Now-ey A canoe
Beng-al-le A basket
Car-rah-jun A fishing-line
Gnam-mul A sinker [A small stone to sink the line] Bur-ra A hook
Ke-ba A stone or rock
Bwo-mar A grave
Bow-wan A shadow
Ma-hn A ghost
Wir-roong Scars on the back
Cong-ar-ray Scars on the breast jee-run A coward
Can-ning A cave
Me-diong A sore [On noticing a hole in any part of our dress they term it Me-diong] Ya-goo-na To-day
Bo-ra-ne Yesterday
Par-ry-boo-go To-morrow
Mul-lin-ow-ool In the morning
Jen-ni-be Laughter
Boo-roo-wang An island [This word they applied to our ships]
Gno-rang A place
E-ring A valley
Boo-do A torch made of reeds Mi-yal A stranger [This word has reference to sight; Mi, the eye.]
Ar-rung-a A calm
Moo-roo-bin Woman’s milk
Ew-ing Truth
Ca-bahn An egg
Yab-bun Instrumental music
Yoo-long or Cleared ground for public ceremonies Yoo-lahng
Bood-jer-re Good
Wee-re Bad
Mur-ray Great
Gnar-rang Small
Coo-rar-re Long
Too-mur-ro Short
Go-jy Rotten
Bin-nice Pregnant
Par-rat-ber-ri Empty
Bo-ruck Full
Pe-mul-gine Dirty
Bar-gat Afraid
Ba-diel Ill
Moo-la Sick
Boo-row-a Above or upward
Cad-i Below or under
Bar-bug-gi Lost
War-rang-i Right
Doo-room-i Left
Goo-lar-ra Angry
Yu-ro-ra Passionate
Wo-gul, and Wo-cul One
Yoo-blow-re, and Boo-la Two
Brew-y Three
Mur-ray-too-lo A great many
Gnal-le-a Both
Moo-jel Red
Ta-bo-a White
Gna-na Black
Bool-gi-ga Green
Moo-ton-ore Lame
Yu-roo, and
Yu-roo-gur-ra Hungry
Mo-rem-me Yes
Beall No
Mar-rey Wet
Ca-ber-ra Head
Gnul-lo Forehead
Mi Eye
Yin-ner-ry Eye-brow
No-gro, or No-gur-ro Nose
Kar-ga Mouth
Wil-ling Lips
Da-ra Teeth
Tal-lang Tongue
Wal-lo Chin
Go-ray Ear
Cad-le-ar Neck
Cad-le-ang Na-bung Breast or Nipple Yar-rin Beard [This they often singe, and describe it as a painful operation]
De-war-ra Hair [This is commonly full of vermin, which I have seen them eat, and change from one soil (sic) to another.] Bar-rong Belly
Go-rook Knee
Dar-ra Leg
Ma-no-e Foot
Tam-mir-ra Hand
Ber-rll-le Fingers
Car-rung-un Nail
Bib-be Ribs
Ba-rongle Vein
Pa-di-el Flesh or lean
Bog-gay, or Pog-gay Fat
Tar-rang Arm
0-nur Elbow
Wy-o-man-no Thumb
Dar-ra-gal-lic Fore-finger
Ba-roo-gal-lie Middle or ring’d Wel-leng-al-lie Little finger
Eo-ra The name common for the natives Mu-la A man
Din A woman
Din-al-le-ong Women [One of the few instances I could ever discover of a plural or dual number] Gin-al-le-ong
Be-an-na; this they
shorten to
Be-an and
Be-a, and
when in pain,
they exclaim
Be-a-ri A father
Wy-an-na, and Mother
Go-mang Grandfather
Ba-bun-na Brother
Ma-mun-na Sister
Go-roong A child
We-row-ey A female child
Wong-er-ra A male ditto
Na-bung-ay wui-dal-liez Infant at the breast [Compounded of Na-bung its breast, and Wai-dal-liez relating to drinking] Bore-goo-roo Child eight months old Guy-a-nay-yong An old man
Mau-gohn A wife
Mau-gohn-nal-ly A temporary ditto Go-rah-gal-long A handsome man
al-le-ong A handsome woman
Ma-lin, Nurkine,
Gnar-ra-mat-ta A relation [To these I never could affix precise meanings]
Cow-ul Male of animals
We ring Female of ditto
Do-roon A son
Do-roon-e-nang A daughter
Go-mul A term of friendship Cam-mar-rade, Terms of affection used by girls and Ca-mong-al-lay
Goong-un A spear with four barbs cut in the wood, which they do not throw, but strike with hand to hand
Noo-ro Ca-my A spear with one barb, fastened on Ca-my A spear with two barbs–This word is used for spear in general
Bil-larr A spear with one barb, cut from the wood Wal-lang-al-le-ong A spear armed with pieces of shell Can-na-diul A spear armed with stones Ghe-rub-bine A spear without a barb Doci-ull A short spear
No-roo-gal Ca-my Holes made by a shield E-lec-mong A shield made of bark
Ar-ra-gong A shield cut out from the solid wood Moo-ting
Cal-larr Fizgigs
Car-rab-ba Prong of the moo-ting Dam-moo-ne Prong of the cal-larr. Woo-dah, Names of clubs.
Mo-go, Stone hatchet.
We-bat, Handle of ditto.
Wo-mer-ra, Throwing-stick
Gni-a, I, or myself
Gnee-ne, You.
Gnee-ne-de, Yours.
Dan-nai, Mine.
Dar-ring-al, His.
Gna-ni, Whose.
Wan, Where.
De, There.
Diam, Here.
Diam o waw? Where are you?
Diam o diam o, Here I am.
Gnalm Chiara, gnahn? What is your name? Bir-rong, Appertaining.
Bow-wan, North.
Bal-gay-al-lang, South.
Boo-roo-wee, East.
Bain-mar-ray, West.
Doo-loo-gal, North-west.
Yare-ba-lahng, South-west.
Go-me-mah, North-east.
Gwar-ra, A high wind
Gnia-na, Sighing.
Bwo-me, Breathing.
Dere-rign-ang, Sneezing.
Car-re-nar-re-bil-le, Coughing.
Yen-no-ra, Walking.
Yen-mow, I will walk or go. Yenn, Go or walk.
Yen-ma-nia, We will walk or go. Yen-wor-ro, He is gone.
Yen-nim-me, You are going.
Yen-nool, Relating to walking. Yen-noong,
Yen-nang-allea, Let us both walk. AI-locy, Stay.
Wo-roo-wo-roo, Go away.
Pat-ta-diow, I have eaten.
Pat-td-die-mi, You have eaten. Pat-ty, He has eaten.
Pat-ta-bow, I will eat.
Pat-td-baw-me, You will eat, or will you eat? Pat-ta-ne, They eat.
Wul-da-diow, I have drank.
Wul-da-dic-mi, You have drank. Nwya jee-ming-a, Give me.
Py-yay, Killed.
Jung-ara py-yay, Killed by dogs. Par-rat-ben-ni-diow I have emptied.
Py-ya-bow, I will strike or beat. Py-yee, He did beat.
E-ra-bow, I will throw.
E-ra, Throw you.
E-rail-leiz, Throwing.
Mahn-me-diow. I have taken it. Mahn-iow, Shall I, or I shall take. Goo-ra, Sunk.
Ton-ga-bil-lie, Did cry.
Wau-me, Scolding or abusing. Wau-me-bow I will scold or abuse
Wau-me-diow I have scolded or abused Wau-me-diang-ha They have scolded or abused Nang-er-ra He sleeps
Nang-a-bow I will sleep
Nang-a-diow I have slept
Nang-a-diem-me You have slept
Nang-a-bau-me? Will you sleep? Go-ro-da He snores
Gna-na le-ma She or he breathes Al-lo-wan He lives or remains
Al-lo-wah Stay here, or sit down Wal-loo-me-yen-wal-loo? Where are you going? War-re-me-war-re Where have you been? Gna-diow You have seen
Gna-diem-me I have seen
Gna-bow I will see
Gna See
Era-mad-jow-in-nia Forced from him Car-rah-ma Stealing
Wor-ga-wee-na He whistles, or whistling Goo-lar-ra py-yel-la Snarling with anger Man-nie mong-alla Surprised
Yare-ba Tired
Pe-to-e Sought for
Man-nie mal-lee He was startled Nwya-bow-in-nia I will give you
Wan-ye-wan-yi He lies
Ma-row-e He creeps
Bang-a-ja-bun He did paddle
Noy-ga Howling as a dog
Toll Biting
Co-e, Cow-e Cwoi,
Cow-ana Come here
Wad-be Swimming
Bo-gay Diving
Ta-yo-ra, Me-diang-a Severely cold. Me-diang-a is compounded of Me-diong, a sore
Mul-la-ra Married. Compounded of Mulla, a man
Jung-o Common name
Pat-a-go-rang A large grey kang-oo-roo Bag-gar-ray Small red ditto
Wal-li-bah Black ditto
Wor-re-gal Dog
Boo-roo-min Grey vulpine opossum Go-ra-go-ro Red ditto
Wob-bin Flying squirrel
Ga-ni-mong Kang-oo-roo rat
Wee-ree-a-min Large fox rat
Bo-gul Rat or mouse
Me-rea-gine Spotted rat
Ma-ray-ong Emu
Go-ree-all A parrot
Mul-go A black swan
Car-rang-a bo mur-ray A pelican. When they see this bird over their heads, they sing the following words: Yoo-rong-i A ivild duck.
Goad-gang, A wild pigeon
Wir-gan Bird named by us the Friar Gnoo-roo-me
ta-twa-natwa na-twa–Gno-roo me ta-twa na-twa, na-twa, tar-ra wow, tar-ra wow*
[* On seeing a shoal of porpoises, they sing while the fish is above water, Note-le-bre la-la, No-te-le-bre la-la, until it goes down, when they sing the words No-tee, No-tee, until it rises again]
Go-gan-ne-gine the Laughing jack-Ass Po-book Musquito hawk
Wau-gan Crow
Jam-mul jam-mul Common hawk
Gare-a-way White cockatoo
Ca-rate Black ditto
Ur-win-ner-ri-wing Curlew
Mar-rae-gong A spider
Mi-a-nong A fly
Go-ma-go-ma A beetle
Gil-be-nong A grasshopper
Bur-roo-die-ra A butterfly
Go-na-long Caterpillar
Can-nar-ray Centipede
Calm Snake
Po-boo-nang A black ant
* * * * *
To the men when fishing they apply the word Mah-ni; to the women, Mahn.
They make some distinction in another instance when speaking of crying, they say the men Tong-i; the women Tong-e.
The following difference of dialect was observed between the natives at the Hawkesbury and at Sydney.
Ca-ber-ra Co-co Head
De-war-ra Ke-war-ra Hair
Gnul-lo Nar-ran Forehead
Mi Me Eye
Go-ray Ben-ne Ear
Cad-lian Gang-a Neck
Ba-rong Ben-di Belly
Moo-nur-ro Boom-boong Navel
Boong Bay-ley Buttocks
Yen-na-dah Dil-luck Moon
Co-ing Con-do-in Sun
Go-ra Go-ri-ba Hail
Go-gen-ne-gine Go-con-de Laughing jack-ass
* * * * *
Mdng-en-ny-wau-yen-go-nah, bar-ri-boo-lah, bar-re-mah. This they begin at the top of their voices, and continue as long as they can in one breath, sinking to the lowest note, and then rising again to the highest. The words are the names of deceased persons.
E-i-ah wan-ge-wah, chian-go, wan-de-go. The words of another song, sung in the same manner as the preceding, and of the same meaning.
I met with only two or three words which bore a resemblance to any other language.
The middle head of Port Jackson is named Ca-ba Ca-ba–in Portuguese Caba signifies a head. Cam-ma-rade, a term of affection used among girls, has a strong resemblance to the French word Cammerade; and may not some similitude be traced between the word E-lee-mong, a shield, and the word Telamon, the name given to the greater Ajax, on account of his being lord of the seven-fold shield? How these words came into their language must be a mystery till we have a more intimate knowledge of it than I can pretend to.
* * * * *
I could have enlarged very much the foregoing account of the natives of New South Wales; but, both in describing their customs and in detailing their language, I have chosen to mention only those facts about which, after much attention and inquiry, I could satisfy my own mind. That they are ignorant savages cannot be disputed; but I hope they do not in the foregoing pages appear to be wholly incapable of becoming one day civilized and useful members of society.
* * * * *
Since the preceding account was printed, letters have been received from New South Wales of as late date as the 20th of August 1797. By these it appears, that his Majesty’s ship _Reliance_, in her passage from the Cape of Good Hope to Port Jackson, met with uncommon bad weather, which kept her out eleven weeks and one day. About the latitude of 41 degrees S and 77 degrees E longitude, the sea suddenly became violently agitated, and at last broke on board the ship, staving a boat which was over the stern, and doing considerable damage to the ship. Captain Waterhouse, however, landed safely thirty-nine head of black cattle, three mares, and near sixty sheep.
Information was also received through the same channel, that a ship called the _Sydney Cove_ had been fitted out for Port Jackson from Bengal; but springing a leak at sea, she was run ashore on the southernmost part of the coast of New Holland: seventeen of the crew attempted to get to Port Jackson in their long-boat, but were driven on shore, and lost their boat. They then attempted to reach it by land, in which hazardous undertaking only three of them succeeded, the other either dying on the route or being killed by the natives. They were eighty days in performing this journey, and reported that in their way they had found great quantities of coal. This was afterwards confirmed by the surgeon of the _Reliance_, who went down to the wreck, and brought specimens of it back with him, having found immense strata of this useful article. Some part of the cargo was got on shore and housed where the ship was stranded.
When these letters left the colony, it continued in as flourishing a state as when the _Britannia_ sailed. May it continue to prosper!