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  • 1848
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such an effect being wrought by such a cause, what grief she would have felt, what sacrifice she would have tried to make, poor loving girl, how fast and sure her quiet passage might have been beneath it to the presence of that higher Father who does not reject his children’s love, or spurn their tried and broken hearts, Heaven knows! But it was otherwise, and that was well.

No word was ever spoken between Florence and Edith now, on these subjects. Edith had said there ought to be between them, in that wise, a division and a silence like the grave itself: and Florence felt she was right’

In this state of affairs her father was brought home, suffering and disabled; and gloomily retired to his own rooms, where he was tended by servants, not approached by Edith, and had no friend or companion but Mr Carker, who withdrew near midnight.

‘And nice company he is, Miss Floy,’ said Susan Nipper. ‘Oh, he’s a precious piece of goods! If ever he wants a character don’t let him come to me whatever he does, that’s all I tell him.’

‘Dear Susan,’ urged Florence, ‘don’t!’

‘Oh, it’s very well to say “don’t” Miss Floy,’ returned the Nipper, much exasperated; ‘but raly begging your pardon we’re coming to such passes that it turns all the blood in a person’s body into pins and needles, with their pints all ways. Don’t mistake me, Miss Floy, I don’t mean nothing again your ma-in-law who has always treated me as a lady should though she is rather high I must say not that I have any right to object to that particular, but when we come to Mrs Pipchinses and having them put over us and keeping guard at your Pa’s door like crocodiles (only make us thankful that they lay no eggs!) we are a growing too outrageous!’

‘Papa thinks well of Mrs Pipchin, Susan,’ returned Florence, ‘and has a right to choose his housekeeper, you know. Pray don’t!’

‘Well Miss Floy,’ returned the Nipper, ‘when you say don’t, I never do I hope but Mrs Pipchin acts like early gooseberries upon me Miss, and nothing less.’

Susan was unusually emphatic and destitute of punctuation in her discourse on this night, which was the night of Mr Dombey’s being brought home, because, having been sent downstairs by Florence to inquire after him, she had been obliged to deliver her message to her mortal enemy Mrs Pipchin; who, without carrying it in to Mr Dombey, had taken upon herself to return what Miss Nipper called a huffish answer, on her own responsibility. This, Susan Nipper construed into presumption on the part of that exemplary sufferer by the Peruvian mines, and a deed of disparagement upon her young lady, that was not to be forgiven; and so far her emphatic state was special. But she had been in a condition of greatly increased suspicion and distrust, ever since the marriage; for, like most persons of her quality of mind, who form a strong and sincere attachment to one in the different station which Florence occupied, Susan was very jealous, and her jealousy naturally attached to Edith, who divided her old empire, and came between them. Proud and glad as Susan Nipper truly was, that her young mistress should be advanced towards her proper place in the scene of her old neglect, and that she should have her father’s handsome wife for her companion and protectress, she could not relinquish any part of her own dominion to the handsome wife, without a grudge and a vague feeling of ill-will, for which she did not fail to find a disinterested justification in her sharp perception of the pride and passion of the lady’s character. From the background to which she had necessarily retired somewhat, since the marriage, Miss Nipper looked on, therefore, at domestic affairs in general, with a resolute conviction that no good would come of Mrs Dombey: always being very careful to publish on all possible occasions, that she had nothing to say against her.

‘Susan,’ said Florence, who was sitting thoughtfully at her table, ‘it is very late. I shall want nothing more to-night.’

‘Ah, Miss Floy!’ returned the Nipper, ‘I’m sure I often wish for them old times when I sat up with you hours later than this and fell asleep through being tired out when you was as broad awake as spectacles, but you’ve ma’s-in-law to come and sit with you now Miss Floy and I’m thankful for it I’m sure. I’ve not a word to say against ’em.’

‘I shall not forget who was my old companion when I had none, Susan,’ returned Florence, gently, ‘never!’ And looking up, she put her arm round the neck of her humble friend, drew her face down to hers, and bidding her good-night, kissed it; which so mollified Miss Nipper, that she fell a sobbing.

‘Now my dear Miss Floy, said Susan, ‘let me go downstairs again and see how your Pa is, I know you’re wretched about him, do let me go downstairs again and knock at his door my own self.’

‘No,’ said Florence, ‘go to bed. We shall hear more in the morning. I will inquire myself in the morning. Mama has been down, I daresay;’ Florence blushed, for she had no such hope; ‘or is there now, perhaps. Good-night!’

Susan was too much softened to express her private opinion on the probability of Mrs Dombey’s being in attendance on her husband, and silently withdrew. Florence left alone, soon hid her head upon her hands as she had often done in other days, and did not restrain the tears from coursing down her face. The misery of this domestic discord and unhappiness; the withered hope she cherished now, if hope it could be called, of ever being taken to her father’s heart; her doubts and fears between the two; the yearning of her innocent breast to both; the heavy disappointment and regret of such an end as this, to what had been a vision of bright hope and promise to her; all crowded on her mind and made her tears flow fast. Her mother and her brother dead, her father unmoved towards her, Edith opposed to him and casting him away, but loving her, and loved by her, it seemed as if her affection could never prosper, rest where it would. That weak thought was soon hushed, but the thoughts in which it had arisen were too true and strong to be dismissed with it; and they made the night desolate.

Among such reflections there rose up, as there had risen up all day, the image of her father, wounded and in pain, alone in his own room, untended by those who should be nearest to him, and passing the tardy hours in lonely suffering. A frightened thought which made her start and clasp her hands – though it was not a new one in her mind – that he might die, and never see her or pronounce her name, thrilled her whole frame. In her agitation she thought, and trembled while she thought, of once more stealing downstairs, and venturing to his door.

She listened at her own. The house was quiet, and all the lights were out. It was a long, long time, she thought, since she used to make her nightly pilgrimages to his door! It was a long, long time, she tried to think, since she had entered his room at midnight, and he had led her back to the stair-foot!

With the same child’s heart within her, as of old: even with the child’s sweet timid eyes and clustering hair: Florence, as strange to her father in her early maiden bloom, as in her nursery time, crept down the staircase listening as she went, and drew near to his room. No one was stirring in the house. The door was partly open to admit air; and all was so still within, that she could hear the burning of the fire, and count the ticking of the clock that stood upon the chimney-piece.

She looked in. In that room, the housekeeper wrapped in a blanket was fast asleep in an easy chair before the fire. The doors between it and the next were partly closed, and a screen was drawn before them; but there was a light there, and it shone upon the cornice of his bed. All was so very still that she could hear from his breathing that he was asleep. This gave her courage to pass round the screen, and look into his chamber.

It was as great a start to come upon his sleeping face as if she had not expected to see it. Florence stood arrested on the spot, and if he had awakened then, must have remained there.

There was a cut upon his forehead, and they had been wetting his hair, which lay bedabbled and entangled on the pillow. One of his arms, resting outside the bed, was bandaged up, and he was very white. But it was not this, that after the first quick glance, and first assurance of his sleeping quietly, held Florence rooted to the ground. It was something very different from this, and more than this, that made him look so solemn in her eye

She had never seen his face in all her life, but there had been upon it – or she fancied so – some disturbing consciousness of her. She had never seen his face in all her life, but hope had sunk within her, and her timid glance had dropped before its stern, unloving, and repelling harshness. As she looked upon it now, she saw it, for the first time, free from the cloud that had darkened her childhood. Calm, tranquil night was reigning in its stead. He might have gone to sleep, for anything she saw there, blessing her.

Awake, unkind father! Awake, now, sullen man! The time is flitting by; the hour is coming with an angry tread. Awake!

There was no change upon his face; and as she watched it, awfully, its motionless reponse recalled the faces that were gone. So they looked, so would he; so she, his weeping child, who should say when! so all the world of love and hatred and indifference around them! When that time should come, it would not be the heavier to him, for this that she was going to do; and it might fall something lighter upon her.

She stole close to the bed, and drawing in her breath, bent down, and softly kissed him on the face, and laid her own for one brief moment by its side, and put the arm, with which she dared not touch him, round about him on the pillow.

Awake, doomed man, while she is near! The time is flitting by; the hour is coming with an angry tread; its foot is in the house. Awake!

In her mind, she prayed to God to bless her father, and to soften him towards her, if it might be so; and if not, to forgive him if he was wrong, and pardon her the prayer which almost seemed impiety. And doing so, and looking back at him with blinded eyes, and stealing timidly away, passed out of his room, and crossed the other, and was gone.

He may sleep on now. He may sleep on while he may. But let him look for that slight figure when he wakes, and find it near him when the hour is come!

Sad and grieving was the heart of Florence, as she crept upstairs. The quiet house had grown more dismal since she came down. The sleep she had been looking on, in the dead of night, had the solemnity to her of death and life in one. The secrecy and silence of her own proceeding made the night secret, silent, and oppressive. She felt unwilling, almost unable, to go on to her own chamber; and turnIng into the drawing-rooms, where the clouded moon was shining through the blinds, looked out into the empty streets.

The wind was blowing drearily. The lamps looked pale, and shook as if they were cold. There was a distant glimmer of something that was not quite darkness, rather than of light, in the sky; and foreboding night was shivering and restless, as the dying are who make a troubled end. Florence remembered how, as a watcher, by a sick-bed, she had noted this bleak time, and felt its influence, as if in some hidden natural antipathy to it; and now it was very, very gloomy.

Her Mama had not come to her room that night, which was one cause of her having sat late out of her bed. In her general uneasiness, no less than in her ardent longing to have somebody to speak to, and to break the spell of gloom and silence, Florence directed her steps towards the chamber where she slept.

The door was not fastened within, and yielded smoothly to her hesitating hand. She was surprised to find a bright light burning; still more surprised, on looking in, to see that her Mama, but partially undressed, was sitting near the ashes of the fire, which had crumbled and dropped away. Her eyes were intently bent upon the air; and in their light, and in her face, and in her form, and in the grasp with which she held the elbows of her chair as if about to start up, Florence saw such fierce emotion that it terrified her.

‘Mama!’ she cried, ‘what is the matter?’

Edith started; looking at her with such a strange dread in her face, that Florence was more frightened than before.

‘Mama!’ said Florence, hurriedly advancing. ‘Dear Mama! what is the matter?’

‘I have not been well,’ said Edith, shaking, and still looking at her in the same strange way. ‘I have had had dreams, my love.’

‘And not yet been to bed, Mama?’

‘No,’ she returned. ‘Half-waking dreams.’

Her features gradually softened; and suffering Florence to come closer to her, within her embrace, she said in a tender manner, ‘But what does my bird do here? What does my bird do here?’

‘I have been uneasy, Mama, in not seeing you to-night, and in not knowing how Papa was; and I – ‘

Florence stopped there, and said no more.

‘Is it late?’ asked Edith, fondly putting back the curls that mingled with her own dark hair, and strayed upon her face.

‘Very late. Near day.’

‘Near day!’ she repeated in surprise.

‘Dear Mama, what have you done to your hand?’ said Florence.

Edith drew it suddenly away, and, for a moment, looked at her with the same strange dread (there was a sort of wild avoidance in it) as before; but she presently said, ‘Nothing, nothing. A blow.’ And then she said, ‘My Florence!’ and then her bosom heaved, and she was weeping passionately.

‘Mama!’ said Florence. ‘Oh Mama, what can I do, what should I do, to make us happier? Is there anything?’

‘Nothing,’ she replied.

‘Are you sure of that? Can it never be? If I speak now of what is in my thoughts, in spite of what we have agreed,’ said Florence, ‘you will not blame me, will you?’

‘It is useless,’ she replied, ‘useless. I have told you, dear, that I have had bad dreams. Nothing can change them, or prevent them coming back.’

‘I do not understand,’ said Florence, gazing on her agitated face which seemed to darken as she looked.

‘I have dreamed,’ said Edith in a low voice, ‘of a pride that is all powerless for good, all powerful for evil; of a pride that has been galled and goaded, through many shameful years, and has never recoiled except upon itself; a pride that has debased its owner with the consciousness of deep humiliation, and never helped its owner boldly to resent it or avoid it, or to say, “This shall not be!” a pride that, rightly guided, might have led perhaps to better things, but which, misdirected and perverted, like all else belonging to the same possessor, has been self-contempt, mere hardihood and ruin.’

She neither looked nor spoke to Florence now, but went on as if she were alone.

‘I have dreamed,’ she said, ‘of such indifference and callousness, arising from this self-contempt; this wretched, inefficient, miserable pride; that it has gone on with listless steps even to the altar, yielding to the old, familiar, beckoning finger, – oh mother, oh mother! – while it spurned it; and willing to be hateful to itself for once and for all, rather than to be stung daily in some new form. Mean, poor thing!’

And now with gathering and darkening emotion, she looked as she had looked when Florence entered.

‘And I have dreamed,’ she said, ‘that in a first late effort to achieve a purpose, it has been trodden on, and trodden down by a base foot, but turns and looks upon him. I have dreamed that it is wounded, hunted, set upon by dogs, but that it stands at hay, and will not yield; no, that it cannot if it would; but that it is urged on to hate

Her clenched hand tightened on the trembling arm she had in hers, and as she looked down on the alarmed and wondering face, frown subsided. ‘Oh Florence!’ she said, ‘I think I have been nearly mad to-night!’ and humbled her proud head upon her neck and wept again.

‘Don’t leave me! be near me! I have no hope but in you! These words she said a score of times.

Soon she grew calmer, and was full of pity for the tears of Florence, and for her waking at such untimely hours. And the day now dawning, with folded her in her arms and laid her down upon her bed, and, not lying down herself, sat by her, and bade her try to sleep.

‘For you are weary, dearest, and unhappy, and should rest.’

‘I am indeed unhappy, dear Mama, tonight,’ said Florence. ‘But you are weary and unhappy, too.’

‘Not when you lie asleep so near me, sweet.’

They kissed each other, and Florence, worn out, gradually fell into a gentle slumber; but as her eyes closed on the face beside her, it was so sad to think upon the face downstairs, that her hand drew closer to Edith for some comfort; yet, even in the act, it faltered, lest it should be deserting him. So, in her sleep, she tried to reconcile the two together, and to show them that she loved them both, but could not do it, and her waking grief was part of her dreams.

Edith, sitting by, looked down at the dark eyelashes lying wet on the flushed cheeks, and looked with gentleness and pity, for she knew the truth. But no sleep hung upon her own eyes. As the day came on she still sat watching and waking, with the placid hand in hers, and sometimes whispered, as she looked at the hushed face, ‘Be near me, Florence. I have no hope but in you!’


A Separation

With the day, though not so early as the sun, uprose Miss Susan Nipper. There was a heaviness in this young maiden’s exceedingly sharp black eyes, that abated somewhat of their sparkling, and suggested – which was not their usual character – the possibility of their being sometimes shut. There was likewise a swollen look about them, as if they had been crying over-night. But the Nipper, so far from being cast down, was singularly brisk and bold, and all her energies appeared to be braced up for some great feat. This was noticeable even in her dress, which was much more tight and trim than usual; and in occasional twitches of her head as she went about the house, which were mightily expressive of determination.

In a word, she had formed a determination, and an aspiring one: it being nothing less than this – to penetrate to Mr Dombey’s presence, and have speech of that gentleman alone. ‘I have often said I would,’ she remarked, in a threatening manner, to herself, that morning, with many twitches of her head, ‘and now I will!’

Spurring herself on to the accomplishment of this desperate design, with a sharpness that was peculiar to herself, Susan Nipper haunted the hall and staircase during the whole forenoon, without finding a favourable opportunity for the assault. Not at all baffled by this discomfiture, which indeed had a stimulating effect, and put her on her mettle, she diminished nothing of her vigilance; and at last discovered, towards evening, that her sworn foe Mrs Pipchin, under pretence of having sat up all night, was dozing in her own room, and that Mr Dombey was lying on his sofa, unattended.

With a twitch – not of her head merely, this time, but of her whole self – the Nipper went on tiptoe to Mr Dombey’s door, and knocked. ‘Come in!’ said Mr Dombey. Susan encouraged herself with a final twitch, and went in.

Mr Dombey, who was eyeing the fire, gave an amazed look at his visitor, and raised himself a little on his arm. The Nipper dropped a curtsey.

‘What do you want?’ said Mr Dombey.

‘If you please, Sir, I wish to speak to you,’ said Susan.

Mr Dombey moved his lips as if he were repeating the words, but he seemed so lost in astonishment at the presumption of the young woman as to be incapable of giving them utterance.

‘I have been in your service, Sir,’ said Susan Nipper, with her usual rapidity, ‘now twelve ‘year a waiting on Miss Floy my own young lady who couldn’t speak plain when I first come here and I was old in this house when Mrs Richards was new, I may not be Meethosalem, but I am not a child in arms.’

Mr Dombey, raised upon his arm and looking at her, offered no comment on this preparatory statement of fact.

‘There never was a dearer or a blesseder young lady than is my young lady, Sir,’ said Susan, ‘and I ought to know a great deal better than some for I have seen her in her grief and I have seen her in her joy (there’s not been much of it) and I have seen her with her brother and I have seen her in her loneliness and some have never seen her, and I say to some and all – I do!’ and here the black-eyed shook her head, and slightly stamped her foot; ‘that she’s the blessedest and dearest angel is Miss Floy that ever drew the breath of life, the more that I was torn to pieces Sir the more I’d say it though I may not be a Fox’s Martyr..’

Mr Dombey turned yet paler than his fall had made him, with indignation and astonishment; and kept his eyes upon the speaker as if he accused them, and his ears too, of playing him false.

‘No one could be anything but true and faithful to Miss Floy, Sir,’ pursued Susan, ‘and I take no merit for my service of twelve year, for I love her – yes, I say to some and all I do!’ – and here the black-eyed shook her head again, and slightly stamped her foot again, and checked a sob; ‘but true and faithful service gives me right to speak I hope, and speak I must and will now, right or wrong.

‘What do you mean, woman?’ said Mr Dombey, glaring at her. ‘How do you dare?’

‘What I mean, Sir, is to speak respectful and without offence, but out, and how I dare I know not but I do!’said Susan. ‘Oh! you don’t know my young lady Sir you don’t indeed, you’d never know so little of her, if you did.’

Mr Dombey, in a fury, put his hand out for the bell-rope; but there was no bell-rope on that side of the fire, and he could not rise and cross to the other without assistance. The quick eye of the Nipper detected his helplessness immediately, and now, as she afterwards observed, she felt she had got him.

‘Miss Floy,’ said Susan Nipper, ‘is the most devoted and most patient and most dutiful and beautiful of daughters, there ain’t no gentleman, no Sir, though as great and rich as all the greatest and richest of England put together, but might be proud of her and would and ought. If he knew her value right, he’d rather lose his greatness and his fortune piece by piece and beg his way in rags from door to door, I say to some and all, he would!’ cried Susan Nipper, bursting into tears, ‘than bring the sorrow on her tender heart that I have seen it suffer in this house!’

‘Woman,’ cried Mr Dombey, ‘leave the room.

‘Begging your pardon, not even if I am to leave the situation, Sir,’ replied the steadfast Nipper, ‘in which I have been so many years and seen so much – although I hope you’d never have the heart to send me from Miss Floy for such a cause – will I go now till I have said the rest, I may not be a Indian widow Sir and I am not and I would not so become but if I once made up my mind to burn myself alive, I’d do it! And I’ve made my mind up to go on.’

Which was rendered no less clear by the expression of Susan Nipper’s countenance, than by her words.

‘There ain’t a person in your service, Sir,’ pursued the black-eyed, ‘that has always stood more in awe of you than me and you may think how true it is when I make so bold as say that I have hundreds and hundreds of times thought of speaking to you and never been able to make my mind up to it till last night, but last night decided of me.’

Mr Dombey, in a paroxysm of rage, made another grasp at the bell-rope that was not there, and, in its absence, pulled his hair rather than nothing.

‘I have seen,’ said Susan Nipper, ‘Miss Floy strive and strive when nothing but a child so sweet and patient that the best of women might have copied from her, I’ve seen her sitting nights together half the night through to help her delicate brother with his learning, I’ve seen her helping him and watching him at other times – some well know when – I’ve seen her, with no encouragement and no help, grow up to be a lady, thank God! that is the grace and pride of every company she goes in, and I’ve always seen her cruelly neglected and keenly feeling of it – I say to some and all, I have! – and never said one word, but ordering one’s self lowly and reverently towards one’s betters, is not to be a worshipper of graven images, and I will and must speak!’

‘Is there anybody there?’ cried Mr Dombey, calling out. ‘Where are the men? where are the women? Is there no one there?’

‘I left my dear young lady out of bed late last night,’ said Susan, nothing checked, ‘and I knew why, for you was ill Sir and she didn’t know how ill and that was enough to make her wretched as I saw it did. I may not be a Peacock; but I have my eyes – and I sat up a little in my own room thinking she might be lonesome and might want me, and I saw her steal downstairs and come to this door as if it was a guilty thing to look at her own Pa, and then steal back again and go into them lonely drawing-rooms, a-crying so, that I could hardly bear to hear it. I can not bear to hear it,’ said Susan Nipper, wiping her black eyes, and fixing them undauntingly on Mr Dombey’s infuriated face. ‘It’s not the first time I have heard it, not by many and many a time you don’t know your own daughter, Sir, you don’t know what you’re doing, Sir, I say to some and all,’ cried Susan Nipper, in a final burst, ‘that it’s a sinful shame!’

‘Why, hoity toity!’ cried the voice of Mrs Pipchin, as the black bombazeen garments of that fair Peruvian Miner swept into the room. ‘What’s this, indeed?’

Susan favoured Mrs Pipchin with a look she had invented expressly for her when they first became acquainted, and resigned the reply to Mr Dombey.

‘What’s this?’ repeated Mr Dombey, almost foaming. ‘What’s this, Madam? You who are at the head of this household, and bound to keep it in order, have reason to inquire. Do you know this woman?’

‘I know very little good of her, Sir,’ croaked Mrs Pipchin. ‘How dare you come here, you hussy? Go along with you!’

But the inflexible Nipper, merely honouring Mrs Pipchin with another look, remained.

‘Do you call it managing this establishment, Madam,’ said Mr Dombey, ‘to leave a person like this at liberty to come and talk to me! A gentleman – in his own house – in his own room – assailed with the impertinences of women-servants!’

‘Well, Sir,’ returned Mrs Pipchin, with vengeance in her hard grey eye, ‘I exceedingly deplore it; nothing can be more irregular; nothing can be more out of all bounds and reason; but I regret to say, Sir, that this young woman is quite beyond control. She has been spoiled by Miss Dombey, and is amenable to nobody. You know you’re not,’ said Mrs Pipchin, sharply, and shaking her head at Susan Nipper. ‘For shame, you hussy! Go along with you!’

‘If you find people in my service who are not to be controlled, Mrs Pipchin,’ said Mr Dombey, turning back towards the fire, ‘you know what to do with them, I presume. You know what you are here for? Take her away!’

‘Sir, I know what to do,’ retorted Mrs Pipchin, ‘and of course shall do it’ Susan Nipper,’ snapping her up particularly short, ‘a month’s warning from this hour.’

‘Oh indeed!’ cried Susan, loftily.

‘Yes,’ returned Mrs Pipchin, ‘and don’t smile at me, you minx, or I’ll know the reason why! Go along with you this minute!’

‘I intend to go this minute, you may rely upon it,’ said the voluble Nipper. ‘I have been in this house waiting on my young lady a dozen year and I won’t stop in it one hour under notice from a person owning to the name of Pipchin trust me, Mrs P.’

‘A good riddance of bad rubbish!’ said that wrathful old lady. ‘Get along with you, or I’ll have you carried out!’

‘My comfort is,’ said Susan, looking back at Mr Dombey, ‘that I have told a piece of truth this day which ought to have been told long before and can’t be told too often or too plain and that no amount of Pipchinses – I hope the number of ’em mayn’t be great’ (here Mrs Pipchin uttered a very sharp ‘Go along with you!’ and Miss Nipper repeated the look) ‘can unsay what I have said, though they gave a whole year full of warnings beginning at ten o’clock in the forenoon and never leaving off till twelve at night and died of the exhaustion which would be a Jubilee!’

With these words, Miss Nipper preceded her foe out of the room; and walking upstairs to her own apartments in great state, to the choking exasperation of the ireful Pipchin, sat down among her boxes and began to cry.

From this soft mood she was soon aroused, with a very wholesome and refreshing effect, by the voice of Mrs Pipchin outside the door.

‘Does that bold-faced slut,’ said the fell Pipchin, ‘intend to take her warning, or does she not?’

Miss Nipper replied from within that the person described did not inhabit that part of the house, but that her name was Pipchin, and she was to be found in the housekeeper’s room.

‘You saucy baggage!’ retorted Mrs Pipchin, rattling at the handle of the door. ‘Go along with you this minute. Pack up your things directly! How dare you talk in this way to a gentle-woman who has seen better days?’

To which Miss Nipper rejoined from her castle, that she pitied the better days that had seen Mrs Pipchin; and that for her part she considered the worst days in the year to be about that lady’s mark, except that they were much too good for her.

‘But you needn’t trouble yourself to make a noise at my door,’ said Susan Nipper, ‘nor to contaminate the key-hole with your eye, I’m packing up and going you may take your affidavit.’

The Dowager expressed her lively satisfaction at this intelligence, and with some general opinions upon young hussies as a race, and especially upon their demerits after being spoiled by Miss Dombey, withdrew to prepare the Nipper~s wages. Susan then bestirred herself to get her trunks in order, that she might take an immediate and dignified departure; sobbing heartily all the time, as she thought of Florence.

The object of her regret was not long in coming to her, for the news soon spread over the house that Susan Nipper had had a disturbance with Mrs Pipchin, and that they had both appealed to Mr Dombey, and that there had been an unprecedented piece of work in Mr Dombey’s room, and that Susan was going. The latter part of this confused rumour, Florence found to be so correct, that Susan had locked the last trunk and was sitting upon it with her bonnet on, when she came into her room.

‘Susan!’ cried Florence. ‘Going to leave me! You!’

‘Oh for goodness gracious sake, Miss Floy,’ said Susan, sobbing, ‘don’t speak a word to me or I shall demean myself before them’ Pipchinses, and I wouldn’t have ’em see me cry Miss Floy for worlds!’

‘Susan!’ said Florence. ‘My dear girl, my old friend! What shall I do without you! Can you bear to go away so?’

‘No-n-o-o, my darling dear Miss Floy, I can’t indeed,’ sobbed Susan. ‘But it can’t be helped, I’ve done my duty’ Miss, I have indeed. It’s no fault of mine. I am quite resigned. I couldn’t stay my month or I could never leave you then my darling and I must at last as well as at first, don’t speak to me Miss Floy, for though I’m pretty firm I’m not a marble doorpost, my own dear.’

‘What is it? Why is it?’ said Florence, ‘Won’t you tell me?’ For Susan was shaking her head.

‘No-n-no, my darling,’ returned Susan. ‘Don’t ask me, for I mustn’t, and whatever you do don’t put in a word for me to stop, for it couldn’t be and you’d only wrong yourself, and so God bless you my own precious and forgive me any harm I have done, or any temper I have showed in all these many years!’

With which entreaty, very heartily delivered, Susan hugged her mistress in her arms.

‘My darling there’s a many that may come to serve you and be glad to serve you and who’ll serve you well and true,’ said Susan, ‘but there can’t be one who’ll serve you so affectionate as me or love you half as dearly, that’s my comfort’ Good-bye, sweet Miss Floy!’

‘Where will you go, Susan?’ asked her weeping mistress.

‘I’ve got a brother down in the country Miss – a farmer in Essex said the heart-broken Nipper, ‘that keeps ever so many co-o-ows and pigs and I shall go down there by the coach and sto-op with him, and don’t mind me, for I’ve got money in the Savings Banks my dear, and needn’t take another service just yet, which I couldn’t, couldn’t, couldn’t do, my heart’s own mistress!’ Susan finished with a burst of sorrow, which was opportunely broken by the voice of Mrs Pipchin talking downstairs; on hearing which, she dried her red and swollen eyes, and made a melancholy feint of calling jauntily to Mr Towlinson to fetch a cab and carry down her boxes.

Florence, pale and hurried and distressed, but withheld from useless interference even here, by her dread of causing any new division between her father and his wife (whose stern, indignant face had been a warning to her a few moments since), and by her apprehension of being in some way unconsciously connected already with the dismissal of her old servant and friend, followed, weeping, downstairs to Edith’s dressing-room, whither Susan betook herself to make her parting curtsey.

‘Now, here’s the cab, and here’s the boxes, get along with you, do!’ said Mrs Pipchin, presenting herself at the same moment. ‘I beg your pardon, Ma’am, but Mr Dombey’s orders are imperative.’

Edith, sitting under the hands of her maid – she was going out to dinner – preserved her haughty face, and took not the least notice.

‘There’s your money,’ said Mrs Pipchin, who in pursuance of her system, and in recollection of the Mines, was accustomed to rout the servants about, as she had routed her young Brighton boarders; to the everlasting acidulation of Master Bitherstone, ‘and the sooner this house sees your back the better.

Susan had no spirits even for the look that belonged to Ma Pipchin by right; so she dropped her curtsey to Mrs Dombey (who inclined her head without one word, and whose eye avoided everyone but Florence), and gave one last parting hug to her young mistress, and received her parting embrace in return. Poor Susan’s face at this crisis, in the intensity of her feelings and the determined suffocation of her sobs, lest one should become audible and be a triumph to Mrs Pipchin, presented a series of the most extraordinary physiognomical phenomena ever witnessed.

‘I beg your pardon, Miss, I’m sure,’ said Towlinson, outside the door with the boxes, addressing Florence, ‘but Mr Toots is in the drawing-room, and sends his compliments, and begs to know how Diogenes and Master is.’

Quick as thought, Florence glided out and hastened downstairs, where Mr Toots, in the most splendid vestments, was breathing very hard with doubt and agitation on the subject of her coming.

‘Oh, how de do, Miss Dombey,’ said Mr Toots, ‘God bless my soul!’

This last ejaculation was occasioned by Mr Toots’s deep concern at the distress he saw in Florence’s face; which caused him to stop short in a fit of chuckles, and become an image of despair.

‘Dear Mr Toots,’ said Florence, ‘you are so friendly to me, and so honest, that I am sure I may ask a favour of you.

‘Miss Dombey,’ returned Mr Toots, ‘if you’ll only name one, you’ll – you’ll give me an appetite. To which,’ said Mr Toots, with some sentiment, ‘I have long been a stranger.

‘Susan, who is an old friend of mine, the oldest friend I have,’ said Florence, ‘is about to leave here suddenly, and quite alone, poor girl. She is going home, a little way into the country. Might I ask you to take care of her until she is in the coach?’

‘Miss Dombey,’ returned Mr Toots, ‘you really do me an honour and a kindness. This proof of your confidence, after the manner in which I was Beast enough to conduct myself at Brighton – ‘

‘Yes,’ said Florence, hurriedly – ‘no – don’t think of that. Then would you have the kindness to – to go? and to be ready to meet her when she comes out? Thank you a thousand times! You ease my mind so much. She doesn’t seem so desolate. You cannot think how grateful I feel to you, or what a good friend I am sure you are!’ and Florence in her earnestness thanked him again and again; and Mr Toots, in his earnestness, hurried away – but backwards, that he might lose no glimpse of her.

Florence had not the courage to go out, when she saw poor Susan in the hall, with Mrs Pipchin driving her forth, and Diogenes jumping about her, and terrifying Mrs Pipchin to the last degree by making snaps at her bombazeen skirts, and howling with anguish at the sound of her voice – for the good duenna was the dearest and most cherished aversion of his breast. But she saw Susan shake hands with the servants all round, and turn once to look at her old home; and she saw Diogenes bound out after the cab, and want to follow it, and testify an impossibility of conviction that he had no longer any property in the fare; and the door was shut, and the hurry over, and her tears flowed fast for the loss of an old friend, whom no one could replace. No one. No one.

Mr Toots, like the leal and trusty soul he was, stopped the cabriolet in a twinkling, and told Susan Nipper of his commission, at which she cried more than before.

‘Upon my soul and body!’ said Mr Toots, taking his seat beside her. ‘I feel for you. Upon my word and honour I think you can hardly know your own feelings better than I imagine them. I can conceive nothing more dreadful than to have to leave Miss Dombey.’

Susan abandoned herself to her grief now, and it really was touching to see her.

‘I say,’ said Mr Toots, ‘now, don’t! at least I mean now do, you know!’

‘Do what, Mr Toots!’ cried Susan.

‘Why, come home to my place, and have some dinner before you start,’ said Mr Toots. ‘My cook’s a most respectable woman – one of the most motherly people I ever saw – and she’ll be delighted to make you comfortable. Her son,’ said Mr Toots, as an additional recommendation, ‘was educated in the Bluecoat School,’ and blown up in a powder-mill.’

Susan accepting this kind offer, Mr Toots conducted her to his dwelling, where they were received by the Matron in question who fully justified his character of her, and by the Chicken who at first supposed, on seeing a lady in the vehicle, that Mr Dombey had been doubled up, ably to his old recommendation, and Miss Dombey abducted. This gentleman awakened in Miss Nipper some considerable astonishment; for, having been defeated by the Larkey Boy, his visage was in a state of such great dilapidation, as to be hardly presentable in society with comfort to the beholders. The Chicken himself attributed this punishment to his having had the misfortune to get into Chancery early in the proceedings, when he was severely fibbed by the Larkey one, and heavily grassed. But it appeared from the published records of that great contest that the Larkey Boy had had it all his own way from the beginning, and that the Chicken had been tapped, and bunged, and had received pepper, and had been made groggy, and had come up piping, and had endured a complication of similar strange inconveniences, until he had been gone into and finished.

After a good repast, and much hospitality, Susan set out for the coach-office in another cabriolet, with Mr Toots inside, as before, and the Chicken on the box, who, whatever distinction he conferred on the little party by the moral weight and heroism of his character, was scarcely ornamental to it, physically speaking, on account of his plasters; which were numerous. But the Chicken had registered a vow, in secret, that he would never leave Mr Toots (who was secretly pining to get rid of him), for any less consideration than the good-will and fixtures of a public-house; and being ambitious to go into that line, and drink himself to death as soon as possible, he felt it his cue to make his company unacceptable.

The night-coach by which Susan was to go, was on the point of departure. Mr Toots having put her inside, lingered by the window, irresolutely, until the driver was about to mount; when, standing on the step, and putting in a face that by the light of the lamp was anxious and confused, he said abruptly:

‘I say, Susan! Miss Dombey, you know – ‘

‘Yes, Sir.’

‘Do you think she could – you know – eh?’

‘I beg your pardon, Mr Toots,’ said Susan, ‘but I don’t hear you.

‘Do you think she could be brought, you know – not exactly at once, but in time – in a long time – to – to love me, you know? There!’ said poor Mr Toots.

‘Oh dear no!’ returned Susan, shaking her head. ‘I should say, never. Never!’

‘Thank’ee!’ said Mr Toots. ‘It’s of no consequence. Good-night. It’s of no consequence, thank’ee!’


The Trusty Agent

Edith went out alone that day, and returned home early. It was but a few minutes after ten o’clock, when her carriage rolled along the street in which she lived.

There was the same enforced composure on her face, that there had been when she was dressing; and the wreath upon her head encircled the same cold and steady brow. But it would have been better to have seen its leaves and flowers reft into fragments by her passionate hand, or rendered shapeless by the fitful searches of a throbbing and bewildered brain for any resting-place, than adorning such tranquillity. So obdurate, so unapproachable, so unrelenting, one would have thought that nothing could soften such a woman’s nature, and that everything in life had hardened it.

Arrived at her own door, she was alighting, when some one coming quietly from the hall, and standing bareheaded, offered her his arm. The servant being thrust aside, she had no choice but to touch it; and she then knew whose arm it was.

‘How is your patient, Sir?’ she asked, with a curled lip.

‘He is better,’ returned Carker. ‘He is doing very well. I have left him for the night.’

She bent her head, and was passing up the staircase, when he followed and said, speaking at the bottom:

‘Madam! May I beg the favour of a minute’s audience?’

She stopped and turned her eyes back ‘It is an unseasonable time, Sir, and I am fatigued. Is your business urgent?’

‘It is very urgent, returned Carker. ‘As I am so fortunate as to have met you, let me press my petition.’

She looked down for a moment at his glistening mouth; and he looked up at her, standing above him in her stately dress, and thought, again, how beautiful she was.

‘Where is Miss Dombey?’ she asked the servant, aloud.

‘In the morning room, Ma’am.’

‘Show the way there!’ Turning her eyes again on the attentive gentleman at the bottom of the stairs, and informing him with a slight motion of her head, that he was at liberty to follow, she passed on.

‘I beg your pardon! Madam! Mrs Dombey!’ cried the soft and nimble Carker, at her side in a moment. ‘May I be permitted to entreat that Miss Dombey is not present?’

She confronted him, with a quick look, but with the same self-possession and steadiness.

‘I would spare Miss Dombey,’ said Carker, in a low voice, ‘the knowledge of what I have to say. At least, Madam, I would leave it to you to decide whether she shall know of it or not. I owe that to you. It is my bounden duty to you. After our former interview, it would be monstrous in me if I did otherwise.’

She slowly withdrew her eyes from his face, and turning to the servant, said, ‘Some other room.’ He led the way to a drawing-room, which he speedily lighted up and then left them. While he remained, not a word was spoken. Edith enthroned herself upon a couch by the fire; and Mr Carker, with his hat in his hand and his eyes bent upon the carpet, stood before her, at some little distance.

‘Before I hear you, Sir,’ said Edith, when the door was closed, ‘I wish you to hear me.’

‘To be addressed by Mrs Dombey,’ he returned, ‘even in accents of unmerited reproach, is an honour I so greatly esteem, that although I were not her servant in all things, I should defer to such a wish, most readily.’

‘If you are charged by the man whom you have just now left, Sir;’ Mr Carker raised his eyes, as if he were going to counterfeit surprise, but she met them, and stopped him, if such were his intention; ‘with any message to me, do not attempt to deliver it, for I will not receive it. I need scarcely ask you if you are come on such an errand. I have expected you some time.

‘It is my misfortune,’ he replied, ‘to be here, wholly against my will, for such a purpose. Allow me to say that I am here for two purposes. That is one.’

‘That one, Sir,’ she returned, ‘is ended. Or, if you return to it – ‘

‘Can Mrs Dombey believe,’ said Carker, coming nearer, ‘that I would return to it in the face of her prohibition? Is it possible that Mrs Dombey, having no regard to my unfortunate position, is so determined to consider me inseparable from my instructor as to do me great and wilful injustice?’

‘Sir,’ returned Edith, bending her dark gaze full upon him, and speaking with a rising passion that inflated her proud nostril and her swelling neck, and stirred the delicate white down upon a robe she wore, thrown loosely over shoulders that could hear its snowy neighbourhood. ‘Why do you present yourself to me, as you have done, and speak to me of love and duty to my husband, and pretend to think that I am happily married, and that I honour him? How dare you venture so to affront me, when you know – I do not know better, Sir: I have seen it in your every glance, and heard it in your every word – that in place of affection between us there is aversion and contempt, and that I despise him hardly less than I despise myself for being his! Injustice! If I had done justice to the torment you have made me feel, and to my sense of the insult you have put upon me, I should have slain you!’

She had asked him why he did this. Had she not been blinded by her pride and wrath, and self-humiliation, – which she was, fiercely as she bent her gaze upon him, – she would have seen the answer in his face. To bring her to this declaration.

She saw it not, and cared not whether it was there or no. She saw only the indignities and struggles she had undergone and had to undergo, and was writhing under them. As she sat looking fixedly at them, rather than at him, she plucked the feathers from a pinion of some rare and beautiful bird, which hung from her wrist by a golden thread, to serve her as a fan, and rained them on the ground.

He did not shrink beneath her gaze, but stood, until such outward signs of her anger as had escaped her control subsided, with the air of a man who had his sufficient reply in reserve and would presently deliver it. And he then spoke, looking straight into her kindling eyes.

‘Madam,’ he said, ‘I know, and knew before to-day, that I have found no favour with you; and I knew why. Yes. I knew why. You have spoken so openly to me; I am so relieved by the possession of your confidence – ‘

‘Confidence!’ she repeated, with disdain.

He passed it over.

‘ – that I will make no pretence of concealment. I did see from the first, that there was no affection on your part for Mr Dombey – how could it possibly exist between such different subjects? And I have seen, since, that stronger feelings than indifference have been engendered in your breast – how could that possibly be otherwise, either, circumstanced as you have been? But was it for me to presume to avow this knowledge to you in so many words?’

‘Was it for you, Sir,’ she replied, ‘to feign that other belief, and audaciously to thrust it on me day by day?’

‘Madam, it was,’ he eagerly retorted. ‘If I had done less, if I had done anything but that, I should not be speaking to you thus; and I foresaw – who could better foresee, for who has had greater experience of Mr Dombey than myself? – that unless your character should prove to be as yielding and obedient as that of his first submissive lady, which I did not believe – ‘

A haughty smile gave him reason to observe that he might repeat this.

‘I say, which I did not believe, – the time was likely to come, when such an understanding as we have now arrived at, would be serviceable.’

‘Serviceable to whom, Sir?’ she demanded scornfully.

‘To you. I will not add to myself, as warning me to refrain even from that limited commendation of Mr Dombey, in which I can honestly indulge, in order that I may not have the misfortune of saying anything distasteful to one whose aversion and contempt,’ with great expression, ‘are so keen.’

‘Is it honest in you, Sir,’ said Edith, ‘to confess to your “limited commendation,” and to speak in that tone of disparagement, even of him: being his chief counsellor and flatterer!’

‘Counsellor, – yes,’ said Carker. ‘Flatterer, – no. A little reservation I fear I must confess to. But our interest and convenience commonly oblige many of us to make professions that we cannot feel. We have partnerships of interest and convenience, friendships of interest and convenience, dealings of interest and convenience, marriages of interest and convenience, every day.’

She bit her blood-red lip; but without wavering in the dark, stern watch she kept upon him.

‘Madam,’ said Mr Carker, sitting down in a chair that was near her, with an air of the most profound and most considerate respect, ‘why should I hesitate now, being altogether devoted to your service, to speak plainly? It was natural that a lady, endowed as you are, should think it feasible to change her husband’s character in some respects, and mould him to a better form.’

‘It was not natural to me, Sir,’ she rejoined. ‘I had never any expectation or intention of that kind.’

The proud undaunted face showed him it was resolute to wear no mask he offered, but was set upon a reckless disclosure of itself, indifferent to any aspect in which it might present itself to such as he.

‘At least it was natural,’ he resumed, ‘that you should deem it quite possible to live with Mr Dombey as his wife, at once without submitting to him, and without coming into such violent collision with him. But, Madam, you did not know Mr Dombey (as you have since ascertained), when you thought that. You did not know how exacting and how proud he is, or how he is, if I may say so, the slave of his own greatness, and goes yoked to his own triumphal car like a beast of burden, with no idea on earth but that it is behind him and is to be drawn on, over everything and through everything.’

His teeth gleamed through his malicious relish of this conceit, as he went on talking:

‘Mr Dombey is really capable of no more true consideration for you, Madam, than for me. The comparison is an extreme one; I intend it to be so; but quite just. Mr Dombey, in the plenitude of his power, asked me – I had it from his own lips yesterday morning – to be his go-between to you, because he knows I am not agreeable to you, and because he intends that I shall be a punishment for your contumacy; and besides that, because he really does consider, that I, his paid servant, am an ambassador whom it is derogatory to the dignity – not of the lady to whom I have the happiness of speaking; she has no existence in his mind – but of his wife, a part of himself, to receive. You may imagine how regardless of me, how obtuse to the possibility of my having any individual sentiment or opinion he is, when he tells me, openly, that I am so employed. You know how perfectly indifferent to your feelings he is, when he threatens you with such a messenger. As you, of course, have not forgotten that he did.’

She watched him still attentively. But he watched her too; and he saw that this indication of a knowledge on his part, of something that had passed between herself and her husband, rankled and smarted in her haughty breast, like a poisoned arrow.

‘I do not recall all this to widen the breach between yourself and Mr Dombey, Madam – Heaven forbid! what would it profit me? – but as an example of the hopelessness of impressing Mr Dombey with a sense that anybody is to be considered when he is in question. We who are about him, have, in our various positions, done our part, I daresay, to confirm him in his way of thinking; but if we had not done so, others would – or they would not have been about him; and it has always been, from the beginning, the very staple of his life. Mr Dombey has had to deal, in short, with none but submissive and dependent persons, who have bowed the knee, and bent the neck, before him. He has never known what it is to have angry pride and strong resentment opposed to him.’

‘But he will know it now!’ she seemed to say; though her lips did not part, nor her eyes falter. He saw the soft down tremble once again, and he saw her lay the plumage of the beautiful bird against her bosom for a moment; and he unfolded one more ring of the coil into which he had gathered himself.

‘Mr Dombey, though a most honourable gentleman,’ he said, ‘is so prone to pervert even facts to his own view, when he is at all opposed, in consequence of the warp in his mind, that he – can I give a better instance than this! – he sincerely believes (you will excuse the folly of what I am about to say; it not being mine) that his severe expression of opinion to his present wife, on a certain special occasion she may remember, before the lamented death of Mrs Skewton, produced a withering effect, and for the moment quite subdued her!’

Edith laughed. How harshly and unmusically need not be described. It is enough that he was glad to hear her.

‘Madam,’ he resumed, ‘I have done with this. Your own opinions are so strong, and, I am persuaded, so unalterable,’ he repeated those words slowly and with great emphasis, ‘that I am almost afraid to incur your displeasure anew, when I say that in spite of these defects and my full knowledge of them, I have become habituated to Mr Dombey, and esteem him. But when I say so, it is not, believe me, for the mere sake of vaunting a feeling that is so utterly at variance with your own, and for which you can have no sympathy’ – oh how distinct and plain and emphasized this was! – ‘but to give you an assurance of the zeal with which, in this unhappy matter, I am yours, and the indignation with which I regard the part I am to fill!’

She sat as if she were afraid to take her eyes from his face.

And now to unwind the last ring of the coil!

‘It is growing late,’ said Carker, after a pause, ‘and you are, as you said, fatigued. But the second object of this interview, I must not forget. I must recommend you, I must entreat you in the most earnest manner, for sufficient reasons that I have, to be cautious in your demonstrations of regard for Miss Dombey.’

‘Cautious! What do you mean?’

‘To be careful how you exhibit too much affection for that young lady.’

‘Too much affection, Sir!’ said Edith, knitting her broad brow and rising. ‘Who judges my affection, or measures it out? You?’

‘It is not I who do so.’ He was, or feigned to be, perplexed.

‘Who then?’

‘Can you not guess who then?’

‘I do not choose to guess,’ she answered.

‘Madam,’ he said after a little hesitation; meantime they had been, and still were, regarding each other as before; ‘I am in a difficulty here. You have told me you will receive no message, and you have forbidden me to return to that subject; but the two subjects are so closely entwined, I find, that unless you will accept this vague caution from one who has now the honour to possess your confidence, though the way to it has been through your displeasure, I must violate the injunction you have laid upon me.’

‘You know that you are free to do so, Sir,’ said Edith. ‘Do it.’

So pale, so trembling, so impassioned! He had not miscalculated the effect then!

‘His instructions were,’ he said, in a low voice, ‘that I should inform you that your demeanour towards Miss Dombey is not agreeable to him. That it suggests comparisons to him which are not favourable to himself. That he desires it may be wholly changed; and that if you are in earnest, he is confident it will be; for your continued show of affection will not benefit its object.’

‘That is a threat,’ she said.

‘That is a threat,’ he answered, in his voiceless manner of assent: adding aloud, ‘but not directed against you.’

Proud, erect, and dignified, as she stood confronting him; and looking through him as she did, with her full bright flashing eye; and smiling, as she was, with scorn and bitterness; she sunk as if the ground had dropped beneath her, and in an instant would have fallen on the floor, but that he caught her in his arms. As instantaneously she threw him off, the moment that he touched her, and, drawing back, confronted him again, immoveable, with her hand stretched out.

‘Please to leave me. Say no more to-night.’

‘I feel the urgency of this,’ said Mr Carker, ‘because it is impossible to say what unforeseen consequences might arise, or how soon, from your being unacquainted with his state of mind. I understand Miss Dombey is concerned, now, at the dismissal of her old servant, which is likely to have been a minor consequence in itself. You don’t blame me for requesting that Miss Dombey might not be present. May I hope so?’

‘I do not. Please to leave me, Sir.’

‘I knew that your regard for the young lady, which is very sincere and strong, I am well persuaded, would render it a great unhappiness to you, ever to be a prey to the reflection that you had injured her position and ruined her future hopes,’ said Carker hurriedly, but eagerly.

‘No more to-night. Leave me, if you please.’

‘I shall be here constantly in my attendance upon him, and in the transaction of business matters. You will allow me to see you again, and to consult what should be done, and learn your wishes?’

She motioned him towards the door.

‘I cannot even decide whether to tell him I have spoken to you yet; or to lead him to suppose that I have deferred doing so, for want of opportunity, or for any other reason. It will be necessary that you should enable me to consult with you very soon.

‘At any time but now,’ she answered.

‘You will understand, when I wish to see you, that Miss Dombey is not to be present; and that I seek an interview as one who has the happiness to possess your confidence, and who comes to render you every assistance in his power, and, perhaps, on many occasions, to ward off evil from her?’

Looking at him still with the same apparent dread of releasing him for a moment from the influence of her steady gaze, whatever that might be, she answered, ‘Yes!’ and once more bade him go.

He bowed, as if in compliance; but turning back, when he had nearly reached the door, said:

‘I am forgiven, and have explained my fault. May I – for Miss Dombey’s sake, and for my own – take your hand before I go?’

She gave him the gloved hand she had maimed last night. He took it in one of his, and kissed it, and withdrew. And when he had closed the door, he waved the hand with which he had taken hers, and thrust it in his breast.

Edith saw no one that night, but locked her door, and kept herself


She did not weep; she showed no greater agitation, outwardly, than when she was riding home. She laid as proud a head upon her pillow as she had borne in her carriage; and her prayer ran thus:

‘May this man be a liar! For if he has spoken truth, she is lost to me, and I have no hope left!’

This man, meanwhile, went home musing to bed, thinking, with a dainty pleasure, how imperious her passion was, how she had sat before him in her beauty, with the dark eyes that had never turned away but once; how the white down had fluttered; how the bird’s feathers had been strewn upon the ground.


Recognizant and Reflective

Among sundry minor alterations in Mr Carker’s life and habits that began to take place at this time, none was more remarkable than the extraordinary diligence with which he applied himself to business, and the closeness with which he investigated every detail that the affairs of the House laid open to him. Always active and penetrating in such matters, his lynx-eyed vigilance now increased twenty-fold. Not only did his weary watch keep pace with every present point that every day presented to him in some new form, but in the midst of these engrossing occupations he found leisure – that is, he made it – to review the past transactions of the Firm, and his share in them, during a long series of years. Frequently when the clerks were all gone, the offices dark and empty, and all similar places of business shut up, Mr Carker, with the whole anatomy of the iron room laid bare before him, would explore the mysteries of books and papers, with the patient progress of a man who was dissecting the minutest nerves and fibres of his subject. Perch, the messenger, who usually remained on these occasions, to entertain himself with the perusal of the Price Current by the light of one candle, or to doze over the fire in the outer office, at the imminent risk every moment of diving head foremost into the coal-box, could not withhold the tribute of his admiration from this zealous conduct, although it much contracted his domestic enjoyments; and again, and again, expatiated to Mrs Perch (now nursing twins) on the industry and acuteness of their managing gentleman in the City.

The same increased and sharp attention that Mr Carker bestowed on the business of the House, he applied to his own personal affairs. Though not a partner in the concern – a distinction hitherto reserved solely to inheritors of the great name of Dombey – he was in the receipt of some percentage on its dealings; and, participating in all its facilities for the employment of money to advantage, was considered, by the minnows among the tritons of the East, a rich man. It began to be said, among these shrewd observers, that Jem Carker, of Dombey’s, was looking about him to see what he was worth; and that he was calling in his money at a good time, like the long-headed fellow he was; and bets were even offered on the Stock Exchange that Jem was going to marry a rich widow.

Yet these cares did not in the least interfere with Mr Carker’s watching of his chief, or with his cleanness, neatness, sleekness, or any cat-like quality he possessed. It was not so much that there was a change in him, in reference to any of his habits, as that the whole man was intensified. Everything that had been observable in him before, was observable now, but with a greater amount of concentration. He did each single thing, as if he did nothing else – a pretty certain indication in a man of that range of ability and purpose, that he is doing something which sharpens and keeps alive his keenest powers.

The only decided alteration in him was, that as he rode to and fro along the streets, he would fall into deep fits of musing, like that in which he had come away from Mr Dombey’s house, on the morning of that gentleman’s disaster. At such times, he would keep clear of the obstacles in his way, mechanically; and would appear to see and hear nothing until arrival at his destination, or some sudden chance or effort roused him.

Walking his white-legged horse thus, to the counting-house of Dombey and Son one day, he was as unconscious of the observation of two pairs of women’s eyes, as of the fascinated orbs of Rob the Grinder, who, in waiting a street’s length from the appointed place, as a demonstration of punctuality, vainly touched and retouched his hat to attract attention, and trotted along on foot, by his master’s side, prepared to hold his stirrup when he should alight.

‘See where he goes!’ cried one of these two women, an old creature, who stretched out her shrivelled arm to point him out to her companion, a young woman, who stood close beside her, withdrawn like herself into a gateway.

Mrs Brown’s daughter looked out, at this bidding on the part of Mrs Brown; and there were wrath and vengeance in her face.

‘I never thought to look at him again,’ she said, in a low voice; ‘but it’s well I should, perhaps. I see. I see!’

‘Not changed!’ said the old woman, with a look of eager malice.

‘He changed!’ returned the other. ‘What for? What has he suffered? There is change enough for twenty in me. Isn’t that enough?’

‘See where he goes!’ muttered the old woman, watching her daughter with her red eyes; ‘so easy and so trim a-horseback, while we are in the mud.’

‘And of it,’ said her daughter impatiently. ‘We are mud, underneath his horse’s feet. What should we be?’

In the intentness with which she looked after him again, she made a hasty gesture with her hand when the old woman began to reply, as if her view could be obstructed by mere sound. Her mother watching her, and not him, remained silent; until her kindling glance subsided, and she drew a long breath, as if in the relief of his being gone.

‘Deary!’ said the old woman then. ‘Alice! Handsome gall Ally!’ She gently shook her sleeve to arouse her attention. ‘Will you let him go like that, when you can wring money from him? Why, it’s a wickedness, my daughter.’

‘Haven’t I told you, that I will not have money from him?’ she returned. ‘And don’t you yet believe me? Did I take his sister’s money? Would I touch a penny, if I knew it, that had gone through his white hands – unless it was, indeed, that I could poison it, and send it back to him? Peace, mother, and come away.

‘And him so rich?’ murmured the old woman. ‘And us so poor!’

‘Poor in not being able to pay him any of the harm we owe him,’ returned her daughter. ‘Let him give me that sort of riches, and I’ll take them from him, and use them. Come away. Its no good looking at his horse. Come away, mother!’

But the old woman, for whom the spectacle of Rob the Grinder returning down the street, leading the riderless horse, appeared to have some extraneous interest that it did not possess in itself, surveyed that young man with the utmost earnestness; and seeming to have whatever doubts she entertained, resolved as he drew nearer, glanced at her daughter with brightened eyes and with her finger on her lip, and emerging from the gateway at the moment of his passing, touched him on the shoulder.

‘Why, where’s my sprightly Rob been, all this time!’ she said, as he turned round.

The sprightly Rob, whose sprightliness was very much diminished by the salutation, looked exceedingly dismayed, and said, with the water rising in his eyes:

‘Oh! why can’t you leave a poor cove alone, Misses Brown, when he’s getting an honest livelihood and conducting himself respectable? What do you come and deprive a cove of his character for, by talking to him in the streets, when he’s taking his master’s horse to a honest stable – a horse you’d go and sell for cats’ and dogs’ meat if you had your way! Why, I thought,’ said the Grinder, producing his concluding remark as if it were the climax of all his injuries, ‘that you was dead long ago!’

‘This is the way,’ cried the old woman, appealing to her daughter, ‘that he talks to me, who knew him weeks and months together, my deary, and have stood his friend many and many a time among the pigeon-fancying tramps and bird-catchers.’

‘Let the birds be, will you, Misses Brown?’ retorted Rob, in a tone of the acutest anguish. ‘I think a cove had better have to do with lions than them little creeturs, for they’re always flying back in your face when you least expect it. Well, how d’ye do and what do you want?’ These polite inquiries the Grinder uttered, as it were under protest, and with great exasperation and vindictiveness.

‘Hark how he speaks to an old friend, my deary!’ said Mrs Brown, again appealing to her daughter. ‘But there’s some of his old friends not so patient as me. If I was to tell some that he knows, and has spotted and cheated with, where to find him – ‘

‘Will you hold your tongue, Misses Brown?’ interrupted the miserable Grinder, glancing quickly round, as though he expected to see his master’s teeth shining at his elbow. ‘What do you take a pleasure in ruining a cove for? At your time of life too! when you ought to be thinking of a variety of things!’

‘What a gallant horse!’ said the old woman, patting the animal’s neck.

‘Let him alone, will you, Misses Brown?’ cried Rob, pushing away her hand. ‘You’re enough to drive a penitent cove mad!’

‘Why, what hurt do I do him, child?’ returned the old woman.

‘Hurt?’ said Rob. ‘He’s got a master that would find it out if he was touched with a straw.’ And he blew upon the place where the old woman’s hand had rested for a moment, and smoothed it gently with his finger, as if he seriously believed what he said.

The old woman looking back to mumble and mouth at her daughter, who followed, kept close to Rob’s heels as he walked on with the bridle in his hand; and pursued the conversation.

‘A good place, Rob, eh?’ said she. ‘You’re in luck, my child.’

‘Oh don’t talk about luck, Misses Brown,’ returned the wretched Grinder, facing round and stopping. ‘If you’d never come, or if you’d go away, then indeed a cove might be considered tolerable lucky. Can’t you go along, Misses Brown, and not foller me!’ blubbered Rob, with sudden defiance. ‘If the young woman’s a friend of yours, why don’t she take you away, instead of letting you make yourself so disgraceful!’

‘What!’ croaked the old woman, putting her face close to his, with a malevolent grin upon it that puckered up the loose skin down in her very throat. ‘Do you deny your old chum! Have you lurked to my house fifty times, and slept sound in a corner when you had no other bed but the paving-stones, and do you talk to me like this! Have I bought and sold with you, and helped you in my way of business, schoolboy, sneak, and what not, and do you tell me to go along? Could I raise a crowd of old company about you to-morrow morning, that would follow you to ruin like copies of your own shadow, and do you turn on me with your bold looks! I’ll go. Come, Alice.’

‘Stop, Misses Brown!’ cried the distracted Grinder. ‘What are you doing of? Don’t put yourself in a passion! Don’t let her go, if you please. I haven’t meant any offence. I said “how d’ye do,” at first, didn’t I? But you wouldn’t answer. How you do? Besides,’ said Rob piteously, ‘look here! How can a cove stand talking in the street with his master’s prad a wanting to be took to be rubbed down, and his master up to every individgle thing that happens!’

The old woman made a show of being partially appeased, but shook her head, and mouthed and muttered still.

‘Come along to the stables, and have a glass of something that’s good for you, Misses Brown, can’t you?’ said Rob, ‘instead of going on, like that, which is no good to you, nor anybody else. Come along with her, will you be so kind?’ said Rob. ‘I’m sure I’m delighted to see her, if it wasn’t for the horse!’

With this apology, Rob turned away, a rueful picture of despair, and walked his charge down a bye street’ The old woman, mouthing at her daughter, followed close upon him. The daughter followed.

Turning into a silent little square or court-yard that had a great church tower rising above it, and a packer’s warehouse, and a bottle-maker’s warehouse, for its places of business, Rob the Grinder delivered the white-legged horse to the hostler of a quaint stable at the corner; and inviting Mrs Brown and her daughter to seat themselves upon a stone bench at the gate of that establishment, soon reappeared from a neighbouring public-house with a pewter measure and a glass.

‘Here’s master – Mr Carker, child!’ said the old woman, slowly, as her sentiment before drinking. ‘Lord bless him!’

‘Why, I didn’t tell you who he was,’ observed Rob, with staring eyes.

‘We know him by sight,’ said Mrs Brown, whose working mouth and nodding head stopped for the moment, in the fixedness of her attention. ‘We saw him pass this morning, afore he got off his horse; when you were ready to take it.’

‘Ay, ay,’ returned Rob, appearing to wish that his readiness had carried him to any other place. – ‘What’s the matter with her? Won’t she drink?’

This inquiry had reference to Alice, who, folded in her cloak, sat a little apart, profoundly inattentive to his offer of the replenished glass.

The old woman shook her head. ‘Don’t mind her,’ she said; ‘she’s a strange creetur, if you know’d her, Rob. But Mr Carker

‘Hush!’ said Rob, glancing cautiously up at the packer’s, and at the bottle-maker’s, as if, from any one of the tiers of warehouses, Mr Carker might be looking down. ‘Softly.’

‘Why, he ain’t here!’ cried Mrs Brown.

‘I don’t know that,’ muttered Rob, whose glance even wandered to the church tower, as if he might be there, with a supernatural power of hearing.

‘Good master?’ inquired Mrs Brown.

Rob nodded; and added, in a low voice, ‘precious sharp.’

‘Lives out of town, don’t he, lovey?’ said the old woman.

‘When he’s at home,’ returned Rob; ‘but we don’t live at home just now.’

‘Where then?’ asked the old woman.

‘Lodgings; up near Mr Dombey’s,’ returned Rob.

The younger woman fixed her eyes so searchingly upon him, and so suddenly, that Rob was quite confounded, and offered the glass again, but with no more effect upon her than before.

‘Mr Dombey – you and I used to talk about him, sometimes, you know,’ said Rob to Mrs Brown. ‘You used to get me to talk about him.’

The old woman nodded.

‘Well, Mr Dombey, he’s had a fall from his horse,’ said Rob, unwillingly; ‘and my master has to be up there, more than usual, either with him, or Mrs Dombey, or some of ’em; and so we’ve come to town.’

‘Are they good friends, lovey?’asked the old woman.

‘Who?’ retorted Rob.

‘He and she?’

‘What, Mr and Mrs Dombey?’ said Rob. ‘How should I know!’

‘Not them – Master and Mrs Dombey, chick,’ replied the old woman, coaxingly.

‘I don’t know,’ said Rob, looking round him again. ‘I suppose so. How curious you are, Misses Brown! Least said, soonest mended.’

‘Why there’s no harm in it!’ exclaimed the old woman, with a laugh, and a clap of her hands. ‘Sprightly Rob, has grown tame since he has been well off! There’s no harm in It.

‘No, there’s no harm in it, I know,’ returned Rob, with the same distrustful glance at the packer’s and the bottle-maker’s, and the church; ‘but blabbing, if it’s only about the number of buttons on my master’s coat, won’t do. I tell you it won’t do with him. A cove had better drown himself. He says so. I shouldn’t have so much as told you what his name was, if you hadn’t known it. Talk about somebody else.’

As Rob took another cautious survey of the yard, the old woman made a secret motion to her daughter. It was momentary, but the daughter, with a slight look of intelligence, withdrew her eyes from the boy’s face, and sat folded in her cloak as before.

‘Rob, lovey!’ said the old woman, beckoning him to the other end of the bench. ‘You were always a pet and favourite of mine. Now, weren’t you? Don’t you know you were?’

‘Yes, Misses Brown,’ replied the Grinder, with a very bad grace.

‘And you could leave me!’ said the old woman, flinging her arms about his neck. ‘You could go away, and grow almost out of knowledge, and never come to tell your poor old friend how fortunate you were, proud lad! Oho, Oho!’

‘Oh here’s a dreadful go for a cove that’s got a master wide awake in the neighbourhood!’ exclaimed the wretched Grinder. ‘To be howled over like this here!’

‘Won’t you come and see me, Robby?’ cried Mrs Brown. ‘Oho, won’t you ever come and see me?’

‘Yes, I tell you! Yes, I will!’ returned the Grinder.

‘That’s my own Rob! That’s my lovey!’ said Mrs Brown, drying the tears upon her shrivelled face, and giving him a tender squeeze. ‘At the old place, Rob?’

‘Yes,’ replied the Grinder.

‘Soon, Robby dear?’ cried Mrs Brown; ‘and often?’

‘Yes. Yes. Yes,’ replied Rob. ‘I will indeed, upon my soul and body.’

‘And then,’ said Mrs Brown, with her arms uplifted towards the sky, and her head thrown back and shaking, ‘if he’s true to his word, I’ll never come a-near him though I know where he is, and never breathe a syllable about him! Never!’

This ejaculation seemed a drop of comfort to the miserable Grinder, who shook Mrs Brown by the hand upon it, and implored her with tears in his eyes, to leave a cove and not destroy his prospects. Mrs Brown, with another fond embrace, assented; but in the act of following her daughter, turned back, with her finger stealthily raised, and asked in a hoarse whisper for some money.

‘A shilling, dear!’ she said, with her eager avaricious face, ‘or sixpence! For old acquaintance sake. I’m so poor. And my handsome gal’ – looking over her shoulder – ‘she’s my gal, Rob – half starves me.

But as the reluctant Grinder put it in her hand, her daughter, coming quietly back, caught the hand in hen, and twisted out the coin.

‘What,’ she said, ‘mother! always money! money from the first, and to the last’ Do you mind so little what I said but now? Here. Take it!’

The old woman uttered a moan as the money was restored, but without in any other way opposing its restoration, hobbled at her daughter’s side out of the yard, and along the bye street upon which it opened. The astonished and dismayed Rob staring after them, saw that they stopped, and fell to earnest conversation very soon; and more than once observed a darkly threatening action of the younger woman’s hand (obviously having reference to someone of whom they spoke), and a crooning feeble imitation of it on the part of Mrs Brown, that made him earnestly hope he might not be the subject of their discourse.

With the present consolation that they were gone, and with the prospective comfort that Mrs Brown could not live for ever, and was not likely to live long to trouble him, the Grinder, not otherwise regretting his misdeeds than as they were attended with such disagreeable incidental consequences, composed his ruffled features to a more serene expression by thinking of the admirable manner in which he had disposed of Captain Cuttle (a reflection that seldom failed to put him in a flow of spirits), and went to the Dombey Counting House to receive his master’s orders.

There his master, so subtle and vigilant of eye, that Rob quaked before him, more than half expecting to be taxed with Mrs Brown, gave him the usual morning’s box of papers for Mr Dombey, and a note for Mrs Dombey: merely nodding his head as an enjoinder to be careful, and to use dispatch – a mysterious admonition, fraught in the Grinder’s imagination with dismal warnings and threats; and more powerful with him than any words.

Alone again, in his own room, Mr Carker applied himself to work, and worked all day. He saw many visitors; overlooked a number of documents; went in and out, to and from, sundry places of mercantile resort; and indulged in no more abstraction until the day’s business was done. But, when the usual clearance of papers from his table was made at last, he fell into his thoughtful mood once more.

He was standing in his accustomed place and attitude, with his eyes intently fixed upon the ground, when his brother entered to bring back some letters that had been taken out in the course of the day. He put them quietly on the table, and was going immediately, when Mr Carker the Manager, whose eyes had rested on him, on his entrance, as if they had all this time had him for the subject of their contemplation, instead of the office-floor, said:

‘Well, John Carker, and what brings you here?’

His brother pointed to the letters, and was again withdrawing.

‘I wonder,’ said the Manager, ‘that you can come and go, without inquiring how our master is’.

‘We had word this morning in the Counting House, that Mr Dombey was doing well,’ replied his brother.

‘You are such a meek fellow,’ said the Manager, with a smile, – ‘but you have grown so, in the course of years – that if any harm came to him, you’d be miserable, I dare swear now.’

‘I should be truly sorry, James,’ returned the other.

‘He would be sorry!’ said the Manager, pointing at him, as if there were some other person present to whom he was appealing. ‘He would be truly sorry! This brother of mine! This junior of the place, this slighted piece of lumber, pushed aside with his face to the wall, like a rotten picture, and left so, for Heaven knows how many years he’s all gratitude and respect, and devotion too, he would have me believe!’

‘I would have you believe nothing, James,’ returned the other. ‘Be as just to me as you would to any other man below you. You ask a question, and I answer it.’

‘And have you nothing, Spaniel,’ said the Manager, with unusual irascibility, ‘to complain of in him? No proud treatment to resent, no insolence, no foolery of state, no exaction of any sort! What the devil! are you man or mouse?’

‘It would be strange if any two persons could be together for so many years, especially as superior and inferior, without each having something to complain of in the other – as he thought, at all events, replied John Carker. ‘But apart from my history here – ‘

‘His history here!’ exclaimed the Manager. ‘Why, there it is. The very fact that makes him an extreme case, puts him out of the whole chapter! Well?’

‘Apart from that, which, as you hint, gives me a reason to be thankful that I alone (happily for all the rest) possess, surely there is no one in the House who would not say and feel at least as much. You do not think that anybody here would be indifferent to a mischance or misfortune happening to the head of the House, or anything than truly sorry for it?’

‘You have good reason to be bound to him too!’ said the Manager, contemptuously. ‘Why, don’t you believe that you are kept here, as a cheap example, and a famous instance of the clemency of Dombey and Son, redounding to the credit of the illustrious House?’

‘No,’ replied his brother, mildly, ‘I have long believed that I am kept here for more kind and disinterested reasons.

‘But you were going,’ said the Manager, with the snarl of a tiger-cat, ‘to recite some Christian precept, I observed.’

‘Nay, James,’ returned the other, ‘though the tie of brotherhood between us has been long broken and thrown away – ‘

‘Who broke it, good Sir?’ said the Manager.

‘I, by my misconduct. I do not charge it upon you.’

The Manager replied, with that mute action of his bristling mouth, ‘Oh, you don’t charge it upon me!’ and bade him go on.

‘I say, though there is not that tie between us, do not, I entreat, assail me with unnecessary taunts, or misinterpret what I say, or would say. I was only going to suggest to you that it would be a mistake to suppose that it is only you, who have been selected here, above all others, for advancement, confidence and distinction (selected, in the beginning, I know, for your great ability and trustfulness), and who communicate more freely with Mr Dombey than anyone, and stand, it may be said, on equal terms with him, and have been favoured and enriched by him – that it would be a mistake to suppose that it is only you who are tender of his welfare and reputation. There is no one in the House, from yourself down to the lowest, I sincerely believe, who does not participate in that feeling.’

‘You lie!’ said the Manager, red with sudden anger. ‘You’re a hypocrite, John Carker, and you lie.’

‘James!’ cried the other, flushing in his turn. ‘What do you mean by these insulting words? Why do you so basely use them to me, unprovoked?’

‘I tell you,’ said the Manager, ‘that your hypocrisy and meekness – that all the hypocrisy and meekness of this place – is not worth that to me,’ snapping his thumb and finger, ‘and that I see through it as if it were air! There is not a man employed here, standing between myself and the lowest in place (of whom you are very considerate, and with reason, for he is not far off), who wouldn’t be glad at heart to see his master humbled: who does not hate him, secretly: who does not wish him evil rather than good: and who would not turn upon him, if he had the power and boldness. The nearer to his favour, the nearer to his insolence; the closer to him, the farther from him. That’s the creed here!’

‘I don’t know,’ said his brother, whose roused feelings had soon yielded to surprise, ‘who may have abused your ear with such representations; or why you have chosen to try me, rather than another. But that you have been trying me, and tampering with me, I am now sure. You have a different manner and a different aspect from any that I ever saw m you. I will only say to you, once more, you are deceived.’

‘I know I am,’ said the Manager. ‘I have told you so.’

‘Not by me,’ returned his brother. ‘By your informant, if you have one. If not, by your own thoughts and suspicions.’

‘I have no suspicions,’ said the Manager. ‘Mine are certainties. You pusillanimous, abject, cringing dogs! All making the same show, all canting the same story, all whining the same professions, all harbouring the same transparent secret.’

His brother withdrew, without saying more, and shut the door as he concluded. Mr Carker the Manager drew a chair close before the fire, and fell to beating the coals softly with the poker.

‘The faint-hearted, fawning knaves,’ he muttered, with his two shining rows of teeth laid bare. ‘There’s not one among them, who wouldn’t feign to be so shocked and outraged – ! Bah! There’s not one among them, but if he had at once the power, and the wit and daring to use it, would scatter Dombey’s pride and lay it low, as ruthlessly as I rake out these ashes.’

As he broke them up and strewed them in the grate, he looked on with a thoughtful smile at what he was doing. ‘Without the same queen beckoner too!’ he added presently; ‘and there is pride there, not to be forgotten – witness our own acquaintance!’ With that he fell into a deeper reverie, and sat pondering over the blackening grate, until he rose up like a man who had been absorbed in a book, and looking round him took his hat and gloves, went to where his horse was waiting, mounted, and rode away through the lighted streets, for it was evening.

He rode near Mr Dombey’s house; and falling into a walk as he approached it, looked up at the windows The window where he had once seen Florence sitting with her dog attracted his attention first, though there was no light in it; but he smiled as he carried his eyes up the tall front of the house, and seemed to leave that object superciliously behind.

‘Time was,’ he said, ‘when it was well to watch even your rising little star, and know in what quarter there were clouds, to shadow you if needful. But a planet has arisen, and you are lost in its light.’

He turned the white-legged horse round the street corner, and sought one shining window from among those at the back of the house. Associated with it was a certain stately presence, a gloved hand, the remembrance how the feathers of a beautiful bird’s wing had been showered down upon the floor, and how the light white down upon a robe had stirred and rustled, as in the rising of a distant storm. These were the things he carried with him as he turned away again, and rode through the darkening and deserted Parks at a quick rate.

In fatal truth, these were associated with a woman, a proud woman, who hated him, but who by slow and sure degrees had been led on by his craft, and her pride and resentment, to endure his company, and little by little to receive him as one who had the privilege to talk to her of her own defiant disregard of her own husband, and her abandonment of high consideration for herself. They were associated with a woman who hated him deeply, and who knew him, and who mistrusted him because she knew him, and because he knew her; but who fed her fierce resentment by suffering him to draw nearer and yet nearer to her every day, in spite of the hate she cherished for him. In spite of it! For that very reason; since in its depths, too far down for her threatening eye to pierce, though she could see into them dimly, lay the dark retaliation, whose faintest shadow seen once and shuddered at, and never seen again, would have been sufficient stain upon her soul.

Did the phantom of such a woman flit about him on his ride; true to the reality, and obvious to him?

Yes. He saw her in his mind, exactly as she was. She bore him company with her pride, resentment, hatred, all as plain to him as her beauty; with nothing plainer to him than her hatred of him. He saw her sometimes haughty and repellent at his side, and some times down among his horse’s feet, fallen and in the dust. But he always saw her as she was, without disguise, and watched her on the dangerous way that she was going.

And when his ride was over, and he was newly dressed, and came into the light of her bright room with his bent head, soft voice, and soothing smile, he saw her yet as plainly. He even suspected the mystery of the gloved hand, and held it all the longer in his own for that suspicion. Upon the dangerous way that she was going, he was, still; and not a footprint did she mark upon it, but he set his own there, straight’


The Thunderbolt

The barrier between Mr Dombey and his wife was not weakened by time. Ill-assorted couple, unhappy in themselves and in each other, bound together by no tie but the manacle that joined their fettered hands, and straining that so harshly, in their shrinking asunder, that it wore and chafed to the bone, Time, consoler of affliction and softener of anger, could do nothing to help them. Their pride, however different in kind and object, was equal in degree; and, in their flinty opposition, struck out fire between them which might smoulder or might blaze, as circumstances were, but burned up everything within their mutual reach, and made their marriage way a road of ashes.

Let us be just to him. In the monstrous delusion of his life, swelling with every grain of sand that shifted in its glass, he urged her on, he little thought to what, or considered how; but still his feeling towards her, such as it was, remained as at first. She had the grand demerit of unaccountably putting herself in opposition to the recognition of his vast importance, and to the acknowledgment of her complete submission to it, and so far it was necessary to correct and reduce her; but otherwise he still considered her, in his cold way, a lady capable of doing honour, if she would, to his choice and name, and of reflecting credit on his proprietorship.

Now, she, with all her might of passionate and proud resentment, bent her dark glance from day to day, and hour to hour – from that night in her own chamber, when she had sat gazing at the shadows on the wall, to the deeper night fast coming – upon one figure directing a crowd of humiliations and exasperations against her; and that figure, still her husband’s.

Was Mr Dombey’s master-vice, that ruled him so inexorably, an unnatural characteristic? It might be worthwhile, sometimes, to inquire what Nature is, and how men work to change her, and whether, in the enforced distortions so produced, it is not natural to be unnatural. Coop any son or daughter of our mighty mother within narrow range, and bind the prisoner to one idea, and foster it by servile worship of it on the part of the few timid or designing people standing round, and what is Nature to the willing captive who has never risen up upon the wings of a free mind – drooping and useless soon – to see her in her comprehensive truth!

Alas! are there so few things in the world, about us, most unnatural, and yet most natural in being so? Hear the magistrate or judge admonish the unnatural outcasts of society; unnatural in brutal habits, unnatural in want of decency, unnatural in losing and confounding all distinctions between good and evil; unnatural in ignorance, in vice, in recklessness, in contumacy, in mind, in looks, in everything. But follow the good clergyman or doctor, who, with his life imperilled at every breath he draws, goes down into their dens, lying within the echoes of our carriage wheels and daily tread upon the pavement stones. Look round upon the world of odious sights – millions of immortal creatures have no other world on earth – at the lightest mention of which humanity revolts, and dainty delicacy living in the next street, stops her ears, and lisps ‘I don’t believe it!’ Breathe the polluted air, foul with every impurity that is poisonous to health and life; and have every sense, conferred upon our race for its delight and happiness, offended, sickened and disgusted, and made a channel by which misery and death alone can enter. Vainly attempt to think of any simple plant, or flower, or wholesome weed, that, set in this foetid bed, could have its natural growth, or put its little leaves off to the sun as GOD designed it. And then, calling up some ghastly child, with stunted form and wicked face, hold forth on its unnatural sinfulness, and lament its being, so early, far away from Heaven – but think a little of its having been conceived, and born and bred, in Hell!

Those who study the physical sciences, and bring them to bear upon the health of Man, tell us that if the noxious particles that rise from vitiated air were palpable to the sight, we should see them lowering in a dense black cloud above such haunts, and rolling slowly on to corrupt the better portions of a town. But if the moral pestilence that rises with them, and in the eternal laws of our Nature, is inseparable from them, could be made discernible too, how terrible the revelation! Then should we see depravity, impiety, drunkenness, theft, murder, and a long train of nameless sins against the natural affections and repulsions of mankind, overhanging the devoted spots, and creeping on, to blight the innocent and spread contagion among the pure. Then should we see how the same poisoned fountains that flow into our hospitals and lazar-houses, inundate the jails, and make the convict-ships swim deep, and roll across the seas, and over-run vast continents with crime. Then should we stand appalled to know, that where we generate disease to strike our children down and entail itself on unborn generations, there also we breed, by the same certain process, infancy that knows no innocence, youth without modesty or shame, maturity that is mature in nothing but in suffering and guilt, blasted old age that is a scandal on the form we bear. unnatural humanity! When we shall gather grapes from thorns, and figs from thistles; when fields of grain shall spring up from the offal in the bye-ways of our wicked cities, and roses bloom in the fat churchyards that they cherish; then we may look for natural humanity, and find it growing from such seed.

Oh for a good spirit who would take the house-tops off, with a mole potent and benignant hand than the lame demon in the tale, and show a Christian people what dark shapes issue from amidst their homes, to swell the retinue of the Destroying Angel as he moves forth among them! For only one night’s view of the pale phantoms rising from the scenes of our too-long neglect; and from the thick and sullen air where Vice and Fever propagate together, raining the tremendous social retributions which are ever pouring down, and ever coming thicker! Bright and blest the morning that should rise on such a night: for men, delayed no more by stumbling-blocks of their own making, which are but specks of dust upon the path between them and eternity, would then apply themselves, like creatures of one common origin, owing one duty to the Father of one family, and tending to one common end, to make the world a better place!

Not the less bright and blest would that day be for rousing some who never have looked out upon the world of human life around them, to a knowledge of their own relation to it, and for making them acquainted with a perversion of nature in their own contracted sympathies and estimates; as great, and yet as natural in its development when once begun, as the lowest degradation known.’

But no such day had ever dawned on Mr Dombey, or his wife; and the course of each was taken.

Through six months that ensued upon his accident, they held the same relations one towards the other. A marble rock could not have stood more obdurately in his way than she; and no chilled spring, lying uncheered by any ray of light in the depths of a deep cave, could be more sullen or more cold than he.

The hope that had fluttered within her when the promise of her new home dawned, was quite gone from the heart of Florence now. That home was nearly two years old; and even the patient trust that was in her, could not survive the daily blight of such experience. If she had any lingering fancy in the nature of hope left, that Edith and her father might be happier together, in some distant time, she had none, now, that her father would ever love her. The little interval in which she had imagined that she saw some small relenting in him, was forgotten in the long remembrance of his coldness since and before, or only remembered as a sorrowful delusion.