Good Stories from The Ladies Home Journal by Various

Produced by Al Haines GOOD STORIES REPRINTED FROM THE LADIES’ HOME JOURNAL OF PHILADELPHIA 1907 GOOD STORIES from THE LADIES’ HOME JOURNAL _Warding Off a Catastrophe_ A fat woman entered a crowded street car and, seizing a strap, stood directly in front of a man seated in the corner. As the car started she lunged
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  • 1883
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_Warding Off a Catastrophe_

A fat woman entered a crowded street car and, seizing a strap, stood directly in front of a man seated in the corner. As the car started she lunged against his newspaper and at the same time trod heavily on his toes.

As soon as he could extricate himself he rose and offered her his seat.

“You are very kind, sir,” she said, panting for breath.

“Not at all, madam,” he replied; “it’s not kindness; it’s simply self-defense.”

_Not What She Expected_

A charming, well-preserved widow had been courted and won by a physician. She had children. The wedding-day was approaching, and it was time the children should know they were to have a new father. Calling one of them to her she said: “Georgie, I am going to do something before long that I would like to talk about with you.”

“What is it, Ma ?” aiked the boy.

“I am intending to marry Doctor Jones in a few days, and—-“

“Bully for you. Ma, Does Doctor Jones know it ?”

_Of Course_

The morning class had been duly instructed and enlightened upon the subject of our national independence. Feeling sure she had made a real and lasting impression with her explanations and blackboard illustrations the young teacher began with the usual round of questions:

“Now, Sammy Smith, where was the Declaration of Independence signed?”

Sammy, with a shout of glee: “At de bottom, ma’am–that’s what you said!”

_He Had Certainly Met Him_

A traveler going to New Zealand was asked by a friend if he would inquire, while there, as to the whereabouts of the friend’s grandfather, Jeremiah Thompson.

“Certainly,” said the traveler, and wherever he went he asked for news of the ancestor, but without avail.

One day he was introduced to a fine old Maori of advanced age. “Did you ever meet with an Englishman named Jeremiah Thompson?” he asked.

A smile passed over the Maori’s face. “Meet him?” he repeated. “Why, I ate him!”

_No Place Like Home_

A Bostonian died, and when he arrived at St. Peter’s gate he was asked the usual questions:

“What is your name, and where are you from ?”

The answer was, “Mr. So-and-So, from Boston.”

“You may come in,” said St. Peter, “but I know you won’t like it.”

_She Felt Bad When Well_

An old lady, really quite well, was always complaining and “enjoying poor health,” as she expressed it. Her various ailments were to her the most interesting topic in the world. One day a neighbor found her eating a hearty meal, and asked her how she was.

“Poor me,” she sighed, “I feel very well, but I always feel bad when I feel well, because I know I am going to feel worse afterward.”

_Drove Him Mad_

They took him to the sanatorium moaning feebly: “Thirty-nine, thirty-nine.”

“What does he mean by that?” the attendant inquired.

“It’s the number of buttons on the back of his wife’s new frock,” the family doctor explained.

_Tweedledum or Tweedledee_

Joseph Chamberlain was the guest of honor at a dinner in an important city. The Mayor presided, and when coffee was being served the Mayor leaned over and touched Mr. Chamberlain, saying, “Shall we let the people enjoy themselves a little longer, or had we better have your speech now?”

_It Was Mary’s Own Idea_

“Did you mail my letter, Mary?” asked her mistress. “It was an important one, you know.”

“Yis, mum, indeed I did.”

“But why have you brought back the two cents I gave you for the stamp?”

“Sure, I didn’t have to use it, mum,” replied Mary. “I slipped th’ letther into th’ box whin nobody was lukin’.”

_He Couldn’t Very Well_

A husband was being arraigned in court in a suit brought by his wife for cruelty.

“I understand, sir,” said the Judge, addressing the husband, “that one of the indignities you have showered upon your wife is that you have not spoken to her for three years. Is that so?”

“It is, your Honor,” quickly answered the husband.

“Well, sir,” thundered the judge, “why didn’t you speak to her, may I ask?”

“Simply,” replied the husband, “because I didn’t want to interrupt her.”

_A Coat That Wouldn’t Come Off_

The inspector asked the boys of the school he was examining: “Can you take your warm overcoats aff?” “Yes, sir,” was the response. “Can the bear take his warm overcoat off?” “No, sir.” “Why not?” There was silence for a while, and then a little boy spoke up: “Please, sir, because God alone knows where the buttons are.”

_The Young Housewife’s Latest_

In the cook’s absence the young mistress of the house undertook, with the help of a green waitress, to get the Sunday luncheon. The flurried maid, who had been struggling in the kitchen with a coffee machine that refused to work, confessed that she had forgotten to wash the lettuce.

“Well, never mind, Eliza. Go on with the coffee, and I’ll do it,” said the considerate mistress. “Where do you keep the soap?”

_He Did His Best_

A hungry Irishman went into a restaurant on Friday and said to the waiter:

“Have yez any whale?”


“Have yez any shark?”


“Have yez any swordfish?”


“Have yez any jellyfish?”


“All right,” said the Irishman. “Then bring me ham and eggs and a beefsteak smothered wid onions. The Lord knows I asked for fish.”

_The Power Behind_

At a prayer-meeting a good old brother stood up and said he was glad to give the following testimony:

“My wife and I,” he said, “started in life with hardly a cent in the world. We began at the lowest round of the ladder, but the Lord has been good to us and we have worked up–we have prospered. We bought a little farm and raised good crops. We have a good home and a nice family of children, and,” he added with much emphasis, “I am the head of that family.”

After he sat down his wife promptly arose to corroborate all that he had said. She said that they had started in life with hardly a cent, the Lord had been good to them and they had prospered; they did have a farm and good crops, and it was true they did have a fine family of children. But she added with satisfaction, “I am the neck that moves the head.”

_Easy Enough_

Some visitors who were being shown over a pauper lunatic asylum, says “Harper’s Weekly,” inquired of their guide what method was employed to discover when the inmates were sufficiently recovered to leave.

“Well,” replied he, “you see, it’s this way. We have a big trough of water, and we turns on the tap. We leave it running, and tells ’em to bail out the water with pails until they’ve emptied the trough.”

“How does that prove it?” asked one of the visitors.

“Well,” said the guide, “them as ain’t idiots turns off the tap.”

_He Had Left the Cards All Right_

The high-born dame was breaking in a new footman–stupid but honest.

In her brougham, about to make a round of visits, she found she had forgotten her bits of pasteboard. So she sent the man back with orders to bring some of her cards that were on the mantelpiece in her boudoir, and put them in his pocket.

At different houses, she told the footman to hand in one, and sometimes a couple, until at last she told Jeames to leave three at one house.

“Can’t do it, mum.”

“How’s that?”

“I’ve only got two left–the ace of spades and the seven of clubs.”

_And That Settled It_

“If ye please, mum,” said the ancient hero, in an appealing voice, as he stood at the back door of the cottage on washday, “I’ve lost my leg—-“

“Well, I ain’t got it,” snapped the woman fiercely,

And the door closed with a bang.

_What Do You Think the Porter Did_?

A lady in the centre seat of the parlor car heard the request of a fellow-passenger directly opposite asking the porter to open the window, and, scenting a draft, she immediately drew a cloak about her.

“Porter, if that window is opened,” she snapped testily, “I shall freeze to death.”

“And if the window is kept closed,” returned the other passenger, “I shall surely suffocate.”

The poor porter stood absolutely puzzled between the two fires.

“Say, boss,” he finally said to a commercial traveler seated near by, “what would you do?”

“Do?” echoed the traveler. “Why, man, that is a very simple matter; open the window and freeze one lady. Then close it and suffocate the other.”

_She Said It_

A visitor of noble birth was expected to arrive at a large country house in the North of England, and the daughter of the house, aged seven, was receiving final instructions from her mother.

“And now, dear,” she said, “when the Duke speaks to you do not forget always to say ‘your Grace.'”

Presently the great man arrived, and after greeting his host and hostess he said to the child, “Well, my dear, and what is your name?” Judge of his surprise when the little girl solemnly closed her eyes and with clasped hands exclaimed, “For what we are about to receive may we be truly fankful, amen.”

_His Idea of Genius_

A young man once said to Thomas A. Edison, the inventor; “Mr. Edison, don’t you believe that genius is inspiration?”

“No,” replied Edison; “genius is _per_spiration.”

_Took the Wrong House_

On one of the Southern railroads there is a station-building that is commonly known by travelers as the smallest railroad station in America. It is of this station that the story is told that an old farmer was expecting a chicken-house to arrive there, and he sent one of his hands, a newcomer, to fetch it. Arriving there the man saw the house, loaded it on to his wagon and started for home. On the way he met a man in uniform with the words “Station Agent” on his cap.

“Say, hold on. What have you got on that wagon?” he asked.

“My chicken-house, of course,” was the reply.

“Chicken-house be jiggeredl” exploded the official. “That’s the station!”

_And Tommy Did_

“And now,” said the teacher, “I want Tommy to tell the school who was most concerned when Absalom got hung by the hair ?”

TOMMY: “Abs’lom.”

_The Prayer of Cyrus Brown_

“The proper way for a man to pray,”
Said Deacon Lemuel Keyes,
“And the only proper attitude,
Is down upon his knees.”

“No, I should say the way to pray,”
Said Reverend Doctor Wise,
“Is standing straight, with outstretched arms, And rapt and upturned eyes.”

“Oh, no; no, no,” said Elder Slow,
“Such posture is too proud:
A man should pray with eyes fast closed And head contritely bowed.”

“It seems to me his hands should be
Austerely clasped in front,
With both thumbs pointing toward the ground,” Said Reverend Doctor Blunt.

“Las’ year I fell in Hodgkin’s well
Head first,” said Cyrus Brown,
“With both my heels a-stickin’ up, My head a-p’inting down,

“An’ I made a prayer right then an’ there– Best prayer I ever said,
The prayingest prayer I ever prayed, A-standing on my head.”


_Couldn’t Tell Which_

Jones had come home later than usual and had ready a good explanation, but his wife gave him no chance, and immediately began to tell him what she thought of him. He endured it patiently all evening, quietly read his paper and went to bed. His wife was still talking.

When he was almost asleep he could hear her still scolding him unmercifully. He dropped off to sleep and awoke after a couple of hours, only to hear his wife remark:

“I hope all the women don’t have to put up with such conduct as this.”

“Annie,” said Jones, “are you talking again or yet?”

_The Greater Calamity_

Two or three urchins were running down a long and very steep flight of steps, when the foremost stumbled and fell headlong twenty to thirty feet, and was only stopped near the bottom by doubling backward around the newel-post. It looked as though his back was broken, and that he was a dead small boy, but he gathered himself up, thrust his hands anxiously in his trousers’ pockets, and ejaculated;

“B’ gosh, I b’l’eve I lost a cent.”

_Her First Railroad Ride_

An old lady in Missouri took her first railroad trip last week, says “The Butter Democrat.” She noticed the bell-cord overhead, and, turning to a boy, she said: “Sonny, what’s that for?” “That, marm,” he said, with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, “is to ring the bell when you want something to eat.”

Shortly afterward the old lady reached her umbrella up to the cord and gave it a vigorous pull. The train was in the middle of a trestle. The whistle sounded, the brakes were pulled on, the train began to slacken its speed, windows were thrown up, questions asked, and confusion reigned among the passengers. The old lady sat calmly through it all.

Presently the conductor came running through the train and asked: “Who pulled the bell?”

“I did,” replied the old lady meekly.

“Well, what do you want?” asked the conductor impatiently.

“Well,” said the old lady meditatively, “you may bring me a ham sandwich and a cup of tea, please.”

_The Parson and the “Light”_

A parson had had a call from a little country parish to a large and wealthy one in a big city. He asked time for prayer and consideration. He did not feel sure of his light. A month passed. Some one met hie youngest son. “How is it, Josiah; is your father going to B——?”

“Well,” answered the youngster judicially, “paw is still prayin’ for light, but most of the things is packed.”

_Turn About is Fair Play_

Last Christmas a middle-aged tinplate-worker married a widow whose acquaintance he had made but a few weeks before while working some little distance away from home.

“Sarrah,” he said nervously, after the guests had departed, “I ‘ave a weddin’ present for ye.”

“What is it, John?” said Sarrah with a smirk.

“I ‘ope ye won’t be ‘fended, Sarrah,” said John, more agitated than ever, “but it is–er–er–it is five of ’em.”

“Five of wat?” asked Sarrah.

“Five children!” blurted out John desperately, anticipating a scene. “I didn’t tell ye I ‘ad children–five of ’em.”

Sarrah took the news quite calmly; in fact, she appeared relieved.

“Oh, well, John,” she said, “that do make it easier for me to tell ye. Five is not so bad as me, watever. Seven I ‘ave got!”

“Wat!” howled John.

“Seven,” repeated Sarrah composedly. “That is my weddin’ present to ye, John.”

_His Only Chance_

“Is there a man in all this audience,” demanded the female lecturer on woman’s rights, “that has ever done anything to lighten the burden on his wife’s shoulders? What do you know of woman’s work? Is there a man here,” she continued, folding her arms, and looking over the assembly with superb scorn, “that has ever got up in the morning, leaving his tired, worn-out wife to enjoy her slumbers, gone quietly downstairs, made the fire, cooked his own breakfast, sewed the missing buttons on the children’s clothes, darned the family stockings, scoured the pots and kettles, cleaned and filled the lamps, and done all this, if necessary, day after day, uncomplainingly? If there be such a man in this audience let him rise up! I should really like to see him!”

And, in the rear of the hall, a mild-looking man in spectacles, in obedience to the summons, timidly arose. He was the husband of the eloquent speaker. It was the first time he had ever had a chance to assert himself.

_He Saw Them, All Right_

Two officers were sent to arrest a Quaker; his wife met them at the door and said, “Walk in, gentlemen; my husband will see thee.”

After waiting some time they got impatient and called the woman, saying, “You said we should see your husband presently.”

“No, friend,” she replied; “I said he would see thee–he did see thee, did not like thy looks, and went out by the back door.”

_An Easy Way to Stop It_

William Penn was once urging a man he knew to stop drinking to excess, when the man suddenly asked:

“Can you tell me of an easy way to do it?”

“Yes,” Penn replied readily, “it is just as easy as to open thy hand, friend.”

“Convince me of that,” the man exclaimed, “and I will promise upon my honor to do as you tell me.”

“Well, my friend,” Penn answered, “whenever thee finds a glass of liquor in thy hand, open that hand before the glass touches thy lips, and thee will never drink to excess again.”

The man was so struck by the simplicity of the great Quaker’s advice that he followed it and reformed.

_What Brought Them_?

A rural school has a pretty girl as its teacher, but she was much troubled because many of her pupils were late every morning. At last she made the announcement that she would kiss the first pupil to arrive at the schoolhouse the next morning. At sunrise the largest three boys of her class were sitting on the doorstep of the schoolhouse, and by six o’clock every boy in the school and four of the directors were waiting for her to arrive.

_Give and Take_

An English statesman on one occasion, when engaged in canvassing, visited a working-man’s house, in the principal room of which a pictorial representation of the Pope faced an illustration of King William, of pious and immortal memory, in the act of crossing the Boyne.

The worthy man stared in amazement, and seeing his surprise the voter’s wife exclaimed;

“Shure, my husband’s an Orangeman and I’m a Catholic.”

“How do you get on together?” asked the astonished politician.

“Very well, indade, barring the twelfth of July, when my husband goes out with the Orange procession and comes home feelin’ extry pathriotic.”

“What then?”

“Well, he always takes the Pope down and jumps on him and then goes straight to bed. The next morning I get up early, before he is awake, and take down King William and pawn him and buy a new Pope with the money. Then I give the old man the ticket to get King William out.”

_Too Much of a Good Thing_

“I’ve got the very thing you want,” said the stableman to a ruralist in search of a horse; “a thorough-going road horse. Five years old, sound as a quail, $175 cash down, and he goes ten miles without stopping.”

The purchaser threw his hands skyward.

“Not for me,” he said, “not for me. I wouldn’t gif you five cents for him. I live eight miles out in de country, und I’d haf to walk back two miles.”

_Had Missed It_

“What are you crying for, my poor little boy?” said a man to a crying boy.

“Pa fell downstairs.”

“Don’t take on so, my boy. He’ll get better soon.”

“That isn’t it. Sister saw him fall–all the way. I never saw nuffen.”

_Denied the Only Shade_

It was a broiling hot day in the park, and those walking therein were well-nigh exhausted, when a very stout old lady came bustling along one of the paths, closely followed by a rough-looking tramp.

Twice she commanded him to leave her, but Still he followed just behind.

At last the old lady, quite disgusted, turned angrily around and said:

“Look here, my man, if you don’t go away I shall call a policeman.”

The poor fellow looked up at her with a tear in his eye, and then remarked:

“For goodness’ sake, mum, have mercy and don’t call a policeman, for ye’re the on’y shady spot in the park.”

_Wanted to Make Her Happy_

In one of the many hospitals in the South a bright, busy-looking and duty-loving woman hustled up to one of the wounded soldiers who lay gazing at the ceiling above his cot. “Can’t I do something for you, my poor fellow?” said the woman imploringly. The “poor fellow” looked up languidly. The only things he really wanted just at that time were his discharge and a box of cigars. When he saw the strained and anxious look on the good woman’s face, however, he felt sorry for her, and with perfect sang froid he replied: “Why, yes; you can wash my face if you want to.”

“I’d be only too glad to,” gasped the visitor eagerly.

“All right,” said the cavalier gallantly, “go ahead. It’s been washed twenty-one times already to-day, but I don’t mind going through it again if it’ll make you any happier.”

_Easy Enough_

A noted mathematician, considered by many a wonder, stopped at a hotel in a small town in Missouri. As usual, in such places, there were a number of drummers on hand; there was also a meeting of some medical men at the place, who used the hotel as headquarters. One of the doctors thought it would be quite a joke to tell the mathematician that some of the M.D.’s had concluded to kidnap him and take out his brains to learn how it was he was so good in mathematics. He was then asked by them what he was going to do about it. He replied: “Why, I shall simply go on without brains just as you doctors are doing.”

_Not a Complaint at All_

The good priest had come to his parishioner after the funeral of the latter’s mother-in-law to express condolences.

“And what complaint was it, Pat,” he asked sympathetically, “that carried the old lady off?”

“Kumplaint, did yi ask, father?” answered Pat. “Thir wuz no kumplaint from anybody. Everybody wuz satisfied.”

_He Caught It, But_—-

The ferry-dock was crowded with weary homegoers when through the crowd rushed a man–hot, excited, laden to the chin with bundles of every shape and size. He sprinted down the pier, his eyes fixed on a ferryboat only two or three feet out from the pier. He paused but an instant on the string-piece, and then, cheered on by the amused crowd, he made a flying leap across the intervening stretch of water and landed safely on the deck. A fat man happened to be standing on the exact spot on which he struck, and they both went down with a resounding crash. When the arriving man had somewhat recovered his breath he apologized to the fat man. “I hope I didn’t hurt you,” he said. “I am sorry. But, anyway, I caught the boat!”

“But, you idiot,” said the fat man, “the boat was coming in!”

_He Didn’t Mind_

A certain railway in Michigan has a station entitled Sawyer’s Mills, but usually entitled, for short, Sawyer’s.

A rural couple on one of the trains attracted much attention by their evident fondness for each other until the brakeman thrust his head in the doorway of the car and called out, “Sawyer! Sawyer!”

“Reuben” suddenly assumed the perpendicular and indignantly exclaimed, “Well, I don’t care if you did; we’ve been engaged three weeks.”

_He Announced His Intentions_

Young man and his lady-love attended a protracted meeting which was being held in the village church. Arriving late they found the church filled, but a gentleman arose and gave the lady his seat, while the young man was ushered far away to a seat in another part of the building.

The service grew warm and impressive.

“Will those who want our prayers please stand up?” said the preacher.

At this juncture the young man thought it was getting late and he would get his sweetheart and go home, but not just knowing where she sat he rose to his feet and looked over the audience.

The minister, mistaking his intentions, asked: “Young man, are you seeking salvation?”

To which the young man responded: “At present I am seeking Sal Jackson!”

_As a Last Resort_

“Well, doctor,” said the patient who was an incessant talker, “why in the world don’t you look at my tongue, if you want to, instead of writing away like a newspaper editor? How long do you expect I am going to sit here with my mouth wide open?”

“Just one moment more, please, madam,” replied the doctor; “I only wanted you to keep still long enough so that I could write this prescription.”

_He Got the Information_

At a country fair a machine which bore a sign reading, “How to Make Your Trousers Last,” occupied a prominent position in the grounds and attracted much attention, says “Harper’s Weekly.” A countryman who stood gaping before it was told by the exhibitor, a person with a long black mustache, a minstrel-stripe shirt, and a ninety-four-carat diamond in a red cravat, that for one cent deposited in the slot the machine would dispense its valuable sartorial advice. The countryman dug the required coin from the depths of a deep pocket and dropped it in the slot. Instantly the machine delivered a card on which was neatly printed:

“Make your coat and waistcoat first.”

_After Many Trials_

He WAS a sad-faced American tourist, and as he seated himself in a London restaurant he was immediately attended by an obsequious waiter.

“I want two eggs,” said the American–“one fried on one side and one on the other.”

“‘Ow is that, sir ?” asked the astounded waiter.

“Two eggs–one fried on one side and one on the other.”

“Very well, sir.”

The waiter was gone several minutes, and when he returned his face was a study.

“Would you please repeat your border, sir?”

“I said, very distinctly, two eggs–one fried on one side and one on the other.”

Oppressive silence, and then a dazed “Very well, sir.”

This time he was gone longer, and when he returned he said anxiously:

“Would it be awsking too much, sir, to ‘ave you repeat your border, sir? I cawn’t think I ‘ave it right, sir, y’know.”

“Two eggs,” said the American sadly and patiently–“one fried on one side and one on the other.”

More oppressive silence and another and fainter “Very well, sir.”

This time he was gone still longer. When he returned his collar was unbuttoned, his hair disheveled and his face scratched and bleeding. Leaning over the waiting patron he whispered beseechingly:

“Would you mind tyking boiled heggs, sir? I’ve ‘ad some words with the cook.”

_It Was His Only Tie_

One morning, as Mark Twain returned from a neighborhood morning call, sans necktie, his wife met him at the door with the exclamation; “There, Sam, you have been over to the Stowes’s again without a necktie! It’s really disgraceful the way you neglect your dress!”

Her husband said nothing, but went up to his room.

A few minutes later his neighbor–Mrs. S.–was summoned to the door by a messenger, who presented her with a small box neatly done up. She opened it and found a black silk necktie, accompanied by the following note:

“Here is a necktie. Take it out and look at it. I think I stayed half an hour this morning. At the end of that time will you kindly return it, as it is the only one I have?–MARK TWAIN.”

Playing Doctor

BILLY: “Gentlemen, before we begin to operate, if you will hold the patient’s hands and feet I’ll get that four cents out of his right-hand pocket.”

_The Feminine Point of View_

The Willoughbys had said good-by to Mrs. Kent. Then Mr. Willoughby spoke thoughtfully:

“It was pleasant of her to say that about wishing she could see more of people like us, who are interested in real things, instead of the foolish round of gayety that takes up so much of her time and gives her so little satisfaction, wasn’t it?”

His wife stole a sidewise glance at his gratified face, and a satirical smile crossed her own countenance.

“Very pleasant, George,” she said clearly. “But what I knew she meant, and what she knew that I knew she meant, was that my walking-skirt is an inch too long and my sleeves are old style, and your coat, poor dear, is beginning to look shiny in the back.”

“Why–what–how—-” began Mr. Willoughby helplessly; then he shook his head and gave it up.

_He Had Faith in the Doctor_

A young English laborer went to the register’s office to record his father’s death. The register asked the date of death.

“Well, father ain’t dead yet,” was the reply; “but he will be dead before morning, and I thought it would save me another trip if you would put it down now.”

“Oh, that won’t do at all,” said the register. “Why, your father may be well before morning.”

“Ah, no, he won’t,” said the young laborer. “Our doctor says he won’t, and he knows what he’s given father.”

_What He Used the Milk For_

A clergyman had been for some time displeased with the quality of milk served him. At length he determined to remonstrate with his milkman for supplying such weak stuff. He began mildly:

“I’ve been wanting to see you in regard to the quality of milk with which you are serving me.”

“Yes, sir,” uneasily answered the tradesman.

“I only wanted to say,” continued the minister, “that I use the milk for drinking purposes exclusively, and not for christening.”

_Nothing if Not Polite_

An interested visitor who was making the final call in the tenement district, rising, said:

“Well, my good woman, I must go now. Is there anything I can do for you?”

“No, thank ye, mem,” replied the submerged one. “Ye mustn’t mind it if I don’t return the call, will ye? I haven’t any time to go slummm’ meself.”

_Her Little Game_

As a married couple were walking down one of the main thoroughfares of a city the husband noted the attention which other women obtained from passers-by, and remarked to his better half:

“Folks never look at you. I wish I had married some one better looking.”

The woman tartly replied: “It’s your fault. Do you think a man will stare at me when you’re walking with me? You step behind and see whether men don’t look at me.”

The husband hung back about a dozen yards, and for the length of the street was surprised to see every man his wife passed stare hard at her and even turn around and look after her.

“Sure, lassie!” he exclaimed as he rejoined her, “I was wrong and take it back. I’ll never say aught about your looks again.”

The wife had made a face at every man she met.

_A Case of Adaptation_

Two dusky small boys were quarreling; one was pouring forth a volume of vituperous epithets, while the other leaned against a fence and calmly contemplated him. When the flow of language was exhausted he said;

“Are you troo?”


“You ain’t got nuffin’ more to say?”


“Well, all dem tings what you called me you is.”

_What Would Happen_

A woman agitator, holding forth on the platform and presenting the greatness other sex, cried out: “Take away woman and what would follow?”

And from the audience came a clear, male voice: “We would.”

_Couldn’t Fool Him That Far_

Years ago, when telephones were still a novelty, a farmer came to town one day and called on a lawyer friend of his whom he supplied with butter, and who had had a telephone recently put in his office.

“Need any butter this morning?” asked the farmer.

“Well, I don’t know,” answered the lawyer. “Wait a minute. I’ll ask my wife about it.”

After speaking through the ‘phone he went on; “No; my wife says no.”

The farmer’s face was a study for a moment. Then he broke out with: “Look-a-here, Mr. Lawyer, I may be a ‘Rube’ and have my whiskers full of hay and hayseed, but I’m not such a big fool as to believe that your wife is in that box!”

_And They Wondered_!

At a banquet held in a room, the walls of which were adorned with many beautiful paintings, a well-known college president was called upon to respond to a toast. In the course of his remarks, wishing to pay a compliment to the ladies present, and designating the paintings with one of his characteristic gestures, he said: “What need is there of these painted beauties when we have so many with us at this table?”

_She Had Him That Time_

It was the same old story of a man who refused to tell his wife the outcome of a business transaction in which, naturally, she took a deep interest.

“No,” he sneered, “I won’t tell you. If I did you’d repeat it. You women can never keep a secret.”

“John,” said the woman quietly, “have I ever told the secret about the solitaire engagement ring you gave me eighteen years ago being paste?”

_Necessity: Not Choice_

A woman hurried up to a policeman at the corner of Twenty-third Street in New York City.

“Does this crosstown car take you down to the Bridge toward Brooklyn?” she demanded.

“Why, madam,” returned the policeman, “do you want to go to Brooklyn?”

“No, I don’t want to” the woman replied, “but I have to.”

_Mr. Beecher’s Prescription_

A country clergyman once called on Mr. Beecher and asked his advice about what to do with persons who go to sleep in church.

“Well,” said Mr. Beecher, “I’ll tell you what I do. When I first came to Plymouth Church I gave the sexton strict orders that if he saw any person asleep in my congregation he should go straight to the pulpit and wake up the minister.”

_A Recipe for a Bridal Couple_

It was on a train going through Indiana. Among the passengers was a newly-married couple, who made themselves known Co such an extent that the occupants of the car commenced passing sarcastic remarks about them. The bride and groom stood the remarks for some time, but finally the latter, who was a man of tremendous size, broke out in the following language at his tormentors: “Yes, we’re married–just married. We are going one hundred and sixty miles farther, and I am going to ‘spoon’ all the way. If you don’t like it you can get out and walk. She’s my violet and I’m her sheltering oak.”

During the remainder of the journey they were left in peace.

_Both of the Same Kind_

A lady stepped from the Limited Express at a side station, on a special stop order. To the only man in sight she asked:

“When is the train for Madison due here, please?”

“The train went an hour ago, ma’am: the next one is to-morrow at eight o’clock.”

The lady in perplexity then asked:

“Where is the nearest hotel?”

“There is no hotel here at all,” replied the man.

“But what shall I do?” asked the lady. “Where shall I spend the night?”

“I guess you’ll have to stay all night with the station agent,” was the reply.

“Sir!” flashed up the lady, “I’d have you know I’m a lady.”

“Well,” said the man as he strode off, “so is the station agent.”

“_Follow the Leader_”

A young curate was asked to take a Sunday-school class of girls of eighteen or nineteen years each, which had formerly been taught by a lady. The young clergyman consented, but insisted upon being properly introduced to the class. The superintendent accordingly took him to the class for this purpose and said:

“Young ladies, I introduce to you Mr. Chase, who will in future be your teacher. I would like you to tell him what your former teacher did each Sunday so that he can go on in the same way. What did she always do first?”

And then a miss of sixteen said: “Kiss us.”

_Very Easily Explained_

A neighbor whose place adjoined Bronson Alcott’s had a vegetable garden in which he took a great interest. Mr. Alcott had one also, and both men were especially interested in their potato patches. One morning, meeting by the fence, the neighbor said, “How is it, Mr. Alcott, you are never troubled with bugs, while my vines are crowded with them?”

“My friend, that is very easily explained,” replied Mr. Alcott. “I rise very early in the morning, gather all the bugs from my vines and throw them into your yard.”

_Proved His Teacher Wrong_

Little Willie’s father found his youthful son holding up one of his rabbits by the ears and saying to him: “How much is seven times seven, now?”

“Bah,” the father heard the boy say, “I knew you couldn’t. Here’s another one. Six times six is how much?”

“Why, Willie, what in the world are you doing with your rabbit?” asked the father.

Willie threw the rabbit down with disgust. “I knew our teacher was lying to us,” was all he said.

“Why, how?” asked his father.

“Why, she told us this morning that rabbits were the greatest multipliers in the world.”

At the Department Store

A man with a low voice had just completed his purchases in the department store, says the “Brooklyn Eagle.”

“What is the name?” asked the clerk.

“Jepson,” replied the man.


“No, Jepson.”

“Oh, yes, Jefferson.”

“No, Jepson; J-e-p-s-o-n.”


“That’s it. You have it. Sixteen eighty-two—-“

“Your first name; initial, please.”

“Oh, K.”

“O.K. Jepson.”

“Excuse me, it isn’t O. K. You did not understand me. I said ‘Oh’.”

“O. Jepson.”

“No; rub out the O. and let the K. stand.”

The clerk iooked annoyed. “Will you please give me your initials again?”

“I said K.”

“I beg your pardon, you said O. K. Perhaps you had better write it yourself.”

“I said ‘Oh’—-“

“Just now you said K.”

“Allow me to finish what I started. I said ‘Oh,’ because I did not understand what you were asking me. I did not mean that it was my initial. My name is Kirby Jepson.”


“No, not O., but K. Give me the pencil, and I’ll write it down for you myself. There, I guess it’s O. K. now.”

_The Worst Death There Is_ BY BILL NYE

It is now the proper time for the cross-eyed woman to fool with the garden hose. I have faced death in almost every form, and I do not know what fear is, but when a woman with one eye gazing into the zodiac and the other peering into the middle of next week, and wearing one of those floppy sunbonnets, picks up the nozzle of the garden hose and turns on the full force of the institution, I fly wildly to the Mountains of Hepsidam.

Water won’t hurt any one, of course, if care is used not to forget and drink any of it, but it is this horrible suspense and uncertainty about facing the nozzle of a garden hose in the hands of a cross-eyed woman that unnerves and paralyzes me.

Instantaneous death is nothing to me. I am as cool and collected where leaden rain and iron hail are thickest as I would be in my own office writing the obituary of the man who steals my jokes. But I hate to be drowned slowly in my good clothes and on dry land, and have my dying gaze rest on a woman whose ravishing beauty would drive a narrow-gauge mule into convulsions and make him hate himself t’death.

_A Long-Lived Family_

A “dime museum” manager, having heard of a man 123 years of age, journeyed to his home to try and secure him for exhibition purposes.

“Well, my friend,” said the museum manager, “the proofs of your age seem to be all right. Now, how would you like to come to my place, just do nothing but sit on a platform and let people look at you, and I will pay you $100 a week ?”

“I’d like it all right,” answered the aged man. “But I couldn’t go, of course, unless I had my father’s consent.”

“Your father!” gasped the manager. “Do you mean to say your father is alive?”

“Yes, indeed,” replied the man.

“Well, where is your father? Home here?” asked the manager.

“Oh, yes,” was the answer. “He’s upstairs, putting grandfather to bed!”

_Silenced the Ringleader_

The head teacher in a Sunday-school was much worried by the noise of the pupils in the next room, At last, unable to bear it any longer, he mounted a chair and looked over the partition. Seeing a boy a little taller than the others talking a great deal, he leaned over, hoisted him over the partition, and banged him into a chair in his room, saying:

“Now be quiet.”

A quarter of an hour later a smaller head appeared around the door and a meek little voice said:

“Please, sir, you’ve got our teacher.”

_Got Out of That, All Right_

“My dear,” said a wife to her husband, “do you realize that you have forgotten that this is my birthday ?”

“Yes, dearie, I did forget it,” replied the husband. “Isn’t it natural that I should? There isn’t really anything about you to remind me that you are a day older than you were a year ago.”

_He Simply Looked That Way_

The man in the smoker was boasting of his unerring ability to tell from a man’s looks exactly what city he came from. “You, for example,” he said to the man next to him, “you are from New Orleans?” He was right.

“You, my friend,” turning to the man on the other side of him, “I should say you are from Chicago?” Again he was right.

The other two men got interested.

“And you are from Boston?” he asked the third man.

“That’s right, too,” said the New Englander.

“And you from Philadelphia, I should say?” to the last man.

“No, sir,” answered the man with considerable warmth; “I’ve been sick for three months: that’s what makes me look that way!”

_What She Would Like_

A little girl stood in a city meat-market waiting for some one to attend to her wants. Finally the proprietor was at liberty, approached her and said benignantly, “Is there anything you would like, little girl?”

“Oh, yes, sir, please: I want a diamond ring, and a seal-skin sacque, a real foreign nobleman, and a pug dog, and a box at the opera, and, oh, ever so many other things; but all Ma wants is ten cents’ worth of bologna.”

_The Highest Price in the Store_

A rich American woman visited a Japanese art shop in Paris. It happened to be a dull, dark afternoon. She looked at the bronzes, jewels, drawings and other things, and finally, pointing toward a dusky corner, she said to the polite young salesman: “How much is that Japanese idol over there worth?”

The salesman bowed, and answered: “About five hundred thousand francs, madam. It is the proprietor.”

_From Different Points_

“Father, you were born in California, you say?”

“Yes, my son.”

“And mother was born in New York ?”


“And I was born in Indiana?”

“Yes, my boy.”

“Well, father, don’t it beat the Dutch how we all got together!”

_So Son: So Father_?

A small boy who had been very naughty was first reprimanded, then told that he must take a whipping. He flew upstairs and hid in the far corner under a bed. Just then the father came home. The mother told him what had occurred. He went upstairs and proceeded to crawl under the bed toward the youngster, who whispered excitedly, “Hello, Pop, is she after you, too?”

_How Could He_?

“Papa” was becoming impatient at the lateness of the hour when he remarked: “I can’t see why that young fellow who is calling on Minnie hasn’t sense enough to go home. It’s near midnight.”

“The dear little brother” of the family just then came in, heard his father’s remark, and ventured some light:

“He can’t go, father. Sister’s sitting on him.”

_Couldn’t Leave Town_

A lawyer had a horse that always balked when he attempted to cross a certain bridge leading out of the village. No amount of whipping or urging would induce him to cross it, so he advertised him for sale: “To be sold for no other reason than that the owner would like to leave town.”

_He Knew His Father_

“Suppose,” said a father to his little boy, “you have half an apple and I give you another half. How much have you?”

“A whole apple,” said the boy.

“Well,” continued the father, “suppose you had a half dollar and I gave you another half dollar. What would you have then?”

“A fit,” promptly answered the boy.

_A Valuable Office Boy_

The employer was bending over a table, looking at the directory. The new office boy slipped up quietly and poked a note into his hand. The surprised employer opened it, and read:

“Honored Sir–Yer pants is ripped.”

_She Had a Question to Ask_

A certain prominent dry-goods merchant is also a Sunday-school superintendent. Not long since he devoted the last few moments of the weekly session to an impressive elucidation of the parable of the Prodigal Son, and afterward asked with due solemnity if any one of the “little gleaners” present desired to ask a question. Sissy Jones’s hand shot up.

“Very well,” he said, designating her with a benevolent finger and a bland smile, “what is it you would like to know, Cecilia?”

“Please, what’s the price of them little pink parasols in your show-window?”

_The Only Time When He Does_

A “Subscriber” once wrote to an editor and asked: “Please tell me, does a man in running around a tree go before or behind himself?”

The editor answered:

“That depends. If he is trying to catch himself, necessarily he follows himself, and consequently goes behind. If, on the contrary, he is running away from himself, the deduction leads to the very obvious conclusion that he precedes himself, and consequently goes before. If he succeeds in catching up with himself, and passes himself, at the moment of passing he neither precedes nor follows himself, but both he and himself are running even. This is the only case where he does not go before or behind himself.”

_In the Absence of a Tip_

“Excuse me, madam, would you mind walking the other way and not passing the horse?” said an English cabman with exaggerated politeness to the fat lady who had just paid a minimum fare, with no fee.

“Why?” she inquired.

“Because if ‘e sees wot ‘e’s been carrying for a shilling ‘e’ll ‘ave a fit,” was the freezing answer.

_Her Father Didn’t Like It_

A young man told his girl the other night that if she didn’t marry him he’d get a rope and hang himself right in front of her house. “Oh, please, don’t do it, dear,” she said; “you know father doesn’t want you hanging around here.”

_He Didn’t Mind His Going Once_

An elderly gentleman, a stranger in New York and not sure of his way, stopped a young man on Fifth Avenue and said:

“Young man, I would like very much to go to Central Park.”

The young man became thoughtful for a moment, and then, looking the old gentleman in the face, said:

“Well, I don’t mind your going just this once, but don’t ever, ever ask me to go there again.”

_Never Again_

It was a pitiful mistake, an error sad and grim. I waited for the railway train; the light was low and dim. It came at last, and from a car there stepped a dainty dame, and, looking up and down the place, she straight unto me came. “Oh, Jack!” she cried, “oh, dear old Jack!” and kissed me as she spake; then looked again, and, frightened, cried, “Oh, what a bad mistake!” I said, “Forgive me, maiden fair, for I am not your Jack; and as regards the kiss you gave, I’ll straightway give it back.” And since that night I’ve often stood upon that platform dim, but only once in a man’s whole life do such things come to him.

_A Kiss in the Rain_ by SAMUEL MINTURN PECK

One stormy morn I chanced to meet
A lassie in the town;
Her locks were like the ripened wheat, Her laughing eyes were brown.
I watched her as she tripped along Till madness filled my brain,
And then–and then–I know ’twas wrong– I kissed her in the rain.

With raindrops shining on her cheek
Like dewdrops on a rose,
The little lassie strove to speak, My boldness to oppose;
She strove in vain, and quivering, Her fingers stole in mine;
And then the birds began to sing,
The sun began to shine.

Oh, let the clouds grow dark above,
My heart is light below;
‘Tis always summer when we love,
However winds may blow;
And I’m as proud as any prince,
All honors I disdain:
‘She says I am her _rain beau_ since I kissed her in the rain.

_What He Had Re(a)d_

An Irishman, says “The Rochester Times,” recently went before Judge Stephens to be naturalized.

“Have you read the Declaration of Independence?” the Court asked.

“I hov not,” said Pat.

“Have you read the Constitution of the United States?”

“I hov not, yer Honor.”

The Judge looked sternly at the applicant, and asked:

“Well, what have you read?”

Patrick hesitated but the fraction of a second before replying:

“I hov red hairs on me neck, yer Honor.”

_Apostle and Epistle_

A man riding through the mountains of Tennessee stopped one evening to water his horse before a little cabin, outside of which sat an old colored woman watching the antics of a couple of piccaninnies playing near by.

“Good-evening, Aunty,” he called. “Cute pair of boys you’ve got. Your children?”

“Laws-a-massy! Mah chillun! ‘Deed, dem’s mah daughteh’s chilluns. Come hyah, you boys.”

As the boys obeyed the summons the man inquired their names.

“Clah to goodness, sah, dem chilluns is right smaht named!” said the old woman. “Ye see, mah daughteh done got ‘ligion long ago, an’ named dese hyah boys right out de Bible, sah. Dis hyah one’s named Apostle Paul, an’ de uddah’s called Epistle Peter.”

_More than Enough_

An eight-year-old boy went to a church picnic, and, being a favorite with the ladies, had been liberally supplied with good things to eat. Later in the day one of the ladies noticed the boy sitting near a stream with a woebegone expression on his face and his hands clasped over his stomach.

“Why, what’s the matter, Willie?” she kindly asked. “Haven’t you had enough to eat?”

“Oh, yes’m,” said the boy. “I’ve had enough. I feel as though I don’t want all I’ve got.”

_His Only Request_

A pretty young girl was walking through a Richmond hospital with delicacies for the sick and wounded. She overheard a suffering young Confederate officer say, “Oh, my Lord!”

Wishing to rebuke him slightly she came to his bedside and said:

“I think that I heard you call upon the name of the Lord. I am one of His daughters. Is there anything that I can do for you?”

He looked upon the lovely face.

“Yes,” he said, “please ask Him to make me His son-in-law.”

A Good Majority

A well-known English surgeon was imparting some clinical instructions to half a dozen students, according to “The Medical Age.” Pausing at the bedside of a doubtful case he said: “Now, gentlemen, do you think this is or is not a case for operation?”

One by one each student made his diagnosis, and all of them answered in the negative.

“Well, gentlemen, you are all wrong,” said the wielder of the scalpel, “and I shall operate to-morrow.”

“No, you won’t,” said the patient, as he rose in his bed; “six to one is a good majority; gimme my clothes.”

_Ready to Accommodate Her_

Attorney-General Moody was once riding on the platform of a Boston street car, standing next to the gate that protected passengers from cars coming on the other track. A Boston lady came to the door of the car, and, as it stopped, started toward the gate, which was hidden from her by the men standing before it.

“Other side, please, lady,” said the conductor.

He was ignored as only a born-and-bred Bostonian can ignore a man. The lady took another step toward the gate.

“You must get off the other side,” said the conductor.

“I wish to get off on this side,” came the answer in tones that congealed that official into momentary silence. Before he could explain or expostulate Mr. Moody came to his assistance.

“Stand to one side, gentlemen,” he remarked quietly. “The lady wishes to climb over the gate.”

_A New Name for Them_

One rainy afternoon Aunt Sue was explaining the meaning of various words to her young nephew. “Now, an heirloom, my dear, means something that has been handed down from father to son,” she said.

“Well,” replied the boy thoughtfully, “that’s a queer name for my pants.”

_He Wanted to Know_

A bishop in full robes of office, with his gown reaching to his feet, was teaching a Sunday-school class. At the close he said he would be glad to answer any questions.

A little hand went up, and he asked: “Well, my boy?”

“Can I ask?” said the boy.

“Certainly,” said the Bishop; “what is it ?”

“Well,” asked the boy, “is dem all you’ve got on, or do you wear pants under dem?”

_Woman’s Love and Man’s Love_

“There’s just two things that break up most happy homes,” observed a philosopher.

“What’s them?” inquired a listener.

“Woman’s love for dry goods an’ man’s love for wet goods, b’gosh!”

_Much Simpler_

At a country fair out in Kansas a man went up to a tent where some elk were on exhibition, and stared wistfully up at the sign.

“I’d like to go in there,” he said to the keeper, “but it would be mean to go in without my family, and I cannot afford to pay for my wife and seventeen children.”

The keeper stared at him in astonishment. “Are all those your children?” he gasped.

“Every one,” said the man.

“You wait a minute,” said the keeper. “I’m going to bring the elk out and let them see you all.”

_One Button was in Use_

A school principal was trying to make clear to his class the fundamental doctrines of the Declaration of Independence.

“Now, boys,” he said, “I will give you each three ordinary buttons. Here they are. You must think of the first one as representing Life, of the second one as representing Liberty, and the third one as representing the Pursuit of Happiness. Next Sunday I will ask you each to produce the three buttons and tell me what they represent.”

The following Sunday the teacher said to the youngest member:

“Now, Johnnie, produce your three buttons and tell me what they stand for.”

“I ain’t got ’em all,” he sobbed, holding out two of the buttons. “Here’s Life an’ here’s Liberty, but mommer sewed the Pursuit of Happiness on my pants.”

_He Remembered_

A restaurant-keeper hung out this sign:

Such as Mother Used to Make.”

A customer asked, pointing to the sign:

“Is your coffee really such as mother used to make?”

“It is,” replied the proprietor.

“Then,” said the man with a reminiscent look, “give me a cup of tea.”

_Wasn’t Delicate at All_

A young man, not regarded as a very desirable suitor, had called upon a young lady a number of times, each time to be told by the maid that “Miss Florence was not well today.”

One day, in response to his card, the young lady’s mother, who was a recent accession to the newly-rich ranks, and whose education was not as sure as it might be, appeared and explained once more to the young man that the daughter was not well.

“I am very sorry, indeed,” said the young man as he rose to go, “that your daughter is so delicate.”

“Delicate?” sniffed the mother; “Florence dell’cate? Not at all. Why, she is the most indelicate girl you ever met.”

_A Live Topic_

A member of the faculty of the University of Chicago, according to “Harper’s Weekly,” tells of the sad case of a young woman from Indiana who was desirous of attaining social prominence in Chicago.

Soon after her arrival there she made the acquaintance of a student at the university to whom she took a great fancy.

Evidently it was at this time she realized for the first time that her early education had been neglected, for she said to a friend:

“I suppose that, as he is a college man, I’ll have to be awful careful what I say. Whatever will I talk about to him?”

The friend suggested history as a safe topic. To her friend’s astonishment she took the advice seriously, and shortly commenced in earnest to “bone up” in English history.

When the young man called, the girl listened for some time with ill-concealed impatience to his talk of football, outdoor meets, dances, etc., but finally she decided to take the matter in her own hands. She had not done all that reading for nothing; so, a pause in the conversation affording the desired opportunity, she suddenly exclaimed, with considerable vivacity:

“Wasn’t it awful about Mary, Queen of Scots?”

“Why, what’s the matter?” stammered the student, confused.

“My gracious!” almost yelled the girl from Indiana, “didn’t you know? Why, the poor thing had her head cut off!”

_The After-College Girl’s Complaint_

A lady was calling on some friends one summer afternoon. The talk buzzed along briskly, fans waved and the daughter of the house kept twitching uncomfortably, frowning and making little smothered exclamations of annoyance. Finally, with a sigh, she rose and left the room.

“Your daughter,” said the visitor, “seems to be suffering from the heat.”

“No,” said the hostess. “She is just back home from college and she is suffering from the family grammar.”

_It All Seemed So Unnecessary_

A city man once had occasion, says “Lippincott’s Magazine,” to stop at a country home where a tin basin and a roller-towel on the back porch sufficed for the family’s ablutions. For two mornings the “hired man” of the household watched in silence the visitor’s efforts at making a toilette under the unfavorable auspices, but when on the third day the tooth-brush, nail-file, whisk-broom, etc., had been duly used and returned to their places in the traveler’s grip, he could suppress his curiosity no longer, so boldly put the question: “Say, Mister, air you always that much trouble to yo’se’f?”

_Overdid it a Bit_

A famous statesman prided himself on his success in campaigning, when called upon to reach a man’s vote through his family pride.

On one of his tours he passed through a country town when he came suddenly upon a charming group–a comely woman with a bevy of little ones about her–in a garden. He stopped short, then advanced and leaned over the front gate.

“Madam,” he said In his most ingratiating way, “may I kiss these beautiful children?”

“Certainly, sir,” the lady answered demurely.

“They are lovely darlings,” said the campaigner after he had finished the eleventh. “I have seldom seen more beautiful babies. Are they all yours, marm?”

The lady blushed deeply.

“Of course they are–the sweet little treasures,” he went on. “From whom else, marm, could they have inherited these limpid eyes, these rosy cheeks, these profuse curls, these comely figures and these musical voices?”

The lady continued blushing.

“By-the-way, marm,” said the statesman, “may I bother you to tell your estimable husband that ——, the Republican candidate for Governor, called upon him this evening?”

“I beg your pardon,” said the lady, “I have no husband.”

“But these children, madam–you surely are not a widow ?”

“I fear you were mistaken, sir, when you first came up. These are not my children. This is an orphan asylum!”

_One on the Doctor That Time_

A prominent physician, whose specialty was physical diagnosis, required his patients, before entering his private consultation-room, to divest themselves of all superfluous clothing in order to save time. One day a man presented himself without having complied with this requirement.

“Why do you come in here without complying with my rules?” demanded the doctor. “Just step into that side room and remove your clothing and then I’ll see you. Next patient, please!”

The man did as requested, and after a time presented himself in regular order duly divested of his clothing.

“Now,” said the doctor, “what can I do for you ?”

“I just called,” replied the man, “to collect that tailoring bill which you owe us.”

_Anxious About Him_

One winter’s day a very bowlegged tramp called at a home in Ontario and stood to warm himself by the kitchen stove. A little boy in the home surveyed him carefully for some minutes, then finally approaching him, he said: “Say, mister, you better stand back; you’re warping!”

_The Only Way He Could Help_

Chief Justice Matthews, while presiding over the Supreme Court at Washington, took the several Justices of the Court for a run down Chesapeake Bay. A stiff wind sprang up, and Justice Gray was getting decidedly the worst of it. As he leaned over the rail in great distress, Chief Justice Matthews touched him on the shoulder and said in a tone of deepest sympathy: “Is there anything I can do for you, Gray?”

“No, thank you,” returned the sick Justice, “unless your Honor can overrule this motion.”

_He Was Willing to Oblige_

A young North Carolina girl is charming, but, like a great many other charming people, she is poor. She never has more than two evening gowns in a season, and the ruin of one of them is always a very serious matter to her. She went to a little dancing-party last week and she wore a brand-new white frock. During the evening a great big, red-faced, perspiring man came up and asked her to dance. He wore no gloves. She looked at his well-meaning but moist hands despairingly, and thought of the immaculate back of her waist. She hesitated a bit, and then she said, with a winning smile;

“Of course I’ll dance with you, but, if you don’t mind, won’t you please use your handkerchief?”

The man looked at her blankly a moment or two. Then a light broke over his face.

“Why, certainly,” he said.

And he pulled out his handkerchief and blew his nose.

_Not All the Time, But_—-

A man saw a waiter in a restaurant spill a tureen of tomato soup over a young lady’s white gown.

The young lady, instead of flying into a passion, smiled. She said it didn’t matter. She continued to eat and to talk as though nothing had happened.

This so impressed the man that he got an introduction to the young lady, proposed to her at the end of a month or so, and was accepted.

Some time after the marriage he spoke of the tomato-soup accident.

“I shall never forget it,” said the bride.

“Your conduct,” said the man, “was admirable.”

“I remember,” she said, “that I did behave very well at the time; but I wish you could have seen the marks of my teeth on the bedpost that night.”

_Necessity and Invention_

A mother with her seven children started away on a journey. After entering the car the largest child was laid out flat on the seat, and the remaining six then sat upon him in a row.

When the conductor came around to collect the fares the mother counted her money, handed it over, smiled, and suavely said: “Sir, the oldest is under six.”

_Taking No Chances_

An epileptic dropped in a fit on the streets of Boston not long ago, and was taken to a hospital. Upon removing his coat there was found pinned to his waistcoat a slip of paper on which was written:

“This is to inform the house-surgeon that this is just a case of plain fit: not appendicitis. My appendix has already been removed twice.”

_Too Much Curiosity_

A dangerous operation was being performed upon a woman. Old Doctor A——, a quaint German, full of kindly wit and professional enthusiasm, had several younger doctors with him. One of them was administering the ether. He became so interested in the old doctor’s work that he withdrew the cone from the patient’s nostrils and she half-roused and rose to a sitting posture, looking with wild-eyed amazement over the surroundings. It was a critical period, and Doctor A—— did not want to be interrupted. “Lay down, dere, voman,” he commanded gruffly. “You haf more curiosity as a medical student.”