Corcoran, Wm. W., gift to Mr. Webster, 357, note.
Crawford, William H., attack on by Ninian Edwards, 136, 146, 147; bids for support of Webster and Federalists, 146; defended by Webster, 147;
fails to get support of Federalists, 148.
Creole, case of the, 253, 255, 287.
Crimes Act, 138.
Crittenden, John J., Morehead’s letter to, about 7th of March speech, 326.
Cruising Convention, the, 255, 259.
Cumberland Road, bill for, 137.
Curtis, George T., biography of Webster, 1, note; opinion of reply to Calhoun, 216;
of expunging resolution, 234;
describes New York movement for Taylor as a blunder, 273; says majority disapproved 7th of March speech, 303; considers Taylor’s policy in 1850 impracticable, 311; views as to danger of secession in 1850, 314.
Cushing, Caleb, Minister to China, 260; course in 1838, 285.
Dartmouth College case, account of, 74-97.
Davis, Daniel, 30.
Denison, John Evelyn, friendship and correspondence with Mr. Webster, 152.
Dexter, Samuel, a leader at Boston bar, 30; practises in New Hampshire, 36.
Dickinson, Daniel S., attack upon Mr. Webster, 268.
Disraeli, Benjamin, free trade a question of expediency, 169.
Douglas, Stephen A., offers amendment to Oregon bill, 294.
Dunham, Josiah, attacks Webster for deserting Wheelock, 77.
Durfree, American citizen killed on Caroline, 247.
Duvall, Judge, opposed to Dartmouth College, 87; writes dissenting opinion, 96.
Edwards, Ninian, charges against Mr. Crawford, 136, 146, 147; character of, 146, 147.
Enterprise, case of the, 286.
Erskine, Lord, compared with Webster as an orator, 202.
Everett, Edward, Webster desires appointment of as Commissioner to Greece, 135;
Minister to England, 252;
refuses Chinese mission, 260.
Farrar, Timothy, report of Dartmouth College case, 81, 86.
Federalists, ruling party in New Hampshire, 76; defeated on college issue, 78;
movement of to get decision for college, 92-94; position of in 1823, 130, 131;
hostility to John Quincy Adams, 145, 146; attempted alliance with Crawford, 146-148; to be recognized by Adams, 149;
free-traders in New England, 155 ff.
Fillmore, Millard, offers Mr. Webster secretaryship of state, 333; candidate for Whig nomination, 338;
urges Mr. Webster to stay in the cabinet, 344.
Foote, Henry S., moves to refer admission of California to a select committee, 301.
Foote, Samuel A., resolution regarding public lands, 172.
Force Bill, introduced, 214;
debated, 215, 216.
Forsyth, John, attacks Mr. Adams’s message on Creek Indians, 142; answered by Webster, 142, 143.
Fox, Charles James, “no good speech reads well,” 189; compared with Webster as an orator, 202; as a statesman, 350.
Fox, Henry S., British minister at Harrison’s reception of diplomatic corps, 245;
demands release of McLeod, 248.
Free-Soil party, nominations in 1848 do not obtain Webster’s support, 274, 296;
attitude in regard to slavery in 1860, 316; injured by 7th of March speech, 324;
revival and victory, 325.
Fryeburg, Maine, Webster’s school at, 26; oration before citizens of, 27.
Gibbons vs. Ogden, case of, 99.
Giddings, Joshua R., opinion of Mr. Webster’s attitude toward the South in 1838, 286;
says Mr. Webster inserted passage about free negroes and Mr. Hoar after delivery of 7th of March speech, 303;
interview with Mr. Webster, 322.
Girard will case, 101, 261.
Goodrich, Dr. Chauncey A., description of close of Mr. Webster’s argument in Dartmouth case, 89, 90.
Goodridge, Major, case of, 198.
Gore, Christopher, admits Mr. Webster as a student in his office, 28; character of, 29;
advises Webster to refuse clerkship, moves his admission to the bar, 31.
Greece, revolution in, 132.
Hamilton, Alexander, compared with Webster as an orator, 201; as a financier, 208, 226, 228;
in regard to attack on Adams, 274; Webster’s opinion of, and feeling to, 349.
Hanover, oration before citizens of, 20, 22.
Harrison, William Henry, nominee of Whigs in 1836, 225; nominated by Whigs again in 1839; elected President, 240; character of inaugural speech, anecdote, 244; reception of diplomatic corps, 245;
death of, 250.
Hartford Convention, Mr. Webster’s view of, 58.
Harvey, Peter, character of his reminiscences, 95, note.
Hayne, Robert Y., first attack on New England, 172; second speech, 173;
Webster’s reply to, 174 ff., 279;
effect of reply to, 206.
Henry, Patrick, compared with Webster as an orator, 200.
Hoar, Samuel, treatment of at Charleston, 302.
Holmes, John, counsel for State at Washington, poor argument, 84, 91.
Hopkinson, Joseph, with Mr. Webster in Dartmouth case at Washington, good argument of, 84.
Huelsemann, Mr., Austrian Charge, Mr. Webster’s correspondence with, 334; leaves the country in anger, 335.
Ingersoll, C.J., attack on Mr. Webster, 267-270.
Jackson, Andrew, Webster’s opposition to as candidate for presidency, 145; accession to the presidency, 171;
sweeping removals, 172;
begins attack on bank, 208;
vetoes bill for renewal of bank charter, 209; determined to maintain integrity of Union, 212; issues his proclamation, 213;
message asking for Force Bill, cannot hold his party, supported by Webster, 214;
threatens to hang Calhoun, 215;
not sorry for compromise, 219;
alliance with Webster impossible, 221; removes the deposits, 226;
sends “Protest” to Senate, 228, 229; struggle with Senate and policy toward France, 230.
Jefferson, Thomas, intends an unlimited embargo, 45; eulogy on, 125.
Johnson, Judge, adverse at first to Dartmouth college, 87; converted to support of college, 93.
Kent, James, Chancellor, brought over to support of college, 93.
Kentucky, leaders in, opposed to Webster, 224, 225.
Kossuth, arrival and reception of in United States, 335.
Labouchere, Mr., 152.
Lawrence, Abbot, treatment of by Mr. Webster, 354.
Leroy, Caroline, Miss, second wife of Mr. Webster, 205.
Letcher, Robert P., opinion of Webster, 225.
Liberty party, 262, 287.
Lieber, Dr. Francis, opinion of Webster’s oratory, 187.
Lincoln, Levi, elected senator from Massachusetts and declines, 144.
Livingston, Judge, adverse at first to Dartmouth college, 87; converted to support of college, 93.
Lobes Islands, affair of the, 336.
Lopez, invasion of Cuba, 336.
Madison, James, Federalists refuse to call on, 60; vetoes Bank Bill, 64;
Mr. Webster’s admiration for, 349.
Macgregor, Mr., of Glasgow, Webster’s letter to, 266.
Maine, conduct in regard to northeastern boundary, 248, 254, 256.
Marshall, John, sympathy for Dartmouth College, 87; his political prejudices aroused by Webster, 88; announces that decision is reserved, 92; declines to hear Pinkney, 95;
his decision, 96.
Marshfield, Mr. Webster’s first visit to, 152; his affection for, 261;
accident to Mr. Webster at, 343;
Mr. Webster returns to, to die, 344; Mr. Webster buried at, 345, 346.
Mason, Jeremiah, character and ability, 38; effect upon, and friendship for Webster, 39; plain style and effect with juries, 40; thinks Webster would have made a good actor, 42; allied with trustees of college, 76;
advises delay in removal of Wheelock, 78; appears for college, 79;
brief in college case, 80;
attaches but little importance to doctrine of impairing contracts, 81; unable to go to Washington, 84;
Webster’s remarks on death of, 127; supported by Webster for attorney-generalship, 148; and for senatorship, 150.
Mason, John Y., advocates slavery in California, 320; Webster’s compliment to on 7th of March, 326.
Massachusetts, settlement of, 1, 2;
constitutional convention of in 1820, 110; Webster’s defence of, 185;
conduct in regard to northeastern boundary, 248, 254; Whig convention of, declares against Tyler, 258.
McDuffie, George, Webster’s reply to, on Cumberland Road Bill, 137, 173.
McLane, Louis, instructions of Van Buren to, as minister to England, 210.
McLeod, Alexander, boasts of killing Durfree, 247; arrested in New York, 247;
habeas corpus refused, 249;
proves an alibi and is acquitted, 252.
Melbourne, Lord, ministry of, beaten, 252.
Mexico, war with, declared, 270, 290.
Mills, E.H., failing health, leaves Senate, 144.
Monroe, James, visit to the North urged by Webster, 129.
New Hampshire, settlement of, 2;
soil, etc., 3;
people of, 4;
bar of, 35, 36;
Webster refuses to have his name brought forward by, in 1844, 262.
New Mexico, petitions against slavery, 298; quarrel with Texas, 299;
slavery possible in, 319.
New Orleans, destruction of Spanish consulate at, 336.
New York, attitude of, in McLeod affair, 248, 249.
Niagara, Webster’s visit to, and account of, 152.
Niblo’s Garden, Mr. Webster’s speech at, 238.
Nicaragua, British protectorate of 336.
Niles, Nathaniel, Judge, pupil of Bellamy and opponent of John Wheelock, 75.
Noyes, Parker, early assistance to Webster, 107.
Nullification, Webster’s discussion, and history of, 174 ff.
Ogden vs. Saunders, case of, 100.
Oregon, boundary of, Webster’s effort to settle, 260-264; Webster’s opinion in regard to boundary of, 265; claims of British and of Democracy, 285; territorial organization of, 294.
Otis, Harrison Gray, a leader at Boston bar, 30.
Palmerston, Lord, hostile to the United States, 248; assails Ashburton treaty and Lord Ashburton, 259.
Panama Congress, debate on mission to, 140, 279.
Parker, Isaac, Chief Justice, in Massachusetts convention, 111.
Parsons, Theophilus, Chief Justice of Massachusetts, 30; practice in New Hampshire, 36;
argument as to visitatorial powers at Harvard College, 81.
Parton, James, description of Webster at public dinner, 195.
Peake, Thomas, “Law of Evidence,” Webster’s attack on, 37.
Peel, Sir Robert, effect of his obtaining office in 1841, 252.
Pickering, Timothy, unwavering Federalist, 50.
Pinkney, William, member of fourteenth Congress, 64; counsel of State in Dartmouth, case, 94, 95; anecdote of, with Webster, 95, note.
Plumer, William, leading lawyer in New Hampshire and early opponent of Webster;
opinion of Webster, 36;
refutes Mr. Webster’s attack on “Peake,” 37; in ill health and unable to act for Wheelock, 76; elected Governor and attacks trustees, 78.
Plymouth, oration at, 117-124, 277.
Polk, James K., elected President;
committed to annexation policy, 263; principal events of his administration connected with slavery, 264; declarations as to Oregon, 265;
accepts Lord Aberdeen’s offer of forty-ninth parallel, 266; real intentions as to Mexico and England, 267; refuses information as to secret service fund, 269; brings on Mexican war, 270, 290;
policy as to slavery in territories, 207.
Portugal, treaty with, 260.
Prescott, James, Judge, Webster’s defence of, 197.
Randolph, John, member of fourteenth Congress, 64; challenges Webster, 67;
takes part in debate on Greek resolution, 134.
Rhode Island, case of, 104, 105;
troubles in, 260.
“Rockingham Memorial,” 48.
“Rogers’ Rangers,” 5.
Root, Mr., of Ohio, resolution against extension of slavery in 1850, 314.
Scott, Winfield, nominated, for presidency, 338-343.
Seaton, Mrs., Webster at house of, 244.
Seward, William H., advises Taylor as to policy in 1850, 312.
Sheridan, R.B., compared with Webster as an orator, 201, 202.
Shirley, John M., history of Dartmouth College causes, 74.
Silliman, Prof. Benj., Mr. Webster’s remark to on his own career, 346.
Smith, Jeremiah, Chief Justice of New Hampshire, 36; allied with trustees of the college, 76; appears for college, 79, 80;
unable to go to Washington, 84.
Smith, Sidney, remark on Webster’s appearance, 194.
Spanish claims, 152.
Sparks, Jared, obtains appointment of boundary commissioners by Maine, 254.
“Specie Circular,” debate on, 233, 284.
South Carolina, agitation in against the tariff in 1828, 171; ordinance of nullification, 212;
substantial victory of, in 1838, 219.
Stanley, Mr., Earl of Darby, 152.
Stevenson, Andrew, minister to England, unconciliatory, 248; retires, and is succeeded by Mr. Everett, 252.
Story, Joseph, chosen trustee of Dartmouth College by the State, 79; adverse to Dartmouth College, 87;
converted to support of college, 93; writes opinion in Dartmouth case, 96;
opinion of Girard will case argument, 102; Webster’s obligations to, 108;
a member of Massachusetts convention, 111; supports property qualification for the Senate, 115; opinion of Webster’s work in the convention, 116, 117; Webster’s remarks on death of, 127;
assists Webster in preparing Crimes Act, 138; and Judiciary Bill, 189;
description of Mr. Webster after his wife’s death, 155; assists Webster in Ashburton negotiation, 256; treatment of, by Webster, 364.
Sullivan, George, leading lawyer in New Hampshire, 36; counsel for Woodward and State trustees, able argument, 79.
Sullivan, James, 30.
Taney, Roger, removes the deposits, 226.
Tayloe, B. Ogle, anecdote of Mr. Corcoran’s gift to Webster, 357.
Taylor, Zachary, tempting candidate for Whigs, 272; movement for, in New York, 273;
nominated for presidency, 273;
elected President, 274;
elected by Southern votes, 296;
advises admission of California, 301; attitude and policy in 1850, 311, 312;
death, 333;
agent sent to Hungary by, 333.
Tazewell, L.W., Mr. Webster’s reply to on Process Bill, 155.
Tehuantepec, Isthmus of, right of way over, 336.
Texas, independence of, achieved, 232; annexation of, 263, 289;
Mr. Webster’s warning against annexation, 288; admission as a State, 280;
plan to divide, 294;
troubles with New Mexico, 299.
Thompson, Thomas W., Webster a student in his office, 27.
Ticknor, George, account of Plymouth oration, 118, 119; impression of Plymouth oration, 120;
description of Webster at Plymouth, 122; account of Webster’s appearance in eulogy on Adams and Jefferson, 152, 153.
Todd, Judge, opposed to Dartmouth College, 87; absent at decision, 96.
Tyler, John, succeeds to presidency on death of Harrison; vetoes Bank Bill, 250;
quarrels with Whigs, 251;
read out of party by Massachusetts Whigs, 258.
Van Buren, Martin, instructions to McLane, 210; confirmation as minister to England, opposed, 210; confirmation of, defeated, 211;
elected President, character of his administration, 236; defeated for a second term, 240;
candidate of Free-Soil party in 1848, 274, 296.
Washington, Bushrod, Judge, friendly to college, 87; opinion in favor of college, 96.
Washington, city of, appearance of, and society in, in 1841, 241-243.
Washington, George, opinion of Ebenezer Webster, 7; oration upon, 127.
Webster, Abigail Eastman, second wife of Ebenezer and mother of Daniel, 8; assents to Ezekiel’s going to college, 24.
Webster, Daniel.
Birth, delicacy, friendship with old sailor, 9; at the district schools, 10;
reads to the teamsters, reads books in circulating library, 11; at Exeter Academy, with Dr. Wood, learns that he is to go to college, 12; enters Dartmouth College, 13;
sacrifices made to him in childhood, 14; Ezekiel lends him money, manner of accepting devotion of those about him, 15;
studies and scholarship, 16, 17;
opinions of fellow students; his general conduct, 18; eloquence and appearance in college, 19; edits newspaper, writes verses, 20;
oration at Hanover, 20-22;
other orations in college, begins study of law, 23; obtains his father’s consent to Ezekiel’s going to college, 24; teaches school at Fryeburg, 25;
conduct and appearance at Fryeburg, 26; delivers oration at Fryeburg; returns to Salisbury and studies law, 27; goes to Boston and is admitted to Mr. Gore’s office, 28; sees leaders of Boston bar, 29;
appointed clerk of his father’s court, 30; declines the office, 31;
opens an office at Boscawen; moves to Portsmouth, 32; early habit of debt, 33;
first appearance in court, 34;
early manner, 37;
described by Mason, opinion of Mason’s ability, 38; value of Mason’s example, 40;
married to Miss Grace Fletcher, at Salisbury, 41; home in Portsmouth, popularity, mimicry, conservatism in religion and politics, 42;
moderate and liberal federalist, 43; gradual entrance into politics, “appeal to old Whigs,” speeches at Salisbury and Concord, pamphlet on embargo, 44; line of argument against embargo, “The State of our Literature,” speech at Portsmouth, 1812, 45;
character of opposition to war in this speech, 46, 47; writes the “Rockingham Memorial,” 48;
elected to Congress, placed on Committee on Foreign Relations, 49; introduces resolutions on French decrees, votes steadily with his party, 50;
dropped from Committee on Foreign Relations, tries to obtain debate on his resolutions, 51;
strong speech against Enlistment Bill, 52; speech on repeal of embargo, replies to Calhoun, 54; remarks on double duties, 55;
character of these speeches, 56;
superiority to other speakers in Congress, 57; views as to Hartford Convention, 58;
votes against war taxes, 59;
partisanship, calls on Mr. Madison, 60; conversational manner in debate, 61;
takes a leading part in debate on establishment of bank, 1814-15, 62; power of his argument against irredeemable paper, 63; opinion of fourteenth Congress, 64;
speech against Bank Bill in session of 1815-16, 66; votes against Bank Bill, introduces specie resolutions, carries them, 66; challenged by Randolph, 67;
votes for internal improvements, retires from public life, 68; removal to Boston, success in Supreme Court of United States, 69; grief at the death of his daughter Grace, 70; position on leaving Congress, 71;
reception in Boston, 72;
importance of period upon which he then entered, 73; consulted by John Wheelock on troubles with trustees, 76; refuses to appear before legislative committee for Wheelock, and goes over to side of trustees, his excuse, 77; advises efforts to soothe Democrats and circulation of rumors of founding a new college, 78;
joins Mason and Smith in re-argument at Exeter, 79; anger at Bartlett’s attack, fine argument at Exeter, 80; relies for success on general principles, and has but little faith in doctrine of impairing obligation of contracts, 81, 82; gives but little space to this doctrine in his argument at Washington, 83;
raises money in Boston to defray expenses of college case, 84; adds but little to argument of Mason and Smith, 85; “something left out” in report of his argument, 86; dexterous argument, appeal to political sympathies of Marshall, 87; depicts Democratic attack on the college, 88; description of concluding passage of his argument, 89-91; moves for judgment _nunc pro tunc_, 96; true character of success in this case, 97, 98; argument in Gibbons vs. Ogden, 99;
in Ogden vs. Saunders and other cases, 100; in Girard will case, 101, 102;
nature of his religious feeling, 103; argument in Rhode Island case, 104;
attracts audiences even to legal arguments, anecdote of Mr. Bosworth, 105;
skill in seizing vital points, 106; capacity for using others, early acknowledgment, later ingratitude, 107; refusal to acknowledge Judge Story’s assistance, 108; comparative standing as a lawyer, 109;
leader of conservative party in Massachusetts Convention, 111; speech on abolition of religious test, 112; on property qualification, for the Senate, 113, 115; on the independence of the Judiciary, 116; Plymouth oration, 117;
manner and appearance, 118;
fitness for occasional oratory, 120; great success at Plymouth, 121, 122;
improvement in first Bunker Hill oration, quality of style, 124; oration on Adams and Jefferson, 125;
supposed speech of John Adams, 126; oration, before Mechanics Institute, other orations, 127; oration on laying corner-stone of addition to capitol, 128; reelected to Congress, 129;
political position in 1823, 130;
placed at head of Judiciary Committee, 131; speech on revolution in Greece, 132;
its objects and purposes, 133, 134; withdraws his resolutions, success of his speech, 135; speech against tariff of 1824, defends Supreme Court, 136; speech on the Cumberland Road Bill, 137; carries through the Crimes Act, 138;
carries Judiciary Bill through House, lost in Senate, 139; supports mission to Panama Congress, 140, 141; supports reference of message on Georgia and Creek Indians, 142; tone of his speech, 143;
elected senator from Massachusetts, 144; early inclination to support Calhoun, opposition to Jackson and Adams, 145;
to Clay, relations with Crawford, 146; on committee to examine charges of Edwards, defends Crawford, 147; wishes Mr. Mason to be Attorney-General, and English mission for himself, takes but little part in election, 148; interview with Mr. Adams, 148, 149;
friendly relations with Mr. Adams, supports administration, 149; real hostility to, feels that he is not properly recognized, and accepts senatorship, 150;
inactive in election, allied with Clay and Adams, and founders of Whig party, 161;
Spanish claims, first sees Marshfield, English friends, Niagara, oration at Bunker Hill, and eulogy on Adams and Jefferson, 152, 153; grief on death of his wife, 154;
appearance in Washington after death of his wife, 155; speech on bill for revolutionary officers, on tariff of 1828, 156, 165; free-trade Federalist when he entered Congress, 157; remarks in 1814 on protective duties, 158, 159; advocates modifications in tariff of 1816, 160; speech at Faneuil Hall against tariff in 1820, 160-163; speech against tariff of 1824, 163-165; reasons for his change of position, as to tariff in 1828, 166, 167; speech at Boston dinner, 167;
character of this change of policy, and question of consistency, 168; treats free trade or protection as a question of expediency, 169; change on the constitutional question, 170; opposes Jackson’s removals from office, 172; first speech on Foote’s resolution, 173; second speech, reply to Hayne, 174;
argument on nullification, 175;
weak places in his argument, 176;
intention in this speech, definition of the Union as it is, 179, 180; scene of the speech and feeling at the North, 181; opening sentence of the speech, 182;
manner and appearance on that day, 183; variety in the speech, 184;
sarcasm, defence of Massachusetts, 185; character of his oratory, 186, 187;
of his imagination, 188;
of his style, 189;
preparation of speeches, 190;
physical appearance and attributes, 191, 192; manner with and effect on children, 193; effect of his appearance in England, 194; anecdotes of effect produced by his look and appearance, 195; constitutional indolence, needs something to excite him in later life, anecdote, 196;
defence of Prescott, 197;
Goodridge case, White case, greatness of argument in latter, 198; opening passage compared with Burke’s description of Hyder Ali’s invasion, 199;
as a jury lawyer, 200;
compared in eloquence with other great orators, 201, 202; perfect taste of as an orator, 203;
rank as an orator, 204;
change made by death of Ezekiel and by second marriage, 205; general effect on the country of reply to Hayne, 206; ambition for presidency begins, desires consolidation of party, no chance for nomination, 207;
advocates renewal of bank charter, 208; overthrows doctrines of bank veto, 209; opposes confirmation of Van Buren as minister to England, 210; defeats confirmation, 211;
predicts trouble from tariff, 212; sees proclamation, wholly opposed to Clay’s first Compromise Bill, 213; sustains the administration and supports the Force Bill, 214; reply to Calhoun, “the Constitution not a compact,” 216, 217; opposes the Compromise Bill, 218;
Benton’s view of, 219, 220;
impossible to ally himself with Jackson, 221; joins Clay and Calhoun, 222;
soundness of his opposition to compromise, 223; falls in behind Clay, tour in the West, nominated by Massachusetts for presidency, 224;
no chance of success, effect of desire for presidency, 225; alliance with Clay and Calhoun, opinion as to the bank, 226; presents Boston resolutions against President’s course, 227; speaks sixty-four times on bank during session, 228; speech on the “protest,” 229;
attitude in regard to troubles with France, 230; defeats Fortification Bill, speech on executive patronage, 231; defeat of Benton’s first expunging resolution, 232; defence of his course on Fortification Bill, 233; speech on “Specie Circular” and against expunging resolution, 234; desires to retire from the Senate but is persuaded to remain, 235; efforts to mitigate panic, 236;
visits England, hears of Harrison’s nomination for presidency, 237; enters campaign, speech of 1837 at Niblo’s Garden, 238; speeches during campaign, 239;
accepts secretaryship of state, 240; modifies Harrison’s inaugural, “kills proconsuls,” 244; De Bacourt’s account of, at reception of diplomatic corps, 245, 246; opinion as to general conduct of difficulties with England, 248; conduct of McLeod affair, 249;
deprecates quarrel with Tyler, 250; decides to remain in the cabinet, 252;
conduct of the Creole case, 253;
management of Maine and Massachusetts, settles boundary, 254; obtains “Cruising Convention,” and extradition clause, letter on impressment, 255;
character of negotiation and its success, 256; treaty signed, “the battle of the maps,” continues in cabinet, 257; refuses to be forced from cabinet, 258; speech in Faneuil Hall defending his course, 258; character of this speech, explains “Cruising Convention,” 259; refutes Cass, other labors in State Department, 260; resigns secretaryship of state and resumes his profession, 261; anxiety about Texas and Liberty party, supports Clay, 262; reelected to the Senate, 263;
efforts to maintain peace with England, speech in Faneuil Hall, 265; letter to Macgregor suggesting forty-ninth parallel, opposition to war in the Senate, 266;
attacked by Ingersoll and Dickinson, 267; speech in defence of Ashburton treaty, 268; remarks on President Polk’s refusal of information as to secret service fund, careless in his accounts, 269;
absent when Mexican war declared, course on war measures, tour in the South, 270;
denounces acquisition of territory, death of his son and daughter, visit to Boston for funerals, 271;
refuses nomination for vice-presidency and opposes the nomination of Taylor, 272;
has only a few votes in convention of 1848, 273; disgusted with the nomination of Taylor, decides to support it, speech at Marshfield, 274;
course on slavery, draws Boston memorial, 275; character of this memorial, 276;
attack on slave-trade in Plymouth oration, 277; compared with tone on same subject in 1850, 278; silence as to slavery in Panama speech, 279; treatment of slavery in reply to Hayne, 279, 280; treatment of anti-slavery petitions in 1836, 281; treatment of slavery in speech at Niblo’s Garden, 282, 283; treatment of anti-slavery petitions in 1837, 284; views as to abolition in the District, 285; attitude toward the South in 1838, 280; adopts principle of Calhoun’s Enterprise resolutions in Creole case, 287; attempts to arouse the North as to annexation of Texas, 288; objections to admission of Texas, 280;
absent when Mexican war declared, 290; views on Wilmot Proviso, 291;
speech at Springfield, 292;
speech on objects of Mexican war, 293; Oregon, speech on slavery in the territories, 294; speech on Oregon Bill, and at Marshfield on Taylor’s nomination, 295; adheres to Whigs, declares his belief in Free Soil principles, 296; effort to put slavery aside, 297;
plan for dealing with slavery in Mexican conquests, refutes Calhoun’s argument as to Constitution in territories, 298; Clay’s plan of compromise submitted to, 300; delivers 7th of March speech, 301;
analysis of 7th of March speech, 301, 302; speech disapproved at the North, 303;
previous course as to slavery summed up, change after reply to Hayne, 304;
grievances of South, 305;
treatment of Fugitive Slave Law, 305-308; course in regard to general policy of compromise; merits of that policy, 308-312;
views as to danger of secession, 313, 314; necessity of compromise in 1850, 315;
attitude of various parties in regard to slavery, 316; wishes to finally settle slavery question, 317; treatment of extension of slavery, 318; disregards use of slaves in mines, 319; inconsistent on this point, 321;
interviews with Giddings and Free-Soilers, 322; real object of speech, 323;
immediate effect of speech in producing conservative reaction, 324; compliments Southern leaders in 7th of March speech, 325, 326; effort to sustain the compromise measures, bitter tone, 327; attacks anti-slavery movement, 328, 329; uneasiness evident, 330;
motives of speech, 330-332;
accepts secretaryship of state, 333; writes the Huelsemann letter, 334;
treatment of Kossuth and Hungarian question, 335; of other affairs of the department, 336: hopes for nomination for presidency, 337; belief that he will be nominated, 338;
loss of the nomination, 339;
refuses to support Scott, 340;
character of such a course, 341-343; declining health, accident at Marshfield, 344; death and burial, 345;
disappointments in his later years, 346; his great success in life, 347;
his presence, 348;
character of his intellect, 348, 349; dignity, 349;
character as a statesman, 350;
sense of humor, 351;
charm in conversation, 352;
large nature, love of large things, 353; affection, generosity, treatment of friends, 355; admired but not generally popular, 356; distrust of his sincerity, 355, 356;
failings, indifference to debt, 356; extravagance, 357;
attacked on money matters, 358;
attitude toward New England capitalists and in regard to sources of money, 359;
moral force not equal to intellectual, 360; devotion to Union, place in history, 361-362.
Webster, Ebenezer, born in Kingston, enlists in “Rangers,” 5; settles at Salisbury, 6;
marries again, serves in Revolution, 7; physical and mental qualities, 8;
made a judge, 11;
resolves to educate Daniel, 12;
consents to let Ezekiel go to college, 24; disappointment at Daniel’s refusal of clerkship, 31; death, 32;
strong federalist, anecdote, 48.
Webster, Edward, Major, death of, 270.
Webster, Ezekiel, anecdote of his lending Daniel money, 15; obtains consent of his father to go to college, 24; teaches school in Boston, 28;
admitted to bar, 32;
strong Federalist, 43;
death of, 205.
Webster, Grace, daughter of Daniel Webster, illness, 65; death, 70.
Webster, Grace Fletcher, first wife of Mr. Webster; marriage and character, 41, 42;
death, 164.
Webster, Thomas, first of name, 5.
Wheelock, Eleazer, founder of Dartmouth College, 75.
Wheelock, John, succeeds his father as President of Dartmouth College, 75; begins war on trustees; consults Mr. Webster, 76; writes to Webster to appear before legislative committee, 77; removed from presidency and goes over to the Democrats, 78; originator of the doctrine of impairing obligation of contracts, 81; fees Mr. Webster, 359.
Whig Party, origin of, 151;
condition in 1836, 235;
nominate Harrison, 237, 238;
carries the country in 1840, 240;
anger against Tyler, 250;
murmurs against Mr. Webster’s remaining in Tyler’s cabinet, 267; attacks of, in Massachusetts, upon Tyler, 258; silence about slavery and Texas, are defeated in 1844, 262, 289; nominate Taylor, 273;
indifference to Mr. Webster’s warning as to Texas, 288; attitude in regard to slavery in 1850, 316; nomination of Scott by, in 1852, 338-343.
White, Stephen, case of murder of, Webster’s speech for prosecution, 198 ff.;
Webster’s fee in, 359.
Wilmot Proviso, Mr. Webster’s views on, 291-293; embodied in Oregon Bill, 295;
shall it be applied to New Mexico, 299; attacked in 7th of March speech, 301, 302.
Wirt, William, counsel for State in Dartmouth case at Washington, unprepared, makes poor argument, 84, 91; anecdote of daughter of and Mr. Webster, 193.
Wood, Dr., of Boscawen, Webster’s tutor, 12, 13.
Woodward, William H., secretary of new board of trustees; action against, 79.
Wortley, Mr. Stuart, 152.
Yancey, William L., attack on Webster, 358.