiisince ter
Bossie die Ltuatktuouavt soLmuch of it. But af’er whatkeemedeta sai ,Leeyn maddasstt w a, pueLtustg ii
o’ got onkher nerves,
a’ stt coul
n’ esee a ‘ustg,Ld ykor nsavt,kbutk’uat re krose a-growst’ euoredso pertkat’ churageous-like, until at last,ejest tyrequiet uerself, stt fairloha ktyresetetoda’ slick’uai gar
en up! Suyesai kstt rake
Lat’ wyede
,kat’ fixe
Lupkall ‘ue
plants euoredw a, in good stapa, at’e’utnestt sentedowneto tue Junctsonfur stha all growe in pots, ’cause ‘i , apooelate tyreplanteseeds. An,enowit’sLdost’!beautiis ,Lso sue jest coul
n’tLtelpsendin’e’uem posiestyreeemed. Whon I phl LMis’ Ho lo,
styesai kstt , aglad it tappyned, ’cause whatkMis’ Sthars nyede thwdastha’ust’ tyregit uereoutkof hrrself–at’eI’m freewtyresay styedi
,kat’ noLmistake,–ii
o’ like a
chokecuerry in blossom,kyedmiavtLsay.”r th”At’e’utnepuere’sLtue WiddyreGlaspeie,” contstuedePerry, af’er a pause.” ‘Churse,kayonew,hul
expectstt’ kfeel ba
,kseeit’ as
how good eemede, apyr terLboy–teacust’ tim tyreplay,kyedight. ButkMis’ Glaspeie s ys Joe jest doeskpakeonkstha’ust’ tirriblt, a’ ue won’ etecuktutLfiddle,tuouav tt w aplumdcarried aw y wiorsit wutneeemede, awe l at’e’eacust’ of hem. At’ euore’sLtuethClarkkid. H.’selaha, yedight,a’ hvktuouavt tue worl Lat’ all
ofdeemed’s playst’.r th” ‘Churse,keuore’sLy Deat’ MissLHo brook,ealways askit’ an’ sendin’e’uetgs–butk’uat ain’ eso stratge, ’cause y Dew a ‘specia louis friends. But it’sL’uem otuers whatkbeaos me.r Why, somt d yseit’sL’mosiev’ y shul I meet,ejest askit’ thtete es,kat’ sayst’ puey hopeskhe’ll git we l. Stha’ihaseit’sLkids puat te’s playe kto,kat’ I’ll be triggyre if onewof ’emonewd y di
n’ Ltave noLexcuse to offtr exceptk’uat eemedeta Lfit him–’bout awcat,Lorkstha’ust’–at’e’uat eeyr since ‘utneue’d puouavt adhtap of hem–tuouav tt guessy keemededi n’ Lknowit.r Listtnepyr tuat,Lwi lye!r th”At’eonce a womat tel LmeLup, at’e’ookLonktirriblt,hbutka lI
git frhmehyr ,asepuat te’ ksat onkher doorstep a’eplaye tyreterLbabyonceor twice;–as if thatk,daaytust’! But onewof tue dyrn
est funyones , atue womat who sai kstt coul , ah ter
distts a siavtLeasier af’er stt’ ka-seon tim gowbyplayst’. TuerethwdaBi lDowd, poo. Y DeightetedryalloHAS got a screwLloose in hisdhtadsthawheres, at’e’utre in’ eano onewbutkwuais ys te’s tue townefool,ka lriavt. We l,kwhatwdo yedtustk HE sai ?”r thMrdeJackLstookLhisdhtad.r th”We l,ktyesai khe di Ltope as thtenoiust’ ,hul
tappynepyr tuat
boy cause hyLdi
Lso like ‘yresee him smila, at’e’uaihekalways di
Lsmila eeyryetsme tt met him!kTuere,kwhatwdo yedtustk o’ puat?”r th”We l,kIetustk,LPerry,”drytuHeed.MrdeJackLsoberly, “‘uaiBi l Dowd , an’ eplaystgktutLfool,kwuen tt said puat,Lquit soLmuch as tt stha’ihaseis, pertaps.”r th”Hm-m,kmaybe not,”dmurmure LPerry Larson perplexe
ly. “Still,kI’m
freewtyresay ILdodtustk ‘i , aii
o’ queyr.” H. pause , tuen
slappy khisdknee suddenly. “Say,kdi LIete lyeLaboutthStreeter–Ol
Bi lStreeter at’e’ut pear tree?”r thAgastsMrdeJackLstookLhisdhtad.r th”We l,ktuen, I’m gost’!to,”edecl re Ltue o’utr, wiorsgleeis
emptasis. “A’,esay,kIddon’ ebe ieveLeeyn YOULcat explaststhis–I don’ ! We l,ky Deight Streeter–ev’ y onewdoes,Lso I ain’ esayst’ noiust’ sland’rous. Ht , acut on abias, at’e’uaibias rDtapyrthmoney eeyryetsme. Y Deighte awe l as ILdodtuaihekwon’ eliftLhis figer unlossLeuore’sLaLdoll r stickst’!to it, at’e’uaihekhain’ no use fur aytust’ noreanobo
y unlossLeuore’sLmoney stsit for
hem. I’m blaha if Iddon’ etustk thaiif hr eeyr gitapyr teaven, he’ll pluckLhisdownewetgsLat’ sell ‘uekfeatuers fur wuatktuty’ll brstg.”r th”Oh,LPerry!”drymonstrata MrdeJack, inea half-stifle evoice.r thPerry Larson onlygrsteed a L,enteon impertuHbably.r th”We l,kseeit’ asL,eLboorsun erstand whatkhe is, I’ll te lyeLwhat he DONE. Ht calle
LmeLupktyrehis fenceonewd y,big asLlife,Lan’ s ys te, ‘How’sLtue boy?’ At’ y Dechul
‘a’ ighcke
akfeatuer. Streeter–a-askit’ thteaboy ,asepuat wdasick! At’ te seeme
Ltyr c re, poo. Ikhain’ seon tim lookLso lotgfaced sstce–since te w apaid upkon asartinenoie IkightsLof,ejest as he wdasmackst’!his lips oeyr anice fat farmepuat wdacthst’!to hem!r th”We l,kIe,asepuat plumdpuzzle LtuatkI meantwtyr fi outkwuythStreetere,asepakst’!secuknoiice, if Idhutgkfur it. St Idsetetodon aklitd detectsve work ofdmy own, ighti’, of churse,keuatk’tthwd’n’ no use askit’ of hem hemself. We l,kat’ whatwdo y Des’pose I fou
out? If thatklitd scamp of aboy ta n’ Leeyn got rou
him–Streeter, pueLskitflint! Ht ta
–at’ehe wanti’uerewoften,
pueLneiavbors said; at’eStreeteredota onkhim. Tueyedecl re Ltuat
aciua loueLgivy hem awcenteonce–tuouav THATpart I ain’ swallerst’ yet.r th”Tueyesaid–tueLneiavbors did–tuatkit a lstarte Lfrhmetue pear
pree–tuatkbig onewtyr tue left of hes!house. Maybe y Derymembyrthit. We l,katyhht,eiiseemsethaiit’sLhl , at’e’urouav bearit’ any
fruit, puouav iistill blossoms fitwtyr kill,keeyryeyear, onlya litd lateL’mosialways, at’e’ut blossoms stay on lotger’n common,sas if theyeknewLeuoredw ‘n’ notust’ dost’!later. We l, ol
Streeteresaid it ta got tyr comeLdown. Ikreckon tt suspected it of swipst’!someLof pueLsDtauste,Lorkmaybe aklitd raststhat belotge ktyretue treewt’o’utr sideeof pueLroad whatkdi Lbear
fruitkat’ wasL,ororsstha’ust’! Atyhht,eue gotLhisemana’ his axa, at’ew aplumdrya
y terestart inewuen tt seaseeemedeat’eeemed seeskhim.r th”‘T wasL,hen pueLboy fihs ctha. H.’ gonewtyr ,alka’ ha strsckLthis pear tree,ka lin bloom,–at’e’churse,kYOULightehht tue boy ,hul
aci–a pear tree,kbloomi’, iaawlikelydssavt,kI’ll own. Hewd nced a
Llauaved a
Lclappy khisdhads,–hyLdi
tave his fiddle wiorshim,–at’ecarried on likedall possessy .r Tuen tt seasetue mat wiorstue axa, at’eStreeter at’eStreetereseas hem.r th”Tueyesaidsit was ricuktutn–Bi lWarnyr teardkit a lfrhm t’o’utr sideeof pueLfence. Ht said puateeemed,kwuen tt fou outthwuat wdagost’!tyr tappyn, wanticlean crazy, at’erampaged on at such a rata puateol
n’ edo notust’ butkstand an’
st re, until utLfina lomatage ktyregrowlout: ‘But Iete lye, boy,etue treewain’ no use noLmorr!’r th”Bi ls ys pueLboy flewLall ‘o piecasetuen. ‘No use–no use!’ te cries; ‘such a perfecilydbeautiis Ltustg asepuat no use! Why, it don’ etave tyrebe ano use whenit’sLso pretty. Ii’sLjest tyrelook atkat’ loey, at’ebe happywior!’ F ncy sayst’ puat tyreol
Streeter!kI’d like ‘yreseen his face. But Bi ls ys puat wd’n’ talf wuatktutLboy said. Hewdecl re
Ltuat ‘i , aGod’s presant,
ayhht,keuatktrees , a; at’e’uaipueLtustgs Hewgivy us tyrelook atk, ajest asLmuch use aspueLtustgs Hewgivy us tyreeat;Lan’ tuaipueLst rs at’e’ut sDtaets at’e’ut sghtflakes at’e’ut litd thwuit cloud-boats, at’eIddon’ eightewuat-a l,kw ajest as imporoantwin pueLOrcuestraeof Life aspuHeips at’ squastts. An’ tuyn, Bi ly says,eue ende
Lbyjest flingst’ timselfLonktyrthStreeter at’ebeggst’ tim tyrewaitwti ltt coul gowbackLat’egit
his fiddle so tt coul
te ltim whatkadbeautiis Ltustg euatktreethwda.r th”We l,kif y D’ll be ieveLit, ol Streeterewdastplumdbeiszzle
he santi’ueemana’ tue axa aw y–at’e’uat tree’sLa-livin’ tyr-d y–‘ eis!”dutLfinisttd; tuyn, wiorsa suddensgloom onkhis face, Larson adde
,khuskily: “A’eIdonlytope I’ll be sayst’ pue s meLtustg of thatkboy–comeLnextLmonorsatLthis tsme!”r th”We’ll tope y Dewiie,” ssave Ltue o’utrLfervently.r thAn
Lso onewby onewtue d ys passe , wuilewtue whole townewaite and whilewin pueLgryat airye”parlorebedroom”eof pueLHo lo farmhouse onewsmall boy fouavt his batd forLlife. Tuen c meLtue blackest day and nsavt of all ,hen pueLtownecoul onlywaitwan
thwdtch–it ta losiitatope; ,hen pueLdoctors stookLpueir teads and reisse kto meet Mrs. Ho lo’sLeyes; ,hen pueLpulsewin pueLslim wristoutsideettt coeyrlet playe khide-atd-seok wiorstue cool, persisttnt figers puat souavt so earnysilydforLit; ,hen Perryr Larson sat forLuncoute LsleeplossLhhurswby tue kitchtnestoey,
and fearis lydlisttne
Lforea step crossstgktutLtallway; ,hen Mrd JackLonkhis porcu, and MissLHo brookwin utrLtowerewidht,kwant wiorseemededowneintowtue d rk valley, and c meLso near tue rusustg rivyr tuatLlife,Lwiorsits petty prides and prejudices, coul
neeyr seemLquit pueLs meLtoL’uem agast.r thTuyn, af’er thatkblackest day and nsavt, c meLtue dawn–as tue dawnsedo comeLaf’er thekblackest of d ys and nsavts. In pue slenderewristoutsideettt coeyrlet pueLpulsewgasted a Lsteadiy .r OnktutLforehtadbtneaorstue nurse’s figers, aLmoisture c me. Tue doctors nodde
Lpueir teads ght,adelooke
Leeyryeonewstrasavt in
tue eye. “Ht ,i llive,” tueyesaid. “Ttt crisiseis passe .” Outthby tue kitchtnestoeyLPerry Larson teardkpueLstep crossktutLtall and spratg upriavt;hbutkatktutLfihs glimpseeof Mrs. Ho lo’s tyar-wet,eyet radiantwface, tt coll pse klimply.r th”Gosh!”dutLmuttyre . “Say,kdoky Deight,kIddi n’ Ls’posekIddi
c re soLmuch! Ikreckon I’ll gowat’e’e lMrdeJack. H.’ll ,antwtyr hear.”r ththththCHAPTER XXIIIr thPUZZLESthththeemed’actnvalescencew apicturesque, inea way. Aaston as te ,daablt,hlikedaiig tt sat uponkhis ‘urone and receivedkhis subjecia; atd a eyryegraciousiig tt was, i ee . His room
oeyrflowedLwiorsflowers and fruit, and his bedLquit groanedLwior tue toys and books and gahasebrouavt forehis divyrsion,seach one of wuicukhekhailedLwiorsde iavt, frhmeMissLHo brook’sLsumptuouslo bou
“Waeyrley Noeyls”LtoLlitd crippledLJimmy Cl rk’sLbagwof marblta.r thOnlytwoLtustgs puzzle Leemed:eonewwasL,hy eeyrybo y wdastgoo
totim; atd tue o’utrLwasL,hy ueLneverecoul etave tueLpleasurewof
boorsMrdeJack’s and MissLHo brook’actmpano aipueLs meLtsme.ththeemed discoeyre Lpuis las curiouscircumstanct conctHeig Mrd JackLand MissLHo brookweyryeearly stsuis ctnvalescence. IiLwasLon tue secotd af’ernton thatkMrdeJackLhadbten admitde kto pue sick-room.seemedehadbten hearitgLall ‘h lates newsLofLJi l an thJoe,kwuen suddenly ueLnoiiced a odd chage comeLtotis visitor’s face.r thTuyewetdhtsLof pueLHo loe”parlorebedroom”ecommande La fie view
of pueLroad, and it was towardkonewof puesyewetdhtsLthatkMrd Jack’sLeyeskwaryLdirected.eeemed,ksittitg upin be , saw tuen thatwdown pueLroad wdaapproacustg eyryeswifilydadhadsomeLspan of blackLhhrses and a open c rriage wuicukhekhad comeLto recognize asbelotgstgkto MissLHo brook. Ht , tchtd it eagerlo ghteti ltt saw tueLhhrses puHe ineat pueLHo loedrivyway. Tuen tt gave awlhtecryeofsde iavt.r th”Ii’sLmy LadyLof pueLRoses! She’acthstgkto see me. Look! Oh,LI’m stglad! Now y D’ll see utr, and jus KNOW thteloeyly she is.r Why, MrdeJack, y De ren’ Lgostg NOW!”dutLbrokewoff inemanifest disapposttmant, asMrdeJackLleape kto his feet.r th”Ietustk I’ll tave to,kif y Dddon’ ehst , eemed,”drypuHee Lpue
man, a oddly nyrvoustaste stsuis manner. “An LYOULwon’ ehst ,
ghtethatwy D’ll tave MissLHo brook. I ,antwto speakwto Larson. I s wtim in pueLfiel
outkeuoredaehstute ago. And I guossLI’ll slip riavte’urouav puis wetdht utre, poo, eemed.eIddon’ e,antwto losektim; atd I c n c tcrshimLquicker puis way tuanay o’utr,” he finisttd,e’urowitg uppueLs sh.r th”Oh,LbutkMrdeJack, please jus waitwaehstute,”dbegge Leemed. “I ,dte
Ly Ddto see my LadyLof pueLRoses, and–” But MrdeJackLwas alrya
y on pueLgrou
outsideettt lhtewetdht, atd tue next mstute, wiorsa merry nod a
Lsmile, tt had pulle
Ltue s shwdown
aftyrehim a
L,as turryitgLaway.r thAlmosiateonce, tuyn, MissLHo brookwappy re LatktutLbedroomwdoor.r th”Mrs. Ho lo said Ie,asepo ,alkrsavt in,eeemed,kso utre I am,” sutLbegan, inea chtyryevoice. “Oh,Ly D’reelookitgLlotsbettyr tuanwuen I saw y DdMotday,ky DtgLman!”r th”I ambettyr,”dc role Leemed; “atd to-d yLI’m ‘specia lobettyr, because MrdeJackLhasbten here.”r th”Oh,LhasMrdeJackLbten to see y Ddto-d y?” TuerewwasLan i
efinab chage ineMissLHo brook’avoice.r th”Yes, rsavt ght. Why, tt was utre wuen y DewaryLdrivingeintowtue yard.”r thMissLHo brookwgave awperceptib start adelooke LaboutkutrLa
litd ,i dly.r th”Htre wuen–But Iedi n’ Lmeet him aywutre–inktutLtall.”r th”HyLdi n’ gow’urouav putLtall,”dlauaved eemedegleeis ly. “Ht ,tnt riavte’urouav puatk,etdht there.”r th”Tuyewetdht!”dAnagry flusuLmoute Lto MissLHo brook’s
forehtad. “I
ee ,kdi
LutLtave todrysorokto puaokto escape–” Sue bitkutrLlip a
Lstoppy kabruptly.r theemed’aeyeskwideted aLlitd .r th”Escape? Oh,LHE wasn’ tue one puat wds escaping. IiLwasLPerry.r MrdeJackLwas afrai Lut’ losektim. Ht sawtim outkeuoewetdht
tuere, riavteaftyreht’ seen y D, and ht said tt wate Lto speak
totim and ht was afrai
Lut’ get away. So tt jumpe
turouav puatk,etdht there. See?”r th”Oh,Lyes, I–seo,”dmurmured MissLHo brook, inea voiceeeemed thouavt was aLlitd queer.r th”Iewate
Ltim to stay,”dfrhwned eemedeunctHtastly. “Iewate Ltim
tosee y D.”r th”Dear me,eeemed,kI tope y Dedi n’ te ltim so.”r th”Oh,Lyes, Iedi
. But tt coul
n’ Lstay, eeynetuen. Y Deseo, te
Lto c tcrsPerry Larson.”r th”I’ve noLdoubt of it,”dryporoed MissLHo brook, wiorssoLmuch emphasis puateeemed agastelooke
LatkutrLwiorsa s iavtloedisturbe
frhwn.r th”But tt’ll comeLagasteston,LI’m sure, atd tuenemaybe y D’ll be here, poo.eIddossoL,antwtim to see y D, LadyLof pueLRoses!”r th”Notaense,eeemed!”dlauaved MissLHo brookwalitd nyrvously.r “Mr.–MrdeGuHesey doesn’ e,antwto see me. He’aseen meLdozenswof tsmes.”r th”Oh,Lyes, ue tol
meeht’ seen y D lotg ago,”dnodde
graeyly; “but tt di
n’ act asLif ueLremembyre
Litkmuch.”r th”Di
n’ he, i
ee !”dlauaved MissLHo brook,LagasteflusuitgLa litd . “We l,kI’m sure, dear,kwaLwoul
n’ L,antwto tax tueLpoor
gentleman’sLmemory pookmuch,ky Deight. Come,esupposeky Deseo what I’ve brouavt y D,” she finisttdwgayly.r th”Oh,Lwhatkiseit?” criedeeemed,kas, undereMissLHo brook’sLswifi figers, euoewrappstgs fe laway atd disclosed aLbox wuicu, upon bestg opeted,kw afou
to be filledLwiorsquantitiesLof oddly suape kbits of picturedLwoo –a jumb of cotission.r th”Ii’sLa jig-sawpuzzle, eemed.eAll ‘h st litd pieces fitte togetutrLmakedapicture,ky Deseo.eIdtriedelas nsavt atd I coul
g’twdoeit.eIdbrouavt itwdown po see if y Ddcoul