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Sir John died in 1654, when he was succeeded by his eldest son,

I. SIR GEORGE MACKENZIE, created first Earl of Cromarty, who made a distinguished figure in the history of his country during the reigns of Charles II., James II., and William III. In 1661, at the early age of 31, he was made a Lord of Session. He subsequently held the offices of Lord-Justice-General and Clerk-Register of Scotland. When Maitland got into favour Sir George shared the fall of his patron, Lord Middleton, but on the death of the Duke of Lauderdale he again got into favour, and, until the close of the reign of King James, he held the principal sway and power in Scottish affairs. He was accessory, if not the principal, in putting Spence and Carstairs to the torture of the boot and thumb-screw after the rebellion of Argyll. In 1685 King James ennobled him by the title of Viscount Tarbat, Lord Macleod and Castlehaven. During the reign of William III. his influence became much diminished, but he afterwards got into power, and, on the accession of Queen Anne, he again became a Royal favourite, and was by her in 1703 created Earl of Cromarty, and made Secretary of State for Scotland. He subsequently resigned this office and took up his old post of Justice-General, and recompensed Her Majesty’s favours by strongly advocating with voice and pen the Union between England and Scotland, of which he was the original proposer. In 1710, after 60 years of the most active public service, he retired into private life.

That he possessed ability of a very high order is undoubted, though as a politician he held very loose and changeable principles. Sinibert says that “as a judge, he was addicted to the old practice of considering the litigants rather than their causes”; and Carstairs goes the length of saying that “he habitually falsified the minutes of Parliament, and recorded in its name decisions and orders never really made.” In the course of his long and checkered career he had been a member of so many Ministries and changed sides so often that it was not to be expected that he should escape charges of inconsistency. “Some do compare him to an eel,” said Lockhart of Carnwath, “and certainly the character suited him exactly … He had sworn all the most contradictory oaths, and complied with all the opposite Governments since the year 1648, and was humble servant to them all till he got what he aimed at, though often he did not know what that was.” Almost every statesman of his time was as changeable as he was, but he possessed a capacity for business which distinguished few if any of his rivals. He is admitted on all hands to have been in private life a gentleman of the most refined habits. He wrote well on various subjects, his chief productions being Essays on the Union of the two Kingdoms of England and Scotland; on the Gowrie Conspiracy; and a “Plain Explication” of the Prophecies of Daniel and St. John. He also wrote the MS. history of his clan, so often quoted and referred to in this work, and he undoubtedly invented Colin Fitzgerald.

His lordship married, first, Anne, daughter of Sir George Sinclair of Mey, with issue –

1. Roderick, who died young.

2. John, who became his heir and successor.

3. Kenneth, who in 1704 obtained a baronetcy with his grandfather’s patent of creation, as Sir Kenneth Mackenzie, Baronet of Grandvale and Cromarty. [Sir Kenneth and his younger brother, Sir James Mackenzie of Royston, were created baronets in the same year, the patent of the latter being dated 8th of February, 1704. Sir Kenneth’s patent (which is to his heirs male for ever), was dated 29th of April, 1704, and contained the original precedency of the patent of his grandfather, Sir John, who was created a Baronet of Nova Scotia in 1628. Sir Kenneth was a member of Parliament for the County of Cromartie in the reigns of King William and Queen Anne. He warmly supported the treaty of Union, was one of the members nominated by the Parliament of Scotland, on 13th February, 1707, to sit in the United Parliament of Great Britain, and was chosen member for the County of Cromartie at the general election in 1710. A new writ for that county was ordered On 22nd January, 1729, in consequence of his decease, and his eldest son Sir George, was elected in his place. – “Earls of Cromartie”] He died in 1729, having married Anne Campbell, with issue – Sir George, the second Baronet, M.P., who married Elizabeth, daughter of Captain John Reid, of Greenwich, without issue. In 1741, his affairs having become embarrassed, Sir George sold Cromarty to Sir William Urquhart of Meldrum. He died in 1748, and was buried at Dingwall; his lady having survived him 59 years, and died at Inverness in 1807, aged 84. Sir Kenneth’s other four sons were Colin; James; Campbell; and Gerard, who all died young or unmarried and Kenneth, who, in 1748, succeeded his brother Sir George, as third Baronet, and died unmarried in 1763. His daughter, Catherine, married Dr Adam Murray, of Stirling. He had several other daughters, married and unmarried.

4. James, who on the 8th of February, 1704, was created a Baronet by Queen Anne as Sir James Mackenzie of Royston, and in 1710 he was appointed a Lord of Session by the title of Lord Royston. The Baronetcy being limited to heirs male, and Lord Royston having died in 1744 without surviving male issue, the title became dormant. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir George Mackenzie of Rosehaugh, with issue – George of Farnese, who in 1743 married Isabella Stuart, and died before his father, without issue; Anne, who married Sir William Dick of Prestonfield; and Elizabeth, who married Sir John Stewart of Grandtully, with issue.

5. Lady Margaret, who married Sir D. Bruce of Clackmannan, without issue.

6. Lady Elizabeth, who married Sir John Brown of Coalstown.

7. Lady Jean, married Sir Thomas Stewart of Balcaskie.

8. Lady Anne, who married the Hon. John Sinclair, son of Lord Murkle, and died in 1740.

The Earl married, secondly, Margaret, Countess of Wemyss, without issue. He died in 1714, was buried at Dingwall, and succeeded by his eldest son,

II. JOHN MACKENZIE, second Earl of Cromarty. He does not appear to have taken a prominent part in public affairs, and he kept out of the Rising of 1715. Notwithstanding the division which had been made of the family estates to secure suitable provision for the two Baronetcies, his Lordship still possessed extensive possessions in the Counties of Ross, Inverness, Elgin, and Fife. He married, first, Lady Elizabeth Gordon, daughter of the first Earl of Aboyne, without issue. He afterwards divorced her and married, secondly, the Hon. Mary Murray, daughter of the third Lord Elibank, with issue –

1. Lord George, his heir and successor.

2. Captain Roderick, who married twice, with issue – Captain Kenneth of Cromarty, who succeeded to the estates in 1789, and died without issue male in 1796 and a daughter.

3. Lord William who died at sea, without issue.

4. Lord Patrick, who married, without male issue.

5. Lord Gideon, who died without issue male.

6. Lady Mary; 7. Lady Anna; 8. Lady Helen; all of whom died young or unmarried.

The Earl married, thirdly, Anna, daughter of Hugh, Xth Lord Lovat, with issue –

9. Lord James; 10. Lord Hugh; and 11. Lord Norman, all of whom died young, the latter at sea in 1751.

12. Lady Emilia, who in 1740 married Archibald Lamont of Lamont, with issue.

His Lordship died in 1731, and was succeeded by his eldest son,

III. GEORGE MACKENZIE, third Earl of Cromarty. He joined Prince Charles in 1745 and fought at the battle of Falkirk at the head of 400 or 500 of his clan. Afterwards, on the 15th of April, the day immediately preceding the battle of Culloden, he was taken prisoner, along with his eldest son, Lord Macleod, and all his officers, at Dunrobin Castle, by two companies of Sutherlands and Mackays. He had previously detached himself from the main body of the Highland army with the view of seizing this castle and repressing the adherents of the Government in the far North. He was at once sent to London and imprisoned in the Tower. His vacillating conduct and uncertain correspondence with Lord President Forbes are notorious, for he actually wrote to the latter as late as October, 1745, saying that he was then “stirring actively in the cause of the Government.” He was in due course tried, found guilty of high treason, and sentenced to death; but was afterwards pardoned through the bold and urgent entreaties of his Countess. In support of his own application for mercy, she waited personally on the members of the Cabinet, and presented a separate petition to each of them pleading for mercy, and on the Sunday after sentence was passed upon him, she went to Kensington Palace, dressed in deep mourning, accompanied by Lady Stair, to make a personal appeal to His Majesty for the Royal clemency. She was far advanced in pregnancy, and though a woman of strong mind, who had hitherto exhibited great fortitude in her distressing position, on this occasion she completely broke down, and gave way to grief. Taking her stand, surrounded by her ten young children, in the entrance of the Chapel through which the King had to pass, she awaited his arrival, and as he approached she fell on her knees, seized him by the coattails, presented her petition, and fainted at his feet. His Majesty immediately seized and raised her, received the petition, and handed it to the Duke of Grafton, who was present as one of his attendants. He then requested Lady Stair to conduct the Countess to one of the apartments. The Dukes of Hamilton and Montrose, the Earl of Stair, and other courtiers, having subsequently supported her petition by a personal application to the King, His Majesty, on the 9th of August, granted the Earl a free pardon, and he was at once set at liberty. His Lordship lived for several years in seclusion and poverty, supported mainly by the contributions of his old tenants and retainers on the forfeited estates.

He married Isabella, daughter of Sir William Gordon of Invergordon, with issue –

1. John, Lord Macleod, his heir.

2. Lord William, who died young.

3. Lord George, a Colonel in the 71st Regiment, who died unmarried in 1788.

4. Lady Isabella, who married George, VIth Lord Elibank, with issue, and in 1796 succeeded her cousin, Captain Kenneth, in the estates.

5. Lady Mary, who married, first, Captain Clarke, London; secondly, Thomas Drayton, South Carolina and thirdly, John Ainslie, Charlestown.

6. Lady Anne, who married, first, the Hon. Edmond Atkin, of South Carolina and secondly, Dr John Murray of Charlestown.

7. Lady Caroline, who married, first, a Mr Drake, of London, and secondly, Walter Hunter of Polmood and Crailieg.

8. Lady Jean; and 9. Lady Amelia, both of whom died young.

10. Lady Margaret, who in 1769 married John Glassford of Douglastown, Dumbarton, with issue.

11. Lady Augusta, who married Sir William Murray of Auchtertyre, with issue.

The Earl died in 1766, and was succeeded as representative of the family by his eldest son,

IV. LORD MACLEOD, Major-General in the army, by whose noble and patriotic conduct the fortunes of the family were afterwards to some extent restored. Disdaining to live on the charity of his friends and as a burden on his father, he joined the Swedish army as a soldier of fortune worked his way there, was aide-de-camp to the King, who created him Count Cromarty, and, in 1775, returned to his native country, after twenty-seven years of distinguished foreign service, full of fame and honours, with the rank of Lieut.-General. In 1754 the re-grant of the Lovat estates by George III. to General Fraser emboldened Lord Macleod to petition the King for the restoration of the Cromarty ancestral possessions; but his application at that time failed, although he succeeded later on.

When Lord Macleod joined his father against the Government he was only eighteen years of age, and on account of his extreme youth he had already obtained an unconditional pardon on the 22nd of June, 1748. In 1777 he was presented at Court, on which occasion George III. received him very kindly. In return for this gracious treatment, first pardoning him, and now so generously receiving him, his Lordship offered to raise a Highland Regiment. The offer was accepted, and in a very short time, though without any property or political connections, he soon raised a fine body of 840 men among his Highland countrymen. To this number 236 Lowlanders and 34 English and Irish were added by some of his friends, making together a full regiment of 1100 men, embodied at Elgin, and inspected there by General Skene in April, 1778. Immediately after, Letters of Service were issued in his favour for raising a second battalion of the same size as the first. This he soon accomplished, not less than 1800 of the men having been raised from the possessions of his ancestors – a splendid set of men with excellent constitutions, and of most exemplary conduct. He was appointed Colonel of the first battalion, and his brother, the Hon. Lieut.-Colonel Mackenzie, received the command of the second battalion. The Regiment was named Macleod’s Highlanders, numbered the 73rd, and is now well known as the 71st Highlanders. In 1779 Lord Macleod accompanied his Highlanders to India, and fought at their head in the Carnatic against Hyder Ah, under Major-General Sir Hector Munro, where they greatly distinguished themselves, though the regiment was nearly cut to pieces at the battle of Conjeveram. In 1782 his Lordship attained the rank of Major-General, and in the following year he returned home. In acknowledgment of his distinguished services, an Act of Parliament was passed, on the 18th of August, 1784, by which the forfeited estates of the Earldom were restored to him, on payment of L19,000 to relieve them of existing burdens.

Lord Macleod married in 1786 Marjory, eldest daughter of James, XVIth Lord Forbes, without issue. She afterwards married John, fourth Duke of Athole, with issue. The mansion, which had been almost entirely demolished after the ‘Forty-five, was by him rebuilt and enlarged, and the policies put into good order and properly attended to. He died on the 2nd of April, 1789, and was succeeded in the estates by his cousin-german,

V. CAPTAIN KENNETH MACKENZIE of Cromarty, who died in 1796, without male issue. He was the last direct male heir, and on his death the representation of the family, carrying with it the dormant honours of Cromarty and Tarbat, went into the family of Ardloch. He was succeeded in the estates by Lord Macleod’s eldest sister,

VI. LADY ISABELLA, who married the sixth Lord Elibank. She died on the 28th of December, 1801, without male issue, and was succeeded by her eldest daughter,

VII. THE HON. MARIA MURRAY, who in 1790 married the Hon. Edward Hay of Newhall, brother of George, VIIth Marquis of Tweeddale, who thereupon assumed the name of Mackenzie in addition to his own, with issue –

1. John Hay, her heir and successor.

2. Dorothea, who on the 2nd of July, 1813, married Sir David Hunter Blair, with issue.

3. Isabella, who on the 1st of November, 1817, married John Buckle, with issue.

4. Georgina Ann, who married James, fifth Earl of Glasgow, without issue.

Her only sister, the Hon. Isabella Murray, died unmarried in 1849.

The Hon. Maria Murray was succeeded by her only son,

VIII. JOHN HAY-MACKENZIE, who on the 23rd of April, 1828, married Anne, daughter of Sir Gibson-Craig, Baronet, with issue –

1. Anne his heir and successor.

He died at Cliefden on the 9th of July, 1849, and was succeeded by his only child,

IX. ANNE HAY-MACKENZIE of Cromarty, who, on the 27th of June, 1849, married His Grace the third Duke of Sutherland. On the 21st of October, 1861, her Grace was, by a new creation, made Countess of Cromarty, Viscountess Tarbat of Tarbat, Baroness Macleod of Castle Leod, and Baroness Castlehaven of Castlehaven, with remainder to her second son, Viscount Tarbat. Thus, should the old title ever be restored, there would be two Earls, with all the titles exactly similar, excepting that the holder of the original earldom would also inherit the Nova Scotia Baronetcy, as well as that of 1704.

On the death of the late Duchess of Sutherland, Countess of Cromartie, in 1888, she was succeeded by her second surviving son,

X. FRANCIS SUTHLRLAND LEVESON GOWER, as Earl of Cromartie, in all her other titles, and estates. He was born on the 3rd of August, 1852, and on the 2nd of August, 1876, married the Hon. Lilian Janet, second surviving daughter of Godfrey William Wentworth, 4th Lord Macdonald of Sleat, with issue –

1. Sibell Lilian, born on the 14th of August, 1878.

2. Constance, born in 1882.

The Earl died on the 24th of November, 1893. The limitation of this earldom being to his heirs male, and on the failure of such to his heirs, with other remainders over, a question arises as to whether or not the dignity is now in abeyance between his Lordship’s two daughters and co-heirs.

As it is possible the old honours may yet be claimed, it may be interesting to note in a more concise manner the facts concerning them. The original patent of the Nova Scotia Baronetcy to Sir John Mackenzie of Tarbat, by Charles I., dated 21st May, 1628, was to him “suosque haredes masculos quoscunque de tempore in tempus in posterum per perpetuo,” and the re-grant of 29th April, 1704, to his grandson, Kenneth, second son of George, first Earl of Cromarty, being confessedly to restore the old Baronetcy – now absorbed in the Earldom – intact, “as the samen was given to the umquhile Sir John Mackenzie of Tarbat,” was to Kenneth and his heirs male “in perpetuum,” and was therefore granted with the same succession, presumably to heirs male whomsoever.

Sir Kenneth Mackenzie of Grandvale and Cromarty, first Baronet of this re-grant, having died in 1729, the dignity was enjoyed by his eldest son, Sir George, second Baronet, who died without issue in 1748, and afterwards by his youngest son, Sir Kenneth, third Baronet, who died at Tam in 1763, also without issue. At this Sir Kenneth’s death, it is clear that the succession would, under the patent of 1704, then devolve upon his heir male, George, the attainted third Earl of Cromarty, who survived all the male descendants of the patentee, but whose honours, having been attainted in 1746, had been restored by the pardon granted to him under the Great Seal on the 20th of October, 1749. Thus was this Baronetcy absorbed a second time in the Earldom of Cromarty. Nor does it appear that it was ever assumed by George, the third Earl (who died in Poland Street, London, on the 29th of September, 1766), nor by his son Lord Macleod, who obtained a pardon dated the 26th of January, 1748, and with whom, who died without issue, on the 2nd of April, 1789, ended the direct line both of the Earldom and of the Baronetcy.

The succession then opened to his cousin, Captain Mackenzie of Cromarty, who obtained the estates; but he also died without issue in 1796, without having assumed either title.

Taking the term “haredibus masculis,” according to the opinion of John Riddell, the well-known Advocate and author “in the sense of our law, as an equivalent to heirs male whatsoever,” the representation of the Tarbat Baronetcy would then revert to the brothers of George, first Earl of Cromarty, the next of whom was Roderick, Lord Prestonhall. But here again the fatality to heirs male which has dogged the steps of the Cromarty titles in so extraordinary a manner, ended the succession in the children of his son, Alexander of Fraserdale. Riddell, in his opinion upon the revival of 1826, says, “I certainly saw proof of the male extinction of the Prestonhall branch several years ago.” That is, in one of the Lovat actions of Fraserdale, or Macleod of Macleod; and, after that family, the succession of the descendants of Alexander of Ardloch, fourth son of Sir John Mackenzie of Tarbat, was proved, in the Service at Tam, on the 30th of October, 1826, in the person of Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander Mackenzie, eldest son of Colonel Robert Mackenzie of Milnmount, who assumed the dormant Baronetcies of Tarbat and Royston, and who, dying without issue on the 28th of April, 1841, was succeeded by his only brother, Sir James Sutherland Mackenzie, who also died unmarried on the 24th of November, 1858. Since his death these Baronetcies have remained dormant, no effort to assume them having been made by the next heir male, although no doubt it was quite in his power to do so.

It is obvious from what has already been said that the representation of the Earldom of Cromarty, granted to George, Viscount Tarbat, on the 18th of September, 1703, the succession of which is “haredibus masculis et tallia” devolves upon the same head as the above-named Baronetcies. It is not, however, clear whether the pardon obtained by George, third Earl, is sufficient to remove the attainder, or whether an Act of Parliament would not be necessary for that purpose, although the attainted male-blood is long ago at an end. Since this question was debated, the restoration of the Airlie and other forfeited peerages have, in a great measure, cleared the ground, and in the new creation of 1861 the older title and honours according to the decisions in these cases could be in no way affected or disturbed.


THE first of this family, on which devolved the representation of the original Earldom of Cromarty and the Baronetcies of Tarbat and Royston in the male line, was

I. ALEXANDER MACKENZIE, fourth son of Sir John Mackenzie of Tarbat, created a Baronet of Nova Scotia in 1628, by his wife, Margaret, daughter of Sir George Erskine of Innerteil, a Lord of Session and Justiciary. Alexander, who has a sasine as fourth son, dated June, 1654, married Barbara, daughter of Kenneth Mackenzie, VI. of Gairloch, and relict of Fraser of Kinneries, with issue –

1. Roderick, who died young.

2. John, his heir and successor.

3. James, of Keppoch, who married Isabella, daughter of Kenneth Mackenzie, I. of Dundonnel, with issue – (1) Alexander, who married Henrietta Mackenzie of Fisherfield (sasine 1773); (2) Simon of Keppoch, who married with issue – Alexander of Kildonan, on record in 1755; (3) George of Kildonan, who married, first, Ann, daughter of Roderick Mackenzie of Kernsary, with issue – James. George died in 1809, aged 109 years; (4) Colin, of Jamaica, who married Janet, daughter of Kenneth Mackenzie, III. of Dundonnel, without issue; (5) Mary, who married Donald, grandson of John Mackenzie, I. of Gruinard, with issue; (6) Isabella, who married Allan Mackenzie, of the family of Hilton. James sold Keppoch in 1730.

5. Barbara, who married Roderick, son of George Mackenzie, II. of Gruinard, with issue.

6. Ann, who married William, sixth son of George Mackenzie, II. of Gruinard, with issue.

7. Margaret, who died unmarried; and three others who married respectively, Sinclair of Dunbeath; Gordon of Auchintoul, a cadet of the Gordons of Embo; and Colin Mackenzie of Kildun.

He died in 1736, and was succeeded by his eldest surviving son,

II. JOHN MACKENZIE, second of Ardloch, who married Sibella, daughter of Kenneth Mackenzie, I. of Dundonnel, with issue –

1. Alexander, his heir and successor.

2. Kenneth. 3. John. Nothing is known of either.

4. Annabella, and others; issue, if any, unknown.

John was succeeded by his eldest son,

III. ALEXANDER MACKENZIE, third of Ardloch, who married Margaret, daughter of Robert Sutherland of Langwell, Caithness, twelfth in descent from William de Sutherland, fifth Earl of Sutherland, by his wife, the Princess Margaret Bruce, sister and heir of David II., King of Scotland, with issue –

1. James, a Major in the army, who married a daughter of Mackenzie of Fairburn, with issue – one son, who died before his father.

2. Robert, of Milnmount, Colonel H.E.I.C.S., married first, a daughter of Mackenzie of Bayfield, without male issue; and secondly, Katharine, daughter of Colonel Sutherland of Uppat, with issue – Sir Alexander Mackenzie, Lieutenant-Colonel H.E.I.C.S., who, on the 30th of October, 1826, assumed the dormant Baronetcies of Tarbat and Royston, as heir male collateral of Sir Kenneth Mackenzie, brother of John, second Earl of Cromarty. On the 17th of August at Tam, in the same year, he was served nearest and lawful heir male to George, first Earl of Cromarty. He died, unmarried, in 1841 (his father, Colonel Robert, having died in 1809), and was succeeded in the Baronetcies by his next brother, Sir James Sutherland Mackenzie, who in 1858 also died without issue. Sir James’ sister, Elizabeth, married Lieutenant Sutherland, Royal Navy, with issue; and his sister, Margaret, married the Rev. James H. Hughes, Chaplain H.E.I.C.S., Bombay, with issue. On the death of Sir James the Baronetcies and other dignities of the Cromarty family reverted to his cousin, the late John Mackenzie, Lochinver, son of Kenneth Mackenzie, Ledbeg, Assynt, who, however, never assumed the titles.

3. George, minister in Caithness, who died at sea, unmarried, in 1825.

4. Kenneth, of Ledbeg, who married, first, a daughter of Mackenzie of Elphin, with issue – (1) the late John of Lochinver, heir male to the Tarbat and Cromarty honours, twice married, without issue; (2) Robert; (3) James; (4) Charles; and (5) Royston, all of whom died without surviving issue; (6) Jane; (7) Georgina; (8) Jessie, who married the Rev. John Kennedy, minister of Redcastle, who died in 1841, with issue, one of whom was the Rev. John Kennedy, D.D., late Free Church minister of Dingwall.

5. Charles Stuart, who died unmarried.

6. Roderick, who also died unmarried.

7. John, who died unmarried, abroad.

8. Murdoch, who married Janet, daughter of Kenneth Mackenzie of Dundonnel, without issue.

9. Alexander, who married a daughter of Mackenzie of Stronchrubie, with issue – James, who died in Assynt, unmarried, and two daughters – Margaret, who married Kenneth Macleod and Anne, who died unmarried.

Failing the male succession of this family, which has become extremely difficult if not impossible to trace now that the representatives of Kenneth Mackenzie of Ledbeg have failed in the male line, the dormant honours of Tarbat and Cromarty reverts to the family of Scatwell.


I. KENNETH MACKENZIE, first of this family, was the second son of Sir Roderick Mackenzie of Coigeach, Tutor of Kintail, by Margaret, eldest daughter and co-heiress of Torquil Macleod of the Lewis. He married, in 1634, Margaret, eldest daughter and co-heiress of Robert Munro the Black Baron, XX of Fowlis (tocher 15,000 merks), with issue –

1. John, his heir and successor.

2. Jean, who married a son of Munro of Lemlair.

3. Anne, who married MacCulloch of Park, without issue.

4. Catherine, who married Kenneth Mackenzie, I. of Langwell, with issue.

He married, secondly, Janet, daughter of Walter Ross of Invercharron, relict of Thomas Ross of Priesthill, life rentrix of Priesthill, Ulladale, etc. (who died on the 17th of March, 1699), with issue –

5. Roderick, who died young.

6. Alexander, who succeeded his half-brother John as III. of Scatwell.

7. George, who died young.

8. Kenneth, who succeeded his brother Alexander.

9. Isabella, who married John Macleod of Contullich, Tutor of Macleod of Macleod, with issue.

10. Christian, who married, first, John Gray of Arboll, and secondly, George Gordon of Ospisdale, without issue.

He has a sasine of Little Scatwell in 1619, and a charter of Allangrange, from George, Earl of Seaforth, in 1636. He died at Lochluichart, of which place he has a sasine in 1634, on the 3rd of March, 1662, and was buried in St. Clement’s Chapel, Dingwall, when according to the Wardlaw MS. “My Lord Lovat paraded there with near 100 horse and 500 foot,” to do honour to “a gallant and a great spirit.”

Kenneth was succeeded by his only son by the first marriage,

II. JOHN MACKENZIE, second of Scatwell, who has a sasine in 1667. He married Anne, daughter of Roderick Mackenzie, III. of Redcastle, with issue – an only child, Lilias, who married Colin Mackenzie, III. of Kincraig, with issue (sasine to her in 1679). He died on the 13th of May, 1677, and was succeeded by his half-brother,

III. ALEXANDER MACKENZIE, third of Scatwell, who married Janet Ross of Ulladale, who died in March, 1699. He died on the 18th of March, 1680, without issue, and was succeeded by his brother,

IV. SIR KENNETH MACKENZIE, fourth of Scatwell. He was created a Baronet of Nova Scotia on the 22nd of February, 1703, by Queen Anne, six weeks after the elevation of his cousin-german, George, Lord Tarbat, to the Earldom of Cromarty. He was member of Parliament from 1702 to 1706. Dr George Mackenzie says that “he was a member of the Union Parliament, and joined those patriots of the country who stood by the ancient and inalienable privileges of the nation.” In 1688 he acquired by purchase from his relative, Sir George Mackenzie of Rosehaugh and Mary Haliburton his wife, the lands of Pittonachty. About the same time he married Lilias (then only eighteen years old), eldest daughter of Sir Roderick Mackenzie of Findon, fourth son of Alexander Mackenzie, I. of Kilcoy, who, on the death of her father and mother, and that of her only brother the year following, was, on the 12th of October, 1693, served heir of tailzie and provision to her father in the lands of Findon, which property she brought to her husband. The fortunes of the family of Scatwell having thus been much improved, in 1696 a dwelling-house was erected by Kenneth and his wife at Findon, into which they removed from Lochluichart; and they continued to reside in it until the erection of the new mansion at Pittonachty by Sir Roderick Mackenzie, the second baronet, in 1795. The old residence at Findon, now used as a farm house, still bears the following inscription on the lintel of the main door:

“Omnia terrena per vices sunt aliena, Nunc mea, nunc hujus,
Post mortem nescio cujus,
Null certa domus.”

“K. MK. 16. 96 I. MK.”

By his first wife, Lilias of Findon, who died in childbed on the 21st of October, 1703, Sir Kenneth had issue –

1. George, who was educated at Oxford, where he remained from July, 1702, until May, 1704, during which period he cost his father 8192 merks. He is described as “a youth of great hope and spirit,” but he died “of a decay,” unmarried, in 1705, in his 21st year.

2. Roderick, who succeeded as second Baronet.

3. Alexander, who died in 1711, in his 18th year.

4. Simon, I. of Scotsburn – who was born on the 16th of May, 1702 – representation extinct, Charles Roderick Mackenzie, the last male representative of the family having died at Seaford, Sussex, on the 25th of April, 1893, without issue.

5. Margaret, who on the 13th of February, 1703, married, first, Aeneas Macleod of Cadboll (tocher 6000 merks), with issue; and secondly, Roderick Mackenzie, IV. of Applecross, with issue.

6. Isabel, who married, first, Kenneth Bayne of Tulloch, without issue; and secondly, Roderick Chisholm, XXI. of Chisholm, with issue.

7. Elizabeth, who married William Mackenzie, III. of Belmaduthy, with issue – a daughter, who married Fraser of Culduthel.

8. Margaret, who married James Cuthbert of Farnese, merchant, Inverness.

Sir Kenneth married, secondly, in 1707, Christian, eldest daughter of the Rev. Roderick Mackenzie, minister and Laird of Avoch, without issue. He married, thirdly, Abigail, daughter of John Urquhart of Newhall, with issue –

9. Kenneth, H.E.I.C.S., who died unmarried.

10. Jean, who married Kenneth Mackenzie, III. of Dundonnel, with issue, and died in 1786.

11. Ann, who in 1750 married Thomas Mackenzie, V. of Ord, with issue.

12. Lilias, born at Findon on the 22nd of February, 1711.

In 1728, two years before his death, he mortified a sum of 906 merks for the education and benefit of the poor in the parish of Avoch.

He died in 1730, and was succeeded by his eldest surviving son,

V. SIR RODERICK MACKENZIE, fifth of Scatwell, and second Baronet, who in 1710 married Janet, (who died 10th February, 1761) daughter of Ludovic Grant, XVII. of Grant, with issue –

1. Lewis, his heir and successor.

2. Captain Alexander, who married, first, his cousin Lilias, daughter of Simon Mackenzie, I. of Scotsburn, with issue; and secondly, Janet, daughter of John Mackenzie, III. of Torridon, with issue. Male representation by both marriages extinct.

3. Janet, who in 1730 married Sir Alexander Mackenzie, second Baronet and IX. of Gairloch, with issue.

4. Elizabeth, who married Colin Mackenzie, III. of Mountgerald with issue.

5. Margaret, who married James Cuthbert of Milncraig.

Sir Roderick died on the 24th of April, 1750, and was succeeded by his eldest son,

VI. SIR LEWIS MACKENZIE, third Baronet and sixth of Scatwell. He was born in 1715, and in 1739 married Isabella, eldest daughter of Colin Mackenzie, I. of Mountgerald, with issue –

1. Roderick, his heir and successor.

2. Colin, who was born on the 16th of April, 1746, the day on which the battle of Culloden was fought. He was a merchant in London, in partnership with Mark Sprot, the then eminent financier, and married Janet, daughter of J. Sprot, Edinburgh. He died in 1814 and is buried in Bath Abbey. He has a sasine of Little Findon in life-rent, dated the 2nd of September, 1771. By his wife, he had issue – (1) Colin, who died unmarried, in 1841; (2) Mark, who died unmarried, in 1856; (3) Lewis, Major in the Royal Scots Greys, who married, in 1820, Nancy, only child and heiress of Samuel Forrester Bancroft. He died in 1853, with issue – (a) Lewis Mark Mackenzie, I. of Findon and Mountgerald. He succeeded to the estate of Findon by deed of arrangement with his cousin, Sir James John Randoll Mackenzie, sixth Baronet and IX. of Scatwell, in 1849, and he purchased Mountgerald from Colonel Simon Mackenzie in 1855. He died unmarried in 1856, and was succeeded, as II. of Findon, etc., by his next brother (b) Augustus Colin, who also died unmarried, in 1865; when the only surviving brother (c) Sir James D. Mackenzie, Baronet, Major half-pay, who, born in 1830, served in the 79th and 14th Regiments. He is author of the “Mackenzie Genealogies,” published in 1879. Having succeeded to the property, as III. of Findon and Mountgerald, he married, in 1858, Julia Stanley, daughter of Samuel Clutsam, D.C.L., with issue – James Kenneth Douglas, born in 1859; Alice Nancy; Julia Marion; Louisa Augusta; Lilian Geraldine and Evelyn; (d) Earnest Bancroft, who died unmarried in 1861; (e) Colin, who died young; (f) Nancy Copley, who married Thomas Antony Lister of Gargrave, barrister-at-law, with issue – Nancy M. Augusta; (g) and Julia Louisa, who, in 1824, married Baron Iver Holger Rosenkrantz, Chamberlain to the King of Denmark and minister at the Court of Italy (who died in 1873), with issue – four sons.

3. Lewis, who died in the West Indies, unmarried.

4. George, Colonel 72nd Regiment, who married Joan, daughter of John Campbell of Wellwood, Ayrshire, with issue – (1) Lewis, Captain 72nd Regiment, who married Jane, daughter of William Logan, with issue – a daughter, Margaret; (2) John Campbell, Lieutenant 5th Regiment, subsequently Sheriff-Substitute of Lanark. He married, in 1810, Marie Barbier Deshayeux, at St. Jean de Luz, with issue – George Salvador, Lieutenant H.E.I.C.S., drowned in the Ganges in 1844; Admiral John Fraser Campbell, who in 1850, married Annabella, daughter of the Rev. Dr Stirling, minister of Craigie, with issue; Francois, Major H.E.I.C.S., who married, in 1854, Julia, daughter of John Mercer, of Maidstone, with issue; Lilias, who died unmarried; and Louisa Georgina, who, in 1843, married as his second wife, Dr Stair M’Quhae, with issue; (3) George, who died young; (4) another George, who died unmarried; (5) Isabel, who died young; (6) Catherine, who died unmarried; and (7) Jane, who married William Forrester Bow, M.D., with issue – three sons.

5. Lilias, who died unmarried, in 1777.

Sir Lewis was served heir to his father in 1752. His wife died in 1786 at Findon, and he died in 1756, when he was succeeded by his eldest son,

VII. SIR RODERICK MACKENZIE, fourth Baronet and seventh of Scatwell. On the 7th of April, 1764, he married Katharine, daughter of Sir James Colquhoun of Luss, by Lady Helen Sutherland, daughter of William, Lord Strathnaver, with issue –

1. Lewis, Colonel of the Ross and Cromarty Rangers. In 1794, he married Grace, daughter of Thomas Lockhart of Newhall, and died without issue before his father, in 1810.

2. James Wemyss, who succeeded his father.

3. Helen, who in 1790 died unmarried.

4. Katharine Morrison, who in 1819 died unmarried.

In 1795 Sir Roderick built, on his estate of Pittonachty, the present mansion, to which, with the property, he gave the name of the adjoining estate of Rosehaugh, and removed his family to it from the old house at Findon. He also built the present Church of Urquhart, or Ferrintosh, the old one having become uninhabitable from the accumulation of interments within it. He died on the 11th of June, 1811, and was succeeded by his eldest surviving son,

VIII. SIR JAMES WEMYSS MACKENZIE, fifth Baronet and eighth of Scatwell, M.P., and Lord-Lieutenant for the County of Ross. He resided for a time in Jamaica, and was Paymaster in the army. He was born on the 10th of August, 1770, and married on the 26th of March, 1810, Henrietta Wharton, only surviving daughter and heiress of William Mackenzie, IV. of Suddie, by Margaret, daughter of Sir Alexander Mackenzie, V. of Coul, widow of Captain Robert Pott of Galallan, without issue; and on the death of her brother, Major-General John Randoll Mackenzie, of the 78th Highlanders, at Talavera, in 1809, she brought to Sir James the estate of Suddie. By her (who died on the 14th of November, 1840) he had an only child, who on his death in 1843, succeeded his father as

IX. SIR JAMES JOHN RANDOLL MACKENZIE, sixth Baronet and ninth of Scatwell, who was born on the 20th of June, 1814, and married on the 10th of October, 1838, Lady Anne Wentworth Fitzwilliam, daughter of Charles William Wentworth, fifth Earl Fitzwilliam, K.G. She died in 1879, without issue.

Sir James in 1849 obtained a disentail of the Scatwell estates, and soon after alienated or sold them. Findon went, under a deed of arrangement, to his cousin, the late Lewis Mark Mackenzie, grandson of Colin, second son of Sir Lewis Mackenzie, VI. and third Baronet of Scatwell, and was until recently possessed by his brother, Sir James Dixon Mackenzie of Findon and Mountgerald, who on the death of Sir James John Randoll Mackenzie, on the 22nd of February, 1884, without issue, assumed the Baronetcy of Scatwell, and who, failing the male representation of the Mackenzies of Ardloch, is heir male also to the Tarbat and Royston Baronetcies, and to the original Earldom of Cromarty. The estate of Scatwell was sold to Mr Murray of Polmaise; Lochluichart to Lord Ashburton; Rosehaugh in 1864, to the late James Fletcher, while that of Suddie was retained in the hands of the trustees under Sir James John Randoll Mackenzie’s marriage settlement.


I. ALEXANDER MACKENZIE, the first of this family, was fourth son of Sir Roderick Mackenzie, Tutor of Kintail, by his wife Margaret, daughter and heiress of Torquil “Conanach” Macleod of the Lewis, Coigeach, and Assynt, by his wife Margaret, daughter of Angus Macdonald, VI. of Glengarry. Alexander has a sasine as fourth son of the lands of Acha-ghluineachan, Lochbroom, in 1635, where Ballone, now called Inverbroom, is situated, and comprising Acha-ghluineachan, Achataskaill, Craigour, Strathnasealg, Arigholach, and other lands. On the 24th of June, 1637, he grants a disposition of the lands of Achataskaill to Sir John Mackenzie of Tarbat. He married Agnes, widow of Kenneth Mackenzie, II. of Inverlael (sasine on marriage contract in 1629), and daughter of William Fraser, V. of Culbokie, by his wife Christian, daughter of Alexander Chisholm, XVIII. of Chisholm, with issue –

1. Alexander, his heir and successor.

2. Jean, who married first, in 1663, Simon, second son of the Hon. Simon Mackenzie of Lochslinn, and brother of Sir George Mackenzie of Rosehaugh, with issue – Simon, I. of Allangrange. She married secondly, in 1667, Alexander Mackenzie, IV. of Loggie, without issue.

3. Margaret, who married first (sasines 1671 and 1673), Sir Roderick Mackenzie of Findon, fourth son of Alexander Mackenzie, I. of Kilcoy, with issue – (1) Alexander, who died young; (2) Lilias, who married Sir Kenneth Mackenzie, first Baronet and IV. of Scatwell (marriage contract 6th of July, 1682), with issue. She was served heir of entail to her brother on the 12th of October, 1693; (3) Isobel, who married her cousin, Simon Mackenzie, I. of Allangrange (marriage contract 22nd of August 1693), with issue; (4) Jean, who married John Chisholm, XX. of Chisholm, with issue; and (5) Margaret, who married Sir Kenneth Mackenzie, first Baronet and VIII. of Gairloch (marriage contract dated 21st of April, 1696), with issue. Margaret of Ballone married, secondly, Colin Mackenzie, I. of Mountgerald, without issue.

Alexander had also a natural son, Colin, who has a sasine of Kildonan of Lochbroom in 1684, and was Chamberlain to Lord Tarbat.

He died at Munlochy, in 1645, and was buried in St. Clement’s Church, Dingwall.

His widow, Agnes Fraser, married thirdly (marriage contract dated Kingillie, 12th of January, 1650), as his second wife, the Hon. Simon Mackenzie of Lochslinn with issue – Kenneth Mor Mackenzie, I. of Dundonnel, and two daughters – Isobel and Elizabeth, married respectively to Murdoch Mackenzie, VI. of Fairburn, and the Rev. Roderick Mackenzie, minister and laird of Avoch.

Alexander was succeeded by his only son,

II. ALEXANDER MACKENZIE, second of Ballone, to whom his uncle, Kenneth Mackenzie, I. of Scatwell, has a retour of Tutory in 1656 as “nearest agnate-uncle on the father’s side,” Alexander being then under age. In 1673 he received a disposition and charter from his cousin, Sir George Mackenzie of Tarbat, afterwards first Earl of Cromarty, followed by a sasine in the same year of the lands of Ballone, and others. In 1708 he has a charter under the Great Seal in the superiority of Culinchmeanach, Culinchmore, Breakach, and Achnacloich. He married Lilias (marriage contract 20th July, 1670, and sasine 1671), daughter of Kenneth Mackenzie, VI. of Gairloch, by his wife, Anna, daughter of John Grant of Grant, with issue –

1. Margaret, who married, first, a Mr Cathcart, without issue; and secondly, George Mackenzie, II. of Gruinard, with issue – George, his heir, thirteen other sons and nine daughters, besides six sons and four daughters he subsequently had by a second wife. The sixth son was Roderick Mackenzie, tacksman of Tighnafaoilin, who married Barbara, daughter of Alexander Mackenzie, I. of Ardloch, with issue, among others, Margaret, who married Captain John Mackenzie, VI. of Ballone. George had also Annabella, who married Murdoch Mackenzie, merchant, Stornoway, son of Roderick Mackenzie, III. of Avoch, with issue – two daughters, the eldest of whom, Jean, married John Tolmie, tacksman of Uiginish, Dunvegan, Skye, with issue – among others, Annabella, who married her cousin, Hector Mackenzie, second son of Captain John Mackenzie, VI. of Ballone.

He married, secondly, Mary, daughter of Roderick Mackenzie, V. of Fairburn (sasine 18th of February, 1676), by his first wife, a daughter of Patrick Grant of Glenmoriston, with issue –

2. Alexander, his heir and successor.

3. Isabell, who married John Macrae, second wadsetter of Conchra (sasine 1697), only surviving son of the Rev. John Macrae, Chaplain to one of Seaforth’s regiments at Sheriffmuir, where he was killed in 1715, leaving issue – three sons and a daughter.

Alexander died in 1724, aged 80 years, and was buried at Lochbroom, in a tomb built by himself in 1666, when he was succeeded by his only son,

III. ALEXANDER MACKENZIE, third of Ballone. In 1728 he has a disposition and ratification of his father’s charter of 1673 granted to him by Lord Tarbat In 1732 he is seised in a wadset of the lands of Achtaskaillriach in security for a loan of 3000 merks to the Earl of Cromarty; and in the following year he is seised in the lands of Culinchmore, Culinchmeanach, Breakach and Achnacloich.

He married his cousin Barbara, daughter of Kenneth Mor Mackenzie, I. of Dundonnel (sasine in 1727, long after the marriage), and niece of Sir George Mackenzie of Rosehaugh, with issue –

1. Alexander, his heir and successor.

2. Colin, first of Badluachrach. Colin was a Captain in the Jacobite army under the Earl of Cromarty in 1745-46 and commanded the men of Ballone who were out on that occasion. He was captured at Dunrobin on the 15th of April, 1746, conveyed to London, but afterwards, through the instrumentality of the Rev. James Robertson, the famous “Ministear Laider” of Lochbroom, obtained his release, and subsequently rewarded his benefactor by marrying the lady to whom the reverend gentleman was engaged – Mary, daughter of William Mackenzie of Achilty and Kinnahaird, with issue – (1) Kenneth, served heir to his father in Badluachrach in 1772; (2) Alexander, who married Barbara Maclean, with issue – two sons and a daughter; (3) Donald of Fasna-crionach, who married Kelly Fisher, Greenock, with issue – a son, Kenneth.

3. Kenneth, who married, first, Barbara, daughter of Colin Ruadh Mackenzie, without surviving issue; and secondly, Barbara, daughter of Roderick, tacksman of Tighnafaoilin, son of George Mackenzie, II. of Gruinard, with issue – (1) Roderick, who married, first, Miss MacIver, in the Lewis, with issue – one son and two daughters. He married secondly in Harris. (2) Kenneth, who died unmarried; and (3) Barbara, who married Roderick Mackenzie, Mellan Charles, with issue – Donald, who died unmarried, and Barbara, who married Simon Mackenzie, Doire-na-Muc, with issue.

4. Margaret, who married first, James Macrae of Balnain, near Dingwall, third son (by a second marriage) of the Rev. John Macrae, minister of Dingwall, without surviving issue; and secondly, in 1749, as his first wife, Colin Chisholm, IV. of Knockfin, with issue.

5. Anne, who married Roderick, son of Mackenzie of Achilty, with issue – four daughters, Annabella, Barbara, Christy, and Isabella, all married with issue. (See Findon’s Tables, sheet 10.)

6. Catherine, who in 1727, married Simon Mackenzie, II. of Loggie of Lochbroom, grandson of the Hon. Simon of Lochslinn, with issue – Annabella, who married Colin Riabhach Mackenzie, third son of Kenneth Mor Mackenzie, I. of Dundonnel, without issue.

7. Margaret, who married first, a gentleman at Craigour, without issue; and secondly Roderick Mackenzie, III. of Kernsary, with issue (sasine 1742).

Alexander’s wife died in 1768, aged 83 years, survived by over sixty children and grandchildren at her death. He died before 1752, and was succeeded by his eldest son,

IV. ALEXANDER MACKENZIE, fourth of Ballone, retoured to his father in 1752. He married Catherine, daughter of George Mackenzie, II. of Gruinard (sasine in 1742, several years after the marriage), with issue –

1. Alexander, his heir and successor.

2. Captain John, who succeeded his brother Alexander.

3. Mary, who married her cousin, Roderick Mackenzie, III. of Kernsary (sasine in 1762), with issue.

4. Catherine, who married Colin Knight, in the Lewis, with issue.

5. Isobel, who married the Rev. Alexander Stronach, minister of Lochbroom, with issue.

6. Barbara, who died unmarried.

7. Alexandrina, who married Alexander Macrae, Strathmore of Lochbroom, with issue.

Alexander died in 1755, and was buried in Lochbroom. He was succeeded by his eldest son,

V. ALEXANDER MACKENZIE, fifth of Ballone, who was retoured to his father in 1756. He was at the same time served heir male in special to his great-grandfather, who died in 1724. He died unmarried, having been drowned at sea in 1762, when he was succeeded by his brother,

VI. CAPTAIN JOHN MACKENZIE, sixth of Ballone, who was retoured heir to his brother Alexander in 1764. He has a sasine of Ballone in 1792, but he alienated the estate six years later, in 1798, to Henry Davidson of Tulloch, whose representatives have since sold it to Sir John Fowler, Baronet, of Braemore, its present possessor. Captain John married Margaret, eldest daughter of Roderick Mackenzie, tacksman of Tighnafaoilin, by his wife, Barbara, daughter of Alexander Mackenzie, I. of Ardloch (sasine 1770), fourth son of Sir John Mackenzie, first Baronet of Tarbat, by his wife. Margaret, daughter of the Hon. Sir George Erskine of Inverteil, brother of Thomas, Earl of Kellie, with issue –

1. John, his heir and successor.

2. Hector, who on the 13th of November, 1826, married Annabella, youngest daughter of John Tolmie, tacksman of Uiginish, Isle of Skye, by his wife Jean, daughter of Murdoch Mackenzie, Stornoway, and his wife Annabella, daughter of George Mackenzie, II. of Gruinard, with issue – an only son, John Tolmie Mackenzie, the present male representative of the family. Hector and his wife first resided in Liverpool but afterwards at Dunvegan, Skye. In 1841 he emigrated to Cape Breton, intending to settle there with his family, a project frustrated by his assassination there a short time after his arrival.

3. Barbara, who married Captain Campbell, with issue – a daughter, Margaret.

4. Catherine, who married William Mackenzie (of the Gruinard family.), Ullapool, with issue – (1) John, who married Mary Campbell, with issue – John William, and Catherine; (2) Isabella; (3) Lilias, who married John MacPhail, merchant, Ullapool, with issue – the Rev. George MacPhail, minister of Albert Square Church, Dundee William; Catherine, who married John Cameron, teacher, Ullapool, with issue – three sons and three daughters; Isabella, who married the Rev. Neil Morison, Free Church minister of Barvas, Lewis, with issue – a son and a daughter; Abigail; and Anne Barbara. Captain John married secondly, Ann, daughter of George Mackenzie, tacksman of Ach-na-h-Airde, Coigeach, with issue –

5. George, who went to Cape Breton, and married Miss Fraser at St. Anne’s there.

6. Alexander, who also emigrated to North British America, and entered into business along with his cousin, Roderick Mackenzie, at St. Francois, a small town on the St. Lawrence. He subsequently bought a farm in the township of Wickham, and married Sarah Duncan, of Grantham, with issue – (1) James Mackenzie, solicitor, Lapeer, Michigan, U.S.A., who married, first, in July, 1867, Georgina Hunter, of Gardiner, Maine, with issue – one son, Harvard Hunter, who died young. James married, secondly, in 1875, his first wife having died in 1868, Amanda Hart, with issue – Harrison Hart, and Emily Sarah; (2) Roderick Munro; (3) Andrew Duncan; (4) Norman; (5) Alexander Stronach; and (6) Henry, all living in 1879.

7. A daughter, who married William Mackenzie, Dornie of Coigeach, with issue.

8. Margaret, who married Alexander Macrae, Strathglass, with issue.

9. Georgina, who married Kenneth Maclennan, Coigeach, with issue – one son, Donald.

10. Hannah, married William Macdonald in America.

Captain John died at Coigeach, aged 97, in 1829, and was buried there, the weather at the time having been too stormy to allow of his remains being taken for interment to the burial place of his ancestors.

He was succeeded as representative of the family by his eldest son,

VII. JOHN MACKENZIE, shipowner, Stornoway, who married Barbara, daughter of John MacIver, shipowner, and sister of the late Dr Alexander MacIver, Stornoway, with issue –

1. John, his heir and successor.

2. A daughter, who died young.

3. Lilias, who married Alexander Morrison, rope manufacturer, Stornoway, with issue – (1) John Mackenzie Morrison, fishcurer and ship-broker there, and a County Councillor. He married Anne Isabella, daughter of Captain Alexander Macdonald, shipowner, Garmouth, with issue – two sons and six daughters; (2) Alexander Morrison, importer and commission agent, Stornoway, unmarried (3) Catherine Anne, who married Norman Forbes, contractor, son of Captain Donald Forbes, shipowner, Stornoway, without issue. Alexander Morrison died in January, 1881.

4. Margaret, who married Captain Alexander Macleod, Valtos, Lewis, without issue.

5. Anne, who married Hector Mackenzie, Poolewe, with issue – Annabella Jessie and Helen Anne.

He was drowned at sea on the Cornish Coast, and was succeeded as representative of the family by his only son,

VIII. JOHN MACKENZIE, who married Mary Macphie, with issue – a son and two daughters, all of whom died young. On his death the male representation of the family devolved on the only son of his uncle Hector,

IX. JOHN TOLMIE MACKENZIE, Dunvegan, Isle of Skye, factor for Macleod of Macleod. He was born on the 16th of June, 1828, and on the 13th of January, 1857, married Henzell, second daughter of David Dixon Ferguson, artist (descended from the Perthshire Fergusons of Dunfallandy), by his wife Mary, daughter of William Sanderson of Springbank, with issue –

1. Murdo Tolmie, M.B., North Uist.

2. John Ferguson.

3. Hector Hugh, North Uist Estate Office.

4. David Ferguson.

5. William MacNeil, Kansas City, America.

6. George, a student of medicine.

7. John Tolmie.

8. Mary, who died young.

9. Annabella.

10. Mary, who married the Rev. John Francis Smith, London, with issue – four sons.

11. Isabella Barbara.

12. Margaret MacNeil.

13. Henzell.

14. Jean Lilias.


I. ALEXANDER MACKENZIE, first of this family, was third son of Colin Cam Mackenzie, XI. of Kintail, by his wife Barbara, daughter of John Grant, XII. of Grant, by Lady Marjory Stewart, daughter of John, third Earl of Athole. In 1616 Alexander has a charter of the lands of Kilcoy, dated 18th July. On the 29th of January, 1618, he has a Crown charter of the Barony of Kilcoy. In July, 1634, he was appointed Commissary of Ross, and in the same year, on the 17th of September, he has a charter from King Charles appointing him Principal Sheriff of the shire of Inverness. He married in 1611 (marriage contract dated 15th August) Jean, daughter of Sir Thomas Fraser of Strichen, Tutor of Lovat, and widow of Sir James Stewart of Muiren and Kilcoy, with issue –

1. Colin, his heir and successor.

2. Thomas, who has a sasine in 1678.

3. Alexander, I. of Muirton of Kilcoy, who married Marie, daughter of John Cuthbert of Drakies. He has a sasine of the lands of Muiren in 1657, and a charter to “Alexander in the Muir” in 1666. By Marie of Drakies he had issue – (1) Colin, his heir and successor; (2) the Rev. John, successively minister of Kingussie and Laggan, in Badenoch; (3) Kenneth; (4) Simon; (5) Isobell; and (6) Lilias, who married George Leslie (marriage contract dated 24th December, 1697). Alexander was succeeded as II. of Muirton by his eldest son, COLIN MACKENZIE, W.S., who married Anna, daughter of Sir James Grant of Moyness (she married secondly, Hugh Innes, Younger of Rosskeen), with issue – (1) Kenneth, his heir and successor; (2) Simon, who died abroad; and three daughters. KENNETH MACKENZIE, his eldest son, succeeded as III. of Muirton, and married Mary, second daughter of Charles Mackenzie of Cullen, with issue, a son – ALEXANDER MACKENZIE, IV. of Muirton, who in 1752 excambed the lands of Muirton of Kilcoy for the lands of Wester Fairburn, then the property of his cousin, Colin Mackenzie, VI. of Kilcoy. From this time the lands of Wester Fairburn were renamed Muirton, after the original possessions of this family in the Black Isle. Alexander, IV. of Muirton, married Margaret, eldest daughter of James Mackenzie, III. of Highfield, with issue – (1) James; (2) Colin, M.D., who both died unmarried; and, according to the traditions of the district, (3) Big Simon, who emigrated to New South Wales; and (4) Alexander, who went to England, married there and had issue; (5) Mary, who married as his first wife, without issue, Roderick Mackenzie, II. of Scotsburn; (6) Martha, who married Hugh Rose of Cuilich, with issue; (7) Margaret, who married the “Black” Calder, with issue; (8) a daughter, who married Alexander Cumming, with issue; and (9) Jean, who married James Shaw, Bailie of Inverness, who died on the 21st of January, 1801. Jean and her husband apparently succeeded by will or purchase to the lands of Muirton of Fairburn, for they were undoubtedly in a position at their death to leave them to their eldest son, Alexander Mackenzie Shaw, a minor, only 17 years old when his father died. The management, however, was left in the hands of a Mr Fraser, who squandered the funds which should have been invested for the second son William, a Colonel, H.E.I.C.S. (married with issue), and ten daughters, who survived their father and to make up the deficiency, not only Muirton of Fairburn, but Waternish in Skye and Woodside near Fortrose, also the property of Bailie Shaw at his death, had to be sold. Muirton was bought by a Mr Reid, who afterwards resold it to William Mackenzie, W.S., son of Alexander Mackenzie, I. of Portmore. Alexander Mackenzie Shaw, the Bailie’s eldest son, was a Captain in the army, and married in 1804, Mary Laing, with issue – (1) Gilbert Shaw, who, born in 1806, was a Judge in Jamaica, and died a few years ago at Tongland, Kirkcudbrightshire; (2) Gilbert, who died young; (3) Henry Bridgwater; (4) Alexander, Colonel Madras Infantry; (5) John; (6) Mary, who died unmarried; (7) Hectorina, who married Mr Sprott; and (8) Eleanor, who married Mr Seabank.

4. Sir Roderick Mackenzie of Findon, who married Margaret, daughter of Alexander Mackenzie, I. of Ballone, with issue – Alexander, who died in 1693; Lilias, who married Sir Kenneth Mackenzie, IV. of Scatwell, with issue; Isobel, who married Simon Mackenzie, I. of Allangrange, with issue; Jean, who married John Chisholm, XX. of Chisholm, with issue; and Margaret, who married Sir Kenneth Mackenzie, VIII. of Gairloch, with issue. Sir Roderick died in 1692.

5. Isobel, who married Roderick Mackenzie, III. of Redcastle, with issue.

6. Jean, who married David Ross, III. of Pitcalnie, Tutor of David Ross, thirteenth of Balnagown.

7. Katherine Beatrice, who married first, Duncan Bayne of Tulloch; and secondly, in 1651, George Munro, Younger of Lemlair.

8. A daughter, who married Maclean of Borreray.

He also had three natural daughters who married respectively Hector Mackenzie IV. of Fairburn (marriage contract dated 11th of February, 1637); Neil Bayne, in Uist; and the Rev. John, son of John Roy Mackenzie, IV. of Gairloch.

Alexander married, secondly, Margaret Dunbar, with issue – a daughter, Barbara, who died unmarried in 1656.

He was succeeded by his eldest son,

II. COLIN MACKENZIE, second of Kilcoy, who married (contract, 21st March, 1640) Lilias, sister of Sir Alexander Sutherland, Lord Duffus (sasine 1649), with issue –

1. Alexander, his heir and successor.

2. Roderick of Dalvennan, Advocate, who married Margaret, sister of John Cathcart of Castletown, without male issue. He has a sasine of Allangrange in 1672.

3. Charles of Cullen, who in 1682 married Florence, daughter of John Mackenzie, II. of Applecross, with issue – a son, who died young; Abigail, who married Alexander Mackenzie of Lentran; Mary, who married Kenneth Mackenzie, III. of Muirton, with issue; Katharina, who married Roderick Mackenzie, IV. of Redcastle; Florence, who married Duncan Macrae of Inverinate, with issue; and Margaret, who married (marriage contract 25th of November, 1719) Alexander Mackenzie, fourth son of Roderick Mackenzie, V. of Redcastle. Charles Mackenzie of Cullen was Tutor to Donald, V. of Kilcoy, during his minority and the troublous times of 1715. In that year the Earl of Sutherland addresses a letter, dated Inverness, 19th November, “To Charles Mackenzie of Cullen and the Family of Culcowie” demanding payment of L200 sterling “towards the militia” and “if ffailzie” that their goods and effects shall be given up to free quarters. He died in 1732.

4. Thomas, I. of Cleanwaters, who in 1680 married Margaret, daughter of Matthew Robertson of Davochcarty, with issue – Colin, who married Florence, daughter of Simon Mackenzie, I. of Torridon, with issue – a son, Alexander, who married a daughter of William Mackenzie, II. of Pitlundie, by whom he had one son, who died young.

5. John, who in 1683, married Isobel Mackenzie, with issue – two sons, the second of whom, Charles, married and had a son Alexander, who succeeded to his cousin Alexander’s estate and became IV. of Cleanwaters. He married, with issue – at least one son – Alexander, V. of Cleanwaters, who was also tacksman of Muirend from 1770 to 1778. His father, who died before 1759, was tenant of Drumnamarg, in the Black Isle.

Colin was succeeded in 1682 by his eldest son,

III. ALEXANDER MACKENZIE, third of Kilcoy, who married (marriage contract 21st of March, 1664) Mary, daughter of Kenneth Mackenzie, VI. of Gairloch, with issue –

1. Roderick, his heir and successor.

2. Alexander.

3. Lilias.

In 1658 he bought the lands of Allan (now Allangrange) from Seaforth’s trustees, and in 1682 sold it to his uncle, Sir Roderick Mackenzie of Findon, whose daughter Isobel carried it to Simon Mackenzie, progenitor of Allangrange.

Alexander died in 1687, and was succeeded by

IV. RODERICK MACKENZIE, fourth of Kilcoy, who married (contract, 7th January, 1689) Annabella, daughter of Sir Donald Bayne of Tulloch, with issue –

1. Donald, his heir and successor.

2. John, who died young.

3. Lilias, who married Donald Dingwall, Provost of Dingwall.

Roderick died in December 1700, and was succeeded by his eldest son,

V. DONALD MACKENZIE, fifth of Kilcoy, who in 1716, married Elizabeth, daughter of John Mackenzie, II. of Highfield, with issue –

1. Roderick, who died young.

2. Colin, who succeeded to Kilcoy.

3. James, who died young.

4. William, who married Jean, daughter of Alexander Mackenzie, VIII. of Davochmaluag, without issue.

5. Alexander, who died in Holland without issue.

6. Kenneth, Tutor of Kilcoy, who married Janet, daughter and heiress of Sir Robert Douglas of Glenbervie, Baronet, author of the Peerage and Baronage, with issue – (1) General Sir Kenneth Mackenzie, who succeeded to his mother’s estate of Glenbervie, and assumed the name of Douglas in addition to his own. (See Mackenzie-Douglas of Glenbervie.) (2) Donald Mackenzie, who was born in 1772, and married, in 1809, Anne, daughter of T. Mylne of Mylnfield, with issue – (a) Colonel Kenneth Douglas Mackenzie, who was born on the 1st of February, 1811, and married on the 26th of June, 1861, Mary, second daughter of General Thomas Colomb, Colonel 97th Regiment. Colonel Kenneth died on the 24th of August, 1873. (b) Anne, who married Donald Maclachlan, 79th Highlanders, with issue – Donald George Campbell, who died in the Crimea, unmarried; Kenneth Francis, Captain Royal Artillery. He was born on the 1st of December, 1845, and on the 9th of January, 1877, married Amy Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the late John William Fletcher, of the Bengal Army and of Shifnal, Salop, with issue – Kenneth Douglas, born on the 25th of March, 1882, and Gladys Elma; and Ann Campbell. (3) Alexander Douglas Mackenzie of Burleston, Hants. He married in 1799 Sophia, only daughter of General Ross Lang, County Roscommon, with issue, one son and five daughters – (a) Charles Douglas, who was born on the 6th of July, 1817, and on the 1st of June, 1854, married Jessie, daughter of Isaac Barker, Cumberland, with issue – Kenneth Ross, Lieutenant 78th Highlanders Charles Douglas, R.N.; Jessie Harriet Isabella; and Helen Harriet; (b) Anne Douglas, unmarried; (c) Amelia Georgina, who in October, 1845, married William Prue Jordan, of London, M.D., with issue, one daughter – Annie Mary Josephine, married, with issue; (d) Frances Donald, who in 1822 married Joseph Bristow, without issue; (e) Jessie Barbara, who in 1845 married the Rev. Charles Cook, Canon of Exeter Cathedral, and Chaplain to the Queen; and (f) Rachel Catherine Andrews, who in 1842 married the Rev. Robert Montgomery, M.A. of Oxford, with issue – Jessie Anne Douglas Montgomery. (4) Janet Mackenzie, who married the Rev. Dr Snodgrass, and died on the 30th of July, 1852, aged 90 years, in New South Wales; (5) Margaret Mackenzie, who as his second wife married William Chalmers of Glenericht, with issue – General Sir William Chalmers; (6) a daughter, who married a Mr Wilson; and (7) Barbara Mackenzie, who married Mr Keith.

7. Elizabeth, who married Thomas Mackenzie, IV. of Highfield and VI. of Applecross, with issue.

Donald was succeeded by his eldest surviving son,

VI. COLIN MACKENZIE, sixth of Kilcoy, who was infeft in the lands of Kilcoy on the 16th of December, 1742. In 1747 (marriage contract 28th March) he married Martha, eldest daughter of Charles Fraser of Inverallochy, by Anne, daughter of Udney of Udney. Her eldest brother, Charles, on whom the Lovat Estates were entailed, fell in command of the Clan Fraser at Culloden, and her second brother, William, who had also succeeded to the property of Udney, dying in 1792, the representation of the family of Inverallochy and Castle Fraser devolved upon Martha and her sister Eliza Fraser (who died without issue in 1814). Through this marriage, the family of Kilcoy claim to be heirs to the old Earldom of Buchan, conferred in 1469 upon James Stuart, half-brother of James II., by the second marriage of his mother, Queen Jane, to Sir James Stewart, the Black Knight of Lorn. In 1617 a Crown charter of Novodamus is granted to the then Countess Mary of Buchan, who married James Erskine (eldest son of John Earl of Mar) with the precedence of the former charter to herself and her husband in life rent and the heirs male of their marriage, whom failing to his nearest heirs male whatsoever. In 1625 the Earl and Countess had another charter of the Earldom with the same limitation. In 1633 the charter of 1625, and a decree of 1628 giving the Earldom of Buchan precedence over those of Eglintoun, Montrose, Cassilis, Caithness, and Glencairn, were ratified by Act of Parliament. These charters make the Kilcoy claim quite hopeless, not because they are not the rightful heirs, but because the Earldom was given in 1617 by charter to the heirs male of James Erskine, though he had no more right to it than he had to the throne itself, beyond having married the Countess Mary of Buchan, now represented by the Mackenzies of Kilcoy. Nothing can annul a charter but another Crown charter, and as a matter of fact and justice, the Cardross Erskines have no more right to represent and sit as the Earls of Buchan of 1469 than they have to be Kings of Great Britain. By this lady Kilcoy had issue –

1. Donald, who died young.

2. Charles, his heir and successor.

3. Colin, Lieutenant 71st Regiment, killed in the American War, without issue.

4. Alexander, who on succeeding to his mother’s property of Inverallochy, assumed the additional name of Fraser by Royal license dated the 22nd of July, 1803, and became the well-known Lieutenant-General Alexander Mackenzie-Fraser of Inverallochy and Castle Fraser, Colonel of the 78th Regiment, and M.P. for the county of Cromarty, 1802-6, Ross-shire, 1806-1807, and 1807 until his death at Walcheren, on the 13th of September, 1809. He married Helen, sister of Francis Humberston-Mackenzie, last Lord Seaforth, with issue, two sons – (1) Charles Mackenzie-Fraser, II. of Castle Fraser, his heir, Captain Coldstream Guards, Colonel Ross-shire Militia. He served in the Peninsular War with the 52nd Regiment in 1808-9, and was M.P. for Ross-shire 1814-1818. He was born on the 9th of June, 1792, and died on the 7th of March, 1871, having married on the 25th of April, 1817, Jane, daughter of Sir John Hay, Baronet of Smithfield and Haystoune, with issue – (a) Alexander, who died in 1843; (b) John Wingfield, who died in 1846; (c) Charles Murray, who died in 1846; (d) Francis Mackenzie, who died in 1849; and (e) Kenneth, who died young in 1836 – all without issue. (f) Frederick Mackenzie-Fraser, now of Castle Fraser, Aberdeen-shire, late of the Ross-shire Militia, Lieutenant-Colonel H.M. Reserve Forces. He was born on the 4th of April, 1831, and married first, on the 24th of April, 1871, Lady Marie Augusta Gabrielle Berengere Blanche Drummond, elder daughter of George, fourteenth Earl of Perth and Melfort. She died in 1874 without issue. He married, secondly, in 1879, Theodora Lovett, daughter of William Henry Darby of Leap Castle, King’s County, Ireland. (g) Catherine, who died unmarried in 1856; (h) Mary, who died unmarried in 1847; (i) Eleanor Jane, who died on the 22nd of October, 1858, having on the 6th of January, 1855, married, as his second wife, the Right Reverend George Tomlinson, D.D., first Bishop of Gibraltar, who died on the 6th of February, 1863, and had a son and two daughters – George Charles James Tomlinson, born on the 16th of April, 1857; Eleanor Fraser; and Mary Elizabeth; (j) Grace Harriet, who died without issue; and (k) Augusta Charlotte, who on the 25th of April, 1854, married Robert Drummond, with issue – Charles and Sybil. (2) Lieutenant-Colonel Frederick Alexander Mackenzie-Fraser who died in December, 1848, married first, Emma Sophia, daughter of Hume Macleod of Harris, with issue (a) Frederick Charles, who died in 1875, leaving issue; (b) Colin; and (c) Isabella, who died unmarried. He married, secondly, Georgina Augusta, daughter of Sir Charles Bagot, Governor-General of Canada. Lieutenant-General Alexander had also two daughters – (3) Marrianne; and (4) Helen, both of whom died unmarried.

5. Anne, who married Alexander Mackenzie, W.S., I. of Portmore, with issue.

6. Elizabeth, who died young.

7. Jean, who in 1766 married Alexander Elphinstone of Glack, Aberdeenshire, Sheriff-Depute of that county in 1777, with issue – a son, John, and two daughters – Jane, who in 1787 married John Mackenzie, VII. of Applecross, and Mary, who died in Edinburgh unmarried in 1796.

8. Janet, who died unmarried in 1789.

9. Martha; and 10. Janet, both of whom died young.

Colin of Kilcoy died in 1758, and was succeeded by his eldest surviving son,

VII. CHARLES MACKENZIE, seventh of Kilcoy, who in 1781 married Jane Gordon, third daughter of Patrick Grant of Glenmoriston with issue – an only son, by whom on his death in 1813 he was succeeded as

VIII. SIR COLIN MACKENZIE, eighth of Kilcoy, created a baronet on the 15th of March, 1836, with remainder to his second and third sons, Evan and Colin John. He was Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant 1st Ross-shire Local Militia, and Vice-Lieutenant and Convener of the county, and claimed the Earldom of Buchan and Barony of Auchterhouse. He was born on the 22nd of April, 1782, and married on the 30th of March, 1805, Isabella (who died on the 26th of May, 1874), second daughter of Ewen Cameron of Glen Nevis, with issue –

1. Charles, his heir and successor, in the entailed estates. He was born on the 25th of December, 1811, and died unmarried on the 30th of July, 1887.

2. Evan, who succeeded to the Baronetcy and the unentailed estates.

3. Colin, died unmarried on the 21st of April, 1868.

4. Jane, who in 1853 married James Wardlaw, Major 2nd Royal Lancashire Militia (who died on the 3rd of October, 1867), with issue – (1) John Colin Wardlaw Captain 34th Regiment. He was born on the 19th of July, 1856, and married in 1889, Mabel, daughter of William Bousfield Page, of Carlisle. (2) George Lake, born on the 19th of April, 1864; (3) James Robert Preston, born on the 22nd of September, 1867; (4) Geraldine Anne Isabella Mary Jane, who married on the 21st of December, 1876, George Francis Gillanders of Highfield, with issue – a daughter, Frances Geraldine; (5) Horatia Georgina Ramsay, who married first on the 19th of July, 1877, William Gordon Cumming Asher, with issue – William Augustus, born on the 6th of July, 1878, and Isabella Cameron. She married secondly, Thomas Home, W.S., Edinburgh, with issue; (6) Jane Frances Harriet, who in 1890 married George Mullen of Springfield, County Sligo, with issue – a daughter, Jane Horatia Mary.

Sir Colin died in January, 1845, when he was succeeded in the Baronetcy and unentailed estates by

IX. SIR EVAN MACKENZIE, second Baronet of Kilcoy. He was born on the 15th of August, 1816, and married on the 2nd of November, 1844, Sarah Ann Philomena, daughter of James Parkes, County of Londonderry, with issue –

1. Colin Charles, Lieutenant 79th Cameron Highlanders, born on the 7th of February, 1848, and died unmarried at Gibraltar on the 15th of June, 1880.

2. Isabella Jane, who became her father’s heir and successor.

3. Edith Millicent.

4. Eva Mary Marjorie Erskine, who on the 22nd of February, 1872, married Roderick Grogan Mackenzie, V. of Flowerburn, Lieutenant-Colonel Ross-shire Militia, late 16th Lancers, with issue.

5. Sarah Anna Philomena.

Sir Evan Mackenzie died in 1883, and on the death of his brother, Charles Mackenzie of Kilcoy, in 1887, the estates and representation of the family of Kilcoy devolved on Sir Evan’s eldest daughter,

X. ISABELLA JANE, who on the 30th of March, 1869, married Colonel John Edward Burton (now Burton-Mackenzie), late 91st Highlanders, second son of the late John Standfast Burton, by Mary Anna, daughter of David Morgan and niece and heiress of Richard Toulmin North of Newton Hall and Thurland Castle, Lancashire, with issue –

1. Evan North, who was born on the 9th of March, 1870.

2. Colin John Mackenzie, born on the 14th of September, 1871.

3. Edward Grove, born on the 7th of August, 1876.

4. Isabella Alicia Eva.

On succeeding to the estates of Kilcoy, Colonel and Mrs Burton assumed the name and arms of Mackenzie of Kilcoy, in addition to those of Burton (recorded in 1633), by Letters Patent from the Lyon King at Arms on the 7th of December, 1887.


I. GENERAL SIR KENNETH MACKENZIE-DOUGLAS, first of this family, was the eldest son of Kenneth Mackenzie, Tutor to Charles Mackenzie, VII. of Kilcoy, by his wife Janet, daughter of Sir Robert Douglas, Baronet, of Glenbervie (author of the Peerage and Baronage of Scotland), and co-heir of her brother, Sir Alexander Douglas, M.D., the last Baronet of that family, descended from Archibald, fifth Earl of Angus, whose second son, Sir Robert Douglas, succeeded in 1591 to his estates of Glenbervie and Kemnay. The General, who was Colonel of the 58th Regiment, was created a Baronet on the 30th of September, 1831, and on the 31st of October following he assumed by Royal license the name of Douglas in addition to his own. He married on the 18th of December, 1804, Rachel, only child and heir of Robert Andrews of Hythe, Kent, with issue –

1. Robert Andrews, his heir and successor.

2. Kenneth, Lieutenant 58th Regiment, who was born on the 14th of July, 1809, and died unmarried in Ceylon in 1830.

3. Alexander Douglas, an officer in the 58th and 68th Regiments. He was born on the 22nd of December 1811, and on the 17th of April, 1834, married Ann, daughter and co-heir of Joshua Rouse, Southampton, with issue – (1) Rouse Douglas, Captain 96th Regiment, born on the 29th of December, 1836, and married on the 20th of December, 1861, Alice, daughter of John O’Neill of Montbello, County Wicklow, with issue – a son and daughter; (2) Alexander Douglas, of the Mounted Police, Queensland. He was born on the 7th of February, 1843, and married in 1864, without issue; (3) Annie Douglas, who on the 31st of March, 1864, married John Croft, F.R.S.; (4) Mary Elizabeth Mackenzie-Douglas; and (5) Rachel Adela Douglas. Alexander died in 1848.

4. Edward, who died unmarried in 1835.

5. Lynedoch, Lieutenant 97th Regiment. He was born on the 28th of October, 1818, and on the 26th of July, 1848, married Laura Susanna, youngest daughter of Lieutenant-General Sir Archibald Campbell, Baronet, G.C.B., with issue – (1) Helen Maria Mackenzie, who on the 22nd of December, 1874, married Andrew Mitchell Mackenzie, son of the late Hon. Donald Mackenzie, Senator of the College of Justice, with issue – Donald Mackenzie, born on the 15th of July, 1878; Lilias Douglas; and Helen Maria Douglas; (2) Laura Augusta Mackenzie Douglas, who on the 13th of July, 1878, married Donald Mackenzie, B.A., W.S., eldest son of the Hon. Donald Mackenzie aforesaid; (3) Jessie Beatrice Mackenzie Douglas, who on the 25th of October, 1873, married as his first wife the Rev. Philip Richard Pipon Braithwaite, vicar of St. Luke’s, Jersey, since 1881, and formerly of Abbotsham, Devon, with issue – William Douglas Braithwaite, born on the 22nd of October, 1876; Jessie Pipon; and Mary Mackenzie. Lynedoch Douglas died on the 15th of May, 1859.

6. Donald Douglas, Captain Royal North Down Rifles. He was born on the 7th of July, 1821, and on the 5th of August, 1847, married Emily Jane, fifth daughter of Hugh Kennedy of Cultra, County Down, with issue – (1) Donald Sholto Mackenzie, born on the 14th of December, 1849; (2) Kenneth Nigel Mackenzie, Lieutenant Essex Rifles. He was born on the 1st of November, 1851, and on the 31st of July, 1879, married Emma daughter of Thomas B. Street, of Friers Place, near Acton, Middlesex; (3) Emily Elizabeth Mackenzie, who on the 28th of November, 1877, married Colonel Robert Blair Kennedy, with issue – Kathleen Carlotta Douglas.

7. Rachel, who on the 23rd of February, 1843, married her cousin, John Snodgrass, Major 96th Regiment, with issue – (1) John Douglas, Captain R.A., born on the 21st of April, 1844, and married, with issue – a son who died young; (2) Rachel Etah; and (3) Edith Mary Mackenzie. Rachel died on the 15th of January, 1877, her husband, Captain Snodgrass, having predeceased her on the 27th of January, 1856.

General Sir Kenneth Mackenzie-Douglas died on the 22nd of November, 1833, when he was succeeded by his eldest son,

II. SIR ROBERT ANDREWS MACKENZIE-DOUGLAS, second Baronet and Major in the army. He was born on the 25th of April, 1807, and on the 29th of April, 1835, married his sister-in-law, Martha Elizabeth, daughter of Joshua Rouse, of Southampton, with issue –

1. Robert Andrews, his heir and successor.

2. Kenneth Douglas, who was born on the 17th of October, 1842, and on the 21st of August, 1867, married at Christchurch, New Zealand, Caroline Nicholls, with issue – (1) Kenneth, who succeeded as fourth Baronet; (2) Blanche; and (3) Martha. Kenneth Douglas died on the 25th of January, 1882.

3. Elizabeth, who on the 6th of August, 1861, married Sir Francis George Augustus Fuller-Eliott-Drake, Baronet, Captain Royal Horse Guards, with issue – Elizabeth, who in 1887 married Reginald John Upton Colborne, third Lord Seaton.

Sir Robert died on the 1st of November, 1843, when he was succeeded by his eldest son,

III. SIR ROBERT ANDREWS MACKENZIE-DOUGLAS, third Baronet, Captain 57th Regiment. He was born on the 19th of July, 1837.

He died unmarried in 1884, when he was succeeded in the title and estates by his nephew,

IV. SIR KENNETH MACKENZIE-DOUGLAS, fourth Baronet, who was born on the 29th of May, 1868.


THE immediate progenitor of this family was Alexander Mackenzie of Coul, so often referred to in the body of this work, and who so greatly distinguished himself in the wars with Glengarry and Macleod of the Lewis. He was a natural son of Colin Cam, XI. of Kintail, by Mary, eldest daughter of Roderick Mackenzie, II. of Davochmaluag, by his wife, Ann, daughter of Donald Gorm Macdonald. VII. of Sleat. Alexander was a great favourite with his brothers Kenneth, first Lord Mackenzie of Kintail, and Sir Roderick Mackenzie of Coigeach. He has a sasine of half the lands of Applecross and others, as a “natural son of Colin Mackenzie of Kintail,” dated 10th of March, 1582. He has another, in 1607, from Roderick Dingwall of the lands of Kildun, and one in 1619 of the lands of Pittonachty, now Rosehaugh, and Castleton. It is said that Alexander when quite an infant was sent by his mother to his father, Colin of Kintail, to Brahan Castle, who consulted his wife, Barbara, daughter of John Grant of Grant, as to what he should do with the little stranger. Naturally incensed both at her husband’s infidelity and the proposed addition to her family circle, she indignantly replied – “Cuir ‘sa chuil e,” that is “put him in the ash-hole, or corner.” Realising the imprudence of further offending her, but being naturally of a humane disposition, and wishing to act honourably by his innocent offspring, he took the child away, and on his return told his wife that he had carried out her proposal and left him in the “Coul.” He secretly sent Alexander to the place then and now called “A Chuil,” or Coul, to be nursed and brought up by a respectable woman, and thus carried out the letter if not the spirit of his lady’s request, and at the same time performed his duty towards his afterwards distinguished son, to whom he gave that estate as his inheritance.

Kenneth’s grandson, John, II. of Applecross, who in 1669, wrote the well-known Genealogy of his clan, gives the following account of the progenitor of his family: “He was happy in his youth by the comeliness of his person, and agility of body, to be looked upon by Kenneth, Lord Kintail, his brother, and all his followers, being then engaged in their hottest feuds with the Clan Ranald and Macleods of Lewis, as the fittest man to command what force his brother was to make use of on these occasions, wherein he failed not their expectations, managing that command (which he enjoyed until the Tutor of Kintail put a period to all these troubles by the transaction with Glengarry, and utter extirpation of the Macleods of Lewis) with so much courage and expedition, that albeit during the whole tract of these broils there passed not any action of moment wherein he was not signally concerned, yet in all of them his constant success brought no less honour to himself than advantage and reputation to his party. This, with his singular industry and upright dealing in affairs, got him so much of the love of his brethren, especially Lord Kenneth, who on his death-bed honoured him with the gift of his own sword in testimony of his esteem and affection for him, and so much of the respect of his friends and neighbours, and the good opinion of the country people, that, without difficulty or the least grudge of any person whatsoever, he in a short time purchased a considerable estate, which he still augmented by the same means during the rest of his life.” Among these purchases was Applecross and other lands which exceeded in extent the lands of Coul, which was bestowed on him by his father.

Alexander married, first, Annabella, daughter of Murdoch Mackenzie, I. of Fairburn, and relict of Thomas Mackenzie, I. of Ord, with issue –

1. Roderick, infeft by his father in the estate and Parony of Applecross.

2. Isabel, who as his second wife married Alexander, V. of Gairloch, with issue.

3. Marjory, who married the Rev. William MacCulloch of Park, minister of Fodderty.

Alexander married secondly, Christian, daughter of Hector Munro of Assynt, with issue –

4. Kenneth, first of Assynt and afterwards of Coul.

5. Alexander, who died unmarried in 1639.

6. Hector of Assynt, who married a daughter of Hugh Fraser of Belladrum, with issue. Sasine to him in 1650.

7. A daughter, who as his second wife married John Chisholm, XVI. of Chisholm, with issue – his heir and successor.

8. Another, who married Sir Alexander Innes of Coxtoune. He has a charter from James VI., dated 28th July, 1617, in favour of “Alexandro Mackenzie de Coul, et Christianae Munro ejus spousae terrarum ecclesiasticarum de Uladil, etc.,” in Inverness-shire, and he has a second to him and his second wife, of the lands of Pittonachty, Wester Haldock, Pitfla, etc., in the same county, dated 28th June, 1621. He has a third, dated 12th July, 1634, to “Alexandero Mackenzie de Coul, et Kennetho ejus filio, terrarum de Urquhart, etc.” He was a very prudent man, and besides the large patrimony bestowed upon each of his children, he left a large sum of money for pious uses and for the children of several of his relations. He died in March, 1650, very advanced in years, at Pittonachty, was buried in a tomb which he caused to be built for himself at Chanonry, and was succeeded in the lands of Applecross by his eldest son,

I. RODERICK MACKENZIE, who shall be described as first of Applecross – his father having been both of Applecross and Coul. He married Finguala, daughter of Murdoch Mackenzie, II. of Redcastle, with issue –

1. John “Mollach” his heir and successor.

2. Colin, I. of Sanachan, who married a daughter of Murdo Mackenzie of Sand, Gairloch, with issue.

3. Sibella, who married first, Alexander Macleod, V. of Raasay, with issue; secondly, Thomas Graham of Drynie, and thirdly, Alexander Mackenzie, VI. of Hilton, with issue – his heir and successor.

4. A daughter, who married Lachlan Mackinnon, eldest son of Mackinnon of Scalpa, Tutor of Mackinnon of Mackinnon, with issue.

5. A daughter, who married the eldest son and heir of William Mackenzie, Shieldaig, Gairloch.

He had the estate of Applecross given him as his patrimony during the life of his father, whom he predeceased on the 6th of July, 1646, and was buried in his father’s tomb at Chanonry. He was succeeded by his eldest son,

II. JOHN MACKENZIE, second of Applecross, known as “Ian Mollach,” or Hairy John, who married a daughter of Hugh Fraser of Belladrum, with issue –

1. Alexander, his heir and successor,

2. Roderick, who married Isabella, daughter of Kenneth Mackenzie, VI. of Gairloch, with issue. The descendants of this Roderick now represent the Old Mackenzies of Applecross in the male line John Mackenzie, V. of Applecross, having died without issue, when the estates went by will past his brother Kenneth into the possession of his sister Mary’s eldest son, James Mackenzie, IV. of Highfield. Several of Roderick’s descendants are still alive, male and female – one of the latter being the widow of the late Farquhar Macrae, Strome Ferry Hotel (north side), who has had a fine family – a son and several daughters.

3. Kenneth, I. of Alduinny, who married a daughter of John Matheson of Bennetsfield, with issue.

4. John, called “Ian Og,” one of the four famous Johns killed in 1715, serving under his brother Alexander, Lieutenant-Colonel of Seaforth’s 1st Regiment, at Sheriffmuir. He married a daughter of the Rev. John Macrae, last Episcopalian minister of Dingwall, with issue; for which, and the issue of Kenneth of Alduinny, see Findon’s Tables.

5. A daughter, who married Sir Donald Bayne of Tulloch, with issue.

6. Catherine, who married Simon Mackenzie, I. of Torridon, with issue.

7. Ann, who in 1684 married Charles Mackenzie, I. of Letterewe, with issue.

8. Mary, who married Thomas Mackenzie, III. of Ord, with issue.

9. Florence, who in 1682 married Charles Mackenzie of Cullen, third son of Colin Mackenzie, II. of Kilcoy, with issue.

John has a sasine in 1663. He purchased the Baronies of Tarradale and Rhindoun. In his grandfather’s life-time he had a charter under the Great Seal, “Johanni Mackenzie de Applecross, terrarum de Lochslyne, Newton de Lochslyne, etc.” He was succeeded by his eldest son,

III. ALEXANDER MACKENZIE, third of Applecross. He joined the Earl of Mar in 1715, and was Lieutenant-Colonel of Seaforth’s 1st Regiment, for which he was attainted of high treason, and the estates forfeited to the Crown. He married, first, Anne, daughter of Alexander Fraser, Tutor of Lovat, by his wife Sibella (Elizabeth), daughter of Kenneth, first Lord Mackenzie of Kintail, with issue –

1. Roderick, his heir and successor.

2. Kenneth, a merchant in Inverness, who married a daughter of Rose, Merkinch.

3. Colin, a doctor in Edinburgh, who married Miss Dunbar of Linkwood.

4. Sibella, who in 1697 married the Hon. John Mackenzie of Assynt, second son of Kenneth Mor, third Earl of Seaforth, with issue – Kenneth, who married Frances, his cousin, daughter of Colonel Alexander, without issue.

5. Anne, who in 1707 married first Alexander Mackenzie, II. of Kinachulladrum, with issue – Anne, his only child in life in 1766; secondly, John MacRae, of Dornie and, thirdly, Colin Mackenzie of the Gruinard family, a goldsmith in Inverness.

6. A daughter, who married the Rev. Archibald Macqueen, minister of Snizort, Skye.

7. Another married William Mackenzie, of Shieldaig.

8. Mary, who married Malcolm Macleod, VIII. of Raasay, with issue – his heir and others.

Alexander married, secondly, Margaret, daughter of Mackenzie, of Fairburn, with issue – one son, Simon, in the Foot Guards. He married, thirdly, in 1713, Christian, daughter of Fraser of Belladrum, with issue – a daughter, who married her cousin, Roderick Mackenzie of Achavannie son of John Og, killed at Sheriffmuir.

He was succeeded as representative of the family by his eldest son,

IV. RODERICK MACKENZIE, fourth of Applecross, who has a sasine of Kinachulladrum, of which place he is designed in 1721. In 1724 he re-purchased the estate of Applecross from the Court of Enquiry for L3550. He married, first, Anne, only daughter of Alexander Macdonell, XI. of Glengarry, by his first wife, Ann, daughter of Hugh Lord Lovat, with issue –

1. John, his heir and successor.

2. Alexander, a Captain in Marjoribanks’ Regiment, in the Dutch service, who died unmarried.

3. Kenneth, a watchmaker in London, died unmarried. On the 17th of August, 1737, he was entered as an apprentice to Thomas Gordon, clock and watchmaker, for six years.

4. Mary, who married James Mackenzie, III. of Highfield, whose eldest son Thomas, IV. of Highfield, inherited Applecross from his uncle John.

5. Anne, who married, first, Alexander Mackenzie, I. of Lentran; and secondly, as his second wife, Alexander Mackenzie, VIII. of Davochmaluag, with issue – an only daughter, Anne.

6. Another daughter who married the Rev. John Maclean, minister of Kintail.

Roderick married, secondly, Margaret, daughter of Sir Kenneth Mackenzie, first Baronet and IV. of Scatwell, and widow of Aeneas Macleod of Cadboll, with issue – an only daughter, Elizabeth, who married Alexander Chisholm, XXII. of Chisholm, with issue – his heir and others.

He was succeeded by his eldest son,

V. JOHN MACKENZIE, fifth of Applecross, who married Anne, only daughter of Sir Colin Mackenzie, IV of Coul, without issue. He willed the estate of Applecross away from his brother Kenneth [This John, the last of this family, deprived his brother, Kenneth, of the property, and passed it in favour of Thomas Mackenzie of Highfield, his sister’s son. In order to set aside the legal succession, and to prevent his brother, Kenneth, from marrying, he allowed only L80 yearly for his subsistence during his lifetime, which small allowance made it inadequate for him to rear and support a family, so that in all probability this has been the cause of making the family extinct. After this Kenneth the succession should have reverted back to Roderick Mackenzie, a descendant of Roderick, second son of John, II. of Applecross, who went to Nova Scotia in 1802, or failing the family of this Rory, next to his brother’s family, Malcolm, who died a few years ago in Kishorn, and failing heirs of that family to the other descendants of John of Applecross, viz.: Kenneth of Auldinie, and John, killed at Sheriffmuir in 1715. – “MS. of the Family,” written in 1828.] to the son of his Sister Mary, Thomas Mackenzie, IV. of Highfield, by whom he was succeeded as

VI. THOMAS MACKENZIE, sixth of Applecross and IV. of Highfield. In 1781 he sold the estate of Highfield to George Gillanders, Commissioner for Seaforth, and about the same time purchased Lochcarron from Sir Alexander Mackenzie of Delvine, for L10,000 sterling. It was previously bought from Seaforth by Sir Alexander for half that sum. He married Elizabeth, only daughter of Donald Mackenzie, V. of Kilcoy, with issue –

1. John, his heir and successor.

2. James, who died unmarried, in India.

3. Colin, who also died unmarried, in India.

4. Donald, a Captain in the 100th Regiment of Foot. He married Anna, daughter of James Macleod, IX. of Raasay, with issue – two sons and six daughters, John; Thomas; and Elizabeth, who died unmarried Flora Loudon, who married General Sir Alexander Lindsay, H.E.I.C.S.; Jane, who married James Thomas Macdonald of Balranald, North Uist, with issue – Alexander, now of Balranald, and others; Anne, who married Christopher Webb Smith, B.C.S.; Isabella Mary, who married Dr Lauchlan Maclean; and Maria, who married John Mackenzie, the famous piper, “Piobaire Ban,” with issue.

5. Thomas, who died unmarried.

6. Jean, who died unmarried.

7. Anne, who married Kenneth Mackenzie of Inverinate, brother to Alexander Mackenzie, XI. of Hilton, with issue – Thomas, who succeeded as X. of Applecross, and others. Catherine, Mary, and Elizabeth, died unmarried.

He was succeeded by his eldest son,

VII. JOHN MACKENZIE, seventh of Applecross and Lochcarron, who in 1787 married Jane, daughter of Alexander Elphinstone of Glack, Aberdeenshire, with issue –